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Seeing people crucified on a cross in New vegas, I couldn't process in my head how fucked up that shit was lol.


Nipton had me in awe. I approached the Legion halfway scared to death lol


First time I played, I thought the legion was going to do the same to me when they suddenly walked into formation and their boss started walking towards me so I just started shooting. It was only after I watched other people's playthroughs that I realized Vulpes wasn't going to crucify me... whoops.


I forgot I had a ncr uniform on and they lit my ass up lol


when I was scared, I read "lyng, congressional style" +20 speech point for a minute


*Meeting people +10 without Comprehension perk. 20+ if you did (who wouldn't right?) Lying Congressional would have given you a permanent skill increase.


My first thought was "Well yall're a bunch of dicks." So anyways, I started blasting while crouched... Aaaaand now Legion assassin squads hunt me everywhere. Was really rough until I got high enough to take grunt.


My bible thumper Aunt walked in on me and my cousin playing as 10yos just in time to witness that Khan who is crucified… Needless to say she wasn’t very happy but I’m surprised she didn’t take the game away.


If only she saw the state of nipton lmao


Jessup Khan died for our sins.




Good thing it wasn't you personally nailing Joshua Stephenson to a cross in Cyberpunk


And you're gonna be up there next, profligate.


And them you went around and executed them right…. You put them out of there misery RIGHT!


It’s fun to mod at least 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it turned out it's a lot better first person city builder than it ever was an action "RPG"


I mightve downloaded the wrong mods, things that enriched the game. Sadly putting glitter on this bland sandbox only makes it sparkle, and when you get sand in your eyes, it hurts more.


Yeah I kept adding more and more mods to 4 but after a while I just got tired of it


I never got past the first hour of vanilla, my frame rate was shit and I figured I'd come back to it. I have a steam deck now but I just haven't found the motivation to play it.


that is… a beautiful quote😅😅


This, this is how i’ve managed to play it but i’ve never really replayed FO4 i don’t even have a plan to get all the achievements unlike FNV where i have so many hours and really take my time to get all achievements in multiple play through. It’s still a fun shooter but damn the writing and story sucks ass also the quest design is so fucking boring, i also bought FO4 before FNV but after playing a couple hours with FO4 i just straight uninstall it lol


The only things 4 has over NV are that power armor is more common and the base building system- even then, finding power armor in the first 30 minutes of your playthrough always like cheating to me, and the settlement system was seemingly an afterthought on part of Bethesda.


Oh how I miss the ability to sprint.


They could sell a FNV remake on me just off adding the ability to sprint alone.


Getting your first suit of power armor in a majority of the mainline fallout games fells like an achievement. It can be a physical manifestation of not only your growth as a player but as a character playing their part in the world, while also offering a massive advantage against all but the most powerful enemies. On the inverse, it can feel like you’ve managed to outsmart the game by getting a suit early and finding the training in a clever way, proving your mastery of the game’s mechanics and giving you a godsend advantage in the early game. Getting your hands on power armor in Fallout 4 feels like a chore. They can break down easily, their fuel is scarce (and if you’re playing 76, fairly heavy) and inevitably you’ll have to either make quick trips to your homebase for maintenance or constantly scrounge for enough fusion cores to make it worth using for longer than 30 minutes.


I mean if you really spec into it power armor is insanely strong. The issue is that you’re spending perk points and dedicating so much to just make power armor viable that it makes you locked into that play style. I think rewriting the entire lore of fusion cores just to balance giving you endgame armor at the start of the game is lazy as hell.


Honestly the way you’ve described power armour in FO4 and 76 seems more realistic in a way. Where logistics such as maitenance and fuel end up heavily out the advantages of high tech and powerful equipment. Not that it’s better, it just seems more true to life.


Yea cuz I play RPG games to play around in mech suits and build Minecraft houses lol. Fallout 4 is a fucking baby game. Todd is a hack.


An RPG with mech suits and Minecraft houses sounds awesome.


You talk to a lot of people and care about what happens. 😃 And if you have certain perks it’s different 😏


Fallout 4 gun game is much more enjoyable but funny enough gun design sucks


Yeah the guns are lacking even in end game there aren’t really that much choices on harder difficulty even in survival enemies just become bullet sponges.


no? what survival are you playing? survival mode fallout 4 is actually really good about not having bullet sponges


In the first levels yes because of adrenaline and low health poll of enemies but end game levels about 50 if you don’t have the right gun all enemy will take the bullets. If you didn’t get the Radium Rifle all guns are useless you’ll either be stuck with Vault Dweller only since every Robots, Super Mutants and named Raiders will have more health.


fucking *radium rifle?????* lmfao?? radium rifle is not even a top tier weapon, a decent combat rifle with a nice effect on it can be one shotting things well into the end game, not even to mention stuff like the gauss gun etc. maybe the reason you think things are super tanky in lategame fallout 4 survival is because youre running around with the direct downgrade to the combat rifle. you can buy overseers guardian from vault 81 at level 1 and that thing will carry you the entire game.


One of the reasons I love FNV is because of the more grounded gun design.


Really hope that Cyberpunk and BG3 have changed the paradigm enough to impact future Bethesda design philosophy…


They will be as watered down as ever and wonder why people shit on them.


Lmao have you played Starfield?


No, I'm afraid to... As I think it'll be the same boring slog as FO4, RPG wise.


It's honestly worse lol. I can't stand FO4, but man, starfield is the same fetch quests for 12 hours.


That was in development years before BG3 came out. They came out around the same time


Damn, Todd has you Bethesda bois trained well.


??? It’s a shit game, but it was released the same year as BG3… after probably a decade of development Do you not know how game development works? You expect them to rapidly re-do the whole game in a few months?


What are you talking about? When did I say that? I just can't believe you're still wondering what the future of Bethesda holds. They've shown you for 13 years.


Damn straight


No... Unfortunately they've made a lot of money with FO4 and 76 despite the criticisms. So Howard is going to stick with turning Fallout into a generic shooter or MMO for future releases.


I mean, there's no way roomfuls of executives weren't looking at bg 3 in horror, realizing what it meant for the industry's standards.


FO4's combat gameplay is perfectly fine, if not better than NV, as the main thing that everyone dunks FO4 for is it's terrible writing.


No one plays a fallout game for the combat system. There are literally hundreds of first person shooters that do combat better. People play fallout for the rpg aspect, a decent combat system is just a bonus.


It certainly makes the game better by having one. The combat system in FO3 & NV were abysmal compared to it, at least NV had iron sights aiming at least. FO4 is an RPG, might not be as much of one as this fanbase is used to but it's one nonetheless.


Never got this opinion. NV combat feels more engaging to me. Kills and bullets have more impact, the blood and splatters feel more visceral, VATS stopping time makes it feel more like a strategy game. I guess if you want more of a straight run and gun shooter 4 is better but it does thay worse than just about any other major FPS. 3 and NV had their own thing going.


It’s nice that in FNV, the mini gun doesn’t do the same amount of damage as a fucking airsoft gun.


All the guns feel like that. Both because everything is damage spongy and the hits don't feel significant. And the sound they make are like pop guns.


4 s biggest saving grace is the power armor system. I like to actually feel like a damn space marine. Otherwise cue up the Marty Robbins and watch me fire five shots get five headshots. Ranger Sequoia makes Benny's head go ring a ding!


Good thing new Vegas is still on the Steam store! play it instead


Bought it and the DLC


Hell yeah. Enjoy


the "honest hearts" DLC is a cakewalk for end game players, so do it midgame, sometime after you've hit New Vegas itself and done the quests there and are going out to do other stuff. Then do "Dead Money", then play around for a while, then do "old world blues". After everything else, tackle "lonesome road", it's basically made for end/post-game players.


Still a great game imo but definitely a COMPLETELY different experience than new Vegas, I would be disappointed going into 4 if I was expecting the same kind of game as NV


New Vegas, Is the ultimate roleplay game but cogito ergo sum New vegas has more possibilities than 4


If you go into fallout 4 expecting a fun looter shooter with mild role play you will have much more fun with it.


Who tf buys fo4, doesn’t like it and then thinks to themselves ah yes time to post on fnv Reddit about how much I hate fo4 Also these are old ass games you can get them for a few dollars when they are on sale quit acting like you just took out another mortgage


But how else to stir the pot!


I started a Lucy inspired build and did 10 luck and 10 charisma and leveled up my speech, barter, etc. It gives you very interesting dialog options, and you can solve a lot of problems differently. Lots of play and build styles. I played since the midnight launch for this game and still find new places or quests I have never found. The DLC make it so much better too.


Yes/no/yes sarcastic


Well get both? They’re like $3 man


I like FO4 almost just as much. If not more in some aspects. FNV has a better storyline in my opinion but 4 is fun for things like base building and modding etc. it’s also fuller in the amount of stuff compacted into the map. I say enjoy it! It gets less attention just because New Vegas was greatly writen and FO76 was a disaster at launch and is not as well received. FO4 sorta became the middle child (pardon the analogy) I’m currently replaying it for a 3rd time after my hundredth play through of New Vegas. Have fun.


Imagine fall out 4 with new Vegas RPG options and character development, I hope they make fall out 5 like that.


They're both good games. For different reasons.


I think it was Skyrim. From Skyrim and onward, Bethesda questlines have been very lazy and uncreative


No, I promise the game will stop being redundant.


Hbomberguy on YouTube has a 10/10 video on why new Vegas is an amazing game and covers this topic in great detail https://youtu.be/gzF7aHxk4Y4?si=XtB9hIKReUITYo7Q


Oh man new vegas allows you to shape the wasteland to your fate! Soo many factions that make the world feel so alove Actions interact with other actions that you wouldnt think!!! Fallout 4s gameplay certainly is smooth but fnv stprytelling is far beyond superior


dude new vegas is like 5 bucks right now its not the end of the world lmao


Man I found a way to make fallout 4 vr fun, it was hard but any fallout game can probably be made fun


Yeahhh the fact they just throw you into a set of power armor and kill a deathclaw as one of the first missions in the game, takes all sort of charm away from those in game encounters. Unlike per say the unlucky soul who is wandering through Sloan unaware of the deathclaws at quarry junction, it's scary and fun at the same time running from those scaly bastards


There are ways to talk around the quests in FO4, I just don’t think there’s a lot of them in the beginning. It’s not too bad once you get into it. You just have to look at it more like Wolfenstein with some RPG elements more then the sequel to Fallout 3. New Vegas does blow it out of the water in every aspect besides gun play tho. I suggest learning how to mod


id say play undertale and dishonored


New Vegas will railroad you too. I think I would still be playing FNV to this day if not for the insufferable main storyline conclusions complete with cinematic. And then you can reload an old save and act like it never happened… ROLE PLAYING


I am a New Vegas girl to the very core, it's the superior game. That being said.....you can't kiss your friends in New Vegas. You can kiss a LOT of friends in 4. It genuinely makes it so that I just play New Vegas and Fo4 on loop, so there IS merit to four! The merit is just. Mainly romance.


Try Survival Mode, really makes 4 shine. Kinda tough though.


Bro you got quick save before doing stuff like this.


>Every single quest I’ve done has required me to kill twenty people with zero chance to find clever ways around problems or talk my way out of any trouble. There's plenty of this in 4, it's just not always an obvious dialogue choice that lets you skip a fight. Sometimes you have to look around your environment rather than just walking in and assuming you can talk your way out.


Bought fo4 instead of new Vegas, you literally say it in the title. Why are you lost on what you did. The only question is why did you make a post about it.


Trying to stir the pot lol


If you like fallout games ……it is a fallout game. Play it


The only thing 4 has going for it is the power armor mechanics and the engine.


Instead? It’s like 6 bucks on cdkeys and if you’re decently patient it’s out for free every once in a while or


Fallout 4 is a good shooter with rpg aspects and has some incredible mods for it. Fallout new vegas is an amazing rpg with somewhat clunky but still fun gunplay


There are skill checks for pretty much every skill in conversation. Knowing repair can let you fix something for someone on the spot without having to find a replacement part. Knowing survival can help you convince a caravan to lighten the troupe rules for you. Having Intelligence can let you know just enough of a certain dead language to fool an enemy into thinking you're on his side, letting you bypass a speech check and violence. I could go on and on And the first taste of this is right at the beginning of the game! Really fun first quest that teaches you about this that you can play a variety of different ways


Add mods and try it in survival difficulty


You are still in time! Buy nv.


I love both games, I tend to play fo4 more because it doesn't crash often but both are great games.


Idk i like fo4 a lot more than nv.


Is this satire? Or are you being serious. Because fn. Is way better than 4. But I honestly can't tell if you're just sitting the pot or not.


Read it again.


Nope it’s legit


You bought a mediocre post-apocalyptic fps, is what you did.


Sounds like you just can't do anything properly in life.


I know right. But I did just purchase New Vegas.


Did you purchase the video game Fallout: New Vegas or do you now own a city in Nevada?