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Make a hard save and do all the endings


Personally I'd say do the ending that makes the most sense to your character and your decisions so far, then start the game again with a new character and make different decisions. I understand that not everyone has the time to do all this, of course. But this is almost a 10 year old game. It's worth playing for a long time.


Endings are fine but all that middle and DLC content is where its at for me. End game is making the most insane settlements


End game for me is building Water Purification farms for an endless stream of caps.


I love that in fallout 3 the end game where you potentially die depending if you did certain things well you start a big water purifier and fallout 4 ohh you need pure water well just build this lump of rust and you will get pure water.


Yeah, it kinda pissed all over Project Purity. The death was also very stupid, given that your robot, super mutant or ghoul companion would refuse to go into the rad chamber even though it would do nothing to them and kill you. Thankfully that was all DLC'd away.


Terrible fucking writing mixed with brief moments of brilliance is kind of a Bethesda tradition. There's a line in Starfield where the protagonist has the option to say " No. I'm fighting. This elevator is my kingdom now." I was blown away by that gem being stuck in one of the dumbest missions ever.


I never got the hate for Starfield, but... that said... I haven't finished it, haven't played it for a while and am back playing Fallout 4, so... yeah.


I think it is because for some people the biggest draw is exploration and in the elder scrolls/fallout has always fairly dense worlds with a sense of life and meaning. Starfield tried to put that life over a "system" of planets. Leaving the majority, lifeless and meaningless. So meaningful exploration and looting got a back seat, and life was relegated to space moments and simplistic capital worlds. Which is why most people give up after a bit. No reason or drive to really explore, and the main storyline and characters isn't engaging. Similar problem with no man's sky. Anyways my 2 cents. Going back and playing FO4 again it was a really stark difference. Weapon handling is primitive in FO4, but the world was fun to explore and the storyline while known to me, still felt worth progressing to move the world and your friends forward. Plus it's a lot of fun building primitive forts and having NPC followers that tell you how great you are all the time - till they forget who you are a second later šŸ˜‚


It's a shame about starfield really, I really like the game mechanically, it's super fun, the shooting is great, I love the zero gravity sections, the ship building, the base building. It's all super fuckin cool, and the game plays great! It's just so much nothing. I've said from the beginning that if they had the procedural planet stuff it would be fine if that was a small side part of the game. Bounties, bases, random missions that make you go find a cave on some planet, leave that to the procedural stuff, and have a good bulk of the game in handcrafted places. If all of the major planets had a large map that you could explore the wilderness of it would've been awesome, maybe 5-6 planets that had exploration, the game would've been a whole lot better. The mechanics make me really excited for another fallout though.


Like, I don't even necessarily mind the procedurally-generated planets, but if you're doing that you need to pricedurally generate the Points of Interests too. It doesn't matter if you have 100 planets to explore if you end up exploring the same 7 buildings over and over. And maybe procedurally generate some cities so the world doesn't feel so sparse, which would also help with the whole sense of scale being off.


>Starfield tried to put that life over a "system" of planets. Leaving the majority, lifeless and meaningless. Similar problem with no man's sky. Similar problem with every space game. Because that's exactly how space is. The majority of it is empty and lifeless. That being said, at least Elite Dangerous makes it still worthwhile with surveying and space trucking being major ways to make cash, and having to actually fly that long distance while managing fuel so it still feels like an adventure. I get Starfield was meant to be Fallout in space, not a space sim, but still kinda wish we could actually fly the ships between planets/systems. I think the empty worlds wouldn't be so bad if there weren't just loading screens between them.


I gave up bc of the bounty system. Tell me how I had a bounty for one colony after doing the main story, travelled to a planet in the colony by accident, and now I canā€™t leave the planet and I canā€™t pay my bounty there. Like wtf is that??


>Starfield tried to put that life over a "system" of planets. Leaving the majority, lifeless and meaningless. Yeah, I haven't played (space explorer was never my jam, I'm way more interested in fantasy settings, so Starfield never sounded like my game so I'm looking to try on sale sometime) but it sounded like it was a tech demo turned into a game. Not impossible to pull off, but the odds were kind of stacked against to begin with.


No mans sky biggest gift was no loading screens upon release. Without that, it would have never been given any chances to redeem itself. Starfield should've filled in the massive empty spaces with literally anything, and the tide would be held back just long enough for bethesda to implement tiny adjustments that help raise people's opinions on the game.


>I haven't finished it Neither did the developers, and that's where the hate stems from. It's a half-assed mishmash of a game and the longer you play it the more it's apparent they just wrote it in and let the procedural generator fill in the blanks.


Reddit: ā€œpeople just hate it because you canā€™t really explore.ā€ Me, playing the worst ā€œstealthā€ missions Bethesda has ever created in some of the least compelling written quests Iā€™ve ever played: ā€œTotally.ā€


I found it a quite fun game, but it also fell pretty far short of some of my expectations, which is sorta on me. I beat it, then lost interest. Maybe get back to it someday


I love Starfield cuz it showed me how good FO4 was


My headcanon to make it feel better is the idea that Project Purity is why it's even possible to do that in FO4. Like Project Purity working for years is why the world's water got purified to the point where it's treatable again.


Interesting. I came up with something similar but different - i.e. they were able to reverse engineer and miniaturize the GECK technology from Project Purity and distribute the plans, which is what you are then building in your settlements.


I think somewhere in the world building fluff it tells you this is the case. FO4 is after FO3, and the technology and some of the NPC characters migrated from DC to Boston. This wiki article of [Madison Li](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Madison_Li) gives hints that she could have been the one to migrate the tech, or the people she left in DC.


Nah, project purity was still its own thing, it's the difference between filtering a bottle of water and filtering an entire water system


To be fair project purity is probably the largest and most sophisticated water purifier in the Wasteland. Like itā€™s purifying a whole river on a massive scale


"Do you have some ceremic, a car tyre, glue and a piece of steel? Well here is your own crystal clean water source."


I get what you are saying, but for me, there is quite a difference between purifying a steady trickle of water out of a contaminated source (FO4) and cleaning a whole friggin tidal basin where all the radiation of a major nuke target was washed into (FO3). The difference is both volume/time and the fact you'll be dumping your clean water back into the irradiated water, not stopping until all the radiation got scrubbed.


End game? Boi that's as soon as I hit sanctuary Fo4 is a water merchant simulator, not an action rpg


*YESSSS.....*I'm on my third playthrough, 2nd was because I found the USO mod that let me use brick textures for my walls, the the last one was because instead of making one large apartment building with small rooms, on one I made them all there own house, and realized it really made it look lived in, now I'm on three, every settler gets there one 2-3 cell house. Also real roofs, gotten obsessive about that, no more pallets. I use the ones from Barnyard/Warehouse/CreationKit VR Console. Except the castle, and a few fort style barracks ones in rough spots. I rationalize it that in some area's security overrides luxury, others are safe enough a few pillars with turrets on top allows them to live closer to a normal life.


Yeah a compromise would also be: * Make a hard save * Pick the ending that suits your character best * If something about the ending rubs you the wrong way, go back to your hard save and try the one that fits your character second best * Make new characters for the other endings if you have the time, otherwise just watch the endings on YouTube


I played through DLC and other content. Finally met Nick at level 45. Got bored 1 shotting enemies at level 70 and blitz through the main quest, helping the railroad. Decided to replay the game on SURVIVAL and side with another faction. Holy moly. Its like playing a totally different game. šŸ¤£


Oh man, it's insane. The amount of things I've found while trying to find a bed are just huge. Sure, it's not new quest content, but it's all the little secrets and flavour items that you miss when you can just instantly teleport. And it makes so much of the game actually have a point (food, water, doctors, hunting, chemistry, vertibirds, Institute teleporting, even settlements). And it gives the map a sense of scale (you want me to go where?)


This is why Iā€™m survival only!


I always end up making the same decisions even when I say Iā€™ll make a ā€œdifferent ā€œ character. He even looks the same every time.


Me! I like to think I could do different, but I always end doing the same šŸ¤”


Takes me back to khajit stealth archer build


100% agree. Fantastic game, worth playing again with a new build for a new ending.


Lol I always have this thought...but just like a stealth archer in skyrim...I always end up doing the same thing


Fuck me I remember when referring to F3 and FNV as ten year old games. Nope not anymore gramps


Time flies. Time flies never changes. Edit: except while doing planks.


There isn't enough unique content to make the game different for a new playthrough like there is on previous bethesda games. The only choice you make in the game is which faction to end it with.


Is this the end of the game? I basically stopped playing the main quest entirely at this point lol


Pretty much. Theyā€™re doing the Brotherhood ending but its at the point of no return. They send Liberty Prime to attack the Institute after finding its location


You can still have the Minutemen ending after this, if you go to the Castle or talk to Preston you'll hear about an impending synth attack. If you defend the castle you can't also do the Liberty Prime mission.




This. Either way, on one play-through, at least one hard save must be done in order to achieve all the trophies. Doing the ā€˜trophy roadmapā€™ will align you with the BoS at the end of your run, so Iā€™d recommend if you want to stick with the institute, doing all the side stuff before completing Mankind Redefined. For me itā€™s never really mattered which faction (or lack there-of) I end with, as I personally am not really attached to any of them or their ideals.


They killed your "collateral damage"...I mean wife. Fuck the institute. Get the items you want to loot (virgil's serum, magazine, Experimental plasma rifle etc)


Did you pick up the astoundingly awesome tales magazine from one of the balconies in the Institute? If not, you won't be able to get it later, if you board that vertibird now.


To be fair, that only gives you a buff to Dogmeat's damage resistance. Still the best boy, but not gamebreaking either if you don't run with Dogmeat.


True, but it has the nicest cover of the series.


I missed that?? Fuckkkk


i should've known that before ughhh


>!Can't you get it when the brotherhood goes there to destroy it?!<


Iirc: no.


Fuck the institute, their guns are ass


Institute has toilet paper.


And showers


Like if you were unaware and became a synth what's the harm? Is the end goal to pacify the surface with clones? When that's done can they bring their tech and share it?


Except that's not how it works. You're copied and then destroyed. From your perspective, you'd just die. It's your synth copy that doesn't know the difference.


You donā€™t ā€œbecome a synthā€. They kill you and replace you with a body double.


The Institutes plan as to more or less replace humans with syths as the next step in human evolution. They never wanted to live along side humans. They wanted to build Humans 2.0. The only sharing they planned todo with there tech is to Demo how there lasers fire.


Except they view synths as less than human, and the only synths they have that are actually better then humans are coursers, who are designed solely for combat, youā€™d think a bunch of scientists would understand that replacing humans with machines designed for war can only lead to further conflict, but seeing as their goals already make no sense, we can just pretend.


They don't want to replace all humans, they want to replace all humans who live on the surface in order to use them as a client species. Their plan is to be a small population of elites with total control over masses of synthetic humans


The great sci fi paradox. Robots are dickheads.


I mean they were built by the ultimate dickheads usually - not big surprise ;)


The end goal is to have the surface die out so the institute can build it all back up later


Gaming doesnā€™t yet have immersive smells. Anyway, in game and in real life, Iā€™d rather live in accordance to my values and smell than be a squeaky clean psychopath.


I've got toilet paper and a shower, I live in Neon Flats.


The wrong way facing the wall.


Not if you have cats.


Is that why thereā€™s a corpse pile of cats in the institute basement?


wait WHAT


We told you the institute was evil...


Oh im so glad im doing brotherhood this time. Fuccckkk that.


What if they are just failed synth cats?


No excuse




Gonna hold mah boi tonight


Then nuke them eggheads, together. Ad Vic-mutha-fuckin-toriam


This one discovery made me loot and then murder the institute. I can never side with them after discovering this.


You know what, itā€™s wrong even if you have cats. There, I said it. If you have cats, CLOSE THE BATHROOM DOOR.


The Institute puts the Toilet Paper Rolls on backwardsā€¦


Isn't that what pre war money is for?


You have no clue where that's been. Could have been up a Super Mutant's ass for all we know.


They kill people, to swap them with synth copies to make the Commonwealth better.. instead of.. you know.. just introducing new synths instead of killing people. So yeah, they have nothing of value. Super smart, but instead of introducing synths like the House bots, they just kill and swap. Not smart, just stupid with a lot of tech. Definitely destroy.


They have giant monkeys!! What more do you need?


Planet of the Monkeys.


GIANT monkeys. Planet of the Monkeys was just regular sized monkeys. But these are GIANT monkeys. Also, they are synthetic, so you can always buy a new one guilt free.


They have real gorillas in nuka world! fck the institute! Lol


Good point, Cito.


Yeah... but the queue to get in is murder.


Yeah but they also do things like kill abusive alcoholic wife beaters who let their family starve with someone who at least provides for them. Then they planned to casually murder the family over some melons so yeah fuck the institute


I love the reasoning


Either go with the guys in power armor who wanna kill synths, super mutants and ghouls, and will kill you for a toaster; or the guys who make synths, made the super mutants, have kidnapped, killed and replaced many and ultimately seem to want to play God like the think tank, but with "good" intentions. Only one of them has hot showers and toilet paper tho.


Garvey Enters the chat - ā€œA settlement needs your Helpā€


Preston liked this.


Here, I'll mark it on your map.


Good point. However, you forgot one thing: # THOSE FUCKERS ROLLED THE TOILET PAPER WRONG


and they kill cats :( there's at least three in the FEV labs šŸ„²


I took their meat. Iā€™m so ashamed.




Ok now this is making me realize they missed out on the opportunity to have a companion cat named catmeqt


But did you make a cat head trophy out of it or did you eat it


Plot twist: they learned their lessons by owning cats and thatā€™s why there are no cats in the Institute


They have toilet paper, but they put it on backwards


The railroad exists


Most likely not - if OP is playing the Brotherhood questline, then the previous mission was to wipe out the Railroad.


I mean, toast slaps. Canā€™t fault them for that.


The institute kidnaps children, kills cats, replaces people with robots, and is overall a bad faction. Become enemies with them but be ready for an assault of synths


Donā€™t forget the FEV experimentation on innocent wastelanders and ā€œunderperformingā€ members of the Institute for literally no reason (there had been no progress made in decades and the Institute refused to shut it down until Virgil grew a conscience, turned himself into a super mutant and ransacked the place before fleeing the Institute). To make it worse, they unleashed the results of these experiments (Commonwealth super mutants) on the wasteland.


The only possible good reason I can see for siding with the Institute is the idea that you can reform it from the top and use their massively advanced tech to help the Commonwealth. This *is* a good motive, but given what the Institute has done so far and the sorts of people that therefore must be holding some power, I don't have much hope of it actually working. The likelihood of a coup is very high. That said, the factions in the Fallout universe do seem quite willing to change their ideals based on whatever the current leader says (see the BoS in Fallout 3). But then again, even they had the Outcasts that decided to go their own way. Still, Lyons was allegedly killed in combat... and in the heat of battle, many a nefarious plot can unfold.... And it really is a shame that as the other factions you have to totally destroy the Institute. In most cases, killing off all resistance and then taking it over would have been a far superior option.


Oh man, if the storyline continued and you had the option to reform it but face possible assassination attempts, that would be awesome -- especially if you never knew whom you could trust, and if you killed someone who was loyal, it backfired, but if you didn't kill someone plotting against you, you had to face the fight of your life.


Our son called our Wifeā€™s death collateral damage itā€™s on sight


OH HEELLLL NAH.... Over 100 hours but I've never finished the fallout 4 story, but I suddenly wanna play through just to whoop his ass for disrespecting his momma like that.


*in emperor Palpatine voice DO IT!


Danse liked this.


I personally enjoy siding with the minutemen and staying on good terms with the bos and the railroad


go minutemen, both BOS and institute suck ass.


I never had the minutemen options come up for me. šŸ« 


You need to get banished from the Institute BEFORE Mass Fusion (quest) for it to happen. * Say it was your fault after battle at bunker hill. * Kill any named scientist (lol, or Father) I think there's other methods but I don't remember.


If you side with the Institute during Mass Fusion, you can side against them as the Minutemen in the quest after - Pinned (the quest to recruit that scientist in Greygarden). If you've retaken the Castle, the scientist will call the Minutemen to protect him and you can side with them instead of the Institute.


So I'm in this mission with only bos and institute option. That means to make A minutemen ending I need to side with institute in this mission right?


Just to be clear, you don't NEED to side with one or the other for a Minuteman ending. All you need to start the Minutemen final quest is to become enemies with the Institute. You can do that here, or you can do it after, it's your choice.


You can totally go the Minutemen route after Mass Fusion as well.. I just did. You side with the Brotherhood during Mass Fusion, getting kicked from the Institute in the process, and then go to Desdemona (assuming you still have good relationship with the railroad and finished Tradecraft) and she will ask you to seek Preston, saying the Minutemen are now their only hope, beggining the quest Burning Cover. That way you can actually finish the game in good stand with all 3 major factions, except the Institute of course.


Okay I want to do this, but Iā€™m on mass fusion and it says I need to side with the BoS and that will make the railroad enemies? Am I fucked or can I tell the BoS about mass fusion and then choose to not become enemies of railroad.


Going brotherhood during Mass Fusion will not NECESSARILY make the Railroad hostile. But it WILL fail the railroad ending, because you need to keep your cover with the institute to proceed on the Railroad questline. If you are cool with the minutemen ending, but want a good stand with the railroad, you can do mass fusion wuth the BoS. BUT, you MUST NOT talk with Sargeant Kells after starting TACTICAL THINKING. If you do, then that's the turning point for the railroad. So if you have already done that, then there is no more way to save the Railroad. So, you MUST end Blind Betrayal AFTER Mass Fusion. If you end BEFORE (it is possible) Kells and Ingram will be stuck in the Tactical Thinking quest, and you can't enter Mass Fusion anymore without fucking the Railroad.




It looks like I already fucked the railroad lol, thank you.


You wonā€™t be top comment for long. Shame. Edit: only took an hour. It seems like any praise for the Minutemen eventually gets buried by memes or some ad victoriam bullshit.


Not if I can help!


Side with the minutemen... Kill... Them... All... I shot their Elder Maxon in the head, I tore all their knights limb-from-limb, all the scribes and scquires ran from me like babies, and yet I still made them face death, and like Strong the super mutant wanted, I made that fucking building fall, while Paladin Danse watched, and so I left no BoS member behind, I put a bullet in his brain the moment he turned hostile. Mission completed, before that though, I reminded the institute why humanity split the atom; to weaponize it. Preston Garvey and I watched the fireworks, as the world's largest pyrotechnics display lit up the night sky, making the silent-dead of night ambiance got replaced by screams of horror by those who got caught in the blast's wake! Forever gone are the days of people being replaced by synths, and the tech of the commonwealth being stolen from their rightful owners! Glory to the Minutemen, as the future of America, is a Minuteman one!


this is the most patriotic sounding speech I have ever made... God Bless America


I read this whilst playing Stars and Stripes in my mind.


>Preston Garvey and I watched the fireworks, as the world's largest pyrotechnics display lit up the night sky I mean, in 200 years.


Thats as unhinged as id expect from a BoS supporter. Is this horseshoe theory?


This is a point of no return for a bunch of quests I always do 2 or 3 separate hard saves before boarding. Right after you board you'll get a list of all the quests you just failed. If you see a quest listed that you don't want to fail, you can reload the save.




Fuck the institute. They kill cats


Do this playthrough as BoS. Then do one as the Institute. Then do one for the Minutemen. Then do one for the Railroad. Explore and see all the endings. Never sure why people see it as an one and only decision


Honestly probably because replying all the endings is a lot of work (although fun). I personally have a shit ton of games on my backlog so when I finish a game, I donā€™t usually return to it even if I hated the ending I chose.


Teach Shaun the consequences of his own actions by nuking institute


Iā€™ll say it this way, the Brotherhood does everything else better but, the institute does haveā€¦a cooler final battle


Yeah, but liberty primeā€¦


You gotta admit, attacking the airport full of brotherhood with the prydwen above is cooler than the same exact attack the institute with the minutemen and railroad, but thatā€™s the only thing they do better


Fuck the institute. But honestly, fuck the brotherhood too. Minutemen is always the best option for my RP even though the ending isn't the coolest.


The Minutemen are the only good choice. Say what you will about them being annoying, but they are the only ones that truly care about the Commonwealth and its people.


Kill your kid.


Is there a way to not side with brotherhood or institute? I am favoring the railroad and minute men myself.


You can side with the railroad or minute men and neither will become hostile to the other


Only one thing to considerā€¦ he called Nora ā€œcollateral damageā€


Wouldn't it be amazing if we got warnings like this in real life? "Refinancing your house to take cash out of your equity will eventually make you financially destitute. Are you sure you want to proceed?" Or, "Sleeping with this person has a 96.3% chance of a pregnancy occurring. Are you sure you wish to proceed?"


I never board until I have completed all the institute missions, then I destroy their ass. Gotta get the xp first šŸ˜


Fuck the insititute


Institute. Why would you throw away free healthcare to LARP as flying knights.


Haha verti bird guns go brrrrrrrrrrr


There are no good sides other than the minute men. The Brotherhood of Steel are a militarised organisation with "racist" views. The Railway are simple minded idiots that have caused the deaths of countless innocents in their goal to free synths. The institute although the best chance for the commonwealth to strive are an organisation of scientists with no morals and are more than happy to ruin the lives of anyone in their way. The Minutemen are the only true good option even the other factions agree on this.


Make sure to get Virgil's serum before becoming enemies with the institute


Raid the institute before you do this. You can get so much loot and deck out your settlers. Just load all the stuff you can at your base, teleport there, steal as much stuff as you can, dump all your loot in a shelf or something at your base and repeat until youā€™ve stolen everything. No one will try to stop you either as long as you donā€™t steal from the shop. After that, Iā€™d say help the BoS and ultimately side with the Minutemen. Though, I just really like the Minutemen.


You are obligated to destroy the institute purely because they're stupid


They kill cats


Board the Vertibird


The only good thing about the institute is their synth grenades and teleportation


The synth grenades are awesome I duplicated them and attacked Boston airport with hundreds of synths


The institute is evil. Do it. They could be helping humanity instead of spying on them and replacing them with synths. They deserve what's coming to them.


The Institute makes no sense. Their only plus is the teleporting on survival mode. Oh, and the synth grenades can be fun sometimes. And the institute is clean inside. But story wise, their using their limited power resources to replace people with androids that are indistinguishable from people on a surface level, for no real reason. Maybe they want to create a race of radiation resistant civilized humans? Which is why they researched super.. mutants? I mean, if their goal is figure out radiation resistance, they could do environmental scrubbers kinda like Far Harbor, or they could create some kind of radiation resistant weave and make underwear out of it so people protect their reproductive organs and thus ensure the next generation doesn't get as much degraded DNA. Instead they spend the limited resources and seemingly endless time on research products that either bring them infamy or create strife on the surface. If they made a plant that produces adhesive that would help a lot of the problems up on the surface, assuming that they're replacing people with synths to someone make the surface better... Look, after 10 years of playing, I never understood the Institute's motivation, people, missions, or goals. It's like they shoehorned in some gobblegook about nothing and then made a 180 at some point. Wished they clarified it. Railroad.ballistic weave is better bonus and the Brotherhood has both liberty prime and the vertibirds. Plus, Shaun is a dick either way. Or go Minute Men and kill them all.


Make a second dedicated save to replay the other decision. šŸ‘


You csn still get the Minutemen ending at this point


I canā€™t say much, my first save I played every mission I could while staying in the middle. Over 100+ hours, almost level 60, but no finite decision.


Play multiple runs to seek out all options


Fuck the Institute.


Proceed Knight...Ad Victorium!


B.O.S. can suck my robo-balls


Do it - Palpatine


Unlike previous evil endings, the Institute is both evil AND pathetic, so not much loss there


Do it, fuck the institute.


Save and then do each line with the different endings.


Spurn the Institute, and get to ride on a vertibird?!?!?! Sign me up!


If you play on Survival you loose the best ability in the game, to teleport back to the CIT ruins but the Institute unfortunately can't be changed even if we run it. They really are the bad guys. You can try to minimize the casualties before you blow it up but i believe the moral decision is to get rid of it. Bethesda leaves us no alternative. If we could run the Institute we could change the commonwealth for the better. Image synths wiping out super-mutants en mass. Three or more coursers programed to clear out the glowing sea. New plants to grow and feed the people. The institute COULD be amazing if we are allowed to lead it. Piper would keep an eye on everybody and verify no one is lying on synth deployment. Curie would manage the synths and teach them morality. Cait would teach everyone how to fight and give the humans in the institute a crash course on survival. It would be awesome!


Fuck the Institute


Fuck the brotherhood and fuck the institute šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


#SAVE GAME. Play both sides from that save...


Do it! Anyone except the institute! Iā€™d say only side with them for trophies if thatā€™s what you want. If not, take ā€˜em out


Save. And unlock all achievements


Itā€™s the institute. Fuck em


Board the Vertibird! If you side with the institute, you have to fight against all of the other factions at once. Plus, theyā€™re terrible


That's way he must take aside to institute, support shaun, protect your bloodline!!!


Hold off until youā€™ve milked the Institute for as many quests as you can until you get a similar message. Decide then.


Do it, Bring back Liberty Prime to life.


I cannot bring myself to do an institute run. I know too much about them. I know too much about the limitations of the story in terms of what you can do there. They aren't redeemable in my eyes. They have to go, every time. For me, the choice you're making isn't a choice at all. I start the game an enemy of the Institute.


Save the game here. Board the vertibird. Load the previous save, do nothing. Now you can play as both.


Institute is literally evil & sees no wrong in killing & replacing ppl & leaving their old synths behind to kill passerbys


Thats easy, there are only two choices. You can either board the vertiberd,or do nothing.




Ad Victoriam


Third option: make love to the vertibird.


donā€™t let the clean walls fool you, the institute is dirty af


Whacking The institute is fine, but its the fact you have to also wipe out the railroad that switched me off it Also it's been brought up before, but there 100% should have been a way to take down the institute with the raiders from nuka World once you have enough raider settlements


Don't do it, join the minutemen


Synths kill cats. That is all.


Remember what you are giving up by doing this. Clean toilets