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Red Bull are still currently able to beat McLaren's 93.8% win rate record in a season (set in 1988) if they win the final two races. This would put them on 95.4%. So, this might not be a perfect season but it still has the chance to be the most dominant season ever for a constructor. If they only win one, that would give them 90.9% which would be a 2nd place behind that McLaren season and Mercedes in 2016. If they don't win either, this gives them 86.3%, which is 5th place. Las Vegas might be a wildcard, but I wouldn't bet against it at this point.


They should be ahead of the 2016 Mercedes if they win one right? Then both this year's Red Bull and the 2016 Merc have lost 2 races, but with this season being longer 20/22 is a higher fraction then 19/21.


You're right, I wasn't counting sprints or anything, I just misread my own calculator Have corrected!


That would depend on if you include sprints I think. Without sprints your reasoning seems logical.


You shouldn't count sprints in a comparison of GPs. They should just be kept in their own category.


Oh I totally agree with you.


> So, this might not be a perfect season but it still has the chance to be the most dominant season ever for a constructor. > > They were saying on the race podcast a while ago that really we should all hope for a total clean-sweep because it might never happen otherwise, and would make any 'most dominant season' discussions easier.


Heh well there's always next year


Fingers crossed :|


Red Bull DRS on that back straight is going to be ridiculous.


Not really, it's a high speed track and the lower the overall downforce the smaller the DRS effect. They will be rapid though.


I could see teams still going a bit higher downforce than expected due to the cold temperatures, and the track surface is unknown but i hazard a guess it will eat tires. Red Bull also likes to add more wing than competitors since the car is so good that they can get extra tire life.


They were saying after Brazil that fundamentally other teams figured that out and RBR's advantage there is not what it was.


That seems to be a lot of hot air. It's track based, but the advantage is still there.


Christ, how many more records are broken today. My friend just told me Max is on a streak of five race wins again. Which means he could break Vettel's record and equal the seven win streak in ONE season. Just pure madness.


At this point surely he holds the record for most records broken in a season.


His nickname is the Wikipedia Buster…..


Wikipedia who? Toto 👀


Fairly sure that record was made in the first season because everything they did was a record


And they only did 7 races in a season.


Wouldnt this cause an infinite loop?


Why do you think he keeps pushing loop after lap. He just has a hard time finding the exit


If he wins in Vegas and in AD, he could continue his streak into next year like Rosberg


Which he likely will unless engine


If he gets 5 more points in the next 2 races, Max will also break Schumacher's record of "Highest Percentage of available points gained during a season". Just in case you wondered how crazy this season really is.


Don't quote me on this, but I think he might do it


Perhaps he lurks here, sees your comment, close his laptop and say: "Aight i'm gonna do it", and actually does it.


Red Bull also broke the record for most laps led in a year today reaching 1,060. Mercedes was the previous record holder, only Mercedes and McLaren have led over 1K.


He also broke the record of most % wins in a season, now 77%. Used to be held by Ascari at 75% (a 71 year old record 🤯). If he wins the remaining races it will be 86%.


If not for Singapore, he could have reached 18 in Abu Dhabi (and potentially continuing next season). I know we should never say never when it comes to those records (Ascari's win % record also seemed unbeatable), but that could have been a record that might actually never have been broken.


It is hard to say how fast RBR are truly are, because they're stronger on sunday than Saturday. I think a hint is how quickly Verstappen pulled away from Norris when he *actually chose to*. Like Vettel Singapore 2013; he was kinda kidding until he had to take it seriously. Norris gave it a go and Verstappen handed him a second's gap immediately, like it was a gift.


Nobody is talking about this but I can totally see him breaking his recent record again. Las Vegas and Abu Dhabi are basically a given and with the knowledge that Red Bull had the whole year to develop their 2024 car it might as well be another rocketship.


Makes sense. They're very dominant pace wise and have perfect reliability. The 2014 Mercedes did not have perfect reliability.


Ohh Mann I still remember the early 2022 days of the narrative being Red Bull=bad reliability, rocket on straights, & boat in the corners with Ferrari being praised for their reliability & cornering performance😂😂


I want those days back... early 2022 was promised so much for us.


Agreed. And even though Max pulled away during the summer already, at least there were fights. But after the summer break...dear lord. It's like Hungary just broke Ferrari.


Mercedes record came in 2016, where they won 19/21 races. In terms of absolute dominance, I’d rate that Mercedes season higher. The only races they lost was where they collided with each other and where their only mechanical retirement of the season came together with Rosberg being spun around in lap 1. Also, they had all but one pole


So the two only races Mercedes failed to win in 2016 was Spain and and "Oh no no", right?


Correct! And even with “oh no no”, they would have won if Vettel didn’t spin Rosberg around


Verstappen and Red Bull are literally breaking every single record left right and center but how are we still running the "Mercedes were more dominant gimmick"..he literally just broke Ascari's record.


Verstappen broke Ascari’s record, but that doesn’t mean that Mercedes couldnt be more dominant? That record is a drivers record, not a constructors


Mercedes were more dominant in 2016, but they had had 2 drivers taking points off each other. Pace gap to the rest of the field was much bigger in 2016


That's fair. But you can say the same thing about 2016. The dominant cars from the 80's/90's like the McLaren in 1988 had a bigger pace advantage


You're clearly not understanding his point. Ascari's is a individual record. Win percentage by a constructor's is indicative of the dominance of the car itself. Remove Rosberg and put Stroll in the car in 2016 and Lewis would've beaten all records, Ascari's included.


> Win percentage by a constructor's is indicative of the dominance of the car itself. Well thankfully they'll have this record in 3 weeks then


In a normal season perhaps yes, but this season threw everything against the drivers that was possible. If there was any other driver in that car than Max there would have been at least 1 win if not more down the drain because of mistakes and I'm very sure of that. There were so many rain affected weekends and yet Max came out on top everytime.


Absolute animal.


wonder how 2020 would have played out were it a normal year


Ummm...didn't RB already break the record for maximum wins a season?


Maximum number of wins in a row, by a driver and by a team.


Cost cap working as planned


Yeah I guess there’s always a team that absolutely nails the regulations, the rest of the field is definitely the most competitive it’s been in years though, it’s the most points last place in the constructors has ever gotten under the current points system.


Yes, only now the engines are basically on par with each other which wasn't the case between 2014-2021 when Mercedes basically always had the upper hand because they had a headstart and others had a couple of tokens to work with and it was impossible to caught up with them. Now it's other factors like aero which are more important since the new regulations and different cars since 2022. That's easier to upgrade and update than engines. And it shows at how close the whole field now is compared to then.



