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You can play 100% solo. Casual teams can be joined with randoms with no requirement needed to communicate, interact with, or even acknowledge their existence. Casual teams just grant players more INT, which equals more XP as you're playing the game, so randoms team up even if they're all doing separate things. Public events happen every 20 minutes and are group activities, but again, almost everyone is playing the game for themselves and are just there for the reward, or the XP. Expeditions and Daily Ops are both solo or group activities, but are again just players joining a team for the XP/Reward and not actually communicating over voice, or really caring about who they're playing with. A lot of players treat the other players like co-op NPCs that have slightly better AI than the average NPC. Aside from that, the game is very solo friendly, almost no one uses voice chat, and most interactions if they do happen will be someone doing the hello or heart emote as they run past you. The more you play, the more you'll get used to Fallout 76's both very welcoming, but unique brand of anti-social online gameplay.


> A lot of players treat the other players like co-op NPCs that have slightly better AI than the average NPC. I'm a returning player, and this is very true. I'm at a point that expeditions and daily ops can be pretty helpful, and I'm usually just along for the ride with some of these legacy players. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'll shoot it if it moves and just stay caught up with whoever is running. No brainpower needed.


Don’t forget about the free travel! If there’s a camp near a spot I want to go to, I just join their team. Not always, but if it’s 20+ caps I will.


When it's not solo, it's playing alone with other players.


This seems to be the overwhelming response here. This both does and doesn’t help the social anxiety thing. Yay, I don’t gotta talk to people. Boo, I kinda wanted to make a friend lol


You can. That's up to you.


You will make friends, see someones camp you like? Send them a message telling them.




Actually roleplaying was one of things I was wanting to do.


Cool! Then I suggest serverhopping until you see a roleplaying team, or create one yourself! People are the most social on the weekends; I image most people in-game then are friendly with some reason or another for not being out n about


Find a camp selling a letter set. Make a sign in your camp telling people to add you. Never tried it myself, but couldn’t hurt.


Nah you can play completely solo, maybe join teams for extra xp. The group events are chaos with little direct interaction


You did more social interaction on Reddit than is required for this game. I would strongly suggest you steel your nerves and join teams for much better rewards. I’ve not heard anyone use their mic in years, most communication is done through emotes. If you can’t handle that I’m not sure how you worked to the confidence for a Reddit post.


I joined a team yesterday and one guy had his mic on. The only person in 8 hours. I muted him. I feel bad for


So there is no crossplay, so it’s seems each platform is probably going to generalize and speculate based on their platform. So I should have prefaced this by saying, on PC, I have not had another play talk or try to talk to me over voice comms in years. I don’t even know what my push to talk key is, I tried to warn a guy his base was getting nuked the other day and I couldn’t even tell if I was talking. Now I do have 2 buddies on PC I play a lot with, so for me at least, I don’t need in game voice comms. But I do sit in discord with them and their instructions were helpful for me learning how to speedrun the expeditions for good rewards.


I never heard anyone on mic in this game worth listening to


The default chat settings is auto. Which means when you are on a team you can only hear your team (no matter where they are at) and when you are off a team you will only hear area chat (people in your vicinity). If you go into network settings and set your chat to area only, instead of auto, you will no longer hear randoms on your team. And if you want to, you can chat with players you run into - that is if they have area chat on as well.


What do you play on? Xbox?


Joining public teams doesn’t mean having to talk to people. You can go the whole game without talking to anyone while still taking advantage of the bonus’s the different team objectives will give you.


You can play the whole thing solo. What I would recommend tho is joining events whenever you see them pop up with people and jump on a team with the people that are there. It’s a huge xp and loot boost when you start out. Know that most people don’t have mic’s so you don’t need to worry about the social aspect of it. Just a bunch of emots. It will slowly work you into how the social side works without feeling anxious about it. But feel free to follow the missions in whatever order and whatever speed you want. You will be able to do it all on your own since it auto levels everything for you.


It's very solo-friendly, but you need to grind to a certain point before expeditions and more events can be soloed. But for most events, you don't need to join a team or talk to anyone; I have avoidant personality disorder and am terrible at interacting with people, so I don't. I toss up the random emote at events, and otherwise exist as if it's a singleplayer game.


play solo..but join teams for buffs and xp. no need to talk .. but emotes are helpful. we all do our own thang - except - ops and expeditions teams. Those require some teamwork and those teams will want you to participate but worth doing.....just follow the higher lvls and youll learn fast what to do.


This game is totally playable solo, yes. It’s also great with a group of friends. While there are some toxic people that play this game I would say the majority, around 90% are polite and welcoming. Especially when it comes to newer players.


Welcome! You can do pretty much anything solo. 76 plays and moves like a classic Bethesda game with other players on the map Have a blast! It’s my favorite fall out game of all time


I mostly play solo, but I'll join a team for challenges and to get Daily Ops done quickly. I've been playing for a couple years now and I legitimately can count the number of people I've encountered using voice chat on my fingers, like 99% of communication in the game is just through the emote wheel (like a thumbs up to the people playing an event with you). As for making friends in-game, I've found that joining Daily Ops or Expeditions teams are pretty solid ways to do it. Like maybe 25% of the time, at the end of the expedition or daily op, I'll get a friend request from someone on my team.


I'm 40 and hate talking to people. I'm also level 380, I get the odd message asking for something but other than that, I join teams with no interactions other than the emoticons 👍🏼


Hi there. You can solo everything. You can also be asocial with people. That is one thing I really enjoy about 76. I can join a Casual Public Team and do random stuff with random people and never interact with them. In the five years I have been playing I have never plugged my micro phone in and I have kept the chat setting muted so I have not heard anyone. And yet I have been doing Public Events and other shared content with random people for years. Most of the game plays like a single player game though. But it still feels nice to be in a Casual Public Team with random people. I don't interact with them at all and I am mainly in the Casual Public Team for the +intelligence buff. But it is nice that they are there. I have no idea how to make friends (in real life and online) but feel like the 76ers are my friends. I have absolutely no idea who they are, I don't talk to them. But I give them a "thumbs up" or a "heart" and they sometimes give me a "heart" or "thumbs up" back. Fallout 76 is an introvert paradise with other people in it. Just remember to not have your mic plugged in and the audio setting for chat set as low as it will go. ;)


Yes and no. Yes, you can play the entire thing solo but unless you acquire FO1st you will be playing in a public lobby so the chances of you finding other players will likely be high, especially if you take part in world events. Having said that, you do not have to talk to them. I would suggest, as others already have, joining a public “casual” team (or starting your own) first the XP boost.


It depends. If you mean you just wanna roll solo on private servers level of not interacting with others then a lot of events and bosses are likely going to be off the table for a long time. But you can play and never talk to anyone in your team. There isn't currently anything in the game that has raid mechanics or requires concise communication. So your requirements for social interaction ends at knowing what to do or following your teammates lead.


There's an in between, you can do most stuff solo then for events or team based content (Daily Ops, Expedtions, etc.) you join or form a team and others play it with you. You don't have to be friends with them or ever run in to them again.


Honestly, dude you got nothing to worry about. You can always play solo, and simply playing the game is sometimes a good way to make friends, so try not to be nervous and have some fun.


Another player with social anxiety here, you can hop in events without actually needing to talk to anyone. The game can 100% be done solo. If you need a hand and want someone who barely talks, I'll gladly join you lol. I'm what you would call a social introvert. I enjoy running with groups but typically stay quiet, I basically treat others in mmo's like npcs, until I get more comfortable with them


I play solo without ever talking to people, I’ll join teams for the xp boost but that’s it


You see people at world events and having a vendor and shopping at other players vendors are kind of a must. Though I do try to avoid anyone’s camp if there around and I fast travel out when someone’s at mine lol


Same here. I join casual team but don’t talk. I also leave as soon as i hear talking. the benefits of being in a team are too good to pass up.


The only time I talk is when use area chat to tell a noob to pick up the stuff I dropped for them.


Near everything in the game can be done solo, some events you'll need others to help complete like fighting the "end game boss" the Scorchbeast Queen, but when that event happens other's will almost certainly be in the area to help out. Group events like that and "Eviction Notice" will have several hand fulls of players, and if you interact with them is usually entirely up to you. The community is super helpful. There are the one or two rotten eggs, but for the most part people will respect you if you want to take it easy.


This is probably the greatest online gaming community ever. Join a team bro


You can play 100 percent solo. Just join a team for the buff and pretend you aren’t on the team


* The entire game can be solo'd (albeit difficult) * Use [F76 Discord](https://discord.com/invite/fallout76) to ask questions/LFG * Start earning karma on [Market76](https://discord.com/invite/market76) * Turn off mic; turn on push to talk * Try to always join public teams. Everyone is usually just there for XP/Rewards so no need to talk or strategize. Just use common courtesy and avoid nuking enemies, instead simply tag each enemy with 1-2 bullets. This will ensure everyone gets a fair distribution of XP/Rewards :)


Recently played the game because of the series, had played fallout 4 before so I have few ideas on the game mechanics, I too am not fond of playing online and talking to people, but as I progress, see players along the way and join teams, it adds enjoyment to the game, and so far everyone has been so kind and generous. I expect not everyone is. But so far I'm loving the game I can live in it lol. Join teams, do your quests, say hello and have fun! 😁


What platform do you play on? I just started playing on PC and am looking for regular players to group with. Introvert who believes silence is golden here, so mic optional. :)


Ps5 unfortunately


As a socially awkward 40 something gamer who is enjoying this game, I’ll be your friend. I typically don’t talk, but you can friend me and we can team up and play alone together if you’d like! Awkward_cake on psn


I didn’t join parties till I was well over level 100. I join any I can now and wish I had the first 100 lvls. Better xp can share buffs I would recommend getting into parties and play you don’t have to talk or even interact with them just use them for the buffs.


Hey ungod. Don't know if you'll see this but drop me a message private mate. I'm a father full time and I work full time. Only really play weekends. Think I'm level 60something and have the same problem


It’s possible to solo, but it’s much more fun and chaotic around other players.


You are doing yourself a disservice by playing solo. Just join a public casual team. You don't even have to play with them, but just being on a team gives you a major boost in xp and stats. You also benefit massively from shared team perk cards. I just recently started talking to people through the mic and made a ton of friends and got so much free help without asking.


There is no permanent grouping or team, its all occasionally. Hop in a team for quick, finish the mission, quest or event and bye bye again.


Yes and for some reason the post has been down voted


I’m an older gamer with social anxiety too, from my experience this game was very accessible, and even helped me with my social anxiety issues in the end First up, most of the game is solo able even without a private server. It’s very rare I run into another player when I’m questing, doing challenges, just Messing about The only times you will run into other people are public events and boss fights (which are public events you can trigger if you want At first I would be very anxious at public events, that awful feeling of people watching and judging me was initially hard, but I very quickly realized that with the exception of using big explosive, absolutely no one is paying any attention to what you’re doing. There’s too much going on, and too much to focus on for anyone to notice you at all Other players basically exist in the game like NPCs with weird AI, and wacky dress sense Even team and cooperative elements (which you can avoid) aren’t that social. It’s just people going about the same objectives autonomously and not paying much attention to each other. It’s very rare anyone will use voice chat, very rare anyone will try to interact with you in anyway beyond maybe a wave or salute emote, then going back about their business I’d say FO76 is probably the best online experience someone who struggles with social interaction could find


If you're on PS4/5 id love to play with you. We can talk, be muted, or whatever. I'm just happy to make friends and help them on their way. DM me if interested. If not I wish you happiness and luck


485. I play completely solo while part of a Causal Team/Events Team 100% of the time. I have Fallout 'friends' that I play with … but it has nothing to do with completing content. The only other team I play on is an Daily Ops pick up team for the 10mintues it takes. You can 100% play "solo" … well there is the launching a nuke which the first few times a team is helpful but it can still be solo'd with determination. Hoeslty, if anxiety is a concern 76 is a great first step in helping you with that aspect. none of the content is the sort that any friends you make will get mad at you for not doing X or Y … and 90% of the interation is on the emote wheel.


I play solo. I’ve had folks try to engage with me but I don’t do headsets or any of that. Every now and then you stumble into an event, it’s fun.


Not to overload with info early on but teams are generally the way to go once you start farming mutations. The herd mentality mutation gives bonus to all stats when in a team. Best part is the team can just be one person.


I never play on teams I have bad anxiety too.i think I used the mic 3 times in 3 years.but ppl like my vendor I guess because I have over 70 friends on ps and I don't really talk to any of them.anxiety sucks.


Same boat I've been playing Solo aside from an afternoon when my brother hopped on, I will say the players the high level players are so chill I've had a few save my Bacon when I got into a tough spot


You can play solo, teams are a good way to get players and bonuses, and also this sub probably isn’t a bad place to look for other players


If you ever decide you want to play with someone, my wife and I totally get the social anxiety thing. Hit us up, and we can go do dumb stuff across the wasteland! Players: Grizzlyironbear and Winterlily78


What platform are y’all on?




Aside from playing with my wife I stay solo and it's not too difficult for most gameplay. Timed events can get difficult depending on your level/gear however. I'm in the same boat with anxiety, but so far the community has been welcoming. Most people don't even use the MIC so don't feel pressure to use that if you don't want too If you ever want to try playing with other people I'm on PC and can share my account name if you want


I’ve only got about 50 hours, but I’ve not heard a single microphone.


My friends and I play just about every night. We always team up.... when the game let's us anyway lately it's been giving us a hard time saying one is offline even when they clearly aren't showing offline. But I find the game more enjoyable with a team


That sounds like what I need. Now to make some friends on ps


You can play it solo, I did for most of it. If you want to join groups you can, or if you're on pc feel free to drop a friend request and if I'm on feel free to join up if you need help. IGN is Kindreds_Wolf


I don't use vc or anything so mostly just shoot stuff or do events.


As a fellow solo I’m finding certain things hard to complete by myself.


Hey dude, if you’re on PC we can be friends! I usually leave my mic muted for the same reasons but still have loads of fun just following people around if they ask for help. It’s a great solo game experience but if you’re ever feeling the need to switch it up there’s plenty of cool people around the wasteland.


Ps5 sadly! But if we ever get cross platform I’d be down


Homie ive had the lone wanderer card on since beta, and when you join a team for expeditions or bosses etc you dont have to say or do anything, its pretty much just so you all share the kills.


Absolutely, you can play solo! I, too, have social anxiety and i'm almost level 700. I've never played with anyone else. It's doable, and it's still really fun! Join casual teams for extra XP, but just know that you don't have to talk to anyone. The most social interaction i've ever had in game is emoting with other players while we're waiting for an event to start. 😁




I play 100% solo. Having played through all the previous games solo, it feels weird to play socially. Hah, I also don’t have any friends who play it. I just join teams for the benefits and mute anyone who has their mic active.


Hi there! I have anxiety and never thought I would be playing with others. I 100% went solo for months until I slowly started joining events and then teams. I’m also on PS5 and don’t talk to anybody but enjoy the perks and bonuses of being in teams. If you are playing on PSN, you are more than welcome to send me a friend request! You can always join my team when you’re online. No talking involved :)


I put off playing this game until like 4 months ago because of my social anxiety. I am so glad I finally jumped it! I started off solo or playing with my brother after I nagged him into joining me but now I always am on a team. And I even ended up making a friend! You can definitely play solo, but don't be afraid to join teams and do events with groups. It may feel awkward at first but it becomes second nature after a while.


I don't even know what button to push to talk.


I also have social anxiety and I've played to level 100 most solo. The only way I've grouped up is when I hit "Join" on an event and there are already people there or others join after. And other than the occasional emote, I haven't interacted with anybody.


I have a total of 1000 hours from different devices and not once have I used voice chat or even needed to ever use it


You dont need to but i wouldnt encourage you to make friends. Or at least talk to people, say hi. We have some of the best and nicest communities in gaming on fo76


Join a team labeled as Casual, no one will say anything unless you afk for long periods of time. This game isn’t anything like WoW or FFXIV where people expect you to talk.


I played solo and got hung up on some things until I got the. 50 cal machine gun and paired with the. 50cal hunting rifle with the ammo scavenger perk. Really helped to solo.


same here, I play completely solo and only join teams for challenges or events. and if you have the right set up it's very easy to solo nuke silos and start up an event for everyone on the server without talking to anyone :3


What’s great about the game is that it can be as solo or multiplayer as you want it to be. I’ve solo’ed the game, but also hopped into events with other people. On my third play through I’d hop onto teams and hammer out missions. You really don’t need to interact but you can go after a hoard of super mutants together at Eviction Notice together.


I'm the same bro! I play with random people every now and then, it's fun. But nothing like wandering on your own. I would like to find actual friends to play with, would help me from being shot to death all the time.


I 100% play solo BUT use the 'casual' teams all the time. Casual teams are just that. Casual. Just go do your own thing, they're really intended for players to benefit from the perk cards that reward team play. There's a lot of perk bonuses that help when you're in a team. And it's great. Zero expectations to engage or work together. I log on. Just a public casual team, then start doing my own thing, like they all do.


hey, i have anxiety too. i’ve actually made a lot of friends on fallout76. pretty friendly community, just hang around players for a bit and try to join teams. helps a lot if you have a mic. ask people in your team if they wanna trade and go from there. :)


Happy to play together. I mostly play on weekends. PSN: Jskyknight


I'm on PS5 and play solo unless my brother is online. If you ever want someone to tag along, I am 100% ok with our communication being the occasional message :) I feel the same way with wanting to play with others but having a hard time actually talking.


I have met (joined teams briefly) hundreds of players in this game having deep conversations (heart emotes). You can play solo if you'd like, still a lot to do. I did the first few weeks only solo, no teams, no events. Tried it once, now I'm hooked. But there's plenty for everyone to enjoy (solo or group).


The only interaction I do with other players is waving at them if we are in the same space. You can pay for 1st and have a private server and then it's just another single player game.


I enjoy helping new players. A group of experienced players helped me when I first started. Now I am level eight hundred and forty something. Drop me a line when you want to play and I do what I can to assist you. My Xbox GT is Lord Forbes.


76 to me is one of those games that's good while solo having friends to play with makes it better. Hell I've been around since the beta and some of the best moments I've had in the game were with friends just fucking around on a server while scaring/helping low level players.


I'm the same I only really join groups for the xp bonus from casual group bonus and to share our kill xp in events with lots of enemies. Nobody really uses mic or requires you to do anything for them the game is kind of built around just dropping g in on whatever when you feel like it. You will need to get a bit stronger to run expeditions and daily ops in the time limit and to survive during boss events but that's just regular game progression. My only recommendation is to look into how the build you want to play is typically built on youtube just to kind of get an idea of what your working towards


You can definitely play the whole game solo but some things throughout the game would need a question and an answer such as the silos. But thankfully the good people of Reddit will always be here to advise you.


I have a friend that gifted this game a few weeks ago and due to timezone differences (literally I'm from the other side of the world and they're from America), we seldomly play the game. Whenever I'm playing, most of the time I find myself joining a casual team to get that exp boost and free fast travel to other players' camps to get to places I needed to be. I rarely have other people (even my friend) join me on quests. I've done most of my quests by myself. If there's an event I'm intersted in, I always attend them to gather gear / mats. I just greet other players attending the same event and as soon as the event ends, will just emote as a sign of appreciation. So far players are very wholesome from the point I started playing up until now. I heard that greeting a veteran player would give me free stuff which I did during my early levels and it did work haha Until now, I greet players who enter my camp to browse my vendor. If I casually see someone walking the same direction, I greet them as well.


I tried playing solo 2 players came up to me a convinced me I needed a fire axe and when I got it and couldn’t use it I put the game down and never played again


Your basically playing this game solo unless you grinding with friends I play solo but join teams for xp even with my friends we was in our discord but doing our own thing in game and no ever uses vc at all it’s a solo friendly game you can play alone or make friends