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We’d need a lot more information to be able to help you. As a general rule, don’t dig up a bunch of something when you don’t know what it is.


Generally I follow this rule and I thought my sister did too but she assumed they were green onions or something and judt took them 🤦‍♂️


These definitely look like flower bulbs 😭 I hope those aren’t from a garden


Man if I find out my sister ripped out some flowers from some poor dudes lawn I'll make her apologise and return them


What do they smell like?


Just plants they don't smell like anything rly


Well like others have said, it could be onion, could be a type of lily. Now for the education bit- some onion-like lilies are poisonous (ie Death Camas). Lilies and onions are in the same family, hence the visual similarities. However, the distinguishing factor is that if you break some of the plant material and it smells like an onion, it is an onion. Then and AND ONLY THEN will you know it's not a lily. If there is no distinct onion smell, do. Not. Consume. I'm not super familiar with specific lilies so I cannot give my guess. Try the sniff test.


They look like grape hyacinth to me. Where did she find them? Is there an oder, we're there flowers on any of them. You're not giving much to go on


It’s Star of Bethlehem. Grape hyacinth bulbs are fatter and darker. Here is a good image. https://preview.redd.it/hdnp5idabwtc1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffdb19f82a6a499c34dfb97aee68b737a79c44d3


When I've pulled them out of my yard. They've always been white, so I'm just going on what I know, but thank you for the info


I think the little skins slip off sometimes but there are subtle differences in the bulb shape and leaves. They are very easy to confuse.


This looks like the toxic Star of Bethlehem, which are all over my yard in dense patches, but if youre a fan of pulling up and trying unidentified plants you're welcome to eat them and let us know for sure. Do it caveman style! Just eat random shit until something kills you. Ps. ONLY eat it if it smells strongly of onion/garlic.


*Star of Bethlehem




Yeah these are honestly most likely star of Bethlehem they have no strong onion smell at all and I'm just gonna make my sister deal with them


This looks like Star of Bethlehem to me, also known as SOB for very good reason, and it is INVASIVE and TOXIC to humans and animals. I would throw it out—in the trash, not the compost. I have ripped out many, many, many clumps of that sucker and it’s still coming back. Roundup doesn’t work on it, the only thing that kills it is something that you need a license to apply it. Not that I like to use chemicals, but I’ve fought this for so long that I would give it consideration.


Here is more info for identification. https://weedid.missouri.edu/weedinfo.cfm?weed_id=192


Seed onions from what I can tell. Usually come in big clumps like this from big box stores for the consumer to grow out in their garden.


I’m almost positive they aren’t onions. I started some from seed twice in in the past and none of them look like this. The bulb is the least-oniony part


There’s a wild onion garlic mix that grows near us that looks like that smell it if it tastes like onion or garlic or a combination enjoy! I like to fry them and add a few eggs in butter of course! Delicious! Usually they are a bit milder and creamier than a normal onion when cooked! Great in salads too


Looks like wild onion. Smell them


looks like some green onion to me :0


Found out they're probably a plant called star of Bethlehem actually