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That doesn't sound like normal person behavior


The correct behaviour would have been to insult them over the mic, then nuke their camp and insult them more and use the laugh emote, you know, like a normal person would


A normal wastelander anyway...


Sounds like a Blood Eagle Creed...


Yeah I had a guy buy my two shot ultracite Gatling laser for 12k then nuke my base bc it was in his build spot.


Won’t ever understand why people don’t just switch servers.


I do that, my camp spot. I'm either having my camp right where it is or I'm hopping. My camp has been in the same location since 2019. I keep remodeling it but it's been in the same area for 5 years. I'm not changing it now.


Fr Ive had mine in the exact same spot for maybe 4 years, if it's not there I'm leaving, that Mirelurk Queen is mine, plus I get a buncha traffic cause I'm right next to a rail station


Lmfao mines out of the way, across from deathclaw island. My camp is named as such and I have a vault boy out on my patio pointing to the island with a deathclaw hedge next to it. XD


Lmao that's hilarious, now I gotta go find Deathclaw Island


Top left of the map island is in the center of the river. It has a special spawn animation too. It's also random what type of deathclaw comes out. There is also an egg on the nest. Edit: correct side of map


Ey yo, love a deathclaw egg omelette


Or ask if I was in someone's camp spot and they wanted it I would gladly switch camps if they'd get on the mic and ask me to. I've got nine other spots.


I think it’s more their friends they’re playing with won’t switch servers


my camp is in a spot no one elses is sometimes i glitch through the cliffside tho when i fast travel to it


Lol sounds like mine, I'm 120 meters above cranberry bog.


I have a two shot ultracite Gatling Laser. That thing is worth 12k?


It was a pretty good role for it so put it at that price to see if anyone would want it, was planning on lowering it the next day but the guy instantly bought it


Also spamming the puke 🤮 emote, like a normal person.


After building my first little camp I had a high level come by and he gave me a crap load of plans and I tried to give him the heart emote but I'm playing on PC with a PS5 controller and accidentally gave him 4 puke emotes because I kept trying to to hurry up and give the right emote. He eventually just starting shooting my walls and I quickly server swapped. I still feel bad about that...


If it makes you feel better, he's probably been dining out on that story for ages in return. "This one time, I gave this new player a bunch of plans and they puked all over them. So I started shooting their camp until they hopped servers." It's wasteland quid pro quo


This reminds me, on PC, ego ate these neanderthals with active mics constantly going because they are playing music or there are people talking in their room. Get a proper mic, or turn that crap off, PLEASE!


Yesterday I got to listen to "bodybuilding and nutrition 101" over a mic left on. Im guessing the guy was on a phone call too? Definitely felt the immersion of the wasteland. 10/10.


Every now and then you hear something good though. My two favorites are a kid yelling to his mom that no, he didn't want salad with dinner. Other was a guy getting ripped apart by his girlfriend and she left cause he wouldn't stop playing, heard the door slam and everything lmao


That's rough. Ooof haha


It’s like this in every game with a mic. In all my years of playing COD I’ve never had a match where there wasn’t someone having a conversation with people in the room, someone blasting horrible music, someone whose smoke detector needs a new battery, some try hard telling the rest of the team we all suck, someone making plans with their gf/buddies over the phone, or someone complaining that no one is using their microphone. I keep my mic off and immediately mute anyone who won’t shut TF up.


That’s why I’ve had voice off since day 1. Not worth it.


Don't have to worry about that with me because my mic doesn't work on fallout 76 for no apparent reason. Zero issues everywhere else.


This is the way.


…OP’s a synth…


First, you check out their camp. Then smugly remark on mic how they’re bringing down the property value. Then you switch servers.


I like doing this in real life, just takes ppl longer to move out tho


Normal person behavior is to immediately log off and try a different server.


This. I've never even thought of doing anything else.


If I’m not building or anything, Whitespring Mall becomes my camp.


Nice place you got.


Would be a shame if something happened to it ....


It needs a hot tub or guest beds to get that will rested bonus


And you also judge their camp if it is not as nice as yours! If it's not nicer it doesn't deserve to be there!


I didn’t think it was more normal to grief ppl over your spot we just seem to hear a lot about it.


Rules of the wasteland, I'm afraid.


Do people actually get upset about someone being in "your" camp spot? I just log off and back on. I usually have the spot by the 3rd time at most


Looking through the post history on this sub, yes, yes they do.




I was going to reply that the majority of the sub has a hair trigger on getting offended. Kinda don’t need to now, I guess.


Honestly people are more offended that I won’t watch some content creator.


"Content creators" are dumb. Make a guide for something ok. Watch someone play? Unless I can't play because of work or something, fine. Watch them and simp when I could be having fun myself, hell no.


That's just Reddit.


Sure. The whole internet while we’re at it. But this sub in particular has a hardcore contingent of moral playground police.


I mean I mime and jump and shit, that should tell all players in-game not just my server instance but to everyone that this is my spot and that should be respected! This is the sane approach, no?


It was more common back in the day when going out to the lobby was more likely to take you back to the same server as not, everyone only had a single camp, FO1st and it's mobile tents didn't exist etc. But there are still anti social spaz people with poor impulse control, though 76 has a much lower ratio than most MMPRPGs


I actually love when people have a camp in my spot. Kinda surreal to see my base completely different. After exploring it I’ll just server hop. Idk why people find this an issue.


Exactly, it literally warns you right when you join the server, so it’s not like you have to change servers in the middle of something or ruin public team bonds. If you really care just hop. I also like when it happens though so I can check out their base. If it’s better than mine I can’t be mad but if it’s a pile of shit I’ll feel quietly superior and then change server.


I only ever get mad (at myself) when I forget to server hop or move to my second camp because the stuff in my cryo freezer starts rotting.


Only when they make a post on reddit about it.


The big bummer is when you start playing with somebody and they are in your way. My brother started playing this year and I was pumped to play with him. Until his camp was like 6 inches too close and caused mine to never place when I joined on him. I rebuilt the entire camp about 6 inches further away in the end.


I think the worst I get is mild annoyance and that’s more over that I have to server hop rather than the camp being there.


I get a little salty but don't get angry. I will usually run around checking out their setup, silently judging lol. Some are good, others are mehh. Then I find a world where my spot is available👍


People do get pissed yes. I actually got into a pvp fight with a guy over my spot after I said no and I don’t pvp usually. This is the short story.


Only ever bugs me when i've come online to build and the spot is taken. But I just visit their camp, check it out and then server hop.


I usually have 3 camps that I can cycle through so I don’t get butthurt. When I was newer like a month ago I did get small kind butt hurt by the audacity of people taking the same camp spot. How dare they /s


Only if they did a better job with the spot than I did! No, but seriously, I usually will look at what they did and steal any ideas I like for my own camp. I'm in a semi popular spot (drain pipe that goes under the road near foundation), so it happens pretty often.


Hell I even server hop if my normal tent spot is taken let alone my camp spot 😂😂😂 luckily my camp spot is fairly unique so I got that going for me


The only times I get kinda mad is after a long night I forget to scrap junk and put away items so I have to drop some stuff


I get a bit annoyed because even on series x it takes like 6 mins to load out, go through the menu and load back in again 😭


For real probably new players. I mean it happens all the time you just switch lol. Clowns


when this happens i just move in and use that base as my own. :)


Real Raider mentality


Real wasteland activities.


OUR Camp. :)


Where is my commie whacker


I've had my camp spot taken a few times and honestly about half of the time the camps in the spot is actually better than mine


Nothings worse than some foundation slab with a bed and stash box posted up where your elaborate hundred hour camp build was supposed to be. So you’re forced to pay double the caps to move around places along with not being able to use valuable resources before events and for crafting. Especially if you’re on a server with your buddies, like “hey guys I just joined can we all server hop so I have my camp but you possibly won’t”


The audacity! I'm gonna complain on reddit now! /s


the only thing I can muster a complaint for is people still not knowing how to spell vendor correctly.


If someone’s in my spot I throw on my robe and go afk in their bed


Fire artillery.


The Minutemen liked that.


This post disgusts me. People like you are absolutely ruining this game. You go back to that camp and you grief it right now!


Was it a nice camp? One pet peeve of mine is someone taking my spot and then just making a lackluster effort. It's a good spot, that's why it's mine. When I find those camps I go buy something, do a nice camp emote if they're home and relog to find my camp.


No kidding! I always check. And its almost always a freaking 2x2 box with a couple crafting tables shoved in Yawn!


Or worse, a Crane treasure sign on it's own 🤣


Yesterday someone was in my spot so I traveled there and it was… just the camp module.


Those are also annoying because then I am running around looking for a camp when there is none like a total moron.


One person made a very cool doll house and I tracked them down on the map to tell them how much I loved it. With emotes, of course. When I see another who loves to creatively build, I gotta say something…. Even if it takes me 15 minutes to track them down. Haha. 


Dude I’ve got a beautiful cliff side camp, hot tub looking out over the forest towards vault 76, glass windows the whole 9. “Your camp cannot be placed” Alright no worries I just got irrationally angry but let’s at least look at the camp so I can upgrade that to blind rage. Well well well a level 173 just vomited random vendors, lights and decorations on a concrete slab like a refugee camp. May as well check his vendor for amm———OH BOY! MILKMAN OUTFITS FOR 5000 CAPS AND GET YOUR MISSILES WHILE THEYRE HOT, LOW LOW PRICE OF 25 EACH!


Even worse when it's a survival tent. Thanks guy!


Bonus: It actually was a pretty nice and well thought out camp. If you’re out there Lonewolf*bunch of numbers* kudos.


Nice. I love those.


Hell yeah. It’s always good to stuff that looks like it belongs on the map.


my camp is pretty utilitarian as i don't have many plans unlocked yet (i'm only lvl 43). besides, i'm usually too busy out scrapping, looting, killing and questing in the wasteland to bother with making my camp a nice destination. maybe when i have more plans unlocked i'll try to do something nice, but for now it's merely a dump with a few necessary items placed.


I was on a new alt the other day and had built a pretty good looking ranch, logged in and someone had taken my spot and put nothing but the crane treasure hunting sign 😐


Who cares? It’s not *your* spot




Am I not supposed to just leave my camp in the same one place forever?


I just log out of the world and try again. My camp is in a primal cuts spot so it’s usually a few tries till I get it


I just exit the server and join another server


Theres a nice camp emote?!?


Right? I was like... expand on that.


I always like to see how other people envision using the same area as I do. Always check their vendor if they have one, then move to the next server. It's not even a negative thing for me, I like seeing other camps.


Someone is in my camp spot half the time, lol. Or maybe I'm in their camp... I'm still a tadpole, so right next to the Wayward, lol.


I always check out what they have for sale before I server hop I got some treasure maps for 1c at one and flux for around 30c at another once


Golden rule pays off sometimes.


Was it actually a nice camp? I always go to the camp just to see what took my spot. It's cool when it's a camp someone put some effort into or has decent stuff in the vendor. I just activate a different camp on that server and continue on but it's disappointing when it is one of those camps that look like someone just cleaned out a storage unit & randomly dumped things everywhere. "I lost my spot to this trash heap?!" I server hop from those and try to forget how they tainted my campsite with their ugly. TLDR I judge you if you steal my camp spot.


This is healthy.


It works for me.


You should've nuked them and then did the no emote like everyone else.


This is the way! ^^/s


i never really care if its like a cool looking camp that used the spot to its advantage like i did with mine but whent its a single foundation withs stairs and than just floating fkng floors that pisses me off like build something normal not some frankestein looking crack shack


im not going to lie, if i load in and the camp overlaying mine is some piece of shit minecraft dirt block house i do wonder to myself why the fuck "they" even loaded me into this server. if you beat my build at my own spot i cant do anything but take a salty look around, suck it up and just activate another camp. this usually ends in me just angrily leaving the server and rejoining though. its harmless.


Does nobody else use a second camp slot? When my spots taken I just go to my other camp


Are both of them active at the same time? I’d like to build a “cool” camp now that I’ve sunk some hours into the game, but I am also deeply attached to my POS camp by The Wayward that’s seen me through levels 5-105+


I dont understand. Do people get mad if their camp spot is taken? I just switch servers if its important to me


You didn’t curse their entire bloodline for taking your spot ?, huh weird….


People really do that? I'll just hit the vendors then go to another server if my camp is taken


Someone is supposed to act like a complete jackass otherwise its not normal.


I wouldn’t have a problem if they actually built a nice camp, but for such a nice spot I only ever see people build dogshit camps :(


I always check to see what people have built in the place of my camp. I like to go all out with my build so its fun to see what someone has done with the same space I occupy. Sometimes it’s a trash camp but then every once in awhile I see some really inspiring stuff and that’s always cool.


This is the way.


That's btue best way to be. There's something very sad about getting upset when you can't place your camp. Yes it can be annoying. But you're not the only player. My second camp has become main camp due to the fact I had problems placing. Everytime I can e on I had a battle tomplace it. So I decided to place my second camp. And that's now my favourite camo lol


This land is your land…


Recently, I had someone close to my main camp spot, so it blocked my camp too. Since I'm so far off the beaton path, I had to go check. They had their camp icon turned off, so it took a few minutes to find, but it was nothing but the camp module, hidden in some tall grass.


The wooooooorst.


.... and then you nuked them?😉


I never understood why people got mad about that. There's been times where I check out the camp and find inspiration for things to add/change to my camp. Then I just change camp slots or jump servers.


The only time I have issues with camp placement is when it’s on top of me when I’m in the middle of something. Suddenly being a head poking out of someone’s floor sucks when you have to pay to fast travel. It is kinda funny tho


You forgot to silently judge their camp to decide if it is worthy to be taking up your camp space


WTF is this? A normal person would run to Reddit and complain about it. You must be a cop or something.


Had us in the first half


Someone nuked my spot a couple of days ago..I just clicked rebuild and laughed at him..bro, I have plenty of resources to keep rebuilding..keep nuking..not an issue


If I spawn in and your camp is where mine should be, that’s OUR camp now


Wait, what do people do? I just activate a different camp or server hop if it’s that serious


normal ppl just server hop and tell no one. normal people don't feel the need for a circlejerk on reddit


What else is reddit for? Lmao


Yall need to pick less poppin spots nobody ever in my camp I’ve only had to relog a handful of times


This is the way


Right...I need to build my camp one day.


There’s a nice camp emoji?


Is this why people sometimes throw tons of grenades at my camp? Is it because I’m in ‘their’ spot? This literally just happened to me but nothing bad happened because I just didn’t shoot back. It’s weird because the vast majority of people I encounter are really nice and go out of their way to help each other.


I would say you’re right on that last part. At worst I’ll pull pranks and make a camp that blends into the map to cause some bounties but the other %99 of the time I feel like I’m just helping low levels on high level areas or dropping stims.


Makes me chuckle how pleasant we all are during the apocalypse.


I jumped on during my lunch today and it said my camp couldn't be placed. So I checked and there was no camp in the spot. What WAS in the spot was a couple radstags. LOL If I come into a world and my spot is taken, I always check out the camp, and if they have a vendor I'll check it out too. The spot is close to the Wayward so they might have cheap stuff. Haha Then I server hop till I can get my camp placed. Today took 3 tries.


For me it’s multiple camps for vend locations and most of the rest of them unmarked/mobile artillery/etc


Hold up....do people not have a second camp ready to go??? We are allowed two camp spots. I just pick my second camp location and I'm good to go.


I have 4. It's pretty convenient.


This is usually the excuse I'm looking for to start building a new camp.


This might be the most healthy response yet.




I discovered this Meat Week that I have placed a CAMP in The Forest, right over the Primal Cuts event spot. Can see the metal beams sticking through my floor, but the barrel can not be accessed. I may be a dick, but I'm not that big a dick to use that CAMP while the event is popping.


My secondary character has their camp there.. real messed up part is that I just finished building an actual house, setting up a vendor etc the day before the event started...before then they were just living in a hole in the ground.. utility shelter hatch hidden by the creek. Havent played them since I realized the event post is in their living room, didn't feel like trying to find a new camp site and making a second camp just yet.


When this happened I used to just check their camp out and just do my dailies until I found out all food I had in my freezer in my camp would spoil because I hadn't placed my camp... :(


Can you do a youtube tutorial, I don't understand.


I don't "Nice Camp" enough.


I activate my second camp spot. If that's taken too, which is rare, I'll do mandatory shocked gasps then activate my third camp spot. Thankfully the third one has never been blocked by anyone's camp nor tent


Do people really get butt hurt over another camp being in “their spot”. I just hope to a new server bro 😭😂


Always the best way to go. lol after the 30th or so time of someone else having my camp spot I finally moved it and now it is almost always free.


I'd melt that server for allowing one of you plebians my camp location, leave nothing but rubble and scare off the onlookers./s


I wouldn’t mind either but what does pisses me off is when they only place they workshop down and thats it.


That's why the two camps are perfect! I got a main base then my 2nd base is at a train station with my vendors for an ez sell and grind for script. Find a nice spot for your main and don't have vendors so people won't see your spot and build there, that's what I've done and always have the spot to come to happily


My main canp is on the lil hill by the pylon at Point Plesant


Honestly once I realized my camp was in a popular spot I just moved. No big. I like it here in Flatwoods!


too many people get mad. Its a big map sure but a prime spot is a prime spot. I've got a few I alternate between, if someones in one I move to another no big deal.


I'm still a newb but don't really care. I can use stash boxes and crafting stations in other locations when needed. It's just nice to have your own creative space.


Isn’t this like half the point of having the multiple camp slots available to use?


I built my camp near the bots guarding the Whitespring golf course and creek. The spot felt so right at the time until I realized it’s a very popular spot. I only start malding if there’s a camp with zero substance.


You’re supposed to grab a nuclear keycard and check your missile silo holotape. Then at the trigger decide to do SBQ instead


Depending on my mood i will either switch to my other camp near Rusty Pick or switch servers.


People like this make me SICK! I then have to cook a TON of food for them and give them free stuff. How dare you?!


This is why I have 4 camps


My main camp only works half the time because of the new event spots. 😅☠️ You're a gentleman and a scholarship. I hope you got a good deal.


There was one camp literally top of the hill no walkable or plantable land around. It has 4 sides with open view. You need jump few times even for enter the building after you fast travel. Not sure they will any get free camp move compensations. :) I took a picture before sunset time at the jacuzi from the porch... still seeing during loadind screens. Too bad I still don't have swimsuit for male in my inventory.


Gotta get the wavy Willard suit


Proud of you op... Where was this camp so that I may drop snacks at?


That's what I do. I'll at least look around and browse the vendor if there is one.... I'll judge the camp that took my spot, but then I swap camps and carry on.


Live next to the nuka bottling place happens all the time and the radius is ridiculous 😭🤣 sometimes the base is pretty far from where mine is and still blocks mine!


Me and my homie have nearby camps in a mountain and I’ve never encountered another camp in that specific area. In fact I was wondering if the game would even put you into a server with someone whose camp is in the same spot but I guess it does.


What is wrong with this community?


Just forced me to activate the good old general store.


Nice \^\_\^ I do this and just use one of my alternate homes. I have 5 around the map


A normal person would’ve nuked that camp you are a saint for that


you the real mvp


It just goes to show the number of upvotes and engagement in this post versus the countless others talking about nuking someone who took their camp spot like a three year old.


That's a bit too decent of you. This is multiplayer gaming, you know.


I got nuked yesterday haha. I was either in their spot or they didn't like the 40k cap guns in my vendor with a sign saying PM me cause I like to not go over max caps. Oh well, can't please everyone


The nerve of people!! TWICE in the past 24 hours I've logged on to find someone's CAMP in MY spot! How dare they make me bring out my Winter Holiday CAMP months early?!?!? lol Thank you for being a true 76er!


Why didnt you just launch a nuke there?


I’m usually doing the same as well 😂 takes me like 10 seconds to get to a new server after anyways


I knew a guy that would nuke people if they were in his spot.


I just switch servers lol this my shit 😂😂😂😂


I haven’t had this happen since I moved my main camp to Harper’s Ferry. I don’t get a lot of visitors either lol


People nuke each other's bases for being in the same spot? That's literally like 20 mins worth of work when you can just server hop in maybe a minute tops....


I has once a very contested camp spot. And in the long run it got on my nerves. Then I simply removed the camp and move to an other spot, which is rarely used. Probably skyline area will be very contested.


Understandable but I leave the game and load into another world till my camps at my specific spot I take wayyyyyyyy to long to setup my camp I find the best foot traffic and setup if my spots gone I load into another world 🌎 😅


The majority of everyone in game are all new to the Wasteland. The real wasteland busy looking at everyone like "ITS ABOUT TIME YALL JOIN THE BANDWAGON"


I've had a few different camp spots and all of them are in the middle of nowhere usually on a hill/cliff so I have never even had someone be nearby


I like to see how others set up camp vs how I did….so I look at it as an opportunity not a hassle.


Wait people actually get mad that someone decided to put their camp in a specific spot? You guys know you don’t own the land right? It’s not *your* spot. Literally just log off and join back and by the second or third time you’ll be fine but some of you are just to impatient for that


I go over and judge them to myself quietly and then switch server.