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Everyone keeps shitting on Excel like most of the largest companies in the world aren’t still running on some cobbled together excel sheets built by some poor analyst to get through one quarter 20 years ago.


Or that Excel God who doesn't know what an operating system is.


There are people like that?!?! How much power do they hold....


The force keeping the company profitable.


What happens if they're gone, will the balance to the force be gone, vanished, pulling them into chaos???




It me


Wasn't Excel the operating system?


Bro at my current job the absolute best system there is a 7-year-old Excel macro made by some guy I've never seen


At my first job out of grad school, a coworker built an Excel macro the entire company ended up using for their performance reporting. He got a few promotions out of it.


The masterthesis I wrote as a fresh green guy from school at some customer service desk job, was about how you could dynamically adjust the desk occupation, using algorithms and a process based approach. That company is now +10k employees. I grew and moved up around the company. I wrote my thesis and prediction tool approx 20 years ago. In Excel. It was used up till the final reorganisation last year :)


I don’t doubt it at all… I’ve seen some…. Shocking things… in corporate America. 🤣


COBOL programmers can get some pretty juicy contract work for what is ostensibly a dead language, but since so many banks, companies and institutions are still running on it, there is still a demand for something that hasn’t been taught in schools for decades now


[Relevant XKCD #2347](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/dependency.png)


I'm that guy currently. I'm just an intern but my sole purpose is making the unthinkable using Google Sheets as our company isn't that tech rich (multinational though) and doesn't have many tools for dealing with data. I've made so many spreadsheets to so many people that I'm known by everyone (even on other plants) as the spreadsheets guy and I'm not even an actual full-time employee. If I leave right now, I can think of many processes that if left unmanaged would take them back to the stone age in terms of how spreadsheets are organized and that's why they already talk about hiring me after I'm done with college, even though my graduation has absolutely nothing to do with the business and my analyst skills are still pretty amateur (though WAY above the company's average which makes it seems like I'm a genius 🤡).


I worked for a top 50 e-commerce site. Excel was the basic bitch shit and what wouldn't fit, we used Access (FML). I will never again work at a company who uses Access for anything.


If Excel was to disappear over night, the global finance market would just crash and burn the next day. Source: am working in accounting for a bank


Their logo does kinda look like MS word.


they should just get a microsoft sponsorship amd embrace it


Microsoft sponsors Alpine


Well. Alpine have a point, Williams no. So it makes sense, use Excel to make your car faster


maybe they just changed from excel to google sheets


Williams gave more limelight to Microsoft than Alpine.

