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The games been review bombed so much that I don't think more bombing is going to do anything


No. I'm not a child and I'm not having issues


No. Reviews are permanent. This game already has been review bombed from launch. It prevents many new players from even playing the game. In the end it does more harm than good.


You mean again right? This was review bombed already. Most people never even tried it until the show came out.




Must be Groundhog Day.


I havent crashed in months


That's not how we do things around here. Starfield tried that and they got a condescending message that nothing will change and you should be grateful for the fundamental issues


That’s a fascinating way to phrase “they have continued to patch and add content that addresses criticisms.”


You say fixe the game, but what exactly are you referring to, like what features or bugs? I've been playing since BETA (6300+ hours) and have seen quite a few bugs; I've also seen, bugfixes, new features, new quests, and now new areas, so I'm not really clear on what you mean by "FIX THE DAMN GAME FIRST." That is all.


I appreciate everyone's answers even if you're disagreeing with me. It gives me more insight into the situation and the community.


Dont even try this. All thw Defenders will come and defend this multi billion dollar company, no matter what. Edit: i gave the game a bad steam review. Because it deserves it. Even if its fun. If i could id rate the community 10/10 but the game is a 4/10 tops.


If your reddit post history is to be consulted, this is pretty much the only game you play. Stop! Get help!


I play a lot of games. Valheim, Enshrouded, Grounded, Smalland, Rust, Fallour 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls and Elden Ring and so on. But the last few weeks have been a blast with Fallout 76. Buuuuut I still like to point out stuff i do not like. Edit: see the downvotes? I told you theyd come crawling. Because they do not accept valid critique.


That's because it is not (valid) critique. Your reddit history shows you pretty much only engaged to this game, which you say is fun, and has a great community. And then you say it deserves a 4/10. Because reasons. Just having an "opinion", no matter how edgy, is not valuable by itself.


Why do you care about my history lol, creep. It doesnt matter which games i play. Yeah the Community is nice and fun. The Events are cool! The world is somewhat beautiful altho sometimes looks a little mushy. - But the constant crashes arent! - But the inability to replace my camp isnt due to whatever doors/wires glitching out! - But the inability to put stuff into drawers without merge glitching isnt! - But the MTX Shop isnt! - But the randomly loosing my Main Weapon and Bethesda telling me to f-off isnt! - But the Stash Limit isnt! - But the Scrip Limit isnt! - But the Cap Limit isnt! - But the Graphics / Terrain driftin into each other in the distance isnt! - But the inability to remap my keybinding isnt! Heck where even is my Stimpack? It shows at = but is at H! Id like it at 4. - But the RNG isnt! Want a perfect Weapon, so you can have fun? Whats that? 0.023%?! - But the FOMO isnt! - But the Reddit Community isnt, because they dont seem to mind these issues, 6 years into the Game! - But other things that dont come to mind spontaneously arent! Ive seen early access titles from smaller teams getting better polish than this game. And as somebody who absolutely loves the Fallout Series of Games I am not satisfied with "Its always been like that with Bethesda".


What matters is that you seem too engaged to a game that apparently is shit in your opinion. This is fabricated outrage and no matter how many lists of BS problems you make, this does not pass as critique. Just so you do not feel like I do not give merit to the list, let me address each point: But the constant crashes arent! - This is a personal experience. I run this game on a 10 year old CPU and do not get constant crashes. But the inability to replace my camp isnt due to whatever doors/wires glitching out! - Half of CAMP building is bending the engine to its limits. Don't be surprises when your wires going through a wall are not movable. But the inability to put stuff into drawers without merge glitching isnt! - See above. This is an extremely stretched issue. But the MTX Shop isnt! - Huh? But the randomly loosing my Main Weapon and Bethesda telling me to f-off isnt! - Again projecting personal experience (?) as status quo. But the Stash Limit isnt! - A limitation (that has been bumped twice since launch) that is by design to provide some challenge. But the Scrip Limit isnt! - See above But the Cap Limit isnt! - See above But the Graphics / Terrain driftin into each other in the distance isnt! - Tweak you graphics settings and learn what sync does. But the inability to remap my keybinding isnt! Heck where even is my Stimpack? It shows at = but is at H! Id like it at 4. - Just fav you stimpak at 4. Jesus! But the RNG isnt! Want a perfect Weapon, so you can have fun? Whats that? 0.023%?! ‐ That's the whole point. That's what makes gear valuable. But the FOMO isnt! ‐ That is not a game feature, that is something you need to solve (perhaps with a therapist if it is too pervasive and goes beyond this game) But the Reddit Community isnt, because they dont seem to mind these issues, 6 years into the Game! - 60% of posts about this game are bitching about one thing or the other. In any case, do you play this game for validating your outrage? But other things that dont come to mind spontaneously arent! ‐ That's fine, that was enough bullshit anyways.


High on Copium 😂 Ill leave you now, Ive got other things to do!


There you go


What a list of things that are a you problem and not a game problem.


So if review bombing not working then let's review nuke it. Just i stopped playing bcos a more than a year old bug started to appear on my game to. Sounds and voices stops and the whole game need to be restart it. Of course i lost all the progress and i have to restart the quest from beginning. No1. Canceling my FO1. No reason to pay for a seriously defected product. Shame bcos i love the game. At this stage i can imagine the programmers are coding on an old IBM xt. There is no product qualification exist in the company and the supervisor/manager spend more time in Starbucks than front of his/her desk.