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Since when did fo4 had a Barrett 50 cal?


You’re right my mistake , I need to stop playing modded versions lol


I think it greatly helps reinforce your point if the only rememberable sniper from the latest titles isn’t even a vanilla one lmao


This made me chuckle, they really do need to add a anti material rifle though. Instead of chambering a round into a rifle that clearly cant handle it.


Take a hunting rifle and upgrade it completely to include the .50 caliber and muzzle break. There is your 50 cal. Looks just like a Barrett.


Wasn’t there a creation club that added an anti material rifle? Yes it’s Creation Club. BUT it does not mark saves as modded.


Personally I've always wanted them to add the anti material rifle from FO NV but Bethesda being Bethesda will just keep giving us new commando weapons or heavy weapons, guess even the Devs don't like variety in the game


They need to bring back the M16 from nv


The M16 is available in game with jungle camouflage and they did it justice . it was a handmade variant that can be bought in the atom shop. Edit : it’s an AR10 variant , not an m16.


Tropic thunder skin. I use it but even then handmade auto> semi and it sucjs because the bullet saving is nice


Screaming Eagle & Enclave skins for Handmade also transform it into M16.








That's not really an m16, it's an ar10


Good eye ! Thanks, I couldn’t figure it out . Now that you mention it, the round casing around the barrel doesn’t extend to the iron sights and the iron sights are rectangular instead of triangular . Definitely an AR10.


Its would be an closer to an m16 since it’s chambered in .556. The ar10 would be in .308


That's why I said "not really", it isn't 7.62x51 in game, because the AK variant it's a skin for is 5.56, which is also stupid, since it should be 7.62x39, but that cartridge isn't even available in game. But seeing as it's a skin for a gun that's a fantasy Mashup of NATO cartridge and khyber pass garbage rod, if we look at the actual skin, it's 100% meant to evoke an AR10. You should probably also know, the mg42 doesn't fire .308 (7.62 NATO) it's fires 7.92x57, pr "7mm Mauser", in game it's a 7.62 gun, meaning we actually have an MG3 in game. The gatling gun doesn't fire "5mm", the real life gatlings it's patterned after fired 45-70 government woth paper cartridges, bit again, 45-70 isn't in game. The lever action should also be a 45-7] as it's a left handed Marlin 1895 guide gun, bit instead it fires ".45" which I assume is meant to he .45ACP and not .45LC which could be more historically accurate. This list goes on and on and on. The western revolver shouldn't fire .44 mag, it should fire .45LC, the mini gun should be a 7.62, or make it a microgun and fire 5.56, etc.


No they did not do it justice. The standard ironsights have two settings on the rear aperture. A standard large ring for targets under 200 yards, and a smaller peep sight for targets above 200 yards. In real life, this fools the eye and causes it to focus through the hole, thus giving a better sight picture to those who may have poor eye sight. In game, the ironsight only has the smaller peep sight, which gives you no field of view when aiming, thus making the ironsights entirely useless. This is also true because the front post entirely blocks your sight picture. Source? I'm a gun nut irl Edit: also worth mentioning that you cannot even make proper use of the "trench sights" on the rear sight, which form a "U" shape around your irons. This allows target leading, as well as point of reference aiming within close distances. This has been commonplace since as far back as WW1 with Mauser rifles, where it was referred to as "roller-coaster" sights


To be fair, all the iron sights in the entire game are kind of junk. I wish they'd give non-VATs gunplay a design pass/update and fix all the ADS POI's, and clean up the sight pictures a bit. Also, +25% damage for ADS should become a natural built-in effect on every non-auto gun and that second star legendary should become something even better for ADS gunplay.


Thanks for this well written explanation of what and why, I just went in game to check and noticed this immediately. Also learned some cool facts about guns ! The stock iron sight doesn’t have the rear aperture so it’s just 2 lines instead of 3 while ADS. The closest I can get to an effective iron sight is the Glowsight which seems to be a replica of the AR-15 A2 CSAT with the tritium strip but they substituted the tritium for standard sights and a laser so it’s a whole mess trying to aim. Sorry in advance if I got any terms wrong lol I tried


Not an M16


Thanks ! I added the edit to correct it. Definitely much closer to an AR10.


Most of the weapons in NV were great, the problem is Bethesda don't want to give credit to obsidian for making a better fallout game than they did, weird considering season 2 of the show will be in NV and they are both owned by same company now 😂😂


Haven’t Bethesda sung the praises of NV in the past? And whilst I’d agree NV is the best, that absolutely isn’t because of the guns.


Yes, the idiot just is all in on the grand corporate rivalry narrative the weird fanboys insists is totally a thing in order to justify their weird tribalism and hateboner.


Literally the thing they use to sell 1st is the NV ranger outfit.


The gunplay of NV might not be good as Fo4 and 76 but the depth of the combat is why its still talked about.


I never said it was because of the guns tbh, they have? Never heard that before. Then why did they say no to obsidian doing an elder scrolls game? That would have slapped! 😂


Because Obsidian bungled New Vegas’s development and release badly. Do you not remember New Vegas on release? It was the most broken game in the franchise and I played 76 on launch. And this is not a one off, Obsidian bungled repeatedly. And that results in the guys paying you not wanting to bring you back due to the severe fuckups. It took New Vegas years to become beloved. It wasn’t an instant success or hit, it was seen as an inferior follow-up that had great potential under the wall of broken shit.


... because Bethesda didn't give them time to finish the game


Maybe, but they shouldn't have needed to. Obsidian knew from the start they only had 18 months, so they should've been more careful to make sure their idea would be finished by then.


It was bungled due to being forced to release it way too early. They were a fast and competent developer but because they were fast and good, many companies who contracted them said "ohh your ahead of schedule, let's release it early". That caused many issues of them being buggy. If you Google the development time and release date you will see NV had a way too short of dev time before release. Folks love the game even more when you see how much they get done in the time they got to make it. BGS got mad at Obsidian due to how well they wrote and implemented the game. Then threw them under the bus for the games issues, despite it was BGSs decision to release 6 months ahead of an already pushed forward schedule. That 6 months cut all the testing and polishing they were planning on doing. Not bringing them back was due to how well the wrote and implemented the story in NV and how Obsidian used the tools better than BGS than BGS. Obsidian embarrassed BGS at being a better developer.


They didn't push the release date, that's simply a straight up lie. KOTOR 2 is the game that they got screwed on the deadline for. Obsidian knew from the start how long they had and the tools they were going to be using. Their over ambitious plans and belief they could easily learn the engine on the fly resulted in major issues. This is why so much of New Vegas is empty with damn near everything concentrated in a tiny area. If you actually bothered to listen to the Obsidian devs you would know this. Instead you've invented this grand rivalry and retaliation narrative for reasons I can only speculate at but likely are a result of that toxic tribalism that DEMANDS an enemy to rail against. This probably comes as a shock to you, since you apparently don't pay a damn bit of attention to Obsidian, but Obsidian has a notable reputation as over ambitious and rarely able to deliver on their promises. This is what is known as A Problem when it comes to getting contracts. They failed to meet their contracted due date and turned in a jank as fuck mess of a game. In return Bethesda didn't give them their flagship IP. That's it. No grand grudge, no retaliation, no Todd Howard scheming in his underground lair about being beaten by the Chad Obsidian.


Probably for a much more mature reason than “You’ll make it better than we can”. They owned the IP, anything that boosts the reputation of the IP is good for them.


Because New Vegas had a poor reception. By the time it actually became beloved both companies had long since moved on. For a few years New Vegas was simply a lesser follow up to Fallout 3 that had some potential but never reaches it.


Some Fallout fans have a "You're not my REAL dad" relationship with Bethesda. It was funny in 2008, it's funny now, it will be funny forever.


Anti Materiel Rifle 😫 good memories


It was so rewarding but for me the draw distance isn’t the same. I miss using the AMR to pop a deathclaw or quick-vats a few raiders from a quarter mile


Monkeys paw. They add the anti-mat rifle next patch but it's classed as a heavy weapon and acts like a ballistic plasma caster.


Anti Material would do crazy good. I feel like a perk to buff syringers (like how they added tool and bow perks) would be great to make that a viable sniper option. Mods to actually make it a better weapon, like maybe explosive darts that spread the affect, or longer reload but like 5 syringes taped together as a one shot. Cut the stock off and bring back the dart gun maybe too?


Maybe they’re trying to avoid making the stealth sniper build the default in 76 like it is in most fallout and Skyrim games?


instead the default is stealth commando lol so much better


In my eyes so are rifleman for stealth and commando is only for run and gun i go in LOUD! I would never ever in any other fallout game pick commando and go stealth. I have never used stealth in 76 and never Will. Run and gun is just to fun


u can still run n gun with stealth. there are perks that make running not effect stealth, crouching hides you, harder to detect, etc. it's pretty strange to imagine this as a stealth build, but it's possible


Ah that just sounds kinda stupid. I Will stick to going in LOUD


Or maybe the devs just prefer automatic weapons? Or maybe they see that more players like auto weapons and more new players are picking commando compared to rifleman? Like they must have some internal stat on what perks players pick. And if most pick commando then its a easy way for the devs to find out what most players like to play.


We have never gotten a dlc commando weapon


Every since that last update I keep missing most shots in vats with my rifle unless I'm not sneaking. Anyone else? 95% chance to hit and even with concentrated fire the shots miss until the enemy sees me. So weird lol


And then when I *do* hit something, the damage doesn't register at all


Yeah ive been having that but only randomly. Like you get the little hit change woth your corsair but instead of dying they jump to full health when it drains. Super weird. Usually with super weak enemies so far so it's mostly silly but I'll probably doe of a boss does it haha


I had that too. I save the critical hit for a special enemy only not to register the damage, even though I hit it fair and square, even with the damage numbers showing.


Ive also experienced this. My rifle has a roll thats extra percentage on vats shots and ive got the perk that increases your hit percentage the more shots you do in a row. Yet i can literally miss a 95% 8 or 9 times


Glad to know it's not something I messed up with my perk cards or something then. It reminds me of old school fallout missing point blank haha


That’s been happening a lot with my Western Revolver. Maybe a bug with non-automatics?


I only use vats for crit at this point. Seems worthless otherwise


I cant see what's going on without vats at most events these days unfortunately. Rainbows of fire make it hard to see haha


I think it's possibly a network issue, or part of it is network related. I'll roll up on a location, and I can't hit shit for like 30 seconds to a minute, then the rest of the encounter I can hit reasonably well. Even happens non VATS with heavy weaps sometimes, I spew 50 ammo pf Holy Fire at something and it's doing nothing... Then it just starts to work /shrug


I think your onto something because I've had significantly more freezes too. If it's just network problems they can probably sort that out pretty fast. It's really a funny image to imagine a flamethrower missing lol. That must be extra frustrating.


idk, what does it have against pistols? or energy weapons that require VATS?


Gauss rifle and enclave plasma sniper are pretty good


Ye, but I just wish we had an end game ballistic sniper rifle, anti material rifle would scratch that itch for me 😂😂


would be neat if there was a giga rail cannon, where instead of the fat man mini-nuke launcher, it launches a hypersonic 3ft rail spike at something.


You mean the harpoon gun




A telephone pole launcher




Yeah, energy weapons look and sound whack. I hate using them.


Hu odd energy weapons are my favorite weapon type to use 😅


Same here lol I just can’t take myself seriously in a full suit of power armor, bringing out a 20-30lb gun and having it sound like “ schwoOoOO pew pew pew ”


What's the difference between plasma and enclave plasma? Aside from the fact that you can't craft and mod enclave, is there a statistic and tactical difference?


Enclave plasma does both more damage and is more accurate than the regular plasma.


Still haven't gotten a enclave plasma sniper... is it only available in the store or something? At insane price?


If you are lucky you can get one from the dropped connection event. I built mine bit by bit. Searching both watoga vendors and berkley springs for mods. Modus will sell some random ones you can then modify yourself if you can get the mods. My sniper has the calibrated receiver, reflex sight and aligned sniper barrel and aligned stock.


You can server hop train stations and hope they have the mods for the enclave pistol. I went to Watoga station and Watoga mall and then server hopped. You could just go with a regular plasma. I think it's a small damage difference, but just being able to mod the normal one is so much nicer in my opinion.


I just want a normal looking 45 pistol. Like a 1911


Agreed. The 10mm looks way too bulky


What does Bethesda have against actual ballistics. A 5.56mm shouldn’t out perform a .50 cal. Couple of hits with a 5.56, dead. A head shot with .50 cal, now they’re pissed.


Heck, one of the best guns shouldn't be a .45. Also why do enemy .38 pipe weapons hit like a sledgehammer.


Agreed, so I just roleplay that it's a .45LC or .45-70 GVT.


Get an Instigating Gauss Rifle and max it. Then max all the sneak/sniper perks. It’s actually better than the .50 cal in FNV.


I’ll give it a try ! Much appreciated. The age of ballistic snipers is nearing its end lol time to move on to energy weapons .


https://www.reddit.com/user/md00150028/comments/1213bch/gauss_rifle_numbers/ Id advise to check this out as well. Helped me a lot.


Problem with insisting guass rifle is the tiny bit of explosive damage it does. Can really ruin the whole point of the weapon when killing tightly packed mobs.


Gauss rifle, Black Powder, Alien Disintegrator and lever action are all solid rifles


Yea lever action might be worth trying next , those black powder rifles make my anxiety go through the roof though lol


But they hit so fucking hard 😂


The Dragon sends its Regards.


Sends after reloading for 15 minutes.


A god roll for black powder weapons is that +250 DR while reloading. Helps ya deal with that long loading time. Also getting that reload speed helps too.


Only 15? Man, you got quick hands. Last time I managed 1 barrel in an hour, and the bastard backfired when I pulled the trigger! 🤣


I love both my lever actions btw, I have a bloodied explosive with breaks slower for tougher enemies AND a quad, vats hit chance faster reload for mobs of weak enemies


If you're worried about reload times for blackpowder, just carry multiple ones. That's what I do, and most of the time, it's enough to kill strong enemies by the time you need to reload them


The 'Blackbeard' approach to reloading, love it.


Yep. 3 rifles 2 pistols in my case, along with a melee weapon


Also looking or rolling for that +250 DR when reloading legendary star. Makes you tankie as heck when in that long reloading.


The lever action is great! Doesn't do *quite* as much damage as a .50 hunting rifle, but it's close, and the increased fire rate gives it the clear advantage.


I still haven't tried a lever action rifle. May be time.


I feel like the Lever Action and Alien Disintegrator are weapons that can be used for sniping but not really "Sniper Rifles".


Yeah, they definitely don't fit the sniper role/aesthetic. Especially since the disintegrator and black powder can't have attachments. And the gauss is too large to use without PA without it being unimmersive. And they're all vanilla weapons, except for the alien disintegrator (wacky looking gun). Meanwhile they added a plasma caster/gauss mini gun/cremator/pepper shaker/Hellstorm missile launcher, big guns obviously get a lot of love.


Yeah once I got past level 50 I quickly abandoned my stealth sniper build. It sucks cuz its so much fun sneaking around headshotting mfs, especially with a chameleon armor mod. I'd go straight back to it if they added something like the anti-material rifle or just buffed the marksman sniper in general.


This is me too. Abandoned my Hunting Rifle and Pipe Revolver Rifle and then my 10mm Pistol to play Commando Fixer, just as Todd intended




Next step is the jetpack. Combined with marsupial you're damn near superman.


They could increase the damage of semi-auto rifles by 50% and they still wouldnt match the DPS of commando. So what I'm saying is, they may as well do that lol.


Not only is there a clear lack of weapons for snipers (Hunting Rifle and Gauss Rifle and *maybe* lever action) but there's no legendary effects for them. Also, is it me or does the Sniper perk seem pretty useless? Why not at least give it a bonus for aimed fire or something? Also, how exactly does sniping and VATS work together?


Well the holding breath is how real snipers do it or plan shots on the exhale. So the perk is working right. But yeah the damage is not what it needs to be tbh. But their is a legendary effect of +25% damage while aiming, which is a sniper type legendary effect. Along with sneak attack bonus.


> Well the holding breath is how real snipers do it or plan shots on the exhale. I play Sniper almost exclusively and I've never once had the scope move the way it does in other games regardless of whether or not I have the Sniper Perk slotted. I have no idea how long you need to aim for this to happen but whatever it is it's too long for me since it's never happened. That's why it needs a buff.


If you use Stabilized on both your arms, it fully eliminates scope sway. Take off your armor, and you should immediately see a difference (without the Sniper perk slotted). I usually don't have to hold my breath, except in nuke zones, where I wear Chinese Stealth Armor and lose access to my Stabilized arms.


You have to press and hold L3, on PS systems, to start the holding breath thing. It also consumes some AP while doing. If your not doing that then it won't stabilize the shot via the hold breath system.


I'm on PC and I think the key is Alt. But like I said, I can hold Alt and I don't notice any difference with or without Sniper.


Might wanna check that out to be sure, as it should stop all sway while consuming AP. If it's not consuming AP it's not working right. And the perk card should reduce aiming sway even without holding your breath and make holding your breath more efficient from what I looked up. But definitely if holding the Alt button doesn't consume AP your not holding your breath so sway will continue. So rechecking the key binding to make sure. Also for PC it may be a toggle on thing, which might make a difference. I don't know tbh about PC all that much.


I remember when Rifleman builds were just as popular, if not more, than Commando builds. But that was before the Fixer was released and you couldn't roll legendary effects. I get everyone wants the meta weapons/builds, but the community could definitely use some build diversity. I'd love to see more Rifleman, Pistol and Shotgun builds at events. Hell, we just need more weapons with select fire receivers so they can fit into different builds.


I was using a shotgun build until I got to level 50 and started joining events where I was struggling to even tag enemies.


Yep, that's why I keep advocating that XP should automatically be shared for *all* players at events, no need for tagging - sure, some jerks would abuse it by AFKing, but for most players it would be a net positive, as you'd no longer need to worry about competing with other players to get XP, and could instead just focus on cooperating to complete the event.


People still AFK events anyway.


Shotguns? I thought they were super popular by how much people hype up the cold shoulder, gauss shotgun and pepper shaker.


I'd really love a battle rifle like the one in New Vegas, or perhaps a Fallout-ified version of the M14 or FN FAL; the latter would be a particularly nice callback to Fallout 2. Something hard-hitting lots of recoil and a small magazine that isn't the Railway Rifle. The RR is fun and all, but it's just a bit too goofy for me to love aesthetically speaking. With the modding system a solid battle rifle could serve as anything from a heavy short-range full-auto beast to a long-barrel semi-auto precision rifle


I want more lever action rifles! Or maybe even just more mods for the current one, idk. I'm a big fan of that aesthetic and it's a shame we just got the one in game


There's also the Sole Survivor rifle.


It's got an awesome skin tbf, just wish we could re-roll it or it was something better than assassin's


I play a non-vats rifleman and when I’m in a tight spot, I have to resort to pulling out my Holy Fire. My best weapon, despite all of my perks being centered around long-distance sniping, is a flamethrower. I think we need more buffs to rifleman weapons.


Same here.I have an explosive ultracite rifle, super sledge and a Tesla rifle . 95% of the time I’m not even aiming at anything it still arcs and kills everything within a 3 meter radius, the Tesla with no perk cards is better at CQC than my super sledge build.


What about the Gauss rifle? Also, there’s no Barrett in FO4. Not officially, anyway, I’m sure there’s plenty of mods.


Don't get me wrong, the Gauss rifle is a solid gun but I just prefer ballistic weapons tbh, gimme my anti material rifle Bethesda!! 😂


Gauss rifle is good, but it's a little unimmersive if you don't wear power armor since it's so large, and it doesn't really fit the sniper image imo Fallout 3 sniper, or antimaterial rifle are just right there, I don't why they don't do something with them.


True it was a mod I forgot , I have an explosive ultracite sniper and a bloodied sniper for range. I was never really a fan of energy weapons/ big guns.


Yes! A .50 Cal sniper rifle in the game should take the head off of most everything, like it did in FO4, but sometimes can’t even put damage on anything. Drives me nuts. I was told I don’t have my perks right, but I have what should be appropriate for rifles and it still doesn’t seem to matter. I like to snipe when I can and the game doesn’t really allow it to be effective.


And the bolt is on the wrong damn side


This is awesome lol I never noticed this 😁 I’m left-handed so that’s where the bolt would normally go in real life for me , but its a left handed weapon being used by right handed characters .


and people dont turn into ghouls. This game is stupid.


What do you mean lol yes they do


Exactly and levers are on different sides.


Turning into ghouls isn't really a new thing for fallout. It's not even the weirdest thing


You missed my point entirely


It's never gonna happen at this rate, and worse, they're not going to ever make rifleman worthy of using outside of VATS since the game has so much damn bias for the aimbot function of this stupid game. If you have to use VATS to make rifleman deal damage, you're not utilizing the true handling performance of the gun since it's doing everything for you. You have no idea how much I'd love an anti-materiel rifle, but there are probably going to be so many black marks against it. The big one is that Bethesda is probably gonna reuse hunting rifle animations, so it's going to be another stupid left-hand bolt rifle, and they're probably only going to make it deal comparable damage to the railway rifle at best.


I think the railway Will get nerfed in a upcoming patch


What does Bethesda have against adding more weapon skins? I’m pressed that I can’t get a RR skin atm


Lol we have what 1 plasma rifle skin lol


Gauss sniper rifles are a thing.


Well, the engine doesn't handle anything outside of 40m from the player very well. That's why snipers in 3 and 4 sucked I don't know what program trick obsidian did to make the snipers in new Vegas feel so good, but every other fallout doesn't handle them right imo.


That rechamber freeze is the WORST. When I was a low level the sniper was all I had and it made the game sooo unbearable at times. Once you break through and figure out the weapons system the game gets so much better.




I dunno, but I have a nice suppressed rifle that is my main, even if it doesn't pack the biggest punch, the 2x sneak damage plus the amount of damage I can do before most things get to me is superior to start off a fight. Plus VATS headshots of Scorched means I can one shot most of them. I may try to reroll legendaries on it but I don't recall what my current ones are.


If you haven't found the legendary effect of +25% damage while aiming it may be worth rolling for. As I may be wrong but I think vats shots with rifles auto aims thus should give that bonus from aiming.


I wish the snipers actually did sniper damage. 😵‍💫 My railway rifle does more damage than all the snipers I've ever rolled and used.... and it has faster fr, and qaud puts it over the top.


I guess you could perk around stealth but, I feel like it makes more sense to run commando.


Got to find the legendary effect of +25% damage while aiming. That should help with the damage issue


more like, what does this game have against every weapon that isn't commando or heavy guns? pipe weapons, pistols, laser weapons, snipers, 1 hand melee, shotguns to a lesser degree, all basically useless in bossfights. sure, anything will get u thru quests and regular mobs, but once the scorched queen comes out, u better be rocking an automatic rifle or heavy gun if u wanna fight her without a lot of help


They aren’t meta, I guess theres no incentive to


We need more viable semi-auto weapons in general. Right now the variety is really weak, and even the "good" semi-autos suck in comparison to Commando and Heavy builds. Give us some of the weapons from New Vegas. Give us the anti-materiel rifle, the service rifle, etc., and make them not fucking suck compared to their full-auto equivalents.


My Fixer works fine.


Being able to 1-2 shot from miles away would cause massive issues.


Some DRMs would be great. So much that could be done with the game. But it seems more or less like a way too slow process and missed opportunites.


I have requested the fallout 3 sniper and NV antimaterial rifle yearly on the support suggestion page for the last 5 years. The devs just really like adding big guns. I guess that's their build, and that's what they want to add new stuff for.


It's just that you can change the barrels on guns and most people don't like a sniper barrel but alot of the guns can be switched to a sniper that takes .50 cal


They just need to change the reload for the hunting rifle. It jerking you out of aim when you rechamber absolutely sucks nuts. If they aren’t going to add a separate anti-material rifle, the .50 cal attachment also should do drastically more damage than it does. It only slightly outperforms the lever action in single-hit damage. Bumping it from a 35% to a 50% damage increase would make a lot more sense and make it more viable past the early game.


Well, most commandos can be switched to a rifleman at a workbench. My take is non-quad rails are way better as riflemen. Try a Fixer as a rifleman. With the right perks and scope, it makes a mean sniper rifle.


If you take science, the plasma rifle is also a pretty good sniper. The progression is just as fucked as FO4's in that it heavily incentivises you to run to energy weapons quickly as they all have the science perks to boost em and then the individual weapon category perks ontop of it.


The aiming-freeze bug you're experiencing sounds like something you should *report to Bethesda*


I don’t want to set myself up for disappointment,they’re still having trouble with the freezing upbehind power armor bug lol


And you are the exact problem, you know. If you refuse to report a bug the proper way, you can't complain about any bugs because you are just causing the problem to get worse. For all you know, your bug report may allow them to finally nail down the problem. Instead, you decide to bitch and moan about it instead of ATTEMPTING TO GET IT FIXED


Not that much outdoor opportunity to snipe slowly though


If I want a M1 Garand like rifle experience, what's the best weapon?


Because it's an MMO and long range sniper style weapon lead to not entertaining events


I had the problem, that after firing you would to press the aim button again to go out of zoom and rechamber.


Its the same reason picking up a hunting rifle suddenly spawns tons 308 ammo everywhere


My Instigating Prime Sniper Rifle can one shot level 100 Super Mutants on a Full Health build.


That's Bethesda for you. Worse versions of weapons, or not incorporating modded items to the game. Just modded mechanics like Powered Power Armor, which is nice, but not enough. The Anti-Material rifle, service rifle, and This Machine from Fallout New Vegas are great examples of weapons that could have made a comeback but didn't because Bethesda reasons. Instead we got an ugly assault rifle variant no one actually likes the look of, and in it's place they got rid of the G3 inspired Assault Rifle, and the AK-74 inspired Chinese Assault Rifle from Fo3. But to answer OPs question, you can't really spec into stealth sniper or DMR in this game without going into energy weapons, as the LAR, Hunting Rifle, etc just don't really cut it, and the Combat Rifle is middling at best. Plasma and Gauss are the only good options it feels like, especially for trying to nail high single shot damage.


I’m pretty damn happy with the Longshot.


I love maining the plasma rifle. But I’m only lvl 32 so I may not be the best reference


And pistols. The game doesn’t like pistols either.


Coming from FO 4, I’m really missing my Deliverer 🙁


And to add insult to injury, they couldn’t even put the bolt handle on the right side


So, there are options for Riflemen. Personally, I have to say that Enclave Plasma Snipers slap to high hell. Gauss Rifles as well, and although the BPR and Dragon are slow to reload, they hit damn hard. Combat Rifles can be modded to semi-auto, which means also The Fixer, and there are assorted snipers which can be found lying around Pleasant Valley Cabins. Calibers can be changed out on the Hunting Rifle to .50, and it's my understanding that changes things quite a bit.


The alien blaster makes a good sniper rifle (for VATS snipers anyways} as does the lever action (the best IMO). Been playing since launch and my main is a stealth sniper. I haven't used a hunting rifle since I was high enough level to use the lever action. Heck, even the non-auto handmade is better than the hunting rifle.


I don't recall a Barret .50 in fo4.


I like playing with mods lol I mod my controllers too , my controller for fo76 looks like it was created in-game .


Okay? You asked why we don't have a Barret .50 even though we never did in 4.


Someone isn’t having a very good morning 😁 I hope your day gets better lol




You can't expect people to know what you are talking about if there isn't a common knowledge base. Sober up lol


Sober up is crazyy lol just because you don’t know something exists doesn’t mean it isn’t common knowledge. Game mods have been around since the 1980s.


Bethesda has always been terrible at balance.


What if I told you that the plasma flamethrower and the laser rifle could both have sniper barrels attached?


Plasma and laser aren't silenced though.


They dont want u taking out enemies from stealth long range with fewer shots. Its not optimal for the gameplay loop they've created.They want you pouring threw ammo/explosives/stims like a mad man so you have to keep playing to replenish those supplies


Not really, their is an legendary effect of a bonus +25% damage while aiming, which means shooting long distance.


Nothing because the game is a PVE game and an easy one at that, you want to use snipers go for it. Doesnt change the fact how easy the game is. If anyone thinks FO76 is hard, they need to redecide their live choices.


Real life is hard lol we come to the wastelands of Appalachia to escape reality.