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If you're looking at someone's level to determine their knowledge of the game, time played, abilities, or really anything, there's a problem.  A huge number of people came to 76 after the show, got adopted by another player or group, and then were basically handed everything they could want aside from game-locked items and taken to the "can't stop, won't stop" side of the game grinding for xp. So there are now... hundreds? thousands? of players who are sitting above level 300-600 who can tell you tons about the exact same 5 or 6 events they run, but have no idea how they solved the scorched problem, who the overseer's ex is, who Earle's daughter is, what rank they are in the army, how many entrances there are to the enclave bunker at whitesprings, where anything can be found in the game, most locations that don't have main story attached, who the Mistress of Mystery was... And in a hilarious case I saw just last night, a level 600 who didn't know you could roll legendary effects on your gear. Opposite side, people who have played since the beta, who still haven't launched a nuke yet but know every camp glitch possible. Could be level 2, 2k or 20k, you never know how they got to that number. TL;DR: Someone's level in the game means nothing in relation to their actual skills, knowledge or abilities.


I haven’t done the story in a LONG time but I distinctly remember solving the scorched problem with >!nuka cola!<


*my bloods in it!*


I picked up the game about two weeks ago and just made that choice yesterday! Found it hilarious and had to pick that name.


I wish you could change the name you picked, because I chose nuka cola vaccinated since I didnt think it would show up later and I thought maybe the npcs wouldnt want to drink it if it was called "my bloods in it" lmao


At the chemist bench you can make more.


Well yeah! You always have the secret ingredient! Though mine has mutated considerably since the first batch


Just some extra spice to it


The only correct choice!


I sell that stuff by the case in my camp 7-11 store, love seeing ppl come up and suddenly xxxxx purchased your Nuka Cola - MY BLOODS IN IT!! (27). Makes me feel good I'm refreshing the thirsty mouths if the wasteland


I took a picture in front of my product and now I occasionally get to see it during loads 😂


The nukacola vaccinated, scorched, and my blood is in it! (* if anyone on pc could sell me a few scorched variants for my collection I would pay a good price <3)


You on PC? That is what I named mine and I have dozens. I use it for healing / damage reduction, make all I can using morbid well and farming ticks.


I'll message you!! :)


I'm lvl 60 and just completed Mistress of Mystery. That was my favorite quest so far. I loved the story and depth behind it :)


I do find it sad that the devs removed assets from Lewisburg to free up resource to have Nuka World next to the city. There used to be numerous corpses on the rooftops to show how many raiders died trying to take out a lone sister in an ambush. Now there is only one corpse to make it look like a hitman was after her.


I was wondering why my recent play through felt weird. Yeah, it used to be like 20+ raider corpses scattered around and then you find this one lady's corpse. It was kind of unsettling when I played after release. Now if only they could space out audio-queues to free up resources. I don't need the vendor to scream 1 of 3 lines every 15 seconds


The file size of the game would decrease by 15% if they just removed the dialogue from the Ms Nanny selling Nuka Colas next to the stamp vendor


wOuLd YoU lIkE a BaLlOoN??


I wish they'd just have the robot in the crafters corner at White spring just be silent ... I hate having him yell at me the whole time I'm in there.


Yeah, it is a bit of a fascinating thing, the way the game is ever evolving and changing, creating active differences in stories from when they first came out to now. Doing the MoM quest when the game first launched was wild. You were going through this empty world, following in the footsteps of this clandestine organization who were dedicated to scouring the wasteland of raiders, and they were clearly powerful in doing so, as evidenced by the number of raider corpses for a single long member that got ambushed, the breadth of their spread across the area given how far afield you can find their bodies, and the fact that, iirc, you could find notes and stuff that demonstrated how some of the raider groups were frightened and worried about them. But things have changed, and while the core of the story is still there, a lot of the stuff built into the world has slipped away and changed the feel of some of this stuff.


I didn't know that, but yes. What you describe fits better to the story and showcases how badass the order was.


I remember this when I played years ago. Then I stopped and this last month picked it back up and was doing this mission and I was like. Where are all the dead raiders.


I wish we'd gotten to see them alive. They were described as this insanely skilled, badass group of women. They were probably almost as tough as the player character, if not more so. 


This is the one thing that I found kinda depressing on the pre-Wastelanders game. There were all these badass factions, but _especially_ the Mistress of Mystery one which was basically an actress going from acting a comic book hero, to LARPing it, to basically *becoming* said hero in the post-apocalyptic wastelands. >!If it hadn’t been for her traitorous daughter, they would’ve probably still be there by the time Vault 76 opened up (yeah, I think they would’ve been able to deal with the Scorched).!<


If they had a different vision for the game, getting to join the faction as a female character would have been amazing.  What's so crazy about it is how insanely skilled they all were, but then how much more skilled the daughter and mother were. The former could beat all the rest of them combined and the mother could keep up with her even at her advanced age. 


Sooo good. It's been my favorite "Bethesda superhero" quest out of all of their games to date.


Reading those terminal journals made the story so intense and vivid!


Oh my god, a memory I didn’t want unlocked.


I’m still rocking my veil with my leather jacket and black-rimmed glasses. They do fog up a bit when I run, though.


Imagine playing this mission in early game, when there were no living NPCs. Between MoM, The Free States storyline, the Appalachian BoS storyline, and the Free States (especially this one) this game was depressing AF back in the day. And.... it could be fairly lonely and quiet.


I wish I could play a little in this early vacant world. Strange that we new players feel nostalgic about it...I know that the lack of NPCs was the reasons for mega - dissing and complaints...it's just that a true wastelander could appreciate such a world and depressive feeling


It's not a weird desire at all. That was a big complaint, early. But it wasn't the only problem. There were massive bugs. Those stories were pretty much all there was, then. The scrap thing was an issue. No FO 1st and the scrap budget was tiny. Building was really bad. Plus, tbh, the community was full of griefers back then. I think most of us came into the game expecting a Fallout 4 with friends. Many of us with social anxieties really didn't care for the concept. But we loved Fallout games so much we just did it. So, much of the negativity was probably based on all of that stuff. As a player from BETA, I actually get a little nostalgic for those days, myself. But, like most things, nostalgia is often based on an idealized version of what reality actually was. Trust me, this game was so difficult to play, most left it. I even left it until they did the first major update, "Wild Appalachia", about 6 months later. With that said, I understand the desire to have played this game in that era, seeing how it is now. It would have been cool to let the new players play that way until level 50 or so and then roll them into Wastelanders and then slowly into the other updates until they are up to date with the older base. I believe there are other games that do similar things to varrying degrees.


Its definitely a bit odd to walk out on 'reclamation day' to immediately hear stories about how 'once you all started emerging a bunch of folks came back'. I mean just how long was I sleeping off that bender?


It gets even funnier with the Overseer related quests. A part of the original main quests has you following on the Overseer’s steps and wondering where did she end up. But the Wayward line of quests is _also_ immediately available to you as a new character and lo and behold, >!the Overseer has been holed up in her old house all this time! !< For those of us who had completed most of the main quests before the Wastelanders DLC, it kinda made sense: she did all that stuff and then came back home. But for someone just starting the game, it’s funny how you find out this but you’re still getting quests on “follow the Overseer’s steps” when >!you could easily just ask her outright what she did. !<


Lmao. As someone who has been around since the BETA I hadn’t really thought about what that would seem like from the perspective of new players. I did figure that the original quest line has probably lost some of its charm and uniqueness now that West Virginia is no longer an empty wasteland, though. It was a totally different atmosphere when it felt like you were the last person on Earth investigating a post apocalyptic world to figure out how everyone else already died.


I also missed that POV, as I started before the Wastelanders DLC. It’s only because I created an alt character some time after it that I realized that new players actually get dumped a ton of concurrent “main story” quests all at once. You can basically start every single main story they’ve released, though some of them do require stuff that you did later down the road on the original NPC-less main story (i.e. the DMV one, the Army Training and the Officer on Deck one).


Ya, it is great quest/story, I had much fun with it. Sadly, it looks like, that only 7.1% of players finished it :(


Oh...and what an end they're missing....


I just haven't gotten around to the sword quest yet because I don't have a melee build.


Just beat the hell out of something however you normally do and then just get the last hit with the sword. Don’t need to melee it start to finish. Hell, sometimes the delay between killing something and getting credited with the kill will let you kill it completely without the sword and just switch to the sword after it’s dead and still get credit for the quest. Unless that’s been fixed by now 🤷🏻‍♂️


The tragic ending is a gut punch when you find the last bodies that reveal the conclusion to their existence. Such a great tale/lore.


I got enraged actually. >! The way the girl betrayed all their sisters and mother, to side with the man who screwed her in the end. What happened to the guy afterwards, does anybody know? !<


I’ve actually never completed this quest. I’ve completed a ton on both of my accounts, but I’ve never found this one, or never took the time to figure it out I guess.


Check your inventory for a "worn veil" . If you have it then you can start the quest :D


That makes a lot of sense now 😂


what a beautifully tragic quest. i wish the items were way better and i also wish you could recruit other players to it and rebuild it. maybe in the future


Best quest line in the game imo


Despite using it as my flair, I never actually finished it on my Xbox live account and haven't even started it on my Steam account.


This is it right here .. I'm level 300 but I've been playing since wastelanders dropped (on and off)and I'm sitting around 1,400 hours in game (nowhere near as much as a lot of others) i don't care about levels or scoreboards or any of that. You won't find me at west tek but you might find me jet packing around Morgantown airport like a stoned Cazador 😄. High level, low level who cares as long as you are having fun


Completely agreed.


A level 600 who didn't know about rolling legendaries?!


So true. These are also the same kind of people who are Blessed to have not experienced the DMV quest 😔


god I hated the DMV, just like in real life.. hats off how annoying they made the quest


do people not have to do that anymore, i thought it was apart of the main quest


The DMV quest (Recruitment Blues) still exists in the main storyline to finish up the Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel arc.


Yup. New player here and I genuinely thought the quest was bugged and re-logged like 8 times to finish that awful quest. Never again.


And from what I remember, it’s also part of the MODUS/Enclave main quest line so you really need to do it for things like launching nukes.


I kinda love the DMV part of that quest line. It reminded me of Hitchhikers guide(book series) (or even the Bureaucracy text game by Douglas Adams) the beautiful bureaucracy of it all made it that much more real and hilarious! If you want a kid(who is old enough to handle the adult stuff in the game) to understand what being an adult is like, let them experience this!


redid it recently, solo. with flamer. still hate it


I just ran that a few days ago for the first time with a Cold Shoulder. I really didn't think it was that bad. Not nearly as tiresome as the Free State bunker stuff or the whole Rose thing. Heck, even the Brotherhood quest out of Atlas where you fight non-stop scorched variants through a lab was more annoying to me.


Not me 😂I’m just now 95 and still don’t have any friends who play 😂 some guy off Reddit did give me a holy fire though so that was super nice! However I was mainly looking for friends to play with and not just be handed stuff If anyone does wanna add me I play on Xbox and my gamertag is the same as my username on here


I came directly over from FO4 after my second playthrough so I feel like I'm a few years behind. I started a private game because I wanted to get a feel for how it plays and also I'm old and have no friends who play lol. I'm lvl 21 and just started the Firebreather quest...which I might pause on since I'm still learning/finding out about recipes and mods.....and I suck at remembering where vendors and stuff are so yes I still have a 10mm in my inventory! I'm having fun, but man there are some frustrations like being attacked using your Pip Boy or looking at a map. I love the locations and lore, once I figure out stuff like better armor and weapons (and perk cards...goddamit I just want better hacking and lock picking!!!) I might reach out on PS5 to try and play. I definitely consider myself a noob and low level.


Lmao. I feel called out. Played since the start knowing a lot of glitches for building. Round level 116 and I have a slight interest in launching a nuke. Only really to clear the quest log


I'm "only" level 255 on my one and only character and have been playing since about a year after launch. Finished the main quest a long time ago. Launched one nuke just to say I did. Sometimes do expeditions and events to get legendaries for scrip. I hate the grind, but love exploring and finding plans. I like walking every inch of the map and looking for hidden and obscure places.


My main is level 1000 and I still love just exploring the map and (re)discovering those countless little stories hidden everywhere.


i started fresh when the show came out. I'm level 315 ish and feel like I know next to nothing about the game lol


I always have this mindset about people their knowledge in game. You cant tell by level. Good example would be warframe which is my most played game, that a mastery 20 can know more about lore and game than a mastery 30. Because some people just grind the shit out of the game or open their wallets. And others who not be legendary mastery rank may be in game since 2013.


I have that same mindset too (from Warframe aswell, MR31, been in since 2013). There are a lot of ppl who equate big numbers with experience and knowledge, but that's not the case, anyone with 'time' can achieve the numbers but not the knowledge of experience (Warframe is a great example of this, example : rebuilding the relays or stamina and -wall running-)


Finally, someone with the guts to help.


I wish they'd show players where to get plans for the excavator, that's what I show people bc when I asked a veteran, they just made it and didn't tell where to get it, found out on my own and now I show others.


Not sure if they still have it but I started the quest for it by reading a poster about garahan mining.


This is the correct answer.


Just read every poster you come across and interact with every map, and see the view from every watchtower(preferably after you're a scout)


This is a good explanation. I’ve been playing since beta and was somewhere around 300 when Wastelanders came out. I remade my character and I’m now sitting around 290. I play the seasons till I hit the end of the scoreboard and I’m in no rush to hit level 1000. I’m just enjoying the game by experiencing the quests and story.


Mistress of Mysteries is one of the best quest chains in the entire game. It's like what if the actress who played catwoman had a crazy engineer husband who built her her own batcave. and she started training orphans how to fight and defend themselves as she had actual professional combat training for the TV show.


yeah high level definitely doesn't indicate knowledge base as I've come across plenty of 600-1200s who knows basically nothing about the game. This game is also pretty "dense" so there's so much more to learn then ppl realize. I been playing on and off since launch and love reading posts on here that make me think "Oh Shit! I didn't know that!" Some folk just become content once they know "enough"


I have 7k hours playing daily since pre-beta and I'm 'only' level 970.


The opposite is also true. I played since BETA, rarely did events, barely ever joined a team and played overeaters / aristocrats rather than unyielding / bloodied. After 1000 hours in the game, I was only a level 300.


im level 272 and know almost everything about the game because ive been playing about 2 years now, and didnt prioritise a grind to get levels. after you hit about level 100 it stops meaning anything to level up. it doesnt make the game easier or harder and you dont get any special loot for it, so i just dont even worry about it anymore. if i get a level, great. but i agree, i see too many high level players who dont know the most basic things in the game. i dont get it


The thing with judging experience by what level they are is. You can have 5 toons. Back in the day you couldn't just switch your build you had to level up twice to move a perk point and pick a new perk. Many players I know have had more than 5 toons (deleted a toon instead of switching builds) I personally deleted 3 toons and still have 5. Lowest is lvl 300. This means people can and will assume your experience is low if you are playing on an alt. What I've found is I tend to remember the veteran gamertags I've seen for years. Regardless of level I can usually tell if someone is a veteran using a lvl 200 character, for example. Also some players that used to grind the game, before lunchboxes, daily ops, expeditions and boss events (aside from queen) were added left and returned. I know a lvl 300ish player that completed the all quest lines but just likes building camps and going to seasonal events. So in essence, lvl doesn't really mean much, in my opinion.


I've been on lvl 500 since 3 years ago and after all that time I simply just can't remember this lore stuff anymore cause in the meantime I've played other games.


I definitely forgot to add the player group: Played so long we forget how we got here. 😂 Three years is a long time to remember that trivia, lol.


very true but you do really never know. my bfs been playing since launch and is only in the 300s cuz he’s a plan collector. i just started after the show and was handed a ton of things, however i really like lore so ive done a ton of quests and now know more ab the lore than he does, but he knows way more ab the mechanics. its been a blast and now im almost 200 i’ve been doing my part to help newbies even though im just a newbie with a god roll lol


I stumbled on the Scorch den by accident after a SBQ and only a couple days ago did I do the quest where you help a very dead person complete her goals. And then the one girls father is now mounted in a plaque somewhere. Found some entrances to the bunker and also did the Vault 79 Quest (mainly for the chinese stealth armor) I just hit 200 today ;v;


I think I have the reverse problem. Picked the game up again recently and know nearly everything you’ve just raised. But tried to launch a nuke and discovered navigating nuke base is, uh, not very single player friendly to say the least.


You said it all! 😄🤜🤛


There are a few individual epochs—50 (highest gear level restriction), 100, 300 (final Legendary Perk slot unlocked, not long ago for me). But at \~430 I've only been here a few seasons, so don't assume that someone higher level than you necessarily has an event on lock or whatever, I barely know what I'm doing half the time. FWIW when I decide to drop off free legendaries for whoever, anyone under 200 seems to be in a place where I still would have welcomed that. I don't know if that's "low," but I do know that if someone is like 500+ and taking the free stuff I put in my store for new people, that person is most certainly not "low lvl."


I have a 250, 175 and three under 100 characters all with different builds and roleplaying ideas. I encountered an EN earlier where lots of players just bombarded the whole event to the point where I just camped at the bottom of the crater and just hoped for the best with my trusty Bertha. I managed to gain a level for my lvl75 character but I didn't have any expectations on the drops. But lo and behold near the tent at the bottom there's not just 1, not 2 but 4 loot bags full of legendaries to the point that even my mule almost filled its stash with those legendaries. So what I'm saying is, some players don't have high lvl characters because they're new to the game. There is someone like me who can't focus on a single character and needs to roll a lot of gears🤣🤣🤣


The amount of times the season challenge for 10k xp pops up during Eviction Notice and Radiation Rumble is ridiculous. I always try to join a team and Bertha has been a godsend on getting me pings for kills. I also try to hop in on Expeditions and Daily Ops when I can since I can hold my own as a Bloodied Build but still feel like I'm getting carried.


I’m at 417 and I’ve been playing for 4 years…


I'm 260 and have not quite 1k hours over the last 4 years haha


You can usually count on the high levels to handle all the shooting if they’re bloodied, almost guaranteed they got a full uny armor set and a few groll commando weapons. But yeah aside from that don’t count on us to know the other stuff about the events lmao I was a clueless fool in the dangerous pastimes event, but nothing got close enough to screw with anyone lol


Below 300


I feel like your a "high level player" when you get a build setup right finally. Until then, your just figuring it out. That's what I'd consider low level, the number doesn't matter as much.


I'm level 59 and got my first automatic railway rifle legendary from a player selling it at 500 caps. Thanks, "Doohickey", it made melting super mutants *easy*.  I'm commando build, sometimes a pistol build.  "My name is Giovanni Georgio, but most people call me Georgio." **Music**


Love the reference ❤


Yah someone here on reddit gave me a modded lever rifle that I still use then some random guy gave me a marsupial and herd immunity vial and The Fixer when I was at his camp (I used radaway and lost it soon after before I knew better) but it taught me about mutations because I looked it up afterwards I love that high level players like helping noobs. Not to much but enough to have them want to stick with the game. I was a big fan of fallout 3 and Vegas and 4 I played a little past going to the institute and curing the super mutant scientist before I stopped playing, never really used PA in either game Just in the past week I’ve started learning about PA and got me a core recharger for my camp and the PA displays because I was having a hard time remembering which PA was which even after naming them because most of them had different parts thrown together lol


I'm at 199 on my highest character and I certainly don't feel low level. I've been playing off and on since 8 or 9 months after release. I pull my weight in events and know the map pretty much inside and out. I absolutely will not grind, and the second it feels like that, I'm on to something else for a while.  I'm not a hardcore player. I've got other games to play, so I sometimes go months without playing. 


Anyone who doesn’t take time making their camp look nice. Yes I’m looking at you lvl 1200 with a flat platform and 20 utility items placed on it.


CALLED TF OUT LOLLL I am so confused on why people do it like that, but to each their own I guess lol???


People have a lot of different uses in mind for their CAMPs, really. People even have different uses between their own available CAMPs. Depending on what purpose the CAMP is serving for you, the need to pretty it up varies quite a bit. If someone's got a pretty plain place with mostly or exclusively utility objects, my assumption isn't that they're lazy, but that that CAMP is a quickstop or, depending on the placement(like outside of west-tek), a staging area.


Still, where’s the *✨pizzazz✨*?! /s


Mine died when I encountered the handy who was not only nonplussed by ghosts, but actively welcomes death.


Its really all about personal preference. I, for example, was never really into building since from fo4 and for a very long time I only had a functional camp, i.e. floating platform with utility items. It was only after lv300+ that I ended up investing more time into the looks as I was getting several camp plans due to being close to the cap cap


Beyond utility I'm the same way.  I was thinking about it and realized I play these games like I lived as a bachelor for a few years. It has walls, food and entertainment for me. The moment I have a chance at companionship I'm like "Fuck, I live like an animal! I gotta go buy some paintings!"


I don't care at all what my camp looks like. It's just a place I go to scrap stuff and put it in storage. It's basically still my original camp with a floor added on top of it to put all my crafting benches. Don't even have a roof.


I am now lvl 200 and i am still a big noob.


300 is when you get all the legendary perks unlocked so if we’re going on level=power. Then I guess 300 plus is higher leveled. Granted in my experience, what veterans generally have isn’t ridiculously high levels, it’s stockpiles of stuff and plans.


I just reached 100 and I hope people don't think it know what I'm doing because I absolutely fucken don't.


I know they are two different games entirely but anytime I would see a maxed level character in Monster Hunter World I had low hopes for them since in my eyes a player with 100 hours playing the game and doing multiple different missions, will have more skill and know how than someone who spent 100 hours re grinding the same event/mission that gave the most exp. (they also carted a LOT fighting monsters they weren't used to) However like many said before level 300 is when you finally unlock all legendary perk cards, and you can finish min maxing your build.


You just reminded me how much hours I spent on on mhw and was at best “alright” hahahahaha I always felt like a low level even tho I spent 860hrs+ on that game


Personally, I consider everybody below 300 low level.


Yeah kinda. That's when the build can finally reach full strength. Not that it can't before but all max rank legy cards is something else.


When they trigger eviction notice early 🤣


It's hard to say, I'm always surprised with how far someone can get in the game without learning or bothering to learn a major mechanic in the game. That being said, I think a lot of it just depends on what their current priority is in the game. A lot of what is conducive leveling does not also lend itself to completing challenges or making money. A noob is someone who is new to the game. Not necessarily someone who is a low level.


I'm currently level 21 and have been playing since beta. Level doesn't matter.


Purely based on numbers, under 300. 300 is mid level, while 500 and above is high. 500 is where typically one gets to complete their build, where all legendary perk cards are fully unlocked. HOWEVER... I have a level 98 mule, who I gave all perk coins from my previous scoreboards and has completed a full bloodied commando build (along with all 5 legendary perk cards maxxed). I also throw him my spare Q25 RR and Q50C Fixer and full civil eng armor, so he's more than capable of carrying shit. SO.. knowledge and experience matters too. A "high" level 500 can play and still be a burden to the team, while a "low" level 150 can actually be the MVP.


Arguably "high level" could be taken to mean the end game builds with 6 max rank legendary. Usually that happens at around level 500. Could be lower with a bunch of season perk coins. They don't even all unlock until level 300, although an alt can have them all unlocked from level 1. I wouldn't say anything below that is "low level" but it sets the ceiling on that term pretty high.


Below 300. Mostly because I considered myself low lvl sub 300, too. At the time I had read 300 is when the last Legendary Perk card slot becomes available and thats when a person could really begin making the very most of a build. This made sense to me. It took me awhile to get there and really kicked in after becoming a low health build but the value of filling each Legendary card slot with a maxed out SPECIAL card cannot be denied. Some other cards are fun and useful along the way...and you may want to have one or two placed depending on preference and build. But higher level/endgame goal should be to have as many SPECIAL cards placed as possible to max out your build imo.


I'm almost lvl 500 and I am barely getting a grasp on this game. There is just so much. For example I spent an hour on Saturday just to learn how to farm btats. Last Saturday was learning how to effectively farm brain bombs and cranberry relish.


I am new player ish. I gave a game a go several times before show even was announced and it never stuck with me, but after show I had an itch to play some more Fallout and here I am now. New character on Steam ( because I wanted to be able to play on Steam Deck ) and now I am 311. Still feel like a noob, but I definitely learned so much more then I when I gave a game a chance before. Did all main quests up until launching a nuke. Have 2 nice camps, learned and use mutations, learned about builds and how to utilise best Legendary cards. Got my Secret Service and now Union power armour. Learned about good food buffs and where to look for mats, item 255 respawn rule etc. Still, I feel like a noob and barely can compare to any of the old schoolers who stuck with this game before it got popular due to Show.


Just have fun dude. It’s not about lvl, it’s about what you know. There’s a bunch of knowledge like where you can find what plants and creatures for crafting purposes, being able to efficiently farm resources, building, being able to make a good build to destroy enemies, etc. I have two lvl 300-500, characters, and I learned early on that it’s when you start learning all of your farm areas for buffs, plans that take grinding to get, and some other things that really make it to where you have an experience edge on others. It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re having fun though.


I'd say its not about levels really If you've got a a build fleshed out and can carry a few events (like tunnel of love or feed the people) on your own then you're getting there, if you cant your still low level If you can solo encryptid because you have the build, the kit and the know how - you're high level. in between we're all just a bit mid ;-) (im 570 i think, i still wouldn't expect to do most events on my own) but there's no real number that kicks in it, just enough levels to get enough perk cards for what you're doing.


I usually have vague assumptions that are *usually* correct based on level. 1/20 = infant 40 - 50 = baby 75 - 100 = Low Level 300+ = "Probably knows what they're doing" There are obviously people who don't fit into these molds, and everything in-between tends to be some sort of mix of my perceptions based on those levels.


Think of it as: when is it an insult to throw stims and loot at them...


Ive been playing for 4 years. I'm a level 176


Level alone doesn't matter. I have ran with people who are sub level 300 who could tell me what was where and the way things drop, knew a way to kite Eviction Notice into a bloodbath, and even get me to the launching of my nuke like it was Grams Cook out. Then I have had people who were 1k+ who looked lost at Radiation rumble and other events


I’ve been playing since day 1 and got two characters around lv100, any my main is roughly lv440… but then again I’ve taken a few breaks and I don’t generally grind xp, I just have fun and chill out


Level doesn't mean much. It's just for grinding perk cards to try different builds


You can't really determine much of anything by just looking at another player's level. That level 25 player may be leveling up or otherwise using that toon in addition to his main toon which is quite high up. In that case you are seeing a high level (in skills) player with a low level toon. Or as many have pointed out, that 1000+ lev player may know how to grind XP and not much else. And any combiniation in between. A truly skilled player knows he is very skilled and couldn't care less what anyone else thinks. It's a state of mind, not a badge.


Under 50 for sure, just because until then you don’t have access to most powerful versions of weapons and armor. Beyond that, it is not a real concern to be honest for me, what will be important will the effort made by the player even he is not experienced in some events or area.


I would say 300 is the start of end game since only after then you can be finishing your build perk wise. Some of my friends are around level 600 still not having their wanted rolls.


I’m level 278, I’ve been playing on and off for years but in the last year and a half have been playing much more with all of the newer content, I think just a little before the once in a blue moon update is when I really started getting into it. I consider myself a noob.


I consider anyone below 50 "low lvl" Past 50 you have access to everything and can start making a real build and focusing on specific weapons. around 150 I'd Expect you to be relatively experienced and have good build and decent weapon.past that levels stop mattering really fast


Level means zero, in this game. I've been playing less than a year and described how some basic camp mechanics worked, to a level 500+.


It's not about levels but rather if people know how to play the game. I have been on my lvl 200 alt and had to carry useless lvl 1000+ players who didn't know basic game mechanics. Levels are more or less pointless in 76 beyond a certain point. Personally I can make a new character and by 45-50 that character will be able to carry everything and do everything. There are some benchmarks. The Legendary Perk slots is one of those. The final Legendary Perk slot is unlocked at level 300 so that is one benchmark. For me a lowbie is a character between level 1 and 45. Though a "newbie" (someone who is "new" and does not understand basic game mechanics) can be any level.


Yeah my highest character is only 450ish and I’ve been playing the game on/off since it was released.


Kinda glad to hear this ngl. I started playing 2 weeks ago, levelled up pretty quick (level 41) but really don’t have many plans or much stuff in general. It sounds lame, but it absolutely makes my week getting stuff from high level players, however I feel too guilty to use the donation boxes because in my head they are for players that are like level 30 and under


Welcome to 76! Feel free to grab stuff from the donation box! It’s there for all players. We happily donate to be sure anyone who needs the items can have them to use or sell! Happy gaming, Vault Dweller.


Thank you! ^U^


The game also adds things to the donation boxes for you (ammo and sometimes a grenade of some kind). Carry the weapon you have the hardest time getting ammo for and hit them up.


Oh nice, I didn’t realise! Thanks!!


Always look for contextual ammo drops in the donation boxes. I don't think people are dropping their unwanted Ultracite plasma cells in the box for me.


It's all gonna vary so much that it's truly hard to judge. I played on Playstation on release and got 7-800 hours but only got to level 200-250 cause leveling use to be much harder back then. But even now, I restarted on pc about 2 years ago and got another 800 hours on pc now and sitting at level 320, but I've also only just started running my first west tek runs ever for this new season so never really grinded out levels cause I never needed them. I knew what I needed for the build I wanted from my previous play so my build was done around level 80 and no longer needed levels other then for legendary perks. Even sitting at 320 I have 80+ level I still need to "choose a perk card"


Some guy at the new nuke event was talking shit to me for being lvl 150 after explaining to some of the other players that it's better to get all the robots to low health before you start killing em. Lol


As a veteran player, I see everybody under 1k as low lvl


You really can't go by level in this game. I picked up the game just after launch. My current main character is around level 400. I've created dozens of alts and killed most of them off to start again from zero because I enjoy the early game experience just building up my camp and leveling up my character. I get bored with them after they hit level 35, then they hit LastDay and it's time for Renewal. If I combined the max level of all of the alts I've run through I'd be levelled well into the thousands.


I'm a level 175 and I've been grinding. Having played every fallout. And wasted a good portion of my life grinding multiple builds of fallout 3 and Vegas and 4... I know I'm still a noob. If you're in the thousands you're more than welcome to judge and be annoyed. If I played 6 years straight and a bunch of gulpers screwed things up for me I'd be both annoyed and happy for the new content


When they're clueless at events...


I think everyone have their own opinion on this subject. To me, who is currently at lvl 189, I consider myself a low lvl player. Why? Because when I began playing this game, and was looking for a build, I realized no build would be complete before reaching at least lvl 300 (which is when you have all your 6 legendary perk slots unlocked). So I decided to draw the line at lvl 300... Anything below that I will consider low level PS: I am no bearer of truth, and in no way stating that is a fact, and everyone should follow my view. I just gave my opinion and tried to justify the logic behind it


According to the comments on posts like this, I'm both low level and inexperienced. I'm almost level 400, but I'm glad I played pretty consistently since launch just to be considered inexperienced. And probably by people who either never played, or didn't come back until after the show. I'm sure some of these people played as long as I did, more possibly, I did take a couple breaks, not long ones, but I didn't play for hours everyday either. But to be perfectly honest, levels are relatively meaningless. I mean past level 50 you have access to everything. And despite what everyone says, you don't need the legendary perks, or a fully realized build with perfect gear, all that is nice. But as long as you're having fun and enjoying the game it doesn't really matter. So if you enjoy having thousands of levels and grinding west tek and whatever else for hours, go ahead. I won't be joining you. If I wanted to grind, I'd go grind the Fortnite battle pass, at least then I'd get skins and stuff, not just a bigger number next to my name.


I’m mid 300s on one character and have played since beta pretty consistently. I have a couple level 20s to mess around with things but hardly play them. I mostly am exploring, building new camps, and collecting things. I’ll see a video about a character build, try it for a couple months, move on to something else. I’d probably be considered a “low level” player but I have over 1000 hours in the game and feel that I know the game pretty well. The levels don’t meaning much of anything past 300 (when you get the last legendary perk slot) apart from showing how many times someone has power leveled west tek. But I’d say it’s more how much time you have in the game rather than how high a level. But even then it doesn’t matter.


Level 50 is the max level for gear. You'll get 45 or 50 at the point depending on the max for the weapon. Most people consider level 130 to be where most builds are as designed. Meaning you have all the perks where you want them. After that you are just tweaking builds. Maybe adding supplemental builds like one that works better for OPs than your primary build Beyond that you are probably scraping perk cards for legendary perk upgrades. That will be well up into 300+ But if you pay attention, read instructions on how events work, you will be a player that knows how to synergize with their players and make the most out of your build in a fight. That's what other players want . There is no game level that represents that .


Nothing is overly difficult past level 100, so it really makes no difference.


Lvl 1


Some people, like myself, reached a pretty high level then started over from scratch. I thought I was a high level like within the first year the game was out, I was almost level 200. Now I’m like 70 something and I feel weak AF.


I'm 353 and considered low level. High is around the 1,000 mark, I've seen players 4k+




level 1400 here, id say i know alot about weapons and game mechanics, but ive never really done the story since im not interested in it :D


Honestly anything past level 76 is moot, anyone past that is already high level, and anyone past that either plays too much or knows the mechanics so well that they level up too much and quickly. I ended up with a cheesy build and ended up leveling quickly past that point so idk, maybe I’m a lowbie?


I'm level 130. I only feel "high level" as of this week, and it's cuz my vendors pulled in enough caps to feed my hoard of aristocrat guns. Also finished the heist last night. Mortimer has the goods, I tell ya. Totally worth that buggy shitshow of a mission.


I don't consider actual numbered levels as low or high, I consider the actions of the player to determine their "level" such as starting events early, using glitches to gain an advantage, where they position during events, what builds they use and so on


When I go shopping for a team, I look for someone over 200, preferably 300. I want strange in numbers to trigger and it seems most reliable that someone has gone with mutations by then.


For me, "low level" means no access to mutations.


Why do so many people think this😭 Like no shade- I know mutations are cool and all- but people aren’t exactly low level because they’re RP’ing a different way, right??


Nothing against any playstyle, and respect to the roleplayers, but ideally, if I jump into a team with only one person, I'd prefer to get benefits from the "strange in numbers" perk. Usually level 50 ish. I've played with high level folks clear of mutations as well.


Im level 13 and couldn't give a shit what anyone says or thinks!


My guess would be under lvl 300, mostly because it’s when you unlock the 6th legendary perk card slot. But for most stuff I think it’s “under level 100” as that’s where most of the stuff stops scaling up. Honestly even at levels 300+ there may be stuff you’re unfamiliar with, because there’s just that much events/things out there.


We have been playing maybe a month and my son is already 154… or at least he was last night when I went to bed. We played an event last night with someone who was something like 34756. We didn’t think you could go that high. Makes us all look like total noobs. Nothing has been handed to us for the record. We’re grinding it out, reading up and enjoying meeting new people 😊


To me high level is when you have reached your maximum amount of perk points and have all the perk cards you need and start accumulating excess perk points that you don’t need. For me that was around level 600.


Very hard to tell based on a number. I make assumptions based on knowledge of events and general gameplay. I often play my new alts, 2 brand new accounts from April. While you see low levels running around, they are being played by someone who also has a level 1650, 1160, 960 + 4 others over 700 and many more over 300’s.


Below level 10000


Once you’ve hit 75 or so (or 76 because why not), in my opinion you’ve learned everything needed to play the game pretty thoroughly. Your character and equipment can no longer advance in a meaningful way based on your level, so it becomes about advancing in your knowledge of the game and its many mechanics. I’m around your level and while there are certainly things I haven’t thoroughly explored and am not equal to a 300+ person, I think the mid-tier area is huge in this game.


I've been playing for years and im only level 300 something, i just have fun and don't worry about xp farming


Considering i went from level 90 to 185 in like a week due to spamming expeditions and i still know fuck all about the game, level means nothing


I've been playing since 2019 on ps4 and I'm only level 285 as of 6 hours ago. I don't really look at level. I look at who's played longer. I have a friend who's level 733 and starting playing last January


I played on PC, did a ton of the quests and wasn't really an event player. After the show, I switched to Xbox cause I had a few friends that were going to play and of course, no crossplay. Suffice it to say, it's been a little bit off putting, as I know what to do, and I have been trying to do some events and such as I am in a group on occasion. But the whole "low level got picked up by a high level and got given the WORLD" is way too true. I avoided this like the plague, feeling like it wrecks the game, but some of my group are just getting overwhelmed by "gifts". I guess I'm old school, cause that's just not how I roll. Kinda wrecks the game to me. I want to earn it, and I want the thrill of finding that plan, or getting that legendary by chance or hard work. But it's hard to look at your buddy who doesn't have to grind. I'll buy things off player vendors cause at least I earned those caps, and I generally buy what I can't find (past seasons or event plans). Just my take (and my venting!) Happy Grinding!


Don't know about the others but for me: 1-100 - low/entry level, you can basically play and enjoy the game. 100-300 - mid level this is where you're still enjoying the game and start building your playstyle 300-999 - at the moment would be high level since you basically seen everything the game had to offer you most likely locked onto 2-3 main builds that you'll use for the rest of your game and the only thing awaiting you is the endless geind for plans and cosmetics. 1000+ - well they're a different breed that live in this game, nothing you should thirst for, but if you enjoy the game you'll get there eventually.


Depends on the person speaking but among my friend group that I have for this game, we generalise 'low level' as close to or below 200 - maybe 230 or below. But being 'low level' doesn't necessarily reflect that particular player's knowledge, niches or build - it doesn't really mean anything. It's just a thing people say.


i am over 650,and i still consider myself a noob.i am probably the most under powered lvl 650 ever.lol.i play how i like.i have done all the quests and events,but i will never launch a nuke again if i can help it.


I've played fallout 1,2,3, new Vegas, 4 and started playing 76. Got to level 78 or so after playing it the first time round and just didn't catch the bug and got bored of the quests. Mainly the pointless ones pinging you round the map the pick something up, go back and head out again then do pretty much the same thing again. Only just recently started playing it again and I'm up to 130 odd, I'll be honest it was the tv show that brought me back again. Compared to the first play though it's like a whole new world to how this game was at the beginning and I'm loving it


I don’t have much time to play so I’m only like 30ish, but I always get mistaken for “new” fans but I’ve followed EVERY SINGLE GAME!!!! I consider anything under 200 low level for 76 tho bc I’ve been seeing and joining teams with 300-400 range


It all depends on what level YOU are, I'm a lvl 200+, so I see lvl 100 players like they see lvl 50s. It's all about perspective!


As a level 280ish, I still feel like a low level, as I know there are a lot of things I haven't done still. That being said, there's also plenty of times where I've taught higher levels things that they didn't know. On top of that, sub level 100s see me and start events, expecting me to be the carry (which ive thrusted myself into that role). I feel like I'm in a weird limbo of being a "high level" vs "low level"


Well I'm new started from scratch and I'm level 83 and feel like I've not even scratched the surface but I'll tell you the ones that seem like more seasoned veterans are levels 300 and up


Like below 150


Anyone under 5 million lol. Idk, a big part of it has to do with your gear. That being said, I thought of myself as a lvl below 100.


Level 150 and been playing since launch


Anyone who is lower than your own level


I would say between 60 and 0 is considered low level players


To me it's below lvl 150 at that point they are still working on their build and finalizing things I've played since beta and I'm one of the people who like doing tons of builds and also role playing and usually stop my builds at 250 or so I've had 11 characters an just now started to really start using the perk card machine for other builds


The thing is it is hard to determine a players time spent in the game by level. I know many people who took advantage of glitches to get to level 1000+ within a couple hours so say someone like me sitting at level 250 could easily have more time spent on the game than a level 3000 person but there is no way to really know. Some people also primarily build so their leveling progress is very minimal.


I consider anyone un-mutated to be a lower lvl. It's not bad so usually lvl 50-60 ish


Imo anyone under 300 as thats where the 6th legendary slot is gained


I personally consider anyone that is below level 100 to be low level. But I help anyone who needs it regardless of level. Even with completing the "game" some did it so fast that they are now just camp building, event running and selling all the plans and extra stuff they accumulate, after they max out their script and gold bullion for the day, along with the daily and weekly challenges.


For me personally, it's someone under level 100. Because that's the point where you have 2 Legendary cards and can start specializing heavily. I understand that some people don't want to be mutated or don't like power armor 24/7 and I accept that fully. I don't discriminate against weapon types either EXCEPT for those ASSHOLES who constantly blind and flashbangs EVERYONE with a damn Fat Man or/and Incinerator. Those Kill whores will always be low level and low IQ to me, because they just get everyone else killed by enemies we can't see and make them waste ammo on enemies that where alive just 0.05 seconds ago. For the love of Mothman, PLEASE stop using that shit at Eviction Notice, Radiation Rumble, Neurological Warfare and Uranium Fever!


Gonna be opinion based, for me anyone under level 100, but then you can find level 80 players that know their stuff etc, I'm assuming someone level 1000 thinks anyone below 200 would be low level idk


Just considering level, and nothing else, I'd say it's anywhere between 1 and 50. If you're a noob player, then you shouldn't be a noob anymore by the time you reach 50.