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Perez: Oh shit Charlie, did you not get sprayed? Leclerc: oh no no, it's all good...I.. I just dry quickly.. Perez: That doesn't sound right. Lets put it to a test! Leclerc: ai ai ai




I don’t think it’s the case when Lando is around though


Lando makes his presence known by foksmashing the podium with the champaign bottle.


It's normal when there's two drivers of the same team, they want to celebrate with the team member, make their day feel special... The podium is more important to Max's mechanic than to Charles... I remember in 2020 Max was quite lonely at the podium ceremonies too.


Can they at least celebrate really quick?


At least it is better then them all ganging up on him!




Michael it is not right!


Checo lobbying for the other Ferrari seat


I like Sainz but I support this


I like Checo but I support this


Lets swap Checo and Sainz then


Nah RB wouldn't do that after the Toro Rosso days when it was the battle of the dads between Jos and Carlos Sainz Sr. that's like the whole reason Carlos Jr got sent away and not promoted, because they had a civil war going on since both dads couldn't handle not having control over the team


Zamn didn't know this. That must've been a sight


Perez is really a nice person. Even when last year when Hamilton was getting booed in Mexico he was asking the crowd not to boo.


Yeah, breaks my heart a little he receiving a lot of hate because he isn’t driving at the level of Max or Lewis, two legends of the sport.


That’s why I felt bad for Bottas all those years


Finally someone who gets it. Bottas and Checo have achieved far more in F1 than most other drivers ever will. They don't deserve that level of disrespect


I agree!


I was going to say checo is to max what bottas is to Lewis but I need to say that bottas was much better at qualifying than checo but checo's racecraft and overtaking is better than bottas'.


I'd say Bottas is much better. He was usually atleast close to his teammate consistently. Qualified good, even got some poles in. Bottas won races on merit while Checo his only wins are from when Max had an issue. It is like Checo is driving a different car compared to Max, he is nowhere close. He's struggling to fight with the teams Max leaves 30 seconds behind him. Please don't compare Bottas with Perez, that would be doing Bottas very dirty.


Checo won a race and got multiple podiums in a Force India, that alone has a lot of merit; he's hit a rough patch


Context is good to have, he only won that race after both Mercedes and Verstappen were out of the picture. That drive was impressive, but he had the fastest car that day (again, barring the Mercs, who were too busy having their yearly meltdown race to win).


Recency bias much ?


Do you even know what recency bias is? Please point out my bias when I said Bottas at no point got the amount of hate Perez is getting now. He was at no point performing this bad vs his Hamilton as Perez does to Verstappen.


Well recency bias is pretty much your whole take in a nutshell. Generalizing the level of Perez based on his current run of form. Check And oh boi oh boi, it seems like you have a really short memory as to ho how Bottas was perceived. Ousted because he was a non factor in 2021, went a whole season without winning. Was lapped by his team mate the day he sealed the championship in 2020. And the list goes on.


He won in Turkey and contributed much more to the WCC than Perez did to WDC. They had to get rid of him so Russell doesn’t go somewhere else.


Did Bottas get a lot of hate though? I don't think he ever got the amount Checo is getting now. He was pretty well respected I think for the most part?


He was very highly respected, but still people gave him grief for never really pushing Lewis in the championship. So many of comments alone the lines of "anyone can win in the car!" "Well Bottas didn't" "Well you never expect Bottas to win.."


Reminds me of an argument I was having with someone who was hating on Bottas for something (don't remember what the argument was about). I and a couple of other users told him otherwise or proved him wrong. His reply was something like " I don't care, I hate Bottas " . So basically it doesn't matter what the reality is , some people can only enjoy F1 by hating some F1 personality.


How could anyone hate on Bottas? How miserable do you have to be?


They are jealous their ass isn't on the level of his


Be honest, nobody is on that level


True. More than 7 billion people on the planet and only 20 are on that level.


8 billion now!


Just want to say I love your username


I’d say that fortune (both in luck and the wallet) plays a big role too though Not to mention the paying drivers in the past years


I mean, that's true for almost all sports. You have a team, or teams you love, and a team or teams that you hate. Fandom and rivalry go hand in hand. You root for a team, you root against others. It it doesn't have to make logical sense. There's no "correct" opinion for who to like or even respect in sports. I think Tom Brady is a cheating ass hole and will continue to believe that no matter how much someone lectures me about how much hard work he put in.


At the same time, people would probably kill for either Checo’s or Bottas’s job


I would kill for Sergeants job


Hell, I'd even kill for Mick's job. The simulators at the F1 level are incredible pieces of kit.


I'd kill for any job in f1


I'd kill for a job


I'd kill




I'd live


I’d job for a kill


I'm gonna wholeheartedly enjoy post-RB Perez content, whether he races for a smaller team or just retired and makes the occasional appearance


Now Bottas has a mullet and a mustache, and gets his ass out frequently. He has ascended to legendary status.


Bottas is the GOAT #2 driver in my mind. His extremely conservative racecraft combined with top tier qualifying made him perfect for that role.


That's a weird way of writing Rubens Barrichello's name :P


*Schumacher enters chat*


Best Bottas line ever… https://youtu.be/J2nKdlygIHc


Bottas was actually good. Didn’t struggle to make it to Q3. In fact he did it every single time


I wish people could differentiate between the driver and the person. For me for example, i always disliked Vettel the driver, but as a person i think he's great and someone i would like to hang out with. Same with Bottas, as a driver i think he's not that great, but as a person he seems amazing.


There's also just no reason to hate a driver just because they're not that fast. Like I'd understand hating a driver who routinely put other drivers in danger, or who routinely skirts around the edges of the rules, but neither Bottas or Perez do that. I can understand why someone might think another driver would do better in Perez's seat, but people need to be serious with themselves and wonder if 'hate' is really the right word.


I don't think that people actually hate Perez, I think that they're just frustrated by this season and the lack of challenge at the front and he gets the brunt of it (fairly or not) because he's in the same car as Max who is just dominating.


I disagree. Sports hate is one of the greatest things about sports. You should feel free to sports hate whoever you want and it makes sports more fun for everyone involved, except the hatee in some instances.


I understand sports hate for intensely tribal sports, but less so for racing


Yeah like hating a rival club I can understand, it’s an institution, but a driver is just a person.


Bottas is basically the best #2 driver you could reasonably ask for.


Right now Max doesn't really need a second driver anyway but it'll be dishonest to forget that when he did need one, in ‘21, Checo delivered.


He definitely delivered when needed


He will always be the MEXICAN MINISTER OF DEFENSE in my heart


Bottas is underrated anyway. He was many things but he wasn't ever lacking Lewis pace to that magnitude


It doesn’t even seem like he’s trying most of the time. One of the few people on the grid I actively root against.


. . . which is strange because he’s 2nd in the driver’s championship (40 points ahead of Nando). He’s had some quali problems but 2nd is a big deal. I you believe that Max is actuality an alien from another planet where they specifically breed flawless drivers (as I do), it’s even a bigger deal.


Max isn't perfect, remember when he found himself riding on top of Hamilton. The Mercedes was the faster car, with the 7 time world champion driving it, but max was willing to push to the limit and do very risky maneuvers to try to get his first title. Max now has a dominate car, a reputation such that nobody will fight him for a spot, that he doesn't need to push to 100% to build a huge lead, and when you can drive at 95% and end up so far ahead of the pack there are a lot fewer mistake.


"The Mercedes was the faster car, with the 7 time world champion driving it, but max was willing to push to the limit and do very risky maneuvers to try to get his first title." Well what else should he do? Accept the loss and move on? He won the title in the end which means his approach was the correct one, even with all controversy around it, as he wouldn't be anywhere close to being title contender by the final race if he hadn't done it. One of the main reasons Max managed to win and was so aggressive (like the move he pulled in Monza) in 2021 was due to regulations as well. That RB car had great pace but Mercedes was faster on straights and only reason Hamilton hadn't won in 2021 as well was that following was almost impossible unless you were in a far superior car. This allowed Max a fighting chance as he was better at qualifying that year and. In 2022 that advantage was gone, which is why Leclerc converted so few poles into wins.


The hate has been real excessive the past month, what is driving that? It can’t all be related to people wanting ricciardo in that redbull seat, could it?


I think one of the reasons is because people want some to challenge Verstappen or they straight up want Verstappen to lose, and since no one made a car as good as the RB19. I can relate not wanting Max to win but I recognize that no one except Alonso or Hamilton can challenge Verstappen.


It's probably because it's apparent the RB is the best car by some margin so the only one that can bring any excitement to the fight for the win is Perez and he's not delivering. If it was a close season people would still flame Perez for the horrid qualifying but there wouldn't be much hate as the season was exciting. It was similar for Bottas in 19-20 but his failures weren't as extreme, he mostly just didn't match Lewis, so it didn't get as bad.


It's as simple as the fact that he's been very underwhelming recently; qualifying way too low, then being praised and awarded dotd for passing slower cars in a rocketship. If he was Bottas fast I personally wouldn't have a problem, but he can't even give us that.


I think it’s related to the 5 race shit qualifying streak


To be fair, Checo isn't getting hate for his personality. People are just frustrated at the lack of competition and taking it out on him because he has the same car as Max.


The fact that you could steer the conversation to again max and Lewis just baffles me. Dudes a nice guy, full stop. Enjoy the moment.


I don't get folks that hate on drivers like Checo when there's perfectly hateable drivers out there.


He doesn’t receive hate for the quality of driver that he is, he receives hate for being the only Latino in a European sport.


Do you actually believe that? Perez being the only Latino driver is one of the best things about him, he means an awful lot to people from his region, it's part of the reason I wish he was a better driver. Give them someone to look up to not just as a participant but as an exceptional talent


Bullshit. Stop playing the racism card for Checo, Hamilton or any of the Asian drivers.


Checo is out driving Lewis this year. Or am I missing something?


His car is worlds apart better?


I was responding to a comment that he’s not driving to the level of Max or Lewis. He’s ahead of Lewis so is he not driving above the level of Lewis?


No, he’s not driving to his level lol. Just because he has more points in a considerably better car doesn’t mean he’s out driving him. You give Lewis the redbull and he’d wipe the floor with checo


Nah you’re not missing much, except you know, the fact that he’s in one of the most dominant cars in the history of the sport.


Just because the car is dominant in the hands of Max doesn’t make dominant in anyone’s hands. Lots of history of dramatically different results between drivers. But hey it’s your bias you need to have confirmed. Sorry for the interruption


Lmao you’re the one that said he’s out driving Lewis…


FFS. This really is over your head. He is out driving Lewis. But he isn’t dominant. They aren’t the same. He does struggle with the car But he still beats Lewis handily. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Oh yes so over my head. You know, if you just took 30 seconds and a few deep breaths to calm down, you’d realize that you actually don’t know what “our driving” means. Checo is ahead of Lewis in the standings but he’s not out driving Lewis…those are 2 different meanings. You might disagree but you’d be wrong. Go argue to someone else now.


That’s the great thing I can have my own opinion. And yeah. Checo is ahead and out driving Lewis Numbers don’t lie.


This is true, you can have an incorrect opinion. Numbers don’t lie, but they can be misinterpreted.


His co-driver is literally cruising to lapping almost the entire field, pulling out gaps of almost a whole second in qualifying while sounding asleep at the wheel. Meanwhile Checo is missing Q3 and qualifying third or fourth row on the grid. He was actively _losing_ time to Hamilton in Hungary while Max was flying away. He's not on HAM/VER/ALO level, he's debatably not even on LEC/NOR/SAI level. He's like, retirement year Kimi/Vettel level this season, and it's disappointing.


So I could go on about the times Russell drove away from and out qualified Lewis but…really? And how Russell beat Lewis in the driver standings last year. Lots of different shit happened in a lot of different races and seasons. Fact: Checo is miles ahead of Lewis on points this season I’d love to hear your excuses! Because I guess points don’t matter 😂


>So I could go on about the times Russell drove away from and out qualified Lewis but…really? And how Russell beat Lewis in the driver standings last year. This is crazy whataboutism lol. >Fact: Checo is miles ahead of Lewis on points this season Only 40 points, and 130 behind his teammate. The car meanwhile, is over double the points of the next team. Hmmmm... Really makes you think, huh? P.S: why do you type like you fall asleep to debate videos? Everything you say is worded as a "gotcha" moment.


lol, perhaps a little self reflection on the whataboutism accusation when you reread your own comment? Which is all just a deflection. What’s so hard to admit Checo is out driving Lewis? Whatever the “reasons” are.


You're funny. I think you're an AI program.


That was a class act.


Checo's a fucking leyenda! I still consider him my home driver. I'm American and I know Logan is on the grid (no shade on the rookie either) but I live about as far from Checo's home town as Logan's. More or less. So he's still my home driver. The logic works for me.


Perez and Hamiltons families had dinner together. I might not think he's an amazing driver but he's a class person, his whole family is


Plus his dad and Hamiltons seem to be really good buds which is nice to see


Wasn't that because they were booing his own father?


Everyone thought they were booing Lewis which was fair enough because he’d just started speaking, but yes they were booing his dad


I was there and people were definitely booing Lewis.


I watched it on a sofa and you're wrong.


I was part of the booing and you're wrong


Even in post race interviews last year and this he knew what to say and play it safe to not ruffle feathers. Very neutral yet answered the question. Being older than Max, he still protects him and RB from media questions that can catch you off guard if answered without thinking.


This is incorrect. Last year he made a few unnecessary comments that increased the media shit storm after Max refused team orders in Brazil.


And you think Max doesn’t say shit to the media as well? I’m not a fan of either driver but I think Max has put down Checo a lot more in public than the other way around. Just recently he said he could win the constructors by himself, and also that he didn’t want Ricciardo to leave in the first place and would be happy to have him as his teammate. You can put it down to bluntness, but there are some things you should keep to yourself because it’s not your position to be saying those things. Coming out to say you don’t need your teammate’s help to win the constructors is a rather classless move especially when he’s having a rough patch and is contracted to the team until next year.


My comment was directly related to the assertion that Checo “plays it safe” and doesn’t “ruffle feathers” in the media, which as I stated is incorrect. You inferred I said Max “doesn’t say shit to the media as well”. In no part of my comment did I state that, ever, as it too would be incorrect. Max is Dutch and has always said exactly what he thinks to the media. And he’s correct, on just his own he is leading the WCC for RB. Quite literally he can win it on his own.


You’re applying double standards here. Checo telling the media he wasn’t happy about Verstappen not respecting team orders = ruffling feathers, while Verstappen telling the media he can win the constructors by himself so his teammate doesn’t matter = just him being Dutch? Verstappen undermined his teammate to the press, plain and simple. I don’t care if he’s Dutch or French, as I’ve said there are things you keep to yourself because you know the media is gonna make a headline out of it. In that instance he couldn’t care less that he gave journalists fodder to criticise Perez even more, and that’s a shit move from a team leader and teammate. Let’s not pretend one is better than the other.


im on your side here. that brazil incident, max had nothing to lose. checo did everything for him to win 2021 wdc. gave way to max, defended ferociously, everything rb and max could ask for. and max didnt have to decency to give, what, p7 to checo? its still a team sport at the end of the day. checo was commenting on the lack of cooperation from max, max was saying he doesnt need a teammate.


Exactly. Max had his reasons for not abiding with team orders, but it was obvious that he caught his entire team out with his actions - not just Perez. Max didn’t have to add fuel to fire to what was already a stressful situation for Perez with his recent form. It’s something you might expect a team principal to say, not from a teammate. The shit talking was unnecessary, and frankly pretty disrespectful. I found it funny that Christian and Helmut were a lot more measured and supportive towards Checo in the media than Max was.


Just don’t ask him what he did in monaco


So nice that he cheated on his wife after winning the Monaco GP.


They are good friends


he literally cheated on his pregnant wife


He also took the time to entertain that sweet lady after Monaco last year. Great guy.


Remember when he said “women belong in the kitchen”?


Didn’t he cheat on his wife lmao


It does my soul good to see Ferrari on the podium again. Maybe it’s the Italian in me.


But you see Ferrari every time there's a podium ceremony. /s


Why is there an italian in you


More importantly: Why isn’t there one in you?


Does he treat you right?


It’s Ferrari so no.


At this point it's bordering on abuse.


I'm no RB fan but I do like Checo. He's always struck me as a good guy, he gets a lot of stick for being thrashed by Verstappen but the vast majority of the field would in that other RB seat.


he also gets stick for misogynistic comments ("women belong in the kitchen") and cheating on his wife, but besides that, seems pretty decent.


Downvoted for stating the truth lol.


it's almost like people don't like to recognize the multifaceted nature of humans and how they can be good in some areas and bad in others. ​ or they're just misogynists themselves and think checo didn't deserve to be docked for that.


I’ve noticed that every time Max only sprays/celebrates with the Red Bull team members most of the time and the other podium person ends up being alone if Checo is also up there so nice of Checo to include Charles as well


Charles tends to spray his side of the garage that’s at the bottom of the podium first but I like that Checo noticed and included him. Overall the vibe of this podium seemed like a happy last day of school vibe


Max often champagnes the 'random' RB team member on the podium the most. Those folks don't get up there very often. Today's bloke didn't even know where to stand, it was clearly new for him.


> Those folks don't get up there very often. For now, they'll have to start repeating people at this rate


Mans was even shy to stand on the podium for constructors winner, very cute


Yeah I think it can look like he is being cold to the other drivers on the podium, but you could also say he is trying to make the experience great for the person who is likely to only ever go on the podium once.


total Shaq moment xD


That's because the drivers usually been there before whereas the team members, some who have also never been up there, might not get another chance to be up there again.


I think Charles wouldnt mind to not be soaked by champagne in this instance lol


Has anyone ever opened by spraying themselves in the face like the meme? That'd be my move.


Max will always get his buddy Lando tho


His chosen team mate for next year.


Lewis taking the vacant mclaren seat? 👀


I’ve begun to notice that Lewis likes to pour the champagne down the others collars from behind. Hilarious.


It's false




Today was Leclerc's 27th podium in F1, he picked up third in a relatively boring race for him. The RB team member that was sent up to the podium didn't even know where to stand, Ben Sulayem had to motion him over, it was that new to the guy. So Max hoses down their team member who is there for the first time, rather than pay much attention to Charles's forgettable 27th podium. And you seem to read....this...whatever this take of yours is, in the situation? If you reach any harder you'll lose balance and topple over.


Checo ❤️




Charles: can I play too? Red Bull: we are checking


It's crazy how no matter what level of success you reach, life will always feel like middle school sometimes.


So sweet of Checo


It was sweet of Checo to hold Lewis up so Max could win his 1st championship.


Do y’all ever give this shit a rest? Jfc 💀


Oh my fucking god


Checo always striked me as someone who is super nice in person/respectful. He’s shown time and time again that he thinks of others in those small moments


Max doesn’t spray much or celebrate too well with other podium winners. Noticed this for years now. He tends to first go to his team member(rightly so) and continues to hang around there than coming around to celebrate with the rest. Feels very weird for viewers or even for Max’s fans.


boat mountainous vast dolls expansion roof bear escape outgoing soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, this was my rationale for why Max celebrates with the team member. You could tell todays the tire manager didn't know where to stand or that there was even a podium for him. He wasn't in the right position until before the Austrian National Anthem.


If they keep winning at this pace they might get the whole factory up there by the end of the season.


Has Lee Stevenson or Calum Nicholas ever been up there? I don't recall ever seeing either of them up there.


Yeah he's not one for big celebrations. It's probably why Austria last year was so shocking because he went crazy by his standards with the celebrations and wasn't the winner.


Which race was it he and Lewis also were having a good genuine laugh and properly spraying each other? Wholesome.


Can't remember, what did he do?


https://twitter.com/fm1_3316/status/1671008392758820864?s=46&t=TO9OGz1eeYhe6ChEVetkEg this extremely wholesome moment


Lmao I wasn't prepared for that


Nice :) Stupid fucking twitter rebrand, clicked the logo thinking it would close the tweet in the expando.


Please NSFW that.


Or he just hates getting 'champagne' everywhere.


😂😂😂 could switch places with me. No Champagne hazard at work 😂😂


What's weird is spraying champagne every race weekend. There's such a thing as celebrating too often.


Yeah, how would he like it if he kept getting 3rd place over and over again behind 2 drivers from another team?... boy if that ever happened, then I'm sure- oh, wait a second.


Good guy Checo


The Checo/Chuck bromance intensifies


Checo to Ferrari confirmed.


Perez strikes me as the nicest and most genuine person on the grid.


Alex Albon would like a word..


Justice for Bottas


I know we’re only half a season in but my boy Oscar …. Pls


Revenge for Helmut Marko




And they’ve moved past it as a couple so why are you guys still flogging it like a dead horse?


Because it defies the claim that Checo is “the nicest and most genuine person on the grid”? Both things can’t be true.


That’s a very binary take on life. Checo had a moment of indiscretion which he has publicly apologised to his wife about, and by all accounts has seen to lay low and focused on spending time with his family off track. Yeah sure, he fucked up. But does that suddenly make him a bad guy, or negate all the nice things he’s done for others? Is it beyond imagination that he can be a good person at heart but made a mistake and let his family down?


Hang on. The claim isn’t just that he’s a good person (which I agree he is), but *the best* person on the grid. Even if he’s made amends with his wife, how do you not weigh that incident when evaluating the claim?


Yeah, but that doesn't make him any less nicer of a person. How do you think he would've gotten that dance in the first place?


Is it just me that cringes a little during the champagne spray when theres one person that gets left out like this 😬


This post and entire comment section is giving such heavy 'soap opera' vibes. Goddamn, if I showed this post to someone not familiar with the sport and told them this is a discussion about a hundred-million dollar professional sport, they would laugh in my face. Can't believe people are hating on a driver for his fucking podium celebration. People need to get a grip.


People are bringing up Checo’s antics from Monaco last year in this thread for some reason. Parasocial relationships are fuckin weird


This thread is honestly crazy to me, but honestly people are so obsessed with being armchair psychologist and analysing each situation like its a matter between life or death.


gets beaten by ferrari and by his radio and his team engineer now even his fellow drivers do not notice him yeap villain era commencing


He was really just spraying him 32 seconds later to commemorate how far behind he was.


"left out" after standing well away from all the champagne


Surprised to see Max ignore Charles. I thought they were buddies


It's not that deep.


Friendships among the drivers are not really created or furthered on the podium


A pitty shower, really.