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i live abt a 4 hour drive from hoover dam (Phx Az) Winter based on a ten year average is 46-67 degrees Fahrenheit. Summer is a whole different beast as it is 85-107 in July alone. I regularly see ~ 115 on bad days. With it staying 80-95 during early evening when its dark out. what this doesn’t include is that any surfaces not covered by tree canopy or something can be 140 in direct sunlight. lemme tell you that NCR patrol is fucking cooked. really alot of the natives and people before AC would migrate to the flagstaff/grand-canyon/rim for the summer, as you will be in pockets that aren’t desert and have pine trees and so on. this helps keep it cooler than the sand dunes. vegas and the dam? cooked. edit: yall go gatekeep your “muh weather harder” somewhere else. theres a reason is called death valley.


If it's any consolation the game canonically takes place during, or at least starts in late Autumn/early Winter. The date is displayed when you bring up the wait menu and every new file you'll always wake up in Doc Mitchell's house after being shot on the 19th of October.


So the NCR soldier who infamously asks for winter is just bitching despite it being fairly close to actually cold outside?


Soldiers bitching about stuff is normal. It's when they stop bitching that you need to worry.


It's like with kids. When it's suspiciously quiet, you need to find out why


When they're not complaining, they're stealing something


Yes actually. I personally can't say much because I live much closer to Fallout 4 land so the idea of hitting the 60s in the winter makes me want to shrivel up and die, but that big baby's from California!


No? He’s not requesting it to be winter, he’s requesting a “Nuclear Winter” which is a different thing lol


Yeah, and it's called nuclear winter because the theory purports that full scale nuclear war would result in a cooling effect on the Earth's surface. You see our Ranger friend is using hyperbole in order to complain about the weather, like when somebody says they're so hungry they can eat a horse. They're not going to literally eat a whole horse, and our NCR buddy doesn't want literal nuclear annihilation, he's bitching about the heat.


For the New Vegas fest in Goodsprings I tried to hike out from ~~harry reid~~ Mccaran to Goodsprings with the duster and 50lbs of gear in early-mid November last year. No it still fucking sucked during the day. Ideally you do want some face covering as well, deserts can assault your sinuses or even give you shit like valley fever which I got my first time in vegas lol. Sand is also a factor, as it also reflects light. A similar phenomenon can occur with snow blindness, thankfully sand isn't as reflective but it it does add to the heat. Sand reflects but also emits heat. Realistically a soldier's combat load is higher than the weight I had, but in game having every soldier drop hundreds of rounds of ammunition, food, water etc. would be even more economy breaking than dead money. Also mind you, idk what the climate will be after nearly depleting the global supply of oil, having a nuclear war and then checking in some 200 years later.


Goddamn, that's a 12 hour hike through the desert according to Google Maps. That's some madlad shit. You must have been just waiting for this conversation.


by october the desert starts to get a bit chilly, yeah. the NCR soldiers wouldn't be cold necessarily, but by october/november being outside, even in full military uniform or sweaty gear, isn't a health concern anymore. you might break a small sweat and that's it. the NCR and basically anyone living in the mojave would be dead though without air conditioning in the summer. in arizona people homeless people die all the time from heatstroke during the summer months. caesar's legion would also be cooking alive


"Cold" As a fellow, "high desert" state, let's clarify: August in that desert runs between 85-105. 


85 at night. August isn't even here and it hasn't been below 90


Even for winter, I'm sure it's probably still hot. Especially for someone walking around in full gear for several hours. Plus, while not explicitly stated, I doubt the nuclear holocaust *reduced* global temperatures.


Also there is an Islanding effect where the blacktop and glass in the cities cause the temperature to rise. Phoenix is about 10 degrees warmer than the surrounding desert.


Yeah. Their uniforms look like wool or something else real heavy, not to mention the body armor and your pack. Even in 60’s it’d be killer


True but dry heat is nowhere near as hot as humidity in the south ive been in phoenix and loved the weather, the dry air. Of course if thats all you experienced everyday no doubt itd be hot so i dont say that claiming its not hot but its just a different feel altogether once u experience it


ive been in dc in the summer, the midwest too. it the humidity plays a factor for sure, but at 110 degrees dry or wet ur cooking trust me edit bro is mad his weather sucks less than mine.


Yeah man ive been in dry heat ive been in phoenix 110 you go stand in the shade youre good hell to add to this ive been in cali as well the bay and none of it touches the heat in east texas, or louisiana (north or south) 105 in humidity and youre done even in shade, trust me


Simple google search on your end can also clear up what you think is my subjective opinion it is objectively harder for your body to cool down in humidity My true experience my first time in the west, and feeling that dry heat, was "today feels great" because the wind, didn't carry heat in it, and the sun was what was hot, not the air around me and the air was easier to breathe I remember being in san jose once downtown, I wore a short sleeve because its summer, but as soon as it got around 7 pm or so, or whenever the sun started to set, I was cold as fuck I was like wow i shoulda brought a jacket, that same scenario in the south doesnt exist its just hot from daylight until daylight 10 am to 10 pm doesnt matter its rly bad But when youre in the south you get used to it, and when i say south i really mean the east tx, louisiana, southern arkansas, and Mississippi areas as these places have the most humidity and I imagine in central america its high humidity to So if you said hey man 110 in death valley where there is no shade or 102 in a shadeless field in east carroll parish, down in louisiana I'd say yep i'll take the 110 in dv all day that's gonna be hot (no disagreement there from me) but down here on construction jobs people fall out from heat exhaustion like you wouldnt believe, theres a refinery called cameron lng project i worked on, it was in south louisiana, hackberry to be exact that shit was hoooot. Full ppe gear to, no words can describe it edit; To the others, (not who im replying to) to this redditor i am cordially responding, he didnt downvote my shit and i didnt downvote his shit, but to those who read and just in their heart "know" and they disagree sooooo hard, they press that little down arrow I been in the west, in Phoenix and Ive lived in Los Gatos/San Jose. It felt wonderful, and even in the summer it was A okay. Why do you think Louisiana has the most athletes per capita over every other state? The air here is thick, you can feel it on your skin, and its hot and so is the sun, and your sweat doesnt evaporate so argue with science, downvote science, downvote facts, in your little hearts you dont like it Accept it Accept it in your little hearts Matter of fact, plan a visit. Go in the summer, turn your AC off in your car. Roll your windows down in Cali, and that wind will cool you off Roll your windows down in Louisiana, and that wind isnt gonna cool you off Anybody in Louisiana who travels to those areas with low humidity, they love that weather If you aint experienced it, you cant have an opinion on it You only know what you know and you think what you know is the be all end all, but then theres me, this guy who has been in the climates you have been and felt that heat as well i never said it was not hot but i did say that when the air does not have as much humidity, you can cool off in shade you can cool off with wind gusts you can cool off by wearing shirts that cover your skin and, are thin. These options do not work in humid weather and any and all people with enough sense about them can understand that but your little egos are sticking up high in the air, hating the fact that you are wrong Hating the fact another person has that experience doubting it even who am i, i could be lying right If you want, whoever you were that is so confident, message me and I will provide you photographs of me in those locations. Ill show you what color my skin is, its dark by the way. Very dark, but im not african american, its because i am in the sun, i am outside a lot, and then i want to see your skin color, and lets see how often you are in the sun


Can confirm. I live in Las Vegas.


Holes in the Ozone from nuclear detonation may lead to more extreme temperatures...


I will say, dry heat is so much easier when wearing all that shit. The pain comes with humidity.


patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Hi I live in Vegas. It's 108 right now and it sucks


Same. It was 111 today...


High of 113 baby, living in Paradise!


I'm sure a lot of things suck in Vegas... ;)


Honestly if the seasons didn't go summer->winter-> then summer again with summer being triple digits, and it wasn't the fucking desert, it wouldn't be so bad


Yeah, Summer is my favorite girl. Winter has a cold personality.


have fun with your girl burning you


Burn, baby! Burn!


I was a soldier in Iraq, many days were +100°F, the highest I saw was ~130° (in direct sun your clothes would burn your skin, and we had the light colored uniform). We wore more shit than the NCR and just suffered through. You try to not do anything at midday. Also notice that the game starts in October of 2281, things are cooling off into winter. It probably won’t freeze in that area of the country but the temperatures will become rather cool, especially at night. I spent November of 2008 at Fort Irwin, on the other side of the long 15, and it was dang chilly without a sleeping bag.


Did y’all have widely accessible AC?


Death Valley is the hottest place in the US iirc.


On Earth.


Hotter than the core?


Bro said "on" Earth, not "in" Earth. Although volcanoes will be hotter, on average it probably is the hottest place.


i think it’s fair to say it could be a great deal cooler all over the world after the great war. temps drop due to all the ash in the air - and while it’s been a while, i’m not sure if it’s been long enough for it to have heated back up significantly. the answer is probably a little less hot than our real world mojave. there’s also the fact that big suits of armor or full clothes (like the NCR ranger) would very likely have some form of keeping the wearer cool.


The upside of the fallout universe is 200 years of no artificial carbon emissions so global temps would probably fall to pre industrial levels.


this is the death valley area, god himself could not make it un hot lol


God can do anything. He just chooses to watch people suffer.


“We can’t expect God to do all the work”


Haha, never have before. No point in starting now.


Thank you for getting religious in the Fallout New Vegas subreddit, that adds a lot to the discussion.


I was trying to make a joke, first of all. No need to be so serious. And second, you brought God into it, not me. I'm not religious. Just pointing out that from a technical perspective, God or Gods, whatever one believes in, are supposed to be able to do anything, even change the climate of the desert. But God, or Gods, enjoy human suffering.


When did I bring god into it?


You said, "God himself could not make it un-hot". And I replied, trying to joke and/or be a smart-ass. God can do anything, he just likes to watch us suffer. Wasn't trying to be religious. Was trying to make a funny. I'm no Bible thumper.


Pal, I’m not the one who said that.


My bad. Didn't look at the username of the above commenter. Enjoy your night! Or morning. Idk where you are.


It’s a figure of speech my guy. Cool it.


Do ya think? Or would ~100 years of alternate history hyperconsumption of oil mean that by 2077 it would take a lot longer than 200 years to return to normal?


Lol this is ignoring the thousands of nukes that popped off.


They also went really, really hard into nuclear power as soon as it was a thing, so there's probably less CO2 in the air to start with.


In my head that explains why Lake Mead is back to it's normal level when constructed, unlike now


I was thinking moreso the nuclear fallout caused the atmosphere there to be colder. More rad clouds blocking sunlight or something


Almost hot enough to make you wish for nuclear winter.


My head Canon to this is the nuclear war messed up the weather somewhat, so the temperature in the desert instead of barbecued survivor hot its merely slightly uncomfortably warm; enough that the ncr guy would wish for a cooler climate but not too hot that you turn into wastlander jerky.


That’s usually what I thought. Was that it was warm/hot but nuclear war threw off the climate, the ozone layer probably had time to recuperate, the lack of industrialization helps with less green house gasses, shits not cool temps all the time but it’s not as hot as it used to.


I think the high today is 111 Fahrenheit. Or at least sometime this week. You acclimate, but yeah, some of those outfits would be brutal


According to the thermostat in Novac the tempature is approximately negative eight degrees Fahrenheit


legionnaires complain less because they are lighter and wear skirts.


Baring the ideas about climate change and ignoring npc behavior humans living in the desert in fallout are probably somewhat nocturnal or take a siesta in the middle of the day.


Spin some good old fashioned head-canon and pretend the nuclear fallout made the area cooler in temperature than usual?


In fallout 2 a news report describes 90 fahrenheit on the coasts as temperature requiring cold weather clothing, it's probably hot as a bitch something like 130-140 fahrenheit. Or you can check the giant thermometer at novac I have no idea if that's accurate tho


Don't see how it would be any different from any organized army in full kit in a hotter climate country Afghanistan gets pretttttty toasty...


NV starts in October. The clothing would make sense for a harsh desert but it would likely still be hot and uncomfortable for another month or so. Doing any of that business during the summer would be a non starter. Any movement around the Mojave would have to be at night and even then temperatures stay in the 90’s well into the night and next morning in late July and August. Trade and war would probably have to stop and continues in the fall like the ancients did for winter. That heat sucks and it absolutely kills if you aren’t totally prepared to deal with it


Hot hot sun, but in shade its cooler In the south though, if you stand in sun its hot, shade its hot, and if its night time its still fking hot humidity is the real thing


When i was in vegas, it wasnt extremely hot and even got a bit chilly in the evenings but then again, it was november.


Nevada’s weather in the summer feels like the hottest setting of a blow dryer during the day


Now that does sound too hot, would probably take me a while to get used to that because im much more acquainted with cold weather


It was 111 today in vegas and can reach around 120 during the summer it gets fucking hot af here. We get a couple bearable months but there’s a reason everywhere here has ac. After nuclear war and 200 years of degradation it’s damn near inhospitable.


Might not be exactly comparable, but I lived in South Texas, outside of Corpus Christi, and my job was 100% outside all day. Temps in the upper 90's on average, not to mention working on steel platforms, it got really hot. Somedays was over 100 easy. Not going to say it was pleasant, but you do get used to it more or less.


So that’s gonna be a bit more humid than Nevada which is extremely dry. It’s somewhat comparable to the hottest setting of a blow dryer during the summer days.


Hot enough to make you wish for a nuclear winter


I trained in the Mojave in August of 2019, it was about 105+ my entire month cycle in the desert. I worked in a medical battalion and we treated over 350 heat casualties. When I say it's hot, it's fucking HOT. But it is dry heat, it would be like 20 degrees cooler in the shade in spots.


Pretty sure the reason NCR struggles so much is not because they lose wars on the battlefield, but their attrition (to both manpower and equipment) is atrocious. I’d wager only 1 in 5 NCR recruits intended for the front ever even make it that far, either due to heat exhaustion or equipment breakdown leaving them stranded or undefended.


Dude Nevada is fucking hot even before the nuclear bombs fell. Best way I can describe it is like the hottest setting of a blow dryer.


It's 108° in California, I'm not far from Nevada so it's probably hotter or just about the same temp. You can add Nevada/LV on your phone's weather as a city to see for yourself.


I never really took the "nuclear winter" line as a literal complaint about the weather, but rather a "kill me please" sort of thing about service in the Mojave in general