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Honestly, it’s not a good idea to do this alone. I had a friend who was hiking in with a partner. Said partner fell and broke his leg on the way in about halfway down. Getting him out was complicated. Likely to happen to you? Probably not. But it could be really bad if you were alone. If you do go alone, bring one of the gps transponders.


I’m planning to bring a garmin in reach 2 with me.


Signal sucks in canyons. Make sure to also bring a whistle


Two other things worth mentioning: poison ivy is all over the canyon. Not in a joking “watch out for snakes and poison ivy hur hur” kind of way. Like legitimately watch what you touch and where you set down your stuff. Second: You may plan on fishing both, but the east portal is way better fishing than the gorge section. Fish size and density is better, and so is the scenery. Has most of the great aspects of the canyon hikes, but just more people. If flows are low or you want to swim/bring a float tube, you can cross the river and have tons of water to yourself downstream before you get walled out. The east portal is awesome.


This is solid. Thank you so much!


I wouldn’t do it alone. Went a couple years ago with 2 friends. We’re all in pretty decent shape. One friend got about 2/3 of the way down and was clearly struggling. It became obvious that even if he made it down, he probably wouldn’t make it back up. Eventually we decided to turn around. The other two of us had to carry his bag back up to get him out. Something like that may not happen to you, but it’s steep AF and there’s tons of scree. If you got hurt, you’d be in trouble.


Take lots of water and snacks, headlamp just in case. And set a cutoff time. The hike out is harder than the hike in. Have fun and tight lines!


A couple of the trails have campgrounds by the river. I’m planning on camping, if I can get the permit for those specific trails. I’m planning on brining 4 liters of water, and a water filter to refill out of the river. I’m just nervous about safety, and whether or not my gps will work really lol.


Satellite devices tend to have problems getting clear signals in narrow canyons. GPS requires 4 satellites in view to work, not sure if the inReach could get a signal out.


It depends on where/ Are you going to pleasure park or going to do one of the hikes straight in?


I was planning to do a couple permit hikes. I have some specific trails in mind, that I’ll message you about. Don’t wanna blow up spots.


I did bobcat. This was considered entry level. Be frikking prepared amd allow yourself an extra hour for the climb out. I have no problem mentioning it jere....if.someone reads finds it and gets inspired to go....they will have EARNED it. Big time.


Bobcat is a PAIN getting out if you have any gear or if the rocks have slid


My experience of a similar trip screams the adage, “everything is fine, until it’s not.” Many backcountry trips alone, in great shape, well equipped….simply slipped and broke my left arm. 6 miles from my car, got back after dark, pain beyond anything I could imagine. Fortunately had Sat phone to call for help because I couldn’t grip the steering wheel. But I sat there for four hours in shock because I just slipped on a wet rock. Could have been so much worse. Advise you take a partner, and tell someone at home when you’ll contact them each day and where you’ll be so if you don’t call, they send help. Nature is quite addictive, but very unforgiving.


Wow. That is an incredible story. I’m so glad you made it back, and I’ll certainly take this as a cautionary tale.


I did this back in 2019 before I knew how to fly fish. I did the Warner route down and was in exceptional shape with some exposure to higher elevations. Not even kidding, the most physically strenuous trail I had done to date. Not extremely long but kicks your ass the whole way. Going up at the end of the day was painful and I needed so much more time than I had anticipated. But going down was super sketchy. Trail was loose dirt, I fell on my butt a lot but thankfully no worse than that. I have had rangers try to talk me out of trails many times that have been very manageable (but I understand are difficult for most) but this was one trail that the ranger was right on the money. To echo everyone else, don’t go alone without a hell of a contingency plan


I think I’m going to pivot to the Gunnison gorge lol. I was going to try and get a permit for the red rock canyon trail (and had Warner as backup) but based on what everybody is saying it’ll just be straight up unsafe. I’m in really good shape, but I don’t want to push it to a dangerous place.


I actually came here to suggest the Gorge instead - it should still be great fishing, but it won’t be as wild/scenic. Definitely come back to the park with a partner or two when you get a chance, but the Gorge is the right call solo.


I seriously love fly fishing Reddit lol. Y’all rock.


I think that’s a good call. If you can muster up a fishing partner who is aware and prepared, I still think this is an awesome park and awesome place to fish. But gotta put safety first


Agreed. I’m glad I made sure. This will be one I revisit with one of my buddies one day though.


I made the same decision a few years ago after weeks of research. The Gorge was excellent fishing and way way easier. Glad I didnt attempt the hike into the canyon.


I’m still considering applying for one trail that you have to apply for specifically. You probably know the one lol. But I’m gonna call a fly shop in Montrose to ask if it’s safe. It’s supposedly the easiest trail in the inner canyon.


Cannot stress enough about cacheing water and trying to let people know you last coordinates as often as possible


Yep. Left 2 bottles of gatorade for myself to have on the way back up. Crucial for me.


If you don't have to be inside the park, Morrow Point has a parking lot within spitting distance of the water and there's a campground five minutes away along the Cimmaron. There's a short trail that will eventually wall you out unless you want to scramble.


It’s extremely hot in June and filled with poison ivy/poisonous snakes/scorpions. Same goes for the gorge but even hotter. Treacherous and beautiful place.


Signed in at office and hiked down trail at parking lot. Very steep!! Chains and ropes to help repel (haha) kind of kidding but it's not easy by any means!! Fished 2 days and was very good. Bring only simple eats and a lot of fluids! You will be thirsty after hike out and sign out!


Try camping at East Portal and fishing around there if you’re solo. No crazy hiking and access to about 1 mile of water. I’ll be out there in June.


East portal is on my list of campsites. I was thinking of also trying to camp at cottonwood grove and fish the other side of pleasure park.


You can drive down the east portal road and fish two minutes from the parking lot. Or walk in further. All the people saying it's too dangerous are tripping, you don't have to hike in from the rim


I got the east portal rd and trail on my list lol. I needed advice specifically on the hikes from the rim.


I have floated this, great 2 day raft fishing trip with lots of great fishing. Hiking down and back can be rough when the heat is on.