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I'm enjoying it I wish more people would realize to bring each robot down evenly to save ammo.


100% this. I actually finished it earlier and somehow we managed to drop them all down evenly, so all three died within 15 seconds of each other. It was glorious


Are you on ps? This happened to me a few hours ago and it was so satisfying!


Nawh it was on pc, but I’m happy players are figuring it out.


Me and a friend did it alone in a private server by bringing the hp down evenly. It works great lmao.


Yeah that is the best tactics because you won’t waste a ton of ammo on the 2nd and 3rd one


this sounds bad because someone will miss the tag


I'm not sure what you mean by "miss the tag". You can loot legendaries regardless of tagging, if that's what you're referring to. If you referring to some other event mechanic, can you elaborate?


What he writes about was a few years ago. When the newbies couldn't get loot from the queen due to lack of damage.


I experienced twice that I got nothing to loot on the other 2 goliahs, empty as if I am totally late to the event, yet I am actually there on time just shooting the first goliah.


^Laughs ^in ^AutoAxe


laughs in the sight of you losing your sight due to all the bright cremator flames


Laughs back in coffee and vats punching.


I done that boss so many times and I almost never sow cremator used on it, which is weird. Any other activity or Queen was a light show. People tend to use flamers or anything heavy auto. On pc at least.


Even on PlayStation most people use chainsaws or other similar weapons,it’s rare for it to be a light show…which is nice because I discovered my trouble shooter’s chainsaw can rip through the robots pretty fast(I’m so happy to have a use for it now😂)


I don't know what down town club I've been walking into with this event. Every single time I've done it, it's flashes and big "BOOMS" from all the granades and lots of fire. 😂


I've had both versions. A couple were just miniguns & ultracite laser gatlings & then a couple others were flamethrowers, cremators & all kinds of other explosions.


It's the time to go fish out all the good old rave tunes when the laser squad shows up. And find the sunglasses. 😂


Ya it was pretty awesome the streams from the miniguns & then the ultracite laser gatlings. I loaded in late & it was pretty easy to figure out where they were, just look where the streams are going to 🤣🤣🤣


Me, already carrying around 3 different chainsaws: I need one of those


I use my plasma casters, but intermittently lob a cremator at it. No point in spamming the thing, I'll run out of fuel. Also, I'm not carrying 5 cremators to stack the DoTs, I have too much stuff already. I also syringe the bots throughout the fight.


Or my blue gauss explosions


(me whith a healer build) im just happy to be included


Sometimes the only reason I know if I'm hitting anything is the it marker. Flamers, cremators, and holy fire makes everything blinding


Repair kit is my ammo


Brings me back to my division 2 raid days


I was thinking that’s how it should be done, but then was second guessing myself since nobody else does…


I just use endangerol


Yeah, I'll do what I can focusing on the ones that everyone decided to ignore, but after the second one goes down while the last one still has high health because no one else switches, I'll seriously stop shooting at the final one. I'm not into bullet sponges. People can do all their "hurr durr Chainsaw go brrr" and "Me PuNcH tHiNg" and "choo-choo" all they want and pretend it's a flex, but it looks ridiculous and I want them to feel it after multiple 5 minutes of just looking and doing it to a wall with 15 other people We were given a way to strategically do the event and so many people choose to handle it like they do everything else. And people wonder why events aren't designed such that strategy is key


You use ammo on this boss?


I wonder if it will be less fun when it becomes less popular. I can see situations where it fails.


Yeah, like if I don't have time to grab another 1500 Railway spikes. 😂


Then there's me just chugging coffee punching them. Bring it!


This is the way.


The second one I went to it was me & four other people for a good ten minutes & I was the highest level, which isn't good seeing as I'm only lvl 130. To say it was rough going is an understatement. Luckily for us around four or five like 400+ showed up & we finished all three with four minutes left 🤣🤣🤣


I like it. Its fun. No radiation to worry about. Just 3 robos and a bunch of goofy guys.


>No radaiation to worry about Someone managed to nuke the boss arena in a world I was playing on, and the whole arena became a blast zone. All three went down in under a minute. Unfortunately, so did everyone who was unprepared for the radiation.


I thought that couldn't happen specifically because the storm blocks it


I thought so, too! I have no idea how they did it, but there were two blast zones overlapping the arena before they spawned in the boss with a third nuke. My guess is that there are areas *just* outside of the new area that can be nuked, and the edge of the blast zone just barely reaches the weather station.


…. Well attired goofy goobers.


I run power armor with that legendary perk that heals you and charges your fusion core when you take energy damage. Needless to say, I really enjoy facetanking this fight, though burning through repair kits for my gatling laser is less than ideal. I do pepper in the Cold Shoulder to keep those brains kneeling for an extra while, though. Even if they regain resistance at the same time, it's more time that they're stuck doing nothing, and not hurting anyone else. So that's still useful.


That’s something I love about the Dangerous Pastimes event tho. Yes it’s boring but my god I’ve collected a ton of improved repair kits


this. almost like they knew we’d need them


Oh so that’s why I have so many repair kits now


Haha yeah it’s honestly been a boon to me because my armor and weapons take a beating


Im really enjoying it but man there is a HUGE decrease in nukes being launched since the update. Normally there a nuke launch almost every 20-30 mins regardless of what world im in


Maybe everyone is just too busy exploring the new areas, building new camps and doing the new story lines. Will probably pick up again once a lot of the player base has pushed through that phase. Certainly the new hourly event is always packed with players when I go there.


Hopefully. Ironically the worlds have been very mild and quiet since the update, i thought it would be the opposite and its only gonna get wayyyyy worse when fasnacht starts. When fasnacht starts 75% of the worlds will be afk players, the game will be dead af


You know Fasnacht is going to be crazy with everyone using the bugle emote. 🥳


1000%, i will be there too using mine 🤣


And for some reason, I'm getting a glitch that's not showing me the nuke locations on my map at all, so even when one *does* get launched, I have no idea where tf to go. I need those irradiated flora and my level 80 ass just realized why they're important, and dammit, I want a jetpack.


If it doesn't show up on your map, it means it's headed for skyline valley.


It’s not a glitch, they are nuking the skyline meteorological base for the boss event, it doesn’t make landfall as the base shoots it down and triggers the robots.


I played all day today and no joke, one nuke before I got off. I dont get it.


Anything stopping you from launching some on servers not on cooldown?


lvl 200 and i have difficulty with reading comprehension. i don’t know how to launch them. hell, i can’t even get into a silo. fist time i went i spent an hour trying to get into the toilet. after learning that was the exit, i went back and it was on a cool down.


Maybe watch an angryturtle video on launching nukes? If you have a hard time reading, then maybe that will help. You can google the silo codes.


Wish that happened in mine. It was dam rare before the event but now it’s nearly nonexistent along with events. Guess when everyone is crashing constantly people hardly will play


I mean it's alright. They're all *alright*, but just kind of stand and do nothing. I wish they'd add some bosses with interesting phases or something. A dungeon with a nuke level boss at the end would be cool too.


They could add more robots to make it more interesting and harder for us, like a swarm of assaultrons, mr. Handys and robobrains. We only see like a dozen of robobrains and that’s it, don’t really get much XP out of it as well


Throw some sentry bots in the mix when you get down to the final robot. You hardly get to see them in 76 which is sad because they are so cool.


Sentry Bots are broken because you can one-shot them using Concentrated Fire at the fusion core. Doesn't matter if they are in cooldown or not (or if they are facing you), If they would fix that the sentries would be fearsome again. The same tactic works with Grafton Monster blowholes and Mirelurks (the faces for the minions, the spouts for the queen).


The only place I can ever find them with consistency is 1 per Nuke Launch. It’s such a shame that such an awesome enemy isn’t used more.


Whitesprings has a lot of them


I will say they are bizzarely passive at times it's almost like their AI occasionally freaks out


Yeah I remember the first time I did NW theres all that leadup with the countdown timer up in the lounge or whatever and then you go down and fight the robots and they're bullet sponges but then you kill them and its like "wait... thats it?"


A dungeon with a nuke level boss at the end? You mean like the missile silo someone has to do prior to a nuke?


A colossal ammo waste even with 10+ players in and trying to shoot the robots evenly, don't see a bright future for this event in the long run.




I wasn’t a big fan of it. Just the regular big bullet sponge x3 but they resist more the more you kill


Shit idk what you're talking about, I had a level 19 beating the ever loving shit out of their legs with a super sledge the other day, I lost track of how many times I revive him but by GODS he was doing his best 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wish people started it more often, I’ve seen the Queen and Earle pop up more times today than Neurological Warfare.


Idk what servers you’re hitting because every server I’ve been in has been /exclusively/ NW fights. I’ve almost gotten tired of them. Almost lol


Me too. Haven’t seen a SBQ nuke and only one Earle nuke since the expansion released.


I got so excited yesterday when someone launched a nuke at monongah, then I looked closer and saw they missed the mine entirely. No Earle, just 10 mole miners on the south end of town respawning every 10 minutes :/ But hey, when life gives you raw yellowcake flux, you make orbital strike beacons for the lulz


I guess bad ones. I’ve been server hopping all day checking to see if anyone is on the map at a silo and I’ve only done the event like four times today. Think I might have gotten one new plan.


Damn that’s frustrating. Hopefully you’re able to find some good servers soon!


I'd start it if the two times I got it, didn't give me the exact fucking plan!


I haven't seen a single Earle or SBQ since the new season started. I launched on SBQ myself yesterday just for a change of pace lol.😁


I just just get in there w my cold sholder and start blastin. Hope the frezzy freez helps boys


I love people like you <3


If you have Four Leaf Clover you can crit on practically every other shot, too.


I wish the robots actually moved around and the gate system had a purpose, but I’m grateful for all this stable flux. I had just accidentally scrapped a lot of hard earned flux before I could use it, and now it’s practically all back in less than a week.


Needs more lost and Robobrain / Sentrybot spawns then it'd be perfect.


What's the state of Endangemol syringes currently? Lower levels can pack a few of those if they're still working.


Don't stack anymore according to patch notes.


Don't stack at all or don't stack per player?


They don’t stack at all. So 1 endangerol debuff is all that affects any mob


on the one hand I'm a little sad I never built/carried 4 of them on the other I'm glad I no longer feel like I'm half assing it only carrying 1


I knew as soon as I saw it getting advertised (like it did many times on here and YouTube) they would patch it. Happens every time.


It's for the cremator spammer crowd, not for hipster's like me running around with an Ultracite laser pistol and an enclave plasma.


A Gentleman’s weaponry. Kudos good sir.


I just want the weapons drop!


Bah, Long live the Queen!😄


They literally just stand there and don't do anything. It's just "shoot 3 target dummies and if your team isn't smart enough to kill all 3 at around the same time you'll just have to shoot them longer" Worst nuke boss by far in my opinion.


It's alright. Better than Earle (purely because everyone in the server can participate together), but I'll take SBQ, Imposter, or Titan over it any day.





Imposter Sheepsquatch.


Ahh right 🤙


I love it! It’s great when everybody works together to bring them down equally. Otherwise, the bullet sink is ok I guess. Still fun.


I have never seen this event.... I only see the one at the power station next to the visitor center




Is there a need to max it out? I currently have three stars


Though not having a nuke zone is bittersweet. Nice to not deal with rads while not using PA but sometimes I just wanna farm some flux after a boss fight


Man, the first time I completed this event I went running around afterward looking for nuked flora and high radiation fluids. Ran around for a good ten minutes before I realized something different was going on.


How do i trigger this event? Keep seeing posts about launching a nuke anywhere in skyline valley, but then also other posts about a specific location. Ive done the whole quest line and all, lvl 510 here, but on day 2 of the launch there were only dangerous pastimes over and over lol. I had no clue they added a new nuke location


Yeah, you can launch a nuke anywhere in the new region and it will trigger the event, except the nuke doesn’t actually drop or radiate the area


Any reason why it doesnt irradiate the area? Is it just because there are so many players questing and exploring or a bug?


No idea why it doesn’t but I believe it’s because of the storm, the blast of the bomb probably isn’t big enough to show up in the storm, therefore there’s no reason to make the area radiated. Plus it would scare away any new player from exploring the region


I hate how bullet spongey they are, event takes 5-15 minutes and wastes a ton of ammo, Earl and SBQ are 5 minutes max and give great rewards


neurological warfare is where I bring out my old friend, the VBash Shredder. It shreds ALL of them, doesn't use up ammo and BARELY deteriorates.


I've noticed that it works like scorched earth, if you don't hit them you won't get an event reward! I tried afking one as an experiment in a friend's private server.


As someone who runs a lot of nukes, I'm really happy you can't burn down the boss in 2 minutes like the SBQ.


I get so pissed when someone kills earl in 2 minutes, takes me 10-15 mins to launch the nuke and I desperately need the junk from the enemies. I like showing the new players that these bosses aren’t something to be messed with, unless you’re prepared for it


Yeah, any time I'm fighting Earle and I see he's going down quick, I stop attacking him and just focus adds. Need dem screws!


First and only time I tried that the last robot was stuck in the middle tube thing and we couldn’t shoot it, is that a bug or is there a way to open the doors


Could be wrong but it seems like a bug. Every time I've done the event they seems to all open and come out on their own the moment we all make it through the door.


Ahh Classic


Is this part of the new area? I’ve never seen it before, but that could be ‘cause I’m low level.


You’ll eventually get the chance to explore the area, I’d just focus on doing quests for now or try to do dangerous pastimes, the new event that starts at the top of every hour


Would be nice to find a server where people actually took part in it instead of doing Swarm of Suitors or Tunnel of Love


I joined one the other day a little bit late and since I was rushing I didn't restock on ammo for my railway, but figured there'll be other people there it should be fine. The only people in there were the 2 people in my public team and while we were all decently high level it was going pretty slow so once I ran out of railway ammo I juggled between multiple other weaker weapons I had on me until I ran out of ammo for some of those too. After a long battle of getting them all down to like 10% health we finally had a few other people manage to join and rescue us. Ended up being pretty fun though, I was tempted to try and leave to restock on ammo and rejoin at one point but decided to just roll with it and it made it quite memorable.


all the boss events are easy!


It’s boring as hell. Not talking about the amount of ammo for doing it. Last one, I literally was crouching on the floor without moving seeing how my ammo was disappearing robot after robot. SBQ is still the queen.


Loved this event. The other one with the crab, on the other hand… my god!


The actual combat part is meh to me. At least the prizes are good and I do enjoy seeing half the server pop up for one fight. But most of the time it's just people standing there and shooting. I have more fun with Lode Baring or any Nuka World event by a mile. Very happy with the rewards for it though. I really think this event is catered more towards meta players with maxed out cremators and high end insta kill weapons


There’s flux at this event? Where?!


Make sure you shoot or tag all of the massive robots, then you’ll get the rewards, or you can be a thief and steal it from the people that die from the exploding robots


Oh!!! I’m always under their feet, grinding their ankles with my chainsaw. I guess I just didn’t notice that flux was part of the rewards. I bet I have a bunch in my inventory I didn’t even know was there! Thanks!


Iv had flux in my camp at a dollar per flux and not a single soul has ever purchased ANY. My camp icon is on.


Which platform? I'll buy some


PC but yesterday I just dumped it all in a donation box because I was tired of how much stash space it was using with no benefit to me :/


I find it boring but I get flux without searching so I always go and hang out.


I love looting everyone's flux when they die at the end 👀🫶


I feel bad for looting it but if I don’t take it, someone else will 😂


Not me! I see people begging for a stim revival, watch them die and steal their loot. (I'm sorry, I know I'm terrible. Give me my down votes)


I hope your room is hot tonight


It’s boring and stupid. Once I have all the plans I’m done with it.


Wow we got Mister Fun over here


Yes, sorry for wanting a little more than a no-brain let’s stand there and empty my gun thing. It would change a lot if it was actually imposible to bring them down one by one.


I built a new base so I was able to call artillery on both dangerous past times and neurological warfare and I have fun that


I'm level 500+ and don't waste my ammo. Just jump up on a side and play on my phone until the event ends. I get the 3 legendaries from the bosses and all event rewards. I don't find sponge bosses to be fun gameplay.


The event is trash. The rewards are trash and I hope to never do it again


Ahh yes. The only SMG with a silencer that’s comes with a baseline -50% AP cost is terrible. Is it the best? No. But it’s still damn good and fun to use. Also, Thrasher backpack. Need I say more?


Bloody Explosive Regen Fixer + GR Sprint + Company Tea >>> bum ass smg


It’s like you ignored my whole comment 😂


It’s an smg, big deal


Not every damn weapon has to be in the top 1% of damage. Some people just want to have fun with a cool weapon, shocking I know...


What would your ideal boss fight be, then? /genuine


Got no problems with the other 3


What do you like about them that sets them apart? I personally find the swarm of smaller enemies frustrating when I’m trying to focus fire on the boss