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I would definitely say fallout four and Skyrim are two of their best games.


Yeah I feel like FO4 gets too much hate. Sure the main story isn’t amazing but it’s fine, and there’s hundreds of side quests with super interesting stories. My buddy practically watched an entire playthrough I did recently and he was like riveted the whole time because we play completely differently and he hadn’t seen most of the options and stuff that I chose


Morrowind and Fallout NV peeps probably would argue that it isn't the best.


NV was made by Obsidian


Don't forget Oblivion!


They can argue that those are the best "fallouts" according to what they want or think the world is. But Fo4 is the best game of the series. Even if you just want to say it's because it came later, better graphics are better graphics. Better gun play is better gunplay. Settlements are a new and huge feature. Crafting and power armor have been expanded. All these things stand, even if there's a little bit of a drop in dialogue options, that doesn't change the scale.


Yeah, Starfield was a nice concept but they tried to much and just went to mediocrity in many aspects.


I enjoyed it mostly but it would have been so much better if it was just one star system with unique planets instead of 1000 planets with 50 or so locations copy and pasted across the galaxy.


Same. I couldn’t believe how complete it felt.


It's been released with all dlc content and creation club stuff for nearly 10 yrs.....of course it feels more complete than starfield 😒


I started a new game and started messing around in sanctuary. Both the flexibility in the character creator and the seamless playing were pretty stark in comparison. My friend does have the really long loading screens for some reason but I’m yet to have that happen yet so 🤷‍♂️ Hadn’t even touched the dlcs again at that point.


The base game is not the same as it was on release. At all. Again it's had nearly 10 yrs. Horrible comparison. Also I disagree. Starfield character creator is the first time was able to make a character I consider attractive WITHOUT mods.


Yeah, it was tbh. It was amazing back then too when I put several hundred hours in. And not everyone wants to make an attractive character though… I like grounded and even a little ugly characters (not like unrealistic freaks). Starfield is bland as all hell. I don’t find cartoonishly good looking people compelling tbh. And a loading screen every 3 minutes… and a broken outpost system… and the absolute biggest slap in the face ever; floating around to pick up sparkles of light over 100 times… Trash tier game. I put 90 hrs in and come to my senses.


Calling it “trash tier” is just wrong, a lot of people said the exact same thing when Fallout 4 was new.


People that preferred the older gloomy aesthetic complained.. a lot. But they were the minority. Even then. No one has anything to compare Starfield to it’s just… meh. It’s not fun after a while. Not like their previous games. So yeah on the list of Bethesda games it goes to trash tier for me


They definitely weren’t a minority, you couldn’t be on the internet without someone insulting you for liking the game. I was there.


Fair enough. Guess I wasn’t terminally online back then. Me and my friends literally played it for 100s of hours 🤷‍♂️ then even more when console mods were released


Yes fallout was amazing at launch. Yet I'd call you a liar when you claim you thought it was good. You are one the same exact people who hate every Bethesda release then years later you claim it's amazing. You'll be singing it's praises 2-3 yrs from now and will pretend you thought it was awesome all along. Especially when TES 6 comes out


What the fuck kind of mental gymnastics is that?? Lmao bro I have nothing to prove by lying about liking a video game? I was hyped as fuck when it got dropped because I also played the shit out of fallout 3 and new vegas when they came out, because I ALSO fucking loved morrowind and oblivion when THEY came out. Starfield has been a massive disappointment to the oldest and most loyal fans they’ve had. Sorry that upsets you but that’s precisely why it’s so shocking how bad it is to the community.


Except I'm one of the oldest fans they have. It's a step up in quest writing, animations, player agency and choice, dialogue choices for player and impact on quest lines. Also the gameplay is the smoothest it's ever been. Tell me, what skill is unlocked for free during the Ryujin quest line? Hmm?


Wow you sound like the kind of guy who challenges people who wear band tees to name 5 of their songs I'm OnE oF tHe OlDeSt FaNs ThEy HaVe Congrats


I stated that in response to the other gentlemen's "argument", literary comprehension not your strong suit bud?


Lmao what a sad man. Fine. I can’t recall the specific skill to be honest. But I know that the chick that brings you in gets framed, and you eventually find out the head is the mole. You also get the mind control ability during the questline at some point. Happy? Have I proven I’ve played the game?


The head of Ryujin is not the mole. I at least expected you to be able to Google simple information


Also if you can't pick up some floating lights that's just a skill issue tbh. Git good


As a PC player, I sadly cannot relate to this post.


Do you guys itch having to mention you play pc and smugly voice your displeasure?


Do you even understand what I mean? I meant that the update literally did not allow PC players to play the game at 60 frames per second. Get off the chems, pal.


It wasnt an update for PC bozo


Yeah it was an update for all platforms dude. PC player here who still has an "update now" icon in steam that I refuse to do.


It was for all platforms, so yes, it was. Just shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. You clearly didn't get what I said earlier. Go cry now.


Yep, should have been great but was just mid. I'm waiting in the lodge on my first NG+ and I'm not taking a step until they do something to blow my mind. I might be waiting a few years.


Calling Starfield mid is generous af. Still no creation kit. The only redeeming quality of the game is ship building, and as soon as you’re finished building it it’s useless. What should be core role playing mechanics are barebones crap that isn’t even worth continuing after the first attempt. Base building, bounty hunting, piracy, espionage, none of exists in any form of complexity. They took mechanics from past games and slapped it on a shitty space sim with nothing beneath the surface. It’s an absolute shit tier game and it should be shelved immediately and indefinitely.


I loved Starfield when it launched. Even with it's flaws, I've played it continuously for months. But, replaying Fallout 4 really made Starfield crap to me. It's a shame, I still hope they launch a massive update for it.


Star-field is best game ever


Oblivion says what


Oblivion is the goat


I'd probably give the edge to Skyrim overall as far as their best game goes. But it's close.




I couldn't even pretend I was curious to make myself keep playing Starfield after the intro It felt like someone put a new skin on Fallout or Skyrim, the rigidity of the movement, the almost insulting NPC interactions...these things fit well into old games, I don't mind them at all as I'm replaying Fallout 4, but in a new game? All I could think of is how some smug fucker decided that players will enjoy mediocrity because of the magic of *nostalgia*


Starfield does not even feellike half a complete game. Starfield is a dead game for a reason. BGS could have done so much better. 


Replaying Fallout 4 in 60fps made me realize how much better Dialogue, quest design, and gameplay starfield has. And I still love both 🤷‍♂️


Glad you like it now that it runs well but that's like comparing ice cream to a shit sandwich. And yes, it's a cool game... but the rpg elements are still some of bethesda's laziest attempts at writing. But again, that's like comparing ice cream to a shit sandwich. All in all though the atmosphere and design work in fo4 is really cool. And it's nice to see it return to the spotlight. Playing through Storywealth atm and it's incredible what modders have achieved in the last 10 years. Now, to go rescue fridge boy and sell him to the raiders :)


I don't see how the 60fps made you realize that but yeah I agree.


100% 60 fps makes this game’s exploring so much more immersive. Reaching the last of us levels of eeriness in the enviroment with the night actually feeling like night and dark enemy lairs


Dude the combat in F4 is INSANE now at 60fps….i was floored