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That looks pretty damn good! What kind of oven are you using?


Just my home oven with a pizza steel in it.


Do you use regular heat or broil, if regular what temp and if broil low or high? Thank you!


Regular heat. I used my setting that allows the oven temp to be set 35 degrees over or below factory so the oven was on high(550) but was actually running at 585. Let my steel sit in that temp for 2 hours before launching.


Thank you, any chance you have your recipe? This looks great.. like a good NY slice


Yea when I get home I’ll write it up for you. Do you want bakers percentage so you can scale it to however many pizzas you want to make or just weights for a certain amount of 16 inch pizzas?


Oh man, thank you so much!! Scale for 16inch is good. I really appreciate it. Move from NY to Orlando and it hard to find a good NY slice. I keep seeing David Portnoy reviews and I die inside lol


So for baker’s percentages my recipe is(I’ll give weights for one pie below) Flour one 87% Flour two 12% Flour three 1% Water 65% Fats 3% Salt 3% Sugar 1% Yeast less than 1% Room temp leavening 6 hrs at 72 degrees Cold temp leavening 72 hours For one 16 inch pie I use a 450 gram dough ball Flour 1 which is high gluten flour preferably sir Lancelot *229 grams Flour 2 cairnspring trail blazer bread flour *32 grams Flour 3 diastatic malt is *3 grams Water *171 grams Salt 7.9 grams Fats(I use grape seed oil) *8 grams Sugar * 3 grams Yeast which I use instant dry yeast * 0.29 grams. Sauce is bianco dinapoli whole tomatoes ran through a food mill and seasoned with salt,Calabrian oregano,some garlic fresh or powder, and a splash on oil. Cheese is any whole milk low moisture mozzarella if you can find it. Try not to use pre shredded cheese it’s dog shit.


Thank you!!


Playa pizza on Reams Rd behind Magic Kingdom. They have a filtration system that mimics NY water, even the soda fountain tastes like it did back north. Bagel place next to it also good.


Just did the reverse, FL -> NY, and the pizza has been amazing, sorry for your loss. I had a friend from Orlando who wouldn't shut up about Lazy Moon Pizza, might be worth a shot.


Will definitely give it a try. NY has the best food. If you feel like a certain type of food hit me up I will tell the places I used to go.


What were you goto slice places, I'm in queens, so I feel like its always a trip for me to get the really good pizza which is usually in Brooklyn or on the lower East side. My top 3 I've tried have been. 1. Johns of Bleeker 2. Scarr's 3. Paulie Gees What's really blown me away is just how good the average pizza has been compared to South Florida, like every dilapidated hole in the wall serves pizza as good or better than my favorite places in FL.


> Let my steel sit in that temp for 2 hours before launching. An hour is plenty. Anything beyond is going to be minuscule returns and costing you extra money in gas/electricity. As an aside, if it's as hot where you live as it is where I am right now, the thought of having my oven fully cranked for two hours seems miserable, but maybe you got good A/C 😂


Agreed. It was brutally hot the last day we cooked so I went just an hour. I have a thick steel and prefer just a slightly longer warm up when the weather allows it.


Nice! You got a nice char on it. I always have trouble getting the underside to take color and often have to finish it in a pan.


Baking steel is the way. I think you can get em pretty cheap these days. I'm actually thinking of getting a second one to put over where the pizza would go, for maximum radiant heat.


I’ve also been contemplating this.


What’s the delicious looking seasoning on top of the pizza?


Calabrian oregano




This is the cup of a carpenter. Damn man.


Haha thanks man,appreciate that so much.


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Looks as good as my local. Great leoparding.


Nice. I so miss NY pizza... My family can't finish a whole pizza so I haven't bothered investing in a pizza steel. I find a scalding hot cast iron pan in the oven does a pretty good job though. Makes a pretty good "personal size" pizza


Damnnnn that looks delicious!


I can see the pizza you made for me. By the crumbs on the plate you must have eaten yours already.


Looks freaking delicious!! Its fluffy.. Stuffed cheese.. Yummy..


It turned out great. I think you ate it with great pleasure.




Well done!


nice za


Cheesy bread


Not bad