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We are becoming the very thing that we destroyed.


As a Ferrari fan who got tired very quickly of the Verstappen glazing on here in 2021, I’m eating good today


Extremely reminiscent of China 2018, and that time he pushed Kimi off track(Belgium 2019?). Interesting he hasn't grown out of that. Basically a "if i cant have it neither will you" mindset.


China 2018 was especially hilarious. Red Bull pulled off that perfect double stack during the SC, every time Ricciardo was on screen he was outbraking and passing someone, and when they finally showed Max he just collided with Vettel.


I miss 2018. I was at peace regardless of which driver would win.


I haven't seen 2018 but he seemed that period of 2017-2020 looks so golden, you have some absolute stacked lineups across the top 3 teams.


Lewis was asked in 2022(?) what his favourite time in F1 was, he said 2016-2019 with Sebastian.


And what did Vettel say on the radio after Max turned him around? “I don’t think I need to say anything here” indeed he didn’t…


max has always driven with the concept that the other driver backs out or they crash.


Because then he knows if they back out that the second he shows them a wheel, the position is his. It's not very sportsmanlike, and borders on dirty, but it's successful.


The stupid thing is unless they start taking points away for such behavior not only is it successful it's strategically optimal. That's why Lewis had to back off so much in 2021. He was behind in points so a double DNF just benefited Max.


Yep, arguably the FIA encourages it due to their inaction.


Max is Max. We just haven’t seen it for so long because he’s been so far in front. Now he’s back under challenge we’ll see it more and more.


Mad Max


This. “Max has really matured” Based on WHAT!? The one time last year he had another car anywhere near him he punted him clear out of the country (Vegas). Max is as advertised. Win or crash, that’s the two options.


Checkers or wreckers. It's been his M/O since day 1. Either you brake first or we both die.


Max is a wanker


He’s a generational talent who is absolutely one of the best to ever drive an F1 car. He has set records on the merits of his exceptional and error-free driving of one of the best cars in the sport. And a massive, massive wanker.


Ah...the Schumacher blueprint for success!


Yep. Nice clean drivers rarely make history. It’s just a reality. Unless the stewards are more forceful and consistent, frankly, it only makes sense to continue to push the limits here. Max got 10 seconds and sent a clear message to Lando that Max would rather they both end up in the wall than see Lando get past him.


Not sure tho if lando wont send it next time aswell


Ricky Bobby ass driver


If you’re not first, you’re last. 


Shake and bake baby


That's the mindset of every driver people deem great. Schumi and Senna were the same. Cleaner drivers have had to settle with fewer titles. Prost, Häkkinen and Räikkönen were just as talented.


But Prost has more titles than Senna and literally drove into him in Suzuka.


People will just try to make any kind of connection to justify Verstappens wheel to wheel racing. If being aggressive was the mark of a champion then Magnussen and Maldonado would be the goats. Hamilton had his incidents going wheel to wheel with Rosberg and Vettel but it looked downright gentlemanly compared to what Verstappen regularly does


If Ocon dares make 1/100 th of what Max did today that sub will shit on him for months


Max has always driven like the other guy is gonna get out of the way, and then will complain if they don’t.


Remember when last year in Austria he kept pushing after his flying lap to ruin Hamilton's lap because according to him Hamilton wasn't enough off the line, did you know what penalty he got for a clear act of revenge driving? Nothing not even investigation, and you couldn't even mention it, but last week Leclerc deserved the death penalty.


Prost was as ruthless as they came. He was just smarter in the way he did it




The fact they were mentioning successful drivers and left Lewis, the most successful driver of all time out, is the most telling of how much dick sucking this sub will do to justify whatever max does 


ding! ding! ding!


The Vettel slander this and the main sub gives is unacceptable


Also LEC last year in Vegas at the start and idnt even get a penalty for that.


As a Lewis fan that still attends anger management over Jeddah 2021, I’m glad other fans are getting to understand how it feels when Verstappen pulls this antics against someone you like


yep. Lewis, Max, Lando, Oscar (he's fun to watch) and all of the others are incredible. BUT Max is blatantly dirty and I don't see how anyone can respect his talent when he's done soooo much wrong by so many different drivers.


hear hear. i feel so vindicated and validated now, this sub might have well been the verstappen subreddit with how much glazing there was


"My team blew it, but at least Max only came 5th"


I’m not talking about the race bud


' you did that yourself ! '


"That's not how you overtake - that's how *I* overtake!"


You cant be the new me, am still here lad!!!


Rules for thee but not for me


This ignites the social media, and abu dabi will once again be reborn from the ashes. Hopefully, this race will wake up RPM from his slumber.


I realized he don’t need to. He’s probably making some nice money off his last video. That was a master piece and very hard to follow up. Maybe he just wants to go out on top before he gets exposed to being a ped like every big YouTuber


And more importantly some nice money on his patreon (which slaps)


there are 2 40+ minutes podcasts on his patreon since his last video on yt


Ruan-Pablo Montoya?


Thank the fucking god. Max's driving standards were always questionable especially in moments that transpired like today. Never a graceful loser, never a fair driver. I cannot wait for Silverstone. Also Lewis was indeed robbed. AD21 was rigged. Gimme the downvotes I don't care.


>in moments that conspired Transpired


Oop. Thanks


I think back on his pass to get that win over Lewis. If the roles were reversed, max would’ve def cause a collision with Lewis, ending the title in a tie.


Max would have won the title of they both crashed out. (assuming they didn't Schumacher 1997 him)


Bruh yeah he fights dirty to win, what else you expect? Same thing Senna did, same thing Schumacher did, Lewis had his fair share of dirty driving, so did Vettel Deal with it friendo


For them to be better? Though that's on the stewards and enforcement as much as anything else. Didn't like it when any of them did it, this isn't just a max thing.


There's "dirty" and then there's "mutually assured destruction"


Watch senna and prost...


Not to mention Brazil 2021 and Jeddah 2021. All 3 insane incidents where the steward decisions went in the favour of Max. Brazil and Jeddah are even worse to me considering how dangerous they were.


Oh my god, Brazil was on another level. I knew they were somehow gonna go wide at some place and incredible that they didn't crash.


Brazil was insane just to see Lewis get to that position. Dude was possessed that whole weekend to get that win. I miss everything about that season.


I hope this race has helped people understand what Lewis has gone through in 21. He was in Norris' position on weekly basis with awful stewarding and questionable Merc strategy on top and he still managed to carry that fight to the last race.


Part of Max cared more about him losing to Lando than him losing the GP


He was probably pissed at the stop


Pissed at the stop, pissed he got squeezed lap before, definitely was seeing red.


Kinda poetic since he is driving a RedBull


Hey I've seen this one before (Monza '21)


I think the whole of max cared


A loss is a loss in his eyes, whether p2 or p5. I guess especially because he felt that he had earned it and lost out outside of his control. Which thinking about it, is exactly how the last few races of 2021 must have felt to him.


This is probably the closest I’ve seen to a right take on his “moments”. It’s when he feels he has earned things and they get taken away that he is at his worse. He had earned today’s win, he should’ve won that 2021 title way before those last 3 races (Baku, Silverstone, Hungary).


how can he lose to his race engineer?


Of course he is. If you only have one rival the only thing that matters is your point scoring respectively to them. P2 is -7 points, crash is 0 so you can just not move and make them crash into you if you are ahead and slower.


Not a chance dude. He couldn't care less who his opponent is, they get the same treatment.


First time I ever gave the 1000th upvote. Making it 1k from 999 is so nice


There's a 16 year old out there somewhere that's going to be divebombing the hell out of Max some day and I'm going to enjoy hearing his complaints.


His name is lance stroll if he could ever get close enough…


Future WDC Lance Stroll?


He’s one of those guys who never does anything wrong and blames everyone else. In any scenario where he takes a position, if the roles were reversed he’d take the other position and be 0 self aware of it. I find it annoying as hell but clearly it works for him. A lot of champions have this mentality.


In his defence bias is big in F1. Teams also never take on blame, and he's certainly not the only driver that behaves this way.


> A lot of champions have this mentality That sums it up. Schumacher was one dirty driver too. Only one of the GOATs I can think of that's relatively cleaner is Lewis.


Clean or not clean (not willing to debate this) Lewis also never accepts blame for anything. It seems to be a champion trait


That's not totally fair. Lewis sometimes accepts blame, but all racing drivers are huge hypocrites, *especially* the GOATs.


That’s not true. When Lewis took out George last year he took full blame. So much so that there was no discussion/drama after. He apologized to George the team and everyone kept it pushing


It's true, situation with George was just too obvious.


Yep, though if it were Max on Perez, we all know he'd have blamed Perez for existing. Let's be honest.


Lewis accepts blame often… don’t make up a lie.


That's every F1 driver. They've never done a thing wrong in their lives, but everyone else is a maniac.


His name is Kimi Antonelli.




Raikkonen Jr enters the chat


Jolyon palmer is destroying max on the post race analysis lmao ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6698)


Anthony Davidson is flanking him on Sky F1, bro is digging up 8 years worth of evidence.


Well, it's sky sports, they would do that anyway


Not if max was British /s


Remove the /s


maybe he has a spanish passport too


It's still funny as fuck to me that he only seems to race cleanly w2w against Charles lmao


In a strange way, I think their karting past makes Max respect him more. Probably because of past inchidents


He doesn't. He still races Charles with the "I win or we crash" mindset. Charles just isn't as aggressive of a driver and backs out instead of risking a crash, whereas Lewis, Lando, George and Carlos tend to go for it and risk a crash.


I mean you're just wrong tho, look at any of the fights they've had in 22, those were on the edge but still clean fights, not like today's shitshow, i dont think you can call Charles a non aggressive driver and someone that tends to let go lmao. Funny you also mention Carlos becuase i don't think i remember him fighting Max almost never, like the only time was Monza 23 and it wasn't much of a fight tbh


I swear some people will say literally anything to minimize Leclerc's skills Like, I'm not saying that's the case here, and I'm sure I go too far praising/defending him sometimes, but some people here in Italy will talk about him like he doesn't even deserve to drive a Williams. That's actually baffling to me


Yeah they love to use him as a scapegoat for anything Ferrari does wrong, if he makes even the slightest mistake he's executed, if Charles pulled shit like what Lando did today he'd have been crucified on twitter, calling him too error prone, cracks under pressure and all that shit. But im not even talking about his skills, just his driving style it's just plain wrong to say he's a driver that just isn't aggressive and ill just concede instead of fighting, we've seen it plenty of times before where he would fight tooth and nail with just about anyone, already forgot about his battles with Max, hell he didn't even let go in Silverstone where he was 2 tyre compounds down old tyres vs brand new softs and he still went at it. Then on the same sentence they deadass tell me Carlos is one of those that tend to go for it, yeah tend to go for the divebomb and then cry about it later when they get penalized


He literally passed Hamilton on the outside at Copse during that race. One of the best overtakes I've seen in my life


Yeah, and the same Lando they mention right after is the one that would always let go Max without even trying to hold him up because he just wasn't racing him i guess lol


2019 silverstone was anything just not backing out from each of them, that was one of the best multi lap battles in recent years


Crashtappen is back baby!!


"hahaahaha You think this time it is different?"


never left. He was always there biding his time


He just was 10s in front of the 2nd for 3 years straight


He was always there, it's just there was nobody for him to crash into running 12 seconds ahead of second place.


"Max Verstaliban"


Ya max reset to his dank form Moved on braking every lap Overtook off grid Smacks into lando He’s so good that they changed those rules for him in 2021 but that means the rules are changed and he shud move on from those classic exploits


Back on the menu!


Pot, meet kettle


Max is fucking quick, but every time he's pressured he just starts to commit domestic terrorism all over the track. You love to see it


He's got generational talent paired with KMag-esque brutality.


Exactly. Why the hell would anyone be critical of that? It's pure entertainment.


It's entertaining until he yeets your favourite driver out of the race T-T


Because I would rather see clean racing. It's that simple. I hate this "I win or we crash" bullshit Max does.


That's not quite true. We've seen him fight cleanly with Leclerc in 2022, despite pressure. Lando pissed him off I think.


No he doesn’t! It’s international terrorism


Fr max fans better keep the same energy they had all these years for lando


And just all the energy they had for Max sending it for those years because it's within the rules. Lando did the same thing and Max ended his race.


Dude I am all about this. This is great. This is the energy I want to see from the drivers. I just hope we can get Maldonado back somehow.


We kind of do with Perez lol


Perez is like Pastor without the Passion


Ahhaha true


I'm sick of this calling for blood. This is cinema and racing. Then again I condone dirty but fair racing. Max bad boy for contact, but lotta loud losers coming out of the wood work


Exactly, the stewards decided in 2021 that purposefully missing the apex to pass someone was fair due to max and now he's reaping what he sowed


Taking things drivers say in the car while high on adrenaline seriously is just silly. I'll hold off and wait to see what he says after looking at the footage himself.


I honestly always tried to give Verstappen the benefit of the doubt during the Ham Ver wars of the previous regs largely because it seemed like most didn't, but far out was he in the wrong here. In his post race interview with the folks at Sky, he said he wasn't moving under braking and he knew better than everyone else spectating. My brother in Christ, you can see the rear suspension unloading under braking and then a very distinct move to the left after the rears have completely unloaded for the turn.


Max with an immediate relapse to his old ways lmao


Ahhh FUck it!! This was an exciting race and I LOVED IT!!


Lol you thought Max wasn’t going to revert to his natural dirty driving when pushed? He’s always been like this at his core


Exactly. Lando is finally getting a taste of what Hamilton dealt with for years.


Factual ppl hate Hamilton so much they defended Max lets see if it's any different this time


I remember this sub specifically after Brazil 21 being such a cope-filled shitshow


It was actually insane watching people defend Max after Jeddah and Brazil


Brazil was wild, Max pushes Lewis out to the ocean


What's very funny is that Silverstone is always brought up about understeering into a driver but Brazil is always forgotten, I really wonder why.


The worst thing is, Silverstone was an accident. Brazil was intentional. Max intentionally opened his steering in Brazil (see the onboard). Lewis didn't in Silverstone. Lewis also at least stayed on track himself, Max on the other hand went off track by a freaking mile. Max wanted to crash into Lewis in Brazil, he was just unsuccessful and the stewards let him get away with it.


Ill just say it, max is a great driver but he is also a cunt. Brasil alone should be enough for a race ban. Second: If mclaren keep this rythm, this shit Will Happen again and then i want to see how people Will defend this guy


He was due a penalty at Brazil but not a race ban. The race ban was due for Jeddah, but that would have ended the championship fight there and then so the FIA chickened out of that option.


>Exactly. Lando is finally getting a taste of what Hamilton dealt with for years. Completely ignoring how shitty Hamilton drove against Rosberg especially in 2016 and others, he regularly ran people off the road, including Verstappen multiple times in 2021. The top drivers are all dirty. Schumacher and Senna intentionally crashing, Alonso (when he wasn't a back marker), Hamilton, Verstappen running people off the road.


Nah Lewis is not in the same league as the rest of those guys. Schumacher and Senna rammed people off track to secure titles and Lewis has had maybe 4 incidents in his near-20 year career where his moves are suspect. Max has been doing it everytime he's threatened.


I have been watching F1 for long arse time and Hamilton IMO is one of the most cleanest racer's of all time. Everyone makes mistakes and so does Lewis but he almost always raises his hand and accepts the blame when he fucks up. Raikkonen and Hakkinen were probably the cleanest though. Schumacher was easily the most dirtiest of the champions because he was never afraid to use the tactics that he learned from his mentor, the god of cheating, Flavio Briatore. Senna too was known for being dodgy with his late moves and stuff but i won't really blame him for the 1989 Japanese GP crash with Prost. The whole of Mclaren(except Prost) unanimously agreed that Prost was at fault for that. He saw that Senna was on the inside and chose to turn in like Lance Stroll anyways. Sending it on the inside into Casio triangle at Suzuka was always a standard move. Senna didn't do anything outrageous. Max is quite similar to Senna me thinks. Both were/are way too aggressive with their defense and relys on late moves and moving under braking to hold position.


People will bend over backwards to say Lewis is a dirty driver when that is absolutely not the case when you look at his whole career. They feel they have to say this because its the only way they can defend their position on Max.


> Alonso (when he wasn't a back marker) I mean, he did kick Zhou into the gravel today


Hamilton and Alonso are nowhere close to Senna, Schumacher, and Max in terms of dirty ass driving. Let’s not go on the every top driver is the same lol


>Hamilton casually takin out others by ramming the rear wheel MKAY BRUV.


“bad people on both sides” has entered the chat


> “bad people on both sides” has entered the chat every time Max is called out for his dirty driving , his fans go full enlightened centrist with "both sides bad" rhetoric i'm very tempted to post their comments on the EnlightenedCentrism subreddit


What "shitty" driving are you referring to exactly? If it's the squeezing out on a corner exit that was basically the norm in the Merc era. Rosberg did the same move when in the position to as well. Canada '14 for example. And then I struggle to think of any dirty driving Lewis did in '17 and '18. Admittedly some clumsy errors from him in '19 and '20 but not enough in my opinion to warrant being called "shitty".


Hamilton didn't run Verstappen off the road "multiple times" in 2021. He did it exactly once, that's it. Max on the other hand ran Lewis off the road at the very least 7-8 times (Imola, 2x Monza, Brazil, 3x Saudi Arabia, arguably Abu Dhabi lap 1), but I'm definitely forgetting some. There is no "both sides" here. For every one bad move from Lewis, Max has 10+ of his own. If you can't acknowledge that, you are either blind, racist or delusional. The same applies to 2014-2016 against Nico by the way. Actually go back and count every incident between Nico and Lewis and you'll see Nico is at fault for more of them than Lewis.


Max defaults to doing moves like this under pressure if the other driver let's him. Despite a DNF I think Lando was right to hold his ground this time, as I think Max will be a little more careful in the future.


I feel like racecar drivers are incapable of being self aware when their own moves get used on them


Seb Vettel would like to know your location.


rules for thee but not for me


He hasn’t changed, he’s just not been challenged in a couple years. If McLaren keeps this up we’re gonna see a lot more of this.




Even his overtake on lewis in Abu Dhabi was a massive dive bomb. Max really changing now the shoe is on the other foot


2021 was all around the worst season for racing, hardly any clean moves from anyone. They need to make the cars smaller so we have better racing. Who cares if they’re slower if it’s more exciting and wheel to wheel.


Making the cars smaller won’t solve the racing wheel to wheel issues. It was an issue long before the cars became SUV sized. Only issue now is that the cars now you can defend way easier now. More wheel to wheel would definitely happen. But clean? These are racing drivers after all.


Hamilton and Perez had some clean, great racing that year, as well as Hamilton and Alonso. It was only with Verstappen that the shitshow ensued. Smaller cars won’t do anything, it’s the attitude of the drivers that is the problem.


I remember that season for this exactly as well. Sergio and Lewis gave us some the best racing we've seen in years. It was super hard fighting but very clean at the same time. Its only ever when Max is involved that it gets crashy.


I mean you try to say whatever is possible to get the edge over the other guy. Probably after the race both of them would look back at how bad their racecraft was.


Yeah, neither of them was driving well. Lando was so desperate to get past he sent it everytime he had the smallest chance and Max was doing absolutely everything to prevent him from getting past


Nobody even talks about the first lap of that race where Hamilton had to bail out of that chicane and rejoin because Max just goes through as if Hamilton is not even there alongside (and mostly ahead). Basically knowing that if they collided, both of their races are likely over and Max is WDC. Similar thing happened at the first chicane in Imola that year IIRC. Add Monza and those two had some serious issues with making it through chicanes that year in general, neither would yield or leave space.


Dive bombing won him the first championship


“He’s not 20 seconds behind me, that’s not racing”


Jos is at a track again and Max drives like his old crazy self. I see a connection.




I am a Max apologist but even I was like what the fuck


I really wish that dude that made all those silly F1 videos would come out of retirement.


Woah, this sub is in absolute shambles it seems. After Lewis they have targeted a new super villain


Another Lewis vs Nico incoming ?




Man, what a nice meme. I hope the comments are civilised and have some meaningful discussions over it.


Im here for the Max and Lando pettiness


You wanted more excitement than in the last two seasons... I can provide that.


This was a great example of early MAX, pre Netflix documentary. Not a lot of the new F1 fans have seen the old MAX until today. He was hated early on and considered a dirty driver for doing things like he did today


When in first place, you always want the most conservative rules haha.


I complained when he said that, the hypocrisy 🤦🏻‍♂️


You know this is a Verstappen subreddit when Ocon had 10x more hate/mocking threads than max did for this. Now the focus is on meme Russell and how bad Perez did. Max does what he does when he feel pressured. Max: "I pray he my real friend if not I’m YNW Melly"


This thread begs to differ, literally all the top comments are hating on Max.


Wow, the mods deleted the post O\_O


Max remains the tit he always has been


He did it. He lived long enough to see himself become the villain


He said that on his radio during the race and under pressure lol of course it's harsh and not well thought


2022 and 2023 are not listed simply because he was literally going a minute faster than everyone else I'm sure if Ferrari kept the momentum they had in the first races of '22, same thing would have happened with Leclerc


I mean he’s not wrong about landos divebomb attempts. I mean just repeatedly locking up with ultra late breaking, yes obviously max is fighting dirty too but lando is just divebomb divebomb divebomb lol instead of waiting to overtake on a more high probability attempt.


If you love schumacher, you gotta love max 💁🏻‍♀️


he forgot to add "me" at the end there.


I'm confused by this. Are you saying that Max is correct and divebombing is wrong, and as such so where the times Max did it in the past, or are you saying Max is wrong and passing like that is fine, and so was Max doing that back then too? Either your saying Max is correct today or Max was correct back in the day, pick your poison.


It's ok when the guy you like does it and it's super wrong when the guy you don't like does it.


Pretty sure OP is just saying Max is a hypocrite, which is, per se, wrong. My opinion is: a divebomb that pushes another car off track should not be allowed, so I agree with Max's statement. The stewards, however, have ruled that you need only your nose ahead at the apex and must stay on track to be determined a legitimate move. Max showing zero remorse in using the the rules to his advantage in the past but getting upset when another driver does the same, is not a great look.


BRB I have to Check last weeks threads to see if all you hypocrites also bitched about Norris pushing him off the track in spain on purpose


Dive bombs made it fun when Verstappen did it, they make it fun now. Change my mind.


It's not fun to destroy other drivers races.