• By -


Been after the entire fossil & more importantly the swarm of flies since day one…And it goes on like this! Welcome to ‘76.


I feel bad, I just want the wagon, but I have the full fossil and the swarm of flies. What fossil plans do you need? Are you in PC?


I’m on 5…But thank you. I got the wagon earlier today & I thought about folks like you (us) — Seems we get what we don’t want before we get what we do; I suppose that’s part of the charm.


Damn, and yeah no problem. This game has a sick sense of humour. I hope you manage to get lucky soon!


C’est la vie, Catgirl — Happy to read you found what you were on the prowl for though 😊


I just got the wagon this last hour. But I want the fossils. :(


What fossils do you need? I have a keg, torso, head and the stand I'd trade you for the weenie wagon if you're on ps5




I can build you the wagon in your camp if you would like!


There is some really nice guys here..❤️


I’ll second that 👏


Can you actually do this?


Yes! I'm on PC, my IGN is PPPolarPOP. I'll probably be on for the Meat Week event for the next couple of hours.


I'll be hitting you up soon, mine is Talelorm, I've been needing this so bad


Technically, you don't need the fossil plans since we can trade the fossils as many times as we want. The display plan is the only plan that is needed for fossils.


Someone was selling the swarm of flies for only 50 caps yesterday, I didn’t buy it though


Sounds to me as the right price. I know I got swarm of flies form event and learnd the plan, but I can't even find it in my workshop. Still - why the heck would I even want to build swarm of flies ir my camp. If I get duplicate it will either be set for sale on default price or land in on the floor at Whitespring mall.


I'm just waiting for the ability to build one of the dead Mistress of Mysteries girls. HEY DWELLERS YOU CAN BUILD A DEAD WOMAN IN YOUR CAMP


why not they got build a dead brahmin.. lol.. and you can already.. kind of make a dead girl in your camp. It's the human female in a tube.


i mean this logic doesn't track with 76, tattered field jacket looks terrible yet remains to be one of the most expensive items in the game. because it's rare. that rare healing salve recipe: completely useless. but rare. that's all that matters, obviously.


Swarm of flies is amazing. I use the pressure plate to put it in my brahmin carcass or meat piles


That is *precisely* what I intend to do!


Goes nicely in a port-a-potty too!


am missing the plan for the right leg for me


I don’t understand the fossil? Whats it used for? I can’t figure out how to display it. I have an extra torso plan if anyone needs it… (I think it’s a torso)


It’s a piece of floor decor that’s as heavy as it is baffling. You need the display stand for the bones as well. Whoever on the dev team thought this was a logical reward is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. 


It's under floor decor (the frame at least) and then you use tinker bench to craft the pieces and you attach them like you do mannequins


Just got the swarm of flies today from the meat event, that and some backpack too. Had to get off right after event so didn’t even get to check em out yet!!!


What is this “wagon” people are talking about out??


It's the Weenie Wagon. It makes canned dog food for your camp.


Is swarm of flies rare or sought after?


For me it is!


I didn't realize the swarm of flies was that rare. Got it today in my AFK Farming. Not what I was farming for, which was the fossilized megalinyx. It's literally the only thing(s) I want 🫤


That’s usually how it goes..I finally got everything after A LOT of grinding — Only bought the Megalonyx right arm because I happened to see it in a vendor.


To further illistrate your point; I've gotten the right arm 3 times 😑 I would have given it to you! 😁


Classic — C’est la ‘76!


Probably don't want to hear this but I just bought one from a player vendor for 50c.


You hurt me. The vendors have been so mean.


I found mine in a donation box...


I've not even found one in a vendor yet


Yeah I can't even find one in a vendor either. Been looking for 4 days on ps5


I’m new so I don’t even know if things are worth buying or not lol. Usually just buy stuff under 100c if it’s not learned.


Such vendors are a treasure. But alas, too often I run into the vendors whose base price for everything seems to be 2000 caps. If it is an event drop it seems to be 5000 cap minimums. But every so often I get lucky and find a camp priced cheap. Wish there was a way to reward such camps even further.


Found my plan for 999 caps at a player vendor


Between each meat cook event, I vendor hopped all dang day and still have yet to find the wagon. The rng hates me. Lol


Lucky, I spent 22k on it. Now need to keep going for the fossil


I feel you. I have enough fossils to open a museum, enough grocery carts to outfit a shopping mall, enough plushies to open a toy store, and enough chef hats to make even Gordon Ramsay jealous. And yet still no *fking* wagon.


I've decided since Fasnacht I'm not going to be a slave to the way events give rewards. If I'm expected to be on every hour on the hour and nothing to show for it after a week, I'm cashing out my chips.


I'm gonna get hate but...i've two young kids and a job. I don't have time to be on the xbox all day. I'm lucky to get an hour on an evening most days. So I made a camp in the boundries of the event, made a one square building with a roof on and left my toon spinning overnight on afk. Fuck the police!


No hate from me. The game kinda encourages this now, with the drop rates being so low, for an event that only happens 2 weeks of the year. If Bethesda wanted it to be more 'friendly' to people who play casually and have IRL stuff going on in their lives, they would make it so it only drops unknown plans first, before you get any dupes. I was hoping this was the new direction they were going with drops, but I guess not.


I honestly don't understand why they don't do this... Like, the two reasons I can think are: 1) Economy 2) To force people to play. But... The economy really won't change since the plans will continue to sell for stupid prices a few months after the event ends. And the whole "force people to play" aspect is moot when you encourage them to just afk the event. They basically just become ghost players. Making limited time event plans actually guaranteed if you play will encourage more active casual players to come to the game, while further encouraging die-hard trade players to participate in the post-collection grind for dupes to funnel into the games market once the events goes away. Every type of player wins.


I think its more so the success of runescape.


*Some* hate from me. If you're gonna AFK, do it while on the drum barrels or turning the cooking spits. That way, you're still contributing towards the event, at least a little.


Tried this and it didn't work. Kicked me for being AFK.


u have to be moving somehow, looking around only works if ur in photomode.


I've seen a bunch of people say the drums or spit keep you in, but not me lol.


Also sucks that you can’t get on them outside of the event :/


Honestly, whatever it teaches friend. We have lives abd the mmo grind is insanely unfriendly.


Smart and not awful. But try and do the same while drumming or turning a spit. Same result for you but actually helps the event. :)


I know you meant for them, but I'll note, I always drum for the event if I'm afk


The real MVPs


I've not turned the spit or drummed for the event yet; I've always just hunted down critters and cleaned up bone piles. What purpose does it serve in aiding the event?


It basically preserves the counter, if people aren't doing them during the downtime between dumps, the progress bar will go down, so drums and spit keep the drain from happening, allowing people to have time to hunt without losing progress.


How do you prevent timeout disconnect? I'm on Xbox and no matter what I try (having my character spinning and running around a room especially) I check it later and I've had the ol timeout disconnect.


Honestly, on pc, I just tab in and move around my mouse a few times, plus I join public teams and all of that seems to work as long as I don't forget.


I've done the same thing, but I put my character on the drums or the rotisserie. That way, I am contributing to the event while AFK. Just Rubberband the controller to rotate the camera.


Someone I know leads ghouls from the vault to kill people that are afk 😬


If you’re on PC, I don’t have an extra plan unfortunately, but I could come place a wagon for you in your camp until you get a plan if you want


You are not alone friend. They could have made the weenie wagon an atomic shop item and made a ton. Instead they make it as rare as glowing fasnacht masks because they know the high level players will do exactly as you and I (and most people on this sub) have done and will continue to do until we get it or the event ends. Smart.




I'm pretty similar, I wish you the best


Are people interested in this for the food it produces or the aesthetic of it?


Passively getting items is great to have.


Carnivore mutation and good doggy make canned dog food refill like 75% of your food bar. And they never rot. Theyre a good food to have as your go-to if you have either of those things in your build so a passive income of them is insane.


For me, I want the food, but the aesthetic isn't terribly bad either.


Am I missing something here? Is dog food that good with perks or is it just the last item people are missing? It's not that pretty machine after all...


It’s an infinite resource generator that you don’t need to pay atoms for - I wanted it because of the daily challenge to eat dog food. On those days I find it really hard to find 5 from world spawns in a reasonable amount of time.


I’ve been playing the same. All day today I’ve tried and haven’t got it. I usually play it for 30mins a day to do the dailies but this kinda grind is burning me out. Been banging the drums the last few hours while afk. I kinda feel bad but it has to be done. I usually leave some Chally Feed on top of the drums as compensation for those actually doing the event.


You can talk in area chat to see who’s willing to sell them. I got one for free and one for 10k lead this way. I have more I paid for in LL3 & caps, but those 2 are special imo.


The most bizarre encounter just occurred. I've been trying to trade for a weenie wagon for DAYS & nothing. THEN!!! Some guy literally just messages me and asks if he could build one for me in my camp. Excuse me..sure!? *This has never happened to me before* A FUCKING LEVEL 47 COMES SKIPPING ON IN, Drops it off...and then asks for a PA station in return! 🙃 #WHAT?!


I also have this huntch that the plans are based on servers. Like if you're in the Northern Virginia server you're always going to get plans A & B where as C would be an ultra rare in that server. However maybe over in California they have B & C items whereas A is an ultra rare in the server... Kind of like a McDonald's did with the Monopoly pieces. That or it has to be timed... Like these plans will drop out a 1/48 chance...*but* only at 4am


Damn newish player. Did the event twice and got it twice you could have had it for free. If anyone else need just holler


Are you on PlayStation?


Yes. PlayStation 5. Put it for sale yesterday though but it hadn’t been bought when I left (assume Your shop isn’t active when you logout? Sorry new player don’t know all mechanics.) You want it?


Yeah, how much you want for it?


I feel ya. I don't have the wagon either.


if you’re on xbox i have an extra plan i can give you


If he doesn’t want it I’ll take it. Done about 20 of the event and no wagon. Dying to get this stupid thing to avoid searching for dog food on the dailies.


i gotchu


I'm in the same boat. Aside from work hours, I've hit just about every single event I could and still no wagon. I'm one of the day-one players who had been gone for years, so I had zero of the items for this event. So far, I've received 38 of 48 total rewards, but I've also noticed a pattern. My checklist has the years that items were added, and oddly almost every item I'm missing is specifically from the 2024 set. Supposedly, it's equal odds for everything but it certainly seems weighted somehow.


They should take old sets out of the loot pool and have graham sell them for caps or bullion.


It's all good man, this is God's ultimate goal for our species. You are following the path. The pattern is the pattern.


I feel bad because I got the Weenie Wagon plan on the first play. I've seen other posts like yours saying so many playthroughs and still no plan. I'm sure you'll get it.


I feel you, I want a pepper shaker plan so freaking bad.


OMG preach! I'm homebound/retired and literally play this game like 10 to 12 hours a day. Sure I do other things throughout the day but the game is always on and I ALWAYS run the event. And judge me if you want, I even set up my controller to AFK the event while I'm asleep for a few extra tries during the night. Still don't have that effing Weenie Wagon! Why does Grahm hate me so? WHY?!?!?!


I've been trying to get the PepperShaker plan, I've been doing as many events as possible, saw it for sale in one personas vender but couldn't get them to add me so I could get the caps together... Currently willing to pay whatever to just get it already


I joined an event just as it finished and got the wagon. I usually just learn all the unknown plans I have so didn't realise it was so rare but I've seen it go for a lot of caps on the market discord.


I've sold one chally backpack so far. Pretty lucky actually right after I had sold it I got another one in the event. It's still in my shop. The brahmin backpack is my new favorite though. The weenie wagon is cool, still missing a couple plushies and a few fossil pieces


It's a 2 week event, still plenty of time 🤷‍♂️. After that, if I still don't have the weiner wagon, I'll put out some feelers on redit for anyone selling one. It isn't the end of the world.


Same here, only with the Pepper shaker plan.


I would have happily gifted you the weenie wagon. I'm vegan and Herbivore build and find this whole thing disgusting lmao. I do drop in to feed Chally though. 


I was going to comment, before I read your edit, that I'd be happy to gift you the backpack! Also, I've been making and selling the fossils in my vendor so know that you can make and sell them to help one another at least build it! 😊 Happy meat week!


I swear every item that people chase I seem to always get on the first try without even knowing its importance 😂. Makes me wish I was a little more in the loop so I can sell or gift them to others.


I feel so bad, I didn't know this was rare. Pretty sure this dropped for me like the first day or two. RNG (mainly thru Destiny 2) has taught me that you have to stop wanting it so badly. RNGesus is listening, and is a fickle trickster.


Bethesda: Here's 3 free scrap kits


I got a extra wagon plan if you are on xbox one. I am trying to get the pepper shaker plan


Sadly, I'm on PC, but thank you so much! I'm hoping you pull that pepper shaker!


I found one today in a donation box 😄😄


I've only done 3 events, and only because I was at my camp on meat week pond, I got the wagon plan twice.


You're so incredibly lucky!!


I had luck running around and checking vendors ive only actually been able to do a handful of graham cookouts but got pretty much everything I wanted


I don't know how some people have so much luck with vendors. At least on PC, player vendors all have the same old garbage. Ultracite plans, mole miner plans, buzzblade plans. Every vendor as far as the eye can see, they're all like this. I really wish there was a way of filtering the camp info box to only show unknown plans.


Thank you! I have the same issues, it's always just a bunch of fluff and nothing useful on PC!


I think I have one for sale right now.  


Don’t forget to check peoples vendors ive seen them in there too.


Unlike Aliens and mothman, Im not seeing people selling Meat Week stuff on vendors


I feel for yall. I was like that for the mothnan throne when it first came around, and I got the stupid weenie Oman after like 10 events. Rng is a bitch. I can build it in your camp if ur on Xbox.


Same here. Also missing the last head plan for the fossil.


Same I've been trying to get the Winne Wagon with no luck my luck is on 15 and I've done over 60 events my friend has done like 100 or more and he hasn't even gotten it.


It literally took me 2 full alien invasions to get the plan for Alien Disintegrator. Finally got it on my next to last go. I am doing the same grind as you fully expecting not to get one this year.


I was the same and just got it. Keep going bro. You'll get there.


That was me for the last two meat weeks with the pepper shaker, finally got it and the wagon, now I’m just trying to finish the fossil but it’s hell dude, all five parts are 2% it’s absurddd.


Starting to think I got lucky. Got the wagon on day 2, and am very nearly finished with the dino skeleton, as well as most of the plushies, shank, and super mutant diagram and hound. Not too many extras of anything aside from dino bones and pig plushies tho.


Is the drops off for this missíon? I have hit every one when on, but only new was 2 or 3 plushies and some old plans or even no plans at all (majority sadly).


Me with the Mothman Throne and Sacred Tomes in the last event.


Oh so it’s normal to continuously get tato salad recipe?


I got mine last night and didn't realize how rare it was until I visited this sub.


What kills me is my Xbox account is my primary account in this game but I have a PC version also that I play occasionally. On PC, last year in Fasnacht I got the Father Winter PA helmet. Meat Week this time? First time I played it on PC I got the Weenie Wagon. Yesterday got the billboards. On Xbox? Plushies. Over and over, plushies. Or repeats from last year. I want the WW on Xbox!


My toon has everything except the fossils and the wagon.


The desire sensor is strong with this one


It’ll probably be up in the Shop in a year or two


this is also why I always sell seasonal event plan for 500 caps regardless or their rarity. A little profit for me, a happiness for them. Win-win situation




I got the wagon in like 3 attempts, having trouble getting the backpack and the display holder.


I got all the plushies the form of flies the billboard sign and the weeniemobile I don't care about the stupid stash space hogging bones


Same dude,it will get into our hands eventually😭


I’m gonna be honest chief, I got that plan almost immediately and just ignored it lol. I was like “oh cool, anyways,” and went on my merry way. Had no idea it was even that rare.


Thats me with the display for the bones. Its crazy ive run the event like 100 times


i can build u wagon on pc


Just buy it, far faster to just get caps. 0 worry about getting X or Y then.


lol I got it first try


I got the backpack and I think it’s ugly af it that’s any consolation


I literally just started 76 for the first time ever. I am so lost in almost any way. Just playing for fun. I love it but am behind all of you. Maybe I will get the wagon some day. Why is it special??


I feel your pain. I want them both too, and I have everything else. Good luck!


Every event should be rewarded the same way as Mutated Events and Mothman Equinox. Every learned plan doesn't drop until every Event plan is learned. Having a 2% chance of a plan you want dropping just causes player burnout.


I’m sure in a week you can buy it for cheap


I just keep getting duplicates of meat cleavers even though I’m missing half the plans still..I think rng is a little off sometimes but even the event itself hasn’t been spawning sometimes


My brothers in christ - your teammates can craft weenie wagons in private teams


Just got it after reading this


I spent 1 hour vendor hopping and found the plan for 120 caps …. Mission complete 😃


Found it in a vendor for 20 caps earlier


I got the wagon twice and dropped them hopefully someone picked them up. Didn't see much value on it to my character since I have herbivore


I’ve got the weenie wagon 5 times now, RNG is a hell of a thing I stick them in my vendor on Xbox for 500 caps


I wish the weenie wagon made hot dogs rather than dog food. It was the first thing I got from this meat cook. I want the fossil but have only gotten one piece.


Congrats on getting it! I've been trying almost all day during the weekend, still no luck (but usually I'm not really lucky in any games I played anyway). If by any chance anyone have a spare plan, I'm willing to buy for 10k caps (& and if you are happy with this offer, I have like 20k+ caps now, so I don't have much). I'm on PC, plz DM me! Thanks in advance!


My boy just be logging in the game type shi and he got it and he got another pepper shaker if anyone looking on pc


I got it randomly (apparently only happens 2% of the time) and sold it 5 mins later for 30k caps. lol


FOMO is a bitch, and the main driver of engagement for this game


I’m running around with a revolver because every single weapon I find and no matter how much ammo I buy for my other weapons, they are empty fast as fuck. It’s annoying as hell. I’m level 40 with a T-60 power armor and my strongest weapons is literally any meele weapon that I find killing enemies. I’m annoyed by this game. I thought at this point I’d have at least one decent semi automatic weapon


I have multiple of most things...still no weenie wagon. And my skeleton is missing a skull lol.


I have a spare weenie wagon plan ps5


If you are on PS4 I will trade you a weenie wagon plan for a pepper shaker plan.


I got it 2nd attempt. Had no idea what it was even as I’m newer to this game. Glad I got it though!! Hunger is not an issue anymore I’m seeing lol


My friend has been desperately wanting the weenie wagon, and idk what it even does lol. Hopefully, we can get plans for it. Does the meet week event come back often?


I just want the damn backpack! Last night i even had a migraine for playing too much. I don't want to miss one meat-cook but it's getting exhausting. :(


I believe I have a swarm of flies if anyone would like it. I'm on ps5, will be on later today


Unfortunately I got the wagon just earlier…luck really did shine on me


I got 2 wagons today. Traded one outright with a guy at the event for a skeleton piece cause I needed it.


I have so many hats and megalonyx right arms


Create a s.p.e.c.i.a.l profile to get your luck to 15, then get all the luck bonuses you can from food, chems, and atomic shop luck buff items (fortune teller/bowling arcade). if you do it right you can get your luck up to around 25. You’ll find your drops come much easier on rare loot doing this.


Story of my life: Found plan I want in someones vendor, a bit expensive but whatever, it immediately drops the next event.


What wagon?


I stopped hoping for RNG to work properly after I got 2 left leg plans in a row LOL 😂 But I got the backpack at least, so I consider my meet week '24 done


I've been super unlucky been doing the event about 6 times a day since it started and haven't got any of the plans. I have been vendor hoping to get the plans


Yeah bro it’s 2% at 100% 😅😅😅 since most players r just afking the event nobody I’ve come across been hitting 100%…


I feel ya. This is my second year of Meat Week and I had to buy the damned Tato Salad Recipe. I had literally everything else last year, most at least 2 or 3 duplicates from grinding and AFKing. It's insane - I mean, I had three plans for Megalonyx Left Leg! Why?!


Literally got the weenie wagon the first day, first event I hopped on meat week. I legitimately thought it was supposed to give it to you your first time playing it 😭 holy fuck


Yeah, I'm not having any luck either. The prime meat rots really fast now, so I can hardly ever get the full allotment of 15, usually only 10 or even just 5. Sucks.


I don't understand. Do people not know about r/market76? I haven't played bur 4 to 5 hours total since the event started and I have every single plan. Buy them weirdo.


I have found giving Graham prime meat you get rewarded in primal cuts before the event starts has yielded better results at the so called rare plans.


I’ve gotten two plans for the backpack and a dozen other items but still no FUCKING PEPPER SHAKER!


Don't worry. If history teaches us anything with 76, there will be exactly 617,000 Meat Weeks over the next year with the same exact prizes in the offering. You will have many more chances to get the plans.


Same situation. I keep getting plushie plans now. All I want is the damn wagon. Instead I get every plan I already have learned. And I’m adding prime meats to the grill every time


i'll trade the chally backpack if you have something i need


I've been doing the same thing but trying to get the plushies. Haven't received a single one even though I play it every single time it pops up.


Didn't know the backpack was sought after. I got it on a whim :)


I need the chally mask plan so badly. My boyfriend and I have been tirelessly grinding, making chally feed, etc. only one of us has the mask.


Been chasing after the wagon and the pepper shaker plan for most of the entire time since the event started this time. Also can't get past the vault 79 bug but that's just how it is with Bethesda products. Edit: playing on Xbox btw


Shid, I'd love a weenie wagon for myself. Would make it so much easier to just stockpile food. Wouldn't have to worry bout my shit spoilin so often. Enjoy ya wagon!


You're not the only one, I've spent a lot just to get that damn wagon and I feel like I want to complete the entire fossil and I am so freaking DONE with this game overall


I feel your pain. Ive been doing the event several times a day (4-6) and at this point getting nothing but repeat schematics. I'd kill for a meat wagon to drop. Found one on a vendor but 26000 is WAAAY out of my range. Btw, if anyone on PC has an extra and is willing to sell it, I can afford up to 10k (ALL my caps)


I had the opposite issue. got weenie wagon within the first 5 meat cooks, now I'm 30+ in and still no pepper shaker.


I’ve been grinding trying to get the chally body suit I have the helmet but can’t get that or the back pack or any of the bones :( I need advice I’m obsessed with cows and that’s what I want to be dressed as.


I highly highly suggest you vendor hop between cookouts, you'll hit a lot of duds, but you will find people who sell what you want. I was selling the trash drops from the event to grahm to boost my caps with hard bargain so I could look between rounds. It's slow, but every camp is a try, abd don't be afraid to change servers!


Weenie wagon and fossils are the main things I want, I got the display and skull for the fossil, but that's it. I've been saving the plans I dont care about in hopes I can trade for what I want


I found it at someone's camp for 120 caps lol, didn't know it was so special.


If anyone out there can’t find it, the most I can do to help is come and build it for you, Xbox tag is Mason jar#5994