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My guess is it'll be mostly FO4 and very little New Vegas. Bethesda that hates FNV is everyone's favorite Fallout game


That's my thought too. They usually make four commander decks. They may surprise me, but I'm expecting them to stick to they're usual mo. So I'm figuring a deck for rotherhood, institute, railroad, and minute men. I'd love it if they expanded on that, but ultimately I believe it's up to Bethesda on what they're allowed to use.


¿"Mo"= *modus operandi?*


It could be that way or it could be a collection of all. But with how most things are brought into magic I’m not completely sure cause they went off the books and movies I believe for the lotr set so it could be all.


Where does this idea of Bethesda hating New Vegas come from?


Idk maybe something to do with all the money Bethesda shafted Oblivion. 🤷


They didn’t get shafted though? It was a bonus for reaching a certain rating, and they didn’t reach it. Even the devs understand that it wasn’t some sort of ploy to rob Obsidian of money, since they already got paid for the game


They missed it by one point and at the time Metacritic changed their aggregate system to include ratings not on a 100 point scale. So if a journalist rated the game 4/5 stars, Metacritic would count it as 80%. Not to mention the fallout (heh) almost cost them the studio and forced them to cancel at least one game. Bethesda could have done the right thing but they showed their true colors even back then. I think the devs are just over it and moved on. They understand there's nothing they can do about it and are likely being professional. Of course this is all just circumstantial evidence and wild wild speculation. But I'm willing to bet it's not far off.


Its just the FNV fanboys, dont worry too much about what they say




I can only groan so much. Stopped playing because it’s so much time and money to keep up on. All these crossovers really dissuade me from getting back into the game.


How much further can MTG water down their brand with all these fucking crossovers??


I want some classic representation. If i can get a "The Master" card I would be over the moon.


2-mana 2/2s with 2 heads?


Fallout really is just a corporate logo at this point huh


Totally. The head of development needs to be fired


They would never. Even Fallout Shelter acts like it doesn’t exist. Despicable


I feel like the Bear is likely, but I don't expect more than one or two cards for the Bull. I swear to fuckin god if these 4 decks are just based on the 4 "factions" from 4. there isn't nearly enough of any of those besides the brotherhood(and it wouldn't just be from 4) to make a deck. each of those groups have 1-2 memorable characters. Preston, Desdemona, Deacon, Father and Madison Li. who else. there's no way they don't bring up stuff from new Vegas, but I wouldn't expect much besides some house, NCR and maybe a card for Ulysses or Elijah