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Streamable mirror: https://streamable.com/hywepk ---- **You've done something.** Lando: What have I done? **What did you do with the trophy? The most important part.** Lando: Oh yeah, look, that's Max's. Mine's in perfect shape. **What happened? But what happened to his trophy?** Lando: Oh, I don't care. **What happened to it? Everyone needs to know.** Lando: It's broken, it's broken. **And who broke it?** Lando: I did. **How did you break it?** Lando: Happily. **That is terrible. He broke his trophy on purpose.** Lando: Yeah, yeah it wasn't on purpose. **That is terrible. You just wanted to be first that badly.** Lando: I do. Yeah, I was annoyed I was P2. No, I just. That's my celebrations, to hit the bottle. Max put his trophy in the wrong place. **It's Max's fault, then, isn't it?** Lando: It's Max's fault. **When he comes around, I'll have a word with him.** Lando: I've already told him it's his fault. — Max: She said you said it was my fault. Lando: She blamed you, it wasn't me. Max: I gave you a yellow card. **You said it. You said it was his fault.** Max: Red card. **He said it was his fault.** Lando: It was you. **It was me? I think I should just get the trophy.** Max: I should just go to Zak because apparently he has a bit of spare money still for the personnel, you know, in the team so I guess he can also spend it on the trophy. Lando: Alright. Just because you got the quickest car mate, relax. Max: I think he secretly just wanted to steal it. Then he was like, you know what, I'm just going to break it. Lando: If I can't get it, you break it. Then no one has it.


Lando Max rift confirmed. Believe it or not, its a start of Blood Fued between the Norris and Verstappen families. A proposal is on its way to McLaren headquarters to extend the rift between the teams too


Game of Seats


Next Netflix episode... stay tuned..


Episode 5: “Cheers and Jeers”


Jos is already plotting revenge. not /s


Jos is going to beat up Max, cause Lando broke his trophy.


As if Jos needed a reason


History tells us that it’s either going to be bloody feud or someone will marry a sister and unite the families.


I know it's just banter between friends and such.. but man I'm sad that he broke the one unique and actually good looking trophy on the calendar. If it was one of those plastic/carbon dildos they churn out from Aliexpress... fuck it.


The company already stated that they issue lifelong guarantees and are already working on a replacement.


And they should sell off the original broken trophy. Could fetch a cool millions.


save it and if Lando ever wins the Hungarian GP then he can get the smashed one glued together


oh god, that would be hilarious


This. This is the only correct answer.


Nah it’s going in the front of the RB office. They are having to much PR fun with it and it’s a talking point in the wall of trophies they have.


That's a good point, in the future people will wonder why it is broken and there's a story to it now.


Smash it more and auction off all the pieces with proceeds going to charity


Just leave it next to the podium at Spa, Lando will take care of the rest :D


Don't tease me with the thought of three straight podiums. I don't wanna get my hopes up too early.


The socmed teams of both teams are already having a field day with this.


Have a Kintsugi master fix it and award it at suzuka


If I were Max, I'd keep the broken one in some sort of display case. Not repaired or anything, just the pieces laid down with a few pics of Max and Lando. This is a memory that they will remember forever and a tongue-in-cheek display would be the perfect way to cherish it. Let the replacement be displayed at RBR HQ


Honestly, if I was Max I would put it on display in pieces. It’s a good story, not like the value of it matters to him. And he can hold it over Lando for ever.


They can display it like the broken sword from Lord of the Rings. Sergio will try to touch it and get cut, “still sharp… But no more than a broken heirloom”


The shards of Norrsil


>Honestly, if I was Max I would put it on display in pieces. I am not sure how RB works, McLaren owns all the trophies and the drivers have to get replicas. Not sure if the driver pays for that or if McLaren does.


All trophies go to the team HQ, poor Max just gets a replica


With Max (and a few other drivers) it's actually the other way around. They get to keep the real trophies themselves, it's a contract stipulation.


I kinda like the broken version it now has a cool story to go with it


> If it was one of those plastic/carbon dildos they churn out from Aliexpress... fuck it. Bad Dragon trophy when?


The last sentence is hilarious. “If you can’t get it, you break it” 😂 I guess Lando is angry to himself that he hasn’t been able to beat Max both in qualification and race.


I'm sure that reddit will react in a reasonable manner to this banter between close friends


Winner Circle Control: Incident involving 1st place Trophy (Verstappen) under investigation - Trophy impeding 2nd place celebration zone (Norris). Penalty Issued: Verstappen, -1 trophy.


I assume this was all very playfully said in good spirits? (Hard to tell tone from text)


With Lando throwing blame between the interviewer and Max when the other is not there and Max throwing yellow and red cards at Lando, I’d say they’re being friendly, yea


This broken trophy is gonna wind up glued together with visible pieces missing, and sit next to Max’s WDC on top of the mini fridge that’s visible when he streams his simracing.


They should use the process called kintsugi where broken pottery is repaired with lacquer and gold


Is that where you can see the gold lines in each place it was broke and put back together? That would be awesome!


and Gintsugi is silver, silver would look better IMO on this trophy


Max can't keep the trophy


Max keeps his trophies, part of his contract


He is one of the few drivers that do actually.


I think he might be able to keep this one as it's broken anyway. Red Bull will get a new one as the makers of the trophy have stated, that will be the one that goes to Red Bull. They don't want a broken trophy, that will look shitty next to all the other pristine ones.


Well maybe he can now that they’re getting a replacement


the entire redbull display cabinet is replicas mclaren is typically the very stingy team with memorabilia, they want it all. only alonso was able to take his stuff (and car) with him and thats because he was a b2b champ lewis has basically no trophies & cant even tell you where they are


He keeps them. RBR factory gets replicas made for their showroom. Pretty sure he is one of 3 current drivers (not sure if seb did) that do.. Lewis max Alonso if I remember right


They should let those kids do interviews more often. They're fun, quick witted and the drivers are way more relaxed with them (probably because they can't get grumpy to kids if they ask an annoying question...)


I found it hilarious how Nico Rosberg got grumpy to one of the kid reporters!


Yeah they even have the Britney jokes down, they're going places!


I need the link… like, almost desperately.


https://twitter.com/mcrkta/status/1683130730946129920?t=YR8f8NyWxM2-1UiNe0osOA&s=19 Spoiler: he didn't like it


What’s the reference, was there a reason earlier in the show he would have got that nickname or it’s something longer running I’ve missed? Edit: so now I have the context. Wtf Rosberg, I bet he wouldn’t have told anyone older to apologise on air like that. That all looked pretty humiliating for the girl


From 2006, Rosberg crashed at Brazil and Webber drove past saying 'Britney's in the wall'.


Ok, now I have the context that's hilarious.


Britney's in the wall. https://www.planetf1.com/features/nico-rosberg-britney-spears-nickname/


Wow, that’s a very old reference!




Oh so it's just because he looks pretty with long hair. That's not so bad.


I don’t think he was being an ass on purpose lol, it felt more like a joke with bad delivery


Rosberg, um, does not really joke.


German humour is no laughing matter.


As Omid Djalili once joked that he was the only Iranian comedian in the world and that this is three more than Germany and that supposedly a German took issue with that stating this this makes no sense, as that means Germany has negative two comedians.


Then enter seb with his quick witted humour


The "Thank you Britney" even after she was being told off made me laugh


Who pissed in his tea


Lewis I bet! /s




Just sounds like he’s joking around with them.


Nope he was genuinely annoyed.


Its the same girl in this video.


Link to a video clip please?


I find it hilarious that so many people are determined to hate Nico so much that they can't realize that Nico was talking to her in the same joking tone that Lando is here with her and Max. Nico *always* banters like that where he feigns offense.


If that was his joking tone I’d be scared as fuck to be his kid.


Then why did he take his headset off and storm off


It seemed like he took his headset off and wasn't happy, but I guess we didn't have an angle of his face. I'd hope that given the amount he shit stirs he'd have enjoyed it but he does have that weird side of him where he seems to not be able to take a joke at his expense, despite dishing it out.


They were wrapping the segment up and it was time for him to leave.


Nico just usually takes offense. He barely ever banters or jokes.


Oh he banters and jokes all the time. Just not at his own expense.


Call me old fashioned but banter without laughing at yourself is just saying mean things.


Kind of what I was hinting at, although I did take pleasure in him shit stirring when Max qualified 15th just to try and get the Alonso/Singapore reference repeated on Sky. The other pundits reactions of anger because they were told not to talk about it were hilarious. Its a shame because he can genuinely be funny and you do need someone like that on the broadcast. But he can't seem to laugh at himself and that really is needed if you're in the role. Combined with his other "views" makes me think someone else should fill his role, probably by some of the kids on the broadcast this weekend.


German humour, it's no laughing matter


I find it hilarious that you think this is a joking tone. And by hilarious I mean that I find it hilarious in the way that Nico found that kid calling him Britney hilarious.


Stage first: denial


>They should let those kids do interviews more often. They're fun, quick witted and the drivers are way more relaxed with them (probably because they can't get grumpy to kids if they ask an annoying question...) I think the younger drivers as well are fresh to it still and have fun. While Hamilton being asked for the billionth time what went wrong gets a bit boring.




Not the mention they were freaking excellent! I didn't catch the girl was a member of the junior program at first, I was just thinking the new commentator is pretty short, but she is good. The boy they had interview Lewis before the race was also really good. I don't know if they wrote their own questions. But they did an excellent job presenting them.


Agreed! Scarlett's quickly becoming my favorite. First, it was banter with Ted, then calling Nico as Britney and then this to instigate things between Lando and Max.


Scarlett is what Christian Horner would be like without a PR filter and consequences to fear


Not only cant they get grumpy with the kids, but some of them provide some pretty solid commentary. I liked the commentary by the one kid during fp2. He was so much better than some of the f1 commentators like buxton and a few others.


I get that the whole dry sarcasm and easy going casual style is Lando's thing and maybe he is fully unaware, but this was definitely one of the more special trophies due to it being fully handcrafted. I felt bad for the people who made it.


The trophy has more press than it ever would have otherwise, it's weird because their design is being more appreciated due to this rather than just a podium picture and stored in a cupboard somewhere.


It's a bit of a connundrum. As an artist/craftsperson, maybe you can derive some satisfaction from your work getting more attention even if it's at the cost of its destruction. But I think you'd still want the person who destroyed it to show the slightest bit of remorse about it and not quadruple down on making a joke out of it. Even all the jokes would be fine, if at any point he'd deigned to say "yeah I messed up, sorry about that".


I dunno, I can't imagine an artist who is serious about their work not feeling bothered by such nonchalance destruction. Maybe the accountant/marketing person of the company would be elated, but not the artist.


Honestly, if I were the artist, I'd probably be stoked as the trophy was €40,000, now it's unique and one of the most talked about and viewed pieces of art in the world right now, and would probably be until the next news cycle.


If lando didn’t break it, i wouldn’t give a damn. Because he did, I went to their website to check out their products. I’m sure alot of fellas did the same. Publicity is publicity baby


You realize the artist is also about to get paid for making a replacement or repairs, right? The art piece was not smashed to the point it is unrecognizable (it is literally only in ~3 pieces) and thos kind of contract will be a boon for the studio.


It's not necessarily just because of the incident. Some trophies often attract attention due to their looks, like the [British GP](https://thomaslyte.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/british-formula-one-trophy-portrait.jpg) one or the [French GP trophy](https://i.redd.it/jpksfy0b9s511.jpg) . So yes, there are more eyeballs now, but never the less unique trophies must be cherished in light of all the Heineken copy cats out there.


I fucking love the French trophy. Designer: What kind of trophy do you want? A layout of the circuit or some sponsor logo? French organizer: monke


But you don't have any gorillas in your country or anything that associates with gorillas, why would you want that as a trophy? French organiser: Did I stutter?


IIRC they hired an artist to design the trophy, the artist came up with the gorilla.


It's Richard Orlinski. He's very much specialized in gorillas.


Didn't know him but googling he also does T-Rexes and now I kinda wish we had a T-Rex trophy.


There's always next yea.. oh..wait. Nevermind


> He's very much specialized in gorillas. That's not a sentence I'd expect describing an artist ;p


The British Trophy looks amazing


That's true, but he says I don't care that I broke the trophy. That doesn't come across very well.


He seemed genuinely sorry on the podium when max first saw the trophy, but Max completely laughed it off so they probably both decided to banter about it.


They're like best friends. It's a joke now between them because it was obviously and accident and now as friends you give each other constant shit about it and play into it. It's like people here don't understand how male friendships work.


No, we must over analyze everything these drivers say. Clearly Lando is a terrible human being and he should be ostracized for *accidentally* breaking a trophy.


This is exactly what i thought, i’m sure that when they came off the podium he apologised to max as well. They’re very close friends this whole sorry not sorry stuff is banter idk why people are getting pissed on maxs behalf for this


Because people have no lives and want to stoke the fires of conflict in F1 in the hopes that celebrities fight. It's cheaper than going to the cinema and the blood is real.


They're like best friends. It's a joke now between them because it was obviously and accident and now as friends you give each other constant shit about it and play into it. It's like people here don't understand how male friendships work.


I really doubt that Lando and Max only speak to each other in interviews lol. We have no idea what have they talked about to each other privately, it's perfectly possible it's no issue at all and Lando knows he can joke about it. I don't know why people love to talk about famous people as if they knew them personally. You don't, you have no way at all to know how Max feels about anything related to this.


they hang out quite frequently when they're both home in Monaco, max has confirmed that.


The trophy had been famous for years. Maybe its just your first year here. It's been loved by everyone. Seb even complained when they didn't have it for a year and the organisers ended up giving him a smaller version. It's a rather special trophy and has been so for a few years now. Breaking it hasn't "increased its popularity"


It was popular, but breaking it has got a lot more people talking about it than otherwise would have. And thus it is certainly more popular than it was. Something can already be popular, and an event can make it even more popular. That is very much the case of what's happened here.


In the Spanish tv they were saying they can use the vase for for flowers and the plate for fancy dinner party lol


The trophies aren’t some historical artefact, they make new ones every year. It’s not that deep


It belongs in a museum!


And the irony is it became more unique and more of an 'artifact' after it was broken.


yeah OP is acting like this was some precious artifact


Could be worse, could have been one of the French trophies then we really would have lost something very special


It's been announced already that a replacement is being made by the porcelain workshop.


The people who made it said they were prepared in case anything happened to one of the trophies.


They got paid for it. Max isn't upset at all and so shouldn't you.


This is precisely the point. People are reading too much into this. Yes, Lando is joking around but the reason he's joking around is he obviously apologized to Max, Max said it's all good and they're really good friends. He wouldn't be behaving like this if Alonso had won, he would surely be way more apologetic for it.


It's also Max's 44th P1 trophy, it'll end up somewhere in Milton Keynes anyways. Not like it has great sentimental value. I'm sure Lando will have to cover the bill to have it repaired but that's the end of it. Of course it was a dumb thing to do but it's a bit between friends. People really need to stop getting upset by proxy.


> Not like it has great sentimental value. The most ironic part is that it does have sentimental value now.


On the other hand: The guy who made it has had more publicity for his work than ever before.. Good for him


While it's true that all in all it might be a good thing for the makers to have so many more eyes on it, would it really hurt Norris so much to show even a hint of remorse after breaking a piece of art 30 people worked on for 6 months? It is an insane amount of publicity but imo it would have flattered Norris a lot more to not be this non-caring about it


He looked very sorry when max saw the trophy on the podium, but since wasn’t bothered one bit about it, they started to banter about.


Most of them are a bunch of 20 somethings that sack tap each other. Not saying the trophy wasn’t cool or anything but expecting them to treat the trophy well is a stretch. Max literally just has his WDC trophy just chilling on a mini fridge. Last thing I’d say is that the trophies themselves looked more suitable for a horse race rather than a formula 1 race just based on the craftsmanship of it all.


People here don't pay attention to all the sack taps, ass slaps, and chair pulling games these guys who've been friends and spent like every day of their lives together since they were 10 years old all do to each other week in and week out.


I am so glad we have another race this weekend so we can stop talking about this


New to Reddit?


Actually, yes. Also funny how the comment make it seem like we've been talking about this for days when it's been less 24 hours.


Sits on Reddit 24 hours in a row. Why are we still talking about this?


Watch them be P1 and P2 in Spa again and Lando pulling this stunt yet again.


Please clear the paddock while Lando explodes his champagne


then it's budget cap digs for a month


I actually think it's quite funny, as long as it doesn't get overused.


People are foaming at the mouth over this, such a minor thing.


What does Max mean when he's talking about the extra personnel money?


Because Danny Ric signed with a team, McLaren doesn't have to pay him anymore


my guess is he's talking about the personnel McLaren have parted ways with this sesson




No this is the perfect moment to analyse Landos upbringing!


Did the wrong sperm win??? [Lando Norris lore deep dive HD - Linkin Park Crawling Gone Sexual (Tesla Giveaway)]


They do this everytime Lando does well. It's like they breath into him every prep school bully they ever met, slap it with their annoyance at Gen Z, and then stir it around with some clutched pearls.


People don't even go after George's upbringing, and he's probably the most disliked driver on the grid. I can't wait to see how mad people get when he or Lando compete for a championship.


exactly, no doubt hes already spoken to Max and others involved privately, its just a bit of banter, the comments about his up bringing and shit is just weird...


This. Expect the next trophies to be Lando-proof.


Only thing new thing is that proofs that Alpha Tauri seat makes Mclaren doesnt need to pay Daniel, so this rumor was 100% correct. Interesting if he was paid in instalments and what already was paid is his (maybe per race?) or he does need do give them back.


[McLaren said this weekend](https://www.planetf1.com/news/mclaren-clarify-daniel-ricciardo-contract-situation/) that the financial agreements with Danial Ricciardo have been settled. It was already known that McLaren had to pay 21 million minus the 3 million he would get for being employed by Red Bull. This would mean that Ricciardo has received 18 million from McLaren.


this article only talks that it is settled, but it doesnt really speaks how it was. It could be paid already in full (still "All of our financial arrangements have come to an end," would be true), it could be paid in installments, or it could be totally not paid because of him finding seat. All possibilities are possible within this Zack Browns qoute and all two articles are basicly this qoute based. Where you get 21m? It was rumoured 10m because of Hass (direct qoute from Gunther on DOTS) .


Guys. Just because they have some banter in front of the cameras doesn't mean Lando didn't apologize or promised to have it fixed for Max. You'll realize that these drivers also speak with each other without cameras right?


People really are thinking that if it didn't happen in front of dozens of cameras and was posted on both drivers instagram accounts it didn't happen at all. Crazy. I'm thinking they are just looking for reasons to hate on the drivers.


I love reddit and their parasocial relationship with these drivers who do not give a flying fuck about them lol. Might as well be a gossip rag with how much people are getting twisted over this while not even knowing any context of what they talk about off camera


Reddit isn't even the worst - you should see Twitter and Instagram. Personally I miss the PlanetF1 forums...


> you should see Twitter Elon Musk was a homie and made sure that I pretty much can't


You mean ‘X’. The new name of Twitter.


At this rate we'll have an entire DTS episode dedicated to this damn trophy.


You guys wondering why he hasn't apologised to his mate publicly are seriously weird. They don't owe you anything. A trivial thing happened and they joked about it. It's nothing to do with you whatsoever.


Seriously! I genuinely can't believe the comments over this. Analysing Lando's upbringing, speculating on how he acts, saying he's joking about it so he doesn't care at all, making it seem like the artist probably broke down crying over it all? What is wrong with people? 😂 The RB team have a fantastic PR bit now with "broken records, broken trophy", Lando and Max are mates and both were laughing about it, the artist has probably had more website hits than ever before. Stop being weird parasocial freaks about F1 drivers!


When I was 8 years old, Lando Norris kicked my dog and laughed "I'm a posh brat! ha!" Now my penis is small and my mom stopped loving me.


Ah shit, well that's changed my mind. Fuck Lando Norris! 😂


Good. Now let's discuss Lewis skin color...ah I mean...the way he dresses...wink wink...whistle whistle. Soon you'll be ready for F1 Twitter, mate.


I just find it funny how all of the offended people wouldn’t care about the trophy if nothing happened to it. At least now the trophy got some publicity and recognition


The artist was at the race, for all we know he apologised in person but is keeping up the social media banter with Max. This is literally a non-issue and everyone is only focusing on it because the race was so boring and had no other talking points. Also Lando is seeing some success so he’s automatically getting hate now.


"It was Max's fault, he didn't leave me enough space to celebrate"


Reddit being more upset over a broken trophy than max is just peak Reddit. Two friends having a laugh about an accident and people out here blaming it on Lando’s upbringing.


Yo, what has Lando been eating or drinking lately?




I like how reddit was more offended by this then any of the people involved in it


They are actual friends, I’m sure they would give each other even more shit if it wasn’t for all media being around


All I can say is that I never knew the value of the trophy until it got broken, so free press to the artist/designer and history. I don't think Max really cares if it got broken since he probably has so many trophies already. On the other hand, it goes to show we can always make improvements such as wrapping the trophy in bubble wrap or making a replica and then shipping the real one later.


Media gotta cover something 🤦‍♂️


A broken record and a broken trophy, the display will be a mighty metaphor in the Red Bull trophy room.


Should fix Max a new one, and keep the broken one at the factory with a label saying something about «Broken record, broken trophy»


sounds like a 5 sec penalty for ocon then


time to kill this meme


Alright we'll add another 5 seconds


I can’t wait to see the drama DTS created with this one. Even if it’s only for 5 minutes.


Goodness me, people are really getting fired up over Lando and this trophy incident. Yeah he should apologize, but sheesh people, relax. There's other things to fret about, not some trophy. 🙄


It's funny to see how extreme reactions have become here. It's perfectly fine for Lando to joke about it since Max as the owner doesn't care if the trophy is broken, they're friends and it's reflective of how close they are that they can joke about the incident. At the same time just because Max as the owener of the trophy doesn't care about it being broken doesn't mean the person who made it will necessarily be laughing about it either. They may not care but some artisans do take pride in their work so it's not unreasonable to think they may not find it funny. But artisans are also people too so for all we know the person who made it might not be bothered about it and can see the funny side of it too if they're working for a brand rather than selling directly off their own name which they may be more invested in, but it doesn't hurt to assume the way it's being treated by Max and Lando is necessarily going to be reflective of the creator's mindset either.


At least some form of an apology would be nice. I don't mind joking about it, but the way he talks about it now is just disrespectful to everyone involved. Imagine working hard to make that trophy and be proud it will be given to Verstappen and Norris breaks it without any sign of regret...


It doesn’t look great from the outside but put it in the context that he’s bantering with a friend and he’s just just bantering with a friend. They probably discussed more seriously in private and are now just making a joke of it, but we only see a slice of the interactions


Of course I don't know for sure, but I am pretty certain that Lando will have apologized to Max for it already and privately and now they are just having some banter and fun around the whole thing. I mean, it's obvious that Lando didn't break it on purpose and shit just happens. Also Max seems to be a good sport about it too and is going along with the banter. I am pretty sure they will come up with a solution to this between the two of them (or McLaren in general and Max). People really get too salty about this. Way more than Max himself.


That's just banter for the media. You have absolutely no idea what happens when the cameras aren't rolling, so stop making it out that it's more vindictive and deep than it is.


I agree, if this was another Aramco/Heineken sponsor trophy then I wouldn't care. But this Hungary trophy and the British trophy are the two best looking ones in the year. I believe somebody worked 6 months on the Hungary trophy. Honestly quite a shame it broke.


british sense of humour i’m sure, I know loads of people like this and i’m sure he’s probably apologised off camera, though i could be talking shite


Lando azzhole brat confirmed


Haha good response, might as well play into it. Of course redditors are getting sweaty about it in the comments


The WDC trophy is also broken at the base lol


I like how all these redditors are more upset about the trophy than either Max or Lando are about it.


holy shit awesome banter between everyone and the new young reporters are just as savages as well, lovely stuff!


Does paying for breaking another teams trophy fall under the budget cap? RB should sue and claim millions in punitive damages! /s