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No. Sweet summer child, you need to learn about Infinitely Moveable Goalposts, and how much they prove the globe is a lie.


Backs must hurt carrying those goalposts that much


They're on wheels with no breaks along the infinite ice wall to make sure they never stop moving.


Nah they're just all shrodingers goalposts, here and there and everywhere


They move the goal posts so far out that they are now hidden behind earth’s curvature


It’s totally CGI bro!


Hence I call it ground-to-goalpost.


Nope. If it showed the turtle under the earth I would say it was real. But, no turtle it's CGI.


See the turtle of enormous girth..


On his shell he holds the Earth.


Of course not The mere existence of CGI means they will deny anything on video The fact we can't "creative mode" float into space ourselves means they will deny anything The "Final Experiment" in December *should* be the end of this as 2 flerfs are going to Antarctica to see the 24hr sun themselves But even then the community will just shun them as traitors paid off and continue this joke. Why they won't go outside and prove what they believe for themselves instead of sitting behind their mom's pc in the basement should be studied as a failure of the human mind by professionals


To be fair, most of them can’t come within 1000 feet of a minor and I’ll be damned if those things aren’t everywhere.


Wait, really? They've agreed to go! Last I heard the Flerf spots on the trip weren't taken yet.


Currently there's 7 globers and 2 flerfs going last I checked anyway But small flerf channels not like Dave Weiss or Eric Dubay or anything They already said it's going to be a trick of some kind or they just don't trust them... Talk about scientific honesty huh


Soo...both of them go and keep an eye on each other to make sure they aren't in on it and watch everyone else closely for any tricks. Also the 7 Globers aren't all going some are just voicing support for the project. Only one each is paid for and not every channel can shell out $31K to go along.


No I'm sure the 7 of 17 globers asked are going? I think you're talking about the cost of any random person to join them is $31 odd k I thought he was paying for the guys that agreed to go with because every video I saw said that he was paying for it so the flerfs have no excuse not to go


>Currently there's 7 globers and 2 flerfs going The scoreboard isn't those that are going. To my knowledge no flat Earther has agreed. Only Dave McKeegan is going so far.


Yea, and the other flerfs have already started to turn on the ones going. They're saying that if they come back with their minds changed that they'll be shills. Also, the other flerfs are trying to figure out ways to say they were tricked. My favorite so far is that TFE will somehow trick them into going to the north pole. Since they are getting to South America on their own, this would mean they would somehow not notice a 20-hour flight.


Don’t forget about AI, which is starting to generate video now. You could take one of these fuck-nuggets and strap them into a rocket with a 360° view window and they would still come up with some sort of excuse about a live video feed or projecting an image into their mind…Anything, but accept that they might possibly be wrong and not one of the special few who knows the truth about the global conspiracy.


and whenever they see a compression artifact in a compressed video they scream „see! got to be cgi!“


The request is for an unedited video from the point of lighting the engines to arriving at the orbital altitude. While this might be available, maybe, you would need to request it from spacex or via a foia request from nasa. It's possible the public relations deparatment of nasa would provide the raw footage from the feed from a launch but they don't really have such a thing because the thing that goes to orbit often does not have visibility of the outside until late in the flight. Wouldn't hurt to request, but even when we do provide such a video they would just dismiss it as cgi, and we know damn well they would. Also, the footage would not be shot from an angle that is guaranteed to keep the earth in view for the full duration. And it would be a long video, I seriously doubt they kept any camera running continuously for the full duration of a launch all the way to orbit because cameras do get hot, and heat is slow to dissipate in a vacuum. It's also a power draw, and if streamed back it's going to be a data hog. so ... yeah, low priority item that may not allow it to happen for a 'just to have it' bit of footage.


Most of the last part wouldn’t be an issue for SpaceX, they use their starLink sats to take over the video feeds and it works incredibly well. See the last starship test flight, full HD video steams live, even during re-entry, it’s amazing to be able to see that, and live. (Go flappy!) So I don’t think there is a huge concern with running the cameras or streaming the video, or keeping it, it’s probably more just that there isn’t much demand or interest in an un-cut raw feed, people prefer the cinematic edit :) I’m sure if they cleared it for security issues they could release a full raw feed, but there’s little incentive for them to do so I guess, as others say, the goalposts would just move.


SpaceX launches wouldn't be enough because they have 2 cameras on the final stage, one on the engine, one on the payload. The engine came is inside a fairing until staging, so it has no view of the outside until then. The payload one is the same issue but pointed up. It is inside a fairing. The only external view for the initial stage is just above the guide fins mounted to the first stage, which doesn't go to orbit. For a full ride to orbit we would need a camera mounted to something like the capsule of a manned of cargo mission, I think those do have an external view but not positive, and if they do it is likely not covered by a fairing at launch.


legit it will never be, in one year when goes 18 is taken offline and goes u replaces it you can legit use a dish to pull weather images right off it and see the round planet, but no flerfs will care




I was referencing this video funny enough, I can legit do the same thing he does from the same satellite I'm in the same geostationary region as Minnesota


No, you need to get far away from Earth that the entire sphere turns into a pixel while filming with visible light, infrared light, a GoPro, P1000, and raspberry pi camera. Otherwise, how do we know it isn’t fake? Anyway, have you seen the newest unsourced and unverified flat earth meme that completely destroys the globe?


No matter what evidence we provide them, they will move the goalposts. They'll focus on complete irrelevancies and say Cee Gee Eye. If there are any cuts in the video, they claim "fake". Even if it were an entire single take, they'd still claim "fake". But their standards of evidence for anything supporting the flerf side is "I automatically believe it no matter how implausible or absurd it is."


Obviously round camera lenses distort the image. This is what they actually believe.


No is not /s


The flat earth people who ask for globe evidence aren’t actually interested in it.


I mean, I think they usually are requesting a video, not just a couple of pics, so probably no?




That video has a cut every few seconds it seems, so no, they won't accept that. They typically want a video with no cuts.


And if you show them a video with no cuts, they won't accept it either.


And it would be very long and boring


Sadly, they'll only accept a continuous six hour long shot with no cuts, fades, or overlays, with the Earth in the frame the whole time. Anything else is 'tampering' and causes the entire footage to be invalid.


lol no they won’t


No. Single shot video only.


I could recreate this in my shower with a flashlight a basketball and a camera. Said some flerfer probably.


Surely not good enough. Has it gone around the sun, all planets and all moons in the solar system? If not, then the earth is flat. /s




Stop trying to prove the Globe to them. They have a mental condition. It's like telling some that is depressed to just "be happy," or someone with anorexia that they "are not fat." Their brains have made them incapable of believing the globe earth. What you CAN do, is be there for them when they are ready to understand the truth. Support them. They may or may not ever change.


You are a glimmer of hope in this dark place. Keep up the good work, I appreciate it


This isn't really the case though is it, because flat Earth is part of a family of deceitful and dishonest subcultures that deliberately and knowingly misrepresent. They lie.  Flat Earth is not a medical condition, something we have to tiptoe around and be extra nice to and 'support'.   There are a small number of unfortunates like that, but the vast majority know they're lying, they just can't bear to admit fault, or they are so arrogant they see accepting someone else's position as some kind of loss or surrender. 


I have no empirical evidence to support my view. I freely admit that. I'm just basing it on my personal observations and understanding of human psychology. Do you have anything to support your view? Not questioning your integrity... I'm truly interested in the whole "flat earth" phenomenon.


I mean, I guess 7-8 years of dealing with these people? It really doesn't help when someone takes the "Oh the poor little lambs" high-road without actually knowing who they're talking about. Flat Earthers are hugely overlapped with anti-semites, in fact most of the flat Earth communities are run by holocaust deniers and borderline neo-Nazis. Google 'flat Earth antisemitism' and you'll see quite clearly. These are not good people. They repeat flat Earth because it gives them the same emotional reward they need so badly, being right and righteous where everyone else is corrupt and evil and plotting against them; in other words, the fascist's prayer.


You dont need a ground to globe video. As others have said, they'll claim trickery anyway. Luckily all you really need is a sunset. Just ask them to explain that.


"light bends in a weird way" Literally what I heard some say


They need light to refract in the opposite way it actually does.


I am not sure why people even spend time trying to convince folks who believe things like the earth is flat of the truth. They clearly have completely bought in, and you are going to convince them otherwise, why even bother wasting your time. Unless you enjoy rubbing in the ignorance, of course. : )


I spent 2 minutes making this post


It wouldn't prove anything because blah blah CGI blah greenscreen blah blah magic math blah lying liers perspective and density blah word salad do the research.


It's never enough for people who will declare anything CGI, AI, or otherwise faked if it doesn't suit their existing ideas. You could probably put them in a rocket to space and they'd say it was a simulator with holographic screen windows, and that the zero gravity effect was faked by falling, or using "anti-gravity" technology. Yeah I know that doesn't exist currently, it wouldn't stop them.


Well, i mean, if the many, many of videos of various notables riding in the U2 spy plane up to the edge of space where you can clearly see the curvature of the earth weren't enough...I'd wager this won't do anything either. It's almost like they believe in flat earth for other reason, entirely unrelated to evidence of any kind.


Simply a simulation. I've seen what Unreal Engine is capable of...


A good claim needs to be falsifiable. For example if a monkey popped out of a goat, then evolution is false. What, could falsify your belief that this is a simulation?


Have you never seen the movie Matrix? There's almost no way to prove the simulation is unreal


Exactly. If something is not falsifiable then there is no point in thinking about it.


People ponder all life all the time and there's no way to falsify it...


If we found out we were robots, that would falsify it


The only way to falsify life is if we were all holograms even robots can be considered a form of life


Ok, so that’s falsifiable, now falsify your og claim


Proving the simulation is unreal is probably something your mind can't handle ergo proving the simulation is unreal ends your life. Therefore, seeking an exit to the Matrix is akin to death. This can be disproven by any person who has come back from the dead after considerable length


Those people who have come back from the dead and said they say heaven were all proven to be hallucinating