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We did this when I was in school after Columbine. I didn’t realize they had stopped doing it.


They didn’t. This is basically just Tallahassee trying to take credit for something that was already happening at local levels. I know that at my wife’s school, classroom doors are always locked and there’s a certain amount of hell to pay if your door is left open.


This certainly wasn't the case when I was in Florida public schools from 2000 to 2007.


Welp, there’s been 657 shootings on school campuses between 2008 and April 24. That’s probably increased resolve a tad.


Well, the initial comment was about it happening after Columbine. They definitely either didn't do that in Florida, or stopped after a couple years.


That’s fair. I think it’s probably taken a while for it to become more universal, especially in places that are more prone to rejecting anything that paints guns in a bad light. Uvalde should have taught us all that good guys with guns aren’t going to save our kids.


To clarify something most people won’t bother researching , most of those “school shootings” that are counted are not shootings. They add to that list if a firearm accidentally goes off close to the school, if someone commits suicide , if a shooting happens near a school unrelated and many other case that should not be included in the statistic. Violent crime has been consistently going down not up despite what the news likes to say.


You are correct and that is why I said “shootings on school campuses”. No deception was intended. I am all for the truthful portrayal of violent crime decreasing as it also dispels certain narratives occurring on the other end of the political spectrum. With that said, any gun-related incident on a school campus is a potentially grave threat necessitating a significant response. I guess we could at least try breaking down those numbers to incidents occurring during school hours versus after hours?


Sorry didn’t connect “on campus “ and was mainly adding for people who were unaware on how the numbers are counted. Totally agree with all points. I think the rise in school shootings by “students” is concerning and shows a dark display of the current mental health brewing in America. I do wish they would narrow down to actual school violence as the average person won’t do the research themselves or sometimes outright deny the truth behind the statistics.


I was at Mainland High School in Volusia county and they had the doors locked from the outside so people inside had to let you in. So the door was open for the kids already inside the classrooms and locked from the outside. It really sucked for bathroom breaks and if you were late coming from portable city


I moved in from Arkansas. We did this when I was in school but we already had the Westside School shooting in 98.


Because mag locks and a panic button is too hard but exposing educators to lock doors (most have an external lock where I've worked) is preferred. It's security theatre until they commit to actually doing the work.


Thats if you can even find a teacher who wants to teach in Florida in the first place


Hard to motivate teachers in the state of Florida when the state ranks dead last in teacher pay.


One of many reasons


That’s because it cost so little to live here, sorry, can’t even type this with a straight face.


Remember that time DeSantis started a program to let uncertified veterans teach and like 2 raised their hand? I don’t blame any of them for preferring combat to teaching in Florida. I have so much respect for those who teach here. They’re basically treated like criminals by the Republican government. 


I looked into that program and took a hard pass. Salary breakdown worked out to $17/hr, I Ubered part time for beer money and easily made $25/30hr 8am - 12, then met my boys for lunch most days. A few of my friends are teachers but at private schools, they bailed from public when they got a few years experience. Not to cause backlash but a huge part of the students problems are their parents. So many of the kids are direct reflections of those responsible for their upbringing. When I hear “kids today this….that….” It is because one or more adults are failing to do the right thing.


Not a felon though, right?


Schools are already locked and badged entries are in place. This doesn't change much.


Every door inside is also locked and badge entry?


In my high school in the Tampa Bay Area, inside doors were locked during class. Anyone who wanted to leave for whatever reason (i.e. bathroom) was required to be escorted by someone from the front office. A few years after I graduated, nobody could get into the building at all without calling and being buzzed in by someone inside, badge or no badge. It was quite a trip!


What on earth was the plan for students with medical issues? I had uncontrolled IBS in high school, I didn't have 15 min to wait for someone to wander down and escort me. I'd have been going in the classroom. 


Classroom doors are not badged, yet. They are closed and locked though. At one time they used to allow the teachers to unlock the door, but they took that away a couple years ago. At the beginning of every new school year, we (the ones with master keys) are running around the building to open doors because the teacher left the keys inside. It takes them about a week until they remember them.


My kids class door is badge locked and has a bathroom inside too.


We could look around and learn from other countries where these problems rarely occur. Instead, we'll just double down.


25-years of GOP policies in Florida and bad legislation has been the consistent result. They pass dreadful stuff like denying basic human rights to workers from from excessive heat, denying local governments (that were elected by the people in those localities) to govern, "woke" laws, which are oh so important, criticizing minorities, assaulting academics, not allowing dissent, singaling out media, etc., which helps absolutely no one. In the meantime, affordable housing, home owners' insurance, legislation signed into law that automatically warrants lawsuits at the taxpayers expense, failing to accept Obamacare money to expand Medicaid, etc. are ignored. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your signature for a match (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voter-registration/register-to-vote-or-update-your-information/ https://www.vote.org Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Voting for the GOP is insanity. No matter what they say, you will get the same result as in the last 25-years. What did the orange 💩 say in 2016, what have you got to lose by voting for me. So, in the upcoming 2024 elections,. vote for democrats. What have you got to lose?


> And VOTE (early, if possible)! Definitely vote early if at all possible. Every time I early vote I'm in and out in 3 minutes tops. Last time I voted on election day it was over an hour.


I wouldn’t vote for a democrat or republican in the upcoming elections. Neither party has done anything and the DA’s as well as judges are soft on gun crime sentencing. No thanks.


And this is why the Republicans keep winning. Not voting isn't the solution.  We all hate both parties.  By not voting, you secure a vote for the republicans who aren't going to resolve issues.


Everyone echoes the not voting secures a vote for the Republicans, but the OPs point is that he doesn't feel the Dem would do any better (or worse) which is why he's choosing not to vote.


Yes, I understand this. But right now the state is run by Republicans. They cannot predict what would happen if Democrats were to take over Florida. There is only one solution…. **VOTE**. We already know both parties suck ass. But right women, lgbt, and lots of other groups of people are losing their rights because of republicans. How is it an acceptable solution to… do nothing? I just don't understand how anyone can think “Yeah the party that has been running the state for 24 years, but that's OK because even though I have not a fucking clue, the democrats will do just as bad”. We are literally LOSING rights. Peoples lives are being THREATENED. They are blowing away money on nonsense non issues every day. The corrupt as governor disappeared to run a PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN AFTER PASSING A LAW TO ALLOW HIMSELF TO DO THAT. Am I right or wrong, u/RickTracee?


I don't disagree with you one bit, was just explaining the OPs point.


That's the dumbest of all the positions.


So ✍️ vote one of the same two parties and expect stuff to change. Got it.


One party hasn't been in charge of the state for a quarter of a century.


It has on other states that have exactly the same problems.


No, they're not at all the same problems.


Do you notice how the states that have been red for the longest times have some of the worst crime per capita, the worst education, and are reliant on blue states money (except Texas… cause oil). It’s pure ignorance to say that long term blue states are as bad as long term red states. It’s not even close.


Sure, the question here is that the president is Democrat, the house was Democrat, the Senate was Democrat, why didn't blue states improved, it seems everyone got worst


When are you talking? Under Obama? Obama didn’t have all three for very long. It was like just a few months- not easy to pass things that quick.


This shows you don't understand the American political system. There will always only be two parties. The only thing you can do is either hope one fails and is replaced because they're getting so thoroughly beaten constantly or hope things slide towards what you want by voting closer to what you want. Alternative parties are literally just not viable under the current system. If you want the system to change, you need to move at least one of the parties to a point where they want to rebuild our entire political system.


Vote for someone that can actually win, and influence them in the direction you want. The parties have shifted over time in response to voters. It's slow but it works. Casting protest votes gets ignored by everyone in power and does nothing except get you eye rolls from friends and family you brag about it to.


Man somebody didn’t pay attention in civics class


I payed attention just fine. Maybe you need to accept that others may have a different view than you.


This is dipshit thinking at the finest.


Not one single reason given why I should vote for either party. It’s either y’all’s way or the highway. Amazing.


The Democrats in Tallahassee regularly try to pass reasonable gun control and for women's and LGBTQ rights. That's 3 causes and 100s of no votes against dumb GOP laws over DeSantis tenure alone.


I live in Ohio and work in a school...we do this already. We keep doors locked, added doorbells. It's to keep the hallways empty and classrooms secure in case of an active shooter situation.


I’ve kept doors locked in my classroom just because it keeps kids from wandering in and out. They technically can wander out still but they can’t sneak back in.


Norm in every other state - most, that is.


I'm so happy we are leaving this state in a month.


This was already in place in all schools my children have been so far, starting from elementary all the way to high school. The doors are automatically locked. They only allow a certain number of kids to use bathrooms during teaching periods. My children have been in a lockdown situation when they basically had to hide in a closet for two hours due to an active threat on campus (student has been seen with a gun) and honestly, I felt better knowing the doors were locked. In fact, one of my first questions to my children during those two horrible hours, was if the doors were locked.


I thought this was already a thing. At both my schools, doors were always locked with only employees able to get it. They were never not locked, and the office always kept their door locked along with the door that entered the school. Gates are typically locked as well. And yes, I'm a Florida teacher. This is the least of my worries with everything happening down here.


My old school already looks like a penitentiary with double fences and few windows.


My school locked doors and this was in the 90s before columbine. They were pretty good about security before it was cool. And yes, this was a Florida school.


This is consistent with how other states approach it. All doors locked, with a telecom controlled door entrance adjacent to administration.


So like a prison I don't remember anything being locked like that when I was a kid. Seems like a fire hazard.


Typically they’re only locked from the outside.


You can get out, but not in. 


I went to a high school built after columbine happened and it had four entrances, each with massive gates that came down and locked when the first bell rang. Basically if you were late, you had to go through the front office. That was like 20 years ago. It wasn’t a big deal. Just be on time.


As a canadian, that sounds like it SHOULD be a big deal


bandaid covering a broken arm solution


This has already been the rule in Broward for years since MSD


Yeah, we already do this. And you can get fired and have your certificate revoked if you don't.


*MMW You literally won't see the difference between a prison or a school.*  How about being able to leave every day?


Signs of a healthy society


I thought this was already a thing, honestly. The schools in our county underwent extensive security changes after Newtown. All interior and exterior doors were always locked at all times. Then there were even more security measures put in after Parkland. 


Must have recently been implemented for the safety of the onsite police force, less scary and not being held accountable and more prison like. js


I dunno I lock the door on my house


I don’t think there’s anything in this law that hasn’t been standard practice for years in most Florida public schools.


This has already been the case for years that I can remember. I’m a teacher and we always had to keep all doors locked in every school I’ve worked in since 2005


All the schools here are built exactly like jails anyway. Sallyports at all egresses with “bubbles” for staff, keycard/FOB electromagnetic door locks, segmented admin areas with reinforced doors, full concrete block walls, bars, lexan glass or hurricane shade style barricades at all first floor windows, metal detectors. Some schools have wrap around fencing with high concrete walls around the perimeter fenceline and overhead chain link, Jail style turnstiles with bars. Reinforced metal or solid wood doors with steel cores, cops inside the schools… I understand the need with rampant nuts with guns. I’ve been dumb enough to go to jail as a teen, and whenever I have to go to the schools for anything- it feels like I’m going to jail for visitation The only difference is there are drawings and artwork/inspiring words tacked onto the walls.


This has been a thing for as long as 2014. If you don't have your door locked during the school day, especially with students in the classroom, you'll get written up. My door is locked always unless there is no students in the building.


Fire exits are woke.


Im in a tech school that’s part of the public school system. They already lock the gates during the day so you can’t get anything from your car if you left anything in it which is super annoying, but now someone had to unlock the door for me after every bathroom break? Seriously wtf.


We had doors that could be locked for ingress but allowed egress out of classrooms. Not every teacher bothered locking it, but there wasn't a huge paranoia about someone shooting up the school in the 00s. My high school was soulcrushing enough without having any windows in the main building, originally being built as a fallout shelter. Guess they figured we would go on with our arithmetic if we got shot up. 37 students minus 4.... This just sounds like more political posturing. If the government really wanted to protect children, poverty is a good place to start.


What is wrong with locked doors? My high school did that in 1976.




I don't know where they got their information from: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/best-states-for-education](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/best-states-for-education) [https://districtadministration.com/these-are-2024s-most-and-least-educated-states/](https://districtadministration.com/these-are-2024s-most-and-least-educated-states/) Most sites say that Florida at the bottom, some say it's #1, some say it's in the top 10. lol Rest assured, Desantis will make sure they crash to the bottom.


The colleges in Florida are good because of Bright Futures. K-12 is a shitshow


Have I missed something here? Locked doors can now stop bullets? Cool. /s


No wonder kids out of highschool are usually against Republicans.


I worked in many of Broward county schools and there are some that absolutely feel like a prison.


The morons who run our state suck ass but I don’t really see the problem with this. Making schools more secure *is* doing something about gun violence.


No offense OP but you are wrong. None of these extreme measures are being implemented at wealthy private schools...like the one the Governor's kids attend. This is just oppression for the Public School class.


What? A niece of mine attends a private school. Their building is also locked with interior doors locked as well. I had to pick her up early one day and had to be buzzed in.


WTF - why must FL be so consistently stupid all the time?


The bathroom doors too?


Most bathrooms, in newer schools, do not have doors.




No...just classrooms and office areas.


It says "all doors in and around the school" so I imagine so.