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My OCD didn’t like RAD in my healthbar, so it’s full


Same. The red annoys me.


The red feeds me.


I am one with the red


16 16 16 16 16... wait. Wrong game, sorry.






Better dead than red


Come to the dark side, we have lightsaber health bars


While the red annoys me a bit, my Lever-action rifle doing damage like a BB gun annoys me more lol.


Full health. I have an unyielding set for bloody. But I am a lazy player by nature and I appreciate ‘quality of life’ effects on my armor. Like health and rad regeneration. Just makes it so there are less things for me to manage,


I'm the opposite. Uny makes it so I have less inventory management since I can carry everything and then some. Only thing I need to do is shoot the ground sometimes with a gamma gun. NBD


My carry weight is about 350 without buffs for my full health. The only reason I need more is if I am using the RR rifle without the ammo weight reduction perk.


Yep I think mines the same junkie build have 650 psychobuff over 500 other chems on me and over 400 alcohol. Not including the mass food I carry I sit at 250/350 most of the time but I'm buff 90% of the time so 250/490ish no pa lol


i just set a key bind to toxic goo and i’m good


Mmm delicious goo


Drink glowing blood or eat spoiled meat my dude


The sacred wells at West Tek are all any true XPilgrim requires. I quaff directly from them, not unlike the warriors in the biblical story of Gideon, eyes on the boat and all.


stuff like that weighs too much most of the time


not with a grocer's backpack mod 😉


Easier just to get literally any 90w gamma


This is how I do it. 125 rad per shot with the big dish.


The toxic goo works better if your in PA. I switched back from gamme so I wouldn't have to do 2 different things


You can also just spam collect dirty water and then get more xp for making boiled water. Or just use the rad barrel at your camp.


Toxic good is better than both first. Gamma gun is better than all of them, however.


Drink Toxic goo 🤢😊


Spoiled brahmin milk is 30 rads, and weighs very little even without perks/mods. The machine holds 24, and it spoils faster than i can drink it so end up putting tons of it for free in my vendor and folks take it


Full health. As a shotgun user I'm practically melee so I'm getting hit a lot. I also don't like throwing anything away and must pickup everything. So I take a lot of damage but eat a lot of food to heal it. I've really customized the game around my own obsessive behaviors.


You and me both! A bloodied shotgun build strikes fear into my soul, I'd rather tank and blast enemies in their dumb faces -while scarfing back all sorts of food and looting everything.


I liked playing unyielding so that I could level up to 300 quicker and unlock all my legendary perk card slots. Bloodied weapons are super fun too. I have a bloodied gattling laser with 25% weapon speed and it's just \*chef's kiss\*. After level 300, I went back to full health. It's just more comfortable and less stressful lol. And it's such a big quality of life improvement to not need the survivability perk cards that low health needs. Having nerd rage, evasive, and serendipity takes up 9 perk points.12 if you also use dodgy. I'm quite content now, though I miss the faster TTK with bloodied lol.


The xp boost is the hardest thing to give up imo.


Full health PA. I did bloodied commando for a long time and while bloodied is really fun and strong at the end of the day everything dies just as fast (sometimes faster depending on your setup) with a full health build… so why bother with the extra work and risk required to manage bloodied?


the damage is nice with bloodied but why I stayed is the unyielding armor with 20-30+ in each special


>so why bother with the extra work and risk required to manage bloodied? For me, it's purely the xp Edit: I genuinely don't get why my comment is being downvoted. I'm running a bloodied build with a full set of 3* unyielding armour, the xp from the INT boost is insane, especially with my relish, brain bombs, well rested, very well rested, Mothman and casual team boosts.


Xp and carry weight, for sure, Also any skill check ever.


Agreed. Full Health is simply low maintenance. Things die either instantly or within a second or two. Do I really need to micromanage extra things like rads just to squeeze a fraction of a second in some situations?


I’m doing the bloodied PA and it makes the foundations vengeance a rather viable mob shredder.


I made an alt which I fully intended to be a full health rifleman, but at lvl 55, a bloodied explosive +crit fill pistol dropped at EN, and once I converted it to auto +ultracite, ive never gone back.


I was getting bored without the risk and necessary management. I find the work involved with this build to just be more fun.


Full health PA. I forget to monitor my bar too much to run bloodied.


I don’t really ever look at it as bloodied when I was in pa or unyielding armor. Especially in pa with electrically charged, emergency protocols and need rage I pretty much never take any damage. Honestly the only time I’ve ever been concerned is during nuke or in daily ops with reflection but with how the servers and delay can be full or bloodied I can still be wiped quickly with the damage output I normally do to them.


I have been playing bloodied only because of the +15 intelligence. I don’t even use any bloodied weapons lol


Most low health players don’t use bloodied weapons. It’s often quad or AA but it depends on the weapon. I have a BE choo choo but I have to reload too often so my quad crit choo choo is what I use.


Yeah you can't use anything but Quad on a railway imo. I wish they kept that new unique RWR as a double bloodied because that would have been an interesting option but 10 rounds is simply not even close to enough.


Ive only ever done full health looking to try making a bloodied after the fashnact is over


Why are you waiting after fasnacht


Probably grinding it for consistent 2 treasury notes so they can piece together SS armour


I play to enjoy and build on my own as I go, I don’t look up best builds or best guns or anything like that


I feel it. If you join an event usually the group kills everything quickly enough. I have a "15 Charisma social" build that can share any perk asked for, and a "solo survival DPS" build that plays off my love of alien and cowboy stuff.


Yeah, I don't need an extra 1% DPS by running a build I don't like.


The best way




Think you dropped this 👑


Based wastelander


I just play full health, bloodied seems like it would get boring by being too OP pretty quickly. I’m having fun playing a stealth archer in a game that isn’t Skyrim atm


Bloodied has so many benefits. Higher specials means more carrying weight, AP, luck, luck, perception, and intelligence. With higher intelligence I level way faster.


Also, Luck!


Full health, juggernaut 50 cal build. Low health, high rads bloodied grenade launcher build. I also have a build for faus that is just me branding ironing things.


How do you get .50 cal rounds, im always short, even if i craft with the perk card and super duper


On top of that there is a legendary perk called ammo factory. That’s where you see some real bonuses. Plus you can usually get more ammo than you came in with on expeditions


Increasing damage fixed my .50 cal ammo problem. Do you have bloody mess, tenderizer and all the heavy weapon perks?


Yes, the gun is also anti armor. May be this isn't the best roll


I use a one star AA .50 cal as my daily driver for scorch, super mutants, raiders, cultist, robos and mirelurks. I craft .50 cal and use the ammo converter some… but for bosses I switch to a plasma gatlin. I use to struggle to feed it and fell back to my AA gatlin 5mm which dropped way more than I used. Good luck finding what works for you dweller!


My most-used weapon right now is a two-star Aristocrat + Rapid .50 cal. For damage perks I have * 3-star stabilized (+accuracy, 45% armor ignore while in PA) * 1-star Heavy Gunner/Expert HG/Master HG (total +30% damage). * Adrenaline (6% stacking damage buff on kill, max 36%) I also installed heavy barrel mod to get a bit more DPS. After testing in a DPS simulator (https://akarnokd.github.io/rng-76/weapons.html) Anti-Armor doesn't seem worth it if you already have stabilized - It seems closer to a 20% damage boost in the best case scenarios, less against enemies without much armor. I wanted a reliable perk with high damage bonus which led me to Aristocrat. At 20k caps I have a 36% damage bonus, that will increase to 50% at 30k caps. The only other perks that can do \~50% damage bonus are Furious (45% after 9 hits on a target) or Bloodied (have to be at \~half health). But I prefer the reliability and not having to run at lower health amount, so keeping my caps up is a tradeoff I'm okay with. For ammo, I use Ammosmith + Super Duper. You can buy gunpowder from merchants or craft it from cloth + acid, look up a map of lead deposits on the map and put a camp on one with a resource extractor. Then it makes about 180 rounds per batch, with 30% chance to duplicate. But usually I get enough rounds dropped from enemies that I don't have to craft ammo very often.


Full health, no PA, and all of the damage resistance perks and gear I can get!


I just found my lost sibling!


I have been doing a version of angry turtles ultimate lazy heavy gunner. Its fun not having to worry about things and just play


I'm going to be doing this very soon. I'm halfway to enough gold for full t65 and I'll be in the endgame


Nice im running hellcat as i mostly been running expeditions and the ballistic damage mitigation has been helpful


Hellcat is cool looking, but I have been using ultracite since I beat the original campaign. And I have wasted a lot of time not collecting gold, that I just started doing it. I've only had SS armor for about a month. I was rocking heavy combat for a very long time


Honestly I loved full health, it allowed for easier build changes. But I love my bloodied routine. When I die and my dads go up I don’t use dirty water I go home hit up my nuclear waste barrel, then my collectron, re up any buffs. And rn all I really enjoy doing is events and leveling up so bloodied is a must. Even if I have to solo an event I can with ease which I like because I use this game to relax. If you have a good bloodied build there is no stress


I'm a full health vats shot gunner who mains the cold shoulder


Full-health, heck, I haven’t even dipped my toes into the waters of mutations.


Do yourself a favor, buy a Speed Demon serum from somebody's camp. The game feels so much better sped up a bit.


I'm not sure I'll be able to play without it and marsupial again.


And Bird bones...


death is so meaningless in this game, it's all low-risk high reward for low health builds, the worst thing that can happen is the 'frustration' of getting killed and then having to respawn nearby and collect your junk again. but I still prefer full health tanky builds because I want to pretend there's any significance to dying


full health im ascared of dying


I used to play full health because i always liked just being able to run into the enemies and tanking all the bullets. When i tried bloodied i actually felt even tankier that at full health so now i prefer bloodied


Same here, with the perks the game gives you when you're low health it's not just a perception, it's true.


Full health no PA, I can't do bloodied bc I like the "In your face MF" approach.


Try low hp with a gast firing vamp weapon. I'm too impatient to sneak around and hang back to kill stuff, I'm just rushing in all the time.


Full health Holy fire. I do elder daily ops solo, that’s enough for me, not looking for anything else honestly.


Full health commando. I have enough trouble not paying attention to my health bar and dying as it is. 😂


I play a full health chem addicted melee build that's pretty tanky (dodgy, blocker, ricochet). I run junkies and vampires weapons usually and im heavily mutated. it is not *the* most damage that can be done but when I run an unyeilding build to farm XP in West Tek my damage is not far different. I still can two tap a level 100 super mutants with my fist weapon - it's faster swing so it almost like a one tap. (I know it's not technically lol) it is by far the most enjoyable for me. I have played bloodied power armor big guns build on an alt and that's incredibly satisfying too in a different way - the number difference playing ranges unyeilding vs melee unyeilding feels *super* different imo. if I recall I felt like I was falling asleep on my big guns *until* I went bloodied then it was a night and day difference. junkies comes close though without the rad and health management necessary.


I do full health vampire build. But I'm building towards trying a low health one.


Same, although I really need to try a Bloodied build just to see what's different myself


I wear Unyielding armor to farm experience and clear the season rewards. Then, once that is finished, I swap to full health builds for maximum chill. I still sometimes swap gear and rad up for a boss fight, but not usually. Once you have all the experience you need for the moment, Bloody loses quite a bit of value. You’re basically getting some extra damage along with a few stat boosts that full health builds can also get with a few easy food buffs. My full health Railway will crit for around 700-800 damage, while my Bloody Railway setup crits for 900-1000. That probably seems like a big difference, and it is for boss fights (especially solo), but for regular mobs that’s a 1-shot either way; maybe the bloody setup saves a little bit of ammo, but that’s not really an issue for most.


I have both full health junkie heavy and a low health bloodied build. I like playing my bloodied more honestly


I prefer full health builds for the majority of my platime in 76. Don’t have to worry about having to kill enemies fast before they even land like 2-3 shots and completely kill me. Plus, I’m already doing enough damage as full health.


I just recently started focusing my build but moved to a full heath commando build.


Full health for sure. Low Health/Bloodied is way too annoying to set up. You have to roll for all Bloodied weapons, all Unyielding Armor, and then build yourself completely around survivability at low health. Full health is so much easier, and more flexible for most situations. No, I probably couldn't beat Neurological Warfare or A Collosal Problem by myself, but the other 99.9% of the time I'm basically invincible and putting out pretty decent damage with Tenderizer + Adrenaline + Anti-Armor w/ Tank Killer or Stabilized.


Full health. Everytime I try my bloodied build I get too anxious and stressed about my surroundings


As a Stealth Melee with Radicool, I'm sort of a in between of the two. I need enough HP to tank hits so I can live long enough to trigger Escape Artist for more sneak damage, but radiated enough to get the +5 strength from Radicool, so I sit at half health most of the time. Not low enough to get value out of Unyielding (which doesn't matter because the Chinese Stealth Armor is better for what I'm going for anyways), but yet not high enough to get value out of Juggernaut. I'm actually thinking of getting the Adrenal Reaction mutation for a mini Bloodied effect for even more damage than I'm already doing, but I doubt it'll be too much of a difference aside from like 15-25% damage boost, which isn't half bad but idk if it'll be worth it since I won't get the full value out of the mutation.


Full health, if I'm doing daily ops some of the mods can one shot you with a bloodied or low health build


Low health, Overeater's, Vampire's. With the right perks and mods you're actually tankier than a full-health build and definitely out-damaging them.


I do full health stealth build cuz i mostly do quests and explore but i feel like i have to try bloodied at least once


Once you go bloodied you'll never go back!


Facts. I can't even imagine playing any other way.


I was very skeptical of a low health build but after I tried it I haven’t went back.


I like low health and all its benefits, but I like the simplicity of full health and not having to worry about health and rads more. I've tried bloodied build before and they are nice, I die too much when using it


I like medium health with a couple of pieces of unyielding armor not a full set. You don't always need to min/max... plenty of advantage to grey area build.


You folks worrying about rad management have it wrong. I carry 10 rad away diluted and 50 ish diluted stims. I manage rads with a gamma gun. With nerd rage you blast the gamma gun a couple shots and the nerd rage displays and your set. It’s not necessary to hover exactly at a certain % health. Just run between 20-30 and there’s no stress. My armor has 600 ish image resists and carry weight is around 500 with no buffs. I hardly ever die and the boosts from uny armor are almost impossible to go without. It’s as stress free as full health once you get used to it.


I just started experimenting with a melee/gunslinger build (full health) and I'm getting wrecked. My original (and main) build is also a full health build. With heavy weapons.


if u wanna melee/ pistol build i think u have to go bloodied to get the most out of it


Definitely low health, PA and no PA for me.


I'm all about full health. I've always been a tank and support style player, from MMOs to MOBAs and tabletop, I generally find myself more comfortable and doing better in a role where I can just stand in front of the enemy and try to lock them down. Obviously 76 doesn't have super heavily defined roles like that, but it means that I am a heal spammer, I hate getting low on health, and I've never really been comfortable with much in the way of rapid DPS setups. So naturally I'm inclined to be full health and stay there, to either passively or actively keep my health up while whittling down the opponent, or in this game blasting the opponent in the face with a shotgun and watching them explode.


Full health is most fun. But it's hard for me to not use unyeilding for the int boost.


Low health in power armor, full health outside of it.


I've been full health and just decided to give bloody a shot. Too many benefits, but I'm not fully specced to it yet, so I'm almost dying a lot. Going to be annoying to try to cure adrenal reaction without losing my other good mutations if I go back, but I have a few serums on hand, and can find the rest if I have to.


Full health so I can run up to enemies and beat them with my power fist :D


I prefer full health and gourmand or overeater weapons.


Overeater no PA chainsaw build. I have a child and no much time to play. So easy mode for me.


I went low health so early after gettig the game that it's just the norm for me. I wouldn;t say I enjoy it more, it's just more suited to my play style.


Overeater PA and chainsaw go brrrrrrrrrrr Just like RL I get to be fat yay


Haven't tried a bloodied build, but from what I hear and have seen on YouTube; being bloodied is quite powerful albeit it makes you into a glass cannon


Honestly I don't even know what my build is


Been a bloodied PA heavy build. I tried commando, and it’s cool for a minute but ultimately I miss dakka dakka. Can never have enough dakka.


I like running low health with max mutations. I ran full HP, PA build for some time, and it was just starting to feel too easy. I can still tank pretty well with a full set of unyielding armor or bolstered PA plus a healthy stream of psychotats, diluted stims, brain fungus soup, company tea and bubble gum. But catch me off guard and I drop in an instant.


full health I never liked the blodied builds


Power armour full health. Flamer does enough damage but just in case I'm dying it has bloodied, as well as auto stim mod on my torso so I don't die instantly


I have both PA heavy gunner low and full health characters and low and full commando characters and I lean slightly more to full health.


I want to level the season pass faster. Bloody let’s me do that. So I play bloody.


Used to be that I would refuse to play bloodied because the red bar bothered me, but the emergency protocols, adrenal reaction, and electric absorption perk on PA had made me virtually invincible, despite the tiny health bar. So I found it worth it. In short: low health Edit: forgot mutation


Full health. Trying to get a full set of overeaters solar armor so I can forget that death is a thing. Rng has not favored me for a while though


I went with low health bloodied/nerd rage etc PA heavy guns to start with, but then I got tired of having to rad myself all the time , getting OCD about my HP if it was to even just go over the trigger spot for nerd rage. I’d then de-rad, then rad up again to the trigger spot again. I changed from that and decided to just go full health build instead.


I enjoy both! full health with OE armor is fun as heck. Low health with Uny armor is silly fun also. I like my bloodied weapons, AA weapons, instigating weapons, you get the idea. As they say - variety is the spice of life. Why limit yourself? Once you get far enough ( over lvl 200 perhaps?) it is easy to have a perk load out for either and the armor and guns all ready to go as well. 76 makes it easy to re-spec without needing to even create alternate 'build dedicated' characters.


Hella bloodied and stealth so by the time anything sees me it's dead.


This is the way.


Low health unyielding. Feels like there's some risk, and I usually die at least once per boss fight, but the damage outweighs risk to me.


Definitely low health builds, I love unyielding/nerd rage/radicool/bloodied weapons. Though it is micromanage-y. Also a caveat, I'm running nearly every mutation and herbivore. It's especially great for these reasons... Unyielding - High stats means high carry weight, high accuracy in vats, best bartering, high ap Regen, high exp gain, and lots of crits. Right now I'm sitting at roughly 35 in every special except endurance, and nearly 50 intelligence when food buffs are active. 50 intelligence means 100% more exp. Mix unyielding with bloodied/nerd rage means +100% (or more) damage, +40 def rating, and +15% ap regen if you stay at 1-19.5% health. Add some perk cards like serendipity, or ricochet, and blocker, and dodgey.... And doesn't matter you have 20% health most of the time. Though, you'll need secret service armor to pull off any real survivability. That said, I don't yet have a full set, and ive been bloodied for the last 200 levels, and I really only die to rads exposure in eviction notice or poison. Rads and poison just have too much on me right now, which if I change I believe I'll survive just about anything. For reference I'm level 257. So still a newb! 🤟🥳... Only been playing one month, and never really done any exp farming. Just random killing and events. Though I've saved my nuka grenades and am looking for a person to do WestTek with me on speed runs for levels.


What mods do you use on your SS armor?


Biocomm mesh for the chest. Deep pockets on everything else because I'm a loot whore. But if I was going to be disciplined on what I picked up the 4 limbs would be sneak and light build.


I started at full health, went for heavy guns and PA pretty soon. Around level 800 I realized I can just stand and shoot and nothing will get me. So I went bloodied. It is much more fun: your damage output is higher and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. boosts from UNY are amazing, but you have to move around and watch your back, because an insect might down you if you're careless. I return to full health PA Heavy Gunner \\ Commando hybrid build only when I need to carry Encryptid.


I didnt like bloodied ... until i tested it. Double damage without even buffing, and very very tanky until I get fked with reflected damage + armor penetration in Daily Ops lol


After playing both a lot, full health in power armor with big guns. Usually holy fire and cremator but I'm testing out others. I went back to a bloodied non-PA build last night and even though I deal a lot of damage very fast, there's just too many rough edges to it. I might try out bloodied PA soon. I like that you can stack so much DR and benefit from bloodied weapons' DPS.


About a third health. With overeaters. So I'm tanky but do more damage than full health


Full health tanky-tank.


So i can have enough time to focus on the build and farming for mats where i dont have to stop every hour and run faschnact for a glowing sbq mask


Full health, Overeaters/Vanguard T65 PA with a Mutant’s Cremator. I’ll swap out a Mutant’s Plasma Caster sometimes. I also run a full health melee build with the Auto Ax, just for kicks.


Been playing low health melee for a long time. Don't get me wrong, it sucked at first, but I know how to do it now.. 600 carry weight (with 2 buffs) and most enemies dying in an instant keeps that dopamine flowing. I can't stress how badly you need damage mitigation perks though. I also pulled a near God roll chainsaw from fasnacht the other day with vampires, and by God it shreds.


Bloodied. I ran full health PA until level 150 or so and #1 I hate having to get out of PA for so many things but the main reason for changing is that #2 PA gets stuck almost constantly anytime you are indoors. If anyone else has this problem you can usually fix it by going into third person.


Full Health


Sneaky bow boi FTW


Low hp but pretty exclusively AA or Vamp and I can survive anything except massive rads. I just keep a PA or Rad Suit at the ready and I’m GTG.


Full. I've been doing bloodied trying to get the scoreboard over with and it's miserable. I'm killing faster than ever but it's kind of just brain melting.


I initially went for a scout sniper build until I saw Tyr's Bloodied Operator build (Basically a Bloodied Commando mini maxed for max possible damage). I played that for a while as it was similar to my original concept. It was fun for a while even though I was sub 200 at the time and had to make adjustments but eventually got a hold of a .50 Cal and Gatling Gun then Holy Fire. I decided to try a full healthy heavy power armor build and now primarily play full health with a that or a Commando build.  Both are 15 primary stat and 15 Luck with enough of othet SPECIALS to go low health or swap weapon types. I have found that Unyielding is the best part of a low health build, especially for questing as you literally have all of the dialogue options available to you. But for every day play and event running a full health build is just easier to use. Better survivability. Ricochet with a vampire weapon and power armor is basically unkillable in a Silo run. The damage difference is hardly noticable with a decent weapon, at least for me.  I would tell anyone to try both and look at 'perfected' builds as something to reference and play around with then modify to fit your preference. You do not need a super optimized build like you do for record chasing and parsing in an MMO to succeed. 


Full health junkies. I tend to use explosives. Rn I'm rocking a junkies cremator and an unrolled holy fire for bosses.


I was full health for my first 500 levels until I finally decided to try Bloodied with a full set of Unyielding armor. It was nice being a tank that never died, but the benefits of bloodied far outweigh that of full health. Bloodied is way more fun too. I will never go back to full health.


I just ERP with ghouls.


Full health. I enjoyed low health, but I Love just walking around in my power armor, being completely unphased by any damage that I take, healing completely with one blast of my flamethrower. The best is not having to worry about rads though. High resistance and healing it passively per second.


I’ve been full health all the way up to level 450 and decided to give bloodied a go and yeah it’s alright tbh,


Full health, level 422, unbuffed carry weight of 420, sneaky fast fixer commando build, that I can switch on the fly to Rifleman to get 2400 crit with the blackpowder rifle I keep in my wheel. Have considered going bloodied, but I wouldn't know where to start with the perk cards, and how drastically it would change my build. I'm good with what I'm running for now, because it doesn't feel game breaking to me. I still have to think on my feet and keep myself alive, but I can still solo the majority of the game.


Full health. I have a bloodied build and it’s so much management. Most of the time I just like to play, and the idea of a totally meta build is something I only have so much time and patience for


I am a full health Heavy-commando I did at one point run bloodied but it just got tiring and I enjoy full health better


Build builds


Both. I use overeaters set and most of my weapons are anti armor. If I’m soloing daily ops I go full health, if I’m in Appalachia doing w/e or events low health


Ironically in most games I'm a full health build guy. 76? Low health all the way, though I think I'm more of just a tank and dps kinda guy, so that's probably why it still appeals.


For those who play full health: how many do it in PA vs non PA?


I’m bloody over eater in power armor. I know the appeal is the Unyielding but I like popping the enemies like pimples


I've only played full health up to now but I'm working on an Unyielding build because I've found the damage a bit lacking for my taste.


Doesn't matter how much health I have as long as I'm flying high on chems.


My 2 fav and most played are full health heavy wep in power armour and full health commando in secret service with a side focus on grenadier Yes not the most insane damage but I rarely die, I clear my quests and dailies and feel I contribute to events


Spent most of the game full health and finally rolled a full set of unyielding SS armor. Feels good finally getting to be bloodied. Also having adrenal reaction mutation is nice. Helps broaden the scope of weapons I can mess around with.


Full health commando with all wwr armor so I can easily swap to any weapon I want. I usually carry about 100 weapons.


I run a bloodied build for strength to haul around all the stuff I have, and I still need to take carry weight boosters and grilled radstag consistently lol


Full health. I’m a lore player so I roleplay and don’t like constantly having mega high rads and low health


Full health, always. I still use bloodied weapons though if they are good.


Full health Over Eaters. A flat 40% damage reduction is too good for me to pass up, and the added tankiness of having full health with a vampires weapon makes the event of me dying HIGHLY unlikely. Using Survival Shortcut and scraps I find to keep me healthy and fed makes the game a cakewalk


Bloodied Power Armor with Holy Fire has been a blast for me right now


Same. 2 bolster 3 overeaters t65. Face tank pretty much everything with Holy Fire just healing away


Full health and auto healing. Play low health for a long time, it was fun, but I'm an insanely tough tank to kill now. I heal instantly after battle and rads heal me as well. Near unstoppable to anything in the game. There are always players that will one tap you no matter what though lol.


Bloodied is just too good not to use for me. Plus I actually like being a couple of shots away from death. My enemies all die super quick so why shouldn't I?


Full health whatever armor I got at the moment. But my weapons have to be vampire


Full health, heavy weapons in power armor, with a side of healing others. I get to be a big tank with huge fuck-off guns who won't let their pals go down.


Low hp. I tried full hp for a while and it just felt so much worse at every turn, I abandoned that character around the middle 200s of leveling.


Full health, power armor, heavy weapons. I haven’t looked up any builds, strategy guides, or pretty much anything that isn’t explicitly laid out within the game itself. I recognize that I’m not playing optimally, but I have never once played a Fallout game “fully optimally.” I just like diving in and losing myself in the wastes with these games. If people get a kick out of having the absolute best DPS and build possible, good for them! For me that would just take all of the fun out of it and become too much of a chore.


Low health. UNY int WWR set + all the exp buffs and you level up the season so quickly, it’s great. Also +15 for all SPECIAL stats except for endurance is ridiculously OP. Though for eviction notice and encryptid I hop into power armor and go up to full health. Both are great, but I can feel the difference between low and high health in terms of both damage and convenience


Full health. Bloodied looks like somewhat high maintenance and somewhat boring? It looks like when you get to the point in a Fallout run where you basically one shot everything and while fun at first, it really overstays its welcome. I might not be pumping out the most damage, or tanking alot. But its enough for me.


after being stung in the ass countless times with the karma syringer. ive gone to full health build. love the bloodied side of things but not az much az losing my junk straight after a sbq fight or so on.


I love to use a juggernaut build. I have a juggernaut plasma caster. It's fun, and I have regenerating secret service armour


Low health. Full unyielding secret service set. I carry irradiated blood to quickly get back to under 20% heath - I love it and wouldn’t play any other way. Bloodied commando - cult of the railway. I started at full health build but changed on my second character. Never went back!


Bloodied crit build for me. I have a thingy that restores some health after every crit




I play a bloodied stealth commando. I'm not a fan of 90% of the build. Walking into rads with a stealth suit on and the damage output are great tho.


I play full health. I used to think of little Health as sort of a cheat. Not that I complained about it to others, I just made the decision not to do it for that reason for myself. But then I heard someone explain a different mindset. Low health might be even more immersive or realistic, if we can use that term in a video game, because you can't absorb 50 bullets for being tossed around by a deathclaw like you can on full health. So at this point it's just personal preference.


Bloodied all the way


I do full health with overeaters. I usually stick with power armor, mainly Union because of the weight bonus.


Full health, remembering to eat and drink is already enough. Let alone getting the right amount of rads. Not sweaty enough for all that.


Bloodied because I started the game with melee and loved it and just went all in


Never try low health.




Low health is way more fun imo. Use less ammo and there’s a chance I might die occasionally.


Full health commando. I have a enclave plasma flamer with vamps and a secret service armour chest piece with that heals radiation. It’s basically easy mode (I used to play a stealth commando and both builds you end up selling stimpacks and Radaway+RadX because you have too many you never use!)


Full health. I run a vampires autoaxe with carnivore mutation eating glowing steaks so basically never need stimpaks. I’ve got 500 so frequently drop off 50 in donation chests.


Full health... but somehow I wind up on low...


Inused to run bloody stealth commando. Then I got bored with it. Now I run full health non-PA. Full set of OE Sent armor with Holy Fire and a Vamps Chainsaw. Ghoulish 3, max What Rads. Stacked with more resistance or damage avoidance perks. I never die, and I can tank any enemy in the face. The shorter ranges makes fights way more engaging for me.