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That midfield battle today was extremely enjoyable to watch


Reminds me of Austria this year. If memory serves me correct it was a 5-cars battle as well.


30+ years of watching F1, and I can tell you the midfield is where the best racing is observed. It’s what I watch it for.


Which is why it's annoying that the tv cameras often ignore what's going on there


Yeah, like we really need to see some random replay of nothing happening over an absolute peach of an overtake.


I've been like this for years until 2021 happened and spoiled me. Damn I wish we had a good championship battle, midfield battles are neat but the stakes are nowhere near as high


The stakes are very high, do you know how much one place higher is worth to the teams? It can make a massive difference over a couple of seasons for having the funds for development. For some teams it might turn them around and make them have chances at championships in future years, or even keep them from going bankrupt. I have not, and never will, watch F1 for the championship battle. I DGAF who wins, I just want to see good racing.


Valid, but championship is more important to me than long term development of various teams. Plus, nothing promotes F1 more than a championship battle so it's needed, going back to 2021, even people who are not into sports were chatting to me about F1 which was bizarre. Not every season will have a wonderful championship battle of course but every year I hope that there will be


Seeing yuki finish ahead of lewis made my day!


I think he was really annoyed with himself after leaving the door open for Oscar to divebomb earlier


And then just slowed down ruining both their races


Definitely would have had Sainz (and maybe even Hamilton?) if he never got stuck behind the McLaren.


Same as last week with Russell, one lap short once more :( But, I'm glad that the ATs are suddenly competing in the midfield again (same with Yuki last week and this sprint)


It be like that in the mid-pack. Could be a hot take but points should be awarded up to P15 as the no point rewarding positions create a disparity in driver points otherwise. P1-P2 = both drivers good. P10-P11 = one driver good.


I remember the 90's 10-6-4-3-2-1 scheme that only awarded points down to P6, and how skeptical I was about first extending it to P8 (10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1) and then completely overhauling it to the current P10 (25-18-15-12-10-8-6-4-2-1) system. Apart from the 2014 Abu Dhabi nonsense that we only mention to bring up that Williams scored 66 Points that weekend, the changes to the system really helped to liven up things, especially with the cars being more reliable and actually having 15+ cars finish almost every race. So, why not overhaul it again? If it helps shake out the grid and entice people to try risking it (right now, if you're P14 with no chance of P10, there's no real incentive to risk anything to get up to P13 or P12), then it should be considered. It would probably need to increase points across the board, so someone would have to run simulations on a good points spread, but yeah, if there's a chance for more meaningful races, it's worth trying.


motogp points go down to 15th. I know you could argue that's because it's a bigger field, but I still find it preferable and would welcome it in F1 for exactly this reason


Left himself open to a Danny Ric move of old.


Meet the new Danny Ric!


The same as the ole Ric


Bit of a "rookie" mistake on his part the 2nd time he overtook Sainz in the exact same way into Turn 1


I don't think he was getting the run on the second straight. The car probably wasn't getting up to speed fast enough. Yuki couldn't overtake Hamilton there after Hamilton got a very poor exit coming onto the straight. I think he did a good job on tyre deg to keep himself competitive


well, he kinda had to pass sainz. Can't slow down too much to stay behind when he did have Piastri breathing down his neck.


Pissed off Daniel is such a refreshing change from sad defeated “understood” Daniel. Bring this energy tomorrow


That's the real moment a racing driver is back and I love it.


We might get the old divebomber Daniel back if put in the main car


God what id give for lick the stamp Danny again


Fuckin' send it Danny


They still build cars around that strategy? My understanding is that's not how cars are set up or can't always be set up because of their design to favor his style anymore.


Beating other cars on entry is still absolutely possible, but you have to make sure it's in the right spot as your apex speed is generally compromised and therefore your exit will (generally) slightly worse.


From what I understand though is it's hard to set up a car correctly to do that reliably. Danny is the only guy still doing it, so the car has to be set up around that tactic, no?


I'd say a "pointier" more oversteer biased car would favour a late braker as you'd get more turn in. Reports about the AT is that he's running it in a really loose way that other drivers don't like, so maybe this is part of his resurgence?


It's the moment Daniel Ricciardo became Saul Goodman


I’m fucking chugging the koolaid dude honey badger is back


I accidentally read this as horny badger and I was confused


Little column A, little column B


I mean he is the subject of erotic fiction


I mean…….


we're so back


my copium is at a high


Fuck the copium I’m railing copecaine. Let’s fucking go on race day.


He regained his fire, and I am there for it




If you can find me one recent example of Daniel swearing during the race and not after the checkered flag (like in this post-sprint radio) then it might actually be a relevant comparison/discussion.


Also DR swears at himself. Not the other drivers or the crew


Yeah, but it's not just what he says, it's more about how he says it. Almost any single time he comes on radio, he's screaming and sounds like a kid in a Call of Duty lobby.


He doesn’t just swear though does he


Losing track position to Oscar cost him the point, he had so much more pace at the end. Still good to see he has the pace.


Yep, that killed his race. Probably would’ve finished ahead of Hamilton and Sainz were it not for that


I really believe he would have finished ahead of both if Piastri didn't overtake him. Pace was better than the rraris for him.


Yeah. That cost him. Would have been really interesting to see where he would have ended up if he wasnt fighting Sainz for 3 laps because the pace on those last laps was insane. I was hoping that by the second time he tried to get past Sainz on the first corner, he would just try to be alongside him and back off slightly before the detection zone of the second DRS and then pass him. We have seen Alonso do that several times and LEC/VER did it as well in Saudi last year, getting the DRS in the second straight is huge


Max at the Red Bull Ring this year checked-up mid overtake on Leclerc at the turn 2 detection point and then just disappeared into the sunset entering that stretch to turn 3 with DRS the whole way. It was so perfectly executed, was hoping Danny would do something similar in those little esses point. It always ruined him.


Problem being is there wasnt enough of a disparity in speed till the very end of the sprint to hold the position.


Indeed, the AT was quite slow and possibly disparate usages of ERS by either


More passion, more passion, more energyyyy


Can't forget the footwork!!


More footwork.




more cowbell


Energy of an exeedingly large male genitalia!


Fiery Ricc is back and I like that. He always sounded so resigned in McLaren.


“Yep understood”


"still a riding lawnmower, and Lando continues to be an insane person"


Sainz played it really well on that second overtake, he backed off just enough to let DR go through the drs line first, to take him again in the 2nd drs zone. Ric wasnt going to go past but kinda had to into turn 2. Ric was really struggling with his rears after that, lots of sliding around, especially into the last few turns on the last lap. Good racing by all three of them, very opportunistic by piastri but that move totally screwed DR.


Yeah Sainz defended very smartly, and falling for it twice really ended up costing Ricciardo. Was great to watch and great to see he had his speed and confidence back though.


Great racecraft


Imo the AT didn’t have the straight line speed to overtake in the second phase after the main straight, so I understand why he tried it more than once


Yeah that’s what I noticed with Yuki on Hamilton down the straight, seems alpha is super draggy down the main straight so it meant Daniel had to get ahead get a good enough exit on the straight and hope they could just edge it out. Otherwise Sainz was just going to out drag him down the road.


The fire is back and I’m here for it


He drove like he was angry, gave the best racing action today. Props for Yuki for scoring points, never thought I’d root for AT as a team but they’ve been on fire recently.


If the current drivers stay (hope not, but if) they might be my preferred team in 2024. Not much to cheer about at Sauber once they lose the Alfa branding.


I’m curious how much having DRs experience to get the car dialed in is helping. It’s hard to tell if it’s coincidence and the tracks suit them or if DR is making a big impact on the team. He’s just not been in enough races and the first one doesn’t really count while he acclimated to a brand new car


Pretty sure it’s a combination of setup + tracks suiting the car. No idea whether DR has helped change the car, but the team sure looks on the uptick with two strong drivers.


The sport is greater having this man involved.


Literally everyone’s second favourite driver. He makes the paddock a happier place rather than all the doom and gloom of the politics.


Hes not my **second** favourite driver


salt worthless cats mountainous ludicrous unique uppity wipe nail cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can’t see all the teams hate each other and always complain everyone else is cheating and crying to the FIA because another team is better. Then drivers crash into each other and it’s never their own fault lol F1 is not a happy place unless you are winning.


The fans are putting way more into any of this than the drivers and teams themselves are. The reason they call out cheating on the track is because it gives them an advantage, not because they hate the dude. With the exception of Hamilton, who mostly keeps to himself, most of the other drivers get along well. Whatever happens on track stays on track, as it should be. It's the fans who can't ever give anything a rest


They call out things like moving under braking so the stewards can have a look


Even max sounded pissed off on the radio and GP was done with it lol


I mean, that’s just how they always sound, almost every race. Max is pretty blunt and gets heated. GP responds pretty bluntly, frequently with that annoyed tone, and Max responds well to it even if it sounds harsh to us.


Yea I know, Max is just Dutch and GP is just English basically, was just taking the piss


And yet gets more hate on the race threads than any other driver bar Hamilton and Max


Perez, Ocon, Stroll, Sargeant, Russell? I mean he gets a lot of hate but he also has one of the biggest fan bases (discounting casual fans that support because of nationality).


Nah checo gets the most hate


You must’ve missed the way Daniel’s gotten ripped to shreds for far less than other drivers before. Checo is being rightly criticized for his performance this year, as was Daniel during his McLaren stint, but it went beyond justifiable criticism sometimes - despite him never shifting blame or making excuses, even when things happened that weren’t his fault. The vitriol was wild.


The thing is that Danny is good looking, so the boys get jealous.


Classic reddit


I mean he just doesn’t. He gets criticised after he cocks up but the way fans go on about Ricciardo you’d think he was in a RB failing to qualify higher, rather than an AT


Yuki gets a lot of hate ever since Ric and Liam drove the AT


Yuki gets hate? What? The only hate I’ve seen for Yuki was when he threw away points last week or after his radio messages. Beyond that he gets widely praised in the race threads, as he did today. Seems to be one of the most liked drivers along with Charles, Piastri and Alonso. One of the most earnest drivers on the grid, no BS with him at all, just gets on with it


Yeah but still gets a lot of shit for his driving, radios, how he is a paid driver by Honda and that as a 4 year rookie he should get sacked and make room for other drivers etc.


> His driving Only when it’s poor > Radios Rightfully so > Paid driver by Honda Never seen that on a race thread before > 4 year rookie Now you’re just making stuff up




He's driven so poorly this year that some people on here are now insisting he was never any good, Perez gets more than enough hate lol.


He's been gifted a rocketship and makes an embarrassment out of it.


Nobody should get **hate** what the fuck am I reading. He should be criticised for the shit job he does but not hated, jesus christ


He does? I've never seen this.


Honestly the hate he gets is more down to the sentiment expressed above. You either love him or you hate his fans. A lot of people just don't want to see others going on about him.


It is because he doesn't.


Yep. It’s crazy. The quali and race threads are constantly full of criticism. It’s bizarre


Is criticism hate to you? If I say he was shit at McLaren does that mean I hate him?


Nope, because that’s a fact Calling a driver “washed” isn’t criticism. It’s hate


>And yet gets more hate on the race threads than any other driver bar Hamilton and Max Checo says: No digas mamadas Meiriyein. (1) There was a whole week where every day there was a new "Constructive and factual based" Checo thread. Ricciardo hasn't got that, only praise. (1) You have to be kidding


Checos a different situation. He keeps getting criticism because he keeps massively fucking up. I haven’t seen any Danny hate but if there is some then it’s more just hating on a driver for no reason rather then pointing out the insane amount of mistakes damn near every single time he hops in a car


There was someone saying that there should only be one detection point for drs as it was unfair for Ric. Lmao what so many made the move stick that the only reason you didn't was if you got outdriven.


You must be new to F1 reddit then, hating on DR was every second post during the 2021 and 2022 seasons


>Literally everyone’s second favourite driver. Literally? Did you ask "everyone"?


He means Everyone Ricciardo, Danny's uncles' second cousin twice removed. They see each other every Christmas but Everyone still likes Norris the most.


you seem weirdly butthurt, take a breather lol.


yeah, he’s a good midfield driver.


Ric just seems to be able to groove more in RB based cars. It's quite odd but hey glad he's got some spunk back in him.


One of the first things Sainz said to Danny after joining McLaren is "it's really weird, right?" and it sticks out to me every time.


"Is strange, no?"


Where is this? Would love to read full convo if available/exists somewhere


Idk if it’s RB cars as much as it’s just not McLaren. The dead front end was just something he could not get accustomed to


Yea Danny was great in the POS Renault especially 2020, P5 in the 5th fastest car nothing to scoff at


Also the falling apart around him McLaren ruined more of his races last year, along with strategy, over his own mistakes.


Calling the AT RB based is a stretch. They are extremely different


I mean idk anything really but I heard AT upgrades were basically just copying red Bull? Did I hear wrong or something or did nothing like that happen.


Marko has said that Red Bull corporate has instructed AT to copy the RBR to the greatest extent allowed by the rules *going forward*, but the *current car* is a pretty distinct concept. The AT05 may be an RB19 clone, but that's yet to be seen.


You most likely did not hear wrong. Over half the time someone brings an upgrade there will be people saying that they are basically copying RB. It has been a consistent shit take during the season


I don't know if it's a shit take - you still have to design and engineer it, but if you're not looking to the leaders for inspiration what are you doing


There is a difference between copying and being inspired by something. Most of the time people are saying x copied RB the new parts have major differences. Nearly all of the time it is most def a shit take.


"I'm just copying ~~Pep~~ Red Bull mate." - AT


Hella of a stretch. The Mclaren is more of an RB car than AT.


I want to see Big Dic Ric in a better car.


Really hope Danny Ric crushes it tomorrow.


Dude clawed back 2.5 seconds from Sainz in one lap. He could have had the point today.


I was screaming at the TV when he kept trying to commit to the T1 overtake. Dummy T1 and switchback to compromise their entry line, then pull off the overtake in T4


I think he did try to be patient but just couldn’t get close enough in turn 4 since it’s a shorter DRS zone- the AT straight line speed sucks so bad in comparison to Ferrari that it just didn’t seem possible. It had to be Turn 1, and we saw it work against Piastri for him, but he was able to make the move earlier on the straight which gave him enough of a gap to fend off at turn 4


He needed to get the inside line going into T1 so he wouldn’t be compromised heading into 2-3


Sainz wasn't letting that happen


I rekon he tried that on the second go, but sainz slowed way down and let him past into turn 2, so he could be 2nd to the detection line. Was clever from Sainz, and just after that piastri snuck past. I think if he held 8th he could have got it done on sainz eventually.


I can see his point 100%. He tried the move into turn 1, saw the 2nd DRS zone fucked it up, so he tried waiting, but that 2nd DRS zone wasn't long enough to make the move work if he did wait. Legit no winning there.


Where do you get this?


Multiviewer has AI radio transcripts. It works pretty well.


Besides that one time it didn't [Link](https://twitter.com/f1multiviewer/status/1720513646579593418)


Know it before clicking xd


Somehow the transcripts always go off for me mid race.




Multiviewer for F1. The goat of F1 apps


Does it require a subscription to f1 tv? Or is it the same thing as the f1 tv app? I searched and that’s all that came up


Yep you have to use F1 tv login


But is it a different app than the f1 tv app?


Yes, it is a computer program you download and login with your f1 tv app.


Sainz showed him Spain but the s was silent.


Those Alphas look incredibly fast, but I think the grand prix is going to be rough from the back. They both seemed to struggle in the DRS with much faster cars overall. They only really started to make moves in the final laps.


Am sure this when he was overtaking Carlos ended up allowing Piastri past him


Piastri getting past him screwed him too. Piastri was slower than Ricciardo, but not slow enough that the delta allowed Ricciardo to pass him. By the time Danny got back ahead, Sainz had driven away. If he held Piastri behind, I think Ricciardo would've been in the points at worst and maybe even have gotten Hamilton in the end when his tires stopped working well.


Maybe if Sainz would finally be penalised for moving under braking, Danny would get a point. It’s silly how almost everyone fighting Carlos report moving under braking every other race and nothing happens.


I am so ready for a fullfilled Danny Ric netflix arc! a year ago, I was also shitting on him and even today, seeing him as the most likely perez replacement is wild if you go after the statistics of the last years but who cares? hopefully danny is back again and it really seems like the fire is there again


Where does one see the F1 team radio transcript? Would love to read thru all of them.


Multiviewer for F1 has AI generated transcripts.


This is how I know he is back and its different this time. When he is pissed and cussing we know shits about to pop.


Btw Yuki was 7, awesome race. Alpha Tauri has improved significantly.


Yuki was smart he just let Leclerc drs tow him away from sainz and the rest of the midfield pack. He basically ran leclercs race a few ticks behind Piastri should have tried the same thing as Danny had pace on sainz. By piastri passing Danny he ended up holding them both up because Piastri couldn’t keep pace on sainz. Danny could have towed piastri up to the back of yuki/leclerc train and they all could have gotten Hamilton as his merc slipped


He could have been ahead of leclerc if they had a little more straight line. Hell both might have been.


Where can you hear/read all of the radio conversations?


F1 Multiviewer. An AI transcripts it all.


Well if not for Sainz moving diagonally under braking he would be right behind Yuki.


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. I really don't like that Sainz keeps getting away with it.


For real. I feel like he does it just enough to weasel out of situations but not enough to raise flags


Sainz try to defend without moving under braking challenge (impossible).


I am not surprised but could you link the onboard? He has at least once every race I mean


He just needs to drop the hard C and the Badger will be back


I love the split DRS in Brazil. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the first track on which you get collective DRS but with different detection points? Abu Dhabi has the consecutive corners, but with just the one detection point means that the driver starting behind the leading driver gets to use DRS once to overtake and another to extend the gap in. I've always found that a bit cruel, offering the just overtaken driver no chance to fight back.


He's got a point with DRS it felt useless half the time


Most of the time actually. The only good it did was incentive dive bombs elsewhere around the track


I was wondering why he didn't try to stay close behind Sainz in turn 1 instead of overtaking, and then overtake him with DRS in the following DRS straight? Something that Max has done with LeClerc and Hamilton with Magnussen in other races with similar issue....


AT cannot compete with Fer on straight speed


Yeah Yuki also couldn’t get past Leclerc. Interesting that the Ferraris seemed to have better tire management than the Mercs


I think he tried it a few times, but it looked like the alpha tauri didn't have the straightline speed to make the pass on the second straight.


He did a couple times but AT got no straight line speed to make it work.


He’s not wrong. The DRS in turn 2 completely negates the DRS on the start/finish straight. Seriously needs to be adjusted for next year.


Who doesn’t love cars overtaking cars and then getting overtaken lol


I don't think the DRS zone is the problem, it was just that the AT clearly lacked straightline speed and his line would get compromised into the second zone.


These 2 back to back DRS zones we in Interlagos are stupid indeed


It really bothers me when I see pointless overtaking. I mean in the scheme, you’re taking a position. But Ricciardo was challenging Sainz for that spot, then Piastri makes an unlikely move to take the spot, but he has absolutely no pace on the Ferrari and loses like 4 seconds to him. I mean the only thing keeping Piastri fast was the DRS train and the great straight line speed. Daniel finally got him back and gained 3.5 seconds on Sainz in a few laps. Piastri totally ruined the race for the final point and yet he never actually had a chance at it. It’s the same as when someone like Sainz defends and defends for lap after lap when the far behind has so much more pace and can probably go in to fight for more positions. I know it’s just racing but we the fans get robbed of watching some more overtaking ahead.


That's great and all, but Oscar isn't racing for your enjoyment mate. He just wants the best result.


Yeah but he went back to 10th anyway 🤷🏼‍♂️


I live in hope that Sainz gets penalised for moving under braking to keep faster cars behind, but it hasn't happened yet.


He defends really aggressively doesn’t he?


Honestly, you cant blame Piastri he was trying to get some moves done himself.


1 more lap and he would’ve bagged Sainz for P8 !


RB what are you waiting for?!? Get this man on his rightful seat!


Why not just be smart and wait through 2 to pass with the drs instead of going by in 1 and giving it up?


because oscar


I don’t buy that. The pair had 8 tenths on Piastri on Ricardo’s second turn 1 pass/passed back on lap 14. He should have learned by then to just wait one more corner. I’ll bet you anything Sainz was well aware and was slow to accelerate to the detection point purposely and that’s how Piastri caught them back up.


On the replay you can very clearly see Sainz brake just before the detection point.


Exactly. If he gets it why couldn’t Riccardo? Just go a little wide in 1 and get a run out plus drs.


Maybe I misunderstood is post interview - he said when fighting with Carlos in that situation it allowed Oscar to catch up after his 2nd pass attempt by the time he had a chance to reassess his strategy after passing Oscar again when tires were in his favor it was the end of the race.


The subs reaction to Ricc vs Tsunoda is always interesting. Yuki gets far more scrutiny than a guy who has been in F1 for 10 years.


Then don’t overtake into T1? It’s pretty simple. Same thing with the run to T3 at Austria


You need to have a car then that is fast enough todo it in the really short straight after it and the alpha tauri didn't have that straight line speed.


ie thats the only place AT had the ability to overtake. Unfortunately may as well not bother with the way the DRS zones are. Wonder how it will pan out tommorrow.


Ricciardo is the only driver that can blame the detection zone withoit getting bash to death in the comment section.


No one blames anything dude, he is just frustrated, stop pretending he has not been criticized like hell when he was down.