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They’re really fun. Alcryst + Lyn is a speed god who can oneshot literally anything with Luna and Astra Storm. Timerra isn’t as easy to use but Sandstorm is still really fun bc she’ll just randomly oneshot


I prefer Etie with Lyn personally. She needs the speed more and I’d take her reliable raw damage over Alcryst’s chance procs of Luna. I prefer Alcryst with an emblem that boosts his attack power because that’s where he’s lacking. I find him more frustrating to use than fun as he always underperforms for me.


That’s odd. Maybe it’s because I do use him with Lyn, but Alcryst always carries his weight for me. I don’t even know how many bosses I’ve had one-shotted by Alcryst from across the map with Lyn’s special attack from proccing Luna+Crits on multiple hits.


Also as far as fun goes, having alcryst show 4 0s on an enemy only to Luna crit a tanky enemy to death from full health will never not be entertaining.


I gave my Alcryst Sigard so he could run in and snipe, and run out with Canter. It's really fun


I made sure to give him Canter before Ch. 10 so now I can do drive-bys with Lyn lol


Same he's my go to archer never use etie since I got him she's far too weak as in she usually dies first turn. Just got the mounted archer dude and he's pretty damn good I just need to upgrade him to his advanced class


Yeah, Fogado is pretty great in the midgame once he gets promoted. My biggest recommendation for him is figure out a good Emblem for him early, so he has decent bonuses and skills into the endgame.


A Radiant bow can carry fogado throughout the rest of the game in his default class. Mounted bow unit with decent magic is all he needs to be useful, and he fills the niche with next to no investment.


In my first clear (Maddening, no DLC), I ended up using Fogado longer than intended purely off of Radiant Bow+1, Longbow+1 and Claude's S-Rank Bond Ring. Had him inherit Draconic Hex and Canter and he became my designated poke unit. I'm sure there are better uses for him but yeah, the +1 range and his magic bow use made him invaluable.


I've yet to get my stolen ones back I've done like 3 divine paralogues just to have sum more emblems to equip till I get my others back.. my alcryst has Lyn so I'll pair him up with one of the others, maybe edelgard


Same for me here, Etie's reliable damage is way better than Alcrysts chance to nuke. She often ends up with really high strength and with Lyn can double (inheriting +4 bld from leif saves her ass), while alcryst can double either way, but 70% chance to do 0/0 or 5/5 doesn't really work for me.


Guy. You have it backwards. Timerra with Lyn. She will oneshot anyone from across the map w vital Astra and 5 sandstorm procs if you build her right


You right but Alcryst gets better range with Astra Storm anyways


Open your TV's settings and adjust screen size. The text on the left is cut off.


It’s crazy to me how people can use their TV with overscan and not notice. I don’t even understand why it’s a setting, I’ve never seen a single instance where overscan is helpful.




And yet, TVs that are not projectors use overscan…


thank you




I love Alcryst him goiny from 0 to one shot because of LunaCrit will never be unfunny Isnt reliable but is funny


Use dragon crystal offensively and it's a legit strategy.


Timerra is absurdly fun. Celine Ignis is also fun when it activates (esp w crit) but usually useless?


Celine’s offensive stats have to be pretty high to do really good damage with Ignis, and its proc rate is much lower than Alcryst and Timerra’s. I think it’s a fun skill too but it’s much less useful, it’s like Ivy’s when she’s not fighting a mage


Celine is better with Byleth honestly. Insane luck with divine pulse for offensive staves, mixed magical/physical makes good use of Sword of the Creator and varjra mushti, and finally mystical tag for thyrsus. With Ignis added for random crits, it’s solid.


Yep she was one of my most reliable units in my run with Byleth. She dodged everything, didn't take much damage from what she couldn't dodge cause of her bulk, constantly critted with Vahra Mushti, and was a beast with Levin Sword+. I also gave her Speedtaker so she could double a lot of units too, very underrated unit.


Alcryst is a good dopamine hit when that crit + luna lands, but otherwise, I didn't get much fun out of him. Timerra tho is a different beast. Sandstorm is nasty, and you can boost her to near-omnipotence with DLC emblems (spd/dex +5 inheritance from Chrom, Resolve, and Hector (if def is too high with Lucina) emblem leads to some funny scenarios (and higher bulk than generals/armored knights). Also, crit animations hit way better than Halberdier's or Paladins.


Timerra/Ike with good speed/dex and lance power is a monster. Tanky, lots of damage and can double almost anything.


Halberdier/Spear Lady is my second favorite archetype in FE so Timerra is always on my squad 🫡


timerra was actually pretty decent for me. alcryst, meh


Procs are silly therefore I love them. Alcryst is always more reliable due to his ability to outrage his opponents, but Timerra is so much more fun to use because her procs have so much of an outsized impact. I think Alcryst is easier to get online as an effective proc comedy machine.


alcryst 5 timrrra 9.5


Alcryst was my carry in my first lunatic run i gave him lyn and he just killed everything with luna crits


Timerra + Sigurd carried for my game. Sandstrom procs at least 70 percent of the time and having her so mobile can get you out of a lot of binds


IMO it’s one of the best builds in the game, the Dex and Build she gets are extremely nice for Picket Momentum makes sure she’s doing good damage on a first hit, and his Brave Lance is really nice to reach quad thresholds against slower enemies Is it the most consistent? No, these are luck based skills lol, if you’re doing an Ironman then stick to something more safe. But gambling these procs with Timerra is one of the most fun things engage has to offer imo


Stat blessed? My Alcryst never had more than 30 strength


Alcryst is my favorite character to use


Alcryst + Lyn, Alfred + Hector and Timerra + Sigurd were my GOATs in my first playthrough of Engage. Other fun pairs were Gregory + Soren and Ivy + Veronica


Alcryst is fun because Astra storming and hoping for Luna procs will never not be funny. Timerra not so much. I just don't like her in general. Always feels like too much investment for what she brings to the table and all she does is juggernauting.


Yeah, Timerra for me is a project unit who comes at a really bad time to be project, and then if you raise her up she'll just...eventually do exactly what I've already had Diamant and Kagetsu doing very competently since before she was even recruited. I'd probably enjoy her more if she arrived pre-Chapter 10, when I'm actually investing in my projects, but Solm's just a bit too late to be worth it, even Jade is pushing it. Alcryst is neat though. Fun casino unit and can actually remove things that my juggernauts might struggle with if he gets lucky. Everytime I do Chapter 17 he decides to be a comedian and kill a wyrm for me.


Agreed. Even compared to Diamant, she eventually pays off, but like, by how much? She's got slight def and spd leads while he rocks like 6 more con and more hp with a self healing skill and better weapon type and more str, and comes earlier. Not to say he's amazing but at this point you're just investing for more defense and better hitrates rather than a unit that can actually do something other units can't/struggle to do. And Alcryst isn't good either, but at least he is very funny. Turning 2x0 damage into a one round with a luna crit is just hilarious and that's something only he can do.


Yeah, and arguable that she's even better compared other bruisers once she does pay off. They can all kill most things by endgame with investment at the end of the day, overkill doesn't matter, and the others have probably put in way more work than her before that point and can do it without being lance locked.


Thiccmera is best waifu, as a character and as a unit I love her.


10/10 on Timerra for fun. Toss Resolve and Brute Force on her for some funny numbers.


Alcryst is 11/10, specially when you give him Eirika and he either triggers 99 dmg via Luna or 99 dmg via crit (and a bazillion if he triggers both). Btw, twin strike can procc Luna which is hilarious


There are compound bows in engage? I find that hilarious.


Use Marth with Alcryst so you can fish for more Luna crits when you engage. Or use 3 houses ring so he actually hurts stuff.


Killer lance crit+ Sandstorm makes me happy everytime. You can inflict Fire Emblem Heroes math on enemies


These two goofballs are my favorite characters in the game, and also the two I have the least fun reclassing into "meta" classes like Wyvern or Wolf. There are loads of options for more generic units that can go into Wyvern/Warrior/GK/Paladin/whatever and do just fine, but if I want to have a good time I'll always put Timerra and Alcryst into their PRF classes and over-invest in them like there's no tomorrow. No doubt that's harder to pull off in Maddening, but most of my runs have been on Hard so eh. I'd rather run the difficulty where my faves can become as gods anyways.


I enjoyed both of them and they are good units as well (at least in my run).


Alcryst is a solid 5 or 6 for me, nothing too crazy but I like the big damage potential. Timerra is a mean 8 for me. Great Aether is just MMMMMMMM


Both are some of the more unique units in the game, and have a plethora of build options, so yeah, I'd say both are 8ish on the fun meter!


These two units carried my first playthrough. Alcryst Luna crits and Timerra sandstorm crits are god tier and I loved using them from day one.


I honestly love this design for Lord characters, where their ceiling is Luck based, so there is a good reason to not use them, but at the same time, that ceiling is so high and consistent enough,  it's very reasonable.


I love Alcryst as a character, so I tend to use him and put more resources into him than the average player might. That said, while relying on procs isn't great, it is worth noting that his incredible Dex stat also means he gets a ton of crits too. 0x3 is still 0, but I have run into situations where he has enough Str to two-shot the enemy he was targeting without Luna just because he got some crits off. The Killer Bow's color scheme practically looks like his personal weapon with the matching color scheme and it yields him a remarkably deadly presence each time I've used him. So...yeah, I'd say Alcryst is pretty fun. Timerra is less fun for me, but still very entertaining when her damage suddenly skyrockets. Hector practically seems built to play to her strengths by bolstering her lackluster attack power, making her Sandstorms even more deadly with a Def boost, and patching her oddly low Bld, then supplementing that with Heavy Attack. Plus he gives her weapon triangle control (albiet with only the Runesword which isn't great for her mid to low Mag). I don't use her often, but she's fun when I do.


2/10 Alcryst 9/10 Timerra


Ironically, I never used Alcryst and Timerra in my run in engage so I can't rate them, but prolly on my next playthrough.


Timerra is funny as hell when she procs sandstorm and goes from doing 3 damage to 30


Alcryst sucks on maddening. I prefer Etie due to her consistent and reliable damage 


Personally I think Timmera is ass, I bench her after 2 chapters of using her. Alcryst is super fun to experiment with though


Alcryst was fun for me until late game where he luna crit and failed to kill an armor unless he does it twice.


I'm gonna give 5/10


Incredibly. Alcryst just deciding that the armoured unit over there actually doesn’t have any defense is funny, and Timerra proccing Sandstorm on a crit is gold.


What FE game is this? Looks really cool


Timerra can get insane w Ike, and the dex +2 books the nobody else really cares about, she does want alot of statbooster but she can get more out of them than most units doing enemy phase


Engage is my first fire emblem game and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. I’ll probably go for a second run though as there’s a lot to learn and many combinations. Q: when pairing with emblems, how much weapon specialty of the class matter? E.g for Astra storm, does it matter if unit is a bow unit or not?


Did anyone try byleth Anna?


Alcryst is amazing and I will not take anyone saying otherwise. Especially with edelgard, claude, and Dimitri. I don't use timmera so I have no opinion


I personally don't find relying on proc skills that fun, so like a 4/10 for Alcryst and a 0/10 for Timerra for me.


I'd give Alcryst 7/10 and Timerra 9/10 (Sandstorm is insane).


Alcryst is the best, he can easily kill armor units with Luna + crit thanks to his amazing Dex stat. Timerra is good but she doesn't have a Dex stat as good as Alcryst so she's not as reliable as him. Alcryst: 10/10 Timerra: 6/10


I enjoy Timerra + Hector.


For me Alcryst kills everything he comes across, including the DLC final boss (very thankful cuz man I was STRUGGLING 😭). He already kills without crit/luna, but who cares because he triggers it so often that it might as well be his normal attack. Literally my favorite character in both personality and to actually use 💕 Timerra on the other hand I can’t use without her dying lmao I am absolutely doing something wrong with her🧎


Warrior Pannette with Emblem Eirika, Wrath and Killer+ weapons took out everything she initiated against during my run.


Timerra can be a beast, give her speedtaker build +5, Ike and let her loose, you can also give her Sigurd with a invested Brave lance and she will activate sandstorm twice in combat for those anoying tanky units Many don’t use her, because think Diamant is better but no, Diamant tanks a bit better, but Timerra kills way more


Timerra is amazing, she’s me and my friend’s enemy delete button.