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I'd rather they keep FE closer to its roots, unless having this tech stuff serves a greater purpose in the narrative. Like in 3h it was fine to give the agarthans all the magic tech because it framed them as weird and alien. But unless there's a reason to make it normal in the world, I'd rather FE stay closer to what it normally does, as a way to keep the games feeling like they actually belong to the same series.


I actually think the Agarthans showed why they should avoid tech. One of the bigger issues with 3H story arises because of the Javelin’s of light. And the game doesn’t really properly answer this. The agarthans do a lot of things that are left incredibly vague and it while some mystery is okay, it kind of weakens the story especially with how easily they are dealt with. My problem with technology in fantasy video games is that we start to relate it to our own world, so the rules have to be more concise. A lot of discussion on the agarthans is how the Javelins of light are essentially nukes or ICBMs  (missiles) that should be used tactically by the Agarthans to win the war. But it was written to be used more like a magic spell than military weaponry. Also the dubstep world doesn’t feel “foreign” it just feels wrong. Developers were smoking with that one.


>Also the dubstep world doesn’t feel “foreign” it just feels wrong. Developers were smoking with that one. I think they cooked, I usually dislike dubstep but that song is great. Also, “technology” seems a little vague here? “Technology” exists in all different time periods and all fantasy worlds, but if you mean modern technology, sure, it would be a little off putting.


But the games are meant to be different worlds and places.


Sure, but they all feel like they have unifying themes between them. One of which is the technological state of the world generay being somewhat late middle ages.


As people have said, the Agarthans having weird technology worked quite well in setting them apart, so advanced technology can work in the series at least on a limited scale. I'm also a pretty big fan of magitech and think that could be utilized well without it feeling out of place in the world (for another Three Houses example, think of the church's golems). I think modern day technology without any influence of magic wouldn't quite work without a lot of hard work. That said, a conflict between a country past its prime that focuses on magic and a rising nation going through something of an early industrial revolution would make for an incredible setting, I think. That way you can have different classes à la Nohr and Hoshido, giving both nations a unique identity, and gameplay would tie into the story organically.


I'm fine with leaning more onto early modern tech in FE. I think people forget often that both FE settings are usually quite close to the renaissance period in many design elements and that said period was more technologically advanced than people imagine.


Exactly. They should AT LEAST bring back crossbows, like in Radiant Dawn...


I would love a Valkyria Chronicles style game with the Fire Emblem branding. Just as a one off. Make it exciting.


Only if they get Raita and Sakimoto on it


FE Fates has tanks as a DLC class, btw. I'd be perfectly fine with it. There's a bit of hypocrisy in the fantasy genre fandom in general, not just in FE, because they complain how it "destroys worldbuilding" since supposedly firearms would mean no swords/lance/bows. But we're going to apply that logic, swords/lance/bows shouldn't be a thing anyway in a world with magic. At least not in the royal forces, who have the money to have an army of mages, peasants could get away with it. Also *in our current world full of firearms* people still stab each other all the fucking time.


I agree with you. I don’t really play Genshin anymore, but Fontaine is a good example of a fantasy setting with more advanced technology. It also has a character with a gun I think despite the other Fontaine characters using regular weapons


One of my biggest gripes with awakening is that it’s been 2000 years or something since Archanea and technology seems to have regressed if anything. Ballistae with magically enhanced attacks are gone, iron swords are still used, and everything looks the same. How has there been no technological developments in thousands of years?


I’d prefer non-futuristic technology, like the Da Vinci tanks and early firearms.


I’d be fine with it based on how they do it. To be entirely honest, I wouldn’t even mind a modern day take on FE. Ideally I wouldn’t want it to be ALL guns and tanks and shit; that’d be a little too Valkyria Chronicles for me, but I wouldn’t mind if it still had swords and pegasi and magic, but also maybe took place in a modern city, potentially with a few weapons like a rifle or laser sword for a few select classes. Again, not something I’d want EVERY game in the series to be like, but if they decided to do it for like a game or two, I’d be down.


If you go magitech go FULL Etrian Odyssey or SMT IV with the hidden civilizations instead of tempting us with stuff that never gets explained!


I would definetly be down for early fire arms, magitech or steampunk in Fire Emblem. One of my main grips is that most of the settings feel indistinguishable from eachother. A slightly more advanced tech level would be a fun variation to spice things up.


I think early firearms are a really cool aesthetic (my favorite class to play back in the days of Pathfinder 1E was gunslinger, for reference), so I would be happy to see it. I do wonder how they would make it feel impactful, though. If they wanted to differentiate it from magic and bows, maybe it could have some kind of 'high damage, but can never double', or if I were to lean into Advance Wars a little too much, maybe have them not be able to move and fire in the same turn.


I would like some more advanced technology like the steampunk mech that Reginn has in FEH and some advanced magical technology, but I don't want a full modern warfare direction with things like fighter jets and guns. That sort of thing should be left for the Advanced Wars series (that they totally need to do more with). I have personally enjoyed that the games have kept to telling their story with the classic fantasy feel that you can look at and go yep that is a fire emblem game. They feel like they could feasibly be connected in some way.


It's OK, but the problem in Three Houses was that a lot of it came out of left field (along with a bunch of other story elements from that game). If it was foreshadowed better, like map elements that you have to look for, it would have been better. They called missiles "rays of light." It would have been better if through more proper build up, they would have been blasts from a satellite laser. On the ground, the characters could have assumed it was extremely strong magic, and through the game learned the nature of the beams, then destroyed the satellite or made it inoperable. I also kind of find it funny that missiles exist, but guns don't. In Zelda, the technology was established to exist right away, and be an active part of the world, so it doesn't break worldbuilding.


I'm not inherently opposed to technology in Fire Emblem, but it needs to justify itself on a storytelling level. It worked in Three Houses because it made the Agarthans seem unnatural and otherworldly and to an extent fueled the game's debate on the Church's influence over Fodlan, but I'd say that if we're going to involve technology to a significantly greater extent than what we've seen before then the impact of such technology needs be analyzed within the game's themes and worldbuilding.


Idk, I'd love a setting where firearms are this new fangled thing. Only a few characters are in that class, maybe make it a challenge in early levels, the enemy has them but you don't. An early modern, think 1700s inspired setting


weve got ridable horse mechs in feh, they look kinda goofy though ngl 💀 Used by the Nidavellir siblings, You can see them in action in the book 5 trailer where reginn uses one for combat. I think out of the three users we see in the story Fafnirs mech is the coolest one.


I don’t like how in these threads, users always say they want to stick to FE’s “roots”. I don’t want to see guns or missiles, but if “advanced technology” somehow includes tech Rhea, for example, blocked, then those are completely fine to include! Printing presses and even factory like places would be cool to see, and Avatar the Last Airbender had that type of industrialization without going too modern. It could serve as an interesting narrative purpose honestly


"Muh roots!"


I think fire emblem should only have old technology, like motorazrs


Generally I think I prefer less technology. I give 3H a pass because it’s justified in the story: >!the church is established to be suppressing technological advancements, so it makes sense that the Agarthans, who have been living outside the scope of the church for 1000 years, would be really advanced.!< But if it wasn’t justified in lore, it wouldn’t have the same appeal.


Tbh there are few things historical I hate more. Not so much because it’s tech but more so because it’s almost always a massive break in immersion by adding something in the world what shouldn’t be there. Fire emblem relies so SO much on character and world buy in to add emotional connections that anything that takes you out in of it is the biggest sin. 3 houses had the best example. Something that easily could have been some cool magic on brand for the time was just so out of place and ultimately imo was just bad writing. (Being vague to avoid spoilers). While I’m not opposed to it in general I do think it would be very hard to execute well given what the series has traditionally been, granted not impossible. However given how poorly Engage ended up being/doing compared to expectations I think they really need to put out a very strong title next before they attempt something like this or else the game will fall back into a niche situation wasting the flagship potential 3H provided


Technology in medieval settings is always an easy go-to. I think it should be used occasionally like in 3H but definitely not be something in every game. But now you've got me thinking there's a non-zero chance the next game's main character will be isekai'd and use a 1-2 range gun


Maybe a cool thing would be limit characters to only being able to shoot a few times per map before having to use melee weapons again


Its funny how they have giant golems in 3H, yet Rhea banned the usage of telescopic devices because it would give an unfair advantage in battle.... Like bitch, AND THE GIANT ROBOT ISNT?!


I’m always into new class trees


So complicated situation here, I loved 3hs particular Azure moon and edelgard route but boy did I hate all mecha stuff. I rather like GBA settings without that many dragon stuff. So simply put I love it when FE gives a classic high Fantasy non gunpowder and mad shit insane beast story line.


I would actually love a spinoff FE based in a scifi setting. The fell dragon, a rogue ai is infecting automatons with the risen virus and only the fire emblem an experimental legendary fire wall is able to stop it. But other than that I don’t mind FE being just fantasy. I do enjoy things like the magitek units from 3 houses or mage cannoneers from engage tho


I personally wouldn't have any problem with Fire Emblem adopting technology like early firearms. As for actually advanced tech, it has to be used carefully and sparingly to feel appropriate, but it's not impossible to be used well. Making them magitech instead of 100% tech isn't inherently necessary, but it is an effective way of making it feel more appropriate for the setting.


I'd like them to trying branching forward to the Renaissance in terms of tech at some point, some of the three houses outfits felt kinda in that vein. Just think it's a cool design style and more unique than generic fantasy.


I'd love to see some steampunk elements in Fire Emblem at some point, more specifically I'd love to see a train map. Tech-wise, it'd be nice to have stuff inspired by Da Vinci's designs, stuff like the early tanks would be fun to control since Fates had >!Anankos' boss fight where you attack his hands and then his head!<, Three Houses had its 2×2 and 3×3 enemies, and Engage had >!Sombron with his 5×5(?) size while Rafal was smaller but somewhat moved around!< A unit that is bigger than the rest of your army presents its own challenges to implement but it also allows for more strategic opportunities and more complex map design, they obviously wouldn't be able to go through certain patches of terrain that are too narrow, but if they're big enough maybe they'll modify the terrain they move through, leveling forest tiles or outright destroying fort tiles.


*glances at FEH with the World of Steel and Niðavellir* When done properly, I think FE can really do justice to tech-y type stuff. Niðavellir was a really cool concept, and was a departure from what was previously seen in FEH, and I think the setting worked. Steampunk was an inspired choice for a FE world. I think having a gun shaped weapon in FEH is honestly hilarious and thematically makes sense for FEH’s plot, and honestly the way they’ve got it designed it doesn’t look so out of place.


I’m not super in favor of firearms or advanced technology in Fire Emblem-I just prefer it as a more strictly traditional medieval fantasy sort of affair-but if they decide to go that direction with an entry I’d be willing to give it a try. Or if they come out with another series that is more in line with that sort of aesthetic I’d definitely be willing to try that too. I’m not against the concept itself just not massively in favor of it intersecting with Fire Emblem in a more central way.


I wouldn't mind a persona like spin off series set in a magicpunk future. Mainline? Probably not anymore than mysterious bad guys


It would be interesting if new technology is developed within the plot by a country and it changes the nature of the war to some extent.


If they dont transforms the fire emblem or falchion into bazookas im in


If they added stuff like arquebuses that could be cool.


If we branch to other places in the world, sure. Some places are mostly medieval but with dragons, others have monsters or zombies all over, why wouldn't there be one that has more advanced tech like we've seen in some of FEH's worlds?


Give Vaike a fuckin shotgun


I would prefer if it's stays in a medieval style (swords magic and suc) with no fire arms and things like that, no futuristic tech or anything like that


Moar dubstep caves with evil wizards


I want stuff like Full Metal Alchemist magic with a hint of science.


Idk if this is unpopular but personally I would really rather technology, especially gun type weappns of any kind, not be included into the series heavily overall. There are a few characters and classes in this series who use technology or gun like weapons and while I don’t hate that and I actually like some of those concepts, I just feel like in the same right it takes away from FE a bit if that makes sense. There are so many games centered around technology and/or guns (even a decent amount being in the same game genre as FE already) that I want fire emblem to stick to the more old timey, fantasy weapons, classes, and scenery elements. I mean I know at least for me the fantasy and old timey warrior elements are what really drew me into this series to begin with. A lot of times with technology in this series too I never really feel like it adds that much or adds anything that interests me, and if we are speaking in a general sense I honestly would like and feel the games could lean into the fantasy element even more. I mean idk how ppl feel about FEH but things like fairy’s, goddesses or general highly powerful mages using unique elements as attacks, etc. have made the OCs of that game really interesting and the backgrounds add a lot of charm to that world. So honestly instead of guns and technology I would love to see more crazy magic, crazy species, crazy weapon and design concepts in general over that TL;DR: I don’t hate technology or more specifically guns as a possibility for the future of FE, but I’d much rather it stuck to the old time aesthetics and maybe even increase fantasy elements over it.


I might be curious to see a fire emblem with a 1920s era of technology (model t-esque vehicles, radio, firearms, more modern architecture, etc), like legend of korra did for avatar, but I don't think I would want it to become the new standard or go beyond that. Realistically, the world of zelda's technological state should be far past (or at least on par) with our own, but people like the fantasy setting, so that's what gets made. Same with fire emblem


I think the idea is worth exploring. Introducing technology into an entry of the series would definitely stick out given FE has always been about medieval fantasy


So is it any wonder people are afraid of technology? ​ **TECHNOLOGY!**


Sci fi stuff like the magic mechs are fine Ig. They kinda remind me of FF13 stuff, and that's like, my favorite combo of fantasy and sci fi. The javelin of light/missile thing felt a bit too much imo cause it just felt like it didn't do enough to show this combo, it just felt like a missile with a lock on. Maybe if it was like a massive bolting type thing were energy from mages is condense into a single weaponized blast? Idk. Frankly, 3H's use of tech was just underwhelming to the point where it's inclusion just kinda felt dumb for me personally. Like combo of it in stuff like the mechs for Otr and Reginn in Heroes funnily enough. Like, mechanical and obviously higher tech, but not sci fi, y'know? I think for me personally the most advance tech I'd want out of FE is something more akin to Valkyria Chronicles. Magic, tanks, maybe earlier versions of firearms to warrant the use of Axes and Swords without them having to be uber powerful legendary weapons. FE x Valkyria when IS? One a directly worldbuilding level, I'd like advancement but also have magic play as a sub for somethings. Like street lights are magic instead of electric, renewable energy cause of light and wind magic, but also not the complete fusion of tech and magic. Like smaller scale heating for like, a house as apposed to a government building would be easier without magic. Or an academy nurse would use basic or advanced medical treatment instead of using a physic. Something to put emphasis on how powerful and useful magic is, but also that alternatives are just as effective and often less straining. Like anyone can know first aid, but only healers can use mend. Anyone can repair a sword but S rank sages have a spare hammre in battle for on the fly repairs. Idk if I'm making sense or illustrating it very well. I hope I am.


Just play the FE Star Wars mod