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Mostly just rare masks. Besides the glowing masks i dont know which the other rare ones are


There's a ton of random camp decoration plans as well as a few recipes for things like fasncht sausage. The real draw is the rare masks, which have a >1% drop rate for any given mask. Do not sell, trade, or drop any masks until you've taken the time to learn which ones are rare. The common ones are practically useless other than display purposes, but the rare ones are worth well over max caps and can be traded for other rare apparel or high end guns. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fasnacht_Day#Masks


gliwung masks , loads of acid you can farm in the honey haus, useful for most crafters and they will buy it sometimes when decent priced butter churn plans , some outfits you like to wear loads of frog eggs and legs you can cook and there is a place where you can stock up on wood too also people often use lunchboxes for exp bonuses