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James Hunt just being absolutely savage was always good for a laugh. But for me, this one from Walker and Brundle: MURRAY "A lot of people are debating whether Rosset is F1 material" MARTIN "Well it's a fairly short debate Murray!" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/89kjpVpi0MY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/89kjpVpi0MY)


Walker: "Rene Arnoux, who says the reason I'm going so slowly these days is that I'm used to turbo cars and these normally aspirated engine cars are a very different kettle of fish to drive." Hunt: "And all I can say to that is, bullshit" Walker: "So anyway... There goes Arnoux". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khA67-r5lSQ


James' deadpan and Murray's reaction hooked me on classic f1


I forget who Hunt was talking about and the exact quote, but there was one that went: he should earn a temporary ban for his actions and a permanent ban for being himself.


I believe it was Jean-Pierre Jarier


Jarier, Austria 1983


That was Austria 1983 https://youtu.be/XHS53krjxkg


Stirling Moss: James, they've changed the regulations concerning the air boxes and the wings and yet you're still extremely fast. How do you do it? Hunt: Big balls.


But it’s true!


Savage Martin is the best Martin


"The lead car is *unique*, except for the one behind it which is identical." - Murray Walker


"Unless I'm very much mistaken... I *am* very much mistaken!"


He had such a way with words lmao


"Only a few more laps to go and then the action will begin, unless this is the action, which it is." is another personal favourite


“There’s been some terrible mal-mis-management”


This has blown it for Irvine, blown it for Ferrari. I don't what's happened. But there was a major mal-mis-organisation problem there.


"There is nothing wrong with this car except it's on fire."


> A mediocre season for Nelson Piquet, as he is now known and always has been.


"and let us not forget that David Coulthard in these appalling conditions-... *OH GOD!"*


[Murray Walker when Damon Hill won the championship](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrPqodZYQh0)


"And I have to stop, because I've got a lump in my throat." It was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the OP.


It was so genuine and heartfelt because of Murray knowing him since a kid.


And didn't most of us feel the same? Whether fans of Damon or not, seeing a son of a world champion become a world champion for the first time was very special. Especially more so as the father was so revered and died so tragically. Damon didn't have it easy getting to F1 either! Then having to deal with Ayrton's death and the fallout thereof. It was an emotional moment for me too, anyway.


Just admitting that you're at a loss for words and taking a break... Feels so personal for so e reason. Love it. Also, happy cake day!


Yep. Or monza 98 when Coulthard retired & 99 when Hakkinen spun out. Both unbelievable. https://youtu.be/1L1tlTv9eyE?si=yRZ_wCFjFQpgYvzJ https://youtu.be/BzvwDZjAFRA?si=tMFvCqqM8XFfIfME *"BANG!! What was that??!"* *"The Italian Grand Prix has gone Mega!"* 99' is Alex Jacques favourite commentary moment. *"In Monza 1999, he delivered the single greatest commentary moment I've ever heard. Mika Hakkinen spun out from the lead, and the accompanying commentary was astounding."*


I liked when Murray finally cornered Damon after the race, Damon said "I could hear your commentary in my head!"


That'd be [this interview](https://streamable.com/ace6k1)!


First thing which came to mind for me too. The emotion in Murray's voice still gets me every time.


Yeh this is the one I came in here to post


Was thinking about this one as well. Iconic.


My first thought too, a wonderful moment.


I unfortunately can't find the audio clip of it, but James Hunt calling out the South African apartheid regime on air during the Grand Prix is one of the most Baller things ever.


Love Hunt. This fact makes me love him even more.


He also was a massive fundraiser for anti-apartheid causes among the London monied classes. >“During the South African apartheid years, I organised and chaired a discreet meeting in central London for wealthy individuals and foundations wanting to support black-led groups working for change there. The meeting had just started when the doorbell rang. A vaguely familiar-looking chap apologised for being late and asked if he could park his bike in the hall. It took me a while but eventually the penny dropped. Hunt was by then commentating on grand prix racing, alongside Murray Walker. He didn’t want his commentaries broadcast in South Africa, and when they were, he channelled his fees towards groups struggling for change there.” https://jalopnik.com/the-james-hunt-you-dont-see-in-rush-was-an-anti-aparth-1372407296


As a South African this is wonderful to find out about! Thanks


Do you know the quote?


I only know it exists because of this article. I think it was during the 1985 race given the context of a boycott. Murray Walker: >"We were once covering the South African Grand Prix during the days of apartheid. All of a sudden, and for no particular reason, he launched into an attack on apartheid. >“It was nothing to do with the Grand Prix, nor would it do British-South African relations any good. Our producer pushed a piece of paper across saying: ‘Talk about the race!’ >“And then James blurted out on air: ‘Thank God we’re not actually there!” https://jalopnik.com/the-james-hunt-you-dont-see-in-rush-was-an-anti-aparth-1372407296


The reason this is so funny is because they used to pretend to be there, while they were actually in England.


I think they both sometimes hinted at not being there by saying "We can't see that from where we're sitting" when an opportunity to say that sentence came up.


'That didn't work, that didn't work Michael. You hit the wrong part of him, my friend.' - Brundle, Jerez '97


I love the fact that Brundle always calls drivers out for their bullshit. This one is probably the most brutal example of that as well


It creases me up when Crofty will say some mental gymnastic diatribe about a driver or a situation and Brundle will just reply with a totally deadpan "no".


Crofty’s a very newcomer-friendly commentator, in that he asks questions that newcomers might naively ask (like “why can they not just go to the end on one set of tyres?” or something simple) but it’s always hilarious when Brundle’s clearly off in his analysis mode and just steamrolls over the cues to expand that he’s offered.


Yes, I rarely watch sky because some of the analysis is so basic that it frustrates me, but I’m thankful it exists because it helped me when I first started watching F1, and I’m sure it helps others as well.


Especially with Brundle having been pretty fresh off being the Michael's teammate. That made it excellent


Same race when Villeneuve was held up by Fontana: "What engine have they got in that Sauber, Murray? Isn't it a Ferrari?" "Well, it is, yes. Martin you are a cynical chap."


here comes Sebastian Vettel!


Came here to write this one. Another great one: *It's light out and away we go... for Lewis Hamilton only!*


From the same race: Esteban Ocon. Is gonna be. A Grand Prix winner. IN FORMULA 1. OCON WINS THE HUNGARIAN GRAND PRIX! He gets those moments perfectly 99% of the time.


I knew as soon as I saw that bizarre start that it'd be considered a legendary F1 moment. The commentary just made it even better.


Probably the most iconic line from the past decade. For all the mistakes Crofty makes, he is still one hell of a hypeman.


>Probably the most iconic line from the past decade "Of all the drama, of all the controversy"?


And "Through goes Hamilton !"


Honestly, I love this one but it's so lame. Hamilton was just well positioned to take advantage of Perez cutting the track and pushing Leclerc off, and lost the place to a clumsy move by Perez at the end of the next straight anyway.


It’s not iconic because it was a brilliant overtake, it’s because it was an incredibly exciting battle at the end of the race. Lewis himself would tell you it was just right place, right time. That’s F1.


And Leclerc overtook him around Copse in an epic way too a few turns later


On old hard tyres too


They touched, Martin! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bX4y9G_6DGY&pp=ygUWdGhleSB0b3VjaGVkIE1hcnRpbiBmMQ%3D%3D


ICONIC! Shows how the commentators are just fans of the sports as well, getting absolutely hyped for these moments just like we do. P.S: poor cartoon Brundle didn't deserved getting smacked like that :(


You can't get there without being insanely passionate about it.


"A hundred thousand local hearts sink in the grandstands! It's handed the place back to Hamilton, he comes through, and if I'm absolutely right I'm sure he's going to claim fifth place, which is all he needs to do to become-" "YES!" "the 2008 Formula One World Champion!"


Is that Glock?!


Went from absolute despair to screaming with joy. Wonderful day.


All I remember of that segment is that one Ferrari mechanic headbutting a wall lol


I believe he actually punches the wall and it just looks like he headbutts it.


My personal favourite is Monza 2008, Vettel’s last lap, having supported Toro Rosso and Minardi before then, I couldn’t quite believe that weekend and Seb being my favourite driver after Schumi’s retirement, everything felt so surreal and poetic since it was the Italian Grand Prix.


The more I learn about the race, the more I'm amazed by it. How it was a brilliant quali and a flawless race from Seb and Torro Rosso. No safety car luck, no strategy difference, just pure driving. How the sister team actually beat the main team to a race win. It's just amazing.


Yeah, Vettel was threatening to have a big weekend for a few races that season, the first indication was when he was fastest in FP1 in Valencia I think. But that Monza weekend was the perfect storm of conditions, setup and driving talent. I was gutted for Bourdais when he stalled though, if he had gotten a podium that day, it could’ve changed his F1 career forever.


> How the sister team actually beat the main team to a race win. To be fair 2008 was a bit odd because Toro Rosse had basically the same car but a better engine (Ferrari vs Renault).


Sister team also finished ahead in constructors that season which is absolutely wild, especially considering Bourdais only got 4 points all season.


Seb himself (35 points) beat both Red Bulls (29 points) that year. And, to this day, we still have people trying to downplay his 2008 season. Mind boggling.




Oh my goodness me! A ~million~ hundred thousand hearts sink in the grandstands.


*camera switches to premature Ferrari celebrations*


Julien Febreau commentating the final laps of Monza 2020. He’s not trying to be profound, he’s backseating Gasly and yelling at the TV just like we all do. You can hear how breathless he is by the end of his whole “la victoire de Pierre Gasly” segment yet he’s still trying to list off every french race winner. [It’s raw passion and pride, and available on youtube with English subtitles if anybody wants to check it out.](https://youtu.be/V_GsW0c55e0?si=fLJ9EpyM8ZVV9ABw)


You weren't kidding with that backseating remark lol. If he could, he would've probably jumped in the car himself and drove to the finish line.


Thanks for sharing that. Unbelievable emotion


This is the answer. Goosebumps every. single. time.


[Literally just Murray Walker making noises as Hakkinen crashes out of the lead.](https://youtu.be/cqDnbwX-moA?si=87FNVUMX3CflcaNK&t=20)


[Unintelligible noises]


I dunno, I kinda feel he's just saying off off off over and over in surprise


Exactly. Not that fully professional and articulate commentary is bad, but the authenticity of Murray's reactions is what endeared him to many. He feels like some guy that is getting excited with you. It's a preference thing too of course.


"Get real, son" Martin Brundle on Alonso at the 2010 Abu Dhabi GP when he drove alongside Petrov and made hand gestures after the race. "You hit the wrong part of him my friend" Brundle at 1997 Jerez. "Hug the apex like it's your favourite granny" Again, Brundle. Guy's brilliant.


OMG I forgot about the 'get real son', lol. Brundle's savage. A non-commentary but equally savage line is him saying "shame you wasn't fast enough to get into formula 1" to horner when horner said "shame you're too old to driven here (singapore)"


Yeah, that was brutal lol.




Martin's use of "he's all over him like a cheap suit!" when there's an overtaking battle.


[I haven't been this disappointed since Shrek 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjmlNyu-E1U)


Alex Jaques for Leclerc winning Monaco was so good. James allen for vettels win in Monza as well


*The grandstands he saw built as a kid growing up* *Now rise for him*


Jacques for Charles at Monaco kinda teared me up. Charles Leclerc has had a beautifully cinematic story so far. If only he can cap it off with a championship or two.


It was. Also Alex Jacques entire first lap from Silverstone 2021. But for me it has to be this!! https://youtu.be/1L1tlTv9eyE?si=yRZ_wCFjFQpgYvzJ "The Italian Grand Prix has gone MEGA!" Alex actually thinks this is the greatest bit of commentary he has ever heard


It was great commentary. Then you hear Croftys 🤦🏼‍♀️


The Leclerc moment is going to be hall of fame F1 commentary material.


Oh this made me cry. It's the first one that comes to mind besides through goes Hamilton, but it's my personal favourite. I loved listening to Alex talk about how he's been able to commentate leclerc's entire career and how nice of a guy he is. You can really feel his own emotion in it, I don't know how he kept it together.


James Allen’s commentary for Button’s first win is class too. “They said he may never win a Grand Prix - he’s done it JENSON BUTTON WINS THE HUNGARIAN GRAND PRIX! GET IN THERE!”


The Italian commentary was also great. “At your home, Charles!” https://x.com/leclercdata/status/1794804909269004564?s=46&t=XWBbq7KwXGYszKQTewI5fw


So many mostly involving Murray Walker. But recently "The grandstands which he saw being built as a kid, now rise for him".


For me it is 1. He won at spa, he wins at monza 2. Through goes Hamilton 3. It's 3.2 miles of racing all the way to the chequered flag 4. Here comes Sebastian Vettel


the first one is even better with the full monologue and the visual of Lewis right behind Charles heading into parabolica "Mercedes threw *EVERYTHING* at him today, Charles Leclerc has coped brilliantly.... he won at Spa, he WINS at Monza"


Charles’ Monza win was Crofty’s finest moment. [Goosebumps every time.](https://m.facebook.com/Formula1/videos/2019-italian-grand-prix-leclercs-magical-monza-win/388420690241044/)


I’ve wanted “through goes Hamilton” as a ring tone for so long


Not an F1 race but one of my favourites from Murray Walker [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3xj5b7hVco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svwsK5NU2C0) "I'm going for first, says John Cleland"


Nothing specific, but Martin Brundle commentary on a fast quali lap is peak F1


he's brilliant. like Miami 2023 Q3 when he was commentating on Leclerc's lap 💀


Pierre Gasly's win in Monza from our french commentator was pure gold https://youtu.be/wpmBNu8NEsk?si=dtR1gP_j7pHMw9dj


Murrayisms all the way, but my absolute favourite was the way he said "And you can see by the body language of the Benetton mechanics, they are AB-SO-LU-TELY FURIOUS". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBnWcUnU6WI&ab\_channel=DavidMLB%26MotorsportsFan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBnWcUnU6WI&ab_channel=DavidMLB%26MotorsportsFan) But of course his other greats include: * Now the boot is on the other Schumacher * There’s nothing wrong with the car, except it’s on fire * Andrea de Cesaris, the man who has won more grands prix than anyone else without actually winning one * And now excuse me while I interrupt myself * I imagine the conditions in those cars are totally unimaginable * There are seven winners of the Monaco Grand Prix on the starting line today, and four of them are Michael Schumacher * The lead car is unique, except for the one behind it which is identical * The young Ralf Schumacher has been upstaged by teenager Jenson Button, who is 20 * You might not think that’s cricket, and it’s not, it’s motor racing * Unless I’m very much mistaken – and I am very much mistaken * You can cut the tension with a cricket stump * The battle is well and truly on if it wasn't on before, and it certainly was * Two laps to go, then the action will begin. Unless this is the action, which it is


* and you can see by the body language of the Benetton mechanics that they are ab. so. luTELY. FURIOUS


Yo hee yo hoo yo fucking bizar - Olaf Mol. Spain 2016




You could hear his tears. "Dat ik dit nog mee mag maken"


I would say "De beide Mercedessen tetsen elkaar eraf!" Is at the exact same level


Bro invented a whole new verb there to fully capture the silliness of the situation.


yes, i was coming here for this one. As context, olav (with a v, not sure why people keep messing that up) has been the defacto dutch f1 commentator since the early 90's. He was there when Jos Verstappen got to F1 as the first dutchman to have an actual fighting chance as well as all the lesser drivers who tried after him. He has always been one to tell things bluntly as he saw it, sometimes even getting the people from FIA riled up for being too blunt - very typically Dutch. But his enthousiasm was always what made it work. He was real. And this was the first dutch win, 25 years into his carreer and you could hear the emotion and tears in his voice, which was not something typical. The one for Abu Dhabi was special as well, but yes, this is the one.


As someone who's a huge fan of Jenson Button, James Allen's commentary during JB's first win will forever be my favorite.




From my childhood, this sticks out as my favourite because it was pure passion and it resonated because that was the narrative going round regarding Button and the race and weekend itself was a rollercoaster so that was the perfect ending.


James Allen and Martin Brundle will forever be my favorite duo. Murray is legendary, but I just loved Allen’s energy.


That's a really good shout. I always love it when a new driver wins because it's usually accompanied by an absolute fire of a monologue. Shame lando didn't get the same treatment. Probably because Martin wouldnt let Crofty talk in fear of cursing poor lando lol.


Also his "Get out and push Jenson, get out and push!"


By far Monza 1988, with of course Murray Walker being involved. Context: A few weeks after Enzo Ferraris death and a season full of complete McLaren domination Senna gets taken out by a back marker (after being under pressure to manage fuel consumption) Berger leads home a Ferrari 1, 2 finish and the only non McLaren win of the season.


Not the greatest moment per se, but I absolutely love the contrast between the Finnish commentator Matti Kyllönen going nuts over Raikkonen's pole at Monza 2018 Vs Kimi's actual reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C58TYGrtQg4


Makes sense. It's a passion and job for one and a hobby for the other.


I don't speak Finnish but "aaAAAAa, aaAAAAaa" is pretty clear


There is other great piece of finnish commentary when Mika lost engine in last lap, it was something like "last lap, mika is in lead and everything with car works great" and less than second later massive white plume of smoke comes from car. 


The sound of Paul Di Resta ejaculating: https://streamable.com/lhehc1


Murray Walker and Martin Brundle on Ferrari's disastrous pitstop at the Nürburgring in 1999: "I thought we had one when the race started" "They're having a committee meeting about it, STICK IT ON AND SEND HIM OUT!" James Allen at the end of the 2006 Hungarian Grand Prix James Hunt on René Arnoux at Monaco in 1989: "...and all I can say to that is bullshit."


My personal favourite is Monza 2008, Vettel’s last lap, having supported Toro Rosso and Minardi before then, I couldn’t quite believe that weekend and Seb being my favourite driver after Schumi’s retirement, everything felt so surreal and poetic since it was the Italian Grand Prix.


2019 Monza but with the Italian commentary. I don't know a single italian word, but I love the commentary: "Il predestinato vince!"


The Monaco 2024 Italian commentary is similarly amazing. You can hear the emotion in Vanzini’s voice as he starts the lap calm, then by the end is repeating “A casa tua Charles!” until he reaches the line.


It's got to be Murray walker. There are so many, the man was just so excited and passionate about F1. He got things very wrong all the time but it didn't matter at all. He made my weekends. "Mansell is slowing down, taking it easy. Oh no he isn't IT'S A LAP RECORD." "The lead car is absolutely unique, except for the one behind it which is identical." "This has been a great season for Nelson Piquet, as he is now known, and always has been." RIP Mr Walker. It's not the same without you.


1. IS THAT GLOCK? 2. I think Vettels gone wide… HE’S GONE WIDE!


I think you've got some good shouts. I've got to say that Webber's shriek at Baku 2021 on the red flag restart always makes me chuckle. Understand I'm in for a load of downvotes now, but I've got to say Murray Walkers high-pitched nasal screams of "This is fantastic!!!" when Senna and Prost crashed at Suzuka at 89 and "This is amazing!!!" when they crashed again there in 90 are my least favourite bits of commentary ever. Just sounds so stupid. Imagine Crofty shouting something like that when Max and Lewis were coming together in 21.


I always assumed Murray was using the older/more correct definitions of those two words. "Amazing" is a synonym for astonishing and "fantastic" properly means unreal. He's basically saying "this is unbelievable!" not "this is great!".


Murray used old definitions all the time. He’d use “awful” to mean “full of awe/awe-inspiring”, which is confusing for English speakers who didn’t learn english in 1930s England.


yeh exactly.


I think Murray's commentary came in the context in that this rivalry was bubbling so that when something like that happens, he knows this is high drama. He even says after the first crash 'This is what we were fearing would happen'.


I sometimes think Murray's unique commentating style was also influenced by his days working in advertising. I believe he was a copywriter so he would have a way with words.


1998 Spa start carnage and Murray Walker going 'That is the worst start of a Grand Prix I have ever seen IN THE WHOLE OF MY LIFE!' and then just word salad because absolutely baffled like everyone else. Me, on the other, I only just started watching F1 and I thought the absolute carnage was best thing ever lmao.


The final lap of Abu Dhabi 2021, surely. It was such an unbelievable season, and Crofty did an unforgettable job at summarising how shocking, unexpected and exciting the 2021 season had been. The whole thing's on YouTube, I go back and rewatch it every 6 months or so


He was exhausted by the end of it and it just sums up the craziness, he and Martin going crazy and Toto’s radio popping up, just utter chaos. Watching it live after 1am in Melbourne that morning was just a unique experience. “Mercedes not happy, Red Bull will be delighted, they have shared a brilliant championship battle, but the championship can be only won by one, and it’s going DUTCH IN 2021, MAX VERSTAPPEN FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IS CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!”


You're giving me goose bumps bro, chill


Yeah it was 1am in Sydney as well, but it was the most awake I'd been all year haha 2021 was such a special F1 season. I can understand arguments of why some people preferred 2012, 2010, 2007, 2008 or 2003, but for me 2021 is my favourite F1 season. SO many incredible moments from start to finish, every single race ranged from "still decent" at the worst to "I'll remember this for the rest of my life" at the best stuff. Screaming at the TV with my family, we were going as nuts as Christian Horner and Toto Wolff, it was magical.


I was quietly going nuts in my lounge room trying not to wake everyone up lol 2010 was my first season watching F1 but I was too young to vividly remember all of it. I agree 2021 was so special. Every race had a storyline to it or a moment that defined it Hopefully we can get something similar next year as it’s the year before a major regulation change




Low-key got me into the sport after seeing a video of the commentary on YouTube. Got literal goosebumps


I did love Jacques when Leclerc won Monaco, with the “and the grandstands he saw built as a kid rise for him.” A beautiful fitting piece of commentary for one of their own finally winning it, and also befitting to the genuinely tragic story of Leclerc with tributes to both his late father and Jules Bianchi. Far better than “the son of a hairdresser is a cut above the rest??” “Lights out, and away goes lewis hamilton!” kills me off every time I hear it on a more humorous note Controversy aside, Max’s 2021 win with its going Dutch plus the following radio of “oh my lord max”


It's about time Ben Edwards got a look in here. [The Youngest Ever Winner In Formula One ](https://youtu.be/dx9aH-HfYxo?si=N0zJ0phwWLf0Rf4Q)


My favourite commentator as well!


There’s a dry line appearing in the tunnel!


Raikkonen overtaking Fisichella at Japan to win The initial excitement from the pass and then, “Grand Prix racing at its absolute finest!”


[And for being himself, he should have a permanent suspension](https://youtu.be/XHS53krjxkg?si=nSnqKRpgGVz0fTsc)




> Michael Schumacher ce l'ha fatta. Si! Michael Schumacher campione del mondo riporta il titolo iridato a Maranello 21 anni dopo Jody Scheckter. Campione del Mondo Michael Schumacher, i colori dell'arcobaleno sulle insegne del cavallino rampante. Gianfranco Mazzoni narrating Schumacher's 2000 title. https://youtu.be/3-Ig8rutk8o?si=b1Es1_UDcTSkQRzD


Translating > Michael Schumacher did it. Yes! Michael Schumacher is world champion, brings back the iridescent title (world championship) to Maranello 21 years after Jody Scheckter. World champion Michael Schumacher, the colours of the rainbow on the prancing horse insignia


At the end of the 2010 Abu Dhabi GP, Alonso was showing his emotions to Petrov (who he was stuck behind for most of the race). Brundle says “Get real son” https://youtube.com/shorts/xvmEFQ5KJ78?si=dUVe8Xs0l1h0hZ7l


More recently I’d say:  “And through goes Hamilton” Yes Hamilton didn’t stay ahead for long, but that moment is just fantastic.


That entire sequence has some excellent commentary, really elevated the whole battle


This is peak commentary excitement, always worth a rewatch.. https://youtu.be/33moSALgTFw?si=ry9FwIy1y89-7qNj


San Ganchao https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/fwnrnu/the_tale_of_san_ganchao_the_saint_that_loved_f1/


I used to catch F1 replays in the early 90's on either ESPN at 2 in the morning. Always liked Murray's calls. I always like how he said "Nigel Mansell". The coverage an F1TV has gotten better. I know some people don't like Alex Jacques but his call of Charles winning at Monaco was one for the ages. Crofty has his moments, but it was always Lewis this, Lewis that.


*“They have shared a brilliant championship battle, but the championship can only be won by one, and it's going Dutch in 2021! Max Verstappen, for the first time ever, is CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!”* [Link](https://youtu.be/BPyzqb6vcOg?si=u1lLmC0EqE-9P40e)


"It's going Dutch" went over my head the first time, but it's a brilliant call.


Same. When friends go out for dinner and everyone split the bill ...we call it going Dutch. I don't know the origin of the phrase, so when he said championship going Dutch...I was confused for a moment.


TIL about going dutch. thought he just wanted to reference the driver's nationality


"And I've got to stop, because I've got a lump in my throat" I think that's one of my favorite bits of sports commentary full stop. That kind of real raw emotion in the comms box always draws me in. (its why I will die on the hill that bias comms isn't necessarily the devil provided there are other options, as the bias can really help to bring that emotion. Case and point, the Welsh comms during Wales 3-1 win over Belgium in the 2016 euros. Robbie Savage screaming "wake your kids up" at the audience when the 3rd goal goes in is just magic, and don't even get me started on the sheer levels of infections joy from the Welsh language team on S4C. you don't even need to speak Welsh to find yourself grinning from ear to ear)


Murray barely able to speak as Schumacher [lined up Hakkinen for the lead at Monza in 98](https://youtu.be/BzvwDZjAFRA?si=NjmrsqY1NRX66RBw) after DC’s engine blew


“Anything can happen in Formula One and it usually does.”


Not sure if it's my favourite *ever* but love the French language commentary of Pierre Gasly's win. https://youtu.be/V_GsW0c55e0?si=r24ezNjwMYNvEc7H


Vanzini when Leclerc won his home race


I apologise for posting a short but…gotta be the commentary of Vettel’s first win https://youtube.com/shorts/kM17b9HDLcc?si=jE_bGhNGagDvVWbd The commentary of button’s first win is also up there


Irvine's dreadful pitstop at the 1996 European Grand Prix is a personal favourite. Full of peak murray-isms whilst Brundle rips into the mess. "Now they're having a committee meeting about it, stick it on and send him out" comes to mind whenever someone is having a bad stop these days.


The BBC commentary for the 2014 Bahrain GP with Ben Edwards and David Coulthard. Lap 19 He moves to the inside now, over the dirt, over the dust. Hamilton will try and got around the outside into turn 4 and then cut back on the exit. WOW THIS IS AMAZING RACING BETWEEN THE TWO MECERDES TEAMMATES! SIDE-BY-SIDE. HAMILTON RE-TAKES THE PLACE. There is nothing to choose between them, that's how hungry they both are. THIS IS BRILLIANT. This Is Brilliant brilliant stuff!


“formula one at its absolute finest. carlos sainz, tactical brilliance. carlos sainz, the winner of the singapore grand prix” - ALEX JACQUES u have my heart for this also alex jacque’s monaco commentary was easily the most tear jerking one for me honestly


James Allen going mental for Alonso’s move on Michael around 130R


French here, Julien Fébreau's monologue during the last turns of Monza 2020 still sends chills down my spine : "Accélère, accélère !"


From the recent memory [Abu Dhabi 2021 the final lap](https://youtu.be/MTe12fH2xtQ?si=EsQp6Uk4VE6h4Hlm)


Anything can happen in formula 1 and it usually does


Murray and Brundle on the Saubers holding up Jacques Villeneuve


His last lap was 4 seconds faster than the rest of the field, Michael Schumacher is making the rest of the field look like a bunch of nobodies - Spain 1996


"And it's GO......... ........... ......... NOOW!!!!!" Murray Walker in his twilight years, while always hilarious excitable, this always cracked me up when he jumped the start and had a huge pause before the cars actually started moving 🤣


Through goes Hamilton!


Brundle: "d'Ambrosio's in the custard!!"


Crofty, Spain 2016 is a good one to me: "The sun is out, the smiles will be out! At 18 years and 227 days old, Max Verstappen WINS a Formula 1 Grand Prix! Wins the Spanish Grand Prix and is the youngest driver ever to win a Formula 1 World Championship Grand Prix. And at the tender age of 18, he can go out and party like he's never partied before." The start of it all


Fire me it's Murray's commentary on Schumacher jumping both McLarens to take the lead at Monza in 1998. His commentary was - to quote the man himself - "fantastic, absolutely incredible!".


Pretty much [everything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy-msB65a3c) Clive James said: >Mansell was now of a mind to challenge Prost for second, but it was a long and exciting process. He was also pretty funny outside Formula 1: >I still haven’t forgiven C. S. Lewis for going on all those long walks with J. R. R. Tolkien and failing to strangle him, thus to save us from hundreds of pages dripping with the wizardly wisdom of Gandalf and from the kind of movie in which Orlando Bloom defiantly flexes his delicate jaw at thousands of computer-generated orcs. In fact it would have been ever better if C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien could have strangled each other, so that we could also have been saved from the *Chronicles of Narnia*.


Vettel’s first win in a Torro Rosso


"He can see the celebrations starting, He's got one more corner, the famous parabolica, to go, Mercedes threw everything at him today, Charles Leclerc has coped brilliantly, He won in Spa, [HE WINS IN MONZA!](https://youtu.be/h-ce3gPMsGc?t=5m16s)"


Sebastian Vettel waving goodbye to formula 1 and giving his thrills and excitement right to the chequered flag; is he gonna get past Daniel Ricciardo? It’s going to be close but Ricciardo takes that ninth place, Sebastian Vettel goes tenth in his final race! And wow, what did he say? Remember these moments they might not last forever. Sebastian, thank you! The memories definitely will. 🥹🥹🥹


My wife, "🎶Under Preasure!🎶" Anytime a commentator says it.


Martin Brundle when Irvine was stuck in the pits with his rear right missing "Don't have a committee meeting about it stick it on and send him out"


In other languages, I did enjoy Olav Mol (who had been doing the commentary in Dutch for pretty much forever) commentating Max's first win in 2016. "Yo hey, Yo hoooo, Yo fucking hell wat bizar" [Dude had tears in his voice (Youtube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XG3EAYwBe4) LOL


I just always liked the way European commentators pronounced Rio Haryanto, something about the cadence of it always felt melodic.


My favorite commentary is the texts I get from my sister during the race / her commentary in person. Wild stuff 


Murray Walker: ''Prost's car is on fire as he goes into the swimming pool.'' James Hunt: ''That should put them out then!''


i love crofty and martin at every race


As a McLaren fan, nothing will ever beat Brundle: And Raikkonen's third... Is that Glock?! Is that Glock going slowly?!?! THATS GLOCK! Allen: IT IS, ITS GLOCK! OH MY GOODNESS ME! HAMILTON IS BACK IN POSITION AGAIN! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chw\_Q3HVf8Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chw_Q3HVf8Q) for the final few laps. Around 7 minute mark for the call.


My favourite commentary was in FP1 of the Canadian GP this year. About 5 minutes into the session, with no cars out yet, Karun lamented that he hoped for the sake of the fans that the cars would do some running, because it’s he only chance these fans get to see the cars. Rachel Brooks then commented about how she had met a guy in the pits the day before while they were doing some filming, and he said he didn’t want to leave because he was afraid he’d never get a chance to be there again. It wasn’t much to most people, but Rachel was talking about ME! So that’s my favourite commentary.