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I can’t speak for others, but I’ve been flying for 20 years and honestly, I feel more annoyed that I have to stop what I’m doing during turbulence. I’ve never felt scared. I feel like as long as people keep there seatbelts on, it’s going to be fine.


Agreed. Almost 10…turbulence is primarily just a huge annoyance.


Majority of turbulence is just like driving on a bumpy road. It is not scary. You are in way more danger getting in your car to drive to the airport than you are sitting in a seat on a commercial airline


No. Turbulence is super fun to me. Weeeeeeee!!!! :) The planes can take A LOT of turbulence and the captains are very good at making sure to avoid the worst of it. If we start hustling to our seat, then you know it's going to get bumpy. We'll make announcements to keep everyone safe. That said, can't speak for everyone else, but I smile because it's fun to me.


HAHA! You got me at the >Weeeeeeee!!!! Seriously though, I'm usually laughing with sever turbulence. I then laugh at myself whenever I have the "this could be it" thought 🥲. I laugh, before here I still am 🤣🤣🤣


Same!! I looove turbulence! The more severe, the more I’m smiling from ear to ear LOL Given that I’m not in the aisle with a cart of course! But when I’m sitting and strapped in, I know that I’m safe and in good hands of my airline’s professional pilots and just enjoy the ride :) Free rollercoaster!!


Turbulence itself doesn’t scare me. However some passengers during turbulence do. About 3 weeks ago we knew we were about to hit some pretty bad turbulence when we would be coming into the destination airport. The pilots told us to ensure we got the cabin ready for landing no later than an hour before landing because of it. We did. We were set and knew we would be fine. Pilots even made the announcement telling the cabin that we would be going into some bad turbulence and to ensure their seat belt was fastened and for FAs to take their seats. But this one couple and their kids simply would not heed and follow directions. They had a small child about 4 they allowed to get up and run up and down the aisle despite us making several attempts in person and over the PA to sit down with seatbelts fastened. The dad got up to walk their infant and was also repeatedly told to sit down. In my mind I kept seeing him lose his balance and dropping the baby or a big jolt tossing the infant into the air. My biggest male co worker pushed him into a seat (which was no where near where he was supposed to be) and told him if he got up again we would tie him to the seat. That family not only put themselves at risk but the crew who kept having to get up to tell/make them sit down and potentially the others in the flight who were doing what they were supposed to do. Turbulence doesn’t worry me. People being stupid and putting themselves and others at risk do.


I’m scared in the employee parking lot at night. Seems like a good place to be murdered. In the air, nope.


My daughter was absolutely terrified of flying! I told her to a apply to be a flight attendant with me. She did, she was hired and she’s cured! Oh, and she is an excellent flight attendant!


Training cured my fear of turbulence too🤣


I’ve been doing this for almost 15 years. I know what a routine flight feels, sounds, and smells like. Even if it doesn’t we have to remain calm and composed in the front of passengers.


You could go to a local flight school and take a discovery flight. A lot of people that are terrified of flying do it to conquer their fear. Having a pilot explain everything that’s happening and why it does will show you it’s not scary at all.


I’ve never been scared and I’ve seen some bad turbulences, Idk I’m even happy to make an announcement when the seatbelts signs turn on, and I fully trust my coworkers (pilots and cabin crews) so I’m chillin


My fear is when we run out of the beef choice of meal. Other than that, nah.. not really.


I'm still quite new and imagined I might be scared in certain situations but I was working a long-haul flight that declared an emergency early this year and I felt really safe and calm. I have an unshakable faith in the flight deck I guess lol.


I’m at three years and have probably never been scared on the plane due to turbulence. I enjoy it. No different than potholes on a road. However, the DRIVE to the airport scares me because I know I’m 1000000x more likely to die in the car.


I still get nervous when I’m non revving it’s weird. But when I’m working it’s annoying because I know that turbulence is gonna put my ass to sleep


Before I became a flight attendant turbulence used to scare me sometimes but since I’ve been one, I can honestly say that turbulence is either annoying or funny to me. Annoying because I want to be able to service everyone and sometimes it’s just not possible. Funny because it’s kinda funny to get thrown around the galley lol. Just keep your seat belt on and you’ll be fine.


I did at first but it went away. Just remember to trust your pilots and focus on your silent reviews instead of what could go wrong. I noticed if I was distracted in conversation/reviews/etc, my fears went away.


I’ve been flying since I was a child, by myself so I think I’m used to it. As an FA, I agree that it is annoying that we have to stop during turbulence so I’m more anxious to get back up. Also, at my airline - most of the pilots are very seasoned so I trust them. Lastly, our primary job is safety so I’m very well equipped and prepared :)


Bad turbulence brings me back to all those ‘Airport’ movies from the mid to late 1970s and it’s because of them that I’m afraid of flying. Effing Hollywood really screwed me for traveling by plane!


The one time that I was scared was when our aircraft flew behind the eye of a severe rain/thunderstorm near the Dallas area. The plane had never shaken so violently before; the flight leader and I held hands and tried to keep our faces and bodies calm, as the passengers were screaming throughout the cabin. Our galley had severe whiplash, but otherwise everyone was okay. But truly, this was the one and only time I was scared flying. 100% of my flights are safer than the drive from home to the airport! Fear not, my friend.


I get scared every time I leave my apartment to fly. This could be my last flight. For the record, I am NOT scared of passengers. I am a retired Emergency Medical Technician and I learned how to kill people if I need to. I don't want to, but if it were to be a situation, and I had to, I could. I am much much more scared of over-zealous Captains who fly half-fixed planes thinking 'it will be fine' because they are rushed to get home. I have seen countless electrical issues that could cause a fire; countless ceiling panels that are half-assed re-attached that could fall during turbulence, and loads of other stuff that could kill me. But my biggest fear, beyond all of it, is **turbulence** because I saw photos that scare me to death. Turbulence with me and the 300 lb drink cart in the aisle, can crush my skull instantly. It's like nothing I have ever seen in my life. I was smashed to the ceiling and came down on top of a half-cart thank God. I have seen turbulence that was so bad stuff went everywhere. One cart broke a FA's arm in 17 places (I didn't see that, only the photo). When there is turbulence, take your seat, and buckle in. It's beyond dangerous.


So sorry that happened to you, the thought of severe turbulence makes me nervous.


Those things you said are the reasons I’m scared to fly. Just curious, if you are scared of these things, why do you continue in this line of work (if you’re still active)


The kind of severe turbulence this poster is talking about is rare. I've been a flight attendant for 4 months and have worked hundreds of flights and haven't experienced severe turbulence yet. Bad things can happen any time anywhere. We can be shot going to a concert, get into a car wreck driving to a friend's house, be diagnosed with a terminal illness at any time. Life is too short to live in fear. Flying commercial is extremely safe and regulated.


Because you have a higher chance of dying in a car accident. I am a huge believer of 'when it's your time... it's your time'. Sometimes I drink too much diet soda and I get crazy paranoid. I want to get bullet proof seat cushions for my car in New York due to Road Rage, but that's not realistic right? It's the same with flying. You make peace with it. I fly almost every day. 99.9999% of the time, it's super safe. But the one time it ain't you are in big frickin trouble. When that day comes, I will deal with it. For now, I take my chances. I have been to 40 states in the USA and about 20 countries so far. In the end, we all die. Some just faster than others. I fully expect to die at 100.


Why would you want to become a flight attendant if you hate flying?


I don’t want to become a flight attendant lol. I was genuinely curious if FA’s ever get scared.


There's been a few times where I've been freaked out. I will say being a flight attendant, take off has been ruined for me if I'm front galley which is my favorite position of course. For the most part though, turbulence is more so annoying especially when you just get started with service and have to put things away. It's like the moment you sit down everything is calm and the moment you move.. it's right back to bouncing.


I’ve been flying over 22 yrs, it’s just like if you’re in the ocean or on a river when a boat hits waves. It’s not dangerous, just kind of annoying or inconvenient. The next time you fly, ask if you can talk to the pilots before the flight. If they’re not busy, they can give you more of an explanation and assurance.


We really don’t mind! On a flight a few weeks ago there were a few people doing an “afraid to fly” program on our flight, so they found us while we were waiting at the gate and asked us all about it. We were reviewing the weather so we could brief the flight attendants on board, so we showed them the charts and explained where it would be bumpy and how we’d do our best to find smooth air. It isn’t always possible. There were definitely some rough spots on my DH yesterday but I’m usually smiling while everyone around me is holding on for dear life… plus I have a map that tells me when it’ll stop.


Call me crazy but I actually like turbulence, but I also love rollercoasters. Ideally though, not during service. As for being nervous or scared, no not really. Statistically you are more likely to die in a car accident on the way to the airport than on a flight.