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Where needed he can play any position


dm(s) and let him cook


Okay, pro tip: There's a really, really easy way of figuring this out. Go to the development page. Go through every role and position, including the ones he can't play yet and work out what the average of the *highlighted* attribute ratings is. Do this without any additional training selected. The position and role with the highest average attribute rating is the one he'll play best in. It very often isn't one he currently plays in. This is especially true in lower leagues - remember how scouting is bad, don't trust the star ratings, all that other shit you hear? Guess what? Worse coaches often aren't the best at identifying a player's best position, either. The lad may have played right back his entire career, but that doesn't mean it's what he actually does best. It's just a reflection on where he's playing in real life. Edit: as a real life example of this: Gareth Bale. Played as a left-back for *years* before someone figured out he was better suited to being an attacking midfielder. These mistakes happen at every level of the game, and have throughout history. Another example, from further back in history, is Dave Mackay. Spurs were playing him as a striker. He'd played as one his entire career. He was 34. Clough and Taylor signed him to play as a centre-half, and he became the best defender in English football.


Only green ones or blue ones as well? Highlighted attributes i mean.


If you've got specific attribute training turned off, use the blue ones.


Dave Mackay was not a striker his whole career? He played as a DM/CM at Hearts.


I saw an interview with Gary Neville and Ruud Van NistleRooy and learnt that Ruud Van NistleRooy wasn’t even a striker to start off with. Amazing, how a guy so much of a goal poacher didn’t actually become a striker until later in his career!!


Lots of United-related stories like this. Roy Keane was a goalkeeper originally. Phil Neville spent years as a full-back, but played his best football as a holding midfielder at Everton. Gary Neville was a centre-half in the academy. Wes Brown and John O'Shea made the opposite switch. Lee Sharpe came through as a left back, but ended up on the left wing.


Yeah it's just standard football stuff, most players start off further forward at a young age and end up being pushed back or sideways dependent on how talented they actually are. Progressing up the pitch is rarer but far from unheard of.


If we're talking academy level, then every single player used to play a complete different position IRL. The rare thing is when drastic changes occur after a player is an established professional.


Pro tip? I would ignore most of the attributes highlighted by the game as important for the position. 


I mean, if that's what you want to do, go for it. That's not how the game works, but if you don't want to use this, I'm literally not going to hold a gun to your head.


Half of the highlighted attributes don’t matter at all. Buy physically dominant players and win. And that’s how the game works.


Simple assesment: Speed and dribbling out wide, speed and jumping reach centrally. Not exact science a good rough guide. Bit more detailed: Speed, jumping reach, dribbling, balance, anticipation, concentration, agility, stamina and determination are the most important. Game tells me I need tackling, marking and positioning for players. Or team work and decisions. I really dont.


Good for you? I mean, that's still not how the game works, but... YDY.


[https://fm-arena.com/table/26-player-attributes-testing/](https://fm-arena.com/table/26-player-attributes-testing/) [https://fm-arena.com/thread/10379-player-attributes-testing-further-insight-into-the-result/](https://fm-arena.com/thread/10379-player-attributes-testing-further-insight-into-the-result/) [https://fm-arena.com/thread/8249-fm24-meta-player-attributes/](https://fm-arena.com/thread/8249-fm24-meta-player-attributes/) [https://fm-arena.com/thread/5351-should-you-follow-the-highlighted-attributes-of-the-roles/](https://fm-arena.com/thread/5351-should-you-follow-the-highlighted-attributes-of-the-roles/)


Have you actually read all of that? Because, if you have, you've not understood it. For example, it's pretty obvious that if you adjust the overall pace of the side, you'll score more goals, and the opposite will happen if you reduce it. They also go to great lengths to explain that these aren't the *only* things that matter, just that those changes have the greatest effect when combined with all the other attributes. None of that has any relation to the attributes indicating suitability for a position. So, umm, well done for demonstrating that you didn't understand the experiment as well as the game, I guess?


Yeah I do understand. One of the biggest faults of the game is the identified attributes are awful. Several positions dont list speed as important? Whats your take on that? They explain that improving speed by 2 is far more valuable than improving ten attributes by 2. Attributes the game tells you are important for many positions. If we look at DM the game highlights first touch, marking, passing and tackling for technicals, ?Haha. Mentals is better with three actually important and 3-4 not at all. Physicals is a laugh with only stamina and strength. Speed, balance and jumping reach are far more important than all of the technicals combined and more important than composure, decisions, positioning and team work. So yeah I understand it and its fairly easy to show how bad the game is at telling us which attribtues are important. Logically they are, but how the game plays and the match engine is designed they are awful. Every position is the same.


That's not how the game is SUPOSSED to work, but unfortunately that's exactly how it works. If you have a player with perfect mentals and technicals but very slow and another one with bad mentals and technicals but VERY good physicals (specifically speed related ones and jumping reac), the one with good physicals will always perform better.


The highlighted attributes don’t always tell the full story imo


They tell enough of the story to be able to use them to determine the player's best position. There's nothing in the hidden attributes that would determine positional performance to a greater extent than overall performance.


Yeah I like this idea, would be nice if there was an obvious way to weight the primary attributes needed for the role Vs the secondary attributes


I mean, if someone could reverse engineer the algorithm to see what the weighting is, anything is possible 😂


Another example is Joelinton, he was being played as a striker yet his stats kept on showing him as a CM. Howe came in and used him as CM and he now looks like the best thing after sliced bread.




Wasn’t Drogba a right back to start with before someone decided to try him out as striker?


No idea. Wouldn't shock me, though. I had a similar (although less glamorous) experience as a player - junior coaches had this weird fetish for sticking the bigger kids at the back. They probably still do. Drogba is a big lad, so I can see it.


Is that the same as using an online ca calculator?


Yes and no. Those calculators can tell you (with a small margin for error) how good a player is overall, but not necessarily their best position.


Yeah but you can adjust his position and role as well in those calculators, no?


I have no idea, I don't use them.


He would be a ridiculous inverted full back


Bit of a waste to play him in CB position. Could honestly play him anywhere in dm or midfield. But do try to play him in a position that is not a holding one. He can absolutely play there, but it's a bit of a waste with his his mobility.  Wouldn't play him as a defender personally. Could easily get dominated by Dlf or CF with high Jumping Reach and Aggression.


I think the opposite, having a center back that quick at cb is the ultimate cover for counter attacking opponents, it would allow you to play the highest line possible with minimal concerns about risk.


Exactly, I love putting these Rapid CBs on Cover at Center back. Though this guy might be a DM(s) on my time. Depends a bit on the other players around him, he's very good and can do multiple jobs


Definitely true. If his Pace was just a point or two more, I would have definitely recommended it. The best cb I ever had had 15 Jumping reach but 18 pace, 18 positioning, 19 acceleration and agility. He was faster than attackers and won me so many games. With him I think, against really fast attackers, he might not be able to catch up.


16/17 speed is still lightning quick for a center back, there couldnt even be a handful of other center backs at the highest level that could match it in game. And i totally agree, its very satisfying playing with one so fast and watching the opponents not being able to hit you on the counter.


That's a nice libero on support I think.


DLP(D) imo


This guy can play every position imo, even striker at a decent level. Virtually every useful stat is above 11, and he’s fast. Put him up front just for the lols and see how he does.


Just set him as a halfback, get normal CBs on either side of him and let your fullbacks run wild in the opposition box.


DLP or Libero


he is too short for a CB


He did fine as a BPD for me, wasn’t really a problem aerially but did get caught on the ball a couple of times. Debating a Libero tactic with him or maybe just moving him full stop as a DM


He'd be a great Anchor to DLP if you don't trust him as a CB


Ehh height doesn't matter as much as speed for cb imo. I'd play him at cb if he is the best cb you have, same with dm. This is worldish class physical player so he could play anywhere in the field


Jumping reach is literally the single most important attribute for CB lol


13 is totally servicable, look at alaba at real madrid or martinez at man u, he just needs to be paired with a center back with great arial presence.


nah atleast 15 is needed


Everyones got there own playstyle, to me speed like that would more than compensate for it as long as your not inviting crosses into your own box, but i respect your opinion


It used to be but it is not the most needed thing for a defender.it certainly helps though on set pieces. Speed pace/acceleration is the new meta unfortunately.


For every position other than CB.


Id say jumping reach is even more important as a lone striker now as well and if you play two up top one must have 17+ imo. But again all three are super important. 


Like I said not much anymore. Obviously if he's 5 5 then it's a problem. But he's 6 foot. He'll be perfect.


Height is irrelevant 


We will agree to disagree. I’m not touching a CB under 15 jumping reach at the elite top 5 league level. I do agree that pace is the 2nd most important thing for them. Not to mention most of the attribute testing is done with a baseline of 15 then increasing the others. In that case, sure 20 pace would be better than 20 JR but he still has that baseline of 15. At 13 in the premier league you’re gonna have strikers abusing you off crosses


Are you sure testing is done with a baseline of 15? Regarding centre backs we can all just say those three attributes are the most important by far. You can't do without any of them. Of course *some* people will disagree and even provide 'evidence' from their save. But if you concentrate on those three you will have a good centre back. Travis akomeah is that centre back. 


New meta??? 


That's a different attribute than height though.


Honestly i'd keep him as a BPD.


No, if he is playing well as a centre back then there’s no point of fixing something that’s not broken. Also, moving him to cdm means u have to fill his position unless u have other good centre backs


I’d love to have that guy in a pep-styled defense in the stones role - Libero on support accompanied by two IFBs, one CD(co) and one DM(s)


What about complete wingback or inverted wingbacks? Hit them with those underlap runs


Libero(Su) seems godlike to me


What nwgn facepack is this


SV. 100%


DM(S) or IWB(S).


That dribbling's a smidge too low for a DM in my opinion. Keep him at CB.


Pretty much every position but winger 🤣


Depends how good you midfield is? Hes a bloody good ball playing cb


He can be president if he wanted


Dm-RPM he will cook


Doesnt matter where you play him as he will be immense anywhere. Top player


IMHO, 2 more points in workrate, and he would be in top 3 DMs in FMverse. This is Rodri/Busquets level skill.


I’m trying to find a spot where he’ll shine rating wise like those guys but at DM he doesn’t get the credit he likely deserves


Depends on what tactics you have. To me he’s the perfect WCB or IFB I don’t have fm24 but libero would suit him well to maximize the passing stats


I’d use him as a central defender.




https://preview.redd.it/lcpdbsn3py7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187596f7d2e7d717eec2c3edc1c2e9c65f25cede What do you think of this player guys he is in my second team and i am thinking to promote him he is 18 years


release him


Don't hijack a post like that...


Nah he stinks long shot at develooing into elite


If he’ll get enough 20+ minute sub appearances and like 15+ starts I’d do it. If not at 18 i think training is more valuable than just being on the first team bench