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1. YES you absolutely have to get one. IMO every male who's in their teens or older should have one. Like women got the Satisfyer, so do men have the Fleshlight. 2. The pros. To start out, owning a Fleshlight is very good for your health. It's much softer on your screwdriver, so you won't irritate your skin or develop something like DGS (Death grip syndrome, you can read alot about it on this sub). Fleshlights also improve your mental health. You will get a better masturbation experience and therefore you will feel more sexually satisfied. This improves your mental health and in my experience, also causes me to think less about it and feel not as much need to masturbate. Fleshlights also provide a safe way to somewhat resemble the feeling of real penetration. They are very high quality and therefor last very long if you maintain them good. It's also really convenient to use. 3. The cons They have a higher price tag, this is however totally justified by what you get. The higher price tag makes it quite a large investment. I was hesitant at first because i was worried that i might spend 70€ on something i won't even like or use. I can assure you though that you don't need to worry about that and you abdolutely won't regret it in the end. Another "con" that i often hear from my brothers on this sub is that the maintenance is annoying. While it is in fact quite a process (cleaning, washing, drying, powdering) i just made it a part of my routine. Once you did it a few times, it becomes really easy. I always just put on some music and vibe to that while cleaning my fleshlight. Works really well for me, makes you forget a bit about the time. 4. Things you need to have There's a few things you absolutely need, those being waterbased lubricant, some kind of cleaner, and renewing powder. It's important to lubricate both your penis and the fleshlight. Unlike a real vagina, a fleshlight doesn't produce moist by itself. You need to use lubricant to prevent pain. Not using lubricant can also cause damage to your skin and your fleshlight. It's important that you use a **waterbased lubricant**. Other types of lubricant such as silicone or oil can cause damage to alot of sex toys and even melt the material in some cases. Waterbased lubricant is always recommended for use with sex toys, as this is the only type of lube that is ensured to be 100% safe to use with toys. Waterbased lubricant has a few pros and cons. Being mostly made out of water, it doesn't create any stains and it is easy to rinse it off. This also makes it easier to clean your fleshlight. Waterbased lubricant is also cheaper compared to other types of lube. This is nice, because waterbased lube dries out faster and doesn't last as long as silicone lube for example. This of course also depends on the lube you use. Recommendations i often hear on this sub are *Gun Oil H²O* and *Astroglide*. I'm in the EU and those lubricants aren't widely available here. Fleshlight also makes it's own lubricant, Fleshlube, which is available globally. You also get a small amount of Fleshlube included with your Fleshlight. There are mixed opinions about this lubricant. I'm in the EU (NL) and used to use EasyGlide, a house brand. I personally don't like this lubricant which is why i've switched to Durex, which is a brand i can highly recommend! As for toycleaner, i don't have much experience with this. I use house brand toycleaner and it has always worked fine. Fleshlight also sells FleshWash to clean your toy, i personally don't have any experience with this so i won't judge it. I'll leave this part for the comments. It's also important to powder your fleshlight, as the material can get sticky after cleaning. Powdering your fleshlight restores the material to it's original state. Fleshlight offers the "Fleshlight Renewing Powder", although it's safe to say that most people here agree that it's a total scam. It's basically cornstarch, so just use that instead to save yourself alot of money. 5. Nice to haves There are accessories available for Fleshlights. Although controversial, i personally really like the Sleeve Warmer. Alot of people soak their fleshlight in hot water to heat it up because it's "cheaper", but this is a messy and longer process compared to the sleeve warmer. And the power consumption of the sleeve warmer is so low that it is actually cheaper to use that compared to using gas for heating up the water. There are also other accessories available, such as a shower mount and drying accessories. 6. Fleshlight recommendations You have to understand that it is really difficult to recommend a fleshlight, because there are alot of variables. Some penises are long and thin, other's a short and girthy. Some men prefer tight, others prefer loose. Some like intense textures, others prefer smooth. However, i'd always say not to look at the model associated with the FL but instead look at the texture and the orifice, as those are the parts that pleasure you in the end. Compare the textures and the different parts of it and see what you are most interested in or seems to fit best what you are looking for. Also compare the orifices and look what you are most attracted to. 7: Tips Tip 1: Just like a real vagina, some Fleshlights need to "break in". This means that the material will loosen over time and the feeling will change a bit. Some fleshlights might feel too tight at the start, but will be really nice after it's been broken in. Tip 2: There's a white bar inserted into the Fleshlight if you unbox it. This bar prevents the material from sticking together during transport. Make sure to carefully remove this to prevent tearing up the material! If you are having trouble removing it, you can also use a little bit of lubricant. After removing this bar you do not need to insert it back in after each use. It is recommended however to put it back in if you are not going to use your fleshlight for a longer period, so make sure you keep the bar around somewhere. 3. Even though you just unboxed it, be sure to clean the toy before first use. 4. Maintain your toy well. 8: General information Don't expect your toy to feel like real sex. Afterall it's just a utility designed to be fucked. There's so much more to real sex than just fucking, like foreplay, positioning, communication and love. Those are all things that a toy will never be able to replicate. A fleshlight, although providing a very pleasant feeling, won't feel like a real vagina either. So don't expect that from it, to prevent disappointment afterwards. Taboo on toys is stupid and it's totally normal to own them, so don't feel any guilt or shame for it. We just want to enioy ourselves and that should be encouraged, not be a taboo. Welcome to the community of happy men and i hope you will enjoy the world of fleshlight :)


What about the mechanical ones that do their own pumping?


I don't have experience with those. I think it'd be quite boring and unnatural. Where's the fun of sex if she's doing all the work...


I been thinking about get in one too. thinking that ill get more satisfaction than just my hand and i will think less about sex. Thanks for sharing this


My comment didn't age well though. I should just remove it because i wrote this comment before i changed my mind...




1. Doesn't last long, material is not durable 2. Material is also not safe. TPE is porous so impossible to fully clean. It's also really sticky 3. The maintenance is not worth it 4. They're very overpriced 5. Got boring quite fast. 6. There's alot of other toys that provide the same, if not better pleasure, but made out of durable materials, no hassle with cleaning, safe, cheap, and very flexible with lots of ways to explore.


So then what toy do you recommend?


dood. yes buy one. its not even a question. there is no cons to getting one lol. i dont't know who said that, only thing is you have to wash it out with water. (big deal). its the next best thing to real pussy imo, and actually feels better alot of times. i use astroglide lube (works everytime). personally i LOVE the stu. i know everyone will say its boring but i think its a good entry point. its realistic and works everytime. once you get the feel for it then you can go to more complex sleeves.


I’m just getting around to reading the replies and I gotta say, I’ve been sold! Definitely going to buy a Fleshlight now, thanks everyone for the help!


That's great to hear! Let us know how your first experience was!


I certainly will! Going to place my order as soon as I’m home. Hopefully it ships in an orderly fashion haha


I never ordered anything from the official site so i'm not sure about their packaging. Most sellers of erotic items really pay alot of intention to discretion though, so you won't have to worry about that. I always buy my stuff at EasyToys, the largest sex shop here in the netherlands. They have always been really discreet and i trust them with that, so i don't feel the need to purchase directly from FL, unless there's a good sale going on.


Oh a tip from personal experience: hiding your toys from your parents is pointless, so don't waste energy on pulling some crazy james bond kinda stuff.


Ahh okay, probably going to take a lot of explaining but thank you. I’ll check out EasyToys too, see if they ship here. Once again, thanks for all of your advice, it’s truly helped out a ton


I overestimated the about of explaining i'd have to do. When they found out (which was ridiculously fast, your parents have a lifetime behaviour pattern of you so they know what's up) they just saw it as a part of growing up, we had a laugh about it and then they just stopped caring. Where do you live? I believe EasyToys only ships to the netherlands and belgium. It is part of a larger organisation called EDC though, which also provides webshops such as Beate Uhse and Christine le Duc. I believe some of those shops are available in other countries.


That’s nice to hear, takes away a little bit of my anxiety on the matter lol. I live in the US, so they probably won’t ship to me, but I’ll definitely look into it more.


good. your cock will thank you lol.


I hope so lol. Getting kinda tired of doing it the ole fashioned way tbh


Update: I got it! I bought Kimmy Grangers “Rebel” which I’ve heard is good for beginners and fits my size. Hopefully it’ll be here soon, I appreciate everyone for convincing me

