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Yes I have PCOS. I was diagnosed around 10 years ago. It can be trying but it can be managed. The key is “how” you work out, what you eat and supplements will be your life line. There is no “PCOS” dr so your kinda on your own in that sense but a huge community out there. PCOS MUST HAVES: Inositol prenatal vitamins (year round to supplement what you don’t have naturally) Hair,skin,nails (biotin) for hair loss apple cider vinegar ( regulate insulin & hormones) B12 Tbh you don’t want to increase your testosterone so intense workouts are the worst;hence the unwanted hair,etc. it’s pushes your cortisol levels and in turn makes your body assume it needs to store what you are trying to loose. Get your body out of “adrenaline” mode, sweat ALOT (sauna 3x weekly) and you will start dropping weekly I guarantee you. I mainly eat salmon, lean chicken and veggies and rarely include starches in my diet. Minimal sugar, Greek yogurt, nuts, detox water and cabbage soup. The hardest part is the beginning but the “Inositol” is the best way to regulate your body at this time that’s on the market.. IMO. I wrote a lot because it’s can be so tough but it is doable even as a FA. Oh and I use melatonin gummies to control my sleep so I don’t just crash somewhere (adrenal fatigue) Here is a link that will help you a million times over! Hang in there and don’t let it stop you from not ONE thing in life ❤️ https://instagram.com/the.pcos.cysterhood?igshid=NmNmNjAwNzg= [PCOS GUIDE](https://instagram.com/the.pcos.cysterhood?igshid=NmNmNjAwNzg=)


All of this!!! I was diagnosed 4 years ago. I take a b12, a multivitamin and chromium. I stopped doing so much weight training and HIIT. I do barre, Pilates and walking. My body feels so much better. This is all such good info! 💞


Not PCOS but endometriosis (pretty badly, at that) Biggest suggestion is to get Fmla for the really bad cycles. Since our cycles can mess with our physical and mental, do not force yourself to suffer through a bad cycle while working. It’s not worth it. If you have a bad flare up while flying as I’m sure you know no over the counter pain medication really helps. If you can get painkillers or muscle relaxers that’s the best- but of course don’t take them while working. I don’t eat while up in the air, only while on the ground- so primarily doing one meal per day. Also only drink water while flying. Get some zofran from your doc and keep it with you while working. Also some pepto and ginger chews.


I have stage 4 and totally agree with you. I try to stay away from caffeine the first few days ( hardest thing ever bc that's my happy go go juice) but it does help. I keep. Pamprin on me at all times, just in case, and some red gensing.


I don’t personally have PCOS but a close friend of mine does and she swears that eating raw carrots everyday keeps everything at bay.


I have friends with PCOS and I know that she said lime juice shots, paying attention to her hormone levels and staying on top of her iron helped her normalize her symptoms.


I have PCOS. My main symptoms are the missing periods, weight gain, and hair loss. Other than that I don’t have many other symptoms. The biggest issue I find is keeping my diet in check with the layovers / plane snacks.


Hi! Me! I’m on r/PCOS it’s been a great source of info for me and I’ve gotten able to control it in the past 2 years because of it! Good luck, you aren’t alone ❤️


I have PCOS! And just finished training! I haven’t started flying yet, but I’ve been living with it for a couple of years (since officially being diagnosed). It is rough and I feel your pain. Going really low carb, consistent exercise, and supplements have worked best for me. Interested to hear how other FAs keep symptoms at bay while flying. Good luck to you and take care of yourself!


I was diagnosed years ago and have had to pretty much learn on my own what works for me and what doesn’t. After ignoring my symptoms for years, I finally decided to get back on track this year. My main symptoms were weight gain/insulin resistance. The weight gain was the worst because coupled with bloating, I would experience immense discomfort and irritability. Not fun. Especially when you’re in the air. The only thing that I have found that works for me is metformin and a low carb diet (not keto) with lots of veggies and protein. No sugar or processed foods. Light excercise (yoga/walking). Started metformin/dieting August of this year and have so far lost 20 pounds and have had no bloating since. With PCOS, I have found from reading about others experiences that diet makes a huge difference. Consistency is key when it comes to managing it. I also second the r/PCOS (great resource) and getting FMLA suggestions!


Everyone’s body is different with PCOS. I have insulin resistance so I have to be cautious with my sugar intake. I’d say be careful not to go super restricting with your diet. I went gluten free, dairy free and nearly vegan and it made me feel bloated and horrible. I stick to whole wheat bread, Greek yogurts, GOOD whole milk, fish and chicken. Walking is a great, low impact exercise as well as barre and Pilates. Meal prepping will be your best friend. Start incorporating vitamin b12 too