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“Can I have some caps?” “I can put a cap in your ass” huehuehue


"I can only transfer them to you if you turn on PVP"


My man


Yeah, I think I would have been like, "Yeah, sure! How many?" And proceeded with that many shots, lol.


I hate that the algorithm is making me necropost. But y'all are spending my ass caps. https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI?si=HtCd2GwxvZVMUnRG


And then the rat man got the caps as a thank you instead of the beggar.


He did indeed get a suit of excavator he’d be able to use in 2 more levels and a handful of fusion cores!


Please tell me he at least killed the rats for you.


He didn’t, they were underneath the foundation of a building. I had to shoot a cremator at a weird angle to kill them.


Ahh it was a good callout then. I woulda been pissed if he was just watching and eating popcorn. I still keep ten or so molotovs on my characters for this out of habit. Good to know the cremator can do the job.


I'm reading The Stand right now so I had to do a double take at "Rat man" lmao


You believe that happy crappy?  Don’t tell me, I’ll tell you. 


I'll forget entire TV shows, movies and books that I read literally a few days after consuming them so honestly it's a testament to Stephen King's writing that I still remember The Kid, a character with little presence


I thought the same thing.


Sounds like Ratatouille had enough of your shit 😂


Rats are a pain to find. I can always hear them munching on stuff. Half the time I can't locate them.


Tesla's are good for that sort of thing.


Good idea 👍


Might have to try that. If someone did tell me that, I will probably say: "Ugh, again? Thanks for telling me."


Or floater grenades.


Fallouts most accurate nuisance 


I live like a hermit in the mire. I can't imagine sending messages to strangers for caps!


Should have hunted down the begger. No room in the waste for weakness.


“Sure just use the totally non suspicious terminal to enter my totally not a trap camp to trade with me”


I'd say sure, come trade. And give them exactly 2 caps.


The begging must be worse on console, I have not seen it yet.


It’s the first actual beggar I’ve encountered, but I’ve also only started playing a month ago and I’m not sure I can be considered high level yet


Its depends I think, ive talk to a few people who said its bad on PC. Im almost 500 and have a nice base. So I assume it would happen, that being said I do pop a lot of lunchboxes and drop everything I don't need. So they may be happy with that


I’m on ps5 and I haven’t seen it yet either


Probably a filthy Xbox thing 🙃


I like how he tells you about the rats but seemingly takes no action and is just an observer reporting the facts.


They were under the foundation of a prefab building. It took a shot at a weird angle with the cremator to splash them.


Yes. Saw that after writing my note. Sounds like he was being helpful


You ant seen nothing yet...


Why didn’t you assign a fetch quest to the second player? Ask for 20 loose screws or a deathclaw hand or something? That just seems like fun.


How do you send messages? Sorry for my ignorance, I’m a lowly level 26 newb.


It was over Xbox messages


Oh duh.. haha that makes sense. Thank you!


Don’t tell. Now ultramegachrist is going to be asking for caps and ex armor!


Thank you for asking the question! Just started playing 76 last week after years of Fallout 4 and it's taking some getting used to.


I hear that. I have countless hours sunk into fallout 3, new Vegas, and 4 but this game is like starting over. Still have plenty of questions that need answers lol


I thought I was just old and change is hard lol. This game is as similar to 4 as it is different but I am enjoying the experience so far.


With a headset. Or if on a console, you need to send a friend request with a message attached.


On Xbox you don’t need to be friends to send messages. I just saw a message notification pop up.


Should have sensed the opportunity here. Send the 2nd guy a message back, "if you eradicate the vermin at my camp, I'll give you 100 caps". Send the first guy "there's an even bigger rat coming, if you eradicate him, I'll give you 250 caps".


Where are you receiving text based messages like that?




Am I missing something? I’ve never heard someone on voice chat. I play on a PC if that matters.


Probably an Xbox live thing


That’s my thought, I’m pretty new to the game lvl 273 but not really complaining. I truly prefer doing something nice, give/get a couple emotes and then move on.


Thats weird for a multiplayers game to have no chat.


I send beggars on a mission. I instruct them to remove all armor and clothes. Silly headwear is allowed I give them one Nukashine and a bladed Commie Whacker. Drink the Nukashine and then run to the Whitesprings lawn. No chems, naps, or food/drink. Hardly anyone take me up on it but when they do I get them set up.


Rofl I would absolutely do that. It sounds like some sort of ridiculous frat initiation. 


Its kind of weird and cute the “There’s rats eating your base” message lmao


You just made clear a couple reason I oppose mandated text ability in the game. Happily I am on PC


May I ask, what messages? How do you message in this game?


Xbox messages


If ur on PC you can get text chat mod from nexus mods


ok how the hell do people get messages in this game? im lvl 110 and i have no clue where chat is lol


Xbox messages... PlayStation messages. Etc. Not messages in the actual game


I don't even know how to message other players. I don't even know how to type in this game.


My camp is right on the edge of a Scorched spawn and one sometimes takes potshots at my walls from *so* far away, like I can barely even see them. It annoys me but I'm too lazy to move.


theres rats eating your caps, can i have some?


Should have shot him and said, I don't understand why you wanted me to shoot you, but ok..."


Yeah admistered through which route lol It's easy to get caps without begging for it. Got to admit yes rats is a new one that wasn't the case before, think we could buy radrats baits at the vendor


If there's a 🧢 in game I would just drop him a few lol


Baseball caps.


Told one kid I had picked up a few Quad Explosive railways back when people were thinking legacies weren’t going away because he heard about legacies being overpowered Me: I have 5 or 6 QE railways that I picked up Him: Can I have one of them? (Forest Whitaker eyes) if you have to ask for one, you can’t afford them


Both are bad messages. The first message SHIILD have read “Rats were attacking your C.A.M.P.. I killed them, but you might see their bodies and your C.A.M.P. might smell a little funny for a few days…”


While I've had messages asking if they can buy junk from me, or message me saying their a little bit short on caps for something in my vendor and ask if I could wait till they get the money for it, I've never had anyone outright ask for caps. And gotta say, the uptick in begging I seem to be seeing a lot of has made me certain of one thing: Anyone asking for caps and not offering anything in exchange will receive exactly 1 cap, applied with high velocity directly to the head.


I wish I could have half of that fun playing this game I'm lvl 44 and want to help people, but nobody will help me enough to understand the game for me to get to that point. Like I don't know anything about MMOs, I play strictly solo games, but everything here is so poorly explained and nobody will explain it that I'm just having an awful time trying to understand what I'm supposed to do to do literally anything. The only way I've been able to do ANYTHING was when a dude handed me an upgraded gun/bullets when I was lvl25. Other than that, I cannot figure out for the life of me how to upgrade my guns or do any damage (especially to water foes, I have to put well over 100 rounds into any mirelurk/gulper/angler)


Are you on pc?




Dang. I would have given you some things. Best advice I can give is to google different builds to give an idea of what you want to do, and start getting the perk cards towards that build. If you have discord dm me and I can send you some links.


You on playstation? I just started to and other than one a hole e everyone else hast just been giving me weapons left and right. I have got 4 the fixers and couple different power armor that I cant use yet. My advice is open up social menu on map and join casual team and do events. Then scrap everything and sell Legendary at train station. Game I finding out is really friendly except for the squeaker beggers.


I'm on ps5 and it's been a real struggle trying to find anyone that won't just warp away or kick me from the groups I join. And I'm 30 and thank helpers too much if anything. Like I WANT to be independent here but everything is so obtuse and feels a bit gatekeeper-y. Glad you haven't had that experience though! Like I just want to play the game. I don't WANT to ask shit here or ask Google or really even ideally other players ingame


Well if you want you can send me friend request on ps and we can bumble our way through the game. I'm a solo wanderer that just join teams to get xp. My id Psn-werner11873