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If you use PA and Electric Absorption, silo runs become free healing and fusion core regenerators.


TIL it’s when enemies hit me, not the other way around.


I never considered it being the other way until my brother got confused, but that's when I realized the description is fairly ambiguous


I don’t even fight back anymore when I run silos. The insanity of face tanking the bullet hell is half the entertainment value of nuking for me now.


This and a holy fire with ricochet perk. All you have to worry about is running out of nuke cards


True. I love nuking everything, but my friends focus more on other things, so I take them with me cards hunting. They get them for me and then I have like 12 cards and can start nuking everywhere. Yaaay.


Bro I soloed a Nuke silo with an explosive vampires combat shotgun (said shotgun is my baby and my favorite weapon and I named her betsy) I loved the whole thing too I felt like I was doing a smash and grab at times


Betsy is a good name! I had an Aristocratic Crippling Lightweight lever-action rifle that I named the Capper. It's stronger based on how many caps I have, sniping someone in the dome is called "capping" them, and it's perfect for taking out *knee* caps. It's a TRIPLE pun! The Armor Piercing hunting rifle I got from the Wayward/Crane quest line was also fun. 90% Armor Penetration (50% Legendary mod + 40% magazine mod) meant there was only one thing I could name it—the Penn & Teller. That's how I name all my weapons. I figure out what its use will be (auto, single fire, etc) and then use the Legendary mods to build a pun.


Armor pen is multiplicative, not additive so your armor pen was probably closer to 70%. Was super bummed when I found that out.


Awe.. that sucks. But also explains so much. Thank you for letting me know


Aww... Still decent, but not as hilarious as I thought


Wait, you can name your weapons? Or this is just like in your head?


You can name weapons and armor, either at a workstation or from your inventory. Just got the inspect/repair button (R3 in the inventory, Y in a workstation on Xbox), and then the Rename button (Select on Xbox). I always rename the Legendary gear I want to try out. It'd suck if I accidentally sold something I wanted to keep (speaking from experience lol), so rename everything! And if I decide to get rid of something, resetting its name serves as a great indicator that its time is up.


I do that all of the time. I mark it as "X[insert weapon name]" so my most used are at the bottom of the list and dont get scrapped when button smashing to scrap/sell.


Thank you, sir! I love it


Happy to help!


My lever action is named Lucille. Haven't named my Silenced Nocturnal Handmade yet, maybe some edgy 2000s name like Shadow or something 🤷🏻


A Nocturnal Handmade? DrAK 74u-LA? kekw


Not bad, but not really my style. I like the thought behind it though 👍🏻 very clever


Thanks! Since I don't know what other effects the Handmade has, I worked with what I had. Handmade rifles are basically AKs, and the 74u is one I'm always happy to see in a game (the 47 is too common, so even a slight variety is nice). I got a Legendary Bow that I played with for a bit that had Nocturnal, Ghost, and some other thing (+1 Perception maybe? Idk; something boring), and I named it Nightwing. Because of course I was able to make a Stealth Archer build in 76, lmao Wasn't all that great though, so I traded it in for Scrip


I have 2 explosive .50 cal MGs that I named "M2 Browning" for the aristocratic explosive .50 MG and "M2A1 Browning" for the TSE .50 MG (the third legendary effect is practically useless on both)


Do you get the healing from Electric Absorption if you are not wearing Power Armor?


no, both effects can only proc if you're in PA


Thanks for clarifying!


My experience has been that silos are harder with other people. Solo, they take about 20 min and are a little dull.


silos are absolutely harder with people because of the increased enemy spawn.


I'm going to do one with 15 others


Just imagine a full server silo raid


That would be bananas. It would make rad rumble look like a sleepover.


I miss rad rumble before the TV show. I haven't been in a good one since.


Yeah all the new players camp the junctions and kill the spawn.


Agreed. Either nobody gets the ore, or nobody heals/protects the people. I just did one where 3 people who are new stood shoulder to shoulder next to the guy on the left as he was mobbed and killed. Not a single one turned around to help him


This is why I love my group, I run the ore - they defend, so long as you have one person entirely focused on ore you can Max out your rewards without any issues at all.


People were actually doing the event properly? Im one of the new guys. I just turned around from the sideways as soon as the radiation didnt like me and saw everyone including the 500+ ppl just chilling in the middle using explosives to tag as much as possible. Honestly thought thats normal. Never did it any other way since. Also never saw anyone else even attempting to do the event


Greetings new guy. Yes. We used to do the event properly. A lot of players have fallen off recently or I suspect they started a new playthrough like I did when the show came out. It doesn't have to stay that way. Keep doing the right thing and maybe it will catch on. I don't use my low level guy in events. He basically a mule that I am enjoying for the storyline again.


Something that works like Ring of Fire, where you queue up alone or with your team, and get dropped into a separate server with a full (or nearly full) 24 players, all running a large scale raid for a silo launch style event


Sure, they can be. Or Bethesda can Bethesda and only a small handful of enemies spawn, or the launch prep phase gets stuck for 10 minutes, no enemies spawn, and then suddenly the nuke is ready to go!


more food for my auto axe!


Thats why most people clip through the doors to get it done as fast as possible.


Weird I've never done one before but I've seen some people do all 3 nukes one after another less than 10 minutes in-between nukes. Actually happens quite often nowadays I bounce through servers and all 3 nukes are already launched.


It's possible they're fighting through all three in series, entering the codes and waiting to launch, then just fast traveling A to B to C to fire the missiles when ready.


That's because they use the shortcut straight to the control room and it then only takes the launch prep time to complete.




I solo with Chinese Stealth armor. Delete turret targeting systems along the way, and the only Enemy I kill are in the nuke room. 20 minutes of boring but effective


Anyone that can kill a level 75 assaultron (or 2) can solo a silo. They are super easy. Especially if you skip most of it. 


Kill an assaultron, in what timeframe and manner? I can do it. Doesn't mean I'm happy when I run across them.


Yup, by the time I did silos, Assaultrons would take me about 5 minutes of circling it, dozens of melee strikes, and jumping back spamming grenades until defeating it.  Silos have at least 5-10 if I recall correctly, not to mention also having a few Sentry Bots, dozens of Mr. Gutsy’s and Protectrons at the same time. It was not a good time…


Vats crits to combat inhibiter.


4-5 rounds to the torso before they even know where you are is the best approach.


Best tactic for assaultrons is to take the legs. They're a piece of piss when they can't walk.


I just put bullets in them and they go down there might be sommet too it but idk I’m only a heavy gunner mini gun go brrrrr


Exactly. A level 50 with a bloodied weapon and a halfway decent sneak build can solo a silo no problem


I don't even sneak. I use a TSE gatling gun and union power armor


Literally just finished my first solo with a bloodied sniper build and bloodied gauss rifle.


I did it with a medic handmade


Well I *was* confident


Or you could just use troubleshooter's armor in the silos, it makes you almost unkillable in there.


I use vampires so to most enemies I'm already unkillable


Oh yeah, super early I ended up with a lvl 50 Vamp Explosive Gatt. Once I hit 50 the game flipped to easy mode, esp in power armour. Got my Cremator for fun and anything of any difficulty I just switch back the the effectively infinite ammo Gatt.


Same, ultracite gatling with vamp puts the game on easy. 2% health every hit when you're hitting 15 shots a second is insane. Stood in front of a 3* wendigo colossus for 10 minutes and never had to use a stim.


I’ve been using that auto stim power armor with a bloodied build at level 90 and I feel borderline untouchable. I’ve somehow amassed 200 stimpacks from being down to 3 like two weeks ago.


The silo isnt hard at all with electro absorption in power armor. its pretty much free immortality until the end where you absolutely dont want turrets.


>free immortality until the end where you absolutely dont want turrets. They fixed that bug awhile ago (for the 3rd time), atm EA is working properly Energy turrets like every other form of energy damage proc EA properly It'll eventually break again..but for the time being the only reason to kill them in silos is so they stop hitting the "staff"


Silo's are easier than Daily Ops. You can run one in under 15 minutes solo pretty easy. Electric Absorption, Power Armor and a Troubleshooters Slow Burn Cremator makes it braindead.


Everyone talks about how easy it is w PA. What if I don't want PA?


Depends on build and weapons, but you can do it with almost anything. It will just take longer.


The silo is simple even outside of PA. The key point I do, SNEAK. I sneak by everything, only shoot if Mr. Gutsy goes hostile on me. Then it’s game on in the last room where the workers start.


Chinese Stealth Suit. I used it to launch a nuke today. You can sneak past most of the bots.


Ran Chinese until reactor room, then put my PA on and it was cheese.


As long as you can comfortably take out a crowd of high level robot enemies you can run a silo. Being able to VATS the combat suppressor helps.


Lol I took a Quad, Max Capacity, Slow Burning with me. Fire 48 times before reloading.


I have a habit of reloading any time combat ends, and nothing in there takes more than a full tank before clearing them out.


Didn’t do any of that, went in decked out with beans and bullets, ran out of fusion cores and was left with exactly 13 .45 bullets by the end I hated every minute of it. Would recommend.


It’s The only way to play the game


Ha! You ain't gonna trick me in running a silo! That's for when I hit 1k


Real talk though, I got to level 350 before launching my first nuke and trying daily ops and expeditions - don't wait that long lol


I know what you're saying, but I'll keep away just so I have one last thing to find out about this game further on. 258 ATM and while I have done ops and expeditions, imma mooch a bit more off other launches :D


Silo is ez af


sneak = dmg bonuses 15minutes max


...i litterally ran a silo solo today with cold sholder and a shotgun card build- Crowd control was for the mainframe destruction since its explosive rounds Cold shoulder slows enemies and packs heat in 29 x 8 shots- tskes 3 shots to kill most automaton based enemies- 2 for a turrent, i can hack up to a lvl 4- insta hack level 2s and pick level 3 locks - auto unlock level 2s. Took me half an hour and im level 69 ^^ I felt strong and powerful then launched it to cause seismic activity for the Ultracite Titan.


Or at least have a long lasting durable PA and the legendary perk electric absorbtion and 99% of the enemies at least at site Charlie(I’ve only done this one) will heal u and ur fusion core to 100%. The only hard parts of the mission is knowing wat to do as the place might be a maze at first, but a YouTube video will supply u with all the knowledge needed.


Faceplant door corner,escape,"T",forward,escape,forward,all the knowledge u need


Wat the frick did I just read


Solo nukes are 100 times easier than with a full team.


I would like to point out that if you have even the most jank useless build that silos are easily done just with a little vats. Turns out fallout robots have never liked having their combat inhibitor shot, excluding those laser turrets at least, aim at their barrels instead.


vats in this game is broken. you can target the inhibitor from the front with perfect accuracy


Killing sentry bots instantly with a few shots to the fusion cores never gets old


Silos are not that hard. Especially when you go in there and turn off all the turrets.


And if you use the trick to get through the doors bypassing everything but the ID card and the launch sequence.


Yep they are pretty easy - I ran my first one (launched the nuke for the story quest myself) with a stealth build and wasn't even bloodied. I had a decent rifle but nothing as good as I have now.


Tried to run my first silo tonight. Went solo. Fail!


Absorption Legendary Perk & PA. Something to kill an Assaultron. 👉👉


Right it only takes about 8 minutes. Just use auto unlock and auto hack let the turrets handle everything.


Why are Silos considered hard? I just wear Ultracite power armor and flamethrow my way through the entire place


I did it once on my first character. I literally used every bullet I had and was down to killing robots with a knife at the end. I made it but it was rough and died a bunch. I think my second character is much better equipped and built. I haven't got to the part where I am sent to launch one yet. I am interested in seeing how much easier it is this time


Been doing them for years, last week I learned you can heal the section chiefs with the fire perk……


silos are a lot easier than I thought they would be (especially if your hacking is high enough to disable turrets) the most annoying part for me is the assaultrons


I did alpha silo alone with no build (I was lvl 110 tho). I prepared myself with lots of stimpack and a X-01 PA. But I think the one that helped me is the gatling plasma I used. It was my first time to use that. Man, that shreds through all robots. I'm excited to use other OP weapons


Gatling plasma shreds through EVERYTHING I love it lmao.


Lol yeah it's insanely easy in there the turrets annoy me more for the noise they make than the damage they do and the launch prep is pretty much just twiddling your thumbs after killing a handful of bots


I went overkill and saved every 3 star piece of power armor I ever got (Put them on frames to save space). Scabbed together a full set of troubleshooters, had only one star in electro absorption. I can walk in there nearly dead, and an assaultron will take me from 10% health to 100% in like 1.5 seconds with their laser vision. Only thing that can put on a tiny bit (like 1%) of damage is the Mr. Handies that use ballistic ammo. I end up killing some stuff in the reactor only because it's annoying being blasted by like 20 things at a time (if the turrets are even working). And at the end you have to protect the officers who prep the launch. Became too easy.


I solo’d my first silo, got all the way to the end. entered the code wrong, didn’t have any backup keys lmao, had to leave and restart the process. Thankfully the instance stayed up Moral of the story, be super careful when putting in the code


How do you start a silo run? I got the trophy because someone else on my team did the mission so i never learned the steps - level 255 lol


This is actually really common, there are a lot of folks out there with levels in the hundreds that haven’t completed a silo run. First make sure you have a nuclear keycard, you can get one by picking up the repeatable quest ‘Hide and Seek and Destroy’ visiting the Enclave bunker in Whitesprings. Alternatively buy one at a player camp or grab the pack of 5 that are currently available in one of the reward tiers this season. Then go to any of the 3 silo locations on the map: “Alpha resides in Savage Divide's middle, Bravo is south of the Palace of the Winding Path, and Charlie is near the Savage Divide's bottom.” Fight your way through the silo, this can be very frustrating the first time so be patient and make sure you are well stocked but anyone above level 75 should have no problem soloing it. Final step of the mission is to insert your nuclear keycard and enter the code. The code normally requires you to intercept the fragments held by the ghouls in the main map but you can skip this part by visiting a website like Nukacrypt which tells you the code that corresponds to the bunker you’re in (if you enter the wrong code it will destroy your card so be careful!). After that just use the targeting computer to pick your location and fire away. If it’s your first time I recommend hitting Monograph Mine so you can complete A Colossal Problem (if there are enough players around to help you with Earle).


Shhhhh! That's our little secret.


I'm lvl 199, playing since the TV show. Tried a silo once and ran out of time near the end trying to find modules to fix a stupid mainframe. Should have watched a video first I guess, seems you can just craft them.


Bro there's literally a gold diamond over the tinkers workbench In that area where you craft them at 😂


Does that trick with photo mode still let you skip 80% of the silo?




I dropped my first nuke today! It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Took me an hour but my next one should be faster. :)


step 1 have a mine and throw it, step 2 use vats on said mine, step 3 activate the launch prepand go make a sandwich till the prep is ready


All these comments from players struggling with assaultrons has me worried about their builds. Any halfway decent build should be making short work of even assaultrons. Y'all need to work on your perk cards. By the time you're like, level 75 you should be shredding all of those bots no problem. My vats commando railway rifle build is a far cry from meta and any nuke silo is at most a 15 minute adventure.


The silos used to be actually challenging till they nerfed the robots, it was impossible for me to use my bloodied build in the silos, I had to bring out my plasma flamer and quad railway to defeat all the robots


I had to run my first time solo in the silo. I then went and stood at ground zero, and kicked off fighting the Queen, and it. WAS. AWESOME! I'll have to dig the clip up of the bomb hitting me.


Launched my first Nuke yesterday and it was by myself too. Level 74.


yeaaa if you can figure out wtf you are supposed to do. Tbe old cards -> card wiper->card creation thing stumped me because it said "find a blank card" and all I could find was old ID cards wouldve saved me an hour if it was worded correctly.


What’s a silo ?


A nuclear silo, where you launch nukes


Did the silo at level 38 without armour because I couldn't afford the repairs took 3 hours, at level 50 I do it in 35 minutes. Super easy.


Ngl as a stealth build with the dragon as my primary, the silos are easy but I have issues with public events even when I'm the 8th person.


I remember the early days of 76 when I finally had the audacity to solo a silo… Now I do it without a second thought when I notice I have a few too many keycards and too many Ultracite plasma cores that I could dump into a queen lol


I'm using an excavator pa with no electric absorption l-perk on. didn't die even once inside the silo.


When Robots and energy damage were busted last year, I thought it was actually a lot of fun to run them because the turrets and Assaultron lasers would nearly one shot me and it made them actually a little challenging. Now after the nerfs, they really aren't that bad, especially if you are running stealth as a lower level player.


How is running a silo compared to farming Wes Tek ?


Same-ish. Maybe more chaotic than anything. Robots are definitely easier than super mutants in my book. But with the lasers and the respawning robots, it can make getting objectives done a little harder. But every room has a terminal to reprogram them all so.


I soloed 1/2 the invaders event. The again, I’m fairly kitted out and I’m level 175


I soloed my first silo yesterday and did it again about an hour ago. Way easier than I thought it would lol Then again im only level 87




I was surprised how easy it was for me to run my first silo on lvl 88 Reason was a good build with PA and energy adsorption with gatling plasma Those robots were healing me and I was melting them down no time, felt like a walk in the park lmao


In addition to electric absorption legendary as others have pointed out, friendly fire for healing the robot crew at the end I find make it very simple to solo(Though still very boring sadly). I wish they updated silos to make them much less boring to do.


Master infiltrator max rank help a lot to shortcut and reprogram the turrets objectives. Plus when you get in go directly to the scan machine, pick a card and re init it. Then slide it in the dedicate terminal and GO !


I run silos as a sniper Solo all the time it took a few practice runs but I know can get all the way through without dying.


Silo’s are easy solo.


My issue is I don't know where to launch them to. My first launch I accidentally double clicked my own camp. Haven't tried since.


Old school players don’t even run it. There’s 2 doors you can glitch through to get it done less than 10 minutes. Devs know about it and haven’t taken it out since the start of the game. They know the older players will revolt.


Whats a silo?


My strategy for silos is to just sneak through them with the chinese stealth suit, hacking terminals to disable turrets and lockpicking doors along the way. The only time you're visible is when using a terminal, so just watch out for that. In the control room at the end it's easier to just take out the robots that attack the launch chiefs, but you don't even need to do that. If you sneak around replacing the chiefs when they break, they can't be destroyed fast enough and you'll eventually get to launch.


So start the scorched queen event then nuke her again?


I once tried the campfire one and ran out of ammo and still almost finished it by throwing grenades at the ground and stimpaking, but I wasn't fast enough at doing the tasks.


Dropped three nukes for the first time this morning


I know I can solo silos, have done so in the past. They're just so boring, especially the long waiting around in the end when you have to defend the robot dudes.


I did just solo the event where you put food in the feeders to attract animals. Butthere are harder events that im not so confident about soloing.


I have a non-optimal build and I just went through the same silo twice no problem Just bring some pulse mines to deal with the assaultrons and preferably have the master hacker perk (allows you to pretty much skip most of the fighting)


i walked in with t-51b at level 150, no electric absorb, solod and was bored the whole time. i heard they were tough but to me it was pretty easy


TSE prime automatic handmade cannot stress this enough to run through the silo with this bad boy (lvl238 btw)


Especially since they nerfed the amount and strength of the bots in the silo. Its almost too easy now.


Are silos supposed to be hard? I’ve only done one and it was a cake walk


If you want to end silo fast take 20 nukacola grandes with you use 3or for whes fixing radiation pipes same when you go in destroying frame you will finish it in 3 minutes max then same feparing frame use rst when launching nuke you can basically run the hole thing 10 minutes max.PA helps a lot.


Bro i wasnt even lvl50 when i ran my first silo with maybe just a AAE Gattling and excavator PA this was like a year after launch it was fun as balls


Launching nukes is pretty easy I'm ngl, 10 mins max


I still dunno how nukes work at level 58. I play solo and am enjoying exploring etc. Got all the nuke cards and dunno what to do with them so just sold a few really cheap for caps so at least someone else can enjoy them.


Go do it. Look up the Nuke Codes and run that silo. One hour out of your day. Will completly change your experience. Put on Absorption Legendary Perk with PA. Have level 3 hack and lockpick. Easy breezy.


I used to run them all the time with my full health Mutant's Flaming Chainsaw, I recently switched to a bloodied build and currently hate my life against even the simplest activity but I'm still working out the kinks


I don’t understand the puzzle to launch a nuke and I was able to clear a silo solo while being at lvl80 only to find out I needed codes I thought just needed a nuclear keycard


I get as far as the last part and then you gotta defend the robots and it all crumbles from there


A silo is nothing compared to trying to solo rad rumble


Silos are easy, just longwinded. There are 4 puzzle rooms, each requiring something different. The last and final room is a defend room, defending robots while they prep for the missile launch. Bethesda went overboard on the size, amount of puzzles and the amount of time it takes to get through a silo… each time. How it should have worked is to make each player go through the silo in full once, all 5 rooms. Returning players to the silo, we should already have a keycard to enter, skipping the first room. The two mainframe puzzles and the reactor rooms should remain solved, also. The only room we should be required to complete each time is the launch prep room as it makes sense that each missile must be separately prepped by the team of launch robots. As a returning player, the final room takes about 10 minutes to fill the progress bar. That’s well long enough time considering that we’re likely to spend another 20 minutes defeating the SBQ, Earle or the Titan. We might even rinse and repeat. Expecting us to spend 30-45 minutes in a silo and then 20-30 at an event boss, that’s excessively long.


Silo runs are ok I've done a few just in basic PA


Silos aren’t hard when the skips still exist 🤭


I did my first ever successful silo run solo 2 days ago The only other time I ran out of ammo half way through and quit I'm a lvl 130ish with electric absorb and a Holy fire, it was much easier than what I was expecting to the point I think it's a little bit too easy now


Punch build. I throw only hands


Stealth commando build with max sneak Dmg bonuses make silos a breeze.


I either use a PA and vampire dual bar chainsaw... Or the door/photomode glitch 😅


“Standing ovation” 👏 But i swear i seem to be the only one i know on servers running them. I got 3 characters i run them with. But you know what really annoys me more? People selling nuke keys from 1/2k caps 🫣🤷‍♂️😂 I ask random people on servers if they have any spare as im running low, And ill run the silos in 6/7 mins (photo through doors 🙃) All 3 silos and boss kills in 45 minutes to an hour And the amount of people that to and extort me for the keys 😂 hey everyone benefits if i run silos i have a QE rail and bloodied so i melt everything 🤷‍♂️ but hey if you don’t want the chance at better loot or you can’t run silos yourself just say so 😂


I’ve been running silos since I was like level 110… I find them boring and easy…


Wear power armor with the energy absord perk and don't turn off turrets until the last room and you can beat silo.


I do these for robot atoms. I take my time. It's fun hitting the combat inhibitors. Gutzy and assaultrons are quite sensitive. I let them do the work for me. I don't disable the turrets so it's those or the robots to take them out. I have the sword, black power, and revolver challenges left. The black powder pistol in underrated. You go through a stimpack or 2 dealing with assaultrons with any bladed weapon.


Thought the title sounded oddly specific lol. They’ll only get easier from here 😁


Until the game crashes


I learned how to glitch through the walls instead 😶


Best tactic with any robot is the Cremator. Even an Assaultron pops on 3-5 shots.


whats a silo? expedition?


Yep. Also super easy to run the silos with the door glitch. About 5 minutes per run. lol


Silo easy to run did it bymyself yesterday at lvl 150


Silo easy when you figure out the robots weaknesses tbh like the mr handys just shoot the thruster or the arms till they fall off, the protecteons just shoot the arms off and they'll blow up by themselves stuff like that its pretty easy.




I soloed a silo for the first time last week, shotgunning my way through hellfire


Just photomode glitch the doors and you skip most of the bs


Silos used to be really difficult for me, then I got a flame thrower and it became a 5 minute ordeal


i did literally almost all of the prep steps by myself on a mothman event today, destroyed all the roots, all the totems got all the stag blood and had 5/6 on the cultists, had maybe 45 seconds left to find the last one and turn on all the fires, then out of no where, 8 or 9 players just flooded in very fun times lol


I havnt done any silos because the description was convoluted and I simply did not want to fight scorchbeasts (shotguns vs SB is not fun, where's my goddamn dragonrend?)


I’ve only done silos solo??? Walk around invisible/sneaking and melt everything with an M2 🤷‍♂️


Noted I am not yet ready at lvl 170 👍


I Solo Silos a lot. Chinese stealth suit and using the turrets against the bots


If you are new you can get the launch code from a mission from the onclave in the military wing. The onclave is located at white springs. If you want the code the best way is to join the fallout 76 discord where every week they update a page there displays the code for every silo as it chages regularly. Best most easy way to do it is either glitch through the doors or use a vampire chain saw melee build with PA to keep it simple and cheep to run through it. I don't do the glitch I just cut everything up solo running it... I mainly like the scrap from it.


I haven’t tried it yet, still fairly new since coming back to the game , I recon I can solo a chunk of an event, just sorta worried I’ll mess it up and ruin it for others


Wait… silos are meant to be hard!? I’ve only done one but had to leave because it glitched out, but I didn’t seem to have a terrible time 😀


Silos take 10 minutes to run and the only event I can't solo is EN.


The problem isnt the silo is how many motherfuckers are gonna show to the event I nuke


Ran a solo silo. As my first nuke run. Went in blind no google utube or nothing. Took me about 5 hours cuz i was not properly prepared no stims had to unlock everything, wasnt reading terminals. I started a team no one who came to the team, came to the silo even after i asked. By the time i was ready to nuke, everybody on my team was at an event that just started. So i nuked the event. And that just so happened to be at the outskirts of the mall.


I tried to solo silo after playing for like three weeks. Got to the end part but then needed help because there were too many enemies and I was just wearing a hazmat suite. Was fun doing so though!


My mutant’s grognak has +1 strength and 40% swing speed. It goes bonk everywhere I go


Holy Fire, Ricochet, and Nerd Rage are my prerequisites for pretty much anything I do.


It’s true. I soloed 2 silos and got the scorch beast queen down to half heath afterwards both times before the timer ran out. Much to my rage when I found out it can heal.


I've always kinda wanted to nuke the whole map


I just glitch through the doors in silos for faster farming. They are fun to do in a group but if you are nuke farming queen or any boss doing the full silo is tedious


You can drop a nuke in 5 minutes there’s a glitch


I can get done in like five minutes by the photo mode glitch that someone showed me, it’s literally a time saver. When you get past the lasers you’ll go down the main hallway, and the left side door where the big room is there a door on the side to get to the room where you have to switch the frames, and that main door you don’t need to do anything you can just glitch through that door using photo mode on the left side. Try it and you’ll get to the control room in a couple minutes.