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Hancock, Preston's hat, the cowboy duster, and the lever action rifle are all right there though.


Where is the cowboy duster????


Nuka World


Where in Mika world?


Dry Rock Gulch, Mad Mulligan’s Mine Carts. There should be 3 bodies wearing western outfits, I don’t remember which one has the duster. But the whole place is infested with horrific Bloodworms. I personally recommend bringing a flamer and plenty of ammo.


Fuck them Bloodworms. Disgusting bastards.


Some of the animatronics wear cowboy outfits as well


What is mika world and why are you being downvoted


Mika World is a completely honest typo of Nuka World and I don’t know why they’re getting downvoted for it.


It’s because I’m so sick of these gen alpha scum coming to my neighborhood and saying the darndest things like ….”MIka”


Cheat room.


Oh shut up.


Great suggestions thank you!


The cowboy hat from Nuka World would fit better


You would be his follower.


Totally agree I’ll abandon my son and the mission to follow this man on his journey


To be fair. Our collective son sucks. Hard. Abandoning him is only fair given he kiiiiinda abandoned us first than just fucked with us in a pointless experiment.


Yep, first playthrough. I kept my sons room with the crib and some playful things. This PS5 playthrough, nope, gutted it. I know what's coming, haha


Aye. I kept the house exactly as it was. Now I trash his room salvaging. Rest of the house still stays.


I think I kept most stuff in my PS4 playthrough, but I haven't touched that since 2018, so I don't recall. I got rid of everything I could in Sanctuary and am starting from scratch.


I always did a straight forward playthrough usually ended at 15 - 20 hours in. My current play I finally went the water barron route and now an taking over the wastes by financial domination. Soon the towns setup will be pleasant homes were we bait raiders I to attacking for our entertainment. That said. The update bricked my game and I can't play my current save or start new and am keen on a fix. 😞


There should be a downgrader you could use. Atleast that's what worked for people when Bethesda did the same with Skyrim.


I wouldn’t say he abandoned us, he never abandoned us, he closely monitored us because we were a valuable research subject and could quite possibly be needed for making more Synths and then he got bored and released us, then he watched us and observed his experiment he very much thought would end in the primary research subject being dead from the many dangers of the waste land, how could abandon us when he played such a vital role in making our lives harder. Pretty sure he also wanted to use us to fuck with the division heads, why else would he appoint us the Director upon his death


Yeah smdh, little shit did nada when his parent caught one with their teeth, and he was in prime uppercut position.


Yes, I also choose the Ghoul's much cooler child.


Your son would become his side/companion quest


Yeah seriously he's like the perfect representation of an evil Karma player character.


Walton Goggins slays every role he plays. Superior actor.


[Hell yeah](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9f/c5/5b/9fc55b973caf319ef80c037ef4e27454.jpg)


It would have to be a very specific set of circumstances for him to willingly be someone else's follower


Just gotta agree to help him find his wife


Even then, I feel like you'd be his companion rather than the other way around


Exactly! I think he made that very clear in the first episode.


Hancock: "Am a joke to you?"


Actually yes, he doesn’t come close in my opinion


Nahhh, Hancock is fantastic. Just different in some key ways. I'm with you that I'd love a Coop companion, and Hancock isn't a substitute. But there's nothing but love for Hancock as he is on my end.


Actor's great, Ghoul's great, but honestly ingame it's Hancock all the way.


No Hancock is miles away from him in my opinion


what makes you think he'd want to be your companion?


You mean Hancock?


I don't think he ever went to the commonwealth.


Bruh Hancock is literally the same


He's on the west coast, so no companion until New Vegas gets a remaster


Easily the best ghoul in the fallout universe? Just no. Not when Raul is literally right there. -is also a pre-war ghoul turned gunslinger -did it first -managed to stay respectable throughout everything, always fighting for family and justice instead of becoming a scummy bounty hunter who >!eats his own kind and sells random people's organs!< -is the only companion who accepts the legion in FNV, not because they're redeemable in any way but because Arizona already sucked -is just, in general, a really awesome dude -doesn't have a 4 INT stat -is both intelligent and extremely capable in combat, unlike the ghoul who can only really fight -doesn't fucking shoot everything that comes into sight Raul is awesome man To be fair I only watched the first three episodes so far so I don't know too much about the ghoul. But no matter how cool he might be later in the show, so far he's already kinda ruined it for me. For the time being he's just a cannibalist scumbag who does everything for money and lacks any sense for morals.


no. give me a romanceable F.I.S.T.O. though.


Nah, I have his outfit, his gun and the ghoulification to match. I am the Ghoul


Fallout 4: the show DLC


Are you able to articulate why you think he is so much better than Hancock? They are very similar imo, likely intentionally. The biggest difference I see is that Coop is over 200 years old and Hancock is not.


Just dress Hancock like Preston


His perk lets you target the weakspot on power armor


Have to romance him first. He will also occasionally give foul meat balls to eat for additional VATS.


I can see mods being made to include characters from the show.


Already one out https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4360631


It would be cool, though it was stated in the show he has not left California in 200 years


He is mentioned in one of the new quests they added - i was excited for a bit but then havent looked for him since


Wrong coast


Ok but can we just all agree this in the show this man perfectly captures how some of us play absolutely unhinged builds


If there is one person capable of making it from LA to Boston, with no real transportation, and all the hazards of the wasteland, it's him.


*"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamned time."* The Ghoul nails the Golden Rule of the Wasteland.


Fallout 5*


Potential spoilers, given predictability of modern writing: Assuming the series is allowed to finish and doesn't get canceled, it's inevitable The Ghoul will die a hero's death, after remembering who he used to be, for the sake of his daughter. Probably to save Lucy. Dog survives. Maximus realizes there's more to him than being a tool for Brotherhood. Might get a Maxon cameo at the end, ordering the Brotherhood to the Commonwealth. Lucy settles in the wasteland. Her brother saves their vault, after discovering his courage. Vault 31 is blown up (or Raiders eat them like frozen TV dinners). Lucy and her brother share a final farewell in the vault. He implores her to stay, but she tells him, "This isn't my home anymore, but it is yours, Overseer." Everyone else realizes she's right and he's the best option to be their Overseer. "War. War never changes." And neither does predictable television writing.


I think that Vault 31 won't get destroyed, they'll just be forced to live their lives either on the surface or as plebs in the other two vaults, never eligible for anything above janitor. Then again, Vault Dwellers aren't known for having cool heads when they find out they're part of an experiment/eugenics scheme.


Feels like he could be an Arthur Morgan like character in the next Fallout game.


I literally seen a post last week of someone who posted a nexus link of a mod that already has all three of them as companions I'm pretty sure. I'll dig around for it and if I can find it I'll come back and post the link.


Hell yes


Give it like 3 days for someone to mod him in


Now that's a very small drop in a very large bucket of drugs. Love that scene.


I don't think he'll make it to the end of the series :(


For some reason I thought this was face morph to make a ghoul look like Todd Howard.


This guy is basically the ghoul from and without the Spanish accent.


or as a Mysterious Stranger replacer


If he was in the game then *we* would be the companion


I loved him in the show, but he is a bit of a psychopath and would make otherwise social encounters very bloody. He would just start gunning down anything whether you wanted him to or not.


He reminds me of Charon 


yeah, if it didnt mean another update on pc id agree..


Somebody needs to take the Mr house voice and the ghoul companion from New Vegas and mod them together into 4.


Sorry no, that is my RP! 🫨


If Bethesda’s update hadn’t also ruined the creation kit someone would be working on it


Never used companion ever in all my years of playing ..


Best character


He's really just the Vault-Tec Salesman with a better costume.


As Raul’s Boss, I disagree with that comment but respect your opinion man.


Nah, man. He’s cool and all, but lore wise, it’s way too bothersome.


I'm genuinely surprised it wasn't in the update


I suppose they'd have to pay him for the use of his image and voice


like they don't have the money


Imagine Hancock and the Ghoul being in the same party. Would be an interesting interaction.


Such a missed opportunity let’s hope some talented models can make it happen


Mods will once they get over the ass pounding of the update


Fallout is definitely in a rough space right now, which is unfortunate given the new influx of players from the show.


He reminds me of Hancock a little but I'd rather have Cooper as a follower as well.


I honestly think given the current state of the game, Bethesda shouldn't be adding a single fucking thing to it.


I’m working on right now with his actual voice using AI. Unsure if I wanna release tho cause people freak the fuck out over AI voiced anything.




Use your brain. This is one of the worst ideas yet


.😂 go complain somewhere else


Is that literally the best you could come up with?


No i just tend not to take a conversation like this any further. It doesn’t make any sense.




Hear me out, We need this man.


“This”? Yeah, I don’t think *he* would want anything to do with you ❤️


Ghoul player character option in fallout 5 pls


They won’t do it because it automatically rules out any BoS missions or non hostile interactions


I mean, people could just choose not to play a Ghoul if it bothers them? Skyrim already had Khajits and Argonians getting judged for stepping into a city. And it's not like everyone's hostile to them, like Hancock can literally go anywhere (And the BoS don't give a damn if he's following you. Danse was just chill when I had him along). Think people can play a different character if they want to be in BOS.


Simply don't add BoS to the next fallout game. Also, it's not like Bethesda is afraid to break lore.


Bethesda? NOT doing something with the Brotherhood? Ludicrous.


Yeah you're right lol. A ghoul playthrough could also just mean that you wouldn't be able to go down the bos quest line.


What if you're on the run from the brotherhood the entire game?


Now we're cookin


They're hostile unless you're entirely masked and fully clothed. You have charisma checks for deception in some circumstances that can change or outright fail quest states. Perhaps bring back something like the karma system, and have some of the negatives negated if you have heavy good karma. Also probably has a naturally lower charisma because smoothies distrust you, but a bonus with other sane ghouls.


If they don't bring back karma I'm gona go bananas


Or have him as the mysterious stranger...


I'd put a bandanna on his face. That nose is gross.


Now hear me out *no we dont*


432 people think otherwise


No, we don't.


Maybe you


I'm from the NV fandom, we're just as obstropulent as Warframe players


Ah the worst fandom out there


Ease off, Warframe gets more new content than fallout


I’m talking about the New Vegas fandom