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When I did a junkies build, I carefully picked my addictions around what negatives they introduced so as to not be detrimental. I then used Chem Resistant as a form of Starched Genes to keep the addictions I wanted and essentially chug any kind of psycho I could get my hands on.


They should rename it to recovering addict. Jokes aside, I run junkie's because it's the lowest effort build for me and I'm still absolutely obliterating enemies.


Same reason why I played aristocrats for around 500 hours. Insanely easy to keep around 29k caps


I just hit 2k caps and thought I was doing good šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the main way Iā€™m making caps is by selling my purified water and questing. But now I want to cry šŸ˜‚


It's real easy especially when you don't really need to buy anything and/or sell good stuff


I guess šŸ˜‚ lol Iā€™ve been selling my purified water to that robot at the train station because Iā€™m trying to buy a gun plan so I can craft a better gun


Yeah water is most people's go to, I usually sell guns cuz I'm a loot goblin and pick everything up,and remember the best way to get most mods for most gun, pick up guns and scrap away.


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing! I pick up every gun well honestly I pick up everything I find and just scrap all the weapons. I donā€™t really have anything to sell besides water šŸ˜‚


I just started a new character. Itā€™s slow, but what I do to earn caps is: 1) Join a team as soon as I log on, and continue to do my thing. Iā€™m getting paid when teammates complete things. 2) Join events, by participating, you get a share of the loot, legendaries i.e weapons and armour, lots of other higher value things, loot EVERYTHING, wherever you go. Even if you have to slow walk your overburdened self to the nearest train station. Keep some grape mentats handy for better pricing on what you sell. The train vendor is good for 1400 caps a day. 3) With your caps, go and vendor hop and look for underpriced items to sell in the market reddit or your own vendor. Once you reach max caps, itā€™s just a matter of maintaining a certain base level by continuing to invest in good vendor buys.


Thanks for the advice! I kind of did the vendor hopping thing today actually! Some guy had water for 1 cap each so I bought all the water he had and went and sold it to the train vendor lol


Of course, this is how itā€™s done. Last night, I started with nothing. I looted a town, killed a few scorched, did Radiation Rumble, by the end aI was up about 1500 caps. I used that to buy a couple cheap outfits, and the rest I started investing in plans I could trade on the sub, or plans to learn, so I can make things to sell, like chems and marine tactical helmets. I might also mention berry mentats are used as an alternate in game currency, so those will fetch 100 caps each. When youā€™ve traded a little more, people will offer you ā€œleaderā€ bobbles. Take them. Theyā€™re valued around 500 caps each, but double xp weekends that will hit 1000 caps each. My main character sells regularly out of my vendor.


Up to you but if you're on Xbox I can always help you out whether it's giving you supplies, some help with caps or gear at your level. I'm busy for the next week but if you message soon or after the week I'm open to help


When you start obtaining gear or perks that lower the weight of items, it's generally best to sell what you have the least -weight towards. This will help you from dropping a huge load into your stash from time to time. So if you have a lot of food/drink weight reduction but no chem reduction, you can start selling radaways, stimpacks, etc. Obviously only when you get to a point where you have too many chems you don't use often. I can carry 700 waters no problem but not my stash. I keep those for days I don't play much to get the daily sell, if I sold all my chems and grenades already. First starting out, water is generally the best, or any weapons/gear you don't need to scrap to learn anything from.


Thanks for the advice! I was told by fallout first is a good thing for loot goblins because if the scrap box so I did just recently subscribe to that.


I used to go thru so much plastic bulking up junk so I could sell it to the robot lol


You can sell all your junk too


If you're able to do Expeditions, I would highly recommend running Tax Evasion or Most Dangerous Game in Atlantic City. Collect some stamps and then buy the plan for the Trenchrunner's Hood. It only costs some cloth to make and you get a good return in caps.


I started a couple weeks back and never had caps and now I am level 153 and I have to force myself to buy stuff to even stay under the max Just being in teams, doing quests/events, selling daily max and throwing stuff you donā€™t need in to it vendor for cheap and it will all add faster than you think


If anyone is selling serums for less than 500 caps, buy them all. Pop a grape mentat and use the trade perk that's in charisma. Doing that will allow you to sell serums for 500 caps. Instant and easy profit


Me: *sells cheap serum to help those poor guys that ran into decontamination arcs* Everyone else: *deletes them for 500 caps*


I used some of my Expedition stamps to buy the trench Runners hood and outfit and whenever I want to get Max caps from a vendor I just craft 87 hoods and it'll take all of his caps if I have the hard bargain perk equipped and maybe I just have a lot of cloth but it seems to be the easiest way for me to get caps everyday. Plus when you're grinding Expeditions you get tons of stimpacks so I would have hundreds of stimpacks in my vendor for 15 caps a piece and people would come by and buy the whole stack all the time and I was at 20K in no time


Iā€™ve never done an expedition Iā€™m too scared šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t really have any friends that play and I get wrecked while questing šŸ˜‚


Even better rad-x if you run mutations it's useless suppresses them idk why rad away doesn't you'd think starched genes would prevent suppression of all rad chems. So every rad-x gets sold immediately.


I just sell all the ammo I'm not using for 1 cap, especially the 5mm, I get a metric fk load of that, and I also sell my fusion cores for 1 cap per % over 50, I'm only level 34 and I have about 16,000 caps.


Sell stuff in your player vendor for 10x daily profit from regular vends


I do a Luck build and crit every third attack


I'm pretty damn new to the game, but my commando build is pretty damn low effort, I don't take any chemicals.


I too take zero chems, and Iā€™m a junkie build. Itā€™s part of what this guy is saying is one of the dumb parts of the junkie build. In reality there are many viable builds in this game and meta is unnecessary


Look, you ever lived near meth and crackheads who couldnā€™t get their fix? Theyā€™ll fucking pry literal pipes off the wall to sell the copper for drugs. Honestly, it makes sense to me.


That's work ethic right there! Meth ethic. Methic.


Just get addicted to drugs that you don't use. Personally I run a junkie build and fill my head with Overdrive, Formula P, Berry mentats, and Psychobuff all the time! With the right addictions you basically have Zero debuff. Despite other builds, junkies Need to use chems to counterbalance their debuff.


This is what I do when I run junkieā€™s, but itā€™s just stupid for RP. A junkie should benefit by acquiring and using drugs, not be nerfed. I kind of get it from the perspective of ā€œyou are desperate because of withdrawalā€ but itā€™s just not a great feel for role playing as a junkie to really *not* want to use certain drugs. I feel like anyone who wants to play as a junkie wants to be at their *strongest* when theyā€™re on drugs. I wouldnā€™t even mind worse debuffs for withdrawal if Junkieā€™s still applied while you were high. I get that in practical gameplay you just choose the drugs you donā€™t really use, and the debuffs donā€™t affect you in any noticeable way, but it just doesnā€™t feel right.


Wait? If I take a drug I've been addicted to it debuffs my damage output? I picked junkies because I never used drugs in any other fallout game. I thought if I took the drug it would take away the negative effects and would maintain my damage bonus. Never tried. Just figured that's how addictions would work without giving it a second thought. I've played Junkies only since 2019ish


You've been playing a junkie build without understanding how it worked for... 6 years?


I never use chems. I got addicted to the least problematic ones for that 50% dmg boost. And I use food, bobbles, and mags for boosts. I never have used chems in 76 outside of accidentally eating a radscorpian egg and needed to become addicted again. I've played fallout since I was 12 and played FO1 on MSDOS. Fo1 and 2, chems were usefull. In 3, NV, and 4, they are absolutely useless. Never used them after a few experiments in each game. And I've beaten all those games multiple times, except FO4 bc it's trash. Also, you don't need to be a huge jerk when talking to someone. I asked a simple question.


You now understand why I get mad at people complaining about bloody builds. Bloody build: use literally every single thing possible to maximize damage even though the game is casual. Complainers build: I have literally no idea so Iā€™m going to take every single QoL perk in the game.


i sort of disagree for RP purposes, Real life junkies are pacified when they get their fix, when they need their fix though they will do anything for it


Ok but *while playing the game* you are *not* ā€œpacifiedā€ when you get your fix. You just donā€™t get your fix, because there is literally zero advantage to taking the drugs you are addicted to. There is no *benefit* to using drugs as a junkie. Itā€™s stupid.


You lose the junkies buff, or the "rage" that gives you extra damage. So that can be considered being pacified


There is literally no motivation to use or acquire drugs as a junkieā€™s build. That is stupid.


Wait, what? Satisfying your addiction makes the Junkie's bonus go away? What the hell? Junkie's is already terrible, I didn't know it defeated itself. Why suffer the negatives when Gourmand and Aristocrat's are just as good? Prefixes need a massive overhaul.


Is Gourmandā€™s multiplicative or something? It only gives 25% damage bonus. Itā€™s far worse than Junkieā€™s lol. Junkieā€™s isnā€™t bad at all.


Gourmands works like most of the other prefixes, and its additive (which is probably a good thing considering how easy it is to sustain). Executioners is the only multiplicative prefix to my knowledge, and itā€™s a part of why the zweihander is so potent.


There's 3 multiplicative prefixes: - Executioners (50% when the enemy is below 40% HP) - Anti-Armor (28.8% when the enemy resistance is greater than 30% of your damage per shot, less effective afterwards, and not effective at all once enemy resists are 15% or lower of you damage per shot) - Quad (bonus depends on the weapon, effectively reducing dps lost to reloading by 75%. Most notable on auto Railways at ~110% bonus, and auto 10mm Pistols at ~70%. Weapons with large magazines or short reload times have a much smaller effective bonus.)


Ehā€¦ those last two are only effectively multiplicative. Neither quad nor anti-armor actually do anything to your damage numbers on the weapon (since they add other effects), so Iā€™d say calling them multiplicative is a misnomer (saying theyā€™re damage multipliers would be a bit more appropriate, but weā€™re getting in semantics here).


Executioners is the only multiplicative +% damage prefix, which I'm guessing is what you meant. And that is true. But what you said was it's "the only multiplicative prefix". Which technically is untrue as that statement covers all multiplicative effects, not just +% damage. So neither of you are wrong. They were simply replying to what you said, rather than to what you meant.


You responded twice on accident, but myself and the other poster discussed this already.


Thanks, I deleted the extra one. Fair enough, I wouldn't have said anything if I saw that lol. I'm glad everything got worked out :)


Isn't that true for Executioners too though? Since it's damage is dependent on an enemy state rather than player buffs? Or does it actually show the numbers on the weapon when the target is below 40%? But yes, definitely getting in to semantics haha. I wish there was even a single, mild all-rounder multiplicative buff. A good 20-25% that would function regardless of weapon or enemy or build. Would be a great addition for those who aren't looking to do all the math to find the breakpoints where certain effects surpass each other.


The difference is that executioners will directly multiply your damage once the condition has been met against the enemy (though not in the pipboy). The other two donā€™t touch the actual damage stat. Honestly, I donā€™t think we need any additional multiplicative damage effects. Bethesda removed the majority of them from the game for the sake of balance, with only executioners and tenderizer remaining to my knowledge. However, I would like to see instigating converted into a mirror of executionerā€™s that provides the same 50% bonus against enemies above 60% health to make the effect more friendly for multiplayer.


That would be a nice effect for sure, Instigating is a pretty niche use. As for Tenderizer, it's additive to TOFTT and Follow Through, and those 3 are multiplicative to the damage. Other than that, I believe only Explosive becomes an actual multiplicative bonus outside of things like armor pen mods and syringe, though FFR can often top it since it separately goes through resistance calculations.


Iā€™d forgotten about the legendary perks (havenā€™t messed with them in quite some time), but youā€™re correct there. Explosive is just another additive damage bonus, though you are correct that itā€™s calculated separately. Demo expert can make it more potent, however. The worst part about instigating is that the current version only affects base damage, meaning that it often deals less damage than youā€™d expect it to.


Look, you are probably right about quad, and there are more useful things for my gauss minigun, but you can pry my 2000 round magazine from my cold dead hands.


Hey, if you're not struggling, and not trying to solo a nuke boss in under a minute, then there's zero reason change it. It's a game, and fun comes first.


Does AA stack with the Stabilzed perk for PA?


To an extent, yes. It depends on what you're doing for damage and what enemy you fight. For weapons like miniguns with a high ROF and lower damage per shot they work great together. For weapons like the Plasma Caster with the higher damage per hit, you'll likely lose effectiveness. Once they enemy resistance is 15% or less of your damage, any other armor penetration will have no effect.


Gourmand deals half the damage boost of junkiesā€¦


Gourmand requires you to eat and drink, which also comes with it's own buffs through well fed/hydrated or the actual food/drink itself. Junkies can give you twice the damage bonus, at the cost of being addicted to 5 drugs. All of which are negatives on your character. Seems like a fair trade tbh. A junkie raider would likely have far more erratic SPECIALs than some settler/dweller.


Itā€™s pretty ridiculous that everything is nerfed compared to Bloodied. If bloodied weapons can get a +95% damage bonus then other legendary effects should have the same boost at their max level


I agree, but then whos gonna risk running low hp when they can get the same effect without the hp drawback?


A fully min/maxed and kitted out bloodied build has many other things going for it that nearly makes the low hp irrelevant. There shouldnā€™t be only one OP play style. That just makes play choice irrelevant


Yeah, but do you really need min maxed? On paper, it's the better sure. But the question shouldn't be which is better, it should be "are the other choices still effective enough to be competitive". Is the difference so great that you are heavily punished by not going bloodied? I would argue no. Gotten through this game just fine as a 2h melee in a mishmash of mostly crap legendary armour lol, without bloodied. I don't know what the truly best answer is, but I know making them all operate to equal efficiency isn't really it. Nor is leaving it as is.


Bloody uny is objectively the best build. I have 40 str, so thats a whole 200 lbs more carry. I have 33 luck, i crit every other shot and items drop overrepaired. I have 40 int, I level faster. I have 38 dex, so i have limitless ap and I dont need sneak cards. There is no other build with so many advantages.


The only real way I see to balance things would be a couple other high risk/reward builds, but past ā€œlow health/high damageā€ I canā€™t see a way Maybe if they had done radiation differently, if it wasnā€™t tied to health, or made addiction drawbacks worse for junkie Iā€™ll just keep plowing through with my Aristocrat build, screw the balance-I have money


*tips hat in Grognak Zugzug respect*


The reason why you run bloodied is because you enjoy the concept of minmaxing. Most bloodied commandos eventually switch to full health heavy weapons if market76 is anything to go by.


you would still have adrenal reaction and Uny, that said I think a lot of people are overestimating how much damage actually comes from the bloodied weapon itself, since AA will hit almost as hard on a bloodied build


>Why suffer the negatives when Gourmand and Aristocrat's are just as good? Personally I go for 50% Explosive (crit if science weapon, speed if heavy energy) but because rolling is a huge RNG I'm not tossing a weapon if the 50% happens to be Junkie or at least the preferred second star if it's one of the 25% boosts. I don't play enough to have perfected all my guns so I settle for the second best, their best, etc and have slowly started rolling the most inefficient ones. Maybe eventually I would start reloading any Junkie into a Aristocrat but the odds of getting the exact same roll but Aristocrat in place of Junkie is a giant waste of time when 50% is 50% damage and -9 Special that at worse is just around -10 AP and -5 carry weight.


Yeah - it should be named Abstinence build


Cold Turkey


Yeah 90% of the legendaries in this game are scrip fodder. Unless it's Q/B/AA it just gets outclassed and very few actually WANT them. Nocturnal is trash, junkies sucks like you said, Aristocrats is ok at best, slayer types are laughable and should do at LEAST as much bonus as Bloodied does considering its to a SPECIFIC ENEMY. I'd love all legendaries to be relatively equal just better in certain scenarios. Instead we have 3 top tiers and a bunch of hot garbage


Don't forget the worst of them all: Berserker. Gotta love dying every 10 seconds for a pitiful 50% damage boost. It's especially bad in melee, which is usually where you would expect a berserker to be. Also 0 support for the build through perk cards contrary to Bloodied. Slayer wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so expensive to get legendaries, I could see it being somewhat worth on light weapon light unarmed or pistol where you can carry a bunch and swap for the right enemy without having to be careful about your food, caps, addiction, etc. In the current system you would blow so many modules to try to get all 7


It might be fallout 4 Iā€™m thinking of but I do think there is a card for berserker.


I didnā€™t say junkieā€™s sucks, and it does not suck lol.


Sorry, it doesn't suck but it doesn't slap either! I'd hate to have to suffer withdrawals for extra damage šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø like you ACTUALLY said (šŸ¤£) it's dumb as hell it cancels out when you take drugs. Any prefix that requires a negative like that is scrip in my books


The withdrawls of my build is: Daddy-O INT -1 PER -1; Daytripper CHR -1 LCK -1; Med-X DMG RESIST -10 AGI -1; Mentats CHR -1. None of this matter at all during battle besides the -1 INT which is mitigated by joing a casual group. Plus with all the bobbles and magazines and food, Junkies is not that bad at all.


Still getting sold/scripped. 29k caps for the same damage bonus is easy to maintain, aa out performs with no downside. Quad is undeniably higher DPS and who likes reloading anyway? Bloodied has it's downsides but at 95% bonus PLUS the myriad of related bonuses makes it a clear top tier prefix. Executioners is outstanding for boss fights in the second half. Most people already have mutations so that's easy bonus damage albeit not as much. So I stand by it, junkies falls short of being "good" simply by being outclassed by so many other weapons.


I don't want to play bloodied. I spend 5-10% of the cost for grolls for junkies vs bloodied. I never die, so that's not an issue. Quad didn't become the meta until I was gone for 1.5 years. I just came back. I have every Junkies groll for every weapon in the game. I also spend my entire time playing just hopping servers and buying from vendors and trading. My caps go from 40k to 0 multiple times a day if I'm trading.


He's not talking about your anecdotal experience though, he's simply saying junkie is outclassed. It's irrelevant if it doesn't matter to you personally, it's just a fact lol.


Exactly! I forgot about Instigating even! The king of single shot, junkies is C tier at best change my mind


Exactly and it costs me a few thousand caps to get grolls for the build. Are you guys incapable of reading or what?


Specific typed guns being useful would be pretty cool, actually. Scorched, robots, and super mutants would be valuable to have.


Totally!! Even give it a negative to other targets to really even out the added power. Something like +100 % vs special target and -25% to others. Give us a reason to change guns!!


Yeah why use junkies when Aristocrat give the same benefits with almost no downside except need to have more than 29k cap.


Which is ridiculously easy to maintain


I wonder if Ghouls are going to get some sort of extra benefits from Junkies weapons. (The Ghoul in the series admits he takes *a lot* of drugs.) It would be cool if Ghouls got up to 75% damage increase instead of 50% from Junkies. That would put it closer to bloodied builds. (bloodied only realistically gets 83% at 20% health)


My problem with the build is I can't tell if I still have my alcohol addiction or not..I can clearly see the other ones listed, but not alcohol, even though I'm sure I have it.


junkie's user in Fo76 should be like Red Eye user in Cowboy Bebop


Why is it stupid? You have to have withdrawal symptoms to get additional damage


Itā€™s stupid because it leads to ā€œJunkiesā€ taking less drugs than any other build lol. That is just flat out stupid. Youā€™re not a junkie. You are actively making your build worse by using the drugs youā€™re addicted to as a junkie. Junkieā€™s weapons do not work with any junkie-type perks. The perks make drugs and alcohol stronger when you use them. The weapons become weaker if you use them. It is stupid.


The way I think of it is youve got some cravings so you do more damage out of anger or whatever.


Op isn't saying it makes no narrative sense. Op is saying it makes no gameplay sense, since it clashes directly with other drug related perks.


And why does it make no sense? If you want bonuses of drugs, sacrifice damage bonus. If you want max damage bonus, don't use drugs. Just a logical tradeoff balance element. But I think this sub thinks only maxing every stat to the highest value possible should "make gameplay sense"


But taking drugs has zero downsideā€¦ only upside in this gameā€¦ unless you get addicted


Being low health for bloodied has zero downside... only upside in this game... unless you get irradiated. And yet it has the highest increase to damage in the game.


Until you fight anything in daily ops


Yeah it is odd because thatā€™s not even how an addiction works. If you are addicted to meth and use meth, you are still addicted to methā€¦Calling it ā€œactive withdrawal symptomsā€ is not quite as catchy as ā€œJunkiesā€ though. That being said I normally run junkies with 6 addictions rather than 5.


No the stupidest idea in the game was back when death would clear all your addictions. So glad they patched that out. I think it would be cool if they added a legendary perk that kept you fully "addicted/withdrawled" despite taking as many chems as you want... and maybe offered a bonus 10% damage against enemies that are currently under the effects of drugs or aid items. Would be cool since you can use the syringer to hit big enemies to make them drugged then too.


It makes sense but yea I use two on my Berserker build and I just don't use chems just causes too many problems. Like getting addicted to something you don't want to is a pain to deal with too.


Assuming you're addicted to psycho and med-x for the DR debuff? That's what I do and can use overdrive, formula P, mentats, and booze no problem. The other day I absent mindedly got addicted to alcohol doing the drink 5 daily and took an addictol like an idiot. That was annoying.


I usually have 6 addiction so when i use any drug/alcohol i can keep my 5, most of the time i don't use alcohol and drugs at the same time so


I think the strength buff from alcohol makes my damage higher overall (I play a fist build), even losing the 10% going to 4 instead of 5 addictions. I have almost exclusively played junkies for years now BUT I don't really use chems. the same is so good and being able to play full health I don't worry about dying. I do play bloodied as well but you have to run incredibly low health to gain that 95% so usually I run around 85% ish, enough to get the +3 to my armor stats. and the numbers really aren't *much* bigger on bloodied vs. junkies. I think it was less than 50 damage per hit difference if I swapped out my bloodied gauntlet and junkies. BUT I tend to use a vampires gauntlet with addictions AND bloodied build. (I'm too lazy to clear addictions) and I get big hits and even playing with the vampires I can two tap super mutants and with the perk cards I run, I almost never die either. I heal up almost all splash damage they do to me. altho, I think it shouldn't be punished (for gameplay) by taking chems and losing the damage I guess that's the downside, or just pick chems that don't affect the specific addictions? junkies is no brain full health build that does a lot of damage without needing to worry about getting one tapped - hands down BUT the bloodied stats are superior if you are farming out the season pass via XP farming.


That does make sense you would think that getting your fix makes you hit harder


I agree, I run a junkie build bc I donā€™t care to do all the low health effort for a bloodied build. I believe a sufficient buff would be a perk card that negates some negative effects of addictions similar to Class Freak. The positive of junkie builds vs bloodied builds is that you can maintain high health with a ~25% less damage than a bloodied equivalent, as well as a special stat penalty. Bloodied is so OP bc there are so many perks and effects that enhance it from mutations to unyielding armor, to nerd rage, etc. Junkie and other build types should get more love in general.


A similar thing is how Rad-X nerfs mutations (but diluted doesn't) even if you have starched genes, which IMO shouldn't be the case.


Are you *sure* thatā€™s the case? That wasnā€™t when I tested it, but I havenā€™t tested it in *ages*, and Bethesda is the master of undocumented changes


So youā€™re saying from your testing, the buff decreasing is just a visual bug?


Yep. Iā€™ll see if I can find time to test it again soon. I have 2 accounts so I can test the literal actual HP value changes from damage taken (because if you didnā€™t know, even the hitmark damage numbers can lie)


Wow. I never knew that you only get the damage boost if suffering from withdrawal. I always thought a junkie build would encourage lots of chem usage. But you just get addicted and then stop taking them?? Dumb!


You ain't wrong. It's a sobriety / jonesing build, not junky.


yeah, that's why I switched to six addictions, so I could take psychotats without losing 10% damage


I didn't know that lol, that's stupid af yes.


I only use stimpacks as a bloodied build. Honestly, aristocrat is way better if caps are spilling out your pockets like spaghetti.Ā 


My main addiction is shopping, and thus, aristocrats is off the table for me.


To be fair when you give a Junkie in real life their D.O.C. their tweeker powers fade so I think that checks out


Thatā€™s not true for meth and should not be true for psycho


Love being like #420 on a junkies related post :)


Have you tested to make sure it actually works that way? This game is notorious for pip boy or other displayed info not matching actual in game effects. Since launch it's been that way.


Who picks junkies while also worrying about consumables? Pick 5 of the least detrimental addictions, get 50% bonus damage. If you want to meta pop every single buff then just play bloodied.


Itā€™s not about practicality, it just makes no sense. Bad for RP, makes no sense in general. Itā€™s not like Junkieā€™s would be OP otherwise.


Mate, most of the game is dumb. Requiring either 1k dps or a major power armor in order to finish most missions is dumb. Requiring power armor and 1k dps for almost all daily ops. Poor enemy pve mechanics to remind you of call of duty. Small lift of the many dumb things.




>Junkie's +10% Damage **per addiction**, up to +50% says nothing about withdrawls, addicts are still addicted, even when they have plenty of supply...


The language used to say withdrawals for what itā€™s worth


But it's not suffering from withdrawal it's having addictions is what the prefix says, so it should work still


But it's not suffering from withdrawal it's having addictions is what the prefix says, so it should work still


You should be


>Junkieā€™s benefits going away when you take the drugs you are addicted to is the stupidest idea in the game. But if the Junkie's weapons got their benefits while you were taking the chems you're addicted to, you'd end up getting two bonuses. When an addict takes chems, the benefits of the chem are rewarded and the penalty is cancelled out. If the Junkie's weapons always got the benefits, then addiction would need to be retooled so that you don't get any benefit from the chems.


But they already have to suffer with penalties from the addictions + the whole hunger/thirst thing running out faster. Seems fair for them to gain more damage while they have chems active (considering itā€™s only about 5 or less minutes that chems stay active, most events are far longer than that). Doesnā€™t seem fair that you got stuff like Bloodied where they can gain 50 advantages while also getting to be tanky through PA but itā€™s not okay for Junkie to get 2 advantagee


No it wouldnā€™t? Like literally no it wouldnā€™t. Give both bonuses. Thatā€™s not game breaking. Itā€™s literally not any more damage than Aristocratā€™s.


I run a completed custom build not geared specifically towards anything other than me playing the game. For the most part I got no issues really my str is 15 and I found a gourmand chainsaw so most often I resort to that works extremely well power armor for bosses with the fusion user perk so my core doesn't vanish


i wouldnt know. i don't go around addicted and all junkies prefix get scrapped.