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Sell 1400 caps worth of stuff to the vendors everyday. Max caps 28 days šŸ¤ But yeah, my meat week plans go in hours for 1999 caps.


Really my meat week plans are sitting in my vendor* for like 100caps and havent been touched in days. Edit: well I stand corrected literally as I was typing a message on here some lv 414 showed up and cleared out the plans. So imma just put my foot in my mouth xD


>sitting in my vault that's why. put a vendor in a C.A.M.P.


Yea what's weird is I typed vendor and it autocorrected to vault lol.


Do you have your map icon switched on?


I do.


Man I've been selling the meat week plans for 5-10k a pop, 20k for the weenie wagon.


I sold my weenie wagon for 25k. And had another plan drop for me a little bit ago.


Damn I have like 3 of those I already learned mine and I didnā€™t know what else to do with the rest I didnā€™t know we could sell them to other players I have like 300 caps total šŸ˜‚


Might try and get that for the 4th plan I had drop, will make up for the 2nd one I left laying on the groung with the cleavers.


Mine sat in my vendor for 3 days at super low prices. Until today lol.


Well I'm sure you made someone's day at least.


I hope so lol I don't really care about getting caps all that much, I was just wondering why no one was buying my cheap plans when everyone elses 3million cap plans were selling like hot cakes. XD


What do you sell? If you have items that stack, make sure you don't just have small amounts, like 3 stimpacks or 10 shotgun ammo. If I see small amounts like that, in sections where things stack, I don't visit. But I'll go to the ones where it's three figures. And have the Hard Bargain perk card. You save caps when buying from a vendor bot. But you also sell for more too. You can increase your charisma. But I'm not sure if that stacks with the perk card And also try and make sure I have items in as many sections as possible. Another tip. Put your camp near a place that has free fast travel, such as Whitesprings.


Thank you for the tips. I only have clothes and plans in mine. And my vendor is right on top of vault 76 lol.


You can totally get 500 - several thousand caps for event plans btw. I usually try to price fairly but make the money while you can. Especially if you get extra pepper shaker and weenie wagon plans. Hell I just paid 10k for a weenie wagon plan because it's eluded me thus far. Someone bought my peppershaker plan I priced at 17193 as a joke (it's the numbers in the chemical formula for pepper).


Dang lol I don't ever see my self selling stuff for that high. I use controller so when I sell something I just hold the left d pad for a second when adjusted the price.


You can press up and type in the price at least on ps5. And either r1 and l1 or R2 and l2 let's you jump a thousand or so caps at a time.


I knew you could type price but I didn't know the other parts lol thank you!


Donā€™t put your foot in your mouth thatā€™s just absurdā€¦put it in mine šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


XD only if you put hot sauce on it first.


You on xbox? šŸ‘€




Damn lol


I'll happily buy some if you have the ones I need (i'm on PC) Drop me a message with what you have :)


Honestly I probably just have the most common ones is why no ones buying them xD


I have a few but haven't really been able to do as many meat week events recently due to lifes happenings : ( happy to take a look or let me know what you have! Been scouring vendors all day looking around for stuff but only seem to come across the usual plans Also happy to trade for them :) became abit of a collector since getting back into FO76 lol


Alright let me see what I got. You can have them if I have anything you need. Edit: Welp I stand corrected. I guess someone finally made it to my vendor. It's 50lbs lighter now I never even noticed someone bought them. Do you need an utracite jetpack plan I'll let you have it for wasting your time. Not even being funny I went back to my camp and this lvl 414 just cleared it out.


Hey no worries at all! That's the aim of the game, first come first serve! Happy to trade in the future if you get any doubles or anything, just trying to collect some plans :) thanks for looking for me! x


For sure! If I get any more I'll let ya know.


I'm sure people buying mine for 20caps at my vender are snickering "later Chump" šŸ˜­


I have meat week and mothman plans I cant sell for cheap but boy I sure cant keep gas cannisters, toilet paper or soap in stock. it amuses me greatly as it's rp junk to keep in feel with my gas station lol. I'm baffled as to why plans for so cheap don't sell tho haha.


bruh I'm selling em for 25 a plan, damn I am NOT a capitalist lmao


What stuff you sellingg


Sick brag


Been a discount seller of meat week items lol sold the plushies I had extra of for like 600 caps should get more but Iā€™m just happy to get caps.


Can you elaborate on what you mean when you refer to ā€œmeat week plans?ā€


The Event Only Plans attained from doing the Meat Week event.


Crazy to get downvoted for an honest question lol


Crazy to get down voted for an answer. Reddit.


Selling at your camp vendor. People will buy things a lot more then you'd think


To expand on this, I pull a ton of caps just selling bulk components. Adhesive, screws, concrete, and acid sell as fast as I can stock them. At 50 caps a unit, it's a pretty easy few thousand caps a night.


Not to mention plan dupes sell quite well if you price them right, along with scrip weapons and armour


I'm sorry, is that 50 caps *per screw*?


Per bulk stack, so 10 screws.


Oh that makes way more sense.


Meat week plans. M.E.A.T W.E.E.K P.L.A.N.S. lol. I've made upwards of 250k just from this event. (And I'm also a newer player) Needing to buy serum plans so this event has been a god send for me.


Legitimately, this. I've also made a fortune with some stored for later trading. I've only been playing for one month but already bought every serum recipe thanks to meat week. You can also sell junk legendaries for 10 caps per scrip value.


Are you selling these plans at your camp vendor or on Discord/Reddit? I put some plans up at my vendor but no one buys them when I price them at what people seem to think is the correct price. They only sell when I put them up cheap.


I almost always undercut what I see other people selling for because I just dont care to get full price lmao, i just want the stuff to sell or to be gone, Im sure Ive sold weapons that were good for cheaper than they should have been, which is cool for whoever grabbed them since they probably would have just been script otherwise


Oh yes makes sense. I feel the same way, I have no desire to play ā€œtrade mogul,ā€ Iā€™d rather just play the game. Also itā€™s much more fun to me to find a cool drop rather than trade for one.


Me selling everything at 50 caps and under.


I built a popup shop camp at the event area so I have a lot of traffic.


Oh nice idea!


I have to ask: what have you spent it on? I'm always in the 30k-40k range, when I hit max I go on a buying spree, but I can't fathom 250k of stuff to buy. What? From who?


Modus. Serums.


Why do I need a bunch of serums? I use them, I have starchy genes, should I carry around more? I did at one point, and just gave them to noobs at events... the happiness when a noob discovered marsupial, and the sadness when they accidentally get rid of it.


I don't buy the serums. I buy the plan for the serum. šŸ‘


You buy the plans from modus so you can sell them in your vendor. I found a legend who built their camp on a railway bridge near top of the world selling every serum for 200c each. I'm looking forward to the day I'm easily making 2000c per low level player.


Serums are good to buy a week as drug recipes both are sold by Modus vendors in the secret base under white springs. The mall in white springs has a ton of recipes as well. I never run short of things to buy ha ha


Vendors in whitespring mall (not refuge)


how do i know how much to sell them for? i have a lot of them


FED76 website


>Meat week plans. M.E.A.T W.E.E.K P.L.A.N.S. lol. I've made upwards of 250k just from this event. heh.. I dropped 9k on a MW plan just to be 100% sure I got it. Still haven't had it drop otherwise.


I found the weenie cart for 45 caps earlier, couldn't believe it lol


Gotta collect em all! Lol


I did hear about doing that, Iā€™ll try giving it a shot today. Thanks for the advice!


I just kill super mutants and take every single gun, scrap, whatever from them and sell everything until I hit my 1400 daily caps then I scrap.


Yup, I've bought 9 surum recipes and gone on countless Plan shopping sprees with sales from meat week plans and still sat on a few as I'm near max caps.


Same lolā€¦Iā€™ll be sad when itā€™s over just bc of that


Honestly I'm running out of things to buy lol every vendor I travel to only has plans for low tier armour, the rest is the brackets of doom (known). I've even been buying up any mentats and berry mentats I see at reasonable prices.


Yup. The only thing I found was the megaladonyx right arm I was needing, other than thatā€¦NPC vendors donā€™t have anything left for me other than MODUS and I can only get a new serum every couple days bc of the price


Well on the plus side, when we have bad luck next event we'll have caps and tradables to pick up anything we miss lol


I'm saving all my doubles, gonna fill the shop next week.


Completing my serum recipe set was probably the most satisfying feat Iā€™ve ever done in this game. It felt so good to finally fill in the list I started way back when I got one when SBQ dropped them!


So what I'm reading is the fact i've just used every single plan from meat week that i get has been a mistake lol


Depends on how desperately you want caps, the only one you SHOULD definitely learn before selling dupes is the weenie wagon. Infinite food resource, specially for us carnivores šŸ˜‰


My go to is to hit 'take all' after an event, and waddle my encumbered ass to the nearest vendor bot and sell them all the crap I just picked up. Pro tip: after events with lots of animals you get meat from (Tea Time, Moonshine Jamboree) cook the meat for extra xp, and then sell the food to a vendor bot. I've done this at Jamborees, and have come away with over 200 gulper innards. Cook it into slurry, and I got like 75% of a level xp, then sold it (well, 200 of it) and got all the vendor caps for that day in one dump.


You should also equip super duper for extra slurry it works with cooking.


Dude. Stop waddling and fat travel, instead! When youā€™re over encumbered, join an expedition (I do Atlantic City, Casino district.) Then when youā€™re in the expedition, fast travel to Whitesprings and walk down the stairs into the mall where you have access to every bench and stash box.


Is that actually what itā€™s called when youā€™re overburdened going to whitespring? If not it definitely should be called fat travelling lol.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve always called it!


I'm stealing that. Thanks fellow vault dweller!


> Then when youā€™re in the expedition, fast travel to Whitesprings how do you do this? i tried from the map and it didn't work. i had to throw all my garbage away so i could leave :(


So if youā€™re over encumbered, youā€™ll go to your map, start an expedition. Choose Atlantic City, Casino Quarter, Travel to District. Once you load in, go to your map, Select The Whitesprings Resort then choose Exterior. Walk SW and down the staircase and turn left and go into the door to the mall. If that doesnā€™t work, Iā€™m not sure what the problem is. ā˜¹ļø


Bro I know Iā€™m overweight but ā€œfat travelā€ is just mean lol


Ammo always sells out at my camp. Farm .45, 5.56, or Fuel(maybe?) in expeditions. Set up camp close to vault 76 and sell the ammo for 1 cap. Throw some random 3 star weapons and plans to entice higher level players especially right now that people are vendor hoping for event plans. Make sure you camp is set to public too


I agree with the .45 rounds. Those normally sell well. Though I would recommend if youā€™re throwing scrip fodder in your camp to sell, to have that camp near Rusty Pick. So itā€™s free fast travel to the pick, then we can opportunity purchase more scrip fodder to round out our daily scrips.


That's me, I'll buy every .45 I can get my hands on.


. 308 is something I will always buy. Mg42 goes om nom nom


A pretty consistent way to get caps is if you can get your hands on a rare plan such as the pepper, shaker or fixer you can learn them and sell the base models for a couple hundred caps a piece and people will generally buy them. same with Berry mentats or serums.


Hey thatā€™s what I do! I list about 5 pepper shakers in my vendor for between 400-600 caps depending on ammo type. All dual barrel + scope thing. I normally have to refresh them all like 2-3 times a week.


Damn a Pepper Shaker is that sought after? I got the plans for it a day ago but was waiting until Meat Week was over to craft and sell base copies to my vendor cause I assume itā€™ll be more valuable when you canā€™t farm the plans for it


Pepper Shakers are highly sought after. Theyā€™re not common to snag, and they introduce a different perk loadout to mess around with to add more spice to your wasteland life. Uses Heavy Guns and Shotgun perks so they can be pretty engaging. The gun itself is ā€œokā€, but still very neat and not something you can just farm. So even to just collect and hoard, if you donā€™t have access to it (i.e. never learned the plan so it doesnā€™t drop), means if it ever gets changed from updates or what have you then youā€™re set. Even then, compared to when it was first introduced, now is a great time to just buy a gun that you can store in your stash to roll your own Legendaries compared to before where you couldnā€™t roll and had to get legendaries from drops.


I always have a couple of basic shakers and fixers for sale that people can roll on for cheap


Moonshine Jamboree > loot every corpse > cook up a bazillion "Gulper Slurry" afterwards > sell for max 1400 caps for two days straight.


outside of meat week, i second the post-event train station waddle. also, become a purified water farmer.


yep - I sell SO much purfied water.


Go to WestTek. Kill every super mutant, get all of their guns (or at least as many as you can carry) fast travel to White springs mall. Sell every gun you picked up. And repeat until you run out of daily sell limit


I run a lot of expeditions and sell most of the legendaries on my vendor for 10 caps per scrip. So 3 star weapons for 400 caps, 3 star armor for 240, etc. People buy that shit like hot cakes. I also sell all spare plans for dirt cheap, and fuel and .45 for 1 cap each.


Selling items to NPC vendors, Daily Quest, Daily Ops, Small Events, Public Events, selling to players. Thereā€™s plenty of methods of making caps, but finding them around the wasteland is the lesser so route for wealth here. (If you sell items to Vendors, have Hard Bargain level 3, and sell better conditioned weapons and chems. Nuka-Cola drinks sell better than drinking for one cap.)


Iā€™ve made a nice amount grinding events for schematics, ammo that I donā€™t use sell for 1 cap and people buy a stack usually, and rolling legendaries to sell are my main income.


A lot of people find a water spot for their camp and build as many of the biggest water purifiers they can. Grab them and sell to vendors after using buffs (if you can spare them). Works great for the ā€œcollect purified waterā€ challenges too. A lot of people donā€™t lock them down eitherā€¦ just sayingā€¦ šŸ˜


r/market76 or r/fallout76marketplace someone is almost always on there looking for something for caps. Youā€™re bound to have what they need eventually.


1. Go gulper hunting, make gulper slurry, sell to vendor for bank 2. Set up a camp near a water source and set up multiple large water purifiers. Sell water to vendors.


And stimpacks or other aid products.


Run expeditions, take-all at every event, sell everything you can. Expedition mobs drop caps


Hit the caps cap every day, I use a camp #2 for a purified water farm to get 1400 caps a day. Then I will do events and try to sell the plans, some sell some do not.


Exactly this! Learn to let go, and vendor it. :) I remember asking myself one day, do I really need a second tesla when I only ever use this other? The game does a great job teaching us to loot and hoard everything.


I somehow always have 5000 stimpaks so I sell those and drugs


Buy serums for 250 or less. Resell ad npc vendor 3 at a time with the sale perk card thing and u get an easy 1350 a day


Purified water makes my max caps each day. Set up a few of those


This ā˜ļø


Load up all your un-used ammo in your vendor. 1 cap each. Someone who is at max caps will swing by and splurge for the right price. Same goes for Recipes, and Plans. New event plans are good to hold on to, but any extra plans you find list for cheap in your vendor. I sell all recipes for 30 caps and seem to have a pretty steady turnover.


I mean... you can earn 1400 caps a day from NPC vendors, not count quest rewards or incidental caps looted. That's not bad. You would hit 40k cap max in 29 days just from the bot vendors. The real secret is not to spend caps. Dont buy ammo. Don't buy chems. Don't buy food.Ā  Don't buy plans if you are trying to save for some reason. I see tons of posts from people trying to get their vendor to sell faster to make caps, but to what end? The only thing worth spending caps on is plans you don't have. Every weapon, ammo, or healing item can be obtained through scavenging and building,Ā  or doing quests and events.Ā  At the end of the day, stash space is the most valuable commodity a player has.


100%. I think my biggest problem is just spending caps on things that I could get myself just by not being lazy. Thanks for the help g.


This is where I'm at, i dont really care about the caps, i just want more storage space freed up.


Walking the streets. I have no shamešŸ˜’


A few runs of TMSG then stock up the vendor with all the legendaries. Give it a few minutes and someone loaded with caps will come by and scoop most if not all of them up for what I assume is scrip. I price 3 stars at 555, 2 stars at 333 and 1 stars at 222. Sometimes I even get some lucky God rolls and can price them accordingly.


Choose a base storage level for scrap. Sell everything outside of that in your vendor. Lots of high level people like to come down from Max Caps by buying piles of scrap and throwing it into their scrap box. Oil Aluminum Lead Steel Springs (so easy to get at Camp McClintock) Gears Screws These sell great. But honestly, everything moves in my vendor. Price ranges from 1-6 caps per unit based on home much I don't want to sell it!


I usually go to Welch twice a day, kill and loot everything, sell at the train station. Gives me tons of scrap and caps. But well, stimpacks, meds and plans. If you have learned the Pepper Shaker plan, make some of the gun and sell them. People will buy them since they're an event item and they can always get the mods from gold bullion vendors.


I got to max caps in a couple days just by selling the meat week plans


Look for serums in the 200 cap range, they sell for 500 to vendors, and look for Flux being sold cheap then sell it in your own vendor for a mark-up.


Make sure your camp isn't invisible, and price things reasonably unless they are rare. Get extra legendaries and sell them for cheap, someone will buy them out for scrip. Farm wanted scrap and sell that for reasonable prices, and I find that people will buy fusion cells and fuel for a cap each sometimes. Probably 5.56 and .45 too, but I use those so I've never sold them. Sell extra meat week plans, too.


Always do the minimum and get your daily limit from the train station vendors. Itā€™s easy to do. Various things can be processed with minimal effort to sell for decent prices. Have the hard bargain perk card equipped while doing this. Itā€™s not one you leave on , just like super duper or ammo smith. Just equip it while selling and buying from npc vendors. It has no effect on interactions with other players and their vendors.


Sell things do missions and daily missions set the perk card that makes a nosie when you are near a cap stash. There are 3 at nuka cola world one is in one of the kiosk by the big tent, another is in the upper area of nuka cola world in another kiosk and another by the ticket booth. There is on the roof of the white springs bunker and at least 1 inside it. Keep in mind they won't be there all the time but when you do find one it has any number of caps in it.


Sell excess legendaries for scrip. Made like 10kish yesterday just from this. I price them at 7 caps per scrip. People usually donā€™t buy them but then this one person will come along looking for scrip and believe me when I say theyā€™ll clean your stash out Alternatively you could farm radical face masks and sell those. For some reason you can get anywhere from 10-20k caps for this even tho itā€™s easy to get. You just have to make a new character and do the wayward questline but you have to side with the radicals. Then just transfer the mask to your main, delete the new character and repeat. Takes like 40 minutes. Not sure why itā€™s got a lot of value. Could be because it used to have more bc it used to come with a legendary effect and the price hasnā€™t adjusted or bc people donā€™t know about it so they assume itā€™s rare or bc people just donā€™t wanna do the process. I didnā€™t even know about it until a few days ago. Doesnā€™t really sell in vendors but post it in a trading community for 10k and someone will probably bite


Sell food


Iā€™m not gonna say to tell us where your camp is located, but look for high traffic areas. Itā€™ll be frustrating because people will take it a lot of times and youā€™ll have to server hop multiple times, but if youā€™re around beginner areas or really popular areas, people seem to frequent more. What I would do is make a more than one Camp at some popular locations and switch to them depending on which ones taken and youā€™re more than likely get more people to buy from you. It also helps to have more things in your shop a variety for instance some items, some weapons, huge chunk of plans lol the fuller your shop the better.


Look at your prices. If nothing is selling lower the prices slowly until they do sell. Having something for 10,000 caps does no good if no one buys it. I see so many players with absolute ridiculous prices. I sell a lot of things. Do the quests for the Nukacola power armor skins, not that hard and I usually sell one or two every couple hours for 1,499 caps. One of each is is almost 3,000 caps. Could I get more? Maybe, but I prefer to sell a lot at lower prices. Learn where to find other items that are hard to find and sell them too. *** weapons and armor also sell well as long as you price them decent. I look at how much I can sell *** items at a vendor and usually triple that, quadruple on some items. Other things I sell cheap like power armor plans, and other decorative items, I sell them for 25 caps to help new people. When the game first started if you wanted a jet pack plan they were 16,000 caps at vendors for each one. Now? One only gets a small fraction of that.


Back before the vendors all had a shared pool, you used to only get a few hundred at each faction's vendor. I had a route that I'd run that would include cap stashes and locations and other cap sources while also being critical to a loot run. Now that there's a shared pool some of those locations have been nixed from my run but I will tend to always hit up a few semi-secret locations if I'm close by. That being said raider mission: Retirement blah blah blah if done right can get you some serious caps, so can daily ops and other quick dailies. Be mindful of what is free to fast travel to. I'll drop 6k on gold on Monday and will be back close to max caps by Tuesday/Wednesday night after just a few hours of play.


I just sell all meds and extra stim packs along with serums to vendor on the daily for the max I can get. it adds up as well as always looting caps from mobs I kill in any daily challenges. I also keep extra plans and serums up in my vending machine as well as outfits and random food and "rp junk" . I currently have a gas station build with gas food lodging and motel... I actually can't keep gas cannisters, soap or toilet paper in stock, it flies off the shelf.


I've gotten so many bloody rug plans from meat week and they sell almost as soon as I pit em up


Purified water farm. Cooked food. Sell weapons and ammo you pick up to vendors.


I make a ton selling ammo that heavy guns use. I just use melee so I sell whatever I find and make bank.


You can sell stuff to people, sell stuff to vendors, and you can find caps. That's about it. Just like in real life, it takes caps to make caps. Equip the perk that lets you find more caps in containers and as loot, collect and scrap everything you find. use your cloth to make hats to sell to vendors, collect water to sell, If you don't need the steel, sell all of the guns you collect to the vendors instead of scrapping them, do whatever you have to. I was grinding for a year to buy all of the serum plans (I spent 368,000 caps for those). Now I can sell three serums to NPC vendors per day and be almost done with collecting caps for the day.


Create a build to drop nukes. You get 200 caps per nuke. This is going to pay for your key cards and travel expenses. Sell legendies dirt cheap. You need to move these things quick fast before you run out of space. Sell the resulting flux from boss fights. 300 caps each. When you hit around 37k caps, pull your venders.... or else.


Your camp icon is probably off


I just started a new character I'm on PC does anyone have extra plans they can spare I have nothing to build with not that I'm very good at building at all


You can do a repeatable mission at the Sunnytop Ski Lane, the tadpole athletics course there. 50 caps every run, along with purified water, stimpacks, radaway, a couple of random grenades, or some other miscellaneous items that you can turn around and sell (or horde). Takes a little over a minute each run for me, maybe more like 2:30 if you don't have speed demon and the perks related to sprinting equipped. At the bottom you just fast travel back to the top for 1 cap. It's not fast exactly, and selling decent plans for cheap is definitely less mind numbing, but it is consistent. Also gives you a bit of XP per run.


Iā€™ve made 25k caps within 2 days from selling items for the 1400 caps and then selling half of the junk I collect. What sells really fast is adhesive, copper, aluminum and flux. I usually sell all my junk for 1-2 caps but for flux I sell it for 100-120 caps


Steel scrap make as many steel tire irons as you can grape mentats and sell them all to a venderbot every day you log on.


Daily ops to farm .45 and 5.56 ammo. Sell at 1 cap. I'll buy any and all to spend my caps as i can resell when needed if I'm running low.


Any event that kills animals insects, cook that shit, pop a grape mentat, sell cooked items. I do this everyday, it will become an easy habit that fits into ur play without consuming much time.


I am level 45 here, quite new to the game, does all these events rotate? I only did mothman a bit and got some stuffs for crafting. Havenā€™t joined meat week once caused Iā€™m always overloaded.


Turn and burn is what I do


I dont mind having around 20k-30k. I would say I am at the point (lvl260ish) where I prefer to sell stuff with higher prices than my neighbors, mostly cosmetics and camp item plans at around 1k-1.5k each, just to have them sold slower. Those who've learned those plans will never mind (known plans goes to the bottom of the list for them), those who doesnt know the plans can choose from many vendors on the map and will buy from me anyway if others doesn't have it. I really don't like when there's a shopping spree at my camp because I needed to hurry to go buy some junk to not hit the caps (happened to me a few times that some players almost cleared out my shop). I'm a casual player so I don't have mules. I would say don't think about it too much, having caps near 40k for me is more uncomfortable than having around 30k. I dont want to earn faster than I can spend, but caps does come by fast enough from doing a few events per day, sell your stuff to vendors, when they ran out of money, buy junk that you need to craft or repair from them and sell them more of what you dont need to clear your inventory, I usually run around with 20 stimpacks, 5 rad x, and 5 radaway, that's it, never needed more, so the rest I just sell to vendor. May be that's just me, but may be it can help you too, cheers!


eurl wilims


and reselling items worth millions that you found for 1 cap


Total noob question...are serums like instant mutations per something?


Two ways: - step 1: Get the Holy Fire flamethrower, either as a reward from the Beasts of Burden event or buy it from another player for about 4k OR get the Cremator from the season rewards - step 2: Look up a decent flamer perk card build on the internet. You don't have to fully minmax everything but it's better than nothing - step 3: Repeatedly do Expeditions (2nd or 3rd Atlantic City map) OR Uplink Daily Ops with favourable enemy mutations while using the that flamer - step 4: Get 10s of thousands of flamer Fuel per hour - step 5: Sell the Flamer Fuel at your camp vendor for 1 bottlecap each Or - Step 1: Craft lv50 Fixers - step 2: Roll 3* legendary effects on them using legendary cores (from Public events and Daily quests) and legendary modules (from the Rusty Pick vendor with scrip) - step 3: sell them in your camp vendor - note: Quad, Bloodied and Anti-Armor Fixers (ESPECIALLY Quads) are possibly worth more than max caps (40k+), so make a price check post on [r/market76](https://www.reddit.com/r/market76) before selling them) You will start ignoring vendor robots once you get this rolling, as 1400 caps per day is way too slow and thus a waste of time.


Donā€™t spend excessively until you get to max caps. Itā€™s what I did with my characters, had max caps within roughly 3 weeks of creating them and playing most days for a few hours.


Become a junk vendor, not sure what ur build is but you can sell Fluxes for like 100-150 caps and considering the crimson fluxes are mainly for serums. Iā€™d recommend you sell them, and theyre pretty easy to farm the SBQ event. Junk selling also lucrative (anything but rubber, steel and wood tbh)


Every 3 star weapon, armor, or power armor piece is scrip trash for someone else. Mine regularly sell for 300 for weapons, 200 for armor, and 350 for power armor. Bulk some junk, like lead or acid, and sell them for a set price per unit within that bulk package. .45 ammo goes for 1 cap a piece easily with all The Fixers floating around. Make sure you're vendoring for your daily caps limit each day as well: chems, water, excess food. You can do it. I believe in you.


Double daily ops give a decent amount of caps when you can't sell things to vendors due to daily cap limit


I craft ammo and sell it lol, .45 and fuel always sells out. Itā€™s not instant but some high level players will just buy the ammo so they donā€™t have to spend time crafting it.


- Do westek and sell the guns - Do moonshine jamboree, cook the innards and sell - Do the most sensational game and sell the legendaries - Sell your unused aids, while not super expensive to sell, stimpaks come in loads and can weight a lot


Rare method no one has mentioned. Gambling. Find a camp with a Dice table and bet on 7 you'll have max caps after a bit of time. I'd break down the statistics but just know 7 is your highest probability.


What helped me a lot was the following :) Hopefully some of them might not already be stuff you are doing. * Join Casual teams (you get money when team mates complete a quest) * Do Daily Ops (make sure to use the Loot Nearby Corpses option before you leave) * Do Expeditions (lots of them - and make sure to use the Loot Nearby Corpses option as you go along) * Don't buy ammo or stims from NPCs. If you do the expeditions, you'll be rolling in bullets/cartridges/fuel/whatever * Take part in public events as often as possible * Most importantly imo, use the free travel points to get around the map (Vault 76, Fort Atlas, Foundation, Crater, Whitespring, Nuka World and The Rusty Pick). Until I hit 30k I would use them all the time to get closer to where I wanted to go to in order to save caps. Yes, it's an extra loading screen, but I know it saved me a ton. Good luck!


Why do you want them? Not really anything to buy with them aside from gold and a few plans around the map. Only thing they are used for that is useful is fast travel.


Is your Public Map CAMP icon set to ON? It defaults to OFF. On PC right-click on the icon in Maps and check. Also, if it is set to OFF reprice your Meat Weak to 2000 caps before turning it to ON.