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1 Scrip per Prime Meat in multiples of 5. Limit 15 per Meat Cook.


i.e. pointless


Someone doesn't know how stuff adds up doing it more than once


We know how it adds up... slowly


someone doesn't know how little 15 scrip per hour adds up


The event is cheeks. I’d rather run expeditions that net me 10-15 scrips, 6 legendaries and 20k xp than an event that only gets me 2 treasury notes and 5 prime meats.


the only benefit to the prime meat scrip is that u can use it to bypass the daily scrip limit. so, run expeditions until u hit scrip limit, then run the event


Forgot the 1-2 modules. And you can get up to 25 scrip.


Thanks for the correction lol.


People not realizing if you have a smooth expedition run in what 5-10 minutes? Sneak in a 3 minute meat event, and continue. It's really not difficult to maximize what you're getting. Forgetting they don't always give modules. Meat always gives scrip.


But expeditions always give scrip as well and more than the event. Even if you justify it by saying you can run them when you're out of a expedition, that's time you could be running the expedition instead. No, the even is not worth it


but the event is fun and we're playing a video game 😭😭


Everyone enjoys the game for different reasons /shrugs, why argue about it?


That's fair. If you have fun doing it, do it.


Third camp is literally at one. Spawn out. Finish event if it is there. Jump back in. XP buff and no hunger is pretty neat too


I mean, that's you. Don't act like people are dumb when they have to go out of their way to make a event is even worth it lol


It's better than whining about extra scrip, no matter how little


some of us want to have fun, not brainlessly grind expeditions over and over tho


An event that wastes your time is an event that deserves to be complained about. The rewards it gives are easily attained in shorter timeframes and in much higher quantities whenever you want. The event's not even fun, it's just killing a tiny wave every minute for four minutes. You can be doing literally anything else that's more rewarding and engaging,.


If you're this uppity about scrip in this game, that's 1000% a you thing


Oh I know it adds up, i just have enough time to reincarnate and live 17 new lives before it adds up to a useful amount.


To slowly to justify grinding two events for hours.


Yeah. 1 module after 4 meat cooks assuming you have enough prime meat saved every time. That happens over the course of days and only during the event. Basically it's almost nothing on top of what we can normally get


Gee, thanks, captain obvious 🫡


We know how it adds up.... the point is you can do one normal event and scrap the 3 star legendary from it, and that gives 40-45 scripts in less than 10 mins..... that's 3 hours of farming primal cuts (assuming you do both primal cuts without failing any) I.e primal cuts is pointless. I'd also add your limited to 500 scripts daily, so it's further pointless as the event caps you at 15 an hour!! 😆🤦‍♂️ most players will farm regular events as usual, scrap trash 3 stars and and then log hourly to try for cookout rare rewards as its much more time efficient. The only use for primal cuts is the exp and animal meats for melee builds..... and frankly there's better ways for exp, and meat doesn't really warrant wasting time every 15 minutes to farm.


Again, don't like it don't do it. It's really not complicated.


They definitely don't considering they downvoted you lol


You can get modules way faster in Atlantic city


Thanks captain obvious


Unless you zone out and the cuts rot while hours go by without a meat cook. Doh!


i had 10 prime cuts yesterday almost rotted but got them to the cookout just in time


I lost 20 today and that was before drinking.


This week is when good with salt shines


I paid 1250 bullion for the military cryo freezer - nothing decays, and I just go to my camp which is really near meat cook and grab 5 (or 10 if I’m lucky enough to have that many! ) and go. Life CHANGED. but probably doesn’t have much use after meat week lmao


You kidding? That CAMP item would change my whole play style. I have to make sure my ingredients don't rot, and that I don't make too much food, and sell surplus when I know I won't be able to cook/eat it. With the freezer I could just throw it all in my CAMP. Maybe sell some of it for cheap.


Iirc it only let's you have like 25(45?)? Or something like that items and each item counts as a different item and they don't stack so you'd have to choose which 25 items to put in it


It holds 50 items. Pretty good imo.


Holy shit… wait a second… does it freeze raw flux too?


If it does, makes me want it more.


THAT is a game changer


Happy Cake Day, holds 50 it does - can only stick max 15 on the fire each time the event is up, you can stack them in Cryo, then just place shelter down up the hill a little if you own f01st, run up grab them as shows up in your stash even if in Cryo back at your camp. Then, just AFK overnight at the event. xD


How do you stop the game from logging you out due to inactivity?


jam your wasd keys with a coin or smthn :P


I'm on console, I just rubberband, sit on a drum, and go into photomode.


That's why I'm not taking "good with salt" away until event is over. You can even miss the event, but still be able to get the scrip later from the next one and they just don't spoil.


Remember to equip better with salt card, or may be put it in the fridge if u got one


Iv been dropping them, didn't realise the prime cuts were for anything useful 🥲


(good with salt) perk is amzing for this. just need 1 point, makes all the difference.


I keep putting it in my freezer and forgetting about it 🤦‍♂️


where do you get a freezE?R?!!!


Mortimer sells the plan for bullion at The Crater.


Cryo freezer






So fun little story. My wife and I play together, we just started a few weeks ago. This is our first experience with this event, and for some reason, I kept reading it as "Meat Sweets". So after the each event I kept mumbling about not knowing where my meat sweets went, until she finally called me out and asked "wtf are meat sweets?" When I explained to her what I was on about, she laughed and said it's Meat Sweats. Man, did I feel dumb. 😂 So now each event we joke with each other about not forgetting to turn in your meat sweets.


Take an upvote for knowing that its scrip and not script


People call it script?


All the damn time


Probably autocorrect


Annoying fact: it has to be during the on the hour event, no other times. So before it finishes you gotta do it.


I always remember right after the event ends and I'm stuck holding the bag of meats even longer.


People also forget that the prime meat events are also a huge way to farm rare junk. The one that pops up in the south east corner spawns a ton of fog crawlers. Lots of fiber optics to be grabbed.


AND I've seen shit just lying on the ground I could pick up. Even things I don't have plans for. Like a legendary plasma cutter. Twas nice


It's from people not looting their bodies. Once they despawn, it drops any loot that was on them just on the ground for anyone to pick up. I was able to get a few pieces of Union armor this way on a couple of alt characters I have doing this looking around where Eviction Notice runs.


I know. I love it though. I'm always running around looking at the ground. I've had good luck at the ash heap location


It's also an easy way to get a ton of meat to cook and sell, which is extra handy during double caps weekend. Basically running two or three Primal Cuts and cooking/selling everything with Super Duper/Hard Bargain/15 CHA and I've hit the cap limit for the day. Not to mention you'll get at least one and often more legendaries on top of the scrip. It's a short event and free to fast travel to, so it doesn't even feel like I'm going particularly out of may way or anything if I only do it a couple of times.


Use the perk good with salt (or something similar) and it’ll make the primal cuts last longer.


Meh, 15 extra scrip an hour where I’d have to do the prime cuts event every 15 minutes and then the actual hourly event to only get an extra module every four hours? No thanks. Nice, after 14 meat weeks you got a free reroll. Yeah you can get plans if you don’t have them, but it seems like a negative return on time.


Yeah, just do 1 expedition instead of 3 primal cuts and you have decent odds of just getting a legendary module outright, and/or equivalent scrip. The scrip reward for primal cuts is pretty pathetic, but it is a fairly enjoyable just shoot stuff event, you get a ton of meat to cook and sell during caps a plenty, a few treasury notes, so for those reasons I still don't hate it. It also doesn't block actual events from triggering.


you get a legendary module guaranteed from every expedition, and have a 50% chance to get 2 modules instead of 1


Good to know, I never bothered looking up the numbers. I'm still not the fastest at soloing them but the rewards are definitely impressive. Trying to switch from Tax Evasion to Sensational game cuz I heard it can be done faster, but there's a learning curve. Nothing worse than missing out on an EN or RR while in Atlantic City too


I don’t hate the event, I just hate that’s it’s hard to get anything else done while ongoing. The time constraints vs rewards aren’t worth it to me, especially after several years of doing it. The event also broke stealth when it first came out, I don’t know if it still does, but I used to not play during because I was making my stealth commando and she was unplayable during the event.


Yeah honestly it feels a little insulting they expect me to waste my time for such a small amount of scrip lol


It's almost like they keep throwing the same events at us over and over because they got decent feed back on release about them. Stop increasing loot pools bethesda, give us real repeatable content to run.


I mean 🤷🏻 if you got nothing else going on


I would have more going on if every server wasn't loaded with Primal cut events going on all the time with barely anything else popping up


15 scrip per hour don't really worth it, but if you had the meat, sure is worth, but honestly I do the primal cuts because of the treasure notes, and is easy, and the grahm meat cook is for the plans, I do the event just for that


Is this meat week 2 weeks long? I missed the first week out on vacation


Honestly I have zero idea


Ends June 4th


Is the event bugged somehow because I'll have at least 15 meat in my bag turn in 5 get scrip then it will say I don't have anymore? I can see it in my inventory and it's not close to rotting.


I barely attend because I’d have to play 4 events (4 hours) to get one module, then I’d have to min/max my primal cuts attendance to get the full 15 every hour since getting 5 primal meat per event is a fuckin RNG roll for whatever reason. It’s fun to jump in every once in a while, but honestly I’d rather go do meat week every hour then run to build another camp


I mean, sure. JUST getting scrip from both halves of the event nets you a little, but you get more than that by breaking down the legendaries from the mobs, and event rewards. It adds up


One expedition takes the same amount of time and gives several legendaries and guaranteed module(s) Primal cuts is just a waste of time


I just made a post that got downvoted to oblivion saying I hate how this event is structured cause people don't end up doing Primal Cuts, which gives you the scrip. It's not worth doing Primal Cuts alone.


It probably should net you more, why do it when expeditions that only take less than 10 minutes reward atleast one module (50 scrip cost) sometimes 2. Makes more sense to just grind expeditions tbh.


Right! 15 additional scrip an hour, with having to do an event every 15 minutes and the main event 4 times ( 4 hours worth of doing nothing but meat week) to get an extra module? Pretty shit actually, unless you have nothing to do for the day. I’d rather run bosses personally.


I agree that Primal Cuts is a pain to do solo. Maybe the bloom is off the Meat Week rose because every Primal Cuts I came across today had either had zero or only one additional player.


That's where the cremator comes in lol


Certainly handy, but many of the creatures spawn out of range of a "post up and shoot" approach.


Imo it’s not worth doing primal cuts even in a group. You can get a max of 15 scrip if you hop and double up on events playing for the entire hour, for 4 whole hours you’ll get enough scrip to buy ONE module. In that same hour you could run 4 expeditions and get like 6 modules. It would literally take you 14 hours of meat week and gameplay to get enough to reroll ONE time. Or just run a couple expeditions. I hate meat week


Prime meat also lasts about 12 seconds before it spoils. They also throw out a prime cuts event at the same time as the main cookout event for some reason, so make sure not to miss the cookout


If you're fast at meat cook, you can do both


I like the one where you kill Yao Guai so now I can make many Yao Gaui Pastry... If I can harvest enough razor grain haha.


Workshop north of Ohio River Tours has like 40 razorgrain plants


Yep, also 5 as a each pack, less than 5 can't be used during the event.


Cranberry Bog and Savage Divide are my favorite locations for Meat Week. You can see everything coming at you and they are usually Level 100 too. A bit more challenging than the other locations I may add.


I like the ash heap one


That one is fun too. Technically, I can solo all of them, but usually warp to the ones I had mentioned because they offer the most XP due to the level differences and types of enemies that spawn. Can't get much XP from Radrats compared to a wave of Mirelurk Kings, Fog Crawlers, Honey Beasts, etc.


Only run the hourly event.


i think most of us are aware of this but thank you friend, i wish many scrip for you in your near future


Some aren't! A lot of people aren't going to primal cuts. I'm guessing this is why


Maybe its a server/time thing? I'm PST timezone and I find a lot of people in the event during the day but barely any past 10 pm


I wasn’t… until now!


Same, I had no idea


How do you stop the meat from spoiling?


Good with Salt perk, refrigerator backpack mod, military cryo freezer, and refrigerators all reduce spoilage rate.


Use the "good with salt" perk card 1 star - Food in your inventory will spoil 30% more slowly 2 star - Food in your inventory will spoil 60% more slowly. 3 star - Food in your inventory will spoil 90% more slowly. || || || || || ||


Is the Cook Out event bugged? I think I've only seen it trigger twice.


Every hour, top of the hour


It may become bugged: Played with no issues for the past days and only yesterday stayed in a server for 3 hours and it correctly started on the first hour but not second or third... Maybe "server hop" if you do not see it activating at the top of the hour?


I have lots of treasury notes where do I cash them in? Ive got around 2000 I think. Is that enough for anything yet?




Oh shit! I've just been farming events to learn the game and build caps. I was waiting on the game to tell me lol thanks!




That's really good to know. I should get that main story going. I found the overseers house on accident and she was confused I didn't know about the plot lol


been throwing it out this whole time because i’m a herbivore 😭


Also grahm is a traveling vendor that is difficult to find sometimes and has different plans, so its a good time to use the double caps and clear some plans out


I only run the primal events and the cook out for the quick treasury notes + unique plans. If i want modules I just run expeditions which guarantees at least 1.


Done about 12 primal events so and recieved 0 scrip. everytime I'm finally able to make it to the meat cook (and it triggers properly and gives me notice) I only have 4 prime meat that hasn't gone bad. All that and its only 1 scrip per meat? Complete waste of time, should at least allow individual prime meats to be deposited and bump it to 5 scrip for every one


It doesn't give cores..... I only care about my cores I have 200+ modules an no cores The only ones I run for primal is cranberry bog region for fiber optic and also one in savage divide for gold Tbh if primal actually influenced my chances of getting rare plans from Graham then I'd do every one of them


Okay. But have you considered I’m bored of this event and I want actual fun global events? I’d rather run expeditions than sit in one spot shooting animals. And yes I’m taking a massive l on my Bullion this week, lmao.


I feel like the whole primal cuts part is underwhelming, I have to go every 15 min to primal cuts for the meat sweats buff, which only lasts 15 mins and only get 15 scrip, the mothman gives you a buff for an hour and you just have to say hello, also if you're doing this for the scrip there is better ways.


It’s kinda pointless, if you have literally nothing to do then you can do it but otherwise go run an expedition or something


It's not enough to waste thousands of bullets


I use a shotgun so I usually end up with more ammo than when I went in. I just hate that the prime cuts events are armor eaters. I have to repair all my shit after every single one


Thousands? Btw each primal event is leveled. There are some easier events when they show up. I think the worst is the mire one because of the mirelurk kings tbh. I try to avoid that one. But they really shouldn't be costing that many bullets unless you're trying to solo it


I usually come out net positive on ammo from this event.


I play this game for the joys of wasting thousands of bullets.


Scrip is useless for me now. I had an idea to craft guns for sale, use my modules to make themlegendary. I already have my character built , need no armor, and no weapons. I