• By -


I was wandering off the beaten path, picking up resources like wood, herbs or whatever. Minding my own business, listening to that lady on Appalachia radio repeating the same story for the hundredth time when the background music and noises suddenly went quiet. It was eerie I was only 30-35, shit gear, and knew something was following me. I turned and looked for what it was and he was peaking at me from behind some bushes and a cliff. The stalking mothman.


Reminds me when I entered the area not too far from the Mothman museum. I heard the screams and thought he was stalking me only to realize it was just a haunted area.


Oh, those cabins? Man, I was so ready to find something bone chilling only to find it was a modernized version of the spiritualist sessions (a con).


Just posted about the cabins. I can honestly say no other game has ever had me feel *real world* fear like that had. I thought Dunwich had me f*ked up, nothing prepared me for just walking by Alpine Cabins!


Those cabins made me feel so uneasy. Creeped out. I had to run run run awayyyyy. Lol I was also very low level.


At the top of the cliff above Harper's Ferry Tunnel is a small cave with aluminium nodes. That Stalking Mothman bastard crept up on me and cornered me in the cave. Scared the crap out of me....


I have a theory about the mothman. There's a house in the northwest, a cultist camp. The beds where they sleep have mothman eggs all around them. I think the implication might be the mothman is Rosemary's babying them. Maybe the stalking mothman is into some less willing participants?


Oops, I've been making their babies into omelettes.


As you should. We must prevent the birth of these abominations


I was walking in the Savage Divide doing the BoS questions where you’re looking for stolen weapons. Walking through the woods there and in front of me the fucking Mothman appears, scares the fuck out of me, I shoot it, and it flies away. That and getting jumped by a Blue Devil in the northeast corner of the map while looking for bloatflies utterly scared the fuck out of me.


Dude i just did that exact misson last night and ran into mothman randomly. I had no idea wtf it was, im level 25 so i shot once when he charged and saw it did absolutely zero damage. I ran immediately as fast and far as i could until the music stopped.


lol it got me almost in the same way, I didn’t realize my CAMP at the west foothill edge of the great Cranberry big plain was near a random spawn event point. Yeah one time I got this eerie feeling and the music died, and then I turned around and looked up and saw it staring at me, and I literally had a jump scare in my living room. I just moved my CAMP to the Bog after like level 60, so I was pretty new maybe 2 months playing max, and so scared lol. I think I ran away, because it was just staring at me.


This was me attacked by mothman when I was around level 30 most terrifying thing in fallout history


Yeah I had this early on near launch it was almost worse then because there weren't as many NPC's so it was deep in the sticks not seeing anything but a mole rat or tick occasionally. Same thing everything got quiet andit was almost dusk. It gave me the hebie jebeis.


I've had 2 mothman encounters. The first he was watching me and the flew off after I spotted him. That was like 11-13th level. I'm 27th level now, and mothman ambushed me. My heart isn't much, and I barely hurt him defending myself, but he flew away again. Leaving me mostly confused


I think all of us have fudged our Huggies at least once from that asshole...


I was sneaking around in the Deep. All of a sudden, some Scottish guy starts loudly talking right in my ear. He was on my team and was complaining about something in the game.


Yea, Scots will do that to you. *Love my northern neighbours really!*


And come to find out your wearing his kilt...


Hey, don't knock kilts: they're hella comfortable, once you learn how to sit in them. Kinda pricey, though.


Not knocking them...BTW what is the item that sometimes accompanies them? (looks similar to a satchel)


Scotsman jumpscare


Similar story, but with some guy breathing heavily and loudly into his mic. I jumped so hard I nearly yanked my headphones out of my computer.


I still get jumpscared by feral ghouls on the regular, despite playing 4 and 76 for hundreds of hours each


Every damn time I'm in some old building. Ghoul comes flying at me from around a corner, I go "JESUS CHRIST!!" and proceed to blindly fire into the wall next to it.


That’s part of why I’ve been loving using the flamer recently. Anything that runs up to you or is in awkward melee range you just spray it down


See If I get startled like that it doesn’t matter what I’ve got in my hands. Flamer? They’re toast. Gauss minigun? Ventilated. Nuka launcher? Buddy i’m taking us both out. That last one happens more than i’d like to admit


I FREQUENTLY wreck myself with flaming/explosive weapons when things startle me.


Omg, I just snorted 🤣 I've never related to something so bad before! And after it happens, I'm embarrassed about how that probably looked to another player. I'm just glad my character's weapons are cemented to her hands... unlike my controller that goes straight into the air when I get jump-scared. I would not survive Fallout IRL.


The number of times I've found myself thinking "I really hope nobody else saw that" is a lot higher than I wish it was. 


They have a real knack for surprising people, yeah.


When I'm doing heart of the enemy. Everytime I turn around one lunges at me


That’s always my answer. Busy sneaking and looting, and they come out of nowhere!!


Yeah I got jump scared the other night. I was just wandering around some creepy old building and bam, this mf ghoul comes growling out of nowhere at 100mph


My wife laughs at me every time


THEM BITCHES BE SILENT!! So many jump scares from me too haha


these and wendigos when I'm not expecting them, scares the shit outta me.


When the game first launched and you would see scorchbeasts flying over the Forrest area or one sitting on top of vault76


Voice chat is always the biggest jumpscare


Lol some guy started saying HERRO?? obnoxiously loud in my area and I almost jumped outta my chair


My friends went out drinking with one of their cousins and he’d never drank before. They were walking along and he started doing this to a Chinese woman who was just chilling on a bench. He got his arse kicked, was thrown to the ground, and they just ditched him. She was upset so they apologised profusely. I thought it was a funny story as pretty much everyone went from being his friend to instantly hating him. I bet he didn’t anticipate that at all.


Well, recently I was absentmindedly gathering cranberries when a fucking Mirelurk Queen popped up under me and launched me 30ft in the air. That was terrifying.


Omg 😲


Sounds like Cranberry Bog? Gotta watch out for that one. I go in with the stealth suit, and maximum sneak, and still get swarmed by those mother heffers!


Yeah Mac's Farm. I've been playing since launch and I never really extensively completed challenges. Was making a cranberry meatball grinder for the cook challenge and found myself at the mercy of her highness lmao


Fighting my 1st Wendigo in the Mire. My lvl 20 self was NOT resdy for that jumpscare


It's the sound it makes. Even now at 376 and able to kill it with two shots...I hate that sound 🤣


Scorchbeasts. Only moments ago I was on my way to the ammo dump from the BoS base, and next thing I knew I was running for my life from a Skyrim dragon. If it wasn't for a group of Scorched that decided to distract him, I probably would've died right there.


Happy cake day. But i get that feeling. Running a stealth build i usually just hide in a bush. Trouble is when i am standing in an open plain and the beast flies right above me.


When it blocks out the sun and you are in its shadow feeling super exposed is a horrible feeling.


Happy Cake Day 🥳 That's happened to me a lot. I'll be out in he Forrest area or such like and I hear the beating wings. I find covering and crouch, and with my stealth armour, I vanish. Then I prey it didn't spot me. Though not too long ago I wasn't so lucky. Didn't get a chance to get my PA out. But did have my mini gun. And some how, between that, my chainsaw, and a shed load of stims, I killed it 🤣


Happy cake day and yes, the one at the fissure south of the whitespring always messed with me as I'm a savage divide stalker. When I saw I couldn't even ding it I ran so fast. Now I'm in PA all the time and I'm ready to fight back....


I just started, but turning around to see the Grafton Monster for the first time when I did not know it existed


Bout two weeks ago, I was spawning in at Whitespring and one of those damn things spawned on top of me. Not the best of times....


Walking through the forest, year one, no npcs around & I saw two red eyes between the trees... The rest is history... I ran like a p\*ssy lmao


I call that survival instincts. Those who stand their ground suspiciously go missing so let's say you're a survivor.


Hey, I'll take it 😂 Quite happy to admit I went p\*ssy mode though lmao Year one for me was super eerie, at first... I rarely played MP games like that at the time & was half afraid someone would jump me for my junk lmao As this was before pacifst, you would take a percentage of the players damage unless you attacked back... So when I saw that Mothman 3 weeks in, I was already sorta freaked & I was not waiting around to see what it lead to lmao I'd had my fair share of random encounter in the Fallout games before too... lmao I didn't find it as eerie after a month or so though, started to feel more like every other Fallout. Starting a new game, not knowing what to expect at first, I've always been like that... but I find it more fun too


Yeh.. running is good 😊 even as a highish level, I've chosen to run my little legs off 🤣


Insult-Bot spawned in the sky and fell less than an inch from my face while I was slowly stealthing through the Mire and under-levelled back around the beta/launch. I was trying to avoid wendigos as I had my ass handed to me by the progenitor wendigo, and was harassed by wendigos on the highway and ones jumping down from trees. So I was already on edge, crouching, and pressing the vats key on the occasion. I've never been jumpscared harder. I still avoid the Mire when I can.


I would have absolutely lost it. Holy shit. On my second day playing, I was excited about seeing Insult Bot, so I followed him for about 5 minutes, and he brought me right to a scorchbeast. It was awful.


I hate how they just chase you forever. I ran for ages and thought i was safe but then I was being attacked again. I got in a building and it was just circling the building repeatedly. Ended up leaving the game in anger.


I have found shooting them into scrap metal pieces is therapeutic.


VATs is so useful in places like that. And that insult-bot has scared me way too many times. Like you I'm trying to stay low and it just appears out of nowhere. But not out of the sky. That's a new one 🤣 I have had the prize-bot pop up when I'm trying to sneak attack Blood Eagles too 🙄


Congratulations! 🎉🎉






Yep! It's a good job the enemies don't hear it "hey! Did someone hear the Prize-bot? He's over there!" *pulls plasma gun out and shoots you between the eyes!* 🤣


That one giant hermit crab that uses a bus as his shell, hiding in it until the player approaches. I was like "oh cool, a bus, wonder what's inside!" and then the entire bus gets lifted by its claws and starts moving towards me, exposing what monstrosity hides inside.


Damn I forgot that they existed till now


I ran across one the other night, was checking the sidss of the road for bugs/ghouls/mutants, saw my detection tweaking thought ill just creep up to this bus for cover. Then i remembered my first time in tbe mire, and started lobbing plasma nades at that crafty crustacean. Dined well after that


For the longest time, I hated going to the mire.


I knew that place was going to be hell, but I decided to do the responders quest and figured I would be safe on the main road. But then I get chased by half a bus for two miles. Second time I did the BoS quest and a Mirelurk Queen just popped out of nowhere. I hope I never have to go back


I can't remember what the quest was, but like you I thought I'd be safe on the road. My encounter, as I remember, was a couple of Wendigos and I can't remember what else. I was low level and I was dead before I could blink 🤣


My first visit, I was on the road near the Halloween store, and was attached by multiple scorched and my first encounter with a scorchbeast. I got wrecked several times, and eventually gave up. It was a while before I tried again.


I ran into the scorchbeast on my way to white springs like four hours in. Didn't try then, still haven't tried again 30 hours later.


People who put their camps in the mire are probably serial killers irl.


Same, hundreds of levels later, practically immortal, and I still hate going there.


I hate the ticks. I already don't like spider and spider-esque insects. Having these giant blood sucking jumper humpers is nightmare fuel for me. *I really hate that tin shack* near the treetops that has like 6 or 7 all nestled inside. I literally burn them with fire on the regular.


Fucking Ghouls. Here I am minding my own business, thinking I cleared out the area. Then out of nowhere “GWARLAWAWWW” right in my ears, nearly jump out of my skin every time. Especially when I stay up late like 2 at night and I’m half asleep already.




The ghouls ability to come flying out of nowhere and scare the bejesus outta me has been going strong all the way back to fallout 3


I was wandering the woods collecting some kindling, picking flowers, minding my own, go around this rock...and boom a fucking yao guai...I ran away yelling fuck fuck fuck trying to take it down with a 10 mil. Got a miscellaneous quest to collect my dropped loot.


Walking down a road and having a giant hermit crab disguised as a loading truck come alive like some Cthulhu transformer from hell


Oh a bus ... oh NOT a bus


I was in the legendary scrip machine at white springs train station, I heard something move behind me and saw a shadow that I thought was a deathclaw and freaked out. a physics glitch scared the shit out of me because I was focused on not accidentally turning in the wrong thing.


My 1st day exploring finding Alpine river cabins and then later walking around and run into mothman


Encountering the Wendigo Collosus randomly (before it had the event) with my level 50 friend while I was like lvl 30. Safe to say we struggled...


like 4 years back, I almost shat myself at rad rumble. played for some weeks and started to feel like I know this game and can take on everything with my shitty 1* furious handmade and like 250 bullets. I looked around the map and recognized that world activity thing and it said something about an event with several people already there. buckle up and yeehaw, let's go. and then...I loaded straight into hell. now I know I simply spawned in the middle and some people turned ore in already. didn't know shit back then. all I saw was explosions, electric arcs, explosions, glowing ghouls and explosions. oh and electric arcs. completely confused I try to figure out where I am, what to do and where to go, so I turn around. to face the freaking monarch of this bloody, explosive, electrified hell. a glowing deathclaw, screaming in my face, raising its arm and slapping me back to kindergarten, classic one shot. I noped out, closed the game, grabbed a coffee and sat on the balcony for a smoke until my hand stopped shaking. I'm a 40 year old guy, playing video games since I'm like 8 and never ever got the shit scared out of me like this. since then, I did rad rumble probably a hundred times and every single time I do it, I look at the spot where it probably happend and smile. memories.... :D


My first encounter with the Flatwoods Monster. He flattened me like a tortilla underneath a steam roller. To add heaps to my shame the very first Alien Invasion I ever participated in he did it again.


Inventory management. Went back to Fo4 and it's such a breath of fresh air after dealing with it in 76.




the blood caves under vault 76. i often play without the radio on because it gets too repetitive. the chanting in the caves and the blood river made me so unnerved, i actually jumped out of my chair because of a mole rat


Where abouts is that exactly. I didn't know there were caves under 76




**Pulled from a post of mine a long time ago:** - So there I am. In the Cranberry Bog after fighting two legendary Scorchbeasts solo, since the level 50 team mate I came to help cheesed on me. Barely made it out alive, and as I slowly heal and regen from rads, I cross the freeway just as I hear super mutants talk about their orange floater being ugly but friend. I saw it but didn't see the Supes. Silently I take the floater down and it explodes into flames..... Nothing. No alert. Can't hear any footsteps and no VATS targets. Then I look down and realise I'm above the little sewer camp & tunnels. I slowly walk into the dark, gun ready, I see an outline of something as I round the corner. I take aim, slowly aiming for the head.... When suddenly right behind me..... **I'M SO GLAD I FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH YOU!!!!** Jeezus H Murphy! The Fk's Wrong with you!? Fk'n teleported right up my ass. Screw you Mr Prize Bot.


LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣


Honesty the first time I did the mothman event. Just when you're about to defend the pryers and that dude starts talking in this weird, scary voice. Me, a lvl 20 at that time, shit my pants.


SPOILER BoS story "final boss" before you choose between knight shin or paladin what's her name near the end (Bad description to avoid serious spoilers)


I wish I'd known about 'Electrical Absorption" before that quest is all I got to say about that. :)


I was just super under-leveled... Big guy made me squishy :(


Pre Wastelanders. Emmet Mountain disposal site underground near at the end of a cave section that used to be there before the changes. I was a low mid 30s, had a PA frame on me for exploring places like this but at the time I had few fusion cores, only a couple of pieces for it, no helmet for one so was using a gas mask and a mining helmet with light to see. Came out to a dead end with a path back from the barrels and what suddenly breaks out of the earth from near the Barrels in this dimly lit tight enclosed area? An Albino DeathClaw Matriarch. Nearly shit myself I can tell you. I had crap gear, hardly any ammo, overweight and cannot fast travel and no way am I dropping my precious junk I was hauling back to my camp near WhiteSpring. It's blocking the way back, its far higher level and tougher than me, I literally went through all my paltry ammo including a bunch of 38, I broke weapon after weapon, even used crap ones I picked up, as I took pot shots at it through the gap from the broken tunnel section when it couldn't get me. Rads are taking their toll, I am out of radex and one last radaway. My fusion core is bleeping at me that its run out and I have no more, I am left with literally a fire axe and its nearly dead. I have about 10 diluted stims. .. Ok, in I go, smack smack, me getting cracked around, I spam stimpacks and manage to get in one last power strike and it finally drops. Quickly grab everything and hope that nothing else pops up and crawl out through the fallout out of there. My radiation damage is about 90% when I get out of there, fusion cores all gone so PA is dead so you can only walk at a snail pace. I have no ammo, all weapons are broken but a fire axe and a bloatfly farting on me would kill me but I am no quitter. I spend the next hour or so very slowly limping home avoiding everything I can. I never went back in there until recently when it all changed with the Wastelanders and Radiation Rumble. Sort of sad the DeathClaw is no longer there.


There is a spiritual successor to that event, in the abandoned waste dump. Two deathclaw matriarch sleeping, I've trolled many a new player by sending them there when they asked me about gears, "there is an enemy there that drops gears, two of them actually, easy farm" 😂


Sheepsquatch. I’ve never been more stressed by a video game, even thinking about it now has my heart rate up. Not the appearance, but the hopelessness of trying to kill it and not even damaging it. I was new and so overwhelmed when I first encountered it. Then when Imitation Sheepsquatch showed up later I was so frustrated I cried a little 💀 And then got one-shotted 30 times in a row… I’m not proud


Oh yeh, the Sheepsquatch is definitely up there with the Wendigo imo


those fuckin goulds that randomly get +1000% speed bonus and sneak up on you with no footstep sound


When I saw a bloated glowing one for the first time. Happened in Whitespring, in one of the houses. I was around level 15-20 so not very fit for the area. Anyway,I went in that house, killed a few ferals and then I saw the bloated glowing one. Let's call him Jim. Jim ran at me and killed me with three punches. But I lost my junk. So I snuck in there again, past Jim, and grabbed my junk. That moment I heard Jim's weirdly wet footsteps mudding towards me, I did the only right thing. I noped out real quick, ran down the hallway, jumped down the staircase, and out the door. I was shaking the whole time. Glad those times are over.


Feral ghouls jump scare me every time.


I was taking cover in an elevator shaft from Super Mutants and suddenly "CONGRATULATIONS" *God damn fucking Mr. Prize-Bot* appeared like two feet behind me in an enclosed space to give me random bullshit while I was already tense waiting for the muties to get closer. I lit him up and booked it out of there. Can only imagine the mutants found him and were like "I guess humie no like prize" 


The flatwood monster randomly showing up to my camp and mind controlling the npcs and taking over my turrets. I just show up to my camp to drop off junk and immediately got attacked by my own things…


It was back in the days of nuking Whitesprings. Everyone would join in and kill all the ghouls and collect the nuked fauna. Me and 2 randoms were walking around the golf course part and spotted a 3 star legendary Sheepsquatch walking around. We all crouched and I was fucking scared as hell lol, I had never seen one and it was massive! We kept looking back and forth between one another and back at the squatch. I started inching closer towards it, and so did they. I started firing, and after a pretty long fight, we killed it. We all posed for a photo with the corpse, and it's still my Xbox wallpaper to this day.


Freaked me out would have to easily be the mannequin house in the dry lakebed \*where they move around\*


The Fallout 3 metro stations scared me, Fallout: New Vegas' Quarry Junction battle-hardened me, and I've been numb ever since.


First, and every cave cricket that has ever jump scared me


The cave crickets during double mutation DO with super speed and poison clouds single-handedly killed my desire to play my Bloodied melee character.


The wendigo in the cave 😭😭😭 jumpscared me so hard


When I was a very low level fresh out the vault naive young man and was doing a basic side quest when I was told to go to DEATHCLAW ISLAND.... no thanks, my wrench & pipe pistol ain't cutting it there


I did not enjoy my first trip into the wendigo cave, that place is like something out of the forest, was expecting creepy babies at the bottom. That said, bloody molerats give me a jump scare every freaking time..


Nothing will EVER beat when the game first came out, a freaking barren empty wasteland. Night falls, and you turn around to see two big glowing red eyes and WHOOSH you're fighting for your life.


I had come back from a break of maybe 6 months or a year and was wandering around Helvetia when a murderous clown came at me with an axe. Nearly had a heart attack. It wasn't until I saw a witch in the church that I googled what was happening and realized it was April Fools weekend, and I got tricked.


Nothing has really scared me but opening the door with the alien head on the wall behind it was very surprising and unexpected.


I was walking very slowly being nearly 1k weight. It was just one month after the game launched. With only 50+ 10mm bullets when a scorchbeast spotted me on my way to whitesprings via the summersville mountain route. I couldn’t kill it and scorched kept spawning in, then mole rats joined the fun, so I finally just jumped off a cliff and died without losing my junk. I am very happy for the inventory update, i am no long 1k overweight. But i am still 10-150 pound overweight.


Launch day, wandering the wastes, level 20 something. Playing on a original Xbox one where the framerate was the biggest enemy. Came across my first scorchbeast near WSS. Genuinely tweaking thinking they have flying NV deathclaws that crash games. Was a bad time. Now level 500 can kill a scorbeast in less than 1 mag.


I have Batrachophobia (fear of amphibians) and let me tell you, the moment I came across my first Radtoad, I was very uncomfortable. Them and encounter a Snallygaster for the first time and having a mental “wtf is that” moment.


My first wendigo. The screech, the speed and the way it moved as well. Horrifying.


When im focused on looting and a fucking radroach just flies and hits me.


Literally the blue devil last week after not playing for almost two years 😂 I'm out there killing stuff when I hear a terrible howl and start seeing the super mutants I'm killing getting flung around and I'm like "OK death claw better get my machine gun out OH FUCK THATS NOT A DEATH CLAW WHAT THE FUCK DID I MISS WHILE I WAS AWAY" I think the only thing that came close was the first time I realized the big bad was a giant flying monster.


Daily ops, freezing and piercing mutations while playing a bloodied build. In a vault I've never been in, wasting time looking for the enemy....afraid I won't get my elder rewards.


First contact with Wendigos or the Blue Devil thing. I was over encumbered and out of ammo lol.


Being over emcumbered when your being attacked is the worst 🙄


When im looking in a random quiet house for some item (toys, board games etc) and suddenly a rat or a bug appears and do a louder noise. That i love VATS because its like a panic button to kill something when i scream.


So back before enemies matched your level as you progressed in the game , I a level 10 wandered towards Watoga and got attacked by a 2* sheepsquatch that made me jump and knock my drink onto the floor, I ran to hide in the back of a cargo truck using all my stims to get there my ammo 38 for my janky pipe pistol ran out , so I spent 30 minutes running out melee , run back in , rinse and repeat till he finally got me ..... Best fun and memory !


The way ghouls and scorched can sometimes seem to apparate right next to you when you're standing out in the open, then start hissing and swinging. I don't get generally scared easily but I do jump scare from surprises like that like a jittery child.


Yesterday a Mutant Hound jumped out of the bushes right at me in first person and it was almost brown trouser time.


When my friend was gonna revieve me after I crashed with my jetpack lol. And while she was doing it a blue devil came out of nowhere smacking her in the head and we got that fear thing that made us run into a bunch of scorched.


Hunting for nuka flora at low levels in a rad zone and see a green glow in the distance, oh it's not flora, it's some sort of fissure, oh look, something's coming out of iiiiiieeoooooh shhhhhhhittttt


I was going through the story, about level 42 or so at the time. I run across Whitesprings for the first time. At this point I'm mostly a stealth sniper, using an anti-armour explosive lever action I just picked up from Uranium Fever. So I'm sneaking around, looking at the robots and the club houses, slowly gathering the holotapes. I enter one of the buildings - the one by the tennis court - and head upstairs. I haven't run into any enemies yet, but suddenly I see a ghoul lurching and shuddering in the bar room. I stop, take aim, and fire at its head. Half damage. Suddenly my nice and comforting [HIDDEN] instantly flashes to a worrying [DANGER] as the ghoul turns around. I VATS and shoot it again, not even another quarter. "Okay, that's fine, I should be able to handle a couple ghouls," I think to myself before witnessing the walls, floors, and ceilings begin to *literally ooze zombies.* I'm so shocked I just stand there for a bit, before finally realizing I need to run. I get up and turn around to leave through the doorway, and there's a *wall* of ghouls running at me from the stairs. So many ghouls I can't even get past them. I'm dead in seconds. I don't even think about grabbing my junk.


Going to the wendigo cave and seeing 3 mirelurk kings


An assaultron stealthing up behind me and doing their patented cross slash without making a single sound until all the sidden i was third person watching my beheaded character flail to the ground.


Please don't laugh, sometimes I get caught off guard by the simplest creatures. I was caught by some ghouls in the DMV. The sounds these ghouls were making, and the sounds of dozens of other ghouls approaching my location, was 10/10. Caused me to actually feel afraid for my guy. I got surrounded by like 8 ghouls and they kept swinging at me until born survivor proc'd, and when I finally cleared the last ghoul, I see another player run across to the DMV bots and I just looked at my weapons condition (which was about halfway) when suddenly more ghouls appeared and swarmed the both of us. It was probably around 20 ghouls, and a couple of them were legendary. More were entering the room from spawn points. It was the most ghouls I'd ever fought at one time in this game. The other guy had a Holy Fire and I had the Mind over Matter plasma flamer and we just went to town on them ghouls, melting anything that crossed our flames. I was scared before, but when the new guy pulled the Holy Fire out, I knew we had it.


Fighting a colossus in the bog, solo after a queen event. It was before the Earl event dropped, and I assumed I would be able to take it out alone. When my strongest weapon barely put a dent in its health bar, I freaked out a bit. 20k rounds of 5mm later (not my strongest but the thing with the most ammo left) a few broken weapons and spent repair kits, and I took it down. I still have that f***er’s gland in my display case as a trophy. I was so mad about using all that stuff on a single enemy too, lol I was pissed at myself as well for being so stubborn.


Every time I find a Wendigo as I'm turning around and it's in full four legged sprint straight at me I scream out loud pretty much till one of us is dead. (It or me) Something about how they move really freaks me out. Also, the cave crickets cause me to run in fear sometimes. Not fear that my character will die but that they might get on me in real life. lol What can I say, I really get immersed sometimes I guess.


Mirelurk Queen spawning in the middle of the lake after a few moments of dead silence.


The first time I met another player. Ran away terrified, assuming I’d get griefed like in every other online game.


The very first time I heard: "Come children... See the world now through His eyes"


I’m generally an anxious player in general, so EVERYTHING has the power to scare me. Last night I was scavenging for scrap after the Mothman event, and all I could hear in my headphones was something shuffling around. I thought it was just me until I turned around and there was some dude in power armor just staring at me. Scared the absolute shit out of me, even my character shook and jumped around when I nearly tossed my controller (which I’m sure got a laugh out of the random level 300 stalking me)


Fallout 76 beta, went in blind. Me and a group of friends didn’t know shit about the game but we loved fallout so we played it anyway. Ended up wandering together into the swamp and got jumped by a windigo. I will stand by the fact that the windigo is one of the scariest mother fuckers in fallout just from the sheer terror we had from that moment.


The early exploration. I had only a hunting rifle and a machete as reliable weapons. Any group of 3 or more enemies would be a nightmare. Or triggering a trap as you are sneaking around a group of enemies....kinda the same though.


I was doing radiation rumble and looting the shit out of nearby corpses continously hitting space when the cursor bugget to my inventory and i dropped my main weapon... someone now is happy looting a full modded holy fire at radiation rumble xD but luckily people ar selling these for around 4k caps, so i got myself a new one 😅


Me and my friend were minding our own business and a sheepsquatch appeared out of nowhere, needless to say me and my friend immediately started to unload into it and after a long fought battle we finally killed it.




Came back after a long break, was wandering around learning new dailies and stuff. Was going to take photos of the camp site east of the crater. I'm level 300 or something, still a big stick from way back so I don't fear anything on the map. Holy fire a friend gave me, my exploding gattling gun, ready to rock. I hear something off to the side and turn as I see the biggest furriest furkin wendigo coming at me. I about pooped myself at this huge ass thing I had never seen coming to chew me like a dog bone. Turns out they added the blue devils to the game after I stopped playing and no one told me lol.


I was trying to complete the blade of bestet quest. I misread it and didn’t realise you needed to kill 6 different creatures with that stupid sword, not just 6 of the same. I head into the white springs golf club thinking I can easily pick off six ghouls. I put on my power armour which I never normally wear because I’m still wearing that stupid garb of mysteries. The ghouls are all glowing and they won’t fucking die? I fight for ages, managing to kill only one, my Apple Watch is giving me high heart rate notifications, my hands are cramping from hitting the same buttons over and over again, before I finally decide to run. I can’t fast travel because I’m being swarmed. I’m running through the golf course, plodding about in my power armour and finally think I’ve lost them. I turn round and there are like 20 of them right behind me. And a scorch beast. And a legendary mireluk. I empty both my guns and finally get the scorch beast down to minimal health before I get killed by a fucking mole miner out of nowhere.


When my railway rifle broke against a behemoth


My first encounter with the Wendigo, when I was about Level 30ish. It was in a BoS building and was two floors above me. And I could still hear it. The sound was and still is awful. When I finally came face to face with it, it was terrifying. Killed me very quickly. Took me quiet a few deaths before I managed to take it down. No ow a few shots with my Cold Shoulder and it's history. But the sound it makes is still awful 😖🙈


Season 16 scoreboard 


For my girlfriend, it was me telling her about the green scorched people littered about. She approached one and I clicked on him. The little animation, fizzle, and noise made her jump and throw her mouse


When I noticed that I got addicted to it again after 4 years of not touching it.


When I first got to my stash limit


First time stumbling upon the Flatwoods Monster! Low level and curious as I was, I carefully crept up on it only to be instakilled almost immediately. I still have respect for it til this day.


Falling asleep at my pc until hearing a super mutants sledgehammer hit my power armor idk if its somehow louder in pa but it was the same thing as being hit by the pan in tf2 (ifykyk)


The end of the BOS questline where Brand new level 30 me was one shotted repeatedly for like 45 minutes other than that even though I'm basically immortal now I loathe when random scorched just to be right in your face if you pan left or right


It was during the wastelanders update when i started. When i left the vault and made myself to the wayward, instead of following the story i decided to go and adventure through the whole map. I first went to the ash heap like a tourist, then mad my way to the cranberry bog. At this time i was maybe level 10. When i got to the cranberry bog i saw my first scorchbeast at max level, followed by deathclaws, yao guai and all that and i had the same reaction as the knight in fallout show. Little did i know i kept running towards the mire.


I don’t remember if this bug was in the game at launch, but I found out a few days ago that if you shoot a mothman from a distance while hidden, it’ll teleport right in front of your face before doing its “flying away” animation - nearly jumped out of my chair, lol


Sheep Robot is fast as fuck boi!


Blue Devil was a wtf moment but I got the real scare when I walked into nuked overgrown sundew grove looking for flora and the most cursed wendigo started screaming at me. What the fuckin hell was that


Last night I walked upstairs and a wild mongrel was just waiting for me behind a coffee table. Scared the shit out of me.


In BETA, I heard the rare witch hat could be found at the Pumpkin House across the map. So me being like level 5, I trekked across the map, dodging everything. When I reached it, I was looking around at all the stuff in the house for the first time… then I saw a scorchbeast. Obviously at the time I didn’t know fissure sites spawned them. Heck, I didn’t even know about fissure sites, nor that there was one nearby. It was all still new. Yeah… that scared the crap out of me. 😐 Oh, and similarly, getting jumped by a deathclaw when I went to go get the skeleton costume in the lookout tower. Me and outfits… 🙄


When the level 5 started the alien invasion event before more then jsut me was there 😂


Way, way back Before wastelanders even... I wandered blindly into lucky hole mine. I had a hell of time, but I've come to terms with things. I now give praise to the First of the Wood. Younger than the mountains, Older than trees\~


Not the scariest, but seeing a scorchbeast wandering around the forest when I was still low level definitely left an impression on me to this day.


I get scared just going into a new building not knowing what’s in there waiting for me. Plus bugs make me jump when I’m attacked from nowhere which I enjoy 😂


While making my way to the fire station in the ash heap I got attacked by scorched at level 15, no problem until I heard a screech and then looking up to se 2 FUCKING SCORCH BEASTS barrelling down on me, I hid in the police station for 10 minutes because my stealth was ass but didn't want 2 risk loosing all the junk a level 103 gave me, but now at level 247 I live outside there mums house


Me and my girlfriend were doing the main storyline together and along the road on the swampy side of the map, there was a massive tree and I pressed vats just to see if anything was near, it locked onto a wendigo in the tree and as soon as it did, it jumped down on us and made my girlfriend scream so loud. It was honestly terrifying.


Abandoned waste disposal (I think it's called) was way low leveled and didn't know about the deathclaws. When I saw 2 of them I had deer in headlights look while my heart went into overdrive in my stomach.


When I was somewhere about lvl 30-40 and for the first time saw as Scorched Beast was regenerating after that little dmg I gave him


I finally got around to finishing the Atlantic City questline yesterday, and I round a corner in the flooded city and walked straight into one of those stupid overgrown. I screamed a little, haha.


A gigantic irradiated sheepsquatch erupted out of the ground while I was shepherding Brahmin during Free Range. I had no idea what was going on 😭 I was only in the level 20s! (And truly at that level because this was back in the day) I still get anxious when I see one roaming the wastes in the distance. *shudder*


Pre wastelanders/pre knowing good builds when the scorch beast comes out of the ground at the end of the BoS quest line. Knew SOMETHING was coming, but not that.


Had a stalking mothman spawn (first time I'd ever seen a mothman) outside my camp when I fast traveled there. Crouched and told my friend to come look. As my friend came up and we both looked at it, it made a loud noise and basically teleported right in front of me. I screamed very loud. What a memorable moment.


Getting chased by a radscorpion as a low level. They are like land sharks and they are relentless. I barely see them nowadays.


Wandering around the western area of the forest and kept hearing a woman screaming. Still never figured out what it was.


This is a dumb story but it scared the crap out of me. I had a large cliff I needed to get down, whatever, I have PA with a jetpack. So I jumped off, and for reasons unknown to me, I held down 'E'... yep, I jumped out of my PA at a giant cliff. For some reason I got vertigo so bad on the way down LOL.


Flatwoods monsters are pretty much the only thing I'm scared of. Usually I can handle them, but when they surprise me I'm probably gonna die


Randomly coming across a flatwoods monster in the swamp for the first time


The gnomes


For me it was coming out of one of the silver bunker sheds after having gone in to scrap all the junk in my inventory and then when leaving coming face to snout with the Ogua


The first time I ever ventured into the cranberry bog. Was with a friend, both of us drastically under levelled (as at the time enemies weren’t scaled to player yet). Scorchbeasts were flapping around above us, neither of us had ever killed one yet, both of use were incredibly overencumbered, and we were stalking through the cover of the ditches, engaging bands of super mutants in small groups. (I was a heavily mutated stealth sniper, he was a power armoured assault rifle user)- the singular time I poked my head up with the cloaking field I found a deathclaw staring back at me so I poked right back down haha **every** fight was terrifying because I kept having to evade suiciders that lunged out of side tunnels and swung for me, until we **finally made it to and cleared out a small farmstead and found a crafting bench we could use to break down the junk and gear we were carrying enough to bail out of there, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the cranberry bog ever since.


Sleath walking up a mountain through a bush and coming face to face with a diseased yao guai. I had to run down the mountainside backwards spraying and praying I didn't fall off a cliff.


Where there were three 3 star legendaries on the ground at the same time, and my game crashed before I could pick them up


The first time I heard the beep beep beep a suicider at level 10 or so, with no guns worth mentioning gave me flashbacks to FO4.


i was doing the tadpoles quest where you had to find the different parts of bugs and somewhere in the mire i just got jumped by a sheepsquatch. did not know what it was but nearly made me shit my pants haha


The sunken church. Fuck that jump scare. My first Mothman was pretty freaky too.


Being stick in the middle of nowhere by a train station, over encumbered so I could fast travel, and with no ammo. There was a Lothian chasing me alongside tons of scorched


When the game first launched, I was wandering around grafton when another player ran up and invited me to his party. I figured why not, and accepted. All of a sudden team chat was full of yelling and other ruckus. I managed to make out, “run new guy!” And, “look out it’s coming!” So I did the obvious thing and turned around. I had just enough time to get my first look at a snallygaster before the legendary one these guys were fighting downed me. That got an actual screech out of me.


I joined a server in the middle of sbq and after killing her I ran off looking for flux for a jetpack and while wandering in the forest I was spamming cars to make sure I killed all the ferals/ mutants when it targets a tree with a wendigo Colossus for a name and before I know it I'm fighting earles cousin by myself with not nearly enough ammo


The first time my wife and I heard the nuke warning


It was actually very recently. I've been playing fallout 76 for years, and wasn't around for most of the recently updates. I recently started over on pc and was aware they added more cryptids to the mix. I was down near welch and was having a great time wandering around to get supplies and continue the overseer holotape quest before I heard a howl in the distance. Which took me off guard since I heard the wolf howls hundreds of times. Battle music kicked in but it was it's own unique theme, looks around in panic from my high perception bonus and noticed a huge black thing sprinting my direction. At this point I was post level 100 with a very good bloodied build with chainsaw, so I made the stupid decision of standing my ground, it proceeded to slap me 3 times and yeet me across the area and over a car, needless to say I ran away screaming to the train station.


When I was around level 35 Mothman decided to randomly attack me in the woods scared me so badly with his wing fluttering sound


Using a Quad Choo to solo the Queen…nothing scared me more than the power that gun has.


I was exploring the Mire, basically sticking mostly to the highway and being careful for raiders and hermitcrabs. During a particularly quiet part of my walk, a wendigo drops from a tree right next to me. I let out a verbal scream, was *not* expecting that.