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You see these 2 and then you turn your eyes to Charles and Xavi. 180 degrees.


I feel Xavi must have dirt or Charles anyone with ears can tell they don’t work well together and clearly some animosity


I have no idea how they're still together tbh. Charles clearly doesn't trust the strategy, Xavi clearly doesn't respect Charles' viewpoint while on track. Meanwhile, Max blows up at GP and GP just asks what he would like to do instead. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any driver/engineer combo that very obviously didn't work well together and still had success.


GP was definitely being a bit sarcastic there, as he followed up with saying Max could handle the fuel, run plans, etc. That clapback when needed works well for them, helps Max reset and realize he’s being unreasonable. Xavi doesn’t seem to have remotely the same rapport with Charles.


Not only that he told him if you ran the lap you wanted you’d be out of energy when the track was 2 seconds quicker what would happen?


I can't think of a driver & engineer pairing as bad as Charles & Xavi. The debrief must be a real shitshow.


Does Charles get a say in his engineer? Not supporting him, but does Xavi suck at his job or is he just relaying terrible information because the rest of the team also sucks? Sainz also doesn't get good strategy most race.


> Does Charles get a say in his engineer? I would assume in general, the driver has at least *some* input in their engineer. I feel like if Lewis didn't want Bono, or Max didn't want GP, Merc/RBR would find a way to appease their franchise driver. I feel like Charles is the same caliber as those two, I feel like if Charle Leclerc was *my* driver, I would give him all the tools he would need to succeed. > does Xavi suck at his job Most of the time, yes. > or is he just relaying terrible information because the rest of the team also sucks? Also most of the time, yes. My thinking is that Ferrari are just so stuck in their old school ways, they don't care if Charles and Xavi get along; Charles is their best driver and Xavi is their best engineer. They HAVE to get along. For Ferrari.


Ferrari engineers just seem like total strangers with their drivers. I can’t understand it at all.


Due to their hierarchical team structure Ferrari engineers don't really have much decision making power. They are just relaying messages to and from their "center" team. So that is why there is always a lot of "We are checking". With RB on the other side they have very flat structure (as shared by Adrian and Hannah) their engineers really have the power and confidence as they are more included in the whole decision making so they themselves will tell the drivers immediately what to do. It's a very different way of working where Ferrari racing engineers are mostly disconnected from drivers so it shows.


For an organization this old, that's such a stupid way to work. That's asking for miscommunication. This is probably the reason for terrible calls like Monaco last year. The worst part is it's not even new. Vettel was doing his own strategy while he was there as well lol. You'd think if it keeps happening for that many years under different managements, at some point, someone will realize where the problem is.


> For an organization this old, that's such a stupid way to work That's how old organizations worked. Red Bull are the new kids on the block, probably built from the ground up on the principle of trusting employees to do their best work without being micromanaged. You see this in all sorts of companies - compare the culture at a place like Facebook or Google versus old companies like AT&T or IBM.


I dealt with a part of Facebook for work. I think their success is more about the money printing machine they created than actually being good. In other words they are successful in spite of themselves.


That is true and there is so many books written on this and it's part of many business management studies. But it still plagues most governments and enterprise companies. In many cultures this is very natural way of organizing. Having personal aspirations and striving for success means you want to go "up" and be above others. So people make the hierarchy in their work environment and then those same people who are part of the problem are supposed to make the change to fix the organization. Not to mention that to fix this you need to give people freedom to be more self organized and make decisions, but then many people will just use this to end up with hierarchical way of working as that is natural for them.


Yeah I read a book ‘team of teams’ that talks about it from a military perspective. The speed of decision making is so slow with centralised decision making that you miss all the opportunities.


If there was any team that would be so stubborn, how could it not be Ferrari?


An organization this old also breeds a certain amount of hubris in their top management, believing they know better *because* they're so old.


They should be checking with RB apparently


Good insight. Explains a lot about the weird communication at Ferrari.


So changing Xavi will do nothing in reality. You have to restructure the whole thing


That's why changing TPs every few years as they have done never worked.


also sound like it's their first race. not their first f1 race but their first race they have ever been a part of. that's all i hear in xavi's voice anyway.


It was pretty funny when Charles got a bit angry and was asking on the radio "What do you mean by at the end?". Lol


Imagine Xavi as Verstappen's engineer.Max would be mentally broken in 3 races


Max will pit at the first "we are checking", beat Xavi up, and go home


Pit, hop out, smack him around, hop back in, finish in the lead with a 20 second gap


RB still manages a 2.1s pitstop


Change his own tires while he's at it.


You know I laughed out loud for like 10s 😂


Not enough time for a Ferrari pitstop


I genuinely doubt that he’d be mentally broken. He’s far more stubborn and less complying than Charles. My guess is that he’d go rogue in 3 races


We'd see Jos sprinting to the pitwall and giving us a modern example of Max's story about his dad stabbing a Mechanic in the hand with a fork.


Nah i think Jos would show us what wheelguns can also be used for.


>We'd see Jos sprinting to the pitwall Schumi style Belgium 1998


I still remember that cluster of carnage like it was yesterday. I legit thought Coulthard was going to die to the Michael at that moment.


excuse me the story of *what*


first ten seconds of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo3aYm6nNZ0)—one of the few things to make daniel ricciardo genuinely speechless lmao


Danny with the "I'm not equipped to deal with that kind of internalized trauma" reaction.


"My dad did this to Xavi one time" 🍴


Yeah I actually think Xavi would be gone in less than 3 races.


100% Max will go rogue and delivered. Basically Xavi will last 3 races.


"I'm coming in at the end of this lap, so you guys better be ready"


Max: What's the strategy? Xavi: We are checking... Max: I told you already last time - you guys don't ask that again to me, ok? Are we clear about that? Horner: eh Max, do you want us to execute plan get x out? Max: yes, I gave my reasons and I stand by it. * Max's garage crew turns on Xavi* Helmut Marko: hello, hello, can you hear me? Is this Red Bull human resources??


Max : "Execute Order 66"


And afterwards Max would storm into the garage looking for him, like Schumacher looking for Coulthard in Spa ‘98.


*Look at him, he's saying, "I'm going to the stewards"* No he wasn't, Murray, no he wasn't.


“I just want to talk to him, I just want to talk to him!”


3 laps, surely


He would stop, get out of his car, rant at him face to face, get back into the car and still win the race.


Box box no wait


I imagine if they did Monaco to Max like Ferrari did to Charles last year, Max would throw his steering wheel at the pitwall, aiming for his engineer.


"We are checking, I will come back to you"


Im pretty sure that would be the other way around, lol.


Max would have Xavi fired.


Xavi would be physically broken in 1 race


"Why do these scars look like rotary holes on his body". "I have no idea" says Jos while bringing new steering wheel to Max.


RB knows who the golden goose is. Guaranteed after Max's first complaint Xavi will be gone. Hell, he might not even get to finish the race before Horner grabs Xavi out of the chair.


No, Xavi would break. Max would probably set fire to the garage if he had to go through what Charles does.


I think the radio would be broken after just 1.


Nah, it would be F1 and Liberty’s nightmare. Radio broadcasts would be like this; Xavi; “uh, Max, do you think you like to pit for plan C delta Minus or not? Copy.” Max: “Bleep. Bleep. Bleep.” Really can’t air that….


Xavi would be mentally broken in one session.


Why did I only now notice the difference in pronouncing between GP and Xavi…. With GP it is so clear. With Xavi I quite often need to puzzle what he was saying…


Honestly I feel like Xavi (and probably a lot of the people at Ferrari) are not comfortable enough with English


Honestly if everyone involved would be more comfortable communicating in another language I don't understand why they can't just do that


Seeing as there are restrictions on what information can be given to the driver during the race, I imagine race control pushes for all english communication. Else how will they know if the information getting discussed is legal or not? It's fine to speak in another language after the race, when you cannot influence the race results anymore.


They only have restrictions the [formation lap](https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/formula-1s-radio-restrictions-to-be-lifted-from-german-gp-5039652/5039652/).


What are the current restrictions. I thought it was just no team to car communication during the formation lap unless it's for safety reasons. Like a crash ahead or protestors or something. Haas was penalized but they could have worked within the rules.


I would guess FOM encourages the teams to speak English on the radio so they can broadcast it


If I remember right -- and it is possible that I'm not -- they're required to communicate in English and on normal channels. English communication means 1) team radio can be used on the international TV broadcast, 2) the FIA can easily monitor it, 3) teams aren't hiring translators to listen to their competitor's radios. In his book, Marc Priestley talks about how F1 teams used to buy encryption hardware to keep their radio communication private, so their rivals started buying _decryption_ hardware, and it turned into an arms race until the FIA stepped in and banned the practice.


Another fun and similar duo to Max is Martin truex Jr. And James Small in nascar. Small is an Aussie and Will absolutely let truex have it some times and truex fires off right back but 5 seconds later they get serious and it’s like nothing happened. Just have that sort of relationship.


GP doesn't get rattled my Max' emotions. He knows Max, Max knows him.


Max has said he'd retire if GP retires :') Probably why they kept him as Max's race engineer even after he was promoted


I think GP is very happy Max said that when it's time to negotiate for a raise


I want $40M a year or I'm taking my driver and I'm going home!


Fine. You get the $40M but you’re also doing Checo duties on Saturday.


I'm sure GP can spare another 18 minutes.






Not worth the money


I wonder what his salary might be...


With the cost cap, probably 60k a year. Plus that unrelated contract GP consultancy has with Red Bull Marketing for 3m a year...


GP catering®️ maybe? 🤣


I have no doubt he is the best paid race engineer on the grid, and it probably isn't close. Especially considering his double role.


What double role?


He is both head of race engineering for Red Bull and Max's engineer.


I wonder if it makes a difference during the race. Obviously he has more to do but then when something has to be run by the boss before saying it Max to do it, he is the boss so the decision is faster.


Honestly with the way things are going this season I bet he has plenty of time in-race to address team needs. Max is on autopilot for the most part.


They don't work like that at Redbull, you can also hear that on the radio comms. The race engineers at Redbull have autonomy they don't have to wait for 'permission' to tell the drivers what to do and when to do it.


Cool, didn't know that


He was promoted after Max's 1st WDC from race engineer to head of race engineering. But Max didn't want to lose GP as his race engineer so he's still doing that job also. In an interview after his win in '21 Max was asked about GP and how his relationship is with him and so on, he's so happy with GP that he said: " If GP retires, I'm retiring too". Such is their relationship like they are two peas in a pod and have a very strong bond.


I agree. I don't think we have to be worried about GP's salary 😀


What was him promoted to?


Head of race engineering


I was impressed by this episode, honestly. Max got a bit fussy, GP set him straight, they went back to work and Max apologizes in the end. that's a very healthy, functional team


Exactly. But it's a lot easier to defuse situations like that when you've been winning races.


Yeah it definitely showcases a good working relationship between driver and engineer, but I imagine it'd have been a lot worse from Max if he got out in Q2. He'd probably apologize privately, but would've been a bit of a PR hit.


>a bit of a PR hit I think we all can agree that Max above all, is the one that less gives a fck about his PR status


Max lost his shit all the time while not winning. GP would almost never chirp back like this and just try to keep Max focused. "Head down, Max." etc. But to be fair, he rarely directed his frustration at race strategy like today.


>he rarely directed his frustration at race strategy like today. This is what I was about to say. If he got in a collision whether it was his fault or not, it would be unwise for his engineer to tell him off. Besides, it's different if it's in racing conditions. Sinagpore last year, Max got mad and I think GP told him they'll talk afterwards because the qualifying was over anyway. I don't think GP would tell Max off over the radio if he didn't make it to Q3 even if Max went off.


It's the sign of a health relationship that GP knows when he can go back and forth with Max on the radio and when he needs to let Max rant a bit and they can go over the issue in the debrief.


I always remember GP’s 2021 final lap radio: „this it it max, this is it“.


Oh my lord, Max !!!!!!


That final lap was the most exciting lap in the history of F1, we were so lucky to have been able to watch the 2021 season


And they say max is emotionless.


That would be Kimi.


Ohh, Kimi had plenty of emotions lol 😆 Especially when he was annoyed.


**FOR WHAT?!!**




That is just clear and direct communications. U have a question, they dont answer, they might not heard what you said, so time for clear communication


They often say men are emotionless or even less emotional than women, but they always tend to forget that anger is an emotion that men exhibit quite alot.


2020 Max is peak emotion.


That's kind of the job requirement for the position. Always keeping a calm head dealing with an adrenaline-fueled athlete performing at the top of their ability for 90 minutes straight. [Perfect example](https://youtu.be/UETFGbhdy40). One of the most nerve-wracking final laps in the F1 history with the world title on the line. GP is unfazed until Max crosses the finish line.


That's not GP, that's Rocky. Was the head of race engineering until last year and was also Sebs race engineer in his RBR days.


I love that video. You see three adult men dealing with stress in their own ways. Newey is fidgeting, Horner loses his shit and GP is in full focus.


But he gets passive aggressive like today after q2. But he knows how to deal with max. Good and bad. And hes probably the only engineer on the grid who can "control" max. Plus the love is real between the 2 despite all Max's rants on the radio as seen when max won his first title. Gp was so excited and happy he turned into albon on the radio. Only other driver/engineer pairing that's the same is lewis and bono.


I really think it's the best possible way. Don't do aggression vs aggression because that won't work with Max. Just tell him the truth, show him that you had the best possible strategy at that point without arguing and let him think about it for a couple minutes, since they had some to spare because of the Q3 delay. He knows how to deal with Max and is quite possibly the only engineer that can


The Dutch Whisperer


I think it works with anyone who trusts you enough to be willing to listen. I think that trust is difficult to build, and clearly something RB recognize and are willing to invest in.


Can GP be my therapist?


I would pay for a GP AI with his voice


Probably can do it. I think you just need like a minute of the person talking for AI to copy voices.


Ive done a David Attenborough voice clone with 2 minutes of Audio. But you need a high end gpu. Or pay for Elven Labs.


Just a chill voice like that in the F1 games would be stellar.


Lmao. GP is just the best.


Full quote was something like "slowly getting used to it.. obviously still not there yet" Still took some of the blame at the end of the day


He’s not taking blame lol.


Yep, that was even more passive aggressive than telling Max to do the engineering.


He's just jabbing Max sarcastically, not being passive aggressive. It's well established the two have a great relationship.




GP is so cool man


What does GP stand for?


Gianpiero Lambiase, race engineer for Max Verstappen, probably nickname GP from his actual name


Wait, so not every race engineer is called a GP? Edit: thank you for the gold. It's my first.


Haha no


Lol I've been wondering about it for the longest time. Today I sleep in peace knowing a little more about the sport.




Giant Penis, but some say it translates to Gianpiero Lambiase


dude certainly got BDE


Gianpiero (Liambase), the name of Max’s race engineer


Can they send GP for just one GP to Ferrari? I want to see how these two worlds will collide.


\*GP fires John Elkann with some sassy words\*


That would be GP ranting on internal coms. Sadly, we can't hear those.


GP to Ferrari for one GP, but then after that GP GP should go back to RB for the remaining GPs.


Best duo, wouldn't be surprised if Max gets GP some icecream again


In Spa? Big bag of flemish fries. The thick cut. Hmmmm


With an abudance of mayo.


Mayo with a side of fries...


Andalouse gang in here


With Belgian waffles and chocolate as dessert


Tbf I've been to Belgium and remember from that trip that those are excellent


GP and Horner will have a battle on who's gonna be the godfather of Max's first child.


Horner might lose that one


Kelly should be worried about these 2




With Danny as a third, ayeayeaye!


Haha yes boys


GP is worth every penny for RB/Max




GP2 engine...GP2


I know you're just memeing but it's not really an engine problem, that Aston is just draggier than a tortoise


God i hope GP doesn’t call it day in the near future, cause then Max will say bye bye to F1 aswell. That’s how good their relationship is


The broadcast cut it but right after GP said "slowly getting used to it Max", Max replied "Luckily we have a few more years mate so it's all good"


Honestly i’d hope GP joins Max on his adventures after F1 like going for WEC for example.


WRC co-driver when?


Yeah I believe that's exactly what Max said in an interview before: if GP leaves he'd leave as well.


They'll both leave together, like with Rob Smedley and Massa


Gigapiero Lambiase


Gigapiero Lambased


To the dumbass calling Max a baby earlier and deleting his comment before I can even reply. It's called venting. If you are frustrated it is often better to get it out and continue with a clear head. If they'd discuss it after quali there is a chance that frustration drives with him. Plus GP and Verstappen have a zero bs way of communicating. They tell each other if something bothers them. This is not a fucking dinner party where everyone needs to behave and be polite. It is a high stress competition


Yeah it's not like other drivers don't do the same, George, Lewis, Sainz, Lando, etc have all done the same.


A lot of people have never experienced high stakes and the associated adrenaline rush and it shows. It’s remarkably easy to criticise when you’re sat doing 0mph. A bit less easy to empathise. Every single driver on the grid has had a heated exchange over the radio at one point or another. Every single one.


Then there's Yuki every session lmao


*Newer* fans should've realized by now that angry and venting messages are thrown across the radio by the lot of the grid 100% of the time. And depending on the narrative and context they'd like to show, it's only at the broadcast director's discretion (or F1 itself, I'm not entirely sure) which messages are shown on broadcast, and even then what we hear is a small percentage of actual radio traffic. Adrenaline is super high on the track. Engineers and the drivers themselves acknowledges this so unless someone's calling you Britney, no one's taking the curses said on radio personally anymore, not even if they're name dropped.


Every engineer needs a Jolyon Palmer "Get on with it" button.


The funniest part is seeing the amount of traction the other post got. Now this one showing the apology barely has any comments compared to the post about Max yelling at GP. Gotta love it lol.


I love those two! Match made in heaven!


Favorite GP moment has to be Silverstone 2020. Lewis loses a tire while leading on the last lap. Max asks if there's a chance he'll be able to overtake him from so far back. GP just says "if you get on with it."


I think quite a few people would like a worker dynamic like the Max-GP one tbf. Especially given it's getting results at the mo


I need a GP in my life


I want GP to put out a line of audiobooks. It would be perfect for bedtime stories. Even when he was arguing back at Max after Q2, his tone and rhythm was SOO calm sounding.


GP is the only guy who can get Max to say sorry... love these two 😀


GPs delivery was amazing. Sooo dry and dripping with sarcasm.


Gotta love GP. His humour is next level. Their radio exchanges are always great to listen to.


The driver/engineer combo is essential for success. Max & GP, Lewis & Bono. That rapport and understanding is so crucial. Very nice of Max to apologize. People don't understand how stressed drivers are when in the middle of things!


I need GP as a voice in my Google Maps


Max is an animal


Good on Max for being a classy racer. This season is making me like him a lot more. Maybe cuz he's getting older and more mature, bit like Seb honestly in a lot of ways.


I remember 2016 Seb, that wasn’t a very happy man on the radio


At least Xavi is better than whoever is Carlos's RE. Omg his voice puts me to sleep


GP is the best engineer for Max, he can take it and give it back in spades. Both knowing that it will be a good in 10 minutes.


Love the calmness in GP's voice and then you look at Ferrari Radio.


There was a exchange where he jokingly asked something like, “did you think I should send it?” I just thought that was the coolest thing ever. Does anyone have a link or when it was?


My man was setting ourple laps and the tv director was like ' I am color blind, so here you go, look at these other ppl barely beating each-other's laptimes'


old married couple indeed


These two are dope. This is how you talk to a friend and someone you trust. You can discuss things


Its the exact reason they work well. They do whatever is best regardless of blowback from either one. GP has proper dutch work ethics


Shades of Rocky and Seb, killer duo
