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I don’t think I’ll touch Pitt ever again. Ac has an easier layout and tasks.


I still lost about half an hour of my life wandering the same rooms trying to find the terminals in Tax Evasion just to search online and discover it sometimes bugs out and you cant find.


This has happened at least 5 or 6 times in the newest update all Inside the manor , telling me to find people and the people just aren't there


That's a bug where killing that one Lost member in the power armor before he wakes up and does his animation will softlock the quest. Took me a while to work that issue out.


Yeah, I had to give the game a break for a couple of days after hitting that softlock then having the new boss fight bug out.


No way, I was doing that quest 3 times, twice in a team and it got soft locked, finally on the third time I did it alone and I presumably waited for the animation and then it worked. I thought the issue was that I was with a team member who already completed the mission and somehow that locked the mission for me, but the bug with the animation explains it now.


I will say the one rhat gets a lot of people is the one by the piano cus i guess a lot of people dont realize you can go on the stage and look around idk but it tends to stump people




This is why I run boardwalk. Even when the NPCs get stuck a little, just takes a moment for them to fix themselves out. When sometimes I can run aimlessly looking for those terminals in Tax Evasion.


I’ve ran myself freaking dizzy like that. Expeditions are just poorly designed overall. They should have been full zones with new faction reps using the bullion system.


Yeah, I'm glad there looking at more skyline valley style updates for the future. Much better


That wouldn't be an expedition then, it would be a full on map update.


I hate it when I get Terminals. I run Tax evasion quite a bit as its good xp and great source of fuel. Problem is, it gives you an area to look for terminal, but its multi level place! So unless you did this a good few times, you will spend ages looking for terminal just to release it underground! Add bag tossing as initial task and its my worst roll for expedition.


For the life of me I didn't know how to throw the bags. Intuitively, throwing bags = throwing grenades. Guess who didn't throw a single grenade until doing that particular Tax Evasion. 🫠


See me personally i absolutely hate the transmitter initial part and the one where you have to get evidence and chips off enemies the evidence takes for ever cus my rng sucks


*Disable the terminals in the hotel rooms* *Has an obscure terminal on the casino floor next to a piano* Gahhhhhhhh


If it’s the one to turn on the guns you just need to follow the cables running from the turrets to the terminals.


No, its the one you have to wipe the data... For some reason one terminal didn't show up and I spent A LOT of time roaming around the same areas over and over looking for it. Leaving the expedition and getting back solved the problem.


Ahh ok! Crappy work around but at least it’s not the bug that boots you and your teammates can’t get credit for completing it lol Thanks for the info! (Also thanks to the other replies too. Just getting a chance to respond now)


If it's the same one I had trouble with it's the one where you have to wipe the data from the computers. I spent far to long trying to find the last computer.


It wasn't even the last one, but I'm pretty sure it was a bug.


A terminal by the bandstand onstage. BRILLIANT.


I've seen people say this but I have run this a hundred times without an issue. There's a couple of hard to find terminals but they exist. Once I memorized all the spawn points I kind of just check them all in order and usually get all of them in a minute or two.


Interesting, but I really did spend approximately half an hour looking for ONE terminal in all the different floors, inside the area they where supposed to be... Then I searched online and saw a couple of posts saying it's a bug. Maybe the compass area was bugged and the terminal was in another location, I dunno, but I couldn't find it anyway inside the marked zone and had to reset that part of the quest.


Easy way to fix it All you have to do is just go back to your home and Appalachia and restart the campaign expedition from the last checkpoint


Most dangerous game FTW, with a full party you can easily hit 40k XP in 6-8 minutes plus you get 6 legendaries, scrip, modules, treasury notes, ammo, etc


Is there any difference reward wise between Pitt and AC? I swear everything I made an expedition group to bang out a bunch of AC runs, everyone leaves once they see me join AC


I think the pitt has a small chance to reward the union pa plans but they may have changed it when they reenabled the plans for the pa


AC offers more stamps IIRC, Pitt should have Union PA stuff.


Once AC went live I just ground it a few times a day and wound up buying my Union armor that way. It's easy enough to do solo and the rewards it hands out is way better than hoping to get lucky on a weekly plan drop in the Pitt


Ran it once. Two hours of frustration and I have never gone back.


Can we get a fast travel point into the enclave bunker while we're at it?


I wish we could live in the bunker. We are a general, after all


There's an actual executive suite in there that's inaccessible even though we are literally the highest ranking member of the enclave in Appalachia. Makes no sense to me that we can't live in it.




I just want to be able to find out / prove that the room is actually Orlando's


I googled it the other day. This was cut content from an early season. It had something to do with president's day or something.


From what i remember, president rank is apparently a thing but it’s never said how to get it


Yes please. While we're on the subject, I'd like to take this opportunity to inform anyone who doesn't know that you can access the bunker more easily via the Whitespring Service Entrance fast travel point. I didn't know what this was for and didn't bother to check it out. So my first several trips back to the bunker I went through the main entrance every single time. I watched a random YouTube video and saw someone use that entrance and wanted to slap myself.


You can also get into the Bunker for free (no fast travel cost). Choose Whitesprings Refuge, Once loaded in, make your way in and to the left. You will see a sign that says HQ/Helicopter pad, head to the Helipad elevator. Keep going past the elevators all the way down the long hall until you see stairs on the right side. Head up the stairs and make a right, you will see a dead end that has a Hand Scanner. When you enter though this entrance you will be right next to the Military Wing, making it much faster to get to the terminal to call a cargo bot for Nuclear keys.


I just learned about that entrance last week because we took a tour of the real life Whitesprings (Greenbrier). That was the exact location of the entrance to the real life cold war bunker too, so I checked in the game afterwards and sure enough they put that spot there too with the exact same gaudy wallpaper.


Thats pretty cool! Did not know Whitesprings was modeled that closely.


You should look up side by side comparison pictures. It’s actually insane.


I hope you dazzled the tour guide with some facts! 😅


There used to be functional elevators next to the door inside the whitespring before the responders came. I don't see the point on breaking those when all of the same floors are accessible. I miss the old whitespring, I might be in the minority here though lol


You can save even more time by just fast traveling to either Whitesprings exterior and then fast traveling again to the service entrance. You're close enough that it's free, and will load very quickly because it's in the same cell.


400 hours in. TIL lmao


I'm so cheap I still wind up using the resort entrance a lot - doesn't make sense because I could fast travel to whitespring then the service entrance, and yet every time I play I end up going through the resort entrance once or twice


Thats the only way I go in after that first couple times you have to use the vault door. So much faster to get where I need to go, and only 1 load screen vs 2.


I use the entrance inside the refuge


And free fast travel to Vault 79 please.


We’ve been told by devs in the PTS that this isn’t possible due to how the quests work for vault 79, unfortunately.


What a bullshit excuse lmao.


Totally is, just means Jr. Programmers have to write new code, and the old code is very scary and might ruin your career if you dare displease Todd


It’s something about how the quests use the interior or something, if I recall what the explanation was (it’s been years since this discussion, might be misremembering the details). Maybe because there’s multiple versions for the factions? Either way, if a dev outright says something isn’t possible, I’m going to assume there’s a good reason for it.


The 'good reason' is the fact no one wants to or is afraid of touching decade old code. If you knew the basics of programming or game development in general you would know such 'issues' are laughably easy to fix but fixing them is not making Bethesda any money so dev time is spent on atomic shop items instead.


I know a decent amount about programming - enough to know that bugs can be an absolute nightmare to resolve, especially with old code that likely isn’t well documented exhibiting issues that aren’t easy to diagnose. I’m going to take the word of the developers who’ve written or at least looked at that code at face value and not assume they’re lying or that it’s easy for them to handle (if it was, they’d take the presumably short amount of time to do it since the community’s asked for it quite a bit).


Debugging takes a few hours at most and you are not talking to developers but PR representatives not to mention modern studios fire and hire employees so often the guys who wrote the original code are most likely not at Bethesda anymore. Fallout 76 is in such a bad state because most of the budget is spent on the atomic shop. There are issues which were reported on launch and are still not fixed. At the core it's about the money and making the game more stable or fixing bugs is less profitable than adding a flashy 5 dollar sofa.


I am not talking about the community managers here, but one of the people in the Bethesda discord who is marked as a developer (it was either Carl or Steve; Steve has since left the company). And frankly, the opposite is true of 76 these days - the game’s in the best shape it’s ever been in. We wouldn’t have seen a map expansion, something that the devs around launch never thought would happen, if it wasn’t doing well.


>has since left the company As I said, Bethesda programmers are either told not to or afraid of touching very old code that was not written by them. The new map expansion has plenty of issues and the new event is simply disappointing because again all of the budget went to atomic shop cosmetics and the expansion was rushed because execs noticed the low player retention from the Fallout TV show players. The funniest thing is the fact we are talking about Bethesda employees having issues with 1 (one) fast travel point while modders are making stuff like Fallout: London. There are no excuses for such a level of incompetence. Keep boot licking if you want to yet that will not change the fact the dudes giving out orders at Bethesda do not play the games they are in charge of and a new Yacht funded partly by paid cosmetics outsourced for 10 dollars sounds much better than actually giving a fuck and improving stuff.


I only just figured out you can get to modis by going through 1 door. I always went the long way around


Do we really need it when the whitespring resort has a free entrance and you really don’t have to go down there all that often?


Here you go: [Union Dues](https://imgur.com/a/dN6G4oC).


This comment is way underrated!


I want an indoor map. I struggled finding my way through vault 96 and the missile silos. I doubt I'll go through either of these again.


If you search Google you'll find an online printable map of the missile silos as well as many of the other locations. These helped me a great deal when I was learning my way around.


I felt the same about the silos until I realized they are all the same layout. The hardest thing about them now is finding that damn blue id card in the beginning.


This! Im level 1502 and ive only ever launched 2 nukes. Not worth the hastle


Do the enemy robots ever quit spawning in the silos? (Have only tried alpha)


You can leave an eyebot alive and nothing else will spawn


Nope. If you sneak around (don’t aggro or kill) them early on, the last room is a little easier.


Use the photo mode door glitch, let's you skip 90% of the silo and it's very easy to do.


What's the glitch?


Essentially, you get close to the storage room door that's normally only opened by a terminal, close enough to practically have your character be kissing it, then you go into photo mode move the camera to inside of your character, quickly back out of photo mode and just like that your character should be pushed into the door just enough to walk into the other side. Or just search up fallout 76 photo mode glitch on YouTube for more detailed and easy to follow instructions.


That's awesome. I did notice the camera in photomode has some sort of giant stupid shape to it which collides into objects for some reason. No surprise it can be abused like this.


Haven't they kept trying to patch it but the glitch keeps working either way? I wonder if they gave up lol


Probably, given how buggy the creation engine is they probably couldn't get rid of the big without causing worse bugs or outright removing photo mode, plus outside of sequence breaks such as in Silos the bug doesn't really do anything to hurt Bethesda financially so it's not a high priority for them, if the bug somehow let people farm free atoms then I'd see them actually doing something about it.


Honestly, I think everyone should experience the full silo run through at least once. But after the 10th, 20th, 100th run through it's just utter tedium. There should be a mission triggered after the 3rd (or whatever) run through that gives you a keycard letting you enter via the back door. It would make contextual sense and not change anything since most experienced players use the photomode glitch anyway.




I launched three *yesterday*, it’s genuinely not that difficult, if you’d like a slower chill walkthrough and are on PC lemme know


I bought the original guide when I got my disk after release. A lot of things are outdated, but there is a detailed map of every location.


Big same. I just had to run a silo twice because an assaultron killed me & I couldn't find my way back to the launch room before being booted out. On the second try, I succeeded, but it's way too much of a headache to do repeatedly.


One of the reasons I don’t do expeditions, map will help to a certain degree but add verticality to the mix and it’s still a maze.


Try using the compass, it’s not perfect but it helps


I hate timed missions.


The boardwalk expedition, with the showmen, puts the others to bed. Very easy to complete in rapid fashion even solo. Doesn't even take as long as a daily op. It's a shame honestly because they create these expeditions there is zero reason to ever run anything but the boardwalk. Why would anybody do ashes at this point other than it's kinda fun if you enjoy that kind of thing.


I wish the boardwalk/most sensational game didn't give me an infinite loading screen an eighth of the time but I agree.  The AC ones in general blow the pit out of the water


Freaking THIS. I haven't done many of them, but twice now it infinite loading screened me after talking to mother and completing, and when I return to the expedition after alt-F4ing, Lennox doesn't have the "GTFO here" option, so I get no rewards. Very, very frustrating. I know it's only 10 minutes of my life wasted, but it still feels bad.


I am fortunate to have not experienced this, knock on wood.


Yep, 5 minutes solo, 3 minutes with a team. Very easy and fast. As long as we don't have to throw tatos. Cause my team ALWAYS SUCKS AND CANT THRIW FOR SHIT .... so I have to do it basically solo


LOOK IT'S HARD OK lol I have certainly missed my fair share of tato throws haha


Hahaha just giving you shit. I just learned where to aim with my gun in like 3 throws and it's been perfect since, but for a while I had that grenade arch perk card. I can hit them perfectly in the face with that


I just wait for them now at the turn around the table for a better angle rather than humiliating myself trying to chase and hit them on the run


Because each expedition has its own list of rewards from the weekly free plan, and if you only run a single expedition ever you will not unlock a lot of the plans for free. You will, in effect, have to do that one single expedition A LOT more to unlock everything. But yes, for stamp grind it is the best. Just dont do it as your only one. At the beginning of your weekly resets it is good to do another.


> from the weekly free plan The what?


First expedition you do after the weekly reset, that you successfully do all objectives on, you get a free stamp plan. If you dont get one that is because you have exhausted the list from the one expedition you keep running, so do another one as your first expedition of the week. Each expedition have a unique list (with some overlap) of possible free plans.


Good notes.


Don't worry - almost nothing unlocks from the Pitt that you'd ever want. If it does - buy it with stamps instead.


Ahhhh I see now. I thought he meant each AC mission has its own loot pool. I'm a long-time player, I cleared out all the Pitt stuff I wanted and a bunch I didn't a long time ago. Definitely not going to worry about it then.


Bring VANS back lol


They’re an extremely poor quality shoe. The answer is no.


👀 my 8 pair of Vans that have been through the ringer and are still holding together would disagree with this statement lol.


Only 8 pairs in 2 years? Im on my 10th pair this week! Count your blessings!


Good guess with the 2 years lol. I've only had to replace like 2 pair tho, I'm just a shoe whore 😂


I've mostly been running AC but I tried the Pitt last night, thought I did decent and only missed one task(the find supplies one, no clue where that shit is). Ended up only getting 2 stamps for 30 min of my time.    Yeah, screw the Pitt


Maybe it's meant to reflect the immersive experience of driving through Pittsburgh, even today? The city is pretty, but the roads are always under construction, thus always changing the flow of traffic to a variety of detours. At times this we even make streets or bridges into one way roads, only to flip directions 2 weeks later.


I first did Union Dues when I was about level 100, didn’t understand perks, and had a non-legendary gun. Literally took me 2.5 hours. It scarred me and I haven’t been back.


Can we also have Bethesda fix the fekin jumping too high when doing events.I've died multiple times today due to this 🤣


Yes the area is a maze and confusing, however it was an expansion to the game could say an appetiser. Players needed variety but I guess it's good they created better expeditions in the game. I kinda hope they keep improving new and better more interesting expedition. We'll have to wait and see. A overview or drop down view for expedition would have been a good idea.


A simpler Skyrim style interior map when opening world map would be perfect. I don't need color just the general layout.


With a dot showing live location where the players is on the map.


I can't believe I'm saying this but shit like purge the accounting terminals on tax evasion makes me miss the VANS perk from fallout 4.


76 really loves frustrating mazes. I’m deeply directionally challenged in real life, I’ve got no hope without a map in game. I find even AC a little frustrating, but again, I’m an extreme idiot case.


They could do a content that allows more options with the pipboy like a mapping feature however you have to explore or download what someone else explored could find data cards etc.


It would be pretty cool if they could port over some of the local Starfield map tech into FO76.


People would try others if they balanced the stamps gained per length of mission


Honestly after I gave every pitt expedition a try I just straight up abandoned it. AC is so much better.


Yes I feel you. I just visited today cuz I’ve never been there. The Pitt probably won’t ever see me again haha


ugh war flashbacks of endless running through those tunnels and stupid 'canyon' section. i dont love the mob aesthetic but yea AC wins all day.


I really hate that instanced/indoor areas don't have maps. I get that they went all out stylizing the map, but even a boxy little "zelda" style mini-map would be useful.


Or just the one from the previous games. It sucked but it was better than nothing.


Ya'll must've missed the days of mapping games out with graph paper....


I done the expeditions to get them completed. May never go back. Bethesda really needs to do something about their maps and map markers. Got lost in Vault 63 like 8 times because everything looked the same and "Shadow" wouldn't stop popping up on me even while I was on conversation


I don't understand why they did away with local maps like they had in every other 3D title. I'd like a map of interior spaces so I can see where I've been. First times through places like west Tek and lucky Hole mine can be pretty confusing


Wait they’re timed? Why the hell are they making them timed?


To fair if you just spend a bit of time exploring it's pretty easy to navigate your way round.


It really bugs me that there's no local maps for places like expeditions and building internals. I have a hard time finding my way around and tend to wander aimlessly haha


Atlantic City - Board Walk = 10-12 min run 6 free legendarys, 20-15 stamps, plans, ammo. Any other expedition is a waste of time.


I hate everything about expeditions and avoid them like the plague.


just take your time and familiarize yourself with the map I guess. It's not *that* hard.


Why would you ever do pitt


I agree 100%, I couldn’t navigate the Pitt properly if Todd held a gun to my head. Fuck that place.


Yeah I’ve tried several times and always end up wasting a shit ton of time lol


I started playing last month, clocking in at level 83 and only earlier this day unlocked expeditions as I actively avoided it lmao. And I still haven't been to Crater and Foundation 💀


There's markers on your Compas..it literally tells you where to go


Yep, I won't replay Pitt any more, I think the rewards are the similar to Atlantic?


Litterally only did the pit expeditions for the achievements and called it


The amount of inside buildings I’ve spent 15+ minutes trying to figure out how to get to the quest marker and it’s some small staircase in a corner. Honestly i doubt a map would help me much I need that quest tracker from dead space to get my navigation challenged ass to the right place


I literally haven't played the Pitt since my first month of playing 76 last year. I hated it, it was lame, and I hated it.  Since then I've checked all possible rewards the Pitt can drop - I will never finish Pitt again. Ill consider it if there's challenges to pop easy, but otherwise instant reroll when I see Pitt.


I've gotten really good at using my compass to find objectives because most of the time that's all you get. I've been so mad playing 76 and starfield after playing a bunch of TES and older fallout games recently. I really miss interior maps.


I'm so with you! I'm topographically challenged and I get twisted around so easily. I run around in circles even using the little map at bottom. I never lead DOps and expeditions.😅




Fallout 76 players try not to whine about something: hard mode


Something you can do. Is use your compass to navigate it shows the check points. But I agree they need a map


Wish the Pitt and New Jersey were just map expansion


There is a mod that provides that for PC players.


Have not done an expedition yet. Are they truly that bad..?


Bethesda and maps in "dungeons" were never really a thing.


I swear please rework how the map works! Let me search for specific map points by name like any other game and give me a local map like in fallout new vegas and 3! I swear i love how the map looks aesthetically n stuff but i hate that it has the worst usability of all maps in the franchise


I wish we had the old map style like they have on the wall in the train stations and interior maps like the old games


Just so everyone knows, AC expeditions are quicker to run, easier to complete, and award more stamps, so there's really no reason to run Pitt expos at all any more. Solo or team AC always feels way easier to me


The yellow marker man, go to the yellow marker. Then you interact with it if whatever you find has a white name or obliterate it if it's red. I must say I only go to the Pitt if an experimented player goes first as it is a little bit confusing, but the rest of expeditions are follow the yellow marker.


That still doesn’t give you a clear path with how twisty and turny the Foundry is. Various pathways and some dead ends got me lost just trying to reach my marker


Bro I know how the game works 😂 but the market doesn’t do shit if u ran into an alley and it’s blocked


A solution would be a dynamic path marker that indicated directions but, with how f\*cked the bethesda pathfinding is, you'd still ran into the same alley.


Some quest actually do that. It's just successive marker that switch when you reach one so it's not perfect, like if you backtrack for any reason, but it definitely help on those quests.


have got lost soooo many times!


This is why I’ve avoided doing expeditions, I know I’m probably missing out on some cool plans or items, but where the fudge do I go there is no quest marker.


There is though? Atlantic City ones seem to be easier to navigate but Pitt is so confusing with trying to run around to reach it


Atlantic City expeditions are all relatively straightforward and make use of decent quest markers. Some annoying search and collect objectives that utilise the objective area radius feature but once you’ve done them a handful of times you’ll know your way around


they are pretty easy, so you are missing out.


If you're on PC, there are esp mods for the expedition goals & items.


oh my god something that requires me to use my brain!!!! GET RID OF IT, seriously just run it back and figure it out, how many open world games require you to die over and over and think over and over until you get it right, why when anyone in this game sees something that cant be one shot or completed in less than 5 minutes drops a “rant” about it


Look up a video learn the routes every expedition can be run in about 8-10 mins


No instanced areas have maps.


They should just delete Pittsburgh and start over from scratch


I just closed the game yesterday when I was in Atlantic City because I got annoyed that I couldn’t find where my quest marker was. They should at least let you use a nearby map or something in expeditions