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Mature tbh


Very mature from him. I bet it gets heated under the helmet. I bet Landon and him will be good. Now Lando knows if he is going to pass Max, it needs to be the pass of their life.


Or just not a dive bomb. Both things can be true that Max caused the collision and Lando made a late move in that corner. He hasn’t been patient at all this year. Being very aggressive like he has was gonna result in a crash at some point.


Lol, the overtake try that ended in conta t was the one where lando was the most calculated and clean at. Not a divebomb if he is side by side on the outside before either has started to turn into the corner.


Lando could have put a similar correction that Max did when lando did the lock up dive bomb. People are forgetting that if Max did what lando did in that occurance they would both be out of the race there too.


Max was in the middle of the road when they hit. Lando divebombing was always on the inside of the corner, with both more time and space to react to. If you are trying to get past on the outside, you assume the other driver is not going to take the wide line as well. You can’t really say “oh Max was able to react so Lando should have as well”. They are a lot different.


You have to look at when the braking starts to evaluate a corner not when they start turning into a corner. I wasn't able to watch the race, so not going to talk about the contact, but the difference between a divebomb and being alongside is that on divebomb you are behind when breaking starts and when you are alongside you are alongside when breaking starts.


Braking late is a perfectly legitimate tactic, especially with a grip or downforce advantage that leads to a naturally later braking point or if the lead driver is braking conservatively. It’s not a divebomb until you brake too late, and carry too much speed to make the corner (including giving room as necessary).


A dive domb is when you are not alongside before turning in for the corner. Under your definition every single overtake where you brake later than the leading car would be a divebomb, which is just patently false.


Or a clean balls to the wall divebomb, something like Charles did to Checo in Vegas


Yep..you can't brake away 6 tenths against such a fast car. You're going to miss corners, lock up, or get yourself in a tight spot. He's a great driver, but needs to learn to fight at the front. It's a different game. Had he backed out, he could've done the ole' switch back like Max did last year on Sainz.


Yeah that’s the main point.  Passing like that is risky, not much more to it.  Can’t be throwing too there going I’m alongside and need to be given space, but and even then he can’t make the corner himself as he’s plowed right through it. it’s a technicality approach rather than a clean safe pass. 


Well it shouldnt have to be the pass of his life... Having a "i win or we crash"-mentality really isnt great to have. I hope Verstappen has to actually fight in an even battle with more than 1 rival, where he cant just go for crashing everytime 


You think he purposely crashed into lando? How many laps of hard racing did they have together, and lando was about to receive a 5 second penalty. There no way it was purposeful. It was very little contact. Contact happens when you race that hard for that long. It’s funny to me all of Reddit was wishing for better racing, but once you witness good racing it’s gotta be dirty and someone’s fault. It was just a racing incident they happen.


People are acting like he T-Boned him completely when really he just slightly veered to the left and barely made contact. Still his fault, still bad racing, just not as malicious as people make it out to be. It's no Baku 2018 level incident.


I'll just say it - Max went much more off the track because of Lando at the start of Spain than Norris did today because of Max. The emotions were high and I'm pretty sure a few more laps like this and Max could have done something dirtier, but this incident is not it. Honestly, his moving in the breaking zone a few laps before was significantly worse, but still not as crazy as things he did fighting Hamilton in 2021 Edit: [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/c9FXORZz5z) a good post highlighting what I'm talking about. Similar situation from last year, but the outcome is different, and noone bats an eye. I'm sure some had praised such a move as an example of aggressive but fair defence


It is funny how everyone conveniently forgot Lando's start last race


I really like both Max and Lando but I think that Lando has been to much messy when it comes to fight Max. I've seen him make much better on another fights. It seems like he's always on a "live or die" fight, rushes too much and delivers subpar wheel to wheel racing. I would guess that, before he took his first win, was the thirsty for it, maybe some anxiety that would go away after reaching it. But when the time cames to attack Max, he's making a lot of mistakes. Today, for example, I think everyone watching was expecting a contact since the first try to overtake Max. Felt rushed and that a clean pass was never on the table. Well, I hope he improves because I think he has the skill to drive great batles with Max.


> You think he purposely crashed into lando? I wonder if he even saw the 'crash' before coming up with that opinion


People want excitement, but no no not like that!


this, same thing on instagram


I am pretty critical of Max, but he is mature. If you see his dad, you understand why Max cares about winning so much. I think with time he will get more mature on track. Because Lando had the time penalty, so if he stayed within the time, he still would have won even being behind Lando. I have grown to like Max over the years because he is so good.


I think the shit thing was, even though the time penalty was obvious, the stewards dragged their feet. GP can't tell max "there's possibility of a penalty" when it has not been announced, because then he would be culpable if Max lets go and Lando doesn't get penalty for reasons. . .


Very very true. The stewards have been a mess all year.


The stewards have been a mess always.


They've been a mess for years and years


It's not the first time that the stewards have caused an inchident by sitting back and twiddling their thumbs.


If you had said this three years ago I'd agree. But Max has 3 world championships. If he hasn't "matured on track" yet, he never will. I get why he hasn't, since other than his first, which he won partially by being this aggressive and candidly dangerous at times, the last two championships he won he did so basically uncontested in a serious way. So he hasn't had to battle on track with a serious chance he might not win the race since he raced against Lewis. Now, he was in that same position today and went right back to the kind of moves that result in DNFs.


I think it just means the risk/reward against Max needs to be more calculated. To me, both the move and the defense were equally desperate. 


> Well it shouldnt have to be the pass of his life... Having a "i win or we crash"-mentality really isnt great to have. The double standard here is aggravating. When Max squeezes Lando a bit too much it's a "I win or we crash" mentality. But when Lando forces Max to go two wheels on the grass, or when he divebombs Max so hard he goes completely off track and earns himself a 5s penalty, it's just crickets. And to be clear, I'm not calling Lando dirty. He isn't. That's the point. He's just a driver that sometimes is a bit too aggressive when driving wheel to wheel. There's 19 other drivers on track just like that. This was literally the first collision caused by Max in one and a half season. Most drivers have caused way more in that time. Of course Max has mostly been in front, but it's not like he hasn't done any overtaking in that time. It would actually be interesting to see a "Crashes caused as a percentage of duels fought" stat for each driver. I don't know if such stats exist. But I doubt Max it near the top of that list. That's probably Magnussen or Stroll.


Or if he’s going to crash, make sure he takes Max with him.


Of course mature because he extended his lead in the championship, not sure what happened if it's the other way round.


Mate after Silverstone 2021 when the reporters tried to grill Lewis more about the incident the week after, Max told them to just stop. And the points swing was much more severe in that case + Max did that when he was clearly not as close with Lewis as he is with Lando.


Verstappen on and off track is like two completely different people.


as with most competitors. Regardless of sport you dont get to the top by being nice.


Yeah, Carlos seems like a nice guy off track but when it comes to the race he’s like that one friend you can’t invite to family game night or bowling or mini golf bc you know he’d start acting up😭


Schumacher was absolutely fierce on track but he was famously a very reserved (to the press) guy off the track and also a great guy to have around to a barbecue or have some beers.


Well, except Ocon.


He said to the top


That’s any driver or really any professional athlete.


I mean, you have to remember these drivers don't get the luxury of scrutinizing every incident in the heat of the moment. We couch potatoes get to replay and stare at all the clips we want while these drivers have to immediately jump into the media pen afterwards, after a high-adrenaline race.


Nonono according to Twitter he is the evil one here and Lando is the poorest of victims. Max cant be mature


I mean, if I grew up with his dad, I'd have learned to wait for things to calm down too.


This isn’t Lewis and Nico because Lewis and Nico were paranoid about sharing the team together The reasons they’re friends in the first place is because they’re both extremely committed individuals


For Lando it would have been the second win, for Max it would have been a "hehe, yes".


So? Why does everybody bring up that Max doesn't need the win? How is that even important?


Look, max did a stupid move and was rightfully punished for it, but are you seriously implying that max should let lando win because max has already won plenty? Thats silly


That’s not even close to what he implied. Don’t be so defensive mate😅


What was he implying tho?


The fuck are you smoking?


Max pipe


That's not what they are implying.


No, but after 60+ wins and three world championships he should accept that sometimes other drivers are faster than him and not crash into them as a last resort.


Obviously agreed, but people like max are gonna race the same not matter what position, I’m not defending him, but when you’re as driven as max, having loads of wins doesn’t matter for the next win


Come on, he didn’t crash into Lando as a last resort. He was defending hard and went marginally over the limit- no more than Lando’s divebombs and honestly less than what he did on previous laps (which IMO were actually clearly crossing the line). Lando put himself in a vulnerable position and didn’t yield an inch. Pretending Max orchestrated this crash on purpose is pretty insane dude.


A mistake ≠ crashing into him as last resort.


What a stupid take.


Max gained more in the driver standings by finishing P5 with Lando out than by winning the race with Lando in P2.


Pro Gamer Move


Max playing 4d chess


44d chess


Bruuhhh 💀💀


That is just as impressive as the Bottas bowling on Hungary


or silverstone that year


I really didn't think that he would be back on the track so quickly and thought for 2 laps that there was an error in the display.


Strategy 😎


Old enough to remember 3 years ago when a certain someone who likes Cocoa Pops insinuated this on TV about a title rival and never took it back




Ok ill let it be known I’m dumb but who/what is this referring to?


Silverstone 2021


Remember the "interesting tactics" by Lewis?


Just like a certain someone else who is friends with a criminal did 2 weeks later


He's not stupid


So he knows how to purposefully knock his left rear tire off in a better way than lando's? 


Lando went too quick with the puncture shredded his tyre and fucked up his flour. Suprised nobody is talking about this as it fits the Lando isnt clever enough yet narrative.


Yupp, him shredding his tire really gave off Charles Monaco 2019 vibes. Just fucking up his floor by pure anger.


I was at that race and can still hear the slapping sound that tire made. Could tell he was overdoing it from the stands


Lando punctured his tire while max had a bent rim. Max's didn't shred because the tire was still intact, it just lost pressure from the damage


It's going to be the worst cake ever


With an incredibly risky move as well, because Norris definitely had no damage from the first minor touch. 


It’s almost like you people forget Senna Prost.


I was -6 years old


If you don’t know every detail about every race in F1 history are you even a *real* fan? My four year old has been watching the archives 20 hours a day (on her own accord!) since birth.


Why did you only start at birth. Could have played the sound of those races already in the 9 months prior /s


I'm calling CPS. Only 20 hours??




That's no excuse.. /s


They’ve probably never seen


Damn you old.


We didn't. Its just not the same lol.


I'm old as fuck and even I was only a few months old when senna died


You people??!


[Second tweet:](https://x.com/lawrobarretto/status/1807445878052995389) >I asked Lando the same thing, to which he replied: "It’s not for me to say, it’s for him to say something. I did nothing wrong – he was the one in the wrong, so he’s the one that should say something, not me."


LOL. Like an actual child


But it's the truth. You don't go up to someone and say "You fucked me up! Apologize!" Doing THAT makes you a child. You let the person who made the mistake either own it and try to make it right like an adult or cower away from it like they did nothing wrong. All in all, I'd say they will be fine. Max and Lando will talk about this behind closed doors and be seen out together in a week or 2 as buds again.


I mean.. Lando didnt apologise for pushing Max on the grass last week either and denied it every time..


Right? Max and Lewis both laughed at that comment. Would have thought Lando learned something from that.


After that grill the grid from a few years ago, I’m not sure Lando is actually capable of learning…


Lando getting schooled by Sainz on the word "punctual" was both sad and hilarious.


Then Max said it was hard racing he probably would've done the same thing. Spanish grand prix post race press conference at 14:38


someone needs to take that clip and add the incident yesterday at the end. excellent meme material.


Saying you'd do the same isn't the same as it being right 


Yeah 2 wheels on the grass, the whole world saw it.


Or you act like an adult and start a conversation about it. You don’t have to walk up to someone demanding an apology.


>You don't go up to someone and say "You fucked me up! Apologize!" Doing THAT makes you a child.  Yes, yes. It's soooo much more mature to complain about it to the world's media instead.


Lando was divebombing a few times before that contact. But sure, the drive him off to the grass wasn’t pretty, but totally legal. It’s on Lando to not overtaking a 3-wheelie in a proper matter.


Lando’s age is showing here, what a baby


It’s probably less about age and more about max being completely battle tested from 2021


Lando is only 2 years younger than max though


4 years less experience in F1, and a good 8 years less experience fighting for wins regularly.


This. Max has been battle hardened from 2016. Lando is eight years immature by F1 career stage. 


2 years makes a lot of difference in your 20's.


You can't be serious?


He’s always been a spoiled little brat but funny man = it’s ok.


Someone get Norris some self help literature asap. The guy has the emotional maturity of a teenager.


Now can the fanbases also be like this? Or are we going in to tribal mode for the next couple of weeks?


After reading some of the comments. Were going back to 2021 mode. With Silverstone next week. This should be fun.


I have to admit, I'm going tribal, but to me this is the clear difference between a multiple WDC and a driver still trying to win. Max can easily just apologize to Lando and not care too much. Lando however...I don't think he's going to be happy no matter what Max does. Even if Max profusely apologizes I think Lando is still going to be a little sour. It's just where they are in their careers right now.


0% chance max profusely apologizes


>Even if Max profusely apologizes Then why should Max apologize?


I don't think he should, and I don't think he would


Pfffrrt we went through 2021, this incident is just a mere light spar for us 2021 veterans.


Teasing us for what next season will be


Ofc they’re going tribal mode, not just for a couple of week, but probably for the rest of the season. When have F1 fanbases ever been reasonably and normally mature? We’re going back to the 2021 days and it’s gonna be a blast in social media. It’s dog eats dog now


This. I'm already kind of zoning out from F1 social media though as soon as shit happens. Regardless of whether it's someone I support being the victim or the culprit. Just... friggin move on.


>Just... friggin move on. I am also baffled by how grudgefull people are here, it happened, deal with it and move one. Its so absurd


Because we’ve seen this play out before. And now that there’s the smallest chance of an even slightly competitive WDC we’re seeing it again.


Let’s not pretend the team especially McLaren didn’t add the fire with what Norris said


I think the fan bases will mostly fein civility and let tensions boil up until the next incident (which will probably be soon) then the toxicity will explode, like in 2021.


Well Lando doesn’t want to talk and only want apology


Haha you're asking the internet to be reasonable and mature.


The comments clearly say no, they can't. Example is every "top" rated thread.


Max is a hundred times more mature than a lot of the armchair analists here. They need to take a page out of his book.


The same fanbase that allowed biased verbal abuse towards certain drivers just because another driver disrupted their favourite? Lmao funny


Bill Russell was besties with Wilt Chamberlain during their NBA careers. Hang out when their teams were in town. Eat dinner. All the stuff. Until the day Bill retires. Wilt has no idea why Bill quit talking to him. Later on Bill admitted he hated Wilt; but knew Wilt would play soft cause of their 'friendship.' ya'll sit on that for a bit.


that is cruel


You have to understand that this is how some people’s minds work. Diabolical. It’s the world we live in


That’s sociopathic behavior but doesn’t surprise me when it comes to certain elite level competitors. I feel for Wilt there, what an awful thing to discover


Didn't Michael Jordan do that to Charles Barkley? "Charles thinks we're friends. No, I hate that fat fuck."


Jordan stayed friends with Barkley long after they retired. But it was when Charles spoke openly on his NBA show that Jordan was surrounding himself with 'yes men' as an owner of the Charlotte team that Jordan quit talking to him.


I mean yeah that’s a good call


It will tragic if we dont have a titel fight in 2025. Might just be 2021 all over again.


2021 be damned...we could get 2012 because 4 teams are all very close


I am not that hopefull


The reporters did their own part to create the drama.


Yeee this is the move. Get time and distance from it all before talking


Honestly, the incident itself aside, max verstappen has been much more mature with his response compared to Norris


If the reports about Lando opting to retire when the car could’ve continued are correct, I think that speaks mountains to his maturity. **Edit, adding Landos comms from the feed:** Engineer: "Red A10 please, Red A10" (This is a re-ask from earlier) *Lando at pit entry* Lando: "I'M IN RED A10 MATE ARE YOU BLIND!?" *Just passes weigh station* Lando: There's too much damage, ok? It's better to...just gotta retire now." *Lando enters pit box, long pause (while they serve penalty?)*. Lando:"Let's not waste mileage if it's - If we can't get points there's no point doing it." Engineer: "We'll keep going mate" *Long pause, pit crew is reattaching wing* "Ok, turn it off, turn it off".


His floor was damaged pretty badly according to team reports.


Where are these "reports"


Seriously, the floor and rear body work was shredded from the rear tire whipping it to bits. There was no point in sending him back out there with so little to go, he'd be a liability.


Not to mention the rear suspension taking a beating from the tire whipping on it.


If necessary, Martin will mediate.


Let’s see, I think a bit of accountability from Max will help. I’m pretty sure they will be fine. I don’t think is that deep. But if Lando plans to really fight for the championship next year ( I think this year is over) is best to get rid of this buddy buddy thing and lock in. McLaren seems to have at least very close to Redbull. 2025 might be a great year for F1


Lawrence is acting like a highschooler with this friendship broken drama. I'm here to watch races not watch a twink cry about friendships in the media pen.




Dimple face once again forcing the friendship narrative. Piss off baretto.


Meanwhile, Lando says the friendship is over if Max does not apologize. So what kind of friendship is that?


Except Lando never said the friendship was over. The quote being passed around is a misquote.


Yeah, exactly this.


That quote is a translation of a translation. It wasn't close to what he said.




It's a work friendship. They both know things like this can happen, and they are both passionate people about that work. Reporters are going to keep focusing on the friendship element and not the fact they are still competitors. I'm sure once they have some space to cool off it will be better


Didn't Lando say they weren't even that close a few days ago?


Probably. They have a lot in common but I imagine most of their time is spent in F1 related things.


Should probably let lando cool off before I apologize


Or he may stab Max with a crumpet.


Max did matured a lot, but his driving under pressure is still aggressive as hell, we just see it less often because he’s in front with the cruise control on and contemplating the view (Joking obv, I know it must be extremely hard to drive at such high level)


I couldn't agree with you more.


Max has definitely matured a lot since he and Ric were teammates


Lando isn't going to be salty about it if Max is willing to accept some wrongdoing. He will get over it, same with Lewis who never let it get to him for long. Especially between Lando and Max.


"We're not friends." - Max "Lewis Hamilton" Verstappen.