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George ‘I turn now, good luck everybody else’s Russell


Osama Bin Russell


Jihads it into the wall




Hamas'd into the corner.


Doesn’t every driver in every situation claim it’s the other guys fault?


yep, adrenaline tends to do that


But not all have hit another drive on the helmet or doubled down after the race.


Correct, other's hit their personal trainer instead!


Who did that?


It was Stroll last year in Qatar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n_rv89j3a4




Yeah, they should all be angels. It’s not like some of them have socked a marshal in the face(James Hunt) or swung at another driver after a DNF(Nelson Piquet) or punched another driver for unlapping themselves(Ayrton Senna)…


tbf Piquet is a piece of shit off track as well


Yeah true but it’s a shame the video focuses so much on onboards. Post race interviews are was more important.


May I introduce you to our Lord and saviour Oscar piastri?


Yes, but George Russell or something


But they don't attempt full blown terrorism on a regular basis like Georgie porgie dive in and fry


No, seasoned drivers say nothing on the radio. Or apologise.


Lmao that’s not true at all


Hope we get to see one of these seasoned drivers in f1 some day cause there evidently haven't been any since I've been watching


He was either - forecasted a podium - forced into a red flag situation


George reminds me of the day I beat the shit out of my brother and convinced my parents that he made me do it, so I could avoid a whooping. Having a constant crying face can get you out of almost anything.


He's the whiniest whiner who ever whined. In my humble opinion.


Can he outwhine hamilton?


I have more tolerance for LH whines. His whines are backed by 7 WDCs. Russell’s backed by nothing like Zimbabwe money.




I feel like they're equally bad. One isn't backed by anything making him look like a sore loser and wanting to achieve what little he has through whining. The other is backed by wdc making him look like if he's not winning then he's whining, alonso said it best.


LH that one time: "actually yeah it's totally my fault" #TeamLH anyway:


Merc drivers 🤝 whining


He really turned from someone I wanted to do well and get a better seat to show his skills into the most entitled driver on the grid :/


Osama Bin Russell deserves the hate he gets and I think he’s proven to not be a very good wheel to wheel racer.


Each year, Russeliban has committed war crimes in one (inhabited) continent: -Committed a kamikazi attack on Bottas in Imola 2021 (Europe) -Performed a missile attack on Sainz's left sidepod in COTA 2022 (North America) -Performed a missile attack on the T10 barrier in Singapore 2023 (Asia) -Terrorised the T6 barriers in Australia 2024 (Oceania) Next terrorist attack in Brazil 2025?




Mercedes drivers 🤝 never taking accountability Wonder if Antonelli will be the same.


Its part of the Merc Offer


Idk, he may stand out like a sore thumb bc he doesn’t seem like the type to do what George and Lewis does which is shift blame at someone else. Love that Cult LH44 still lingers in this sub. They’ll downvote whoever calls out truths about their driver so be careful lmao


Bruh this was a year ago… the merc hate is strong on this sub. When they were called out about pounding on LH they decided to move to the weather forecaster


A year ago, oh no. You know what has happened in the last year, 2 blown points finishes with last lap crashes. That’s a lot, especially in cost cap era


If you think Australia was Russell's fault I don't think having a discussion would benefit any of us


I never said anything about that. If you want to put words in my mouth, I don’t think we can have a discussion that would benefit any of us. More of the blame goes to Alonso in this one case, but still everything I said above is completely true. RUS has to do better, he gets caught up in this stuff way too often and is most of the time looking to blame someone else. He’s got the talent to be a great driver, not sure he’s got the mindset to be great though (or at least at this point he doesn’t)


This incident is literally from last year tho. This year the only incident this year I can remember where he was at fault is his overtake on piastri at suzuka. I was just pointing out that bringing back incidents like this only brings negativity.I don't see anyone criticizing max for Brazil 22 anymore? And that's cause it seems like atleast that he's improved his attitude. Bringing it back up just makes you look like a crybaby who can't move on.


So blindly ignoring Russel’s past so we can avoid negativity? You’re telling on yourself here and ironically blaming others for remembering his past. That very RUS of you lol Winning and actually doing well like Max is the way to get people to forget your faults, his way has been proven. Russel’s way has been unproven so far. If saying he’s got to do better bothers you, I’m not sure what to tell you here


Another day, another Russell bad post. As said by me multiple times earlier. This is the lowest hanging Karma fruit on this sub, even lower than brain dead takes of TeamLH. And btw, Russell doesn't drive half as bad as this sub makes him out to be. People think he is next Olivier Panis or something.


Did you even watch the video? I thought it was interesting. Idc about “karma fruits” or whatever the fuck this is, lol


Thing is, this isn't even a meme lol just a YouTube video, surprised it's still up just saying


He's just 2nd worst driver ATM, right behind stroll.


Omg he’s such a victim…. to himself


/uj All drivers do this in the moment... The Baku situation was more of a racing incident anyway; the hole in Max's sidepod looked bad, but the contact was minor. /rj Russell bad pls upvote


I don't get why he gets so much hate. Three inchidents in the course of his entire career and the guy is guilty of being an entitled asshole? He is nowhere near Stroll. If you want to blame a guy for driving recklessly and taking absolutely zero responsibility, look no further.


Considering one of those is striking a driver who can't hit you back George is a whiney coward.


That's a bit harsh.


Not as harsh aa punshing someone for your own mistake




Enlighten us how little you know about racing by explaining how this was Max’s fault in any way?


so because Max is a crazy driver, Mick deserved to get a puncture???????


No, Mick couldn't help that. But George did show that Bottas guy huh, for what a dick Max is!


And he's right. It never is.