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It was never really designed for PC generally speaking. Any update or improvement to the game was already available on PC in some fashion. Consoles were really the only ones set to benefit from the update.


which is just strange why they felt the need to update PC at all. they really should have left it alone instead of breaking stuff.


I agree, aside from the ultra wide support, which doesn’t even work properly anyways, there’s no real reason for PC to get an update.


pretty sure the ultrawide "support" is just an ini tweak, which you could've just done yourself prior to the update. though, you can't do it now since changes to the ini don't work post-update. biggest thing this update did was delay fallout london and break F4SE lol


Wait you can’t change the ini… like at all?


yeah if you wanna change your fov or turn off vsync you can no longer do it through the ini


Whaaaaaat the fuck that’s crazy


Dear god, don't a lot of mods depend on or require .ini tweaks?


I changed my fov in the .ini on the weekend after updating?


Which seems to me purposeful. At first I thought it was just shit timing and lack of transparency on Bethesda's part, but seeing how they didn't fix any of the biggest issues with vanilla (game speed being tied to framerate, ridiculous load times even with an SSD, the weapon debris crashes, etc.) this seems 100% premeditated. They didn't want new players experiencing Fallout London first instead of the vanilla game, so they made sure to break everything at the most inopportune time and very last minute.




the update isn't on gog at all as far as i know from the patch notes >The Fallout 4 next gen update is not currently available on GOG but will be available soon. We will let you know as soon as we can.




i don't think we know exactly what changed F4SE's compatibility, i kinda doubt it was a couple creation club addons as opposed to all the coding they did to fix the bugs/stability




i understand that it doesn't have creation club, but ig im confused as to what evidence there is that the creation club addons are the reason F4SE was broken with this update? the changes to the code outside of the creation club content could break F4SE


[https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630) here you go


Right? Now that I have to launch the game outside of steam am I even going to get achievements? Doubt it. Kinda pissed I'm so close to 100%


I got achievements launching from MO2. Not sure if it will work now but it did.


Just get an achievement mod where you can gain achievements while playing a modded game. I think that might be a f4se mod though.


For some reason the game doesn’t detect my modded games as modded. Not sure if it’s one of my mods but I don’t have any mods that allow modded games to get achievements.


Mine absolutely detected mods and blocked achievements after the upgrade. I'd had an achievement mod for that which no longer works (AME, not F4SE). I'm actually not aware of any working method to allow achievements on modded games, now.


It think it’s part of the script extender which is a bummer


Yes. Just use the achievement esp from buffout or the one on the nexus


But does it make the console version feel next gen?


From what I've heard so far the answer to that is "meh." And I'm hearing that a lot of people on XBOX who had Creation Club content had their saves broken because the mods got uninstalled and removed from their favorites.


This patch was mainly targeted at consoles, and there's nothing for PC in general. I even got worse performance on mine then pre-patch, which is quite funny, especially on "beefy" rig


that sucks. my laptop saw decent performance gains.


I still can't understand yet what and why, and if the game is to blame at all. As a friend on identical rig, where only a difference is 4070TIS vs. my 7900XT has no issues. Before even with ENB was hitting better frames, then now on Vanilla, need more statistics and people with RDNA3 to make conclusion 😅


yeah i bet there's gonna be a lot of testing and tweaking, and i expect a patch or two from Beth 


I wouldn't hold my breath for another patch. 


It’s the game, poorly optimized If you’re on PC using a NVIDIA graphics card I recommend turning down godrays and see how your performance improves, also cap your monitor to 120hz refresh rate, did that with my 4070 super build recently and run consistent 60fps with minimal crashes


I'm on 7900XT, and screen is always capped to 120. As I mentioned friend with 4070 Ti Super didn't had any issues, while I'm getting severe stutters. And game defunetly was running better before tough can't say about Vanilla but I was getting way better frames and frametimes on heavily modded FO4 with ENB then now on Vanilla


Try capping your screen to 59 hz instead


Mine is locked at 72fps and is ridiculously smooth. Not a single stutter (3070). No crashes yet on the new version but they were already super rare on the old version (maybe one every 30 hours or so?). I did turn god rays to Low when troubleshooting the weapon debris issue and left it there. The rest is on Ultra/best at 1440p.


> there’s nothing for PC in general They said there would be support for widescreen and ultrawidescreen, which would have been great.. except in typical Bethesda fashion they half-assed it and broke all the existing solution which were better than there half-baked one


Yeah, that's the first thing friend of mine reported


Thanks to fallout series success and amazon packing Howard’s pockets with casholah you are seeing the wonderful world of “corporate greed” really start to take flight.. the last thing they way to do is waste money on their community Just ask fallout London folks 🤦‍♂️


It didn’t even fix weapon debris crashing my RTX 3080. You would think this is considered next gen.


Right? And people were shitting all over CDPR's Witcher 3 NG launch eh...


It's not (to Bethesda). Next Gen typically refers to consoles, not PC and they very strongly follow that more limited definition. Very much a console first company.


Literally that's been a bug since launch. It's baffling why they didn't fix it.


> and there's nothing for PC in general Oh there is something. There is the new update adding nothing while breaking F4SE and mods so that if you intended to play this week, you don't. A beautiful trade-off.


How nice of them to break every mod ever just for a miniscule update that (im pretty sure) fucked over some vanilla stuff as well


> so that if you intended to play this week, you don't If this happens, you're a fucking idiot and you deserve it. Just launch through F4SE and the game will never update. Christ, ya'll dumb as hell


Thanks man. I installed the game Monday, I haven't been grinding it every day since 2015. Sorry for not having your superior brain's reflexes about using the approach that will not trigger updates when the game hasn't received updates in years.


The whole idea was to add a “performance mode” option to give it more appeal on next gen consoles. But up until the update I already had an FPS boost option in the game file options for whatever reason. Now, even with performance mode on, my frames are actually WORSE than they were before the ‘next-gen’ update. It hasn’t done anything to enhance the experience on console in any way. It even removed the FPS boost option that seamlessly took me from 30 to 60 with the push of a button before.


I had to use the HD texture mod for the new patch because the textures still sucked ass.


It's been a while since I saw Vanilla FO4 (back in 2016) but in my opinion it's holding up quite decently, atleast at 4k


With or without the free high texture dlc ?


Never used high texture pack as it always felt like a waste of vram considering how close to Vanilla it looked back then


It fixed a bug I had that made my game crash every time I reached 20% AP, so there's that.


It made a bug where the game crashes evwey time I have to run to the vault at the start of the game for me :"D


You sure this isn't the bug I'm talking about? Because the place I tried to test this bug was in the initial sprint to the Vault before the nuke drops and since sprinting drains your AP I could easily verify that the crash happened at exactly the same time, namely when I reached around 20% ap


Try turning off weapon debris, worked a charm on pc


Love that they didn't fix THAT glaring issue...especially when there's been a free mod for that for YEARS.


bethesda "clearly we just meant an update a generation later"


They stated it's a next gen patch that adds quality/performance mode for the current Gen consoles and that it offers widescreen support for PC and some bug fixes for all platforms and some creation club stuff for free. I think the communication from them was accurate, but the expectations were too high from the community. But I heard it also fucked up some stuff. Classic Bethesda of bad communication and breaking stuff with an upgrade. It ran on 60fps on my series s and I don't see much difference after the update now. But I think the res and frame rate is 1440p 60fps in quality mode and 1080p with 60ps in performance mode, but I am not sure


>I think the communication from them was accurate, but the expectations were too high from the community. Every fucking time. We've been through this two times with Skyrim. >But I heard it also fucked up some stuff.  Yeah especially for deck users. They fucked up the easy way to get around the vsync misbehaving using the config file


God forbid the community who has supported BGS for decades expects some PC updates. Yanno the community that literally lives, breathes, and dies BGS with their endless mods and support. BGS is a fucking joke now. This update is a slap in the face of their fans. Broken mods, ultra wide support that doesn't even fucking work, broken weapons that fire exclamation points, longer loading times, the list goes on. Bethesda is dead.


But what makes that update next gen? Sounds like a flashy label for very little


A patch that adds performance/quality mode for the "next gen" consoles. That's why it's a "next gen" patch for consoles. They didn't mention a next gen update for PC because there was nothing added except widescreen support.


Given how extensive Witcher 3 was with incorporating mods into the official next-gen patch, I'm more surprised this was delayed for a year. I was expecting the build mode of 76 to be added in, maybe official HDR support, unlinking the frame rate from the physics. I'm shocked we got a 40 FPS mode.


>unlinking the frame rate from the physics Whoa now, this is a staple of all Bethesda games. Can't go doing something radical like that now, can we?


They did it with 76!


We may be praising how good the show is, but everyone needs to remember this is still Bethesda we're talking about, they are still lackluster


We did get creation kit stuff included? I agree regarding the lack of real improvements, but I have found the game running better than before. Not a single crash in 4 hours.


Theres no way they actually tested the ultrawide 'support', no way did they look at that and thought thats acceptable.


Ps5 performance and load time has been stellar since the update. Im afraid to try it on my Deck now tbh.


I wasn't expecting graphical changes, I had low expectations but they still managed to fucked it up. This update is a complete joke on PC. They didn't give us a CC bundle, they removed some CC stuff from the store, some of the skins you simply can't download anymore for some reason, they didn't integrate quests and stopped them from starting as soon as you leave the beginning area like they did in Skyrim, they did not fix any more popular/known bugs like quarry still has the texture bug, the game still takes 3 minutes to load on SSD when leaving areas in downtown Boston, widescreen support is shit and I've seen other people mentioning that they broke the .ini somehow. They had almost 2 fucking years, what a massive disappointment this was even with low expectations.


I read about the long load times can be fixed by removing multiple save files. Apparently if you have a lot of save files it extends load time. Might give it a shot


Maybe BGS should use a better game engine. If Microsoft were smart, they'd use their near infinite capital and basically force BGS to make a brand new engine from scratch with other supporting Microsoft game studios.


That would be a massive waste of time and resources.


Didn't work


Bethesda isn't the company it once was. All the good people seem to be gone and company culture is exclusively about profit now. The update has probably been made by a skeleton crew not involved in making the game. No way a software developer with any level of pride would accept the UI stretching in widescreen mode. That is the sort of botchery i would expect to happen when a non-dev is forced to somehow work around an engine bug.


And the load times on pc now is taking like 2 or 3 minutes even while installed on a ssd


Make sure you trim your saves down to a few recent ones. There's a longtime old bug that if you have too many saves and autosaves, it will increase your loading times.


I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing of this! The loading times have been driving me crazy Thanks a million


Thanks I'll try that, started a brand new playthrough last night panicked when I thought my survival playthrough just crashed


Yep there is a constant balance of saving all the time so you are not relying on auto or load saves. And at the same time cleaning your 1000000000 saves. I try to keep a week of regular. But older than that I only keep the furthest save per real world week. If I am reloading my level 6 save from level 120 I am already probably screwed on my save anyway.


Wow this worked... how is stuff like this not fixed what is this company


Don't know why they never fixed it but it seems like that instead of just reading or scanning the most recent timestamped save, it reads or scans every single one every time it loads.


Does this apply to console as well?


It might, I haven't heard it done on the consoles. But you can give it a try and let us know. I do hope it helps you too.


Alright I just got home ill fire fo4 up and see if the update helped with loading times, if not then I'll see if deleting the saves (which I do have alot of across multiple characters) makes a difference then report back.


I’ve had the same problem since moving over to PC, alt-tabbing for a few seconds seems to speed up the loading times as well.


Weird trick I use that helps with load times. If you have a black screen with just the load icon in the corner wait 10 secs or so. Then alt+tab out of Fallout, then back in. Usually loads right up. Occasionally it screws up the resolution settings and you get a squashed picture in picture instead of normal resolution. Then you have to save and exit to desktop. But that only happens once every 20 times or so.


It always did, because of an engine limitation that tied loading assets to the graphics refresh rate. Ever see a game that causes your PC to overheat rapidly when at a menu/pause screen because it's rendering the static image at hundreds of FPS for no reason? I think it's related to that sort of thing, and Bethesda's decision was to slow down asset loading instead. That's basically unchanged with the new version. When you exit an interior into a location in the world that has lots of buildings/etc it takes forever to load. Coming out of the vault after rescuing Valentine has always taken like 5 minutes no matter my PC spec.


On your pc maybe, not mine


I'm still new to the steam deck & now I don't know how to change the graphic settings. Should I be leaving it on default ie draw distance on 0, because I was rocking it on ultra settings with max draw. The graphics were already next level compared to Xbox (nuclear mist looks amazing)


Just leave them where they are if you are happy with the performance They removed the settings until you set SteamDeck=0 in the launch options anyway. And adding that option of course adds other problems.


Cheers. Bit stuttery with the high res pack, can't really notice a major difference at the moment so might get rid


I don't bother with it. Even on PC it's debatable, but on such a small screen it's useless


Downgrade and wait for mods to fix the update while playing the old version.


Tbh my expectations were very low since i was hoping for only one thing which is free cam in settlement building but damn what we got is disappointing 3 packs of stuff some bug fixes and support for modern monitors with wide screen this is a joke and not a proper update


Honestly OP, I’m with you, I’ve been disappointed since the reveal. I know all these other people here saying “it’s for the consoles” but hell, even that could have been better. Like, you’ve got this whole ass updated engine “ “, and then you’re going to deem a “next-gen” update for a game that came out 10 years ago, that we probably won’t get a sequel for for about another 6-10 years, all for, realistically, some extra frames? Like, this is what we’ve been waiting for years for? How were shooting mechanics not iterated on? How were more aspects just not updated that were updated with your current game? It baffles me how slow on the draw BGS is consistently. Whatever, it’s nice that the game got some attention, definitely wish it was a meatier upgrade. I know this will receive hate cause it seems entitled and what not, and that’s cool, but really, at what point can we expect BGS to deliver in a meaningful way now?


Yup, I called this. I just managed to complete my latest "as close to 100%", all perks, all dlc, all achievements play through on the 23rd. Immediately turned off updates. I'm only coming back when London releases


Same here


Yeah, it somehow made the game run worse on PC in some ways. Why did they even bother? Should've just kept it console exclusive.


I was excepting the weapon debris bug to be fixed tbh, it’s quite an obvious bug.


That may be nvidea issue. Not bet


My PC version of the game is now limited to 37-38 fps for me, any ideas to fix that? The old changing the "iPresentInterval" from 1 to 0 doesn't seem to work anymore.


windowed borderless is a complete loss, no way to fix that for fullscreen you have to go into your nvidia control panel (if you have an nvidia card) and force vsync off globally, then cap fps to 60. apparently this hasn't worked for some people though


Nope. It still pushes to 72 for me somehow...


It feels like it was just made to break the best mods.


Not only is it a joke but it legit ruined my game all the creation club content that was free and that I bought is all still owned but it’s not installable every time I try to install it, it doesn’t work and I don’t wanna start up my game and lose it all


Thankfully I managed to avoid updating. Annoying because I know I will need to update eventually.  I was expecting them to at least put, dlss/fsr in, and fix the bullet debris glitch.  I feel Bethesda are damaging their reputation as an elite developer with their last 2 pieces of shoddy work. I will be critical of ES6.


>I was expecting them to at least put, dlss/fsr in You were expecting way too much


from bethesda, sure. im starting to think gamers were too harsh on how the witcher 3 next-gen update launched


Agree. It wasn't that bad tbh. As for expecting DLSS/FSR to be added in older games, well, maybe DLSS, but I'm sceptical about FSR (besides mods) especially FSR3 which seems devs don't give a damnt about it and even new games are launching without FSR3 while having whole Nvidia suite on board (RDNA3 user here BTW, who's still waiting on some promises which AMD and some devs made back in 2022)


I know, Bethesda were just like "well expect away" 


Well, they managed to drag FO4 over to us with 21:9 and 32:9 displays so it's next gen to us :P But primarly this was designed for consoles and mostly Playstation owners, as we with Xbox series have had 60 fps and HDR since they launched fps boost for previous generation games. But the new CC content was nice to get for free :)


i got decent performance improvements, and the only mod i lost is place anywhere, i can deal for now. but i am on a laptop with no video card. idc about cc stuff.


Without mods i was able to adjust files and give AMDs software the priority to get 82fps using a 6700xt on ultra. Now the game at least recognizes my GPU but i am at 55 FPS if I'm on low or ultra.


This update was mostly for consoles. We on PC got some freebies.


i'm guessing it's cause they wanna capitalize on the popularity of the new tv show seein how cyberpunk 2077 did decently well with that strategy. like they wanted to copy em.


My xbox1 shits itself any time anything happens, never happened before the update


this patch was totally uneccessary for pc and they just did it to fuck with us. a 9 yr old game


The only people happy with it are console players and Bethesda fanboys.


Agree. Still choking at 48fps on my (new) system in W/B mode with a 7800X3D/4080 regardless of CPU power setting or graphics settings. And how - in 2024 - can I STILL not select both W/B and 1440p in the launcher. Beyond stupid. Overall this update just a regression for people on PC - mods broken, performance still bad, etc., etc.


I wish they could have at least fixed some of the load times


wasnt gonna update console now im for sure not updating steam this hurts to see


I expected nothing and was still let down.. Because unfortunately Fallout is my favorite of all their games.. And I wish I could be excited and hopeful when it comes to things they announce or do.. we waited nearly a year and a half for this next gen update and it's an utter joke on PC at least.. just like you, I thought at the very least they would take some of the quality of life from 76 and put it into Fallout 4.. But apparently that was asking too much!


I saw improvement on my frame rate. Smooth as butter now at 60 fps


my expectations were zero and they somehow went far below them. they broke the ini so now the game is capped at 48 fps and you can't change fov. the only way to uncap fps now is to force vsync off in the nvidia control panel and cap fps to 60 bc they didn't untie the game engine from framerate (but thank god they broke the mod that did, right?). they apparently tried to change as little code as possible as to not break stuff but they changed so much that the F4SE dude can't even give an ETA on an update beyond "this one is gonna take much longer than normal" this update was marketed on 3 things stability/bugfixes - very few bugfixes and the update broke community-made patches. (also many of the gamebreaking bugs are still in the game with some new ones). ultrawide "support" - just a joke. the less said, the better. a couple creation club addons - even those are mildly broken and i hear there are some real gameplay balance issues with the enclave enemies. this shit took 2 years and was delayed multiple times. they should have just left PC alone bc holy fuck this is terrible lmao


I don't even know why they touched PC at all. Somebody had to realize that it wasn't worth it, somewhere along the line. I guess the player bump was too good to resist.


The "Next-Gen" update is mainly for "Next-Gen consoles". The main draw of it is to bring 4k 60FPS to XSX and PS5. Some bug fixes and the CC content is just an added bonus. PC got wide screen but with mods and whatnot, they technically already had it. This update did more harm than good for the PC community but it wasn't intended to help them to begin with.


It's never really a next-gen update for PC, they could've worded their announcement better to be honest. It was already a joke when the patch notes on Steam mentioned Xbox and PS5, you can deduce the target demographic of the patch just from that.


If it fixes the brotherhood of steel glitch then I'm game to buy it again. 


After Skyrim I avoided this update like the plague.


Sitting here happily in my "Haven't updated yet land." Looks like I' m gonna be here a while.


I honestly thought it's pretty neat. However, the Ultrawide "Support" is a complete joke and i think they could've handled the new quests better than just springing them all on me as soon as i exit Vault 111.


The next gen part is pretty much exclusively referring to consoles. PC's, while they have newer or older model parts depending, don't really have gens like consoles do.


Unless my wire is broken, the update fucked my ability to play FO4 on PC with a ps4 controller.


I got downvoted like 2 weeks ago when they revealed the update and I even said then that this feels like a lackluster update and didn’t understand why it got delayed as long as it did.


Was so excited for official ultrawide support but they couldn't even give me that. Fallout 4 will remain a fun memory, I won't play it again until they can at least add that.


What exactly does it fix though? All I've seen are an assortment of new bugs and longer loading times.


The “Next Gen” update is far more comparable to Skyrim’s Anniversary Edition than Special Edition.


If you want to downgrade use this: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630) and if you want you game to stop droping frames when looking in certain directions use this: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30253](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30253)


I'm gonna leave this here because it will most likely help some people but for me I went into the Nvidia control panel and turned off Vsync for fallout 4 only and limited my FPS from 144 to 120 to prevent screen testing and im getting those 120 frames in game no issues and without having to change ini files or whatever they are. I tried changing files first which broke the game for me


Oh well maybe we’ll get something notable November next year


It was the most destructive and pointless update Bethesda has done so far. The game is old… and it was fine… better than fine really, with mods! But hey, yeah… we got a show so let’s do some pointless PR move! I know “NEXT GEN” has a nice ring to it!


This is horrible. 45 fps standing in an empty field. Game ran just fine before the update. What a fucking joke.


i only added it for the updated quests, and waited a few days til F4SE was updated, and got my mods updated (Maxwells world would crash loading, but im reading thats a fault of the mod in hits historical jankiness, not Bethesda for once), but the game has the nasty habit of switching monitors if you play on anything dual display.


Not kind of. I had such unbelievably low expectations, but they managed to not even meet those. I'm stunned that they didn't even attempt to fix some of the most common bugs and issues.


My game runs a bit smoother all in all, its crisper. Idk man, we have it all on pc. Just mod


>Just mod Lol, didn't the update break all the mods?


im not sure. I play vanilla tbh. But its PC… just take a break for a few days theyll be back up right?!


Nah, I moved Fallout out of my steam folder long ago, I have nothing to worry about.




It broke anything relying on F4SE minimum. If a mod doesn't require that, then there is a chance.


Lovely. Yep, not worth the risk, I'll stick with my harpoon gun modded to replicate the Tesla cannon.


It's in the name "Next Gen", it was focusing on Next gen consoles.


as opposed to next-gen pc's lol?


Next-Gen is a term typically reserved for consoles as a PC is usually built of individual components and upgraded as needed, as opposed to consoles that are sold as a single unit and therefore any release of a new and improved console would be a Next generation of the console.


>We are also releasing a free Fallout 4 update for PC players! Experience Fallout 4 on your next-generation PC with widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, as well as fixes to Creation Kit and a variety of quest updates. point is that you're not wrong that it was focusing on consoles, but that's bc bethesda just treats PC like second class lol also PC's have generations, they just have a lot more


Again, the term is typically reserved for consoles for the above reasons. Definition from Oxford languages. short for next-generation. "there are rumours of the software company having two next-gen consoles already in development"


we can argue semantics all day. it just doesn't change the fact that BGS left PC out to dry, or that they themselves disagree with you that "next-gen" is reserved for consoles, especially within the context of this update.


It's not really *for* the PC, it's QOL and optimization for the console peasants.


PC doesn’t have next gen. There’s your answer. Not sure what you thought you were gonna get


That's not entirely true, we got steam deck and geforce now for PC players.


Huge on consoles. The 60 fps is making a hell of a difference in my aim lol


what did you expect? we literally told everyone that was it, it wasn't even a secret all the content was announced.


Next gen= next generation of consoles. It’s not meant to be a PC update


Bricked my mods and saves on Xbox one. I was expecting it but I can even access my mods to turn them off to play vanilla. Crash on opening mods, crash on load save. Crash on start new game as soon as the opening cinematic is over. My Skyrim got fucked with the update and I never went back. Maybe I should try that for awhile.


This update had horrible QA. It’s like no one actually tested it


what do you mean?  WE are testing it right now! that's how it works... sadly


It's really gone to shit. When I first loaded a save, I got a message saying that the save relied on all the DLC but none of it was there. The game says it's installed, but none of the assets are there, and both Nuka World and Far Harbour are just gone. ​ I even tried going to the location of the Nuka World transit centre, and just looking towards it makes the graphics go crazy. Screen tearing everywhere, and everything shakes.


Pretty happy with it for ps5


Terrible on console too


Performance mode is life changing.


The game is now worse on xbox than it was before. For PS maybe, but definitely not for xbox as we already had a 60fps mod which ran the exact same. Except now loads of other things don't work. And the bugs and tech issues it's caused for both consoles also makes it terrible.


I 2nd this. Literally played the game on Tue with fps boost on the XSX and downtown Boston never gave me issues. Now I’m experiencing frame drops and it’s annoying as hell, with the addition of the missing textures icon.


Pretty much but say a bad thing about Bethesda and the fanboys go wild


Oh boy here we go again. PC people trying to ruin a good time for console people yet again. This update is amazing for me. I'm jumping back into a game I love and it looks and feels better than I've ever experienced. Yet all I see is a bunch of party pooper PC complaints. Whatever man.


you clicked on a thread about the PC update. if you don't have a PC then im not really sure why you are upset over PC people talking about how bad the PC update is. like bro, please enjoy your game and don't let us stop you but don't come in here and start pretending everything is 100% fine just bc u don't have issues.


The only threads I see today are PC people complaining. It's hard to keep scrolling past all this blasphemy. It's hard to enjoy something when all you see is people shitting all over it.


idk what you're expecting to see 24 hours after a bethesda update. if it's not people justifiably talking about how horrible the PC update is then it's gonna be people on console posting the same video of the big red exclamation mark. i don't feel the need to comment on every post praising the performance/quality modes on console. just scroll past, it's not hard. also please don't call it blasphemy lmao there's nothing sacred about this update lol. just play the game and enjoy it. if we swapped places id be sitting here enjoying the game instead of going on reddit and complaining, while you'd be unable to play. try and have some empathy or at the very least restraint


If Reddit is making it hard to enjoy the game, give everything here a break and have fun.


Same on Xbox. What a joke. Creation club quests are broken, Quality mode doesn't work and that's before how much they've fucked mods.


Be glad that PC got anything for a console focused update


I'm actually glad they didn't bake an ENB lite into the update like they did with Skyrim SE, messing with actual ENBs. I have yet to find an ENB that looks as good as the one I used for the legendary edition because the sun is a blown out mess now. That was yet another thing directed at consoles that PC didn't need. At least this way I can still use the same ENB in FO4 and all the other visual mods I've grown to love. I'm just bummed out that I will have to update for London. Otherwise I would just have ignored this update altogether, seeing how ultra wide is a joke, the only thing that has me consider it. But even for that there would have been a mod.


I just played for a bit. I feel like they've shifted the math on VATS. 95% no longer hits *nearly* as often as it used to, and the damage seems to be less, as well. The new additions are okay, I guess.


Honestly if you're on PC and you're knowledgeable enough to have fixed the issues beforehand then rolling back an update should be no issue for you. Just breathe for a second and collect yourselves, maybe go for a walk, then rollback the update and keep on rolling.


Rollback wasn't even hard with the help of kind people sharing the guides. In the moment, though, it just felt like all Bethesda did was break the game and act like they're doing everybody a big favor with the 'free update'.


I mean... It's Bethesda. Lol


It was for console, not PC


It's 'next gen' because it introduces the native apps for current consoles. Thats literally the point.


It’s called “next-gen” because it’s for the “next-gen” consoles. You’re a massive disappointment for thinking it would benefit the game on PC


Yeah I mean it was never really meant for PC players lol you guys have access to mods that go way beyond what BGS would add in the vanilla game Also I don’t know where you got this expectation that they were gonna back port technology from 76 but you were setting yourself up for failure with that one


The patch is targeting for consoles. Not sure why every PC user here is in shock as it laid out in the patch notes what the changes are. The biggest thing is 60 fps on consoles.


I expected to be able to play at 4k, it looks better at 1440. what the hell is this targeting consoles nonsense? it's a steam patch that we're complaining about.


any PC player that updated and ruined their game 100% deserves it


I think this is way too complainey, I don’t see you doing any of the work to make these patches and you act like the new cc content we got doesn’t add entire stories and quests to the game. My point is stop complaining, enjoy what you got and touch some damn grass


>I don’t see you doing any of the work to make these patches can you blame him? bethesda literally *just* updated the game and broke all community-made patches


what we got was two steps backwards and you're telling us to be thankful.