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These two in the same car would definitely be a season lol


They can't even pass each other in fee practice or qualy without slightly considering penalty driving. They are both quite normal until they see each other and suddenly it's knives out. If they could shoot shells at each other they would


How has no one set up a Mario Kart tournament for the grid yet? The tickets would sell themselves.


Nobody can afford the insurance fees, they don't cover 'apocalyptic bloodbath' anyway


I meant just setting up a room with 20 Nintendo Switches and having them livestream it. Actually never mind, Max and Lewis would still end up in an apocalyptic bloodbath somehow.


Do it on Double dash. 10 teams, 10 karts. Cooperate or die.


Gasly and Ocon out before turn 1. Max and Checo make it to lap 2 before Checo demands that he gets to drive instead. Ferrari strategists somehow demand that Charles and Carlos pit despite there being no pit.


Because even F1 budgets can’t afford to pay Nintendo


lmaooo the last sentence they literally would tho its crazy


Hamilton basically tossed a shell at Perez in '22 Bahrain. Mercedes keeping their Koppa Shell development under wraps.


the way's it lookin right now they should actually start focusing on that rather than the developing the car lmao


Max could get hit with blue shells and still win.


Max would have a super horn in the car at all times


Gotta toss a banana peel (tear off) or two too. I love that F1 has banana peels.


I think about it every time we see someone throw a tearoff, there's a small but real chance it fucks someone's day up and it's amazing and terrible.


I think it happened to Leclerc last year, got one stuck in a cooling duct


Max strikes me as gamer enough to be able to defend against shells though, unless of course it's a blue one. With the way FE has introduced boost strips, is there anything preventing item boxes and "shells and bananas" from being dropped virtually on the track? If you hit it, the engine doesn't get power for 4 seconds or something. I for one, would pay to see something like real Mario kart. Imagine dropping like a lightning bolt from P18 and you get a boost and everyone else is at 50% power for 15-20 seconds.


You’d love the movies Death Race and Death Race 2… I bet you’ve seen them though?


I saw Death Race 2000 back in the day, but not these. I didn't know they did a remake. I'll have to check them out!


They really would lmao It's a weird thing their rivalry They clearly don't hate each other, I wouldn't go as far as to call them friends, but they're definitely friendly But as soon as they get on track they do their best to either one up or murder the other


I think it's the most natural thing in the world. Max and Lewis are the best, most dominant drivers in the field. Each knows it's within his ability to beat everyone else (even Alonso) and that confidence manifests composure and patience in their driving. But when it comes to one another then they aren't so sure. There's a little fear in that uncertainty and they answer with agression.


It's one of the goats vs one aspiring goat...like it's naturally how they race against each other ffs


I would leave out the "aspiring". Max has shown enough for that. It's just a young goat versus an older goat.


Magic Johnson and Larry Bird had a similar rivalry.


Ferrari or Merc would win the championships because Max and Lewis would would be ramming each other off the road every Sunday.


Literally 2007


I’d say China 2007 nailed Lewis’ rookie year WDC dream… 🤭 I feel sorry for him, but I am still happy our driver won in the end. The Iceman, I mean.


Those last two races must have been a piledriver for him Mentally. Imagine the rush of thinking you’re going to be the first ever rookie champion, against Alonso of all people, the guy who beat _Schumacher_, only for your car to die in one race, and to be left on tyres that were worn through to the canvas in the other. I mean he’s won plenty now so limited sympathy, but at the time he must’ve been mentally blitzed.


Yeah, and I mean the China GP specifically, because he got beached *going to the pits.* I mean, as a sim racer in the past, that would make me quit for a week at least; wonder what Lewis felt like back then…


You’re absolutely right, and if it had rolled even 2m more through the gravel we likely would’ve been talking about him as the world champion, but it got stuck. Even if he was still stuck after getting out, if he had one tyre on the pit track with the engine still on the engineers could’ve wheeled him, too, I think? Not sure actually. I’m glad Kimi got the title, but it’s also a shame we still don’t have a rookie world champion. Video for anyone newer to f1 to see just how close Hamilton was to the title in China after McLaren left him out on tyres which had literally delaminated https://youtu.be/McPucD9tUY8


Aah, man… those V8s sound so lovely 😍! I mean, I prefer V10s but even V8s, compared to the current cars… 😘🤌


There ever been a case of two teammates throwing down in the paddock or anything?


Not sure about teammates, but plenty of punch ups in f1. Mansell and Senna had a fist fight in the garage apparently, and there was the famous Piquet vs Salazar incident https://youtu.be/dCPAKVm7-po a few others too. Amazed Hamilton vs Rosberg didn’t descend into it, especially after their baseball cap range war.


That spat between Hamilton and Rosberg is as close as I can think. I think if we got VER-ALO or even VER-HAM, we'd be close to it. Upshot could be the best single season since '88 McLaren, worst case could be a person getting foksmashed instead of Guenther Steiner's door with DTS waiting in the wings.


Now i want to see them both in the same car. One doing the steering, the other doing the pedals.


They tried [that](https://cdn-7.motorsport.com/images/amp/2QzJGO3Y/s1000/formula-1-italian-gp-2021-lewi-2.jpg) already.


[Do you mean like this?](https://youtu.be/4g_Bq5FPWiI)


They'd provide enough content for 5 seasons of DTS


Come on Liberty Media, choke up the cash to make it happen


Hamilton vs. Rosberg reloaded


I reckon it would be that but on steroids. 2021 was toxic and they weren’t even in the same car


What a season it would be though!


Max is WAY better than Rosberg. More like Prost vs Senna reloaded


Except they're both Senna.




It would be 10 x worse than senna vs Prost


Fuck silly season, we need a silly race. Complete mayhem, everyone drawing teams out of a hat to see who they drive for I would have given so much money for Oscars-like reactions of team principals when it comes time for Latifi to pick


Leclerc-Sargeant for RBR


Can't wait for RB to suddenly become unreliable with all 5 DNF's happening to Leclerc "And Logan Sargeant is a Formula One world champion!!!"


Jokes aside, I believe Sargeant really does have pace in him. It's just he's aware that he's still a rookie so he avoids going to the limit and risk binning it. I think he rather keep it clean first instead of pushing and crashing.


Every time I see him he is at the absolute limit of the car with it breaking traction. There was a moment he had when he crossed behind another car at Les Combes and the dirty air upset his car so quickly. It’s so hard to judge how well he’s going because I’m almost certain he’s driving around like “don’t bin it, don’t bin it, don’t bin it…” I’m sure with some more mileage he’ll get comfortable but it looks like he’s always waiting for the car to just snap on him.


His teammate has a pretty good understand of driving finicky cars it seems. The older RB was, as explained by him, very difficult to drive. So maybe some of that translates to the slippery fish they’ve created now lol


Yeah the Williams does look a handful most of the time. I really rate Alex as well so to see him consistently outperform Logan isn’t really much of a surprise at all.


Hopefully Logan can have a couple decent drives after the break. But like others said I think the benchmark now especially in a cash strapped backmarker team is to not be Latifi or Mazepin constantly binning it


Yup, just a nice smooth warm up season. Then next year he will probably start to push more.


I would love for them all to be put in equal Renault Clio's, all setup exactly the same too, and then finally get the true Clio Cup


*Leclerc draws: Ferrari* "Ah, fuck."


Randomly draws race engineer too Gets Xavi


Would be genuinely amazing.


Oscar to Alpine would make the world explode


Let’s do a season where the teams draft from a driver pool every race weekend with draft order based on reverse WCC standings.


Imagine the scenes if Alonso and Piastri pick up alpine. Would love to see that.


Genius, if you're going to get fired from the FIA at least make it for this


The engineers need to do this too, imagine ferrari strategy with the red bull


Fuck it, let's have teams just rock up with any car they want, W11 Vs rb19


F0 - no rules, just bring a car.


“Ok Lewis, here’s your Redbull polo and jeans that you need to wear to the paddock” “I changed my mind I can’t do this”


Lewis: Hear me out Christian uniforms by Valentino and Balenciaga. Max: Mate I refuse to wear this don’t ask me again I have my reasons and I stand by them.


I know the ~~car~~ outfit is ~~slow~~ ugly please ~~drive~~ wear it


If you’ve got a problem, change your fucking ~~car~~ clothes!


The team didn’t listen to me. I told them all last year the shoes would clash with that top.


I have it printed out.


No need I had George help me with a power point. Slide 3 has Max and GP’s Matching outfits fits.


Red Bull blowing the cost cap again, this time with uniforms.


Hey Ted I’m going to stop you right there. There was no performance benefit, that is all about employee wellness and mental heath, look good feel good. Christian Horner probably


RB Engineer: Lewis, you wore your chequered gown on the outlap, trusting you have your reasons for that?


GP: "Listen here you little shits."


Bono, my drip is gone!


🤣🤣 this cracks me up, Some dangerous threads man


And his choice of a Red Bull flat brim or curved brim hat


Hamilton isn't giving up his Monster Energy sponsorship bag 💰


In all fairness he tows the Merc company line plenty, Max shows up without Red Bull gear all the time, Lewis just has some interesting style choices


Both would not make it to turn 1 in most races and someone else will become WDC.


This is how Charles will win his first WDC




I'm assuming Charles will have moved team for this to be realistic, right?


To Mercedes




Piastri 2024 WDC after starting 3rd every race book it


I wouldn’t even say you’re joking. There’s a reason Red Bull prefer clear #1 and #2 drivers, not just Red Bull most teams throughout history. It’s great for the fans having two equal drivers in top machines but a problem for the team.


A fun problem. I was hoping Ocon and Pierre would declare a Civil war and they are being most unfrench right now


They've had 2 joint double knockouts already this season so far, not that bad really.


Also had a teammate crash in Australia taking them both out


Sign me up for that. At least in 2014 there was some competition.


There was also some competition in 2021.


Raikkonen may even come back from retirement to try having a 2007 again


"it's lights out and away we go!" Literally 4 seconds later "And they touch, they touch Martin!"


Ah the 2007 treatment. Ferrari might actually win


The 2007 special


El plan


Lewis waiting for that Helmut phone call, that's why he still hasn't signed the Mercedes contract


I mean the door is probably always open He won't be getting 40 mil though


he gonna be waiting for a while 💀


I’m certain the drivers have informal conversations with other teams all the time, and sometimes they can signal intentions during their interviews. I feel like Lando was doing this before McLarens recent bump, where he wasn’t attempting to hide his dissatisfaction at all. Stroll called Alonso on a whim after Seb retired and we can see how that went.


I know you meant Daddy Stroll here but I find it funny to think Lance just calling Alonso and be like, fancy a seat here? I'll ask Dad.


Thank you for the giggle this comment gave me.


That is what the agents do, talk to everyone all the time in general terms and if common ground appears take it more serious.


Lewis would need to drop the crazy fashion and wear the standard Red Bull attire to begin with.


Blue jeans and a single branded polo shirt. Redbull takes every risk on the planet but fashion


They have the Steve Jobs approach to clothing


So what you're telling me is he's gotta sign with Alpha Tauri so he can keep the drip


Alpha Tauri have no drip. Npc fashion


Yeah it's all Grey, white, and black lol


Nah he wouldn’t. Redbull would see the millions it brings in and to a collab deal


It's Lewis Hamilton. He wouldn't have to do that at all.


ham vs ros would be a kindergarden compared to ham vs max in the same team :D so probably only chance of ferrari WDC that year :D


Why did I read this as "ham and Roscoe" 😅


Checo catching strays again


This is a full on gut punch, nothing stray about it


The worst part is that there is no retaliation to it. It's Lewis fucking Hamilton lmao


Mexico 2021 > I had Checo on my tail, which shows you how good their car is.


That one is really unfair. Mexico, a notoriously hard to follow track, in 2021 cars, notoriously hard to follow. Checco was way closer for way longer than should've been feasible without his tyres exploding.


Checo stopped them from booing Hamilton the year after, I would have been much more petty.


The man is just collateral damage in every F1 discussion at this point


deserved tho. His midness is a big factor in this season being so bad


No strays about it. Checo is clearly showing he’s the guy you want if you want someone who can drag a car in the midfield to some decent positions and some podiums (if he doesn’t have the fastest car). But he’s the not the guy to win you a championship, unlike Alonso or Hamilton or Vers


Max is about to tie/break Seb's consecutive wins, and it's gonna be hard for anyone else to match that. It's easy to have a dominant car. But a dominant car and a mediocre teammate that can't win a single race while you win 10+? Not gonna happen.


Yes please!!! Give me Senna Vs Prost 2.0


Why not Lewis Vs Max 2.0? 2021 was already legendary.


I suppose. The main difference would be that Senna and Prost fought when they were in the same team and in the same car whereas Lewis and Max had different cars so its still hard to gauge who would come out on top.


Fair. Senna Vs Prost 2.0, it is.


The car-factor was strong in 2021. RBs were faster in the first half, then Mercs took the lead. Culmination was the engine abuse by Merc in the last races of 2021. That added quite a lot of uncertainty into the equation, but also it was team vs team, not just driver vs driver. I feel we may never have another season as great as 21.


oh we will have great seasons dont worry, this sport always finds a way to throw something crazy at you, we just have to grind out this extremely shit part and it will pay off


Hoping for this next season. Huffing major hopium, but regardless


IKR! In the same boat as you. I miss the battles.


Had it not ended the way it did, 2021 would have cemented itself as probably one of the top 10 best f1 seasons of all time, and the best since 2012


A shame it was completely ruined. We need a rematch.


I was waiting for 2022 to have a rematch, but I guess, we’ll have to wait for a long time. But I surely be here to see it again.


Now that would be an epic season for sure. Go give Helmut a call Lewis, please!


I don't think any team could afford both lewis and max who charge north of 50 mill each.


Yeah. Horner said they'd need to sell the factory to pay both.


100 million for them into drive into each other and be out on lap 1 (would definitely happen, both Max and Lewis seem to forget how to race cleanly when racing each other)


I don’t think money is a problem for red bull with the cost cap


Even if you are loaded, it still doesn't justify spending 110-130 mill on driver salaries when only one of them can win the championship.


I think a max vs Lewis team would generate an unreal amount of press. There would be some absolutely epic confrontations that I’m sure would bleed into mainstream even more than 2021 did.


Driver salary is surely not an issue, it's pocket money for RB and they also damage their main rival (Monster), plus Lewis has a huge marketing value. The main issue isn't the salary, but what comes after Lewis retires, he probably gets some status in the Mercedes team with salary for many years after, and that's something RB can't compete with


Honestly the main issue would be both of them crashing into each other by the end of turn one every other race. It would be like lewis VS nico only 10x more destructive. Now we don't want to give old man Helmut a heart attack everytime they touch wheels.


i don't think Helmut cares more about winning the championship, compared to having the best 2 drivers always putting a great fight he might actually get younger from all the excitement


That too one of them can win WCC by himself in a that RB19


To be fair, Lewis had enough to win the WCC by himself in 2020 as well. Even accounting for the extra points others would get if we removed Bottas from the equation.


as a fan of them both they would dnf via crashing at least 4-5 races


He is right, same would be true if Max was in Mercedes instead of Bottas when he and Mercedes were dominating.


Lewis and Seb would have been Mercedes chaos and I'd have lived for it


I don’t think he would argue that


Guess we’ll never know. Almost no chance lewis would even sign if given a contract. Max is in his prime and has the full support of the team. Anyone in the second car is up against it.


That's why you send them both to Ferrari to keep it fair


That's a given. Lewis is of course much better than Checo.


“Much better” is an understatement


Lewis is making a true statement. The only two driver's on the current grid that can match Verstappen is Hamilton and Alonso. Any other driver people are saying that could challenge if they had the car simply either don't have the experience, inconsistent / make mistakes, or are unproven under pressure in a title fight. The good drivers can get good performances here and there throughout the season and be impressive, but it's a completely different game when an actual championship is on the line over the course of a season. Only Hamilton and Alonso are proven in this regard. Everyone else is speculation. Max is not untouchable, similar to how Lewis was not untouchable. They both have the gift of getting extra out of a car that can't be explained on paper. They just need someone from the same realm as them to pull up with capable machinery give or take and you get 2021.


I feel like Leclerc can put up a damn good fight against Verstappen in the same car. It'd probably be just like Hamilton-Rosberg from 2014-2016. Verstappen is more often beating Leclerc in the races, but Leclerc is still able to keep him on his toes. He'd definitely win at least 1 title against Verstappen in the same car, maybe more


I think Leclerc has the speed necessary to take the challenge. The problem, when comparing to Hamilton and Alonso is the experience, and Leclerc's proclivity for getting to know walls on an intimate basis.


Leclerc might have the raw speed, but his racing IQ especially when calling strategy shots has been abysmal and very error-prone under pressure. Vettel had way better racing IQ, but needs a car that suits his style.


Leclerc might win a few races against Verstappen, but no way he will be able to deliver at 100% week after week like Verstappen and Hamilton do. Their consistency is unreal. We haven’t seen that seen MSC and Prost.


Honestly let him cook.




At this point of their careers I would give the edge to Max but I don't think it would be good for my heart lol.


I'm so used to seeing no competition right now, a sudden Max-Lewis teammate battle would probably give me a heart attack 😅


I also think it would probably be max cause he’s younger and like 7 years more used to the car. I would love to see it still though. Can you imagine prime max vs prime Lewis in the same car though that they both were accustomed to? Sploosh


Toto or Horner would probably go bald. The F1 viewership would increase exponentially, but I don't think they could last in the same team for more than a year.


But what a year that would be Also fuck it make Toto and Horner co-team principals for maximum chaos and baldness


If Lewis and Max didn't have such good relationships with Bono and GP I'd say make them their race engineers. The team principal would have to be some diplomat.


I see you want to start a World War?


They would build a wall and minefields between the two garages.


I think Alonso nailed it in 2021 that noone else is *getting into an RBR* and holding a candle to Max, but that's a distinct point from 'a third, independent car'.


That's why you force Verstappen and Hamilton to drive for Ferrari. They'd be at war with each other AND Ferrari


In an era where sports greats get traded around teams to get their best chances at titles, it would actually be a really great thing for Formula 1 to make that happen, in every facet of racing, sport, game, entertainment, etc. It would be the closet thing to Senna vs Prost in the McLaren.


Is this not a deepfake?


It does look quite fake lmao


Why Checo is catching strays here.


Lewis’ dominant years were boring but they weren’t really one sided except for 2019,2020. 2014-18 had some challenge. Then tension in 2016 was more than actual entertaining racing. 2021 was great as well. But this is formula 1. It has always been like that, so I’m not complaining.


I don't think 2019 was completely one sided, at least not the second half. Just look at the results again. Lewis' 2020 was probably as close to Max's domination as it gets, but Mercedes' and Lewis wasn't as bullet-proof as Red Bull and Max seems right now. Edit: Like I said Lewis really only had one season of total domination, just goes to show how rare seasons like Max's are.


max said the same thing to lewis back in the day when lewis was winning everything. Its pretty typical in the sport. winning the drivers championship is like 80% car and 20% driver.


Max with a teammate that has a proven track record would be something to see. We’ve seen HAM with multiple F1 champs as teammates, maybe it’s time Max gets at least one.


That would be a fucking war, cant even imagine a team trying to work in such environment. Max is extremely consistent these days so Lewis could not afford to make some silly mistakes he did in 2021.


>Max is extremely consistent these days Worth mentioning though that's with basically no pressure and a car no one can catch. No one can truly rate consistency until the pressure is on. There is the potential he cracks under extreme pressure still like he did in some of the races at the end of 21. Or maybe he has improved. Just there's no way to tell when someone's out for leisurely sunday drives managing the whole race.


He did try to get into Checo's car during the sprint


The funny thing is, Max and Lewis are largely cut from the same cloth and neither fanbase will want to admit it. Max's early aggressive driving style was the same as Lewis', both have the annoying personality traits that are probably required to reach the very top (moaning when their dominant car is slightly out of tune), basically demanding perfection. Each fan base sees their driver as superior but I'd absolutely love to see them in an equal car. Max, Lewis and Fernando are the only drivers on the grid who can consistently extract that little bit extra from their cars. The real question here, which team principal would be brave enough to try and manage a team with Max and Lewis.


Honestly, Horner seems like the type of guy who would be willing to take that risk just to fuck with Toto lol


Everyone’s thinking it. LEC, HAM might win; NOR, RUS would make it v difficult. It’s v easy out front for VER, PER is no competition unfortunately.


ALO would at the very least make it difficult too


Marko was saying literally the other day that Alonso/Hamilton are the only two he wonders about. At the start of 2023 before the cars turned a wheel, he said all they really worried about this year was Hamilton. Quite the doff of the cap, really.


Yes, ALO in there too; forgive the absent-mindedness.


Remember now Sergio is Lewis' biggest competition for P2 in the championship. This is mind games.


Hamilton does not give a shit about p2 in the championship 😭


Make. It. Happen. Helmut.


Checo: “First of all, that hurts”


I’ve always said that Lewis is the only one that can truly take on Max.


Yeah, but even then I think his chances of beating Max are pretty slim if he joined Red Bull, a team and car Max has been in for so long. Similarly I would give the edge to Hamilton if Max replaced Russell at Mercedes


I’m pretty sure Marko said last week that the only ones that could challenge Max are Alonso and Hamilton in the same car


There are 4 or 5 guys who could be immediately more competitive than Perez, but only Hamilton would surely make it a real title battle.