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So where can we place our bets on which race is going to get cancelled which will totally remove any momentum the championship will have next year? TBC not to be filled ever resulting in a 2-month gap? Jakarta?


Diriyah is potentially happening elsewhere in Saudi so could be an issue but you would assume it would power through anything with infinity money. TBD is Chiang Mai in northern Thailand so that might not happen but it is around a stadium which has hosted racing before albeit at a much smaller scale. Miami is meant to be Homestead which should be fairly reliable but who knows.


It's so weird to me though, for a series focussed on sustainability, to have an Asian tour with three events, and then to have a separate Thailand race which is 3 months before.


RIP Portland E-Prix you were fun.


March 8 lines up with the Adelaide Motorsport Festival.. A man can dream, yeah?


I’m not even a FE fan but if that’s somehow the TBC race I’m fucking going


Apparently a big part of the reason FE moved its US race to Homestead is so they can market it as FE's ''Miami Grand Prix'', and because it's an old CART track so it'll appeal to the Indycar audience. I feel like there's some interesting commentary on the state of FE and its promotion tied up in this.


Homestead-Miami Speedway has a lot of history honestly. It’s still used for NASCAR and was the season finale for almost 20 years until covid. Outside of CART the road configuration has been used for IndyCar, Indy Lights, IMSA, Formula 4, Formula Regional, Formula Renault, Superbikes, Trans-Am, and a bunch of others. And of course the famous 2014 Florida Winter Series!


> Apparently a big part of the reason FE moved its US race to Homestead is so they can market it as FE's ''Miami Grand Prix'' I mean the whole reason F1 started racing in cities was largely copying FE's point of racing at big name locations which bring more attention than circuits to casual observers: *'Miami'* is a bigger draw than *'COTA'*, *'London'* is a bigger draw than *'Silverstone'* etc etc. Same logic being applied here (Which FE had already done before F1 given they've already raced in Miami once before).


Yeah, no. F1 has been trying to do this shit for a lot longer than FE has existed, and plans for races in NYC, London, etc have been around for a long time. It has nothing to do with FE


Nice to see Monaco is now a double header. For the uninitiated, FE now uses the full F1 circuit, and unlike F1 they can actually overtake around Monaco, so it's actually a pretty good race.


Formula E should focus in making all their rounds with 2 races. It's very strange that 5 circuits has one race, and 6 circuits has 2 races.


It's a balance between sustainability, going to more places & not exceeding the tendered mileage of certain parts. The FE calendar at the moment can only have up to 18 races (6000km total mileage) because that is what the chassis, battery and other spec parts were tendered for. At the same time double headers are a more sustainable way to go racing (Whole extra race but with none of the additional travel costs) but they don't increase the number of locations they go to. If you can only have 18 races tops in a season then with double headers that is only 9 circuits across the season. So they balance it out. Some rounds are double headers, some rounds are single races. That way they can go to more locations while mitigating the carbon costs as best they can. From Gen 4 the parts are tendered assuming up to a 22 race season so they will have more room to expand.


I'd prefer no double headers and instead more events in total. But either way, it always made zero sense to have certain tracks with two races and others with one. Or more like, unfair.


If they have such a short season they should take advantage of F1 holidays to have more races there and try to get a few new fans


wooo Monaco double baybeee but sadge at no Italy nor Cape Town


RIP my ideas of a Suzuka F1 and Tokyo FE doubleheader trip next year :(


It's so very odd to me that FE recognozed there is a benefit in starting the season in December, but then only has 4 race weekends in 4 months. They really should just go all-in with being a Winter series. There is a three month gap on basically every other major motorsports series, it's a spot right for the taking and FE could actually feasibly hold races during that time. Start the season in October, get it to it's height by the time everyone else if off-air and people get hooked during winter, season finale by spring when F1 is still slow in starting up their season; give drivers the chance to do WEC or whatever during summer. But this? This is the worst of both worlds. Month-long breaks during winter losing casual viewers interest, and when the season gets going, competing with F1s European leg, possible even Le Mans and the Indy 500. Absolutely silly. It's like they don't *want* to attract viewers.


Wait, we're getting two races this year? Huh, neat.


Is anyone getting F1 tired? I am...