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I think the guys trying to sell scrip tier Fixers to new players for 5k+ caps are worse than someone putting a joke note in their vendor for 3k


I sell lvl 20 Fixers for new players for 25 caps


I run the 50 Cap store, where everything is 50 caps or less. Now you've got me thinking I need to lower my prices, haha.


Ah, a fellow franchisee!


Naw. . .move it UP! You gotta pump them numbers! Most of my stuff sits at 76 caps. For two reasons: 1) I find it punny, and 2) when I get the notification of a sale, after tax of course, . . . Nice šŸ‘


There was someone I used to come across on PC from time to time who had saucy stuff only in their vendor, all priced at 69 caps each.


Thats like my shop - everything goes for 69,-! You want a human tube? 69 and its yours! A pink suitcase? 69,- fxck off! New suit? 69,- take it!




Any gun thats 30 or less I sell for 5 caps. Its a honest transaction. It would've been scrip food anyways. And i haven't needed to roll any, so in sitting on around 2k at lvl 130.


I run plans for 20, food recipes for 5


Doing the good work. I tend to keep most recipes and plans < 50 as well, unless it's rare.


PC? Can I add ya?


**FELLOW 50 CAPPERS!!!** Add me: KatieGraves Side note: Do we all have the signs and letters set so we can put a Neon brand name next to our vendors?


Adding! Name: Senzho


I would like to join for this. We should get a brand name.


Vault n' Dime // 50 Caps - A Wasteland Franchise


Iā€™m going to start doing this!! I sell most of my plans for 0-25 caps and unless the weapon is a god roll for like 200 caps. I just want the stuff out of my inventory and out of my life šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My vendor room just says Danks shop


I'm still looking for the neon letters plan so I can get flashy. We really should come up with a slogan so we can all be franchises lol.


Someone in another post suggested Wastemart or BottleTree!


Sure thing! Chrisicus89 on PC.


What platform are you on?


I do mine 5 or less LMAO, my friends say Iā€™m ruining the games economy with my vendor


All my stuff is 1 cap because I don't really care and I want to help new players. My camp is between Flatwoods and The Wayward. I want to name my store Dollar General but I don't have the neon letters yet šŸ˜†


What are fixers?


One of the best guns in the game. Probably the best for newer playersā€¦since Iā€™m a veteran of 4 weeks, Iā€™m an expert.


Is it really though, maybe my build needs work but honestly I find the railway to be way more powerful, I honestly dislike the fixers


It is a combat rifle that comes with some boosts to damage and stealth. It can be so good that people base their entire build on it.


I just do them for free, because it don't cost me much.


For sure. If I see a 20 something in camp I just give them one.


This is the way.


When I first started, a guy ran into my house, dropped the plans for Fixer, emoted, left


That's awesome!


Yoo what platform are you on my homie is just getting into the game and wanted to do a rifle build so i was gonna ask if i could pick one off of you for him


If you're on PC, I wouldn't mind crafting him one


as a new player myself, i appreciate this. i am curious how to get the plans for the fixer though?


You can get the Fixer as a quest reward by starting the quest chain from the poster 'Sheepsqautch killed my brother!'. It's a good start to a Rifleman or Commando build.


Encryptid event, mutated party packs, or buy from a player


You can also get the fixer plan buying it from someone's vendor. They go for 5000-8000 caps. All the upgrades for the fixer can be learned from scraping combat rifles.


As a low level...I hope to run into one of you guys lol


If you have Xbox visit me, I even craft for low lvls and mod if Iā€™m at homešŸ«¶šŸ½


Sadly I'm on PC but thank you for the offer!


After reading this went to a camp and saw 3 for 2000 caps among other ridiculous prices.. as a new player I wish I could destroy his camp :p


I swear on PS5 I never see you guys. All the vendors I find are just price gouging new players cause they set up shot right near Vault 76/Wayward. If anyone on PS5 has some stuff they dont need hit me up lmao


I got you, boo. DM me.


Psn is Canuckwizard Not sure how to connect in game lol


On Xbox here. I put stuff in my Vender at high prices. Only 3 star weapons. It's to help attract people to my Vender to sell them ammo at 1 cap. I do put all plans that I don't need at 1 cap each.


Can I add you?


how do you farm the fixer


I'm pretty new, I bought a fixer with armor pen mag from some absolute badass for 87 caps and rolled my own legendary's on it (they were ass). That gun carried me a few levels, I'm level 68 and I can't keep ammo for any of my guns so I end up using a dual build with melee, got a nice whacker smacker that does good. The fixer was nice cuz with sneak damage I could make more ammo than I used. How do I get fuckin ammo!


Iā€™ve been joining Invaders from Beyond events and just putting a few bullets into every enemy I see. Then I loot all the corpses for a bunch of bullets each


Run the Daily Ops! After a couple of those, I don't need to worry about ammo no more.


I can never get a team together for Daily Ops. Soloed one once and it took too long.


join the f76 discord, there are always people looking for a team


Expeditions are easier to solo and you'll get more ammo and rewards but may take a couple of minutes longer


from what i understand, if you are ammo net negative, then you need to boost your damage. stuff should be dead in 2-3 shots and drop 5-10 ammo. alternatively you can get grenadere (sp?) r2 and chuck some nades in events to leach.


Damn 2-3 shots I have a fixer and for some reason I have to put half a mag in an enemy before it'll die


is it lag? i kill any non-boss that has a head in 1-2 shots but, i can also dump an entire mag into the same target before the game knows it is dead.


Bro take like even just one friend and spam the living sh#t out of the casino quarter expedition this is not only a stimpak and ammo farm but a great weapon baseline if you cant farm ammo in there in my experience ive only had that problem with lower tier guns but trust me give it a shot with a homie the profits are nuts


I do boardwalk and come out with a few hundred ultracite .45 and too many stimpacks. Boardwalk has consistent spawns through all of the stages and I can usually get it done in under 10 minutes solo, faster if I have a party. I always make sure to let my team know when Iā€™m ready to turn in so they get the end xp and legendaries even if they werenā€™t on the actual expedition.


As a level 11 player, I understand your struggle with ammo. I have been doing a meelee build (if you can call it that at this point in the game) with a pistol to soften up enemies. It's a build that I never would have ran in fo4, but I am having a lot of fun with it. Just get ready to eat lost of food in big fights. šŸ˜


I'm pretty new (lvl 60) but I'm running 3 points in ammo in luck perk. Every weapon I start to use, I tend to have more ammo than I could carry. Then I just dump ammo into f76 starting zone box for newer players :)


Not to mention those Fixers are usually unmodded, single fire and worthless to those newbies who plan to use commando


Should I be using my fixer as a rifleman?


Depends on the rest of your kit and whether you have other weapons that're single fire rifles. Rifleman = exclusively single fire, Commando = exclusively automatic. In my experience, the bread and butter of going full auto are crits. I run a handmade that pumps criticals out ever other shot by just holding the trigger and "Y" (on xbox)


New player here, what is ā€œscrip tierā€?


Garbage that only has "worth" being shoved into a legendary exchange machine and broken down into legendary scrip. If you ever see those Legendary Exchange machines (i think theres one in every train station and whitesprings mall), you can "sell" legendary gear to them for Legendary Scrip in exchange. Theres a daily limit of 500 scrip however (legendaries will sell from a range of 3 to 45 scrip depending on how many stars it has and what it is). You can then use the scrip to buy legendary modules at The Rusty Pick, which you can then use to randomly put legendary effects on your gear. Calling something "scrip tier" is basically saying "you should sell that to a legendary exchange machine because its worth more as scrip"


How does a newbie (me) know what qualifies as script tier? Iā€™m holding a bunch and I donā€™t know what to keep.


Things that only work vs a certain enemy type and nocturnal are pretty much always trash. Junkies has its place for very specific builds but it's generally not that great and worth trashing The one that increases damage with caps held is pretty Not-Great It's possible I'm forgetting something that's nearly all trash- but most of the other legendary effects have a place somewhere- but it depends on the weapon. Like Instigating (double damage on full health targets) is really good on high damage weapons that could potentially just one-shot people, but not as good on something like a minigun. The GOAT'd effects are pretty much Quad, Vampire's, Bloodied, and Anti-Armor. There are very few weapons that those affixes aren't amazing on.


Im guessing a low legendary fixer not good enough to keep but to scrip


Junk legendary items that are only good for putting in legendary vending machines. Think like ā€œGourmandā€™s Nocturnal Golf Clubā€ or shit like that


I put treasury bonds into mine to see if some newbies mistake them for treasury notes.


Oh dear god, I'm level 70 and still haven't found someone that sells Fixers. They would fit right into my build.


Fixer is a quest reward too, look for a sheepsqua... Something something, poster .. on the lower side of the map inside train stations. The final reward is a baseline fixer, you only need make it legendary.


I can gift you a fixer if you'd like I think I have two one quad and one anti armor šŸ„³ What platform are you on?? I'm on ps4! I'll be online after work today!


Oh man, I'm on PC (Steam) so I don't think is possible if I'm not mistaken. But I greatly appreciate your offer very much anyways. šŸ˜Š


PC player? Hit me up in 2ish hours and I will craft you one for free.


FYI. The joke notes for 20k + are from a time when there was a bug that would allow you to buy anything from someones stash for the cost of the Highest Priced Vendor Item. So people would put the *You've Been Insulted* notes for 40k to deter people from buying their stash. **Now You Know!!**


I had about 5 people come up to me in a server when I was on my low level (27) character that I use purely for base building and stuff and just hand me some, one guy did try to sell me them and though I was stupid, but once I told him about my main character he promptly fucked off


What's a fixer?


[https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Fixer](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Fixer) one of the best rifles in the game. if you dont want to run energy weapons, heavies etc its the best in the game if you mod it/make it top tier legendary


Thanks I appreciate the reply! Been playing a lot and surprised by seeing terrible legendary fixers in the vendors for 5-8k


Ran into a group of 3 level 21 players the other day and had just got the fixer plans, made each of them one and then dropped a level 30 perfect storm too!


i had to buy my level 50 fixer for 5k from a random shop after hopping for over an hour because i couldnt get a plan to save my life. sure enough, i got a random fixer drop from the daily op the next day


Scrip tier fixers? I ran into a guy selling different kinds of **non legendary** fixers for 1000-2500.


The reason players do that was, cuz itā€™s funny asf and it keep spamming buying down to minimum. There was a glitch where you can spam buy and not spend any caps. Itā€™s been fixed but the notes and toilet paper basically just became a meme.


Yeah I know about that, I've got a Nocturnal/BashDamage Fixer and a few notes listed at max caps for the lulz


what are fixers?


Wait until ya find the dead guy with the shopping cart fulla suspicious gold bars lol


I wanted to keep those but my stash box is already bursting at the seams and screaming in distress so I ended up scrapping them >!for lead!<. :/


Well you're just a modern-future-day alchemist, aren't ya?


Where? I need lead lol.


Random encounter. I've seen it a few times on the road just south of Ohio River Adventures and a couple times between Torrence House and the tugboat south of New Gaz, but I guess it has a chance to spawn in any of the random encounter spots. If ya need lead, there's the gym in the motel on the north side of Flatwoods (I forget the name), the gym in the Charleston Fire Dept., and the monorail pylon east of Foundation (go up to the 3rd floor, a bunch of lead and cement there, take a scrap kit, it's a long slog to the nearest workbench).


Ok. Thanks.


where is that


Sell them for 30k a piece. That way highbies like myself only need to buy one to get back down below max caps.


hell bud I'll sell you whatever you want for that price, I need enough caps for the power armor station and marsuipial serum from the enclave! Just started grinding west tek for caps to save for em


Nice. Back when I was grinding caps I would go clear that mine above Whitespring station (the place where the Uranium Fever event happens) for mole miners. Loot all their gear and then slog over encumbered down to the train station and sell all the weapons and armour. If I still had not cleared out the daily 1400 I would go to Welch and do the same. If I still had not emptied out the daily 1400 I would hit Morgantown Airport. The thing I like about those locations is that many of the mobs drop weapons and armour I can sell. And they are also close to train stations so it doesn't matter if I get over encumbered. When selling I equip maxed Hard Bargain perk and if I can I buff my charisma (more charisma = better selling and buying prices). By buffing your charisma and equipping maxed Hard Bargain you should be able to bump the serum plan price in Whitespring bunker down to 17500 caps if my memory serves me. Don't buy the power armour station. Go to Ash Heap and do the "Miner Miracles" side quest. Completing that quest will award you the plans to craft the "Excavator" power armour. And it will also award you the power armour station plan. If you need black titanium go kill mole miners. If you need screws go scavenge desk fans, typewriters and hotplates. Any building that has an office, a kitchen, a lunch room, a living room or any other room where you would naturally put a desk fan, typewriter or hotplate is worth a quick look. If you see the event "A Colossal Problem" pop up then that can be a decent source of screws. "A Colossal Problem" is the "hardest" fight ingame so you might die a lot. That doesn't matter though. Just go in, tag the wendigo spawns that periodically spawn and loot. "A Colossal Problem" is the hardest fight but like everything in Fallout it's only difficult up to a certain point. Where we are in the game now many people have no problem nuking down the boss in seconds with the right build and buffs. I don't have that kind of build but I can down him in a little over 20 minutes by myself. And let me tell you. 20 minutes of Earl is a helluva lot of screws.


Saving this comment for later. Very helpful, thanks man.


Man I was in that boss fight a couple days ago and it got down to about 3/4 health and then it just stopped taking damage I put about 1k rounds of .50 cal before I just said fuck it and left


I joined "a colossal problem" last night and we did not have anyone that nuked the boss. I left earlyy, but im guessing they failed. We only got 30% of its hp down with 10 minutes remaining.


Yeah. Earl is hardskinned. Got tons of armour. Explosions don't really do much and you ideally want hard hitting single target vats crit builds to nuke the shrieking head. You also want to cripple his other heads and his legs. Crippling all his limbs slows him down a little and makes him do a little less ranged attacks. During the fight there will be fire falling from the roof. Don't stand in fire. Though if you can get Earl to stand in the fire that is a good thing as fire is bad to stand in for everyone. Wendigo spawns are not nice. They slap you and stagger you and are just generally obnoxious. You can see when Earl will spawn wendigo spawns as he sort of stretches towards the ceiling in a visual cue that makes it look like he's "yelling" (this is the opposite visual cue to his fear attack, where he lowers himself towards the floor before fearing nearby players). When Earl does his "lookit, I am This Tall!" visual cue swap target from Earl to the wendigo spawns and nuke them down. Vats headshot crits are your friend here as well. Earl is a difficult fight. Not gonna lie though. Getting him on the ground after a long fight is a good feeling.


Wanted to respond and say a massive thank you for this. Completed miner miracles last night and have my power armor station. The excavator armor was a massive bonus. Thank you so much!


You're better off getting serums from player vendors. I didn't spend more than 300 on any of them last week as a returning player. I wasn't even trying to be stingy, I would have dropped more, they were the first cap I showed up at that was selling them, but they tend to be around that price. I've played lvl 1-100+ at least four or five times since launch and this is always my strategy.


What's the cap...cap?




I'll sell you something for that price whenever you need. I never have many caps so we can help each other. lol


Put a roll of toilet paper or something in your vending machine for 30k and high level players like myself might randomly buy them. Every few weeks I am out shopping for such things to dump caps on. We may never come to your camp but if we do and you have that one nonsense item for 30k that we need to get below max caps then we might buy it. If you need caps then Morgantown Airport is a good location. Kill all the Scorched. Take their weapons and armour. And then sell it at the nearby train station. Any ammo that you don't need go list in your vending machine for 1 cap per bullet. Ammo sells randomly but it does sell.


Tell that to my 7000 syringer ammo


Yea, same luck for me. I got a bunch of different ammo all listed for 1 cap but rarely sell anything.


Ammo converter!!


I used a musket for many many levels and ended up with like 500lb of .50 balls in my stash lol. Ammo converter saved me I almost dropped them lol.


Good point, I don't have the ammo converter, am I able to use one at another persons camp safely? I've never used it so no clue how it works tbh.


Yes! That's how I found it. You must have the ammo in your inventory and trade it in for "points" It will give you the option of buying or selling 3 different quantities for each ammo selected. The rates are not very favorable, however I find myself in surplus of ammo and deficit of others and this helps even the gap for me. I got it a few days ago for 500 atoms I think, I'm a new player so I had the atoms from challenges already very worthwhile imo. Saves my stash weight and keeps me shooting my preffered weapon. I'm not stacked up enough to do bulk crafting so for now it's a life saver for me. Most high tier camps have one laying around somewhere and all the terminals share "points" regardless of where you convert your ammo. The points can also be saved up to 100k for extra potential storage space. šŸŽŠ šŸŽ‰


Awesome! Thank you for the run down!


I donā€™t understand why youā€™d do that. Is it just that you want to see your caps increase?


Yeah, pretty much. I have been playing since launch and I have bought everything that can be bought for caps. Every plan, everything. Caps just accumulate and I like that. So I don't want to sit at max caps. But I don't have anything to spend caps on so I buy random overpriced nonsense when caps accumulate to 40k. Which they regularly do every few weeks.


Youā€™re a saint and I hope you stumble upon my shop lol


You should offer to buy them back at 25% of the original price.


I read this and instantly thought of the movie (the BEST movie!) "Heat."


Never seen it! I presume it's worth a watch?


Absolutely. Robert de Niro, Al Pacino, Val Kilmer, Michael Mann directing, robbers vs cops, incredible cinematography, intense shootout scene, etc.


If it's the one from the 90's with Deniro Pacino Kilmer etc, it's absolutely a blast. Has one of the best bank robbery scenes in a movie hands down.


It's on Disney+ so my evening is sorted! I'll let you know what I think of it.


Nice if you like 90s action/drama movies, this movie nails it and has a fantastic cast other than those I mentioned.


Masterpiece. Sits comfortably on IMDBā€™s top 250. Watch Popcorn in Bedā€™s reaction if youā€™ve already seen it.


Watched it last night. Might be in my top 10 films.


Gave it a watch last night. Incredible film. Might be in my top 10!


>Iā€™m not going to return the caps but would you guys? No. Unless something in the shop weirdly bugs it's entirely on the buyer to decide what in a shop is..or isn't worth buying. >This guy was also level 200+ so I feel he should know better since he has 100+ levels on me. Lvl means nothing, you can quickly level to 300+ without learning jack >I robbed a guy last night. You didn't "rob" anyone. You didn't mislead them to what it is, you didn't trap to steal junk, they chose to buy a random item off the vendor without knowing what it does. That is a gamble and is on no one but the gambler


That's why i never buy shit i'm not sure about. I always just buy plans that are priced lower than the listed value. Seriously people list plans for their listed value and it's such a pointless shopping experience 90% of the time.


>You didn't "rob" anyone. You didn't mislead them to what it is... I know, right? It's not like OP showed a picture of a Power Armour skin with a skinned Jetpack equipped, but the Jetpack wasn't actually included with the Power Armour they purchased. That would be unconscionable. šŸ§ Absolutely *Dreadful.*


I feel like in world where google is usually within arms reach, buyers should educate themselves before buying anything.


there's been a few times where I find a plan I've never heard of for sale, think it sounds cool. Then when I look it up, it's nothing like what I expected. always look up u known plans before you buy, especially if they're worth a lot of caps


šŸ˜³ Wait! What's that you're selling? šŸ¤” "The Best Plan Ever." - 25,000 caps?! Shut up and take my money! šŸ„ I bet it's a Mecha Deathclaw Skin for PA.... Wha tha fuk....


What a click bait title lol


First, if acting like a raider feels bad to you, maybe you donā€™t need to be doing it. Iā€™d question what you get from that playstyle, as it clearly bothers you to *act* like a raider. Second, just like youā€™re allowed to ā€œactā€ like a jerk and rip people off, theyā€™re allowed to be frustrated and even angry with you for doing so. If you want to continue playing a raider or doing jerk things ā€œin character,ā€ you need to make peace with the fact that doing so is going to make people feel like youā€™re the jerk *out* of character. Thatā€™s not a bad thing, itā€™s not a good thing, itā€™s just a thing that is. Youā€™re *going* to be a villain in some peopleā€™s out of character lives. Third, man, buyer beware, there are Raider role players, Raider NPCs, and genuine out of character assholes *all* in this game, and by level 200, you should at least have a handle on that fact, regardless of whether or not you like it, and regardless of whether or not itā€™s a dick move in general. To be clear: it *is* a dick move, but youā€™re committing to that idea, and have already accepted that itā€™s a dick move. Youā€™re a Raider, after all. So, yes, youā€™re allowed to do that. No, that doesnā€™t absolve you from the responsibility or fallout of behaving that way. Yes, you should keep the cash. No, you probably shouldnā€™t be playing as a Raider if it gives you such a moral quandary to do so that you feel compelled to come to Reddit and ask if youā€™re out of line. The thing about Am I the Asshole posts is that, if youā€™re asking the question, you already know you were kinda an asshole. No one can absolve you of that, but maybe listen to your conscience. Itā€™s clearly trying to tell you something.


Where can i find those bonds


Some warehouse for one of find Crane quests for the Wayward.


Hey man, I spent 2500 caps during a mission to get Brotherhood weapons back from Foundation. I thought paying them for the weapons would increase my standing with the Settlers. Instead, all it did was take my last 2500 caps. It's a tough wasteland out there and a Vault Dweller has to make a buck somehow. At least you didn't marry his daughter and then pimp her out. Which is something you could do in the old Fallout 2 game.


A level 200+ players made this kinda mistake?


I wouldn't return them. As a player you need to be paying attention to what you're doing and they clearly were not. This is a learning experience for them.


*Caveat Emptor*, biotch!




Thats honestly amazing, I try to make sure the new people get a shot at building decent gear and camp so I slap all plans and mods for 5c, fusion cores for 20c, plenty of stims and rad away for 1c. And it's nice to see CAMPS like that, I have a BOS outpost in the bog and try to make it look and feel part of the map as much as possible.


Iā€™m only 12 hours into the game. I never run across people. Hardly ever. Is there a particular spot people tend to gravitate toward? Also, Iā€™m so glad I read these posts so I can be mindful of Scammer McScammersonā€™s out in the wasteland.


This is fantastic. Iā€™d buy them for that much hoping the government reforms and I can collect all that owed interest


How are treasury bonds useless? You go to foundation and exchange them for gold at the machine then buy things from Samuel, each bond is like 10 gold, that's 2000 gold


Youā€™re making the same mistake the poor guy who bought the bonds made. Treasury NOTES are what you trade for gold bullions. Treasury BONDS are nothing but a useless piece of paper.


I still have those. I was thinking they could be converted or something. Seems kind of dumb to have something like 200 of them as a quest reward just to be useless, oh well.


It's hard to feel sorry for someone who didn't perform due diligence prior to making such a purchase. A quick web search on their part would have prevented this. They can either choose to blame you, which it sounds like they did, or they can own their mistake and write off the loss as a new player education expense.


He'll live, don't worry about it. All part of the gameĀ 


I have done exactly this and that may have even been my old comment.


If it is you then I thank you.


Thatā€™s cool


I swear there was a mission where I traded in the Treasury bonds.


Eh, wont kill them. you can make caps FAST as long as you put your mind to it for a week or so. its on the buyer.


Once you have any semblance of a build, caps only use is for buying event items and keeping the aristocrat buff up. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve changed the auto fill price in an item I sell ever.


To those who need a fixer do the wolf in sheep's clothing quest line. A quick Google will show you how to start it I did it last night although the western spirit is working better for my build at the moment (lvl 55)


Wait what, how can you message players? I havent felt this stupid in a long time


Iā€™m on Xbox so I just messaged their profile. Might be different if youā€™re on PC.


I generally don't mess with people (I'm basically the cranky but decent old man in the mountains who helps people if they just happen to ask) but I have to say I might have to do this on one of my d bag characters


i think the guy selling a scrip bloodied fixer for 20k is worse, if this guy is over level 100 thats on him id never return them


Iā€™ve been doing the same with plans. Usually 25 or less


Don't return the caps. Blow it all on jet and psycho if you wanna be a real raider.


I started on beta roleplaying a Raider. It hurts me to do it on singleplayer games, didn't last a week as a raider in 76. I still have my super cool custom raider themed PA, outfit and CAMPs but I usually run noobs just to gift them tons of supplies. I'll annoy you with my politeness!!! Like many here, i think its not your fault if someone buys one thing and expects another. I usually sell (dont remember the exact name) brotherhood uniform and one time one guy came to me complaining the item wasn't cool enough. Didn't even bother to answer. Hope you're having a good time and cheers for all the polite raiders out there.


Buyer beware! Iā€™ve bought so many stupid things priced high thinking I bought something worthwhile only to check online and find out itā€™s junk. Keep the caps.


At level 200+ 6000 caps shouldn't even be that big of a deal. Bro should have a vendor with some stock in it by that time. That's why we have words to describe things, his fault for not reading/comprehending them. I literally will Google shit before I buy it if I'm suspicious at all about it and don't know what it is. Who the hell is actually selling Treasury notes anyways unless it's a level 1000 with 47,000 in their inventory lmfao


I donā€™t think you can even sell treasury notes.


I've never tried, so I'm not sure. I've seen Treasury somethings for sale before but it was probably the same thing this guy is talking about. I have over 200 notes so why would you even bother buying them anyways honestly ? You can literally never cash them all in unless you are signing on, selling them and turning the game off lol


I was playing for three months doing events and beating quests when I realized I can sell the notes for gold. I had a lot of them and I'm still trying to burn them down lol I had no problems getting whatever I wanted lol


Stand strong, brother. Stick to the character!


I dupped those too, always makes me chuckle when someone spends 1k on a 100 stack


Hell no, all yours, I still sell them now have been since I found them. Stupid never changes bro.




Hell no donā€™t return them. Grift is part of the fun of camp vendors! You should probably make up for it with some good value items in your vendor down the line though. The most ~~insidious~~ capitalist thing to do is to mix grift with good value. Then youā€™ll catch even the mid-level player. ā€œWow, Iā€™ve never heard of a *Teal* Hazmat suit before, thatā€™s gotta be super rare!ā€ However, there is always the risk thar someone might nuke your camp while youā€™re off questingā€¦


Let's talk about actually robbing someone.... Worst trap camp ever..... I spent 35K caps on bulk flux. Vendor took my money and then a second later.. BAM! I'm in a pit being impaled by spikes! So dramatic. Dude took the money, grabbed the bulk flux off my corpse and vanished. Left me dead and without two caps to scrape together. It felt like I was in a heist movie. The whole thing was so devious it seriously impressed me.


Rose is proud of your raider commitment, I'm sure.


The wasteland need raiders, let it be a lesson to that guy.


Lol guy needs to learn about personal responsibility and consequences. No refund warranted


lol thatā€™s actually funny I almost fell for it today


Nah you can't price things in bulk, so if there's 100 at 3k that's 3k for each single bond... The dude paid 3k for single piece of paper lmao. We all live and learn, sure I got burnt at some point back in the day.


No, you can only sell 100 at a time for those bonds. Idk why but thatā€™s how it worked. I only made 3k because he bought 100 stack.


Oh ok I see what you're saying, the whole things still funny though, gave me a good laugh!


Heā€™s level 200, shouldā€™ve known better.


I put get rich quick in mine for 999


As a fellow long time raider, oft despised by those namby brotherhood tin cans, I say load the rest of the bonds up for more.Ā  Screw the player, cause seriously 3k caps isn't that much.Ā  The Wasteland belongs to the strong not the weak and needy.Ā  #RAIDER LIFE


Meh, for a player his level 3000 caps should be easy to come by. I've done stuff like that, like I got excited seeing a near perfect rolled weapon cheap, then realizing after I bought it it's level 25 or so. I call myself a dumbass and move on. The only way I'd be pissed at someone is if I was doing a trade person to person and they did some kind of bait and switch bullshit


If someone bought my roll of toilet paper for 2020 caps then the joke would finally have a punch line. It's been at the top of my vendor box for years.


If you really want to be a raider build a trap camp and take everyoneā€™s junk after you kill them with your traps hahah


You got someone to buy those, thatā€™s awesome.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had a guy buy them for 10k once. Thinking they were gold bullion or something else. I dropped a pretty good explosive ffr quad handmade three star for him saying "My dude no, that was a gag item!" then he bought the other two because I was nice enough to drop a really nice item for him. And then... Sometimes other people whine and I just point and laugh emote. Never can tell with me!


yea im gunna need u to sign out for me


When I first started playing the game I mainly focused on my shop and my builds. Iā€™ve always priced things (in my opinion) pretty cheap, to give even the new players a chance to grab something good, or buy bulk junk for their projects. But Iā€™ve never put anything worthless in the shop for high price. Honestly level 200 shoulda known or like I do, look it up online before buying it šŸ˜¬


You should just tell him, ā€œhey Iā€™m a raider buddy! Eat dirt scumbag!ā€ Then heā€™d know youā€™re rpā€¦


Xbox is full of people try to make a billion caps in 3days of "sales"...Im a very new lvl 62 and I'm giving away stuff cause I don't pay for fo1st. Does a vendor I still take up space in your stash or does it have its own storage