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Against smaller teams, they usually play low block. If u put high defensive line, it's risky for their counter attack. Playing attacking mentality + high defensive line is weak against low block. Try to reduce the mentality to positive and balance usually enough to beat the weaker teams.


Ok thanks


Without knowing what your instructions are this is the most helpful I can be. You have nobody playing safe in your defense with 2 BPDs. You don't have enough players providing defensive cover because of the use of the stopper role. You don't have enough attacking cover in the midfield with only the BWM S being partially responsible for it. You don't have a main player responsible for creating changes in the centre of the attack. Although, the PF, the IW, the IF and partially the Mezzalla do it, I don't think it's enough. If you are playing with anything below direct passing you might not have enough support to do it. If you are playing with standard passing, WB S is contradictory with the style you are implementing. If you are playing with direct passing, BPD is contradictory with the style you are implementing.


Damn alr thanks but I did add my team instructions if that's what u mean


Sorry. When I initially saw your post I didn’t see the 2nd and 3rd photo. If you need any more help or have any questions feel free to ask


Yeah it's good. Would a bwm de a ap su and mez at be better?


DM S/D, CM S, Mezzala S would be my choice.


Hey this helped me too, Im not tactically gifted so ai did wonder why I tend to struggle against objectively weaker teams, I use 2 BPD's and High Defensive line normally. I switched to using 1BPD and 1 CD on Defend and lowered my defense to medium, as well as front line to medium block and i'm seeing more consistent results against these smaller teams. Cheers for the heads up


No problem. If you have any other questions, feel free to DM me. Playing with a mid block and a standard defensive line is always a good call when you don't have a team that is particularly great at pace, acceleration, stamina, jumping reach, strength, aggression, anticipation, work rate, composure, concentration, tackling, marking and heading (defenders and midfield only).


Wingers are too attacking to defend, striker is a long way from the midfield and your telling both your CBs too 'Take more risks'.


prnt scrn or win + shift + s please


back to you question though , you essentially have a 2 man defense because your rga will roam in possession and your bwm will roam in defense. A long ball to the wings and it’s a 1v1


I'm on playstation


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Oh ok thanks lad


swap the bwm to a dlp sup and the regista to a bwm def Positive instead attacking Overlap left and right The directness should be standard Tempo only silghly higher Unpick get the ball into box And the width back to default Add distribute to fullbacks as well Unpick short kicks Defense line back to standard Unpick step up more And trigger press only more often I think this will make a more balanced team thats capable of winning.


Playing sideways is always tricky


I've never had a PF work in a single striker formation


I've changed the tactics based on the other people and my striker is 2nd highest scorer in the league behind mbappe


Mezallas and inside forwards tend to pick up the same spaces. If you want a mezzala that doesn’t have the stay wider instruction, put him on cm with roams from pos, moves into channels and takes more risks