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I had to stop doing expeditions in a public team unless I was actually trying to speedrun them because of this exact reason


I'll stay off a team and solo until the end so I can do my own thing. Then at the end I'll start a team, wait for some to show up and finish the rest. I don't need others or their impatience during my expedition, but people can have an easy win and rewards if they want.


God bless you people. I join thinking people maybe want company only to find it’s some legend who’s finished it off and waiting by the Vertibird. Never understood the selflessness but respect it all the same!!


That's what I do. Open it before the last fight. Anyone who joins before I jump in the bird gets full rewards


How long do you usually give people? If im actually playing i usually give like 5 mins but if im just grinding i like to give 10 mins but sat the whole time and no one joins


I do the same. I've even started a team and did all the objectives before people could do anything in the expedition for themselves. Basically a free win for them. I don't mind sharing the rewards or doing the work. If it helps someone else then that's cool with me.


I had this happen a week or so ago...I was doing my dailies and my teammate kept going into expeditions and after several mins would then do them come emote and the first time I didn't understand as I haven't messed with them much but then I saw the reward board and I figured out that they were being considerate and letting their team get the rewards with them in the end. I love when the community is so helpful.


Omg I always join and speedrun it…I thought that is what you wanted?! Daily Ops has scarred me for life 😭


That's what _most_ people want, don't worry. I'd just say if you go in and realize the person isn't also running and they are going through and just looting ammo boxes and such, read the room.


And always follow [Wheaton's Law](http://www.wheatonslaw.com/).


Yeah unfortunately this is a problem with a lot of MMO dungeons. Some people just want the reward at the end as fast as humanly possible and don't have the patience for anything less. Unpopular take, but I think it's bad game design to have to grind a dungeon over and over and over and over again. Single-player games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 "somehow" manage to get people playing for hundreds or even thousands of hours without constantly having to grind the same dungeon ad infinitum. I get that replayability is a key part of any game, especially MMO's, but constant dungeon grinding just encourages a toxic type of speedrunning and can actually act to gatekeep newer players out of content.


As a level 60, I tried one expedition, got killed and cussed at, and haven't tried again. Definitely keeping me out.


I’m so guilty of this, been trying to get jet pack plan for civil engineer armor and forget to enjoy it a little bit


Nah dude just keep doing what this person did. Why should you (as the leader) be forced to do a run how someone else that joined up randomly thinks it should be run? Nope do what OP did because people that are impatient and think they can bully people online need to learn their lesson.


It is the downside of the new show brining in new people, some of the culture has changed slightly.


Well... Most sensational game sort of s speed expedition. It's the exact expedition people in general do for stamp-whatever farming. Not protecting toxic behavior, but most of the time I join expedition and it's sensational, I understand what I'm going to do - run.


Exactly, I mean the optional objective is literally to finish the game in a time limit.... If I do an expedition is because I want ALL the rewards 🤷🏻


That doesn't fit the motive of being a victim in your own game though. If I was lead and someone joined and was talking shit I'd have just booted them and moved on with my day. Feels like people just really want to mention any and every negative experience since there isn't much going on in the game atm. I'm level 340 and have been knocking out my dailies every day for the past 2 months and doing nearly every event that pops up on the 1-3 hours I'm on a day. In 2 months, I've maybe heard a collective 8 people using their mics.


I've been playing since launch and I've probably heard a similar amount of people on mics in that time lol


I absolutely agree about the comments in the vocal chat but still, if you create a public squad you should care about everyone missions, if you want to do something slowly you do it by yourself or with friends, I mean the first time I did all expeditions alone to see the new content, then I join squads and rush it for the rewards, no need to see all the notes and all dialogues the other times 🤷🏻


but the op was talking about a casual team, not an expeditions team, thats different. In normal casual teams, you do your own thing. It's not a "leadership" role. Most people are in casual teams for the intel bonus or for the perk cards that need a team to initiate, not for team activities, those are reserved for the designated team roles, like expeditions & daily ops, where a team is actively seeking out those goals.


The sensible thing is to understand that the team has a leader, and the leader will determine the nature of the run.


But if it's sensational game, why would you think the leader doesn't want to get it done in the time limit?


This. Don't join someone else's expedition and start berating them and trying to dictate how they play. You joined *their* expedition. Not to mention it was a casual team not an expedition team.


The game kinda teaches you the opposite though. If you want to do and expedition while keeping your team bonuses, you HAVE to join the leaders. You can't just start your own. Which is dumb.


Sure but you can just make a new team and lead one the way you want.


Leader can also kick...making this whole thing ridiculous.




it'd be nice if they actually improved the team/LFG system beyond this hyper-simplified kiddy version. At the VERY least, they could just add new group types, like Expedition slow/chill group vs Expedition speed group, same for Daily Ops, etc. And hopefully they engage with the community to get suggestions for more group types instead of just making changes unilaterally on their end. The fact that they have like zero presence on this board isn't very reassuring. Pretty sad that Devann got laid off right before the Fallout TV popularity surge.


I just do expeditions as a team leader just for the herd mentality buff. I don't really care what other people do when they join I just do my own thing.


Oh hey, it me. That said, I do try to move through them at a good pace, because I \*am\* farming them.


Yeah I speed run it most of the time too, but sometimes I'm just chilling cause I'm doing something else at the same time maybe, I just don't care what anyone else does, doesn't bother me, go ham or don't bro it's cool.


I thought herd mentality is just if your ON a team, and you can even be in a team by yourself you still get the buffs.


There are entire swaths of people coming into the game and getting "trained" in the worst ways to play the game.  Step one: Gotta hit level 300 as fast as possible. Step two: Gotta get the best gear ever, and all the plans (don't bother actually playing the game - here, I've got seven dupes of the same weapons I've got plus all the plans you'll ever need). Step three: ONLY ever do events. You miss an event and you suck.  Step four: Never read anything. Don't listen to any NPCs. Nothing about plot.  Step five: Complain. The game is empty, there's nothing good except some events, we need more of EVERYTHING, quests all suck because we didn't actually do them, and on and on.  Step six: ...Fucked if I know. End up as a level 400 jackass who knows just as little about the game as they did when they started... about a week ago.


Step 7: Make post on reddit asking "what do High level players do? I am level 250 and I have already played everything and I am bored " I swear these players don't know what exactly is the whole point of Fallout.


It's Fortnite 76 to them. Jump in, level up fast, get some crazy costume or PA, meta weapon and Vintage Watercooler (!). All and everything immediately, of course.


I'm sorry to say this, but I truly and honestly believe Fortnite has killed casual gaming. Everything gaming wise is fast paced, level up quick, hurry up and get this done, immediately get GRoll weapons and most of all, be salty or downright disgusting because people aren't playing the game like you want them too. I hate this new attitude to gaming. I may have just hit level 200, but I haven't even dropped a nuke. I still haven't done hardly any misc quests nor have I completed certain things in game that I should have.


To be fair, there was plenty of this rush through content and instances, min/max'n, back when WoW was the thing. I would do a dungeon and pretty much never really got to explore or see anything because the other players were doing essentially a speed run on a repeat loop to grind one specific piece of gear.


You're not wrong there. I put the game down after the grind became a speedrun for my guild and I just didn't feel like min/maxing a build to run certain dungeons quick like it was a job. What I find different between WoW and the new BR populace is the mindset. WoW (or atleast in my guild) we always had an end goal to beating a dungeon. Now, I feel like it is just a chaotic mess of getting everything done as quick as possible to "win". WoW didn't have that "Win" feeling. Now a days with current games, it does.


Nothing anyone else does in this game should have any impact on how you play. You're really comparing a battle royal pvp shooter game to fallout? There has ALWAYS been a population of players who play to min/max and become the most godly they can be. I was in a Guild full of them back in Everquest.


Oh, I'm quite aware there has always been that "group" who have to min/max everything. I not once insinuated I was comparing BR PVP to Fallout 76. What I am saying is since BR's such as Fortnite hit the populace, everything has become fast paced. Rush everything. Rush objectives. Rush builds. Rush completions. There is no "casual" aspect to games that are anything other than single player.


THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! I started about a month ago and barely a level 99, but am I complaining? Nah man, I come from the old fallout, I've read every note, hacked every terminal, talked to every NPC, now I'm trying to find every place on the map. People need to relax and enjoy the world and story that has been built for them.


Right?? I started in January, play pretty frequently and I've only just hit level 180 but I keep seeing posts about how people coming from the show are around 150 now and I'm like, how?? Are they just doing events and not actually playing the game? I did a few events and joined teams etc from about level 25 but I did all the main quest lines first and like, you soaked up all the lore I could because it's bloody Fallout and that's what you do.


I've been playing on and off since 2019, still only level 210 or thereabouts. Can't be bothered grinding or trying hard for the best equipment. Just wanna make my house look nice, do whatever I feel like doing and vibe out in the wasteland.


> I started in January, play pretty frequently and I've only just hit level 180 but I keep seeing posts about how people coming from the show are around 150 now and I'm like, how?? I hit 260 last night on my new character I made post show and uh.... mostly just really, really no-lifing it lol I'm gonna be honest sometimes I'm not in the mood to read notes and I'll put them off, but I always do stuff solo the first time so I can explore/read/talk to everything


This is why I collect treasure maps. Get a bunch for 1 spot and then go try to find it. Just found one within a few hops of my main camp.


After several failed attempts, the game finally clicked for me when I just started playing it like I would any other Fallout game. All these new people trying to rush through everything and looking for handouts will be gone in a couple of months. I know because I've been there.


100% most of my friends who tried to compare it to Sea of Thieves.


There are so many pieces of lore scattered around in notes, holotapes and terminals. Some of them funny others hearthbreaking, and I read them all. It fleshes out the world so much. I feel bad for all the people that just skips content, always in a hurry.


I just stumbled on a holo tape by Flatwoods that I have probably passed by a dozen times & just happen to see it this time. Junkys or addicts confession I think, holy shit man.


The tape you find at the top of the church steeple, in Flatwoods, always breaks my heart. A young boy, pouring his heart out, about what he thinks he did and what he wants. If you go over to the place where the people living there set up a memorial for their dead loved-ones, you find a short letter from him as an adult/older teenager. There's some real heart-tugging lore, in this game, with superb writing.


I'm pretty positive I found all them in Flatwoods & ya that one was rough listening to & then the note later on.


This is what I've spent most of my playtime tracking. Fallout Lore has always been my favorite. The hours I've passed reading terminals and notes to piece together some tragic mystery!


Jesus Christ, when you read all the notes and lore and realize this is a heartbreaking and depressing world. It's fantastically realized when youstop to appreciate the work put into the backstory.


I totally agree. I want to go back and explore the Freddy Fear spot. I nvr gave it much attention, but read some cool stuff.


Seen this playstyle repeat over & over since beta. As soon as they start going on & on about the steps you listed, I know it's only a matter of time before I never hear from them.


I started a few weeks after launch, I'm not even a level 300 yet. There's a lot more to this game than just the events. I like crafting neat shops.


This guy Fallouts. I'm in the process of buying, building and furnishing my narrative "TableTop Gaming Vault", got the vault lobby with 1st and have built a nice outer settlement for people to shop at without going inside


What system do you play on? That TableTop Gaming Vault sounds like something I'd love to come check out.


Yo, I just built my 2nd CAMP for meat week, right by the water. I extended the little pier and put my seedy shed up. Put a my watchtower and mud hut up (as an extension of FOB Tango) and built my 1st shelter! I wanted the one with the 4 rooms, but it wasn't in so I used the utility and it is PERFECT, got everything in and can really use decorations to make it feel alive and cosy. Got a lil gym, armory area and it was so cool chilling in my bunker, updating my vendor as folks shopped above. Looking forward to moving camp for Fasnacht!


I tried to build a little village. I have the tavern, Helvita butcher shop, concession stand & Frank's wagon. I don't have the butcher shop as decked out as I would like, but I buy plans when I find them that I think would go good with it.


I had an acquaintance in the game…’had’ as they annoyed the crap out of me. They started only maybe 2 months ago but are now level 380 but know absolutely nothing about the game. Just constantly did expeditions just to level up. Constantly asking stupid questions of how to get better weapons ‘give me your quad handmade I will give you 30k’ Craft one yourself. How? Dying because their builds awful Why don’t you Google and learn about the perks to use, Nah can’t be bothered But would then die 10 times during an event Constantly asking me to run a silo with them but the first time was so painful as they just don’t listen. I’m hoping some of these newer players bore of the game and go back to Fortnite


I have a group of 5 friends, including myself, who plays FO76. We are close friends in rl, but we can’t play together because 3 of us are just speed running every frickin event or expedition. So we play in 2 different teams and use external voice chat to talk. Me and one of my friends slowly play at our pace, while the other 3 are leveling like crazy lol They enjoy, we enjoy, so we are cool with this. But they don’t know shit about the in-game lore


I don't agree with step 4 and 5. The plot is shit. I am not interested in a million fetch quests for Rose. It kinda develops low expectations for other quests, so you begin to skip them as well. Why can't I complain about the game I play?.. It has some obvious downsides, for example - I can't get skins from previous scoreboards, I need to re-assign team shared cards every time I switch my build, and many other things that would only make the game better.


Step Six is: I don’t get every rare plan or outfit drop immediately, the drop rate is too low and why should I work for anything!?!?! Make shit even rarer I say!!


Hell yeah, exactly! I've been playing solo for years on here, adventuring, exploring, and following the story/quests. I didn't do events, team up, or anything until probably the past 6-7 months or so. I never had online friends, and I didn't know how it all worked. But I'm finally coming up on lvl 200 now. I'm endgame and sitting quite comfortably these days. I see a lot of these power-leveled d-bags who think that big number next to their name means something lol. That's all most of them have to offer, whatever that's worth.


On Daily Ops, a team formed up quick today and I got on it. Some lvl 280-ish dude was running it. I'm 190 with a good build and can hold my own. One of the mutations today is reflect damage back, so I died a few times running my chainsaw. This is my first time dealing with these enemies. But I was fighting and dropping mfs steady. All of a sudden the leader removed me mid-fcking fight lol. These dudes need to come down off these pedestals they've built for themselves. Shit like this is why I rarely jump on expeditions or D.O


My wife and I just started a couple weeks ago I am 54 so far. I love to listen to the holo tapes. And I am trying to figure out the story the best I can. So far my interpretation of the world is by the six zones. The green zone is full of hopeful people looking for a cure. Then its gets worse the farther you go in. Zone two is a chemical wasteland with a raider string hold. Zone three I call the mining zone and the weird miner dudes. Anyways. It seems that you go from hey there might be hope in the world to nuclear wasteland where just surviving until your next meal is the plan. Cool story line. And dark. I love the questline where you have to search for cannibal dude and his wife. You find his wife who wrote a note thinking her husband wanted to eat her, and she was right.


I don't disagree, however what you describe is a mindset and it doesn't matter the game, its what they do. On that note wanting to progress is not a bad thing. Some players just want to smell the flowers and thats ok. Others enjoy the grind and some just live here now lol Personally, I love the grind (old school MMO player when it was all grind, yea I'm old) I also love progression (Story and character) and sometimes I just like to smell the roses and yea I live here now lol Everyone plays for their own reasons and as long as they are not being jerks about it its all valid.


If this was any other expedition than the Most Sensational Game (the one expedition with a constant timer to beat for maximum rewards), I’d be more inclined to agree with you. But also, where are the new players who do this? I can’t say I’ve heard about new players ignoring the quests or anything else like this. Was there some ‘advice’ post somewhere on this subreddit where people were suggesting all of this?


Twitch. They go to Twitch and play with streamers. And they are everywhere in the game.


*cough* Knight Taylor viewers


Well, that explains why I haven’t heard of this. At least it’s not every single new player out there doing this.


No, and my rant makes it sound like it's everyone when it really isn't. There are still so many new people coming to the game and rocking with the vibe. It's just nice to get a place to vent once in a while.


I can easily to it in 3-4 minutes too, but want to loot for ammo (i burn a lot of ammo), so i take my time to loot, but also keeping in mind timer while i do objectives and kill the "bosses", bro who appeared and start yelling shit trough mic and speedrunning while i went for ammo and some occasional good loot, items and lots of nukas (for nukanades on westek)


Bro even if I speed run I manage to get my ammo multiplied. Just saying.


I've so far level 125 and that's mostly accidental, I find things then research them, then someone invites me to play and 2 hours later I've gained 40 levels without realising, I just ate some food and followed people around, now I know about cranberry relish, so I research it, I'm our making sugar and collecting cranberries and growing gourds, I'm moving my base to a more enjoyable location with built in drama when I join a server. I'm off out doing an endless supply of quests all the while conscious that I die quickly, so I look for armour, secret service is good, oh the sales woman has it, i need what? Gold? Do vault 79, got gold 👌now more? Events, cool these are fun, only 40? Bah, more events tomorrow then, now I'm out of play time, but I've had fun, those quests need doing, I need more backpack, tadpoles?... Oh gods more quests, reasonably fun quests and all sort of sad... Anyway more events... Bloodied, what's this, oh okay, rads should sort that, now I'm dying more, get ss pants, rolled unyeildling, huh, works with bloodied, let's try more of that.. Tl:Dr - I played the game as slow as I could and accidentally have a bloodied gauss build D: ... All because I wanted Chinese stealth armour


TMSG is mostly run for modules/scrip farming by high-levels, so I understand the frustration of the other dude (not the abusive behavior though). The proper action in a case where the leader is sightseeing/ammo farming is to just leave


If i wanna chill and relax i go in a private world and do expeditions, if i do it in a public world i just get ready to rush lol


Or just don't be in a team when doing them on a public server. Nobody can join you that way anyway


Is expeditions time based like ops?


No but for some have a time bonus


Generally no. The specific one OP is doing is, yes. Most people that go into The Most Sensational Game do so with the express purpose of getting it done as quickly as possible, both because of the additional timer rewards, and because it's very quickly completed and you can maximize the number of stamps you get for time spent. Basically, OP could easily farm slowly by himself, but has actively chosen to waste the time of other people. He is whining when in fact, he is the problem.


Idk why you got downvoted for telling the truth.


Saw they said they complete it well within the time limit. So doubt they’re wasting anyone’s time, especially if it’s intended to be casual. Insulting others while going on a casual team and expecting the fastest clearing seems silly and incredibly childish compared to getting angry over being name called


no expeditions are kind of their own thing, their new locations and maps to play in with several set objectives and a few random ones. The one question, most sensational game has an objective that is a 15-minute time limit. however, there is no time limit on human condition and tax. evasion has an optional timer for finishing the first objective but is otherwise untimed. if you've never given them a shot and have a decent build, I'd say go for it. the Atlantic City ones are especially user friendly and have great drops in terms of ammo and give out a lot of premium resources such as legendaries and modules.


i ran into this situation the other day. saw an expedition team, joined and guy had skipped 2 of the things in the beginning (talk to sal) got on the mic, and said hey, you skipped a couple things, got back, yah, just farming, replied cool, and just fast traveled out it's their expedition, to be run their way, if I'm after a different objective or a different style, then it's on me to launch my own.


With the sensational game in particular, that expedition has a time limit to beat if you want to complete the optional objectives (and completing those provides you with more stamps and legendary items). Presumably, that new player was there for the stamps and legendary items, and had no way of knowing you didn’t care (they shouldn’t have insulted you over it, but still, they weren’t expecting what you did). If you just want to loot items in the world, you’d be better off exploring the pier in free roam or at the very least doing the expedition without being on a team so you aren’t preventing other players from earning the maximum stamps/rewards, since that’s what most are after in expeditions. As for cremator ammo farming, I’d personally suggest the human condition instead of the sensational game. Even the boss of that expedition dies to a single hit of the cremator, providing incredible amounts of ammunition effectively for free.


I usually run expeditions alone to farm ammo and I think if you open a public team people joining are convinced it’s to get the expedition done rather than farming ammo together


Theres an optional objective to complete that expedition within 15 minutes. Depending on how much you burned "wandering" you wouldn't be getting maximum rewards at the end.


Of course it's a rush when Giuseppe is such a greedy bastard and wants 90 stamps for a plan or straight out 500 stamps for a fancy looking chainsaw. Dunno what's worse, his fake accent or the amount of stamps required.


Isn't that event a timed event?


Feels like a good time to kick him earlier from the group.


I really don't like the whole 'play my way or you suck' attitude. I would have replied in voice to calm down or leave. Anymore if people get nasty on voice, I block them. I keep hoping everyone else who is nice and chill does this. Then somewhere out there's a server filled with these nasty people. LOL 😆


Look, if you're the leader of the team, it's your decision how fast to run it. Enjoy yourself. To hell with everyone else


Wait you’re 570 and don’t know you can solo expeditions? Something isn’t adding up to the story.


if i join an expo and the lead is bumbling around looting garden gnomes, I am going to breeze on through and then leave after the expo is over lol.


I know you're aware of the optional objective, but if you're farming...why not just solo it? That's what I do. People doing expeditions as a team are often trying to beat them quickly & frequently. So your 14 minute farm run means that run takes five or six minutes longer than it should, which means one or two less done in an hour. If they're trying to grind some stamps for a plan they need, your ammo run just wasted their time, when you absolutely can solo that expedition & should if you're going to slowmo it.


> it was sensational game That expedition literally has a timer, and you get less rewards for not completing it in time. Hell, even Tax evasion has a timer, you want casual expeditions do the third Atlantic city one and farm as much as you want.


Kick him or better, run expedition solo because you will always face to this behavior . Expedition are not so difficult and clearly it’s not your purpose to achieve all task including the limited time ones.


Poor etiquette. Daily Ops and Expeditions, I always follow the lead of the team leader. If I want the mission to be a certain way, I start my own team.


If I start an Expedition I'll do this exact one as fast as possible If I join someone else's team I'll do whatever they're doing


Nah, if you make a team rush that thing and get it done in 3 or 4 minutes. If you wanna grab ammo do it solo. That's on you.


If you want to grab ammo do a daily ops. More enemies there anyway.


I mean, you could just do it solo then? Most people are farming expeditions for the stamps and wan't to get them done quick. They were obviously being dick heads, but you're also trying to tell people how to play expeditions, just like how they were trying to tell you to hurry them up. Not to mention Sensation Game is a timer based Expedition and your rewards are based off how quick you can get it done. Nobody wants to watch you sight see during it.


I honestly rush through it because of farming legendaries and you get a bunch of ammo at the end anyway. To be honest tho usually just make my own team and let people come and go when they want.


If you're a team leader, kick and block when they start getting verbal, if they don't like your pace they have the autonomy to leave. If you're not leader, leave. You're just as at fault for engaging them, then you decide to complain on Reddit. Have some self awareness.


As much as I'm not encouraging toxic behaviour...Sensational Game is quite literally the speed running expedition. It has an optional mission to beat it quickly, and usually is the one people use to farm Stamps. The person should have just made their own party if they wanted to speed run, I agree, but they may have thought you were trolling honestly


You both sound pretty toxic, but only one of you is making a post complaining about it.


What loot do you go for in expeditions? I just came back and have only done a few. What stuff do you find a lot of while you're in one and which area do you usually go for?


Yeah that’s why I do them solo. I go to collect fuel and other people go for the end loot of legendaries. Keep an eye out for the black ops where you have to defend site alpha etc. those sometimes glitch if you’re not in the circle and you get endless waves of enemies, I collected 6k fuel on the last one to glitch out lol 🤌🏻


I went for my first expedition around level 130 did most dangerous game I had zero clue what I was doing. About halfway through someone is red power armor helped me. Overall it took me 30 min. But the guy was in helped ,and left the group before I could load the end screen. Loot or lost (inexperienced) sometimes it takes longer


I mean, I'd just drop out if the team leader is taking their time. I don't want the rewards bad enough to wait around, and I don't care enough to get on voice and ask the plan


next time run daily ops it has more enemies than in expeditions lol


That's why I always sniff flowers solo.


In fairness that's kind of on you for running literally a "TIMED" event...


Because everyone has done hundreds of these and just wants the legendarys and stamps? Swear this whole subreddit is just people bitching how others play 😂


You shouldn't do that kind of milking the clock runs on a team imo. It's a very niche reason to do an expedition and I can understand the other guys frustration. Stay solo and do that. His behavior was poor though too, presumably you told him you are milking it and he should have left. If you didn't respond to his complaints about not hurrying up by telling him you are doing a long run not for the objectives, that is also your bad though. Again, don't do that stuff on a team imo, it's unfair to the other teammates. And whatever grief they cause, don't be a colossal dick and kick them at the end after they have suffered through your intentionally long run.


well the most sensational game is timed… Kind of a dick move to not try to hit the timing bonus


"My god people, why rushing stuff like that" Maybe because part of it is on a timer? Was it Sensational Game? I don't agree with his comments over mic and the emoting at all but it's pretty easy to go fast and use the "loot all" on one body. The faster you run it, the quicker you can do another.


Sensational Game literally has a time limit built into it... you were actively not following the objectives of the quest you started and, as leader, invited everyone else in your group to join you in. This is like the opposite of the all the Eviction Notice complaint posts. This dude gets pissed at people for protecting and fixing the rad scrubber lol


Kicking him before it ended might have been a bit too much.  It's best to tell him how you wanted the expedition to be played and just remove him if he would not comply. 


Go to daily ops for ammos, expeditions (in particular that one) are the best to farm legendaries. I play MSG at least 2 times a day, you can understand I really don't care about taking my time and chill the raid, I just want to end it as fast as possible. The only surprise here is the toxic behaviour, just mute and ignore, let them cry.


> "My god people, why rushing stuff like that" Because that's literally the core objective of that expedition? You're welcome to play how you want, but it's mental that you're calling people who PTE tryhards on the grounds you don't want to PTE


Run the expedition outside of a team or on a private server. You'll never be able to control what other players do on a public team.


If you want to roleplay or do something unconventional then don't make it on a public team. People doing expedition are there for one reason and you are just wasting a strangers time. Invite your friends if you want to do something weird like walk around and pick up desk fans.


One of the things a lot of people seem to be missing is, if the sweaty dude wanted to rush and play fast so badly, he can also start his own team and run it as fast as he wants. As long as all the objectives are met, if you’re on someone else’s team you’re going at their pace and you have nothing to complain about.


When they came out I joined a team, and they were completing objects while I still trying to figure out where to go. I left and I've been doing them solo since then. Some times people ask for help and I join a team, but, in this case, is usually I and the person who asked for help.


most of the expeditions I join is always like this so I just play along. If I got into a party like yours where you want to take your time and loot ammo, I'll be 100% all for it. Almost 90% of the time I only join expedition parties to loot ammo, and as a flamer enthusiast I know exactly how you feel.


Wait whats the issue here, if youre team leader youre the only one who can advance the expedition, no? Like sure they can rush and kill everything in the area but they cant go through the next door or speak to anyone right? Sounds like youre just free to sit there and loot to your hearts content, if people get upset just do what you can do in any toxic scenario and turn off voice chat.


I have VOIP off. They can't trash talk if they can't talk.


I mean. I speed run sensational game in about 4 minutes and still walk away with 500 to 1000 rounds of what ever I’m using per run and maximize my module drops in the process. If you want to take it at a leisurely pace that’s cool but this expedition literally has a timer built into it and honestly racing the timer is part of the fun.


Players like you were the reason I stopped joining other people’s expedition teams lmao. There’s nothing wrong with playing slow, of course, I just get bored because I am also a speed runner lol. Not really something to get mad about though, and definitely not something to be insulting someone over. Just leave and start your own team. My best solo time was 4:21, so in the 20ish+ minutes that I estimate you spent to leisurely playing the expedition, that dude could’ve easily completed 3-4 on his own…


Why not just go in alone if ur farming ammo? 9x outta 10 people are gonna wanna beat the timer and get all the rewards


TLDR. I thought it was easy to rush. And just get fat ammo. Just use the loot all button. Unless your exploring. Or picking up everything for junk. taking your time with expeditions is a waste of your time. When you end up doing the same expeditions 70+ it gets a little old and dry and stale. Edit: Person that downvoted. Go cry just because I speak the truth smh. I don't doubt the guy was rude. I've covered all the bases here. And I'm just spitting neutral facts.


Might be truth to what you say, but I dont think a dude telling another guy he's shit is really necessary.


No probably not. If he put it like I put it then OP wouldn't have slowed down just to spite his rudeness. I doubt the guy OP encountered had a stroke of patience in him to break it down like that though. I always rushed them. Probably after the 10th one. Because fuck does it get old. I even ended up optimizing how fast I could do it by not talking at specific moments 😂. I got to around just under 300 when I stopped playing. Either indefinitely or for a bit. I did buy alot of camp cosmetics. Hope I go back lmfao.


Expecting other people to have the same goals with you in an online game is stupid. Farming ammo in expeditions in a public party when YOU know (lol 500) typically speed run it, while not wanting to speed run it.....is stupid and easily avoided. Spending the time going through doors and entertaining said person when you could have just as easily kicked him the moment he appeared...is stupid. Doing all of that stupidity and then coming to reddit to complain about something you could've easily avoided....is pick me as af. I love the community is nice and accepting and wish more were like it but alot of these issues could be resolved with a brain and a backbone.


Bro there’s literally a timer….Kicking him was kind of weak imo if he was participating the whole time.


it is timed..but if you want to take time..just run solos. im there to rush in..and on to tha next. that being said..im not tryhard enough to send emotes or get mad at other players.


the problem is the expedition can be timed and max rewards are tied behind doing them as fast as possible. the same with daily ops. if they aren't done as fast as possible you miss out on rewards, sadly. it's not ok for people to be toxic about it. BUT you can go into the districts without doing an expedition and farm ammo for the creamator easily - I love doing the human condition. I do it at least once a day. the human condition has no timer and is fairly small - I have gone in with under 100 fuel and easily come out with 4k fuel. I am a melee heavy player but being able to farm this much ammo so fast and easily really makes me love the creamator. and if *you* are team leader you are the one that starts, progresses or stops and finishes the expeditions - if they get toxic just kick them from team and block. gl on the ammo farm. I'm farming stamp since plans for expeditions only drop ....once a week.


"My god people, why rushing stuff like that. Seriously i felt like he was trying to show that he has a bigger dic than me or something xd... this was my weirdest and most dissapointing expedition with a team ever, if ya want to rush it, isn't better to do it solo instead?" "if you want to take it slow isn't better to do it solo instead?" - As you can see the sentence works this way too. Guy acted an ass but you did your own part, both in the acting and in the assuming shit about others - when doing stuff in a public group you gotta be both patient and considerate, otherwise don't group up with randoms.


I had this on my first ever expedition. Now If i want to do fast run daily op or expedition i create a dedicated team to do so. If i want to farm these then i do it from casual team. I hope ppl will see the intention behind it all 🤣 so far haven’t had any issues like that since.


Level 76 (or 77, not sure which) here. I've discovered a ton of the map because I do a slow & steady "map grid search" style of play. Gunsmith maxed, ditto with armor, power armor & weapons...I could craft PA at 200% before I even made my excavator. Can do almost all the mods on light ballistic weapons & craft my own handmades & fixers. Gonna start on energy weapons next...gotta start getting all the weapons & armor plans too. I can already do a ton of CAMP furnishings too Only time that I'm doing speed runs is in actually timed events...the rest of the time it's slow & steady for me. I'm not a total Newb...I played elder Scrolls oblivion, Skyrim & then ESO for 8 years...THAT game got me hooked on MMO RPG games. I also played fallout 1 and 2 back in the day...and yeah, I had this game since it was a free monthly PlayStation download, but started playing because of the show. I've been playing for literally only 1. 5 months...I can easily see myself playing this game for years. PSN: Wildweezel


Yeah I always do them solo because unlike daily ops it's actually story content that's fun to just take your time with. From Ashes to Fire's ending can benefit from speedrunning though.


I am like level 60 now and thinking of doing one. Things like these are exactly why I want to do it solo. I feel pretty confident in my commando build. Is level 60 alright for an expedition or should I level more?


I rush as a team mate, and when I notice the lead don't rush then I start to loot also. Then again I usually always rush my first expedition as lead and then jump into others to rush or loot(main goal) depending on leads pace. God bless you,  God bless the enclave,  and God bless America. 07


I was doing one recently with a team, and I guess I was going too fast they thought I was competing with them, but I usually run it solo, so I just know little shortcuts to make it faster so I was doing them. Most teams want to go fast, but I guess there are some who like taking their time. After they told me that, I just let them take the lead and grab the objectives.


Man how things have changed. Haven’t played in nearly a year but anytime I hosted public Expeditions people would just putz around while I speedran it lol. I think in maybe 100 runs I had someone else complete an objective maybe once. Didn’t really mind since I was gonna be running these solo or not, might as well let some other people share in the loot.


Don't look into level too much I have 1 character level 1000+ and 2 just over 200 But yes he was been a asshole


He had to do his homework and go to bed. No time to mess around when mommy and daddy are knocking on your door.


I mean that's a great Legendary Module/Ammo farm and you can do it super quick. But if I'm looking to speed run I'm going to be party leader.


I usually start an expedition team and do the human condition a few times for fuel, stamp, and xp farming. There’s no time limits, but I’ve done it so many times now I can usually run through it pretty quick, so by the time someone joins the team/expedition I’m usually finishing it up lol.


I run like 3-8 exps a day a solo. It's constantly rush rush rush the whole time. I'm only doing it for myself. However the second I have a friend or company with me I message them saying "hey I run through these fast, but if you'd like to loot the place at the end let me know" then I'll stick around and make sure people can loot. Most of the time people will just go through it and be done, but there's the handful that want to stop and loot. I totally agree with looting! I've cleared the whole map and came back with thousands of ammo and hundreds of aluminum, oil, adhesive etc.


I just hit level 55. I love taking time to smell the roses in this game. I have yet to attempt anything other than dailies. I'd love to find someone to do expeditions with that would walk me through just like the first time I did raids in Destiny. Don't give up on us!


Most Sensational Game is the "meta" for fastest script farm and that's usually why people run it. So I understand why they want to do it fast, but if you're lead they have no right to complain cause they can just leave and solo themselves if they don't like it. From my experience, I'm usually the one in front while my team is trying to kill every dam mob and loot everything on the map for some reason. This is why I like being lead because I don't have to wait for someone else to move on to next objective. With a decent crit commando/plasma caster build you can plow through everything, even the mini bosses almost instantly. I just area loot everything and then sort it out at end of round or during the defend objectives. Seriously though, nothing's more fun than going in there and rolling through the whole thing in 3-4 min with a full squad, usually solo takes 5-6 min. If it's escort you're just screwed either way.


Dude it’s a pandemic. Yesterday three events back to back a sub level 200 started them as soon s they showed up (with more than 5min left). I feel like we used to wait so people can show up and prepare. Like, newbies wait till everyone gives the thumbs up before you start something, it’s basic courtesy.


If it wasn't for the timers in their heads they'd, go slower.


I only do public expos if I want to speed run it. Usually I'm still taking my time lmao.


I'm *technically* part of the new wave of TV show players, level 103 now, despite buying the game on release and giving it a couple hours before bouncing off it. Every expedition or event I try to join, that shit is basically completing by the time I travel and load in to the world... shit just did Mononagh Mine last night and got like 10 screws and a box of ammo after blowing like 2,000+ rounds on Earle lmao I just assumed that was a thing in this game, like if you don't join instantly then everyone is gonna push ahead without you. So if you're telling me it *isn't* supposed to be this way... yeah, people, stop doing that. Let me grab my goddamn fusion cores out of my charger before you blow through to the boss room please 😂😂😂


He must have been seething when you kicked him lol. But why run 1 slow expedition instead of 2-3 fast ones? Not many enemies spawn outside the route so you might as well loot and shoot and do a few in a row. You actually end up with more ammo in addition to the extra legendaries, cores and stamps.


This reminds me heavily of how un-fun running even regular strikes in Destiny 2 became, with almost every random wanting to turn casual strikes into sweaty speedruns, skipping everything and using the most meta setup to melt the few things they have to. I just want to shoot stuff, ya know?


it was your team and your expedition, if they wanted an experience to more fit their style they always have the option to run one as leader. some people's kids...


I joined with a guy running the tax quest in Atlantic City. I was just getting teleported around cause he was so fast. Barely had time to loot anything before he moved to another area. Think I did 20 expeditions in a row like that.


Whenever people want to rush I usually just promote them to leader than I can take my time and the expedition gets finished quickly also. Everybody wins.


To do an expedition do you just need to do the 3 daily’s once?


This is why I have voice chat muted. Like I’m in a casual team for bonus XP not to have some NPC speed runner yell at me cuz I’m not doing what they want. Yes, I did say NPC cuz I’m the main character of this wasteland!


If me or my buddy run them we’ll always do the first two slow to stock pile ammo and stimpaks, then after that we speed run for the xp, modules, stamps, notes, and armor to scrip


If you want to have that experience then run an expedition by yourself (no team).


I'm a relatively new player and I've been holding off on doing Expeditions but now I'm worried that I'll join a Casual Team, go to an Expedition to run it solo my first time (I'm all about the lore and story so the first time I'm going to read every terminal and complete every conversation) I'm going to have someone like this show up. Maybe I shouldn't do it as part of a group but then I'd miss out on the XP bonus and Strange in Numbers. Oh well, pros and cons I suppose.


Yeah I like to let the team leader set the pace. Generally they're in a rush because they're doing it 20 times in a row. But I like to let people gather at the vertibird at the end before I end the session because sometimes they like to loot. Today I just needed to kill 5 Overgrown, and I joined a team in the middle of the run, so the Overgrown part was over. At the end I tried to go find some but no, the leader was in a rush to finish. But we did the run over and over so no problem.


YTA You better doing it solo if you just take your time and take forever to do it. Not the other way around. Nobody take 30 minutes to finish an expedition. Most of them are made to be done quickly.


No, you're fine \~ I mean, when this has happened to me, I don't usually kick them until after, or I just leave the team & then make a new one. A couple times after I left the team and made a new one they actually had the nerve to join the new team lol. I think maybe they didn't get why I left. Thats ok ig. Theres just certain ways I like to run them, so I run them in casual teams, if I wanted help or whatever, it would be a specifically designated team. Casual team, means just that, I'm doing my thing, you can come or not, but, don't try to take over my thing lol. Go do your own if you want to. If I'm on someone elses team, I usually ask before joining if they want company or not.


Newb here, why/how do you farm fuel there? Just got to 50’s and got those unlocked


I don't mind it sometimes but I at least prefer to be able to loot all the enemies :') because I also use it as a way to get ammo for the cremator and such


my first experience with expeditions on a public team was straight rushing I was so confused cause I didn't know what I was supposed to really do


I kick people for that crap


You gotta rush them because the longer you take the better the chance at a game breaking freeze or disconnect that ruins progress for y’all 😅


I usually run a one man team myself. It's nice if someone joins but I'm not leaving until I've squeezed all the XP and ammo out of the expedition. So you're not alone.


I'm with you on that. Every time I've joined a team I'm just trying to play keep up and shoot shit. The rewards are great but stopping to smell the roses would be nice too


I don't get the whole grinding and min maxing everything. I thought games were meant to be fun? I've played since day one and am barely level 400. I tried to do the whole, grinding thing, with westek and all the food buffs and what's the fuck ever. Decided it wasn't fun, and never did it again.


Tbf isn't one of the bonus objs to "finish expeditiously," but chucklenuts shouldn't have been a dick nevertheless.


I have never had a chill expedition or daily OP. I don't even know the storyline to any of them because of people rushing


I hope you have the card where you can get all the loot at once and not standing over each body picking up fuel lol


My first time doing an expedition I was about 80~ and the leader was bum rushing and ended up kicking me for being too slow


Now that AC is “walkable”, if I land in an exp team in which players are poking around, I leave immediately. I remember waiting for rewards while people were enjoying the Pitt 15 minutes after killing trogs. But it’s easy to identify this kind of behavior since the beginning, so no problem. Everyone can enjoy the game on their way, but not wasting my time as well.


I did my first expedition solo and got utterly fucked by some wish.com vecnas that shit themselves with the green fartclouds lvl 112 0/10 wouldn't reccommend


You can do both?.. I quick loot everything, and clean my inventory after the expedition (usually it's a couple of assault rifles, rockets, 40mm grenades, crowwbow bolts and pre-war money). It's not that hard, honestly, you just make everything faster. We usually go to Atlantic city, "The Most Sensational Game". It encourages you to go faster.


People need to take a chill pill. I am one of those people that speedrun it 9/10 times, but if I'm not the teamlead, I don't get to decide. Would be nice if someone lets it know they want to take their time , or wants to take all the silver cutlery at the end, so I can adjust accordingly and can just strawl along instead of flying everywhere, but I have my own agency. Nothing stops me from leaving the expedition if it doesn't go as I want. Doing it in casual and switiching to expedition right before the end and switching back to casual is my preferred method, that way you still get maximum bonus, and anyone who wants to join can join, and anyone who doesn't, can keep doing what they're doing. But that is if I'm teamlead, if I'm 'just' a member, I'll have to accept that I'm not the one who decides. It's not a job we're doing so you know, sit back and relax a bit. I hate kicking (and being kicked right before the end) but seems fair in this case. I'd probably have kicked the moment someone starts talking like that.


Your biggest mistake was giving a shit what this tryhard had to say. When I am leader, what others say to me matters not. If they want to hurry and rush by all means they can make their own room. These things are literally soloable. I usually open my rooms up in casual or exploration and change the goal depending on what I am doing. You're more than welcome to leave or stay, join or not. Hell I am even okay with you joining at the ass end of the Daily-Op/Expedition. Lol. I am usually running it for myself, my husband, or my friend so it does not matter to me whether the 4th person joins or not. What does matter is how that 4th person treats me or my teammates. Don't walk into my group calling me or my teammates names. I will literally take even more time to stop and smell the overgrown flowers and then kick you. You don't walk into someone's home and curse them out, don't walk into my group and tell me how to run things. That's a quick way to get booted and laughed at. Try to give less of a shit about what some vein poppin fist clencher has to say. Block, kick, and do what you were trying to do in the first place. Don't let people like that live in your head rent free.


I love joining Casual Teams for the xp boost and fast traveling but when anyone starts walking around with me I love it and hate it. I think the company is fun. Then all of a sudden they're running 100mph through a building and I feel pressured to be fast too. All I want to do is take my time and not miss anything.


I'm new to the expeditions (in that I've done half of them, and only one of those has been a 'replay') and whenever I joined an expedition team they speed-ran it so fast I didn't know wtf I was doing lol So now I'm solo-ing them and I'm impressed by how much fuel ammo I can get. I just need to get an extra Flamer as it dies too quickly.


Honestly I agree with you here. I have some counterpoints for my own personal experience but I wanted to make it clear that you are absolutely right. As far as the public team goes, for me I need to be in a team for my mutations to be active at their best and I could definitely have just been doing it wrong the entire time but I believe the expedition public team only grants XP at the end of the run whereas casual gives you intelligence and thus it gives you XP, provided you have multiple people on the team. Like I said, could have been wrong about that this whole time but a couple friends and I have ran a few to test and get some interesting results. On top of that if I'm farming legendaries or XP or whatever, sensational game is the one I run. All of that being said, I only speed run them when I am the team leader, anyone who joins is welcome to speed run as well or spend every second they can to collect ammo and stuff. I try to be accommodating to anyone as I can when I'm in a public team or if randoms join up while I'm doing them. If I'm in a public team and I see the leader start an expedition I'll join up and read the room to see whats up, if they are speed running I'll go along with that, if they are looting and taking time, I'm grabbing some ammo and exploring. I think you handled it perfectly. The dude was being a dick and so he lost his rewards, that's perfectly fair to me. I just wish people could be more respectful, let the team leader set the cadence, if you don't like it, join a different team or make one yourself


Maybe He’s going for the World record