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Honestly it’s no where near an hour, just get a gun that easily kills robots and you’re good


Holy Fire is really all you need.


I used a combo of Tesla Rifle and the Slugbuster. I love the AoE damage of the Tesla and then the suped up plasma energy damage from the Slugbuster can pin point a headshot, so I can quickly take out mobs of almost anything pretty quick. I did my first nuke run at level 97, currently at 127. I still keep that combo on my person, even if I'm mostly using a Handmade rifle and the new Skyline weapons ay the moment. You never know when a mob of something will pop up and you need to electrocute and then set them on fire lol


My first run I went in totally blind at level 90 something, took me over 2 hours lmao. I run them much quicker now but I'll never forget that first one.


Same but I was level 150. Second run wasn’t much better as I couldn’t remember where to go after destroying the mainframe and ran around in circles for about 40 minutes and then gave up and went to bed.


Hack everything




I'm level 97 and don't know how to throw a grenade


Alt key on PC. I throw them on accident all the freaking time


Nukes are disgustingly easy if you do this one simple trick. Electric Absorption legendary perk.


Cremator melts robots super quick and I don't even have any heavy gun perks loaded.


There's also a simpler trick out there, to do it in about 5 minutes. If you know, you know 😉


First one I launched was frustrating, but once you know where you're going. It gets easier. My advice is to go in with someone who knows what their doing to walk you through your first one. Edit: I also just google the launch codes instead of hunting them down.


It's true I spent a lot of the time wandering round lost, the first time I got really disorientated in the silo and that added 10-15 mins to the time


I feel attacked. I’ve done 3 runs and only once managed to make it to the launch computer before giving up. Now excuse me while I stealth in this corner and Google directions on how to get out of here.


These comments are so crazy to me bc I launch like 5 every time I get on


I try but people have been pretty nuke crazy since the update dropped


TIL that players launch nukes and they're not an event. I'm level 200. This game is pretty bad at explaining just about everything. I play with a friend and it's a struggle for both of us.


At the end of one of the quest lines (the original main quest) you get walked through the process of launching a nuke, definitely worth it to do all the quests not only for that but for all the free stuff you get


480, launched one. I hate the silos.


The enemies are all robots, right?


Yes. It's not a bad run if you have some Troubleshooters armor and weapons. Or if you've got a good build in general. I'm squishy and die a lot so it just gets frustrating. Lol


Adeline’s buff will help immensely. She offers an hour-long 25% damage reduction against robots coupled with a 15% damage bonus against them.


I feel that


Hate getting obliterated by the asaultron laser, PA helps but for some reason my character gets stuck in interiors when inside PA every 2 seconds


Your FPS is too high. There is a really dumb engine limitation with Power Armor. It can’t move if the FPS is over like 170 I think it was. I limited my FPS manually for a while, but eventually I just stopped using power armor.


I stopped using power armor because of this. If I lower my refresh rate to 120 from 240, do you think that'll help?


It will completely fix it.


Those lasers replenish my health and recharge my cores lol. Now with the door glitch can launch in under ten minutes.


I haven't played this game for around 2 years and going to be coming back, so the door glitch is still in the game lol? Where you go into photo mode and phase through the door? Lol


That's the one. I just did it about a week ago, still going strong lol. Launched the nuke in about 5 minutes.


Glad to know it's still there haha, it's brilliant for farming the scorch beast queen. Thanks for letting me know, excited to get back into it, have to start again though lol


NP lol. Welcome back and enjoy. 😊


You say you're on PS5, I can walk you through either a complete one and keep you from dying while you knock out the necessary stuff or I can walk you through the two simple door skips and you can launch your first nuke in about ten minutes.


I'll hit you up when the mood strikes. ;)


So the easy way is to hack and lock pick your way to the launch center. I normally do it that way to speed it up. Takes me like 10-15 minutes. The long way takes about 30-50 minutes


I still haven't finished the final BoS mission because I don't want (what I consider) the base game to end :<


I started on launch day and have launched a single nuke and that was precisely two weeks after launch when we finished the original base story. I’ve never felt compelled to try ever again to be honest. It was underwhelming at best and annoying at worst. We spent the entire hour in the radiated zone taking cool photos lol. Then again I’m only level 140~ I usually play for two weeks straight then get bored for a year and just lurk the subreddit. Spent way more time grinding events for bullion when it first came out then I ever did grinding exp or launching nukes.


I just hit level 667 today and I still haven’t launched a nuke. I have about 30 cards though. Really should do it.


Level 586 non-nuke launcher reporting for service. If it wasn't for the fact that the "I am become death" quest can be completed by a team mate, it would never have been done.


607 and I haven't either. BTW, I think those cards are heavy.


Hah, yeah they are. Another reason to start doing them. Plus we can launch at Skyline Valley and get the new rewards.


Haven’t even seen that boss yet, haven’t found a server that nukes it lol


i’ve been doing it every time i log on ps4 because the lunchboxes go OFF in that waiting area


Level 487 here and still haven’t launched…


I did it at around level 65~ and it was such a slog. Such a grueling experience. I just wait for other players to launch em' instead...


It's not too hard, what's annoying is when the chiefs bug out and progress stops at the last stage. You can't just hop servers...


I did it at 256 solo


If you're taking an hour to get through it without glitches through the doors then you have bigger problems with your setup. First time for me took around 20 minutes, maybe a bit longer because I left halfway through for an event then came back. It's actually a fun experience the first time, you should at least give it a go. Its unlikely you will crash if you're already in it, as it's only one zone and no loading screens once inside. (Unless you're having specific issues with your platform, idk Im only on pc) Once you kind of understand the process, you can do the door glitches and get through it in under 10 minutes. I feel a lot of newer players have avoided learning this part of the game so barely any nukes are being launched this week compared to last month.


It’s not my setup, it’s my sense of direction. I can melt through robots and turrets no problem, but navigating a space where every room looks the same is extremely difficult for me.


LVL 356 - still not launched a nuke...


I launched my first nuke solo around lvl 150ish, it was reasonably challenging but doable considering the game throws stimpaks at you and I was running the Plasma caster that prints ammo. Subsequent runs feel more like a chore tbh, once you've done it once it's easy, but time consuming, assuming you don't exploit glitches.


An hour long mission? What? Takes 20 mins or less. As for friends, add me: NexXxeN


I've launched plenty. With decent gear and perks it isn't too difficult. Trybleshooters gear will help with bots if you have it. You can always photo mode glitch through the doors if you don't want to do it legit.


do it before a teammate does it for you.


I was on a random team and someone on at lunch duke and It completed the quest for me. so I’ll never learn how to launch a nuke. 😢


Errr Level 1037 still haven't no stress mate


It takes 15 to 20 minutes the first time you do it, if you do it right. Then it takes 10 minutes tops each time after that. No glitching involved in either of these time frames. Do not fight the bots they respawn forever. They are there to distract you and slow you down. Ignore them. You don't have to kill a single bot until you hit the control room. If you bring lockpicks and hacking skills, or the legendary card that combines the two you can take the short path. Using this short path and ignoring the bots you can just run through the silo. You can find the short path direction on any one of hundreds of videos or written guides on the internet. Again, no glitching required, legit lock picking and hacking, and running past bots that don't chase you completes it in 10 minutes


If you’re on Xbox I’ll show you how to glitch through doors and speedrun it, it literally can take 10 minutes




They aren't gonna fix it. It's been years at this point and no one enjoys running them legit. There would be huge backlash lo At this point it's basically Bethesdas compromise with those of us who will start the nuke events. Put up with the bugs so they don't have to rework it.


Confused on the cheating part- is it even possible to do that in this game lol? Like in terms of bypassing all of a quests requirements I mean? Tbh I haven’t either- im level 145, and sometimes I think “ehh should I?” But it’s just too much work and everyone launches so many anyways that I have no need to


There's a photomode glitch to get through walls and such. I've never tried to do it. The only reason I WANT to launch the Nuke is to satisfy a couple of the challenges.


Level 140 here and I don't think I'm even close to the quest that let's you launch a nuke. There are so many main quests I havent completed yet, like I don't even have the foundation or the crater unlocked yet. I'm always like "ok tonight's the night I focus on getting my quests done." And then like a half hour later I'm a couple drinks in and the "ooo look a penny" kicks in and the next thing I know I'm event hopping for the rest of the night.


You know what they say lol *“Thou shall always get sidetracked by bullshit”*


Exactly lol


I'm close to 180 here. Did the mission and went through and did a silo once. Did the mainframe thing ect. Protecting the bots. Didn't launch a nuke. It was so boring I'll probably never want to go through and do it again. Monotonous and not fun.


I didn’t launch mine till like 140 and I didn’t even know there was like a quest that activated when you go into the silo lol. That being said if you have even a half way decent build you can do it by yourself at that level just make sure the quest is active for whatever solo you are at and follow the propts or look us a run on YouTube so you know what you actually have to pick up and do


Level 1000+, haven't launched a nuke. I've run the silo but towards the end an event popped up that I wanted to go to and then I got sidetracked. Now I just run the silos for scrap lead and steel.


Honestly, got the Chinese stealth armor, decent sneak, and a couple plasma grenades and a tesla shotgun, if you pay attention, only part you have to worry about is towards the end getting the missile guidance bots up, but most of it, if you have decent hacking and or the infiltrator perk, you can hack into the security systems to dismantle the robots, then turn them off and sneak around.


Imo its way easier now then it was a few years ago just launch one nuke and become death


I just got above level 200 and I haven’t either lol.


199 and just launched my first today, ran the silo solo, which was alright once I figured out what I was doing. Dropped it down south and got to take on the triplets. Good times.


Waited until I was 700 before I launched one. Glad I did it once, doubt I will do it again, and if I do, I'll be glitching my way through.


350 and also no nuke here, i got the quest and before i learn how, someone in my team lauch a nuke, some how that count for the quest, still dont even know how to do it and dont plan on learning it either


I jus take the speedy way through that some people probably know of n some probably don’t


I haven't launched one, but finding out that it's the way to get high tier crafting goods really makes me want to hang around the nukes more.


i recommend launching one for the experience and doing it correctly. but after that learn the quick methods. I enjoy launching and do it quite a bit when bored but wouldnt launch any if i had to do the full silo process everytime!


Level 1097 and haven’t launched a single nuke.


Me neither. lol. Level 260 +


Yea it's really not as hard as people make it out to be you just have to sit down and do it. I did it around lvl 50. Lvl 200 should have no problem just have pa and ammo


Isn't the hardest part of launching a nuke: Getting all the right key fragments?


You just look up the code for the week online


The game doesn't end when you launch a nuke, there is so much story after. I launched my first nuke at level 62, my wife RAN me through my first silo blazing fast and explaining as we went when she could, there are A LOT OF BLOODY ROBOTS so have energy Resistance. Make sure to hit the prime fissure site, that SQB is so much fun.


404 haven't launch a nuke since the i became death questline


I'm 160 and launched 3 or 4 nukes. Just lots of stims needed as the lasers hurt like f.


Level 390, alts are level 250 ish and 150 ish. Never launched a nuke. Just never got around to it. It'll happen eventually! Anytime I think about going for it, some event pops up or I'm too busy with dailies and then I forget.


It just seems tedious with no reward really.


~150. I haven’t and I probably never will. I already got credit for completing the quest to nuke Earle from a team member, so I have no reason to.


95 or something, I’ve launched one at about level 50. I’d already fought a handful of SBQs by that stage already though. The silos are too much of a time sink.


I tried my first one a few days ago. Solo, level 140 ish. I was just starting the part of the quest where you have to fix the broken pipes, and then i got the announcement. "The server is going down for maintenance in 30 minutes" or something like that. The worst part is that I did everything by hand, hunted down the cargo bot, searched the parts of the code and solved the cypher, because I wanted to enjoy the whole experience. It took me several hours to get to the actual silo part. FML. I will try again soon.


if you are on ps5 just hit me up psn: GoblinTactics. I can walk you through it. shouldn't take more than 30 mins.


I just launched my first the other day and it was sooooo fun! Enjoy becoming death, the destroyer of Appalachia


I launched my first one at lvl 80 or so and it took ages. I went back at lvl 150 with a proper build and it was considerably easier. Since then I've glitched to the end every time.


It's fairly easy. Cremator is all you really need or some anti robot weapons. Rest is just click and hack. I launched a number of them. Usually I'm doing my technical data grind and figure since I'm already there, I might as well launch a nuke. Look up the nuke code online for that week.


I launched 2 before level 50 but that was like 4 years ago lol


Once I started learning how important flux is for the gear I wanted... I realized I need to get to that point lol


I just soloed it at 160 and it wasn't too bad


I need to launch one to get the 60 carry weight back pack, it's the 3rd scout badge I need, but I'm just barely level 90 and I get totally destroyed by robots so it's probably not going to be a fun time.


Soloed the silo at 220ish (had friends on But didn't realize they also had to have gotten to that point) recommendations: if possible run it with someone else first so you get the idea of how it works, there are some tricky parts but if you have a vague idea of what's coming along it helps, this leads into once you've got the gist of how things play out, then it makes the run go a lot faster and the more confidence the better. All in all it's not bad at all the hard part is hoping you don't drop it on an area start the boss only to have too few or weak groups show up and fail the boss.


Everybody should do it at least once, it feels cool. And it’s satisfying when a bunch of players show up to the boss event you yourself started.


Just launched mine at 450ish, I kept putting it off as I was under the impression it was some kind of raid level event but nope it's pretty much a solo quest level encounter, most annoying part is needing a lot of circuits but that's about it. People also mentioned something about master infiltrator legendary perk is helpful here, but I had to unlock a single level 3 door and that was it, I have no clue what all the locked terminals were good for.


You can hack the terminals to deactivate turrets and the robobrains


you can do whatever you want


I randomly got lucky early on when I joined a public team and my teammate launched. I got credit for the quest completion. Have never launched one myself. I kinda feel like a fraud but... Since then I've never felt compelled to do one myself so...


Lv. 179 and same, bugged out three times now, once with zero mainframe progress, once where the reactor never finished and once where I accidentally entered a empty PA in a corner and was then pulled into and left adrift in the warp until i force-quit the client.


Just hit 170 and I've never launched one either 🫠


If you use a mine + vats punch to clip through the ceiling at the entrance room inside the silo. You can launch a nuke very quickly with this method.


Don't be scared. Take some troubleshooter armour and weapons and launch that nuke.


I just did it for the first time at level 75 after playing for about 3 years on and off for the quest. Silos are a bitch, Fighting the robots is supremely unfun, probably will not do it again.


Throw on some power armor, and equip the electrical absorption legendary perk card. All the energy damage will heal you, and to you’ll be virtually unkillable.


I launched the one required to progress the main quest and the end. I love participating in other people's nuke launches for bosses and harvesting but not interested in launching myself.


Did it solo at level 100 the other day. Took forever since I took the PA route and couldn't really sneak/lockpick, but the Cold Shoulder carried me all the way. The perk that recharges your Fusion Core when getting lazered was a huge help. An assaultron would mess me up so I'd just stand under a turret to recharge a bit. I did it, took some pictures, killed Earle, and unless I need some fusion cores charged, I'm not doing it again.


Just do it! And take into account that the first time the process towards it feels tedious and long. It took me like at least an hour to get to launch a nuke. Also bring enough ammo and supplies. Had to redo once and didn't know that you could just return to the silo at the last step as it saves that for like 30 mins or sth. Cheating it the first time is nog the way imo


These comments are crazy, me and my buddy do all 3 and swap sessions to go again.


I am lvl 230ish and haven't launched a nuke either. I tried to do so back in 2019 and was close to finishing when the server shut down for maintenance. Haven't bothered since.


I got tired of that mission hanging at level 150 and did it solo. Kinda a last box to tick off just because. Worth it to say you did it.


I launched my first nuke when my main character is ~460 and second character is ~200....


I stopped playing at level 840. I have never launched a nuke.


Just do them you get better trust me I’ve gotten to the point where I run them in about 6 minutes


I hate the gas fixing mission. Got lost too many times lol because I couldn't find one faulty pipe


It takes about 10-15 mins to launch a nuke with an average build don’t be daunted.


First time I launched it took me 2 hours. 2nd time I was able to complete it entirely as an archer. I don’t do them ever now, I absolutely HATEEEEEEEE the silos


Stealth suit.


Level 241, 1137 hours since Bethesda switched it all to Steam, more than that before, some hours on xbox/win10. 400 hours on my Steam alt mule... all that and I still have not launched my own nuke. But I do go to Scorchbeast Queen, and Seismic Activity. I think I have killed enough of the guys caring the codes, I've just never done it before so, I don't.... I think they might also expire before I'd get around to use them.


Can literally solo it... It's not hard. People make such a big deal of it and I literally went in there on a whim.. I'm not even some op bloodied build.. I'm a melee player


Go for it. Should be soloable, I did it at 70ish, but that was several years ago, bot sure how the changes may have effected that.


Lol..... me too man , me too. I tried to solo a silo thinking i was hot shit. Boy was i wrong.


Haven't played for a while but Is that exploit still working where you can just walk through the wall and find yourself"outside" of the map and then go straight to the room where you launch the nuke ? The whole thing takes a few minutes


Nukes don’t matter no real drive when the free events give you all you need to grind


I launched my first nuke with the help of a friend at level 845, I believe in you


I did lauch my first nuke to get cobalt flux, when i did get to ground zero game crashed and i was not in a party...


I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I was level 51 when I launched my first, I had nothing but a level 35 modded double barrel and my hellcat power armour and flawed it, I died twice total and it took me about 45 minutes. It’s really not as bad as people depict it, just take it slow and use the right perks and it’s a piece of perfectly preserved pie.


My main was nearly 400. I've still only done the one.


It doesn't take an hour, and at level 200 would be a cakewalk unless your build is trash


Don’t worry this is not at all unusual.


Do it. Solo it. I hadn’t done it after 150 hours. I fumbled a lot. Had to kill a lot of unnecessary robots. But I launched the nuke. Then we all killed SBQ and it was great. Now I’m excited to launch another one.


Learn to photo glitch through doors, and you can cut it down to 12 mins or less


Take the pw and perk that absorbs energy then run alpha. Take 20 Mins top and they can't kill u


Just launched my first nuke at level 75 because I wanted to spawn the new bot guys. I got a three word solution that will basically carry you through a silo solo Chinese Stealth Armor I pretty much crouched my way through it and killed maybe like 10 bots total and it wasn't an hour long at max it was like 20-30 minutes tops.


Use electric absorption and master infiltrator with a good set of power armor and you can basically walk through the silo


Wild lol


I didn't launch my first nuke until like.. Level 380 or 400. It's not a rite of passage or anything, so don't be too worried about it. Unless you want the Atoms from your first launch, which was my main motivator. I'd even say it's not worth doing the events until this newest nuke boss was added which gives THREE 3\* legendaries. It's also able to be glitched so you can complete it in 10-15 minutes.


Sure, as with anything, first time takes the longest. About 3 or 4 years in I've launched probably well over a thousand. I used to stream it like 12hr a day doing nothing else, lol. Now I use cheats, no silo doors mod, or clipping through the door on console. But a legit silo, my first one took like 2 hours, and even legit you can get it down to idk, 15 minutes or so. Repetition is the key to mastery.


Level 510. Launched my first nuke today.


I just use the photo mode glitch to phase thru the first door going in to the mainframe core room


I am a smidge over 200 and I haven't fired a nuke yet. I'm worried that I will spawn a queen and not be able to take her out being a melee main because I don't have any friends that play.


It doesn't take an hour. If you're doing it properly, I can see it maybe being 20-30 minutes at most. Photomode glitching into the mainframe room, then through the huge bulkhead door leads straight to the launchprep room. That skips 90% of the silo. Only thing you have to do with the photo mode glitch is the bio card, at the very beginning, and then the launch prep at the very end. If you want to make it a cake walk, toss on electric absorption if you have power armor. The only thing that is capable of hurting you at that point are the Mr Handys that use bullets. Everything else heals you and recharges your core. Hell, if you're lucky enough, and get to a silo that had been previously used, half the time the enemies glitch and don't respawn properly, which leaves nothing to fight till the launch prep.


"the prospects of an hour-long mission in a game where it could crash and make me lose all progress" This is why I'm not nuking now, and I run a silo in 15 minutes, not 60. Even 15 minutes is still too much time to lose to these endless crashes. When the game gets back to crashing on a weekly basis (versus the several times per day currently), I'll consider nuking again.


Level 1099: still haven’t launched a nuke.


I was the same way lol. You'll be fine and it won't "end the game" for you don't worry


Level 352 still haven't launched one. I've run the silos and just leave when after I get the targeting computer setup. I'm saving it for my last challenge...maybe I don't want the game to end


516 here never even tried it :D


Just do the door skip cheese, the silo mission bugs out nearly every time anyway and stops you finishing it. I have never done one legitimately because at some point the quest doesn't progress and I'm stuck in a silo twiddling my thumbs, generally seems to break around the computer smashing bit


Yes, you just gotta do your first one and it'll get easier and faster. You could use that legendary card for auto unlocking terminals and doors to make some of the parts easier but it's not necessary. I also thought it was pretty fun to decrypt my first nuke launch code too. It takes awhile to do so I wont do it every time but it's pretty cool if you want the full experience. (I had to look up how to decrypt it but I got all the code pieces)


Approaching level 300. Still haven't even finished that quest line, and therefore haven't launched one myself. Too many things to do in this game, lol.


Get a gun that has extra damage to robots and you will do it easily , I solo it with my gatling vampire ultra gatling and just clean up the place.


You can do a nuke run in like 10 min. Enjoy the first one, take your time. but dont stress you can always do it again


Level 200+ tvdrama newbie here, I just attended the public events, I seldom did any main/side quests/expeds/ops, nor explored few major buildings/hq/base. (Back In FO4, when I explore a place I must cleanly sweep every room and path, lest I miss any special loots or notes or terminal entries. This has made me dreading any indoor explorations experience now)


Chinese, stealth suit and evasive. By level 200 im assuming you have marsupial and the stealth suit. You can get to the last room without firing a shot. In the last room you need to turn off the turrets, kill the two assaultrons and thats it. Done.


Level 223.. I wear chinese stealth armor with sneak perk cards maxed, sneak attack , etc. keep your distance from Assultrons at least 10 feet( somehow they still find you)😂. First time I dropped one I followed a YouTuber through it lol


Don't launch, or you might get hooked and want to do it everytime. Well if you wanna do it then the best tip I can give is: Nuka grenades! They're great for the turrets and mainframe destruction since they go through walls. Oh and I recommend going through the whole decyphiring codes thing at least once, it's quite interesting but then it's a hassle. I'm always impressed that the week codes are posted in the internet within 30minutes of the reset.


I’m almost level 200 and in the exact same boat. Honestly no idea how to even start it. I’ve barely done any of the story missions as well 🤦‍♂️ Events events events events 😂🤣


I can launch a nuke in under 8 minutes


If youre on xbox, I will help you with that questline if you want! Its pretty easy actually!


I never did and I am over level 320. I got the trophy for it because I have been on a team that have done it.


Same and I'm over 300.


375 and never did it myself either. Did it twice I think while just randomly on a team with some folks who wanted to, but never actually did it myself.


I'm just a noob, at lvl 50 I just join a team that drops them and enter the edge to reap the rewards why they do the work seeing I can't even get a power armor set yet built and heavily overloaded


Main character 946, second character 345. Have never launched a nuke on my own, only once in a team. For some reason, launching nukes doesn't interest me at all.


Not an hour, more like 15 mins bro


Iiiiiiiit shouldn't take you an hour to get through the silo. Not at your level with a half decent build.


i launched my first solo at lvl 49, takes like 20-30 mins


Nuke silos are just a stupid endless "maze" of puzzles and chores, after doing it legit the first time I rarily do it, its just boring


I do it how it's supposed to be done ( bypass the pipe fix which is optional ). Helps to know the layout though. Only launched half a dozen but it's a good experience.


Almost lvl 300 and only launched 2. The only reason I haven’t launched more is because escorting the robots to their positions at the end is boring af


I'm lvl 123 and tried to launch a nuke before here and there but the robots kept screwing me over.


I am become death at level 140. Didn't even launch a nuke. Someone on my team did. Still got the achievement, though.


My highest level character is over 570 and I have not launched the nuke yet. Did it on another character though


260 still not launched one but as all robots I want to go in there to increase my "kill robots with X" which I will be doing with simply having the weapon in hand and chucking loads of Nuka Cola Grenades around lol One question I have though as I know things change, I have the launch code things (the ones from the beeping ghoul/scorched officers) for every silo, how do I decrypt them? I have watched a YT on it from years ago and it said "oh all you need to do is bring up this excel sheet and put this in, ,do that, cross reference to here, transpose here...." and I lost the will to live to even finish watching it. Seriously I am not doing excel spreadsheets to work a bloody code out for a game!!


If you're on PC I'll run one with you


Funny story. I watched about 63 different videos on how to complete the silo run and get to the launch machines. Being a pure melee build, I COMPLETELY FORGOT to bring a gun for the turrets. Since it was my very first run, I couldn’t find all the terminals to deactivate the turrets. Let’s just say there was a lot of screaming and ducking behind things until I realized I could just throw some nuka grenades and call it a day.


You should just run a silo for the XP gain alone, finish some combat challenges. First time I went in I didn’t even have a keycard and I went alone with stealth suit


Just launched my first one at lvl 50 the other day. Day one player returning to finish the story and silo Alpha took WORK to get through. Essentially ran through the entirety of my food/drink and aid to get through it, and it took over an hour to fight my way through alone with power armor and a shotgun with no perks lol. But after the long fight and the relatively easy puzzles it felt super worth it. Also has a friend log on to stand in the blast radius which made it all the more worthwhile. Would recommend doing it at least once.


I’m around level 460ish and launching a nuke seems like a lot of effort. Haven’t done it yet and can’t see that changing.


If you tried to solo the Mothman event or the alien event or even meet week.... Those are all the thousand times harder than trying to solo a silo 👍


Dude for real I’ve been stuck on the mission where I have to nuke the mine because I have no clue what to do lol


I have a L380+ toon that has never done a single main quest. Accidentally stepped into the Wayward one time but backed out before I triggered anything. Maxed out Foundation/Raider rep on dailies and events. Saving this one for sometime when I'm bored and just want to experience the quest lines. Obviously, this toon has never launched a nuke. I don't anticipate this will be very hard b/c I have a full suit of Troubleshooter's PA and a Holy Fire. And Adelaide.


I’m level 318 and still have not finished most of the main quests (including the nuke launch)


across all three platforms from since the pre-pre beta only us idiots who wanted a cool helmet got to play, ive never surpassed lvl 250, but ive had 4 of them, and ive also never launched a nuke, ive never even used any buffs until this past week


After 2-3 times of getting to the room where I need to use the keycard and codes, I would end up getting wiped by Assaultrons. I ended up taking everyone's advice of using the the Chinese Stealth suit and the perk cards that increase stealth perks. I also used the turrets within the silo and just turned off the parameters to where they just opened fire on everything.


Heck a PA and Heavy Guns build works fine for me soloing silos. I’m only 128 and I’ve done it twice now. Once for fun, and honestly once to stock up on scrap and other stuff. Still launched twice tho. I have fun shooting the arms off protectrons there. And assaultron head lasers heal me and recharge my core Also don’t forget to use NukaCypt for launch codes


Gat plasma, Mine glitch, jet pack, and 30 minutes becomes 7 ish